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tv   Action News  ABC  October 5, 2014 11:00pm-11:36pm EDT

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in delaware a child is rushed >> the death of a little boy
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prompt concerned parents try to find answers about a mysterious virus spreading among children. tonight they met to make sure they know the symptoms and signs. i'm sarah bloomquist. along with walter perez. the big story on "action news" is questions and concerns in the wake of a child's death. >> in fact, worried parents showed up tonight to a meeting in hamilton township new jersey to find out more about entrovirus d 68 blamed for death ever a 4-year-old child. "action news" reporter annie mccormick is live in hamilton township with the latest. any. >> reporter: and walter, sarah, that little boy's death gripped this community and tonight parents with children in the same school district came out to ask a lot of questions. they want to make sure their children will be safe in the classroom. >> i just need to know what they're going to be doing to take care of everything. >> reporter: parents went before a panel of health, state and school officials with concerned. >> certain rooms have no ventilation whatsoever. >> reporter: and suggestions and
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questions. >> why aren't they being swabd to find out -- >> do we have to keep the children no they sneezing or cough. >> reporter: eli waller a 4-year-old died from entrovirus d 68 september 5. the cdc confirmed d 68 results this past friday and medical examiner confirmed the cause of death saturday. another 4-year-old with symptoms is waiting for results from his sample sent to the cdc. the two boys shared a classroom. one in morning free school and the other afternoon class. officials say there is no way to pinpoint where eli contracted the virus. the superintendent reit graded a change in procedures. >> we'll do above and beyond cleaning and wiping off desks and making sure water fountains are cleaned down. >> reporter: including alerting parents as quickly as they can. >> we said we would ramp that up and try to get out and communicate as quickly as we
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possibly can. and we've been doing that sending out the all call or robo call. >> reporter: while the school fights virus they're mourning eli triplet with two sisters remembered by father and part of this estimate released sunday "he was a beautiful mix of eagerness and hesitancy, need and striving and caution and surprise. all of which were grounded in a pure, unconditional love."and the school superintendent legislation tells me school nurses are in contact with the state health department monitoring those children that go out on sick days and also monitoring their progress. there's also a call number for parents who have any concerns on the hamilton school district web site. for now reporting live in hamilton township new jersey mercer county annie mccormick "channel 6 action news." >> all right. thank you, annie. breaking news out of delaware tonight officials at bay health kent general placed a child isolation today after concerns the child who is from liberia might have ebola.
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tonight the child is symptom free. in fact cdc officials say because the child is past inkbation period. they're not testing youngster for he bowl axe the child showed up at the emergency room yesterday out of abund answer of caution the child was admitted to private isolation room. cdc concluded likelihood of this child having ebola is low. hospital staff will continue to monitor the situation until the cdc and attending physicians determine it's safe for the child to go home. >> meantime american photo journalists that contracted ebola in west africa is on his way home. he will expect edly be admitted to nebraska medical center isolation unit on monday. mukpo was working as camera man for nbc when he fell sglilel hadth officials in dallas are looking for a homeless man that may have had "eric dunkin. later this afternoon they found him. he is at low risk because he did not have direct contact with dunkin. he's part of a group of 38
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people who may have been around dunk whin he started showing symptoms. dunkin meantime remains in critical condition. philadelphia police are serving for the driver who's unsecured ladder caused an accident on i-95 that left a highway patrol over injured. the crash happened 6:00 this evening near academy road. philadelphia police officer had just finished working eagles game and was on his way to pay his respects to fallen state trooper. that unsecured ladder wentz flying off a vehicle up ahead and traffic came to a surpriseen halt and the officer on a motorcycle crashed into the car in front of him. he flipped over the top of the bike landed on a vehicle and rolled off. he was nearly hit by an oncoming car. the 15-year vet rap of the force was rushed to the hospital with head trauma and is being kept overnight for observation. police are asking for any witnesses to call the accident investigation division. that motorcycle officer was hurt on way to the viewing for the
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pennsylvania state trooper killed during a training accident last week. the life celebration for trooper david kedra was held at givnish funeral home in northeast philadelphia this evening. the 26-year-old was accidentally shot in the chest by a gun up instructor on tuesday at the montgomery county public safety training complex his funeral will be healed tomorrow christ the king church chesterfield road also in the northeast. >> a controversial commencement speech has people in our area upset. convicted cop-killer abu-jamal spoke to students by way of recorded message and faulkner's family made sure the pub limb remembers the man's whose life was taken away. kenneth? >> walter, major security concerns for the school in vermont today that graduation was closed to media and i can tell you tonight, the time was changed due to threats, 307
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minutes of silence at the memorial plaque that bears name of philadelphia officer daniel faulkner a tribute in response to the man cop vicked of killing him more than 30 years ago. jamal delivering commencement address at alma mater garnett college in vernon odom. >> apparently there's a school they don't treat you there's advisors and i don't know who is advising them but they don't do a good job. >> they stood at a silent vigil for him sunday. a scene they believed would shift the folk us from jamal's prerecorded audio to 20 grads that chose him as their speaker. >> take what you know and apply it in the real world. help be the change you're seeking to make. >> faulkner's widow said abu-jamal will be honored as a hero and the college was glorifying the felon because he's a cop-killer.
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>> i think when people show up that, i think it hurt the strength to go on. >> a man claimed innocence and garnered international support. it's important we at guarder college surprise nort inquiry and freedom of speech. state representative has a bill knit legislature that gives the court power to step in. >> unless we build production videos for these thugs we continue to rip the scabs off victims' wounds. we have to do something. if passed it could be met are with first amendment challenges. this is not the first time they delivered a commencement address and it's been 15 years while on death row. a judge converted that sentence to life in 2001. reporting live in satellite center tonight, kenneth moton, "channel 6 action news," sarah. >> kenneth, thank you. to accuweather now it might be a two blanket kind of nighttime to
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break out the final pjs. warmth makes a return tomorrow. meteorologist melissa magee over at the bird bird -- big board. >> i don't know. >> flying around somewhere. >> big bird going up north it's a little on the cool side [ laughter ] south i should say these temperatures are going below where they should be this time of year. currently outside in philadelphia coming at 51. they look up to the north and west and buffalo 44. pittsburgh 49, charleston west virginia 47. as we show you satellite 6 and action radar it's quiet across much of new england down to much of the mid-atlantic region as well. it's mostly skleer sky overhead and moon lit sky and lots of stars overhead. here's the call from accuweather for the rest of tonight. we drop down 37 allentown and 38 reading and 38 lancaster and because of that cross the northwest suburbs though we do not have frost advisory issued there is a concern for some patchy areas of frost norm and
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west. dropping down to 47 in philadelphia. and 44 for the overnight low in toms river. and so whether you're heading out or staying in extra layers will be needed later on tonight. and good news it's not as harsh back to work on monday these temperatures rebound quickly tomorrow. and we also have a few chances of rain this week. we'll take a closer look at all that with the full and exclusive oov, walter. >> thank you, melissa. glamour and girl's best friend have people opening their wallets. tickets sales from 10,000 dollar diamond raffle are going to women and children honoring cancer. the second annual wigs and wings fund razor is for hair during cancer treatments. it was start bid martino cardia he was inspired after watching his close friend battle and beat cancer. all proceeds benefit his charity friends are by your side. >> a win that almost wasn't. birds dominated in first
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three-quarters. special teams came up big and offense followed. eagles led 34-7 in the thirds an rams came back giving eagles fans a case of 4th quarter heartburn. birds timely pulled it out and it was not easy. the nail biting typeal plays coming up in sports. all right. ahead tonight one of the greatest olympia ans of all time asks for help. michael phelps takes a break from swimmer after a second dui. >> one of the most un usual coastguard recues i've ever seen. the bubble that turns out a bust. >> and jamie apody has eagles, highlights and sports when >> and jamie apody has eagles, highlights and sports when "action news" comes right back
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we thought our cable internet was fast. but, our uploads are half the speeds of our downloads so our internet is really half-fast. so half-fast. someone did a half-fast job of posting our vacation pics. when i post my slow jams, i'm a little half-fast. totally half-fast. stop living with half-fast internet. only verizon fios comes with speedmatch - uploads as fast as downloads. so his homework won't be so half-fast. that is up to him.
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>> they found no sign ever arson in debris left behind in the flight 93 national memorial. the investigation is not over and it could be weeks before officials figured out -- figure out what caused the blaze. that fire destroyed the plaque that hung over the u.s. capitol on 9/11 and personal affects from the passengers and crew of flight 93. gold medalist michael phelps is headed for rehab. he announced on twitter he will take a break from swimming following second du. a rest and wrote "i will take time away to attend a program that will provide the help i need to better understand
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myself." officials a winningestage fleets olympic hist we was found to have a blood alcohol content well over the legal limit. he was previously arrested for du. a in 2004. >> and endurance runner trying toe reach bermuda in floating bubble had to be held by coastguard. he was attempting to cross part of the atlantic ocean. earlier this week emergency crews in florida received reports that a disoriented man in inflatable device was seeking directions to bermuda. the coastguard located resbolici and transported him to an air station to be checked out. according to his web site he was trying to run from miami to bermuda in quest to promote world peace. >> benjamin franklin parkway was packed with sea of red and white today. tens of thousands of people came out for the polaski day parade
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on horing casm polaski who haided george washington during the war. >> talk about a dog day afternoon. how pet parents made companions happy today. >> and meteorologist melissa magee has your exclusive accuweather 7-day forecast when "action news" and you want to get an mba. but going back to school is hard. because you work. now capella university offers
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a revolutionary new way to get your degree. it's called flexpath, and it's the most direct path, leveraging what you've learned on the job and focusing on what you need to know. so you can get a degree at your pace and graduate at the speed of you. flexpath from capella university. learn about all of our programs at
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>> paws fwhr motion in new mexico 6th annual woof walk
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offered a stroll through james madison park. pet safeers used the money raised today to help train puppy adopted flew the gloucester family animal shelter. >> a one mile walk in wilmington is the delaware eye main association biggest fundraiser they help more that 5,000 pets each year by way of tens after thousands of donations collected through this event. meteorologist melissa magee here now with accuweather and perfect day for doing all those fall activities, football, pumpkin picking. we said it would be cool for second half of the weekend and that promised to be true. temperatures below average and they rebound for the start of start of the workweek and back to school monday as well. we'll sew quhaw is going on. stormtracker 6 showing you queue eight cross the delaware and lehigh valleys. no issues with precipitation. early this morning def in thely on the cool side. in fact the morning low dropped down to 43 degrees.
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we did rebound this afternoon and as we take a look outside tonight the action cam was outside earlier tonight and earlier this evening giving you a shot of city hall and dilworth applause a. dilworth park. we have mostly clear sky overhead and with that skleer sky lots of stars and temperatures chilling down. as we look at the accuweather live lineup a high today in philadelphia of 61. that's 9 degrees below where we should be this time of year. outside in city 51. poconos 38. there's actually a frost advisory for the poconos that will stay up until 9:00 monday morning. norm and west 49 reading and allentown 44. some of our northwest suburbs there's a concern for patchy frost that will occur during the overnight hours. as you move south and east along the coast of boardwalk 56 in beach haivrn that number 54. here's satellite 6 and action radar clear conditions from new
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england to the mid-atlantic region and you look off north and west and there's upper level low spin ago cross northern sections of open tearo and few pieces of energy drop down to the south and because of that there's a threat of finding showers north and west of the city and come tomorrow afternoon. ahead of any moisture on the way however we'll tap into south wrlly win. we look at numbers across the eastern after of u.s. we see pocket of cool air. 54 in cincinnati. off to the south and west 68 memphis. 76 dallas and south westerly wind is what we into as we get into tomorrow afternoon and rebound will be on the way. future tracker 6 showing you 6:00 in the morning definitely cool start. grab extra labor jacket as you step outdoors and as you get into the afternoon hours monday afternoon temperatures in most locations in upper 6 0s and approaching lower 70s. so nice rebound in fact
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temperatures pretty close to where they should be as you get into monday afternoon. the morning rush showing you sunshine and clouds, 47. upper 40s 7 a.m. and 50 is the number at 8:00 in the morning and the exclusive accuweather 7-day forecast showing you temperatures rebound quickly and moderate monday. high temperature 71. late on monday there could be a spotty shower north and west of city. tuesday mostly cloudy for most of the day. pm rain likely. high of 7. some of that rain transitions wednesday morning and turning sunny high of 75. thursday okay as we get to late thursday, friday, and next weekend there's a threat of showers and period of rain taking place and outline that as the week progressing and melissa thank you. >> more than 100 creative crafts men and women showed their work at the arts festival. it was filled with paintings sculptures and live music and it
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lines germantown avenue. >> more to come on "action news" a nail biter for the birds. >> jamie apody will be here for highlights of the games having fans w sculpting the sleek body of the all-new mercedes-benz gla took nearly 600lbs of high- strength steel. setting industry-leading safety standards took 20,800 crash simulations. and perfecting its engine took over 1.1 million miles of extreme driving. but, this may be the most impressive number of all. introducing the all-new mercedes-benz gla. mercedes-benz. the best or nothing.
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we thought our cable internet was fast. but, our uploads are half the speeds of our downloads so our internet is really half-fast. so half-fast. someone did a half-fast job of posting our vacation pics. when i post my slow jams, i'm a little half-fast. totally half-fast. stop living with half-fast internet. only verizon fios comes with speedmatch - uploads as fast as downloads. so his homework won't be so half-fast. that is up to him.
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>> villanova university hosted a few young friends stadium today and families came out to radnor for chop's 13 annual buddy walk this yearly 2 mile trek around the track races funds for down syndrome at children's hospital. philly phanatic stopped by to get everybody pumped up to complete their fundraising mission today. you must admit i don't know i think he got exercise out there. >> why not. >> good. >> takes workout. >> that phanatic. >> and that's always working out. >> jamie apody is in for jeff sports and it was interesting today. >> fans got a work out watching the 4th quarter.
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>> goodness gracious if i told you high powered offense went 97 minute over parts of three games without storing a touchdown they end up 4-1 i don't think anybody would believe. it eagles hope to see offense explode against mediocre rams details today and instead special teams started thing off early. james casey blocks punt and chris margos takes to end zone for early 7-0 lead and 2nd quarter eagles up 13-7. nick foles and cooper get on same page. cooper dropped so many balls in the endzone. caught one that, lead into the half. in the third how about this defense. trent cole hammering austin davis? cedric thornton taking it for a touchdown. i love to see the big guys score. eagles up 34-7. mistakes help rams inch back. foles taking off needs to learn how to slide, fumbles. somebody teach him how to slide, please. >> davis well he picked open a
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suspect secondary keepy britt 30 yard touchdown 34-21. under five minutes left. david to brian quick cuts the bird's lead toe 6. nobody had any firng nails left at this point. chip kelly looking nervous. somehow the defense. they cord 7 touchdowns special teams defense nivr past two games and here's ducis rogers. >> her comes run there goes davis he let's it fly and it's incomplete. eagles will fly. >> fortunate that's the way to describe the eagles not only after this game but this point in the season. they're 4-1 despite not playing their best football. >> and it's the same thing. nf slxt tough week. this is to win. and initially it's blessing. and we do have to learn how to
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finish better. and that's we're not there yet. >> i know games are close and it don't matter we won the game. that's all that matters. we can go the whole year having games like this and we don't want to have games like this and we'll take every game like this. featured touchdowns and defense and special teams unit and true sense of team when everyone con sglibts we're not expecting or trying to get out and get touchdowns throws nice we dwoont do that. we want to do our jobs and be accountable and when we are good things are happening. >> next sunday night giants at the linc eagles could hit the bye at 5-1. i'm ducis rogers, "channel 6 action news." >> let's hope coming up in five minute ducis up with mike quick on eagles game day final on 6abc. >> so as you said show down against giants next sunday night especially considering how g men were playing down ten second
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half against atlanta and down three second half and o'dell beckham rookie first round pick after fighting through am string injury looks like he's the real deal. boy can he dance. she won three straight. cowboys win today let's look at nfc east. they said it's weak so far the birds tied 4-1. giants a game back. still ahead which american league team is a step closer to the world series and flyers lose out on one of their top scoreers? out on one of their top scoreers? we'll find out when we return
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mom says she's gonna at acme's stock up sale. well, if she can get whatever she wants, why can't i? hello, chocolate donuts with sprinkles. it's acme's stock up sale. get delicious deals on the things you love most. green giant frozen vegetables are .79 each. and general mills cereals are only $1.88 each. this is big, people. this is acme. you're in for something fresh. hey mom, you want glazed or chocolate?
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could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. everybody knows that. well, did you know you that former pro football player ickey woods will celebrate almost anything? unh-uh. number 44... whoooo! forty-four, that's me! get some cold cuts... get some cold cuts... get some cold cuts! whooo! gimme some! geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. whoo! forty-four ladies, that's me! whoo...gonna get some cold cuts today!
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>> flyers continue their bonding trip in cape cod before boston yesterday. sounds like wayne simmonds is a stroch play in the opener. he has a boot on his left foot. he got hurt against rangers possibly blocking a shot. >> trying toy avoid a series sweep. nelson cruz hits one to open site field conner it's gone. tiger fan out there? why would you want that ball. take it back. orioles take-0 lead. in 9th o's turn the series ending double play. they advance to alcs for first time in 17 years where they'll face royals that just finished
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off a sweep of angels. orioles and royals not hard to say but has not happened in a long time. >> i hope i don't to say that. >> it happens. >> it does. >> sarah. >> thank you, james jury. >> eagles game day final is next on 6abc. >> now for melissa magee, jamie apody, jeff skversky, sarah bloomquist, and the entire "action news" team, i'm walter perez. "action news" returns at 4:30 a.m. tomorrow. "action news" returns at 4:30 a.m. tomorrow. have a great
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>> can't they ever make anything easy. >> we have to do a good job of finishing off people when we're up 34-7. >> couple key plays we should have made. >> first touchdown! >> easy. >> easy. >> we're not helping ourselves by turning football over. >> football comes loose and rams have it back. they do. >> nfl it's a tough week as a team we're not there yet but will continue to drive. >> we are clinic ping to a 34-28 lead. >> we can go the whole year having games like this even though we don't want games like this. >> incomplete