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tv   Action News at 4pm  ABC  September 5, 2014 4:00pm-5:01pm EDT

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near dover and route 13, and north and east of milford, this little downpour, and couple of lightening strikes is starting to push over the bay, we will watch this, as it heads, to the east/northeast if it hold together to hit the shore towns, in new jersey, north of cape may. so the evening planner if you are stepping out, there will be scattered downpours, storms around at 7:00 o'clock at 81 but most of us it is dry and very muggy, at 8:00 o'clock 79. seventy-eight at 9:00 o'clock and 10:00 o'clock there is sultry outside at 77. and as we look ahead to that full accu weather forecast we will talk about a sweaty saturday, that will turn, stormy in spots, but it will lead to a spectacular sunday, before, more showers, push in, and, for next week, we will have all of the big changes when i come from saturday and sunday and time those storms on accu weather in a little bit.
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>> a lot of alliteration in the weekend forecast. >> i try. >> thanks very much. >> stay on top of the changing, and the forecast for six go to six, forstrom tracker six radar, the the hourly and seven day forecast plus all of the latest video from our team of meteorologists plus weather pictures and videos. the plane passed destination fighters stop fighting it once it hit cuban air space, but jamaica's military says it then went town in the ocean about an hour ago. ken glazer, son have larry and jane glazer of rochester, pulled one of our sister station's his parents, were the only two people on board. we will keep following this story and we will bring you any new details just as soon as we get them. well, new today at 4:00 philadelphia police say they have caught person who
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shot a man and then set his koran fire, the suspect is 21 year-old antonio rosario, wednesday night police were called to the 6,000 block of north lawrence street in olney, for a vehicle on fire. now, when fire fighters arrived they found 24 year-old rafael riveria inside, rose ohio is now charge, with homicide. president obama says today that it is clear nate the owe must take action against isis militants, but it has not announced any concrete steps so far. the president spoke to the nato sum tonight wales today as world leaders wrapped up a meeting dominated about talks about that terror group in syria and iraq. meanwhile he says the group needs to attack isis and squeeze its fi ances. he didn't go into any specifics. instead the secretaries of state and defense met with their international counterparts, and agreed to come up with a plan by the time the u.n. general assembly meets later this month. >> there is great convictions that we have to act as part of the international community, to degrade and ultimately
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degrade isis. >> president announced progress in the fight against another terror group, he says u.s. air strikes in somalia killed leader of al-shabob, that group was responsible for deadly mall attack in kenya. meanwhile, good news from eastern ukraine where government and russian back rebels reached a deal on a temporary cease-fire. ukraine's president says he ordered his troops to stop fighting as of of 6:00 p.m. which has already passed there in the ukraine. rebels said on twitter they have agreed now negotiators for both sides are need to go work on a bigger deal to stop five months of violence. the two sides agreed to withdraw their heavy weapons to release all prisoners and bring humanitarian aid to the cities devastated by the fighting. as you know it has been a brutal year for atlantic city casinos and now another boardwalk stapel says it too is on the brink. the trump taj mahal is struggling to stay above water. david henry is live in atlantic city where
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uncertainty surrounding this casino has even more workers worried, david? >> reporter: the last thing they need to hear today, brian, recent financial filing booth the the trump taj mahal here indicates it is in serious financial trouble, and maybe headed toward bankruptcy, and that, of course, raises unsettling prospect of yet another casino closing. >> we are in the process of tracking down those rumors to see, you know, what the truth actually is. >> reporter: union officials like donna dicaprio have been the rattled about the rumors of another possible closure. there are thousands of workers through unemployment process after show boat and revel closed this week. trump plaza is set to close in 11 days. trump taj mahal hall has filed financial disclosures indicating it is headed for bankruptcy. union officials are keeping their fingers crossed, so far, the 2800 taj employees have not been given the legally required, 60 day notice. >> they have not been issued yet. >> reporter: have they been
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told to expect them. >> no, in the from management, at this point it is only rumors. >> reporter: rumors have rattled people that work at the taj. >> it is number one thing they are talking about today and they are looking to me for answers and i don't have any answers, nobody is talking to me. we don't know what is going on. >> reporter: rain richardson is general manager of the white house sub shop in the casino, he has 34 employees here and they are worried. it is an abrupt turnaround for white house, they have been hoping to pick up customers from the already closed casinos. now, wayne and his employees may also end up on the street. >> you know, i hate to say it but a big corporation like this, their employees are just numbers to them. these are family to us. >> reporter: nothing is definite yet, taj has filed for bankrupt i three times in the past and each time it has managed to stay opened. spokesperson for the casino has not responded, to our request for comment. live from atlantic city, david
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henry channel six "action news", brian. >> monday cars, but thanks so much, david. count down to kick off is on in south philadelphia. eagles opened their season this sunday at the link. the last years chip kelly and bird put on a show for their first game. ducis rodgers is live in the "action news" sports center with more on the players getting excited for the encore, hi ducis. >> hi there monica we are less than 48 hours away and if you think this open's begins jacksonville can't get here soon enough imagine being one of the coaches or players. chip kelly and company have been preparing for this moment since that playoff loss to new orleans some eight months ago. lesean mccoy is coming off a career year over 1600 yards rushing this season but he is capable of doing even more. carry williams is exited to show this defense has improved. cornerback is beginning just his second season with the bird but he knows what to expect from the home crowd. >> i think they will be excited. it is just another opportunity for us to go out there and shoot for a championship and the game on sunday at
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1:00 o'clock they will be loud, stadium will be rocking, i understand that, and it will be fun, football, and crazy fans. >> it is a big day here in philadelphia, and eagles fans, and, some changes, and, improve for last year. >> sunday's are going to be a lot of fun around here at 6:00 abc. we have two new eagles show, first sunday at 11:30, mike quick and i will get you set with the game for eagles game day kick off live from the link and then recap it all with highlights and exclusive interviews with eagles game day final, at 11:35, that night. now coming up at 5:00 o'clock next hour, the the eagles will tell us what kind of tone a victory on sunday could set, for the the entire season. >> looking forward, ducis, thank he. still ahead, lava flowing towards a crowded neighborhood. >> volcano that has people in hawaii. plus google is paying out millions in refund, why the
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tech giant, had to agree to refund folks who bought from their app store and hot refund refund folks who bought from their app store and hot refund is targeti save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance.d everybody knows that. well, did you know pinocchio was a bad motivational speaker? i look around this room and i see nothing but untapped potential. you have potential. you have...oh boy. geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance.
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driver is in the hospital have after crashing in overbrook leading to a trail of destruction in his wake. it happened at 5:00 a.m. at 59th and upland way. police say the driver lost control, took down a traffic light, and then rolled over into some bushes. the driver was not in the wreckage but police did find him about a block away. they rushed him to the hospital of the hospital of the university of pennsylvania. no word how badly he was hurt, however, one officer, said it is a miracle that he survived. one man is dead after he was shot while getting into his car, overnight, in chester. it happened around midnight on the 2600 block of boyle street. police found 21 year-old harold medicine medicineina lying in the street after being shot multiple times. he was already dead when police arrived on the scene. investigators say he was
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ambushed by more than one person, but they say they don't yet know who did it, or why. folks in hawaii's big island are keeping a nervous eye on a lava flow that is slowly making its way toward their home. lava is coming from the kilauea volcano, less than a mile from the neighborhood that could reach their homes within a week. experts say predicting the exact path of lava can be difficult, so, they have not issued any evacuation orders just yet, but, the packing 30 meetings here at voice their concerns, and try to get more information about what they should do. to business on a friday afternoon stocks closing the week on a strong note, dow jones pick up 68 points today, nasdaq up about 21 points, s and p also up on the day, just about ten. all that came despite a jobs report, that missed expectations, now that report, showed that u.s. employers added 142,000 jobs last month, that is significantly lower then expectations, after six straight months of strong
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gains. the unemployment rate did fall a tenth of a point to 6.1. job opening have out paced hiring with many employers struggling to find skilled workers in fields like technology and manufacturing. meanwhile job seekers were handing out their resumes today at a career fair in wilmington. they had a chance to interview with local business, at delaware technical and community college, and potential employees came prepared with new skills that they pick up during a resume building workshop yesterday are designed to help people ahead of the career fare. it is put together by senators tom carper and chris coons and congressman john carney. google will refund at least $19 million to customers over the complaints that it bilked people unfairly when children used mobile apps from the google play store. the federal trade commission announced that will settlement today. under the deal google also agreed to change its billing practices, to make sure that customers consent before
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charging money on mobile apps. breaking news here out of the west mt. airy section of the city and we have chopper six live over the scene, this is an accident, if you look carefully on the left-hand side of your screen a brick building there is a red car that crashed right into the middle of one of those opening of the building, this happened about 42 minutes ago at 3:30 this afternoon at green street near pastorius. details are sketchy but the driver lost control, no reported injuries, to the driver or the folks inside that building, so that is got news and bystander there perhaps looking on, police of course are investigating. and more good news now, no real traffic implications because of that accident because there are traffic issues out there today. >> absolutely time to check with marisa for matt pellman in this friday afternoon. >> busy from afternoon. everyone is back to school. i-95 northbound lanes approaching bridge street. we have a, accident, here taking out the left-hand lane. we have a disabled vehicle the in the northbound lanes
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approaching girard avenue. you can see that commute is fine up to woodhaven taking but 37 minutes. checking out the roads across the region we are in the teens in i-95. 30 miles an hour on the the schuylkill expressway. eastbound lanes heading down toward the city, from girard down to vine is very slow going. the eastbound lanes of the vine street expressway are still as you make your way on the north bound lanes of i-95. we have a pretty serious accident to report in south white hall township, the northeast extension, 476 northbound, northbound just past lehigh valley. thinks exit number 60.2. all lanes block because of an overturn vehicle. you can expect big delays out there. over into new jersey, new jersey turnpike northbound approaching hightstown which is exit eight we have an accident taking out the right-hand lane expect delays there as well. and sticking in new jersey, 295 northbound approaching the black horse pike, we have an accident to report there too. now to abington township east town road between east avenue and bradfield road also an accident. taking a look the at mass transit, also, this is no
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reported delays, so that is good news. back to you monica. >> thank you so much. home depot is working around the clock to improve security after a data breach may have compromised customer information. "action news" anchor rick williams in the news room with that story, hi rick. >> hi monica, thank you. we now know many home depot customers around our area may have been indeed victimized by this security scare. home depot has not confirmed the the extent of the breach but they say customers will not be held responsible for any fraudulent purchases. coming up at 5:00 we will tell but the local stores that are now part of this investigation. also a summer draw toss a close consumer reports is putting windows to the test, coming up tonight at 5:00 we will show you popular brands that were checked out the and how they performed in the consumer reports tests, those stories and much more when we see new a little bit on "action news" at 5:00, brian. >> all right rick, see you shortly. from news to us today starting monday afternoons on six abc you will look
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different. "action news" at noon is expanding to a full hour to give you even more of the news you love, headlines, weather and, of course, breaking news. then stay tuned for the chew at 1:00 o'clock. but who wants to be a millionaire moves to 2:00 o'clock. 2:30 get your trivia fix with daytime jeopardy which is different from the jeopardy we air at night. general manager will air at 3:00 o'clock. we're not going anywhere we are back here at 4:00 for "action news" at four, all of this starts monday, we're excited bit, right here on six abc. >> indeed terrific. up next adam is back with the weekend call for accu weather. >> plus tributes continue to power in for joan rivers to day we have learn about funeral arrangements for that comedy ledgend. >> you can look at six with you anywhere you go, it changes its layout to fit your devices including tablets or your smart phone, no matter how small or large the screen. check it out visit six anytime anywhere.
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they are proving that summer is not quite over just jet, the at the jersey shore, the do ac pro beach volleyball invitational got underway in atlantic city. world class athlete, and, and $150,000 in prizees. you can check out action between the old revel and show boat casinos, right through sunday this weekend. >> they make it look so easy. >> sure do. >> accu weather though lets see how your weekend is shaping up. >> adam joseph live with the forecast now heading in the weekend, adam. >> we're sweating heading in the weekend. that is how it will remain through your saturday but refreshing change comes in for second half of the weekend. double scan live radar will show a couple showers in northern parts of the ocean county. also a couple of those downpours and showers near dover and eastern kent county and a thunderer storm pushing into western lancaster county. this is not, severe. it is slowly moving north and
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east, still at 5 miles an hour along route 30 and split near 283 just to the north of downtown lancaster. lancaster a few sprinkles and survives because it is moving so slowly to the north and east you can get a quick downpour and gusty wind and excess of 40 miles an hour with this particular thunderstorm. otherwise, everyone is baking right now. eighty-four quakertown. eighty-seven warrington. 89 degrees kenneth square. sitting at 85 degrees. to the south and east hammington on the verge of 90 right now at the shore and sea breeze in the lower 80's but still oppressively humid. glassboro coming in at 90 degrees, smyrna, dover coming in at 38 to 85. factor in the humidity it feels above 90 across the the region. you see big change here in the lower 48. we have the 80's and 90's ahead of the potent cold front. behind that, temperatures are dropping, omaha 64. bismarck, 72.
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chicago 71. all of this is going to push east over weekend. in between that dividing line there are showers and thunderstorms and severe thunderstorm watch east of chicago and eastern great lakes and then some pop up, in the lower part of the southeastern part of the united states. for us though, it is kind of random this evening if you see downpour, thunderstorm to start your saturday morning. hazy sunshine and clouds. before the front arrives there could be some, again, pop ups and downpours and thunderstorms early saturday afternoon but the actual cold front holds off until 7:00 o'clock in the northwestern suburbs, and then pull is a long i-95 between 9:00 and 10:00 o'clock and to the shore by midnight, saturday night or into early sunday morning and then it is off the coast. clouds will linger sunday morning south and east and returning sun from the north and west as we get into your sunday afternoon. with this front, it is not a lot of dynamics. we can see strong storms with torrential rain and wind but slight risk for severe weather tomorrow will be in new england with this actual cold
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front. the big difference will be the humidity, tomorrow dew points stay in the mid 70's, it is oppressive tomorrow. after front comes through sunday afternoon we're dropping dew points back in the 50's, area wide and that will be that refreshing air that you feel, in time for the eagles game. tonight, warm muggy the spotty evening thunderstorm. overnight lows in the upper 60's to mid 70's and your four day at the four will show tomorrow at 90 degrees is your high, very humid with late day thunderstorms especially during the evening. very comfortable on sunday, and 79 with dropping humidity and returning sun from the north and west. monday sun and clouds low humidity 78 and then some sun on tuesday, and then late tuesday afternoon we could see some of those showers and thunderstorms working back into the forecast. monica, whatever you like over the weekend you have every part of the seasons. >> well, hopefully weather cooperates for picnic at the park, all afternoon folks stopping by dilworth park and enjoying outdoor dining.
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here, with music.rth park and starting at 5:00 o'clock there will be happy hour specials too. the festivities last until 7:00 so you still have time to enjoy it. dilworth park opened up on saturday, by the way, after a 50 million-dollar make over. wow. and, the buzz is next, big night for big fight against cancer, right here on abc. we will tell you all bit after this.
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a leading lady takes on a new roll. >> one comes with sleepless nights and dirty diapers. we both know that. scarlet johann sonnies a new mom, the 29 year-old and fiance, welcomed a baby girl into the world. people magazine said they named her rose dorothy. middle name pays whom age to her grandmother. we are told both mom and baby are doing very well tonight. and tonight hollywood is standing up to cancer. dozens of celebrities will join one hour tell-a-thon, to
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raise money for the fight against cancer. evening will also feature performances from jennifer hudson, ariana grande and the who. watch star studded show right here on six abc starting at 8:00 o'clock. tom hanks is one of five perform ers that will be recognized at kennedy center honors. at ward winning actor is known for a number of films including forest gump and saving private ryan. lily tomlin, another honorary, her highlights include laugh in and nine to 5:00. sting will be honored with al green and patricia mcbride. congratulations to all five. still ahead today, a family business what police say a local mother and son are selling from their home, plus, left behind, hear from a mother who said her toddler's day care forgot him at a delaware park. what is cuter than one lion cub how about four lion cubs we will take you to the philadelphia zoo to meet the new
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our dad's a plumber. a business manager. and a stickler for homework. i'm john kane running for state senate. dad says the road to a good job starts in the classroom. [ lori ] he's a great dad who sees taxes going up but schools not getting the funding they need. [ john ] so i'd put back the billion dollars corbett cut from education and make sure corporations and natural gas drillers paid their fair share. time to close the loopholes for the tax cheats. dad thinks a lot about education. i'm john kane and it's about time harrisburg did too.
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i'm john kane 4:30. "action news" continues on this friday with some deals designed get you outside this friday. >> yes, part hilarious and part cruel, # hundred percent brilliant. prankster proves he has perfected his art with a spider stunt, that is going wildly viral. >> and celebrating the queen, of comedy from the tributes
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pouring into hilarious instructions of how she wanted to be remembered. we are live in new york city with the latest on the passing of joan rivers. but we will begin now with a wilmington mother's quest for answers. this is video of three-year old jeremiah griffin playing in the park. that is exactly what police say he was doing last week only with no one there to watch him. last thursday, that little boy, was left all alone. three-year old like to do jeremiah griffin loves to play. >> hi mom. >> reporter: that is exactly what he was doing during brandywine park on thug, august 28th with other children from sharon temple day care. but when other children were lined up to leave, jer mize a was left behind. >> and jeremiah, got out of line. >> daddy. >> and he, they left him. >> reporter: griffin says she only found out her son was left in the park when another day care nom, contacted her on facebook, earlier this week. >> as soon as they found out my son was not in their care they should have called me.
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>> reporter: after contacting day care she found out jeremiah's father was told she had been missing for ten minutes that day. he didn't mention to it her thinking that their son was only missing for just that ten minutes. the day care gave her an incident report stating it happened between 11:30 and 11:00 45:00 a.m. >> but griffin thinks he was left in the park around 11:00 a.m. and played with other children until the park cleared. that is when a woman in the park with her own child realized jeremiah was unsupervised and took him to the crossing guard. >> they sat out front, for 15 minutes. they said someone would come back and get him because he was left, she said, and no one showed. so they went in the school, contacted the police. >> reporter: griffin says day care staff did apologize, and meanwhile, she wants to find would the man who looked out for her son to thank her. >> because she kept my child safe and i appreciate that. he could have been out here with anybody. and they could have took my baby. >> reporter: griffin has since taken her son out of the day care, spokesperson for the
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state office of child care licensing confirms that they have investigated, and substantiated her complaints. sharon temple day care has been placed on warning and probation for six months. now based on police reports, griffin believes her child was left in that park unattended for well more than an hour, we contacted the day care center which declined to comment. the driver who hit and killed a little boy in northeast philadelphia last night will most likely not face charges. that is from police today. ten year-old was struck on his bike near long shore and loretta around 9:00 p.m. he died at the hospital overnight. the driver of the cadillac escalade, stayed at the scene, and they are now cooperating fully with investigators. the child's name has not yet been released. philadelphia police are looking for two men who brutally assaulted a stranger, after they robbed him. surveillance video from august 24th captured the suspect approaching two people outside of the family tavern baron the 3900 block of benington street. officers say the duo
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immediately pulled guns, and forced the men to empty their pocket. but for some reason the suspects started pistol whipping and beating one of the victims, even after he complied. that man had to be treated forehead, face and knee injuries. officers are also investigating another crime that took place in broad daylight last friday, police say this man was caught on camera, shooting up the 2200 block of east monmouth street in north philadelphia. bullets hit two parked cars and a home but none was hurt, investigators are not yet sure if the suspect had an intended target. they say if you see shooter or two men wanted for robbery in juniata park please call 911. turning now to the latest on the death of the trail blazing queen of comedy joan rivers. late today we have learn that the medical examiner's office in new york city has completed its autopsy but so far no cause of death has been released. abc's carol costello is live outside the comedian's home with more on the investigation and tributes, good afternoon.
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>> reporter: we are learning more tonight about the circumstances surrounding joan river's death, and why there are now two # separate investigations underway. we're being told that she went to a clinic, last week, for an outpatient diagnostic procedure. it was during that procedure while under general anesthesia rivers suffered a heart attack. with joan rivers fans leaving flowers and cards on the doorstep of her new york city home, her daughter melissa said this about the outpouring of support. today, joe beh ar a fellow comedian and close friend of the 81 year-old also reflected on her life. >> she was a great role model. just go out there, be funny, don't worry if the men don't think you are sexy or don't like it, too bad. >> reporter: rivers suffered a heart attack last thursday while under going an endoscopy out of concern for her voice. she died one week later. new york city medical examiners office and state health department are both
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investigating the issuing ises surrounding her death, which have raised questions in the medical community. >> most vocal cord procedures are done in a hospital under general anesthesia, or surgery center. >> reporter: in a short space of time, the world of comedy has lost two of its legends. >> robin williams, it is a devastating blow to hollywood and entertainment industry and certainly comedy at large. >> reporter: while it might be difficult right now, melissa said of her mom in a statement, i know her final wish would be that we return to laughing, real soon. and, in rivers latest book i hate everyone, starting with me, she describes the hilarious funeral that she wanted. >> i want merrill streep crying, and in five different accents. i want a wind machine so strong that even the casket, my hair will be blowing more than beyonce's on stage. >> reporter: we have learned
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that joan rivers funeral will actually be a private ceremony, held here in new york city, on sunday. little bit more information, we are learning, about the day rivers suffered that heart attack. we have learn that paramedics showed up a minute after they were called. rivers was already on life support and she remained on life support until her death. the clinic, yorkville endoscopy says it has a defribillator on its property and its entire staff is chained in life support. carolyn costello, channel six "action news", monday cars, back to you. our coverage of the joan rivers, continues on six through can view a slide show of photos from her life and her career. you can find reaction from, hollywood and learn about her, final comedy show appearance. well, the son of the allentown's police chief thinks that he was a victim of racial profiling during his arrest, last week even. christopher fitzgerald is accused of pointing a gun at police during an alleged road rage incident but fitzgerald's
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attorney says that detectives were following his client closely, from their patrol car trying to intimidate them. fitzgerald lost his job in the lehigh valley prison because of the charges. the his father joel, is allentown's first minority police chief and former philadelphia police officer. the district attorney's office is responding to the allegations, right now. we will post an update on six when that news conference is complete. from our delaware news room now police have charge a mother and son with running a drug operation, out of their home. twenty-one year-old jose jimenes and his five two-year old mother cynthia were arrested in kent county yesterday after a month long investigation. officers found 228 grams of marijuana in their house on barrett chapel road in felt on. now police are still investigating a shooting incident at the home, on august 31st, 4 shots were fired, at a teenager's vehicle during a party but no one was hurt. one of the 50 intersectionness downtown
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reading was closed for hours because of a truck driver's mistake today. tractor trailer was making a right turn from fourth street on to penn this morning, when it took out a light pole on the corner. traffic lights, and a police surveillance camera were toppled, and the city streets department spent much of the day cleaning up and, of course, making all of the necessary repairs. now to meteorologist adam joseph. if you are one who struggles with what to wear each day this weekend will the not be your friend. >> no, you have to go through the closet and figure out a bunch of different outfits. >> long sleeve jackets. >> we got it all. >> take a look right now, it is pretty nice down the shore in cape may a live shot. the umbrellas are up, sunnies out, 81 degrees. dew .73. very tropical out. very um iser-like but southerly wind at 8 miles an hour, we're tracking one thunderstorm, in the region and it is now entering western lancaster count a way from marietta and north of highville, bordering the river there. 71 degrees, or 71 i should say. lightening strikes in the last 15 minutes. not severe but some gusty winds with that, moving
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slowly, to the north and east towards lancaster at 5 miles an hour. so your evening planner, 81 at 7:00 o'clock there will be the scattered downpours around. but they will be very far, few and far in between. seventy-nine at 8:00 o'clock. dropping to 77 at 10:00 o'clock. mainly dry, but again, very sultry out there with the weight, in the after months fear. we will talk about those big changes over weekend and let you know when storms arrive and what it means for the possible eagles game on sunday. >> absolutely. >> thank you, adam. hispanic heritage month is underway in wilmington. mayor dennis williams stopped by the open house in the latin american community center to kick off that celebration. the non-profit is also marking its forty-fifth anniversary and two decades of services from executive director, maria mattos. do you want to see something cute? get your first lot the four cubs born at the philadelphia zoo. the these baby african lions were born back in june, to the big cat falls exhibit. their mom kept them in the small den for several weeks, but they are the first lion
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cubs born here since 1996. they are part of the successful breeding program. today was their big debut. the zoo will announce their names, after a naming contest, with the public, so stay tuned but how cute are they. >> cute for now. >> yes. >> you got it. still to come today from festivals to the fall trees, we have deals that are 100 percent off in free bye friday. >> best number. plus a question burning up our facebook page today should wal-mart workers have to buy their own uniforms, and why so many people are debate ago this new policy ahead. later amazingly horrifying, you won't want to miss what happens when unsuspecting prank victims come face-to-face with what they think is a giant mutant spider. >> meteorologist adam joseph returns with the full forecast from accu weather when "action news" at 4:00 continues next.
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well, not that kind of fresh. on the freshness of our chicken. but i can guarantee the freshness of our chicken
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because we go beyond what the usda requires... with extra inspections in american family owned farms, refrigerated trucks that deliver daily and everywhere in between. that's what it takes to bring your family a fresh tasting chicken. perdue. we believe in a better chicken. a police body camera captured intense take down of the murder inner suspect in lake erie.
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>> unyou had able.uspect in >> knife wielding man was taserd and then handcuffs, in the water off of beach park in ohio, and investigators believe jeffery conrad was holding very murder weapon used to kill his ex-girl friend. he was refusing to drop the knife and even asking police to shoot him. >> put down that knife. >> i'm not putting the knife down, man. >> why not the the entire confrontation, lasted 90 minutes. when it was all over conrad was charge with the aggravated murder of his ex-girlfriend amanda russell. the office hours made at rest were praised for their decision not to use deadly force. well, health check at 4:00 now there is new hope in the battle of a deadliest form of skin cancer. the f.d.a. has approved a promising drug for payings with advanced melanoma. researchers say that catruda
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made by new jersey's merck shrinks tumors in 24 percent of patients. this is first in the new class of drugs that use the body's own immune system to fight cancer. all right, monday cars, over here at the big board, big talkers, we will start with the question that generated more than 1200 comments on our facebook page today. should wal-mart workers be forced to pay for their own uniforms? the story stems from a policy involving world's largest retailer. business insiders report ago this starting september 29th, workers to have wear navy blue or white colored tops, pared with khaki or black bottoms. the only thing that the company will provide is the the iconic vest, that you have all seen. wal-mart even set up a web site for employees to buy those required outfits, the policy is reportedly upset many of the minimum wage workers who say that they simply cannot afford new clothing. let us know what you think about this one by heading to six and our facebook
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page. now this... a follow-up to a bit of the twitter controversy we told but yesterday. you may recall that this was the tweet inadvertently sent out by office of governor jack markell in delaware yesterday. rather than featuring a pictures of the governor at an education event it included an auto link to this picture. while it was embarrassing for the governor it was more embarrassing for her and she's none too pleased. her name is precious little. she took to twit inner response to the whole ordeal yesterday. she said that she is a model and picture described by some as overtly sexual was a harmless selfie. she took a, and, and, and, and this, and and, and, what should you do. i would have a heart attack, and why. and, prank, from a dog, dressed up as a spider, a big
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one. and can you imagine. it is really a pug dressed as a spider. we will post the rest of that video on our web site six, and i wouldn't survive it, i know it. >> darkness, the the whole thing kind of. >> lets get another check of your roads and see what is scary parts we have, in store with autumn maris a in for adam. >> i-95 is taking a beat to go day. right at the northbound lanes, and we have an accident taking out the two left lanes, we will see nice long line of traffic, from delaware, up to this point, and it is taking but 16 minutes, to do that, and, and, big picture, we will see speeds on i-95, a little
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farther north, right around vine street expressway up to woodhaven, nice and slow, speeds in the teens right now and schuylkill expressway also very slow, making your way out of city avenue town on the vine as well. moving up to that accident, south white hall township 476 northbound, this is past lehigh valley on the northeast extension. bear with me because we have all lanes blocked and we have an alternate here. you want to jump off the lehigh valley exit take 22 east to 145 north, to 248 west, to 209 north. and that will put you at man honing valley exit. moving right along taking a look at an accident in lawrence, 195 northbound approaching route one, keep in mind that is out there right now. as well as upper merion township matsonford road between sunnily lane and new gulf road we have an accident to report as well. and a look at our mass transit, looking good out there, also, it is on time. frankford -- market frankford line has trains boarding on the westbound ramp because of a medical emergency right now.
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back to you, rick and monica. >> okay. >> sorry, brian. >> any combination is fine. >> i have been called worse. >> thank you very much. >> adam joseph back with the exclusive forecast, coming up next.
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>> now to the full accuweather forecast for the weekend in sight. more than in sight, it is almost here. >> it is almost here, it is 5:00 somewhere. most on the soupy and dry side but a couple of downpours and one thunderstorm in western lancaster county. and near trenton and mercer county downpours near pentington and heading into monmouth county.
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these popped up in the last 10 minutes, nothing severe. this storm not severe with respect to the storm, wind, lightning. seeing 48 lightning strikes, but this storm in western lancaster county has been drifting here as it is moving north and east at a painful pace of only 5 miles an hour. south of mannheim and west of downtown lancaster. over the same areas, we had up to three inches of rain and a flash flood warning in effect until 7:45 west of lancaster not including downtown lancaster. but if you are in that general vicinity or moving west of lancaster be prepared for water on the roadways. it feels very tropical, feeling like 94 in philadelphia, 92 in millville, 90 in allentown. a little better at the shore in the mid and upper 80s. we are awaiting a front to bring a change in the air mass, but that is west of chicago now with severe storms from st. louis, east of chicago that pushes
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through saturday afternoon to night. and tomorrow, hazy, hot and humid and maybe a scattered shower in spots. tomorrow afternoon midday, generally dry. we're awaiting the front, and that does not arrive until after 7:00. by 8:00, 9:00, 10:00 those storms will be pushing in i-95 to the north and west. still waiting for them at the shore and off the coast after midnight into the wee hours of sunday morning, which are some clouds lingering behind. it doesn't look overall tremendously severe, but could be gusty winds and torrential rain with the storms, tomorrow evening into tomorrow night. behind it the high pressure comes in with a fall feeling. 79 degrees sunday with dropping humidity. the ocean right now 79 warm degrees. if your heading down there for the upcoming weekend, tomorrow it is warm, sunny, humid at 85 degrees. the lingering clouds we get into sunday at 78, but feeling cooler and a whole lot more pleasant.
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looking at the exclusive accuweather seven-day forecast. tomorrow humid with late storms, 90 degrees. and sunday more comfortable, 79 degrees. and for the kickoff at 1:00 p.m. for the eagles in town, 76 degrees. by the fourth quarter 78. partly sunny, somewhat hard to kick the clouds out sunday morning. but brighter in the afternoon. looking good monday, 78 degrees, some showers arrive late tuesday, 77. and humid against wednesday, 79 and afternoon pop-up thunderstorms. and then a little unsettled thursday into friday with temperatures a little below average in the upper 70s to low 80s. saturday generally dry, hot and humid and storms saturday night and a change coming up. >> thank you so much.
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tom wolf. he'd be a different kind of governor. he served in the peace corps in india. and then got a phd from mit. and as a businessman he gives between 20 and 30 percent of his profits back to his employees. when he served as pennsylvania's secretary of revenue. he turned down the perks. and donated his government salary to charity he refused take a state car, he drove his old jeep instead. can't argue with that. tom wolf. he'd bring a fresh start to pennsylvania.
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look at all these people. imagine a world where they all switch to geico. a world full of savings. imagine... ♪ hold on, still imagining. ♪ all right, i'm done. [ male announcer ] geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. >> all right, time to save with 6abc on this first "freebie friday" of the month. let's start with free fall trees, why not? the season almost upon us.
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tree philly giving away 1500 trees to residents, and everything you need to plant them. all you have to do is register before the 30th and choose which day in october you may want to pick this up. up next, something else you want to register for, opera on the mall. "the barb eer of seville" you wt to sign up in the next couple of hours. and anyone who owns a pet, offering health exams for new patients and cat transportation kit to get your kitty to the kit. good for two cats or two dogs per household. looking for something to do this weekend, aren't we all? a number of options for free fun. sample all things hunny-related at the fifth all honey ve
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vest -- festival. or head to chester, petting zoo and fireworks and more. and family a day of family-fun games and events we have been telling you about. playtime in the park including a buckin bronco, give it a try. and tuesday, the first of movie nights at the park beginning with the captain america, the winter soldier and details on the freebies including the buckin bronco at finally at 4:00, introducing you to a doggy undoubtedly having the greatest day of his life. and filling the playpen with plastic toys, and he has clearly died and gone to puppy heaven. going from one ball to the next and next and next. see it by heading to i hope he doesn't have a puppy
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part attack or something. that will do it for "action news at 4:00." for monica malpass, shirleen allicot, alicia vitarelli and adam joseph, i'm brian taff. join me, along with us on phl 17 starting at 10:00. and starting monday it expands to one full hour and look forward to seeing you
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good chicken, isn't it? uh-huh mhm really good yep! do you like it? mhm remember the taste of kfc original recipe? it's really good. uh-huh so will they.
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♪ "action news." delaware valley's leading news program with jamie apody, meteorologist cecily tynan, rick williams and monica malpass. >> the first friday of september is a muggy one. these children had the right idea though after the humidity was returned today with a vengeance. and tonight, the sticky conditions can create thunderstorms. it is friday night, the big story on "action news" is the hot and humid weather that can bring stormy conditions. >> and a great day to be at the shore to try to beat the heat. after a sweltering end to the workweek, what we can expect coming up. and cecily tynan with the answers and the latest from stormtracker 6 double scan. >> we have a steamy start to the
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weekend. getting stormy and then a lot cooler. stormtracker 6 live double scan showing most of the region quiet, but a few showers near trent and south of dover. one cell is in western lancaster county, heavy rain across 283 south of 30 as well. that's 27 lightning strikes in the past 15 minutes. and the problem with this cell is that it's only moving at about 5 miles per hour. it's kind of sitting there. with that high humidity it is pulling down a lot of moisture from the atmosphere. a flash flood warning posted for western lancaster county west of the city of lancaster until 7:45. because this cell has dropped up to three inches of rain. that likely will cause flash flooding and the folks in lancaster county want to be careful with the turn around, don't drown, do not drive through flooded roads. and a wider view on