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tv   Jimmy Kimmel Live  ABC  October 15, 2014 11:35pm-12:38am EDT

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>> dicky: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live!""[ tonight -- selena gomez. chris o'dowd. ansel elgort. and music from kasabian. with cleto and the cletones. and now, with all due respect, here here's jimmy kimmel! ♪ it's "jimmy kimmel live" [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: hi there. welcome. gracias. i'm jimmy, i'm the host of the show. thank you for watching at home. thank you for coming, for leaving your homes. well, that's very nice.
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hey, have any of you finished your christmas shopping yet? [ laughter ] okay, good, because we would have had to kill you if you said yes. the reason i bring this up is because when it comes to holiday shopping, we seem to be headed in the wrong direction, as a country. this is crazy to me. you know black friday, the day when people wait in line and hit each other over the head for a $14 panini maker? last year, black friday moved up into thursday, which, of course, is thanksgiving. stores started opening at midnight on thursday night. which is awful, because people have to leave right after thanksgiving dinner to get in line. well, this year, macy's just announced that they will open their stores starting at 6:00 p.m. thanksgiving day. so, now there's even less time between sitting down to pray and be thankful and fistfighting a grandma for a flat screen tv. you're lucky if you have time for dinner at all. what is macy's doing? why not just open today if you're going to open that early?
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and by the way, if you still have the energy to go shopping after you eat thanksgiving dinner, you didn't do thanksgiving dinner right in the first place. you should be unable to move, if only there were some kind of a device you could use where you could buy things and have them shipped directly to your home, we -- the real secret, if you want to know, is to get there the day after black friday, that way you'll be in line, first in line for next year's sale. [ laughter ] thanksgiving is supposed to be, i think the one holiday where there are no gifts, there's no greedy kids, no shopping, just cooking and eating and relaxing and now we've ruined it. so, shame on macy's and shame on us and shame on you, guillermo, too. >> why? >> jimmy: i don't know. i figured i'd just spread it around. >> all right. >> jimmy: here's another thing i don't understand. last monts, u2 released a new album. they gave it away for free. it was downloaded to everyone
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who has itunes. it just showed up in your library. and for some reason, this upset people so much that yesterday, bono felt compelled to apologize. >> this is from harriet to bono. can you please never release an album on itunes that automatically downloads to people's playlimss ever again? it's really rude. >> oops. i'm sorry about that. i had this beautiful idea, got carried away with it. failed. artists are prone to that kind of thing. drop of megalomania. touch of generosity. dash of self-promotion. and deep fear that these songs that we poured our life into over the last few years wouldn't be heard.
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>> jimmy: my god. the guy's almost in taerms. i mean -- i have never seen his eyes because he always wears sunglasses. what did he do wrong? the songs don't even take up hard drive space. they're on the cloud. and it's u2. it's not like limp bizkit got back together. it's one of the greatest bands ever. maybe we should demand and apology from santa claus, too. ten months ago, that dude busted into my house and left stuff under my tree without asking if it was okay. what i've learned from observing this outrage is, apparently we only want music for free if it's illegal. [ laughter ] we don't want them to give it to us. we want to take it. this is the apology i wish bono would have given. >> can you please never release an album on itunes that automatically downloads to people's playlists ever again, it's really rude. >> ah -- [ bleep ] you.
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>> jimmy: all right. [ applause ] that sums it up. bono, he did go on to say that he feels so bad about giving the album away for free, to make up for it, the next you 2 album is going to cost 50 bucks. here's something that is potentially scary for parents. in colorado, police are worried about the possibility that children on halloween might mistakenly eat edible marijuana. marijuana is legal for recreational use in colorado, and that includes candies and baked goods, which could end up in a trick or treat bag. this is why it's so important, i think, to eat your kids halloween candy for them. i've been saying this for years. a lot of these candies are made up to look like real candy products, like they'll make a reefer's peanut butter cup. and your kid might not know the difference. but if this does happen, remain calm. there's no need to panic. if you are worried your child
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ate something with pot in it, look for these signs. here's how to tell if your kid is high okay? if your child won't stop asking you why when you answer their questions -- it's possible they consumed marijuana. if your child believes they have an imaginary friend, it is possible they consumed marijuana. do they ride their bike around and around in circles? do they take ten minutes to tie their shoes? do they go down for naps in the middle of the day? do they eat nothing but chicken fingers and macaroni and choose? do they sometimes think there's something or someone hiding under the bed? and finally, do they sit in front of the t all dtv all day? if your child exhibits any of this behavior, call the police immediately, you probably have a little stoner on your hands. this is fun. this is -- this is from "family feud." steve harvey is the host. he asks somewhat leading
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question and one of the contestants answered that question as honestly as any game show host could ever dream. >> if you could change one part of your husband's body, what would it be? joyce? >> his penis. his penis. [ applause ] >> his penis. >> jimmy: clearly she's given that question some thought. poor pete. i think they just started an actual family feud. and one more thing. speaking of family, i like to play pranks on my family. i've been doing it since i was a kid. this time around, i focused on a new target. and that was allison, my 12-year-old niece. allison loves to put on makeup. she makes these makeup tutorial videos on youtube. and she also loves a young actor named ansel elgort. now, if you are not familiar
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with him, he's from the movies "the fault in our stars," he has a new movie called "men, women and children" coming out friday. you know who i'm talking about, right? >> yes, yes. >> jimmy: he's a very nice kid. very talented. i asked him to do me a favor. i invited my niece to get a halloween makeup lesson from a famous hollywood makeup artist, which she did not know that the makeup artist was ansel elgort in disguise. so, we set up hidden cameras. we put her in a chair and here's what happened when my niece allison med her favorite actor without even knowing it. >> hey, it's me, ansel elgort and i'm about to have some fun with my biggest fan. let's do this. yeah? >> hello. this is allison and her mom jill. >> nice to meet you. >> pleasure to meet you. so, listen. have a seat here.
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we're going to do some makeup. i did this to myself today. do you like it? yeah. do you want to drin a pepsi or something? >> i'm good. >> okay. or like something more german like a beer or something? >> i like tequila more. >> oh! that's so funny. that's so funny. 12 yeah, i'm just kidding, you can't, you're too young to do that. i do movie makeup, costume makeup. i do basic makeup, too. what do you like more, beauty or effects or -- >> i like doing like bloody makeup. >> bloody makeup? that's great, because it's halloween. perfect, right? so, what do you want to be for halloween? >> well, i'm actually going to be dorothy from "the wizard of oz." >> she's not very bloody, right. you could make a bloody dorothy. the tornado rips her arms off and it makes the yellow and red brick road.
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okay, so, my secret in the business is that i like to pray to the makeup golds before i i'm serious. everyone has done it with me. we will start and we will go here like this. and we're going to pray to the makeup gods okay? makeup gods, give us the power to make this girl fierce, fabulous and fluorescent, okay? we're so ready. we're so ready. i love that. okay, great. what is your dream job, if you had one -- who would you want to do makeup for? >> i really, really like to do makeup, like, for "the fault in our stars," that's my favorite movie. >> who is your favorite person in that movie? >> ansel elgort. >> i worked with him, you know. he's not nice at all. i don't like him at all. why do you like him so much? >> because he's really funny
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and -- >> he's funny? oh, my gosh. i don't think he's funny at all. i think he's funny looking, maybe. get it, right? i think maybe. you don't think so? i think he looks so funny. >> hey. >> hey, uncle jimmy. >> jimmy: hello. >> good to see you again. >> jimmy: i'm sorry -- >> you didn't recognize me. >> jimmy: hello, how are you? >> hi. >> jimmy: what are you, a lion? did you tell her what movies you worked on? >> i did. i worked on "diver gent." she loves this guy -- >> jimmy: hansel helmet and him worked together. >> no. >> jimmy: what? >> ansel elgort. >> jimmy: exactly. are you learning a lot? >> we're having so much fun. >> jimmy: okay. well, thanks. >> of course. >> jimmy: appreciate it. good to see you, ally. come say good-bye before you leave. >> okay. >> tell me, what other movies do you like? >> i liked "diver gent, too."
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>> who do you like in that movie? >> ansel elgort. >> come on. shailene is great. the nicest girl. i don't know why she was kissing this boy ansel. what do you think about kissing ansel in this movie? would you want to do that? i have a goal today. i want you to say you hate ansel elgort. that's what you want you to say. >> that's not going to come true. >> oh, why not? >> because i really like him. and he's a really good actor. >> he's not good at all. he's so bald. don't you think so? come on. he does that one thing in everything. he's like the pretty boy who shows his muscles and, like, oh, yeah, look at me, i'm so pretty. i have muscles, i'm so funny. close your eyes. turn around. ready? there you go! you like it?
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yeah? >> i don't know. >> i'm very sensitive. it makes me very sad. i don't feel like you like the makeup that i've done for you. let's -- let's -- let's take this off. there we go. you know, this kind of makeup isn't for everyone. >> wow. this is very cool, very unique. >> now it looks different. you like that? you want to take my makeup off? >> sure. >> okay, good. oh, it tore off, right? oh, it's so funny, i lose my accent when it comes off. it just comes right off and i lose my accent. ♪ is it me you're looking for >> oh -- >> hello. i really do look like ansel
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elgort, right? >> yeah. >> i tried to convince up not to like him but it wouldn't work. >> no. >> that's really nice of you. thank you. >> lying to me, too. >> let's take a picture. >> okay. >> i look ridiculous. >> don't worry. so do i. thank you, uncle jimmy. >> thanks, uncle jimmy. >> jimmy: thank you, answer m. and you're welcome, allison. this is what i do. i make dreams come true. hey, we have a good show for you tonight. we have music from kasabian. chris o'dowd is here. and we'll be right back with selena gomez, so stick around. when you told me about this "candy crush" game at first i thought "so what?", but now i can't stop playing. that's not how it works.
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11:52 pm
- ( helicopter whirring ) - ( roars ) ( siren wails ) ( pop music playing ) ♪ when you're ready ♪ ready, ready, ready ♪ come and get it ♪ get it, get it ♪ when you're ready ♪ ready, ready, ready ♪ come and get it ♪ get it, get it ♪ when you're ready ♪ ready, ready ♪ come and get it ♪ when you're ready
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♪ come and get it ♪ when you're ready, come and get it ♪ ♪ na na na na ♪ na na na na na na na na ♪ ♪ when you're ready, come and get it ♪ ♪ na na na na ♪ na na na na na na na na ♪ ♪ when you're ready... female announcer: it's a great big world and it can all be yours. here and only here. ♪ come and get it.
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i'm just day-dreaming. about your dream trip to italy? yeah. with your sisters, to shop and see the sights. is it that obvious? you've been staring at that new instant game from the pennsylvania lottery. yeah, it's the new frankenbucks. with 10 top prizes of $50,000. is that painting crooked, or is it just me? [announcer] want to see your dreams come to life? you could scratch your way to instant winning. the pennsylvania lottery. bring your dreams to life. >> jimmy: well, hi there. welcome back. tonight, from the new movie "st. vincent," a very talented and humorous man, chris o'dowd is here. then, from england, this is their new album. it's calle "48:13," kasabian from the at&t outdoor stage.
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very pink album. and later on, we are going to spin the wheel of bad ideas. tomorrow night, edward norton will be here, portia de rossi will be here and we'll have music from you and me. which is a duo made up of dallas green and pink. they're pink and green. like miami vice. and one more programming note. next thursday, october 23rd, we're shutting down hollywood boulevard for a huge concert with taylor swift. so, if you are in the area or you'd like to be in the area, you have to go to this website -- they have the tickets and details. and the tickets are free. so, on behalf of bono, we're all very sorry. our first guest tonight is an enormously popular performer, with more than 23 million followers on twitter and 25 million followers following her with cameras wherever she goes. her new movie "rudderless" opens in theatres friday. please say hello to selena gomez.
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[ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: how are you doing? you look great. good to see you. >> thanks. >> jimmy: do you have to allow extra time to take photographs with people because i know there's people out there waiting for you. >> yeah, it's fun. >> jimmy: is it fun? >> i mean, it's -- the power of the selfie and everything now. >> jimmy: yes, the selfie. >> i know you know about that. >> jimmy: well, there's a new thing now, it's the selfie -- i have noticed the selfie is considered to be a different thing than a photograph. so, people say, can we take a picture, you go, yeah, sure. they give their camera to somebody and take a picture. and now let's get a selfie. >> yes, yes. >> jimmy: we have the good picture, let's get a terrible one. >> basically. or, i find that they, you know, when i go to an airport and a couple of fans there, it's like, everybody prepped for the perfect selfie, so, by the time
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i exit a cloud of the chaos, i realize i haven't spoken to any of them because they all were focused on the right angle of the selfie. it's kind of powerful now. >> jimmy: after they take the picture, it's not like you have a chat with them. they go -- >> it's like, filter, post, twilter, got it. >> jimmy: yeah, well, that's something else. at least people are learning to use their telephones, which is very, very important. well, you have such a huge following on social media, with all of these -- i know you have many millions of followers on instagram, twitter, i mentioned. do you feel like you're always doing a show? because there are so many people waiting for you to post things. >> no, no. i don't know. i just -- good lighting, good plate of food or good outfit, you feel good about it. i don't know, i don't feel any pressure. i think it's because i'm ail part of, you know, everybody, all my friends are doing it, i'm partal of the generation. >> jimmy: i guess so. i feel like -- i don't know, i
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always feel like, maybe i should take a picture of that, i go, the hell with this, i need to relax and i look like a hobo. >> no. >> jimmy: you should see me. >> i will admit that maybe too much, a lot, you know -- >> jimmy: too much, yeah. when you wake up in the morning, do you check your phone first thing? >> yeah, of course. >> jimmy: how many texts would you guess you send in a day? >> oh, man. probably like eight. >> jimmy: eight texts? that's it? really? >> i'm a horrible texter. you can ask anyone. >> jimmy: do you talk on the telephone? >> i prefer that. >> jimmy: that's very old fashioned. >> i guess so. it's just easier. that way there's no -- >> jimmy: i almost imagine you posing in front of a wagon wheel in a sepia-toned -- with a straw hat on. >> it's easier. >> jimmy: just get on the toll phone. wow. my kids, they don't know the phone, it's like, forget about it. they just want to text and that's the end of it. maybe they just don't want to talk to me is maybe what it is. >> or that. >> jimmy: you recently moved into your own house,
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parent-free. >> my first house. >> jimmy: are you enjoying that? >> yeah, it's like my little moroccan cave. it feels really cozy and i can do whatever i want. it's nice. >> jimmy: you can. and are you doing whatever you want? >> yeah. it looks a little bit chaotic so it kind of is a breed between a moroccan theme to, like, a kid playing in the dining room. >> jimmy: it's like morocco meets chuck e. cheese? >> exactly. that's what i'm going to tell people my house is now. >> jimmy: why is that? just because there's certain things you don't want to give up? >> i guess it's just cozy. it's my place to be safe. >> jimmy: do you take care of the house? >> yes. barely. >> jimmy: barely. >> yes. i enjoy cooking. i have a really awesome roommate who bakes and i have a mini fridge in my bedroom that i'm proud of. >> jimmy: nice. you know what, i've been thinking about working a mini fridge into the bedroom. >> you should do it. it's great. >> jimmy: what do you keep in there? >> i've got mill little ginger
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shots, i got water. throw in some kit cats, you never have to leave the room. it's good. it's actually pretty great. >> jimmy: you feel like kit cats need to berefrigerated? i've been thinking about building a mini fridge into this, like, bedside table. >> you should do that. >> jimmy: so i can snack all night long. >> i'm sure your wife loves that idea. >> jimmy: yeah, that's the reason i haven't done it so far. that's very good. maybe you can start a whole thing. is the mini fridge right in the middle of the bedroom? >> it's kind of tucked in a little thing by my vanity. >> jimmy: i like that. wow. that's -- by the way, i saw your movie and up did a great job in it. >> thank you. >> jimmy: it's -- it's pretty heavy. >> yeah. >> jimmy: it's a very heavy movie. >> the subject matter for sure, but i think at the end of the day, it's a story about redemption and love and hope d and, i mean, i got to be apart of a really incredible cast and i work really hard and i want to be apart of great films and i
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think feel like it's just the beginning. i'm really proud of it. >> jimmy: we're going to look at a clip when we come back. the movie is called "rudderless." selena gomez is here. we'll be right back. wanted: men and women for true scotch. to dirty their hands with endeavour, not speculation. comradeship, essential. courageous men and women to uphold over 160 years of tradition. to celebrate the most awarded blended scotch in history. this is true scotch. join us.
12:02 am
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12:04 am
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you don't remember me, do you? >> were you sitting at the bar? >> i'm kate lucas. we've already met. in josh's room. >> oh, my god. oh, i -- >> i'm better lately. things have died down. i even go out sometimes, like tonight. >> oh, kate. >> i go by anne now, it's my middle name. so you're a rock star now, huh? except you didn't write those songs, did you? >> listen -- >> how could you play those
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songs? shame on you. >> jimmy: selena gomez in "rudderless," which opens in theaters on friday. "rudderless," which opens in]r >> jimmy: i can tell you something, when i saw the movie, i thought this is dumb, i didn't know -- i didn't realize it was you. >> yes, that's a very good thing, actually. >> jimmy: yeah, you did a very good job and we mentioned, again, you know, the content is heavy, but there's some great music in the movie. >> yeah, you know, it starts with something that happens that's very tragic but it goes through a story of a father who does lose his son and what it takes for him to connect with him though he missed the opportunity to kind of do that. so, i'm pretty excited. >> jimmy: did you know who billy crudup was? >> yeah, i had a crush on him. >> jimmy: you did? >> well, i went through my whole "almost famous" phase where i was penny lane for a good month, so, i wore the outfits and had the hair and the glasses and
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then i found out i was going to be part of this movie and it took me a minute, at first, because i kind of had a little bit of a c'on him. >> jimmy: did you tell him that? >> now i am, i'm telling him now. i don't have to do press with anymore anymore, so it's fine. >> jimmy: you'll never see him again. and the crush is over now that you got to know him? >> ah, no, what are you saying? >> jimmy: i don't know. >> no, no, he's a great guy. >> jimmy: okay. >> he's awesome. >> jimmy: he is great guy. >> we had the best time. >> jimmy: i want to ask you about this photograph, because -- what's happening here? here you are in what country is this? >> i was in italy. and, well, these guys were very persistent and, you know, these italians are very romantic, so, they were saying very nice things to me and i thought, you know, i don't want them to die, so, let me just give them what they want. and we're driving and i pull out my phone and i said, i'll post this for you guys if you just don't die and be safe. >> jimmy: you are yelling this out the window? >> yeah, we're driving and i pulled out my phone and did the selfie thing and posted it on my
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instagram for them so they could have it. >> jimmy: and how physically is this happening, because you seem to be relaxing. your hand is coming -- >> it was like this little motion, so, i was -- >> jimmy: you have so good at this stuff. how old is your little sister? >> she's 1 and 4 months now. >> jimmy: does she know you were on barney the dinosaur when you were a kid? >> no. i didn't know they would air my episodes anymore. but my mother called me and she said, at 3:00 in the morning, gracie got up, couldn't go to sleep. she picked an episode of barney and sure enough, i was on it and she literally called me, she was like, i will never escape this purple dinosaur. i'm like, that's your fault, i'm sorry. but evidently she's a fan. >> jimmy: well, you've come a long way. it's very good to see you. congratulations on the movie. it's called "rudderless." it opens on friday.
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selena gomez, everybody. we'll be right back to spin the wheel of bad ideas. ♪ the beam family has a long history of doing things their own way. in fact, they age every drop of jim beam twice as long as the law requires for a true kentucky straight bourbon. ♪ so four long years from now... i'll be back for this one. that's how jim beam makes history. how will you make yours? thatthe exhilaration of a new engine. painstakingly engineered without compromise. to be more powerful... and, miraculously, unleash 46 mpg highway. an extravagance reserved for the privileged few. until now. hey josh! new jetta?
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12:12 am
applebee's let the fans put thefamous 2 for $20 menu.the why did i vote for the quesadilla burger to go on applebee's 2 for $20 menu? because i believe in the power of uniting bubbly, melty cheese and crispy tortillas. it's a burger inside the quesadilla. whaaat? it's spicy! it has a kick to it. something about that pico de gallo. and it's my favorite. can we eat now? absolutely! yeah! yes! come in now for fan favorites. or, they'll be ready for pick-up when you order online.
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( siren wails ) ( pop music playing ) ♪ when you're ready ♪ ready, ready, ready ♪ come and get it ♪ get it, get it ♪ when you're ready, come and get it ♪ ♪ na na na na ♪ na na na na na na na ♪ ♪ when you're ready, come and get it ♪ ♪ na na na na... female announcer: it's a great big world and it can all be yours. here and only here. ♪ come and get it. >> jimmy: welcome back. chris o'dowd and music from kasabian are on the way. but first, something fun and potentially terrible. it's time once again to spin
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the wheel of bad ideas! this is the wheel. now, this is how this works. we've taken some of the worst ideas our writers have come up with over the years and there are many and we put them on this wheel. they're hidden behind the letters here, correct guillermo? >> correct. >> jimmy: guillermo is in charge of this. i don't know what any of the items behind these things are, so -- this will be a surprise to me. what happened the last time we did this, guillermo? >> last time i threw your shoes on hollywood boulevard. >> jimmy: i made the mistake of giving it to you and you threw it onto the street. and tonight, who knows what will happen. it is time to spin the wheel of bad ideas! and we land on the letter "s." all right. here we go. remove the card. and -- dodge ballin.
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all right. what is that? >> just stay right there. stay right there. >> jimmy: okay. okay. all right. okay. >> that is dodge ball. >> jimmy: oh. okay. all right. all right. i think -- i think i understand. that's it. this is bullying. this is bullying. [ cheers and applause ] all right. we'll be right back with chris o'dowd.
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>> jimmy: give me one second. i feel like some of the guys were maybe targeting my nuts during that. [ laughter ] >> stage manager told them that. >> jimmy: he told them that. who said that? al alec? >> yes. >> jimmy: it was?
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okay. all right. i've got a ball here for your balls later, alec. maybe i'll even get an extra one. our next guest is a tony-nominated actor whom you know as "that guy i really like" from "girls" and "bridesmaids" and "this is 40." now, he co-stars alongside bill murray and melissa mccarthy in the new movie "st. vincent." please welcome chris o'dowd. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: how are you? i hope this doesn't make you uncomfortable, but i've admired you from afar, your work. >> that's very sweet. i've been looking at you outside your house. >> jimmy: thank you. [ laughter ] i think like a lot of people here in the united states, i think i first -- i think the first tomb i really remember seeing you is in "bridesmaids." >> sure. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: is that how you feel most people here knew you? >> yeah, certainly, yeah,
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certainly women. [ laughter ] have been to see that one. struck a chord with a lot of female people. and -- [ laughter ] that was good, yeah. so it's good. but awhile back, i stumbled aim cross a fan i wasn't expecting. i was having dinner with a friend of mine and this lady came over and said, i'm a big fan of yours and my daughters are crazy big fans. and it's her birthday, she got loads of friends and would you come over and say hello? i said, sure, of course. so, i went over and said hello and i noticed there was a man sitting there and it was clint eastwood. >> jimmy: what? >> i know. it was his daughter, also. >> jimmy: oh, okay, all right. >> he stood up, he's like, oh, i love the movie. which i didn't have him down as a big -- >> jimmy: do your clint eastwood impersonation one more time. >> how you doing, everybody. >> jimmy: i had no idea --
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>> that's what he sounds like. [ applause ] p he sounds very much like a sesame street character. welcome to my movie. >> jimmy: a little bit like grover or something. >> dirty harry. i don't know. it's really -- >> jimmy: you met a muppet version of clint east wowood. that's the sort of thing that happens in the united states. >> i shook his hand and i could remember it two days later. he's a strong powerful beast of a man. >> jimmy: he's clint eastwood. it would be disappointing if he was 5'6" and -- had one of those fish-like handshakes. >> he does that thing right there. yeah, no, he was a sweetheart. >> jimmy: over the summer, you were in a broadway production of "mice and men" with james franco. was that a good experience? >> it was splendid. >> jimmy: are you lying? >> it was -- he's a sweetheart. >> jimmy: i agree. >> you've had him on. >> jimmy: he's a very nice guy.
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>> he oo's an absolute treasure. that sounded sarcastic, as well. i have a lot of love for him. >> jimmy: say it in the clint eastwood voice. >> it was great. and he was, it was fun doing the play and what was extraordinary is because it's james being james he kind of brings a lot of young women to the audience. which is pretty xiding. and sometimes -- they're very excited to see him. and sometimes they don't know how to verbalize their excitement. on one occasion, i remember -- we were walking on stage at the start of the play, a girl stood up and just said, james franco! which -- as heckles go, is pretty informative. she may as well have just gone -- i'm in a theater! i just got my period! she was, yeah, she had a great time. >> jimmy: maybe she thought she was playing charades or something. >> exactly. >> jimmy: you know, i don't note if you know this, but you probably know this, but "of mice
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and men" is a book -- it's a great book, but we're -- >> it's a book? >> jimmy: it is. >> they should have said something. >> jimmy: it was a book. it's not anymore. >> oh. >> jimmy: yes. >> is it an audio book? >> jimmy: there must be. >> i spend a lot of time in my car. sorry goes on. >> jimmy: no, but that is -- as students we read that book and so that's why we kind of know what's going on in that play. >> oh, yeah. and it's on our curriculum, as well, in ireland. >> jimmy: oh, it is? >> yeah, it's on the curriculum here and we would have loads of groups in -- >> jimmy: you did? >> it was really funny, because there's plot points in the play, like, spoiler alert, like, lenny, who i play, kills a girl. >> jimmy: uh-huh. >> and, who -- james franco is the star. he kills a girl and it was great because you would -- whenever it happened, you would hear just bunches of school-going people
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just go, oh, no! and i would kind of feel their teacher looking at them, going, we did this last week. [ laughter ] you cannot be surprised about what we've been doing for the last -- >> jimmy: that is an important lesson you learned about americans. we don't do the required reading. >> right. good to know. >> jimmy: congratulations, you and your wife are expecting a baby. you -- [ applause ] yes. she asked me to tell you. >> what? >> jimmy: she said this would be the best place to reveal that to you. >> yeah. wow, she wanted me to hear the noise in a place that i wouldn't kill myself. >> jimmy: that's right. >> no, it's very exciting. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: how is she doing, your wife? >> she's good. she's terrific. she's a good, bing, strong girl now and -- >> jimmy: you have to be careful. >> i'm kidding. she's amazing. she's really taking to it. you just did it, right? >> jimmy: my wife did it, yeah.
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i did it, but -- >> yeah. >> jimmy: she did it. [ applause ] i didn't do much. >> sure. and it's good and we've been having a lot of fun with it and just kind of, you know, what was -- one weird thing about it was, so, i had to get a driver's license because i didn't have a driver's license. that seemed like a good reason to get one. >> jimmy: yeah. >> so, we went to the dmv. she shhad to get one. she went in to get her photo done. while she was gone, she left me her documentation to fill in the name and address and whatever so, i did that while she was kind of waddled over. and i didn't realize that on the form it asks for your weight. so, i made her, like, 25 pounds heavier, just as a joke. [ laughter ] thinking that she would see it when she came back.
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and then i have to go and do my photo and i forgot to tell her. so, now it's on her driver's license. and i like the idea that when she gets pulled over, and she will, she's a terrible driver, when she gets pulled over in a year or so time, the police officer will look at it and look at her and just think -- well done. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: that's a very positive spin putting on it. well, the movie is called "st. vincent." it's great to have you here. great to meet you go see this movie. bill murray is in it. what more do you need than that? it opens october 24th. we'll be right back with music from kasabian. well a reason why a lot of people come from
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philadelphia to atlantic city is because it's so close, it's like a quick getaway. the ocean is a big draw. you can come and get some exercise, get some ice cream. love to come to the casinos, get some good food, put your feet in the water, and of course fishing. i love to fish off the pier. i'm a great fisherman. flounder, sea bass, striped bass, you name it, i'll eat it. and you can, like i say, be home within an hour. done it many times.
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>> jimmy: i'd like to thank
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selena gomez, chris o'dowd and apologize to matt damon, we ran out of time for him. "nightline" is coming up next, but first, their new album is called "48:13." here with the song "eez-eh," kasabian. ♪ ♪ i ain't easy i make you mad least i ain't sleazy ♪ ♪ i'm just trying to put the world to rights ♪ ♪ and if you want to i'll take you out ♪ ♪ cause i got the feeling that i'm gonna keep you up all ♪ ♪ gonna keep you up all gonna keep you up all night ♪ ♪ tired of taking orders coping with
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disorders ♪ ♪ the wrong men have the power it's turning my milk sour ♪ ♪ tired of taking orders coping with disorders ♪ ♪ the wrong men have the power it's turning my milk sour ♪ ♪ turning my milk sour turning my milk sour ♪ ♪ i ain't easy i make you mad least i ain't sleazy ♪ ♪ i'm just trying to put the world to rights ♪ ♪ and if you want to i'll take you out ♪ ♪ cause i got the feeling that i'm gonna keep you up all ♪ ♪ i ain't easy but i ain't that bad ♪ ♪ no rhyme or reason i'm just trying to set ♪ ♪ the world alight ♪ ♪ you got problems well so have i ♪ ♪ and i got the feeling that i'm gonna keep you up all ♪ ♪ gonna keep you up all gonna keep you up all night ♪
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♪ ♪ there's cobras in the moshpit finally we lost it ♪ ♪ everyday is brutal now were being watched by google ♪ ♪ gotta keep it simple sending out a signal ♪ ♪ everyone's on bugle now were being watched by google ♪ ♪ being watched by google being watched by google ♪ ♪ i ain't easy and i make you mad ♪ ♪ least i ain't sleazy i'm just trying to put the world to rights ♪ ♪ and if you want to i'll take you out ♪ ♪ cause i got the feeling that i'm gonna keep you up all night ♪ ♪ i ain't easy but i ain't that bad no rhyme or reason ♪ ♪ i'm just trying to set the world alight ♪ ♪ you got problems well so have i ♪ ♪ and i got the feeling that i'm gonna keep you up all ♪
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♪ gonna keep you up all gonna keep you up all night ♪ ♪ gonna keep you up all gonna keep you up all night ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ gonna keep you up all gonna keep you up all night ♪ thank you very much.
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♪ yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah ♪ ♪ yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah ♪ ♪ yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah ♪ ♪ yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah ♪ ♪ get him a message a message from me ♪ ♪ i'm caught up in love and i'm in ecstasy ♪ ♪ what can i do now when nothing's the same ♪ ♪ and all that i know i wanna do it again ♪ ♪ well tell me now ♪ ♪ life is so simple when you are with me ♪ ♪ cause when we're together i'm in ecstasy ♪ ♪ i'm in ecstasy
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i'm in ecstasy i'm in ecstasy ♪ ♪ yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah ♪ ♪ yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah ♪ ♪ yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah ♪ ♪ yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah ♪ ♪ all you pretty things get on board this mothership ♪ ♪ i said all you got to do is be ready for action baby ♪ ♪ don't think i'm twisted as a matter of fact ♪ ♪ welcome me now to the second act ♪ ♪ where i fought off robots and ♪ ♪ the men in the suits wear out the soles ♪
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this is "nightline." >> tonight, sex, drugs and allegations. he's the man behind hits for britney, katy and kelly. bull now kesha is accusing producer dr. luke fof abusing hr for years. even a sexual assault. >> we're asking here time to stop abusing her. >> but he denies it. and in the past, the singer told us he was one of her best friends. >> he's like a protective older brother. >> so, what lead to her change of tune? plus, free ride. forl get the tour de france. here in mexico city, the ultimate bike race has no course, no officials, not even prize money. the alley cats compete for only bragging rights, and they're willing to risk their lives. and, it's story time.


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