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tv   Action News  ABC  September 24, 2014 4:30am-5:01am EDT

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>> >> ♪ >> "action news." delaware valley's leading news program. with matt o'donnell, tamala edwards, karen rogers and meteorologist, david murphy. >> ♪ >> we are working on several breaking news stories on this wednesday, september 24th. a tragic story is unfolding this morning. an expectant mother was gunned down, her unborn child also did not make it. a live report is coming up. >> a man has been critically injured after a nasty crash in delaware overnight. we have new video of the rescue. >> and pennsylvania lawmakers finally pass the cigarette tax hike for philadelphia schools. it is heading to the governor's desk today. >> good morning out there, it governor's desk today. that will be looking a little
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bit different overnight into tomorrow morning. let's go over to dave murphy. good morning. >> good morning, guys. and we are off to a chilly start once again with a current temperature in philadelphia of 56. that's a few milder than it was yesterday. 48 in allentown, 49 in reading, 50 in reading, 49 in trenton, 53 in wilmington and down the shore close to 60 degrees in sea isle city and atlantic city. as we head out the door this morning, still partly cloudy skies. we'll see some sun early. 57 degrees is what you're going get at 6:00 a.m. and then by 8:00 a.m. probably up to about 60. the rest of the day 63 by 9:00 a.m., by noon, 70 and by 3 o'clock, 75. notice how the clods are getting a little thicker as the day goes on and by 6 o'clock tonight we expected to be pretty much socked in. 69 degrees. your high today is that 75. satellite shows you how the clouds are getting thicker down to the south of us and if we go out wider that is our coastal low pressure system that is pushing significant rain into carolinas.
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overnight into tomorrow morning some heavy rain at times and tomorrow morning's commute does look wet. i'll have more details on awful this coming up with the rest of the accuweather 7-day. >> thank you, david. >> ♪ and we begin with breaking news. a pregnant woman was shot and killed when gunfire erupted in the olney section of philadelphia overnight and another man was hit by bullets as well. "action news" reporter katherine scott is live on the scene. she's got those breaking details. good morning, katherine. >> reporter: good morning, tam. and police say that 25-year-old woman was eight months pregnant. a man, 26 years old, was also shot. he was -- he's in critical condition at the hospital. the woman was pronounced dead at the hospital and her baby did not survive and you can see the crime scene unit remains on the scene here in olney. there are a number of evidence markers and they're marking all sorts of evidence from shell casings, there are 11 of those, there's a cell phone over there, there are bullet fragments.
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there's a lot to process here. calls for this shooting came in just before 1:00 a.m. when police arrived they found both victims lying on the sidewalk. police believe one of the victims was inside the chevy impala when the shots were fired. witnesses saw a man fleeing the scene. police rushed the victim to the hospital. man was shot in the back and the leg and is talking to detectives at the hospital though he remains in critical condition but the 25-year-old woman was hit in the head arm and both legs and was pronounced dead at the hospital shortly after 1 o'clock this morning. doctors did deliver her baby girl but she, too, did not survive. >> the doctors did what they can. they delivered the baby. and they worked on the baby for over an hour but the baby was pronounced dead at 2:18 a.m. >> reporter: and this is the second time in two weeks a philadelphia pregnant woman was shot and killed and her baby was delivered and then died. in that last case it was considered app double homicide
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but whether this will be classed as such as not been determined by authorities. you can see the crime scene unit remains at work. we're being told that police have located some surveillance cameras in the area so there is some footage that could help in this investigation. we're live in olney, katherine scott, channel6 "action news." >> thank you katherine. we have a developing story as well. two vehicles collide in there northern delaware. the action cam was at the scene along lancaster pike in hockessin late last night where one man was critically injured. an suv and a pickup truck smashed into each other near hickory spring road just before 11:00. it took firefighters 25 minutes to free the driver of the pickup. there he is. he's being treated forehead and other injuries at christiana hospital. man behind the wheel of the suv was not seriously injured. police have taken him into custody but so far have not filed charges. >> a young man has turned himself in for a shooting that killed an innocent teenager. philadelphia police say
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19-year-old darien person opened fire in logan on monday. this happened during a fight involving students from delaware valley charter school. person is a dropout from that school and 15-year-old aisha rahman attendd that institution. she was hit and killed by a bullet that was shot from a half block away. last night antiviolence activists held a vigil in her memory. >> the price of a package of cigarettes will go up in philadelphia in about a week. pennsylvania governor tom corbett plans to sign the legislation authorizing the hike later today. "action news" reporter erin o'hearn is at the big board to tell us what this means for the city's public schools. erin. >> reporter: hey, matt. the cash strapped philadelphia school district will be getting crucial revenue from this bill. last night the senate joined the house in supporting the cigarette tax by a 39 to 11 vote. governor corbett as you said is expected to sign the bill as soon as it reaches his desk this morning. so, let's take a look at how this will affect smokers. the tax for a pack of cigarettes is $1.60. the new tax for philadelphia
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adds two dollars to that plus there's the 8% sales tax which is already higher than most of the state. this bill comes after months of delay. house and senate republican leaders battled over unrelated provisions that included local hotel taxes and a small city economic development program but those were dropped in the final version of the bill. of course educators are thrilled the. the philadelphia school district has been lobbying for more fund for months. this will provide $83 million for the district. smokers and small business owners say it's at their expense. >> we went on those assurances and today it's paid off and in fact, i'm glad we did not have to reduce staff, eliminate programs. >> they're making -- they're taxing another thing. y'all taxed beverages. y'all taxing everything.
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it's another way to i guess keep their hand in your pocket. >> reporter: big day for the philadelphia school system. governor corbett expected to sign bill this morning. tam, back to you. >> thank you, erin. the bankrupt revel casino goes up for auction in new york today. right now the only publicly disclosed bid from florida developer glen straub. he's offering $90 million cash but says other people have also made offers on that atlantic city attraction. the winning bidder will be getting the revel for a steal. it cost $2.4 billion to build. a bankruptcy court judge would have to approve the buyer on september 30th. >> president obama will address the united nations this morning and then members of the security council this afternoon. one of the main topics will be the president's air campaign in syria to root out terrorists with isis and another al-qaeda affiliated group. abc's tahman bradley filed this report from un headquarters in new york. (applause). >> reporter: today president obama addresses the united nations with the goal of
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including more countries for the fight against isis. the meeting comes after the united states and five arab allies carried out a series of airstrikes in syria against isis and the a terror cell. nearly 250 bombs and missiles launched from 48 fighter jets bombers drones and navy ships. the missiles struck training camps, manufacturing centers and this finance center. >> we can see the left side the before shot and then you can see as you look at it on the right side the after shot. >> reporter: officials believe the group made up of 50 seasoned al-qaeda fighters many of whom were close to osama bin laden were bow about to carry out an attack either in europe or the united states home land. the group has been building bombs undetectable by airport screening. >> we have a very severe and significant threat. what we've seen from the world
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community s is the recognition of that let. >> reporter: the president will try to rally more allies this afternoon when he chairs a rare un security council session with 12 heads of state focused on foreign terrorist fighters. white house officials say the president will push for a resolution requiring countries to prosecute and penalize people who finance terror or travel abroad for terrorism training. the islamic state tops the watch? end today here at the un but climate change and the ebola out break are big too. the un projects 20,000 people could be infected by november unless more is done to stop the disease. tahman bradley,abc news, the un. >> mo'ne davis is heading to the baseball hall of fame. the 13 year old pitching phenom says she'll donate the jersey she wore last month when she pitched a two hit shutout becoming the first girl to win a game at the world series. she and her teammates plan to visit cooperstown tomorrow. they'll also play a game at
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the storied double day field. >> it will be a real treat for those youngsters. 4:39. new details on protests in ferguson, missouri. tensions mount as the meant for the slain teenager goes up in flames. even though the fire may not have been intentional. >> a warning to iphone 6 owners. you may want to think twice before putting that shiny new device in your back pants pocket. glaived we've got the kids dressed in a jacket again this morning 'cause we're off to a fairly cool start. some of the suburbs in the upper 40's. most of us in the 50's. this afternoon it does get mild. the rain looks like it holds off until later in the day and tonight but it does look like we're going get quite a bit of it. details on the latest model numbers coming up. >> ♪
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your windows don't need a facelift. just a new wardrobe. take them shopping during blinds to go's 60th anniversary sale going on now. buy one get second at half price. blinds to go is 60. boy, time goes fast. and so will this sale. blinds to go blinds for life.
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you need blinds. you know it. your neighbours know it. complete strangers passing by your house know it. don't be that house. do something about it. during blinds to go's 60th anniversary sale
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going on now. buy one, get a second at half price. blinds to go blinds for life. >> 4:43. we have coastal system that could bring a lot of rain to this region. given it has been so dry recently the runoff could be more severe because of that. >> could be because the ground is dry. on the other hand it's not like it's baked ground. we'll take a little bit of it into the ground before it starts to be a runoff problem but i think that there is the possibility of some ponding and puddling on roads tomorrow morning during the rush absolutely. storm mac six live double scan shows you the rain isn't here yet. as we take a look outside we'll probably get some early sun mixing with the clouds. there you see a very cool picture down the shore as we see the lights on the ferris wheel on the pier there. but we are looking at changes in the forecast especially as we go into tonight. so, today well, a couple of highlights to talk about. first of all, clouds will increase during the day and we
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will see the first raindrops arriving from the south during the evening hours tonight, maybe even late afternoon right down the shore. but it does look like it's going to get increasingly wet overnight and the thursday morning commute does look like it's going to be pretty wet as you'll see in a moment. temperature right now is 56 degrees, your dewpoint at 50. winds currently are calm and your air pressure is well over 30-inches and here you see future tracker 6 and i just. going to go ahead and add that always on seven day to the side so that you can look ahead a little bit if you're watching in hd. the cloud cover this morning isn't all that bad. and as we go up into the afternoon that's really when it's going to start to get thicker. might still have some breaks of sun here or there but the clouds are getting thicker by 3 o'clock and then we get into the evening hours, 6 o'clock and there's the chance of some of that rain coming in up over the shore and then by 11:00, 11:30 tonight really around the time adam and cecily will be on the air tonight we'll probably see some heavier rain beginning to come in. that soon down the shore and then eventually overnight
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getting into philadelphia as well. ahead of all of this it's really just a day where the clouds increase a little bit and we get on the mild and comfortable side. 11 o'clock 67 degrees. by 2 o'clock 74 and your high of 75 around 3 o'clock with those clouds getting thicker as we head towards the dinner hour. 75 is the high in philadelphia, low 70's up north in the lehigh valley and reading. and holding on or about 70 down the shore. overnight tonight, and this is future tracker after midnight we see heavy rain starting to come through and really pour through philadelphia so that during the morning rush hour, even if the heaviest stuff is off to the north at that point we'll have a lot of leftover ponding and puddling and splashing on the roadways and that's going to make for a slow morning commute on thursday. and we get up to 9 o'clock and it still looks kind of damp with some lingering showers around. the rest of the day for the most part just light shower activity and that system pushes away toward the north during the day and evening.
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some of the models are going for up close to 2-inches of rain so we'll go between one and two in general. and we are also looking at gusty winds along with this because this is a coastal low pressure system, the center of which is not going to be all that far to the south so wind gusts up to 30 to 35 miles per hour around i-95 along with that soaking rain at times. at the shore the gusts could actually go 40 to 45 with minor tidal flooding later today and perhaps tomorrow morning. and there's also a rip current risk along the delaware beaches that could get extended tomorrow up to the new jersey shore. your exclusive accuweather 7-day forecast, increasing clouds today, 75 is your high. rain holding off in most neighborhoods until tonight. and then tomorrow cloudy nd rainy, most of the rain centered in the morning hours, 66 is the afternoon high. sun returns on friday, 74 and we're still looking for that warm nice weekend with highs in the low 80's. and then monday we'll probably get a few more clouds kicking back in but it still looks okay with that high of 79. rain again probably for tuesday the way things look now and cooler.
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>> all right. thank you david. >> yeah. >> new on "action news" here, the destruction of a memorial to the teenager killed in ferguson, missouri, last month stokes recenter. the memorial of michael brown went up in flames. mourners quickly rebuilt it. protesters then gathered at the site to call for justice for the killing of the teenager. a group smashed out the windows of a beauty parlor and witnesses say they heard gun shots nearby. now some had accused police for the blaze but police believe candles at the memorial sparked the fire. there is a clearer picture this morning about the motive for a deadly workplace shooting down south yesterday. police in birmingham, alabama, say 45-year-old kerry tensy told people he was troubled at work but never suggested he could turn violent. he's accused of killing two former coworkers at a ups shipping center yesterday before committing sue side. his employers fired him the
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day before. >> turn nothing you to take your first look at business, new info is out on that home depot data breach and it doesn't sound very good. all across the country criminals seem to be using this stolen card information. they're buying things like prepaid cards, electronics, groceries, you name it so many financial institutions are stepping up their efforts to block those transactions. let's take a look at wall street. airstrikes in syria and concerns about europe's economy dragged stocks down a little on tuesday. right now futures though do seem to be pointing to i was here open. the iphone 6 plus is priced about $100 more than if you just got the regular six but a new report says it only costs apple about $15 more to make the plus. this maybe is part of when i apple is expected to make huge profits off this bigger iphone. a final note on the new iphone 6 plus. some people say it's a little bit of a bendy phone. when you stick it in your pockets especially if your pants are tight and who wants
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their phone to bend. a lot of online reports know that this doesn't happen all the time, just if you're sitting on your phone. matt it seems like a bad idea to begin with to sit on your on. >> but a lot of people wear tight pants these days. >> yes, they do. coming up next, thieves hit two bay area auto dealerships and are caught on camera driving off in high end vehicles. a reminder stay on top of the changing weather situation with the new log onto view radar especially later today when that coastal
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>> good morning. let's take a quick look at traffic. first southwest philadelphia 95 by the airport and just like yesterday we're starting this morning with a crash on 95 but thankfully this one is small area. again, a vehicle traveling southbound smashed into the guardrail. police are on the scene and luckily at this point traffic is getting by. let's go to camden. the admiral wilson boulevard approaching baird boulevard. crews are repairing a water main break in that westbound right lane. no delays though yet for traffic coming away from airport circle trying to get across the ben. elsewhere in south jersey we have an overturned truck on the southbound turnpike. karen will have more details on that in a few minutes. matt. >> thanks tam. 4:52. it is midweek wednesday morning time for your travel forecast. take a look on the big board.
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there's that coastal system that will move up the coast and bring us later tonight and into tomorrow. could cause problems for people flying along the east coast. let's show you. right here at the box which i have shaped as an iphone 6 after you put it that are pants and sit on it, there's a little bend right there but up and down the east coast up to philadelphia could see delays down to florida but boston. i think new york city should be okay today. finally look at this, all across the country in the midsection, the midwest, texas, denver all these places good weather today, no travel delays expected but seattle could see a little bit of rain so could see a delay out there. tam, back to you. >> state police asking for help identifying the man in these surveillance pictures. they believe he stole four debit cards. authorities say the suspect made $400 in purchases at various businesses in kent county. if you know who this man s-please contact delaware state police.
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>> police at florida international university are on the lookout for the backside bandit. they received six reports since june of a bike rider slapping female students on the behind. the description of the groper is always the same. while some students think it is a prank, campus police are taking it very seriously
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>> new on "action news," thieves hit two high end car
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dealerships within two days in two different cities in california. police are trying to figure out if there is a link between the luxury dealership heists. at least 20 cars were snatched from the dealerships in belmont and san jose and this surveillance video from the dealership had shown seven men breaking into formula one motors friday morning taking off with five vehicles. two men have been arrested. police say more arrests could be on the way. >> actor laurence fishburne is taking on comedy in abc's new series blackish. anthony anderson and tracy ellis ross costar. they play a family navigating what it means to be black in america today. the show depicts the struggle between the kids urged to assimilate and their father's desperate attempt to keep them rooted in his idea of black culture. blackish airs tonight right here on 6abc at 9:30. >> 4:47 now and two oregon police officers go above and beyond the call of duty to make sure a customer gets a pizza on time.
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>> a dog from montgomery county is back from her cross country tour but it doesn't look like she was really ready to return. come back here pup. "action news" will be right
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i've lived hewith my mother, forty--four who is ninety--nine. people who do not live in delaware county need to know that tom mcgarrigle raised our taxes five times. five times in seven years. meanwhile tom mcgarrigle gave a million dollar subsidy to an energy company. tom mcgarrigle is not looking out for regular families or seniors at all. we need john kane in the senate. he gets regular families.
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>> ♪ >> "action news." delaware valley's leading news program. with matt o'donnell, tamala edwards, karen rogers and meteorologist, david murphy. >> ♪ >> good morning. it's 5:00 a.m. on this wednesday, september 24th and we're following some breaking news. >> gunfire erupts on a philadelphia street overnight leaving a pregnant woman dead and a man wounded. leaving a pregnant woman dead warrants for three people in connection with the beating of a gay couple in center city. >> and accuweather is tracking some heavy rain. it will be moving in later today. >> you know what, dave murphy, my yard really could use it so let's find out a little bit more about that and karen rogers of course is watching track. good morning. >> i've had a few people asking me about that on twitter. hey, i want to put the seed down it's fall and we are going get some rain coming in. although it's going to be so heavy at times overnight tonight into early tomorrow morning that it might really kind of disturb any seeds you put down. 56eg