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tv   Action News  ABC  October 1, 2014 12:00pm-1:01pm EDT

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"action news" delaware valley's leading news program. with rick williams, sara bloomquist, and meteorologist, david murphy. good afternoon, we begin
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this noon with breaking news. police just spoke with the pennsylvania state trooper who died during a training exercise in conshohocken. that is right he was shot in the chest and killed while training at the montgomery public safety complex yesterday and "action news" learned that it was an instructor that accidentally fired the shot. police refused to discuss the investigation only spoke about his love for the job. >> he was an excellent trooper and it was an honor to work with him and we are sorry that this incident occurred and he is no longer with us. >> flags at the pennsylvania capital and in montgomery county are flying at half staff in honor of his memory. >> the government has monitored the people right now, searching for others that could be at
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risk. carolyn costello is live with an update on the patient's condition. >> reporter: rick, we are now hearing from a hospital spokesperson, that the patient is in serious condition, meantime the cdc working to identify people that may have been in can't with this man after he became contagious. it is the first case of ebola ever diagnosed on u.s. soil, the infected person being treated in isolation at this dallas hospital. they are evaluating 12 to 18 people that he came in contact with. >> they are vowing to stop it. >> we'll stop it in its tracks. >> six people that transferred the patient to the hospital are released to go home and will be watched for three weeks. >> we are identifying everyone
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that he came in contact with and monitoring them for 21 days. >> the man left liberia apparently affected by the disease but had no symptoms. >> with ebola you are not infectious until you have symptoms. >> he came on his own to presbyterian hospital but the doctors said his symptoms were not unusual and then on tuesday he tested positive for ebola. dr. richard besser reporting from the front lines in liberia, says for the first time everyone that flies out of the country, everybody is screened. >> even when you are doing the right things, affected people can slip through. >> and the cdc will not release
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his flight itinerary. because he was not contagious, therefore no one on any of his flights are at risk. >> thank you. >> and our coverage of the ebola outbreak continues on our website, we are more on the first ebola case diagnosed in the u.s. and the six thing you need to know about the virus. developing now in atlantic city, a canadian asset business won the bid for the revel hotel. $110 million, and it cost $2.4 billion to build revel. the casino never turned a prophet and was shut down last month. they also own the hard rock hotel in las vegas and atlantic paradise island in the bahamas. the company says they will reopen revel as a casino hotel. the bankruptcy hearing to
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approve the sale is scheduled for november 7th. the flames tore through shops and apartments on atlantic avenue late last night. the red cross is helping more than a dozen people forced out of their homes, katherine scott shows us the damage. >> reporter: no one was injured in all of this and everyone was able to get out safely but a lot of damage remains, businesses were burned out and residents are unable to return home. >> so jayden and his sisters alerted his parents, and they varkated their apartment before it went newspaper flame. fire poured from the windows and thick smoke streamed from the site. the fire broke out at 1100 atlantic avenue last night. the wind gusts fueled the flames. >> the wind is a factor. it's pushing the fire from the burned area from the unburned.
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>> officials say that the fire started on the ground floor of a.c. alterations and it spread quickly to nearby businesses and upstairs apartments. they soon established a collapse zone. >> we have a collapse in 1112, and a second floor collapse on 1112, and 1114 and 1118 the rear wall is about ready to go. the crews kept water on the flames that were picking up in the wins. the red cross is helping 17 people six of them children. that were forced from their homes. katherine scott can channel 6 "action news" the search for eric frein continues in the poconos this noon even after the discovery of pipe bombs in the woods where he is reportedly hiding. police are convinced that the bombs belonged to the fugitive. he is accused of killing a state trooper outside of his barracks last month.
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they believe he dropped the pipe bombs, that he is stressed out and making mistakes. tom corbett faced his democratic challenger, tom wolf in philadelphia for the second of their debates. it was a one our breakfast for the candidates debate. wolf accused corbett of not being a friend of education and corbett fired back saying he was not a friend of unions. vernon odom was there for the debate and he will bring us highlights in a live report at 12:30. new from our delaware newsroom, police have identified burglary suspects wanted for breaking into four different stores in less than an hour. surveillance video linked norman young and 26-year-old christopher robinson to the crime spree, they allegedly smashed the front door of the businesses, all in dover, and got away with cash.
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anybody with information is asked to call the dover police. the grace period is over for drivers caught by red light cameras in abington township. they will start to receive $100 fines starting today. they activated the cameras on september 16th, anyone caught from this point forward will have to pay the $100 ticket and any profits will go to penndot for distribution and statewide grants. cloudy and cooler conditions have arrived on this first day of october. sky 6 looking live at gray skies off the ben franklin bridge this noon, we won't see much of the sun today, for more of that let go to the big board and karen rogers in for david murphy. >> hi sara, we see the clouds on satellite 6 along with action radar, you get the idea that some clouds are thin and spine is poking through. and the showers that are trying
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to pinwheel around the area but most of them staying to the north and a trace a shower or two in one or two spots earlier today. and a chance of that later on. basically a dry day and clouds. andy sent this in from media, some clouds in the picture but look at this picture from russell in berks county and that shows the clouds holding tough. we'll get cloud and a little bit of sunshine mixing it with this. 68 in chester, 68 in center city and temperatures are right where they should be. 66 in millville and 69 in dover, delaware. if you are headed out, lots of clouds, some sunshine mixing in and it's not so bad. by 3:00, 73, we are dry in this period and a chance of a shower
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popping through. we'll talk about that and the changes coming in the seven-day forecast in just a few minutes. >> thank you. >> stay on top of the breaking weather situation at, go to, for the seven-day forecast. the beginning of october brings the start of national breast cancer awareness month, and "good morning america" and breast cancer survivor, amy robach was on board breast cancer one, they brought breast cancer survivors to see the show this morning. the passengers say their real journey began with the early detection of the disease. >> a growing list of scandals for the secret service and the latest on a new security breach involving the president. and teaching babies to talk, local researchers show a way to get a head start and karen
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rogers is back with your seven-day forecast from accuweather. and our call to action volunteers are standing by ready to help you. [ male announcer ] eligible for medicare? that's a good thing, but it doesn't cover everything. only about 80% of your part b medical expenses. the rest is up to you. so consider an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. like all standardized medicare supplement insurance plans, they could save you in out-of-pocket medical costs.
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that's why dentists recommend using polident. for a cleaner, fresher, brighter denture everyday. the wife of the mayor of bell gardens california was released by authorities after
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being questioned for his death. police say that lavet shot her husband several times after their son got into the argument and tried to inveen. >> the man who stormed into the white house is facing charges today. he jumped the fence and ran inside through the front door. now they are calling for the director of the secret service to step down and now reports of another armed man getting close to the president, we'll have more at 12:30. prime minister nat in a hugh is meeting with the president. that conflict heightened tensions with obama and
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netanyahu. and today it's suppose to focus on nuclear talks with iran. netanyahu warns that iran is moving forward with bomb making and using diplomatic talks forestalling tactics. student led protests in hong kong have a new message for the leader. protesters say that their next move could be an occupation of government buildings and they will take action if the leader does not resign by the end of the day tomorrow. he want candidates for the election in 2015 to be approved by a pro china committee. the new smart design changes the layout of any device including tablets and your smart phone no
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matter how small or large your screen. visit
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auto makers are reporting strong sales in september. chrysler was the first to release their sales, sales when up thanks to strong sales for suvs and pickup trucks.
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general mills cutting its workforce for the third time in a month. between 700 and 800 people will lose their jobs this time around. the food company is trying to restructure as consumers try to shy away from boxed and frozen meals. it is expected to save general mills $125,000 every year. rutgers university is trying to get babies to start talking sooner. it taught them to focus on specific noises that are essential to speech. the baby a brain waves showed they developed stronger sensors where they were formed baby as young as 4 months old and it may eventually work its way into toys and games to help their kids get a head start. to florida now, researchers are working on the workout of the future.
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it uses motors instead of weights, called the hopper, so it could be used in aplace that is no gravity. glass aasked the company to develop it for astronauts to use in space and they hope to bring it to gyms on earth at some point in the near future. and now "action news" is working on news stories beginning at 4:00 tonight. alicia vitarelli is here now. >> one of the big talkers, the big question, can boys only be super heroes and girls only date them. that is what is showing up on childrens clothing from wal-mart to target. is it damaging or is it no big deal. it's the question we are talking about coming up at 4:00, can girls be super heroes. plus 90% of us do it and you need to know about the food you buy that could save you thousands a year.
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and real life version of diary of a wimpy kid, how the author of the books came to the rescue of boys targeted by a thief. and take us on the go, you can watch our newscast on your smart phone or tablet. >> thank you. >> my daughter wants me to be batman by the way. >> are you robin's size really -- >> accuweather is coming up when
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all right meteorologist, karen rogers is here now. hello. >> hello, how do you like the weather out there at least it's
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mostly dry. it doesn't feel bad temperatures where they should be. >> and november is next month. >> and then december. lets look at stormtracker 6 live double scan around the region right now, you can see we are dry through the area, have you to go way up to new york to get the spotty showers, we may see one or two creeping through here later on. lets take you outside and show you what it looks like, look at the low clouds hanging tough with the back bays of the jersey shore. low clouds cause a problem from the northwest and down to the south, look at the numbers through the area and a spotty shower around today and tomorrow morning. the thing you notice is the recei seven days and 71 degrees now and the dew point is 57 and the winds are out of the east picking up at 10 miles per hour. and the pressure is 30.05 inches, 8 up in atlantic city
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and 9 in wildwood. and predominantly they are in the east. the clouds have really hung with us and a few breaks of sunshine here or there, at the city and north and the low clouds that hung along the coastline, not a lot of showers, we watch the showers break apart this morning and a few people saw a spotty shower, and with the upper level low, we have a chance to trigger a brief sprinkle here or there. at 5:00, future tracker 6 shows a sprinkle as you are headed out in the evening, at 8:30 in the night, not much but a chance of a sprinkle here or there. highs around the region today. 73 degrees, in the city and 72 in allentown and 73 in reading and 74 in lancaster and wilmington and cooler along the coastline and 70 in cape may and 69 at the beach in atlantic
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city, and 70 for a high in toms river. looking how the day plays out. by 3:00 p.m. 73 degrees, by 5:00 p.m., 72 with a sprinkle at any tonight and 7:00 p.m. 68 and 9:00 p.m. 64, the low dropping to the upper 50s, the low shift ofz the coast a little bit and early low clouds and afternoon sunshine and maybe a touch of drizzle in the morning and then things get better and brighter by thursday afternoon. here is a look at your exclusive accuweather forecast, lots of clouds around today and a peek of sunshine here or there, 73 degrees for your high and we see breaks of sunshine and 72 and we start out with low clouds and drizzle in spots, and we are fine for the union game, and friday partly sunny skies and 73. we celebrate yom kippur at sun down and the rain holds off to the overnight hours friday night into saturday morning. some of that rain could stick
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through the first half of the day on saturday. 68 is your high and sun breezy and cooler feeling like football weather, 64, monday not quite a cool and 70 for your high. not too bad today. >> karen thank you. >> no, you are not seeing double. a school in patco, has ten sets of twins in the kindergarten, and the teaches say yes it could be confusing but it helps if they are in different classrooms to give them a chance to develop their own personalities. >> that is a lot of twins. still ahead, on "action news" at noon, tom corbett and tom wolf go head to head. we are live with the heated highlights from the gubernatorial debate. and breast cancer awareness month begins today. the difference between hispanic and african-american women that are diagnosed with the disease. are you busy?
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i'm just day-dreaming. about your dream trip to italy? yeah. with your sisters, to shop and see the sights. is it that obvious? you've been staring at that new instant game from the pennsylvania lottery. yeah, it's the new frankenbucks. with 10 top prizes of $50,000. is that painting crooked, or is it just me? [announcer] want to see your dreams come to life? you could scratch your way to instant winning. the pennsylvania lottery. bring your dreams to life. i knew my life as i knew itr, would never be the same. everything stopped. and i just said, "i'm going to beat this." and that's when i found living beyond breast cancer. purchase a specially marked bottle of pink lemonade 5-hour energy and a portion of the proceeds will help survivors like me with a much needed community of support. living beyond breast cancer is a lifeline for so many people. i just love being able to say that i am living beyond breast cancer.
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hello again, here are some of the stories we are following for you on "action news" this noon. a pennsylvania state trooper accidently killed at a firing range is identified and they talk about how he will be remembered. homes in atlantic city are turned to rubble after a large
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fire overnight season lawmakers on capitol hill are calling for the director to stop down from the secret service after several breaches. authorities talked about the pennsylvania state trooper that was shot and killed at a training facility. david henry is live at the state police barracks with the latest from that accidental shooting. >> reporter: yeah rick, this state police barracks is where trooper david kendra graduated almost two years ago, he was a dedicated young trooper that was marked with intense loyalty and dedication to his job. >> was extremely proud to be a pennsylvania state trooper and he showed it. you could count on him being there even though he didn't have to be. he wanted to see everything and be a part of everything and
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wanted to learn everything and those kind of qualities make an outstanding patrol trooper. >> reporter: trooper kendra was attending a firearms class when he was accidentally shot in the chest, he was rushed to temple university hospital where doctors were unable to save him. he was a graduate of the pennsylvania department of justice. if happened in a classroom at the montgomery county public safety training complex in conshohocken. authorities say that an instructor was showing how to break down a gun and clean it when the gun he was carrying mistire fired. so far there is no word on funeral arrangements. the flag flies at half staff at the barracks and at the state
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capital. investigators say it will be a few day at least before they can come to any final conclusions and issue a final report of exactly what happened at that training facility. david henry, channel 6 "action news." >> thank you. a huge fire in atlantic city has damaged several businesses and left more than a dozen people homeless, the blaze began after 10:00 last night on the 1100 block of atlantic avenue, with adjoining businesses with the apartments on the second floors. everybody got out okay. 17 people including six children are out of their homes. startling new details about another person that got too close to president obama, and is causing more concern about security for our commander and chief, karen travers live in washington with the very latest.
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>> reporter: good afternoon rick, the secret service is looking into how a man with a criminal record and possibly a gun was able to get into an elevator with president obama on a recent visit to the cdc in atlanta. another black mark for the secret service. on september 16th it was the final straw for democrat, elisha cummings. in an elevator there he encountered a security god that began to act unprofessionally and taking photos, the secret service did a background check and found a criminal record or at least charged with a crime before. he would not have been allowed to be close to the president because this man in atlanta allegedly had a gun. >> the protocol is not right and
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there is no confidence in the leadership. yesterday angry lawmakers blasted the secret service for what turned out to be a far more serious breach of the white house. omar gonzales, a homeless iraq veteran made it all the way to the east room. >> this is disgraceful. absolutely disgraceful. >> i believe have you done a disservice for the president of the united states. >> critics suggested that the secret service hire a home security system. >> omar gonzales was indicted on federal and local charges and is due to appear in court this afternoon. car and travers, channel 6 "action news." back here the 2-year-old shot in an apparent doesn't in delaware remains in critical
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condition this afternoon. the boy identified as a.j. was shot in a townhome, the child was playing with a gun when it accidently discharged and he was hit in the head. so far no charges have been filed. a facebook tip led to the arrest of this man in delaware, 28-year-old donald kauffman, was wanted for robbery and assault. officials say he met his ex-girlfriend in a park to borrow money and police say he wouldn't give her the amount he wanted and that is when he picked her up and threw her on the ground three times. an anonymous tip led to kauffman's arrest. and a heated debate between governor tom corbett and gubernatorial candidate, tom wolf, vernon odom is live now with the highlights. >> reporter: it's october now
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and the gloves are starting to come off indeed. a free spirited free wheeling debate this morning between the two men that would be pennsylvania's next governor. face-to-face on rush hour on all news radio, wolf and corbett quick to mix it up, over education funding, tom wolf is on the attack. >> you have not been a friend of education. >> and the 27,000 educators that lost their jobs -- the property taxes have gone through the roof under your administration, class sizes have increased. >> throughout the campaign they have battled off taxation. >> in our compilation, i would love to make those promises too. >> you did make promises, but
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gasoline went up and taxes when up. >> gasoline tax did not go up. you keep misleading the people. >> and this sparred over drill extraction taxes and job creation here in pennsylvania. >> when you became governor, we were ninth in the nation and now we are 47th, we are only ahead of arkansas, new mexico and alaska. all the states around us are ahead of us in job creation. >> we have 250,000 job openings, we have to find the people to fill that. you claim 47th, that study is using the numbers incorrectly and you know that. >> the verbal assaults will increase as we head for the first tuesday in november. vernon odom, channel 6 "action news." >> thank you. this afternoon mayor michael nutter will sign legislation
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decriminalizing a small amount of marijuana. anybody in philadelphia caught with an ounce of pot or less will be fined $25. using the drug in public will give them an additional $100 fine. and eric jackson is in the hospital being treated for the stomach flew, he was not feeling well yesterday morning and his doctor recommended he go to the emergency room. he was represent for observation overnight. seniors in camden county are taking a proactive step inwarding off the flu. health officials provided flu shots for free for anyone that was interested. it continues until 2:00 this afternoon. turning to the accuweather forecast, it's a mostly cloudy day today and feeling on the warm side, lets look live at sky 6 hd and the ben franklin bridge and the sun is peeking through the clouds at times and there is
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a slight chance of rain, karen rogers is at the "action news" big board with all the details from accuweather. >> you see the clouds in the picture sara, you see them on storm tracker 6 live. it's a day featuring a lot of cloud cover but not a lot of rain though. we are pretty dry. 71 in philadelphia, and 72 in allentown and 70 in wilmington and 68 degrees in millville and cooler still in trenton, 64. along the coastline, hugging the upper 60s at this point and as we look at the day ahead, we are anticipating a brief shower in one or two spots later on this afternoon and tonight. for your afternoon commute you see clouds and an a peek of sunshine here or there. by 5:30, 72 and 7:00 p.m., 68 degrees. no big weather related problems
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affecting your commute. it's october 1st and temperatures are where they should be this time of year. normally a high of 72 degrees, that is the average high, but lets fast forward to the end of the month, that drops 10 degrees, 62 is the average high at the end of the month, we'll lose 10 degrees off the high and we ought to enjoy the temperatures as we see them. we have 60s on the map in the seven-day forecast, i'll explain that in just a few minutes. >> thank you karen. more to come on "action news" at noon, breast cancer affects one in nine women in the u.s., and the battle can be more unique for minority women. alicia vitarelli will explain that coming up. >> and meteorologist karen rogers returns with your exclusive accuweather forecast when "action news" comes right back.
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crews in japan continue to find bodies of victims of saturday's unexpected volcanic eruption. 48 people were killed, the area is popular with hikers and the victims were trapped under thick layers of ash and boulders. today starts breast can month and abc goes pink, a wide initiative bringing breast cancer to the forefront. alicia vitarelli joins us now with a new initiative to help minority women beat the disease. >> for three years marlena ortiz questioned her doctor before a lump in the breast with no history and her age, she was dismissed. when at 25 she was diagnosed,
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her cancer was at stage two. >> chemotherapy and radiation. >> how are you today? >> cancer free. yea. >> but for some degree ortiz has defied the odds, hispanic and black women are less likely to get breast cancer than white women, but their chances are higher of dying, culturally there can be a stigma associated with breast cancer than could delay diagnosis. and a predisposition to triple negative cancers that strike younger and harder. >> american women and caribbean american women in particular get a much more aggressive form of cancer and it's harder to treat. >> and women with economic challenges are less likely to seek out medical care, they are often diagnosed when the disease
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is advanced but there is a way, mammogr mammograms. the message is getting out to hispanic women and caribbean women and african-american women. >> new health laws made access easier, ortiz understands the difficulties that women face and advises. >> if you feel something say something and demand it's looked at by a machine. >> marlena's personal journey has created empowering women in heals. no matter of their ethnicity or their age. >> rick you are wearing your pink as well today. >> thank you alicia. a newlywed couple dealt a blow in the first week of marriage and rediscovered their marriage through photo.
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she forgot her marriage and her husband put up dozens of their wedding photos on their hospital walls. >> i remember that my husband was going around the room putting up the pictures i don't know why he was putting up the pictures but i was watching him. >> she started coming around and it drew questions about when we were married and are we married? >> tenisha is recovering they plan to pick up with they left off with a honeymoon. plan to pick up with they left off with a honeymoon. a couple that fell in a woman who loves to share her passions. grandma! mary has atrial fibrillation, an irregular heartbeat not caused by a heart valve problem. that puts her at a greater risk of stroke. rome? sure! before xarelto®, mary took warfarin, which required monthly trips to get her blood tested. but that's history. back to the museum? not this time!
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we may see a sprinkle pop through later on but not seeing anything at the moment, lets go outside and show you what is looks like right now, sky 6 is looking live and you can see the clouds at the airport and a few breaks of sun peeking through here or there and it's not too bad out there. temperatures of 71 degrees right now in philadelphia, the average high for this date is 72 and the temperatures treat us at average and the winds are easterly picking up at 10 miles per hour and the pressure is 30.04, it's a cool breeze out there. 71 in philadelphia, and 72 in allentown and 68 in reading and 65 in lancaster and 66, cooler on the beach in a.c., a good amount of cloud cover, they haven't had a chance to break through yet s satellite 6 along with action radar showing we are cloudy through the area, an upper level low pinwheeling, the showers are trying to come through the area, and we have been seen a whole lot.
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the chance is for a sprinkle here or there. not much to worry about. clouds and sunshine and a lot of people are tweeting and facebooking me like david here, his sky view in shillington, sunshine is trying to come through t through the glimmer of the clouds. and tim sent this look from reading, a peek of blue sky here or there. run your errands and see what you need to do. allentown expect mostly cloudy skies and 72 degrees, for your high in allentown and at the shore you are socked in with the clouds, that continues with mostly cloudy skies and we start with showers and some fog along the coastline and we see lots of low clouds and a shower later on as well. a high of 69, 70 degrees at the shore and temperatures are holding down with the cloud cover, as you head out for your evening commute, check the cloud
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cover and no major problems affecting you and 73 degrees and by 5:30, 72, by 7:00 p.m. 68 degrees. temperatures come down from the high of 73, as we look for tomorrow, an area of low clouds and low pressure trying to pull away a little bit. and maybe a little bit of drizzle and then it lifts out and by the afternoon we have sunshine and brighter by the afternoon. here is a look at the exclusive accuweather forecast, lots of clouds around today and a sprinkle here or there, and later on not a lot in the way of precipitation. 73 is your high today and then tomorrow we start out with low clouds and a touch of drizzle and we get breaks of sunshine and 72 and a nice afternoon on thursday, and grates for the union game at night and partly sunny skies and 73 degrees, it looks like the rain will start friday night and pushing back into the overnight hours, the rain overnight into early morning on saturday and some spots it takes time to clear, it
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could be steady for a while and the rain is holding down the temperatures, sunday, breezy and cool and football weather, 64 degrees and with the cool breeze it feels cooler than that. but monday not quite as cool at 70 and tuesday a slight chance of a shower. not a bad afternoon. >> thank you karen. >> stay on top of the changing weather situation at, you'll fine our storm tracker 6 radar, you can watch the latest videos, and view our collection of weather related images. topping the people scene, the reality tv show couple just added to their family. ashley and j.p. welcomed their first child, fordham yesterday. the baby measured at almost 19 inches, their love store unfolded on the bachelorette and
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their wedding aired as a special on abc. speaking of abc it appears that they found the perfect comedy to pair with modern family, the season of blackish continued tonight with another new episode, the new comedy pulled in 10 million new viewers last week and modern family was the most watched family among young adults on the network. here is a look at the lineup, "the middle" followed by the goldbergs and modern
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denturthan real teeth.erent they're about ten times softer and have surface pores where bacteria can multiply. polident kills 99.99% of odor-causing bacteria and helps dissolve stains. for a cleaner, fresher, brighter denture everyday. theredelaware just like us. fire companies in the state of something went wrong with the new health care law that threatened to shut us all down, and then chris coons got involved. chris did one heck of a job. he got senators in both parties to see that there was a problem. they fixed it, so now volunteer fire companies can stay in service. most guys in washington just want to argue. but our chris coons got results. i'm chris coons and i approve this message. it's not easy to get things done in washington,
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but i'm working hard to find common ground. no one asks to have diabetes or heart disease. at gateway health, we see you , not your condition. gateway health medicare advantage plans offer complete care that fits you better, gives you more, and may cost you less. like ten-dollar copays on the medications you need, and zero copays on everything from diabetic monitoring supplies to hearing and eye exams. call 1-877-gateway today. for a better plan. and a better you. if you are looking for distraction check out these stories at these car owners learned the hard way to be careful around
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plays, you can look for that online and in honor of world ballet day, dancers and non-dancers were given the challenge of a pirouette. here is a list of mcdonald's items you can't get in the united states, an mclobster is one. go to >> an mclobster sounds great. >> i am kind of mcmad right now. >> lets check that satellite 6 and radar image, we have lots of clouds up above and a couple peeks of sunshine here and there and not a lot of showers and a sprinkle coming your way. the northwest suburbs temperatures in the low 70s, 72 in quakertown and reading and 74 in lancaster. 73 in the city for your high and
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72 in glassboro and along the coastline in the upper 60s you are socked in the clouds along the coast today. a spotty shower, can't rule out as you head out for the afternoon. >> thank you car and. finally at noon, college students went to battle to break a guinness book of world records, the college of irvine hold the record for pillow fight. there is more than 4400 people on the field and organizers did not have enough pillows for everyone and the school holds records for the world's large of the dodge ball game and water fight. >> some time in between they go to classes. >> that does it for "action news" at noon, don't forget "action news" at 4:00, 5:00 and 6:00. i'm rick williams, we'll see you here tonight beginning at 4:00. [ man ] look how beautiful it is.
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♪ honey, we need to talk. we do? i took the trash out. i know. and thank you so much for that. i think we should get a medicare supplement insurance plan. right now? [ male announcer ] whether you're new to medicare or not, you may know it only covers about 80% of your part b medical expenses. it's up to you to pay the difference. so think about an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. like all standardized medicare supplement insurance plans, they help cover some of what medicare doesn't pay. i did a little research. with a medicare supplement plan, you'll be able to stay with your doctor. oh, you know, i love that guy. mm-hmm. [ male announcer ] these types of plans let you visit any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients. and there are no networks. is this a one-size-fits-all kind of thing? no. there are lots of plan options. it all depends on what we need
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and how much we want to spend. [ male announcer ] call now to request your free decision guide. it could help you find an aarp medicare supplement plan that's right for you. what happens when we travel? the plans go with us. anywhere in the country. i like that. you know what else? unitedhealthcare insurance company has years and years of experience. what do you say? ♪ i'm in. [ male announcer ] join the millions already enrolled in the only medicare supplement insurance plans endorsed by aarp. remember, all medicare supplement plans help cover some of what medicare doesn't pay and could really save you in out-of-pocket medical costs. you'll be able to choose your own doctor or hospital as long as they accept medicare patients. and with these plans, there could be low or no copays. you do your push-ups today? prepare to be amazed. [ male announcer ] don't wait. call today to request your free decision guide and find the aarp medicare supplement plan to go the distance with you.
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go long. >> announcer: today on "the chew," to battle your family's massive appetites, we're sending in reinforcements. it's "the chew's" mighty meals. and mario's serving up a hefty helping of sausage garlic and greens into three supersatisfying dishes. plus, you won't believe what the crew's doing with this meatloaf marvel. let's see how this inspiring kitchen is serving up a second chance at life. >> i'm giving something to them. it's priceless. >> announcer: and it all starts right now on "the chew." [ cheers and applause ] >> good afternoon, and welcome to "the chew." i hope you are all ready for an hour of excitement. individually, we create super