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tv   Good Morning America  ABC  August 11, 2014 7:00am-9:01am EDT

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good morning, america. and breaking overnight -- out of control, rioting and allotting outside of st. louis. the situation turning dangerous. police in riot gear sent to break up the chaos. stores ransacked and burned down. anger boiling over after an unarmed teen was shot and killed by police. growing questions about this deadly confrontation on the racetrack. bumped, getting out of the car to confront tony stewart, seconds before he was hit and killed by stewart. was it an accident or not? >> holy cow! >> look at these incredible images of a dust devil forming right in the middle of a brooklyn ball field. the wind whipping up a surprise
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twister on a picture-perfect day. startling phenomenon. and the little leaguers! >> and throwing like a girl, the 13-year-old going into the little league world series, striking out the boys with her 70 miles per hour fast ball. shutting out the boys this morning. >> it's unbelievable. and we do say good morning, america, on this monday morning. george taking a little vay case time. great to have david muir. >> great to be here. >> girl power. ready for this? >> yes. >> this is just the 17th girl in the little league world series. >> it was incredible. i wonder what the guys were saying?
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a little audio next time. and very busy news, the u.s. bombings in iraq appear to be paying off. militants on the run in some towns. martha is standing by. we start with the rioting in a st. louis suburb after a police officer shot and killed an unarmed teenager. steve osunsami has the latest and joins us this morning from ferguson, missouri. good morning, steve. >> reporter: good morning, two things happened last night. one was the protest for the slain 18-year-old. the second was lawlessness that even the young man's family is distancing itself from this morning. there were teams of people hitting up sporting good stores, stealing from automotive stores, and burning gas stations like this one to the ground. overnight, on fire and out of control. >> a free for all here. >> reporter: north of st. louis, thieves ruled the night,
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ransacking local business. police armed with riot gear couldn't keep up. watch as people of all ages loot this convenience store and burn it down. it was an entirely different scene from the emotional protest for the slain young man. the night began with a peaceful vigil. he was supposed to start classes this morning at college. >> they took my son from him. he didn't do anything. >> reporter: but instead his mother is planning his funeral. >> everything i put into him, they just took that. with no compassion. >> reporter: it's not clear what led to the police shooting saturday afternoon. brown was walking with a friend to his grandmothers in this predominantly african-american suburb when a police officer drove by and told them to get off the street. >> he was running, he stopped, put his hands up after he had
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gotten shot repeatedly. >> reporter: but police are telling a different story, saying one fought with the police officer after he stepped out of the vehicle. he was pushed back into the squad car and physically assaulted. >> it is our understanding that within the police car there was a struggle over the weapon. there was one shot fired within the car. >> reporter: brown was killed in the street 35 feet from the officer's car. brown was hit more than once. police confirmed the teen was unarmed. the officer involved in this shooting has been placed on administrative leave. police have arrested 32 people since this began. robin. >> steve, thank you. and now to the deadly accident on the racetrack. tony stewart being investigates after his car struck and killed another driver who walked on to
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the racetrack to confront him. gio benitez has the latest for us in upstate new york. >> reporter: good morning. this is the small town racetrack where the crash happened. they are desperately searching for video may show exactly how this young driver died. this morning investigators are pouring over this video filmed by a spectator and posted on youtube. showing kevin ward jr. trying to confront tony stewart before being struck and killed by the nascar super star. his number 14 car bumped ward's number 13, sending the car into the wall. 20-year-old ward rushes on to the track as several cars speed by, pointing his finger, apparently at stewart. then just a fraction of a second later, ward is hit bit right side of stewart's car. ward was pronounced dead at the
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hospital. stewart saying over the weekend, there aren't words to describe the sadness i feel about the sthaent that took the life of kevin ward jr. it's an emotional time for all involved. stewart pulled out of the sprint cup race at watkins glen. others paying their respects as well. >> my thoughts and prayers going out to the family. i know what they are dealing with. hurts for them. >> reporter: it happened on the same track where stewart rt was involved in an accident that hurt another driver. he has a reputation as a great driver with a bad temper. from throwing gear to butting heads with a driver last year. >> if he ever turns down a cross, he won't make it through the end. >> reporter: this morning, ward's family is lashing out.
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stewart, nickname smoke, has left the family with a deep hurt that should not be there. and ward's mother telling abc overnight the family appreciates the support. there are no criminal charges against stewart, but they have not been ruled out. >> talk about that, thank you. >> take a closer look with ryan smith here in the studio. and espn nascar reporter mike. you heard about the reputation of having a bad temper. what can you tell us about stewart? >> it's really a complicated question to answer because, you know, certainly tony stewart's on track persona is one of a tough guy. to a large degree, that's the image. that's the brand of tony stewart and helps him sell merchandise. and a lot of fans appreciate that and embrace it. but to me, that's only his image on the racetrack. i've had encounters with him
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many times off the racetrack, he's much more docile. you don't see the temper you see on tv. it's complicated. a lot of folks look at the reputation and quick to judge what happened on saturday night. i think that's the wrong thing to do. i think you need to differentiate between what's politically incorrect, which tony stewart can be at times, and having a tendency to be violent which i don't think he is. >> this isn't the first time that we have seen a driver get out of the car after an altercation on the track. >> you know, i hate seeing a driver unbuckle at any time while there are cars at speed on the racetrack. now, granted, it was under caution. but still you hate to see a driver actually unbuckle. i covered an incident years ago in another series, where a driver unbuckled in practice, and there was a fatality in that
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incident as well. as a result of that, i hate to see a driver unbuckle prematurely. this was the case. there's an unwritten code that you shouldn't unbuckle before you're told to. >> and looking at the investigators, what exactly are they going to be looking at? >> they're going to reconstruct the scene and find out what happened. first, the video tape. look at it over and over again to see maybe if there's an indication of tony stewart seeing him or not and what other drivers saw. his statement. they talked to him once, again, and the key will be will it match up with the investigation. >> possible criminal charges. what could they be? >> second degree murder if there was depraved indifference to human life. and criminally negative homicide. they are looking at it like with no criminal charges. >> appreciate it. and the crisis in iraq, u.s. fighter jets and drones
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launching air strikes against militant extremists over the weekend. driving key targets back from towns. and martha raddatz has the latest. good morning. >> good morning. lots of significant movement overnight, some u.s. personnel moved out of northern iraq. but at the same time word that kurdish forces have taken back two key towns from those islamic militants. those u.s. air strikes from fighter jets launched off the the uss bush to arm drones launching hellfire missiles appear to be paying off. terrorist artillery, trucks and convoys all targeted and dest y destroyed. >> it appears to have given pause to the islamic extremists as they seek to advance. >> reporter: and reports this morning that the u.s. is now shipping military arms directly to kurdish forces to help fight off those extremists.
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but the u.s. is taking no chances with american personnel. announcing last night that some diplomatic personnel at the u.s. consulate in erbil have been moved out to the safety of jordan or basra in the south. government officials saying the move is temporary and will not effect operations in erbil. and on that mountain top where tens of thousands remain stranded, the u.s. aid continues to come. with mass i have air drops and the news that some of those who have been trapped have managed to escape. but that humanitarian crisis is far from over. in the coming days, fighting around erbil will likely intensify as isis terrorists try to regroup. and iraq's prime minister now defiantly demanding another term in office which does not please american officials. david. >> all right, martha raddatz in washington. thank you. and over to amy robach with
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the other news. and the horrific weather headline from the south. >> good morning to you both. begin with the search for the man swept away by a flash flood in south carolina. his companion was found dead two miles from the stalled vehicle, they were pushed into a storm drain. up to 6 inches of rain there. and this car in alabama submerged in flood water and this heavy roof thrown on to cars. ginger's forecast in a moment. the coast guard rescuing three people north of hawaii stranded on a sail boat on heavy seas. they tried dropping a life raft but were unsuccessful. a boat is missing off southern california near catalina island. the radio equipment not working. and a cease-fire between
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israel and hamas appears to be holding. fighting continues sunday ahead of the deal. talks are resuming in egypt. a month of war has killed 1900 palestinians and 67 israelis. well, this morning jetblue confirming it was a bird strike that sparked an engine fire, forcing a flight to abort takeoff saturday. one passenger describing screaming and shoving as people rushed to the emergency exits and down the slides. and in utah, a family of three would have been killed after this small plane crash if not for three men who risked their lives to pull them from the wreckage. just moments later, the plane's fuel tank exploded. and another dramatic rescue near albany, new york. strangers pulling a driver from his burning car just before it exploded after a crash. and recoveory mcilroy is th number one golf player in the world. he used clutch shots, like this
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one, to come from three shots down and win the pga championship sunday. this is his second consecutive major title. and finally, we have to admire the grit and determination shown by this young man in the yellow hot dog costume. he was racing in kansas city -- >> oh! >> when he lost his pants. and he fell flat on his bun. >> oh, his pants. >> he got up, and then -- so he's pulling the pants up, and takes off again, and then he goes down again. it's -- >> oh! >> there was a lot of cushion there. he ended up with a big round of applause. i mean, i know it's wrong to laugh when someone falls, especially a child. he wasn't injured. and, you know -- >> so it's okay to laugh pretty hard? >> and you wore yellow in solidarity this morning. >> i did. >> i know how you feel about roller coasters.
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look at this. now to a trip that did not have a fun ending for two dozen people. trapped on a roller coaster 75 feet aboveground for five hours in the hot summer sun before fire fighters came to the rescue. abc bazzy ki thatny has the story. >> reporter: for 14 adventure-seeking adults and some children, the thrill is too real. tilted sideways, stuck at least 75 feet in the air on this six flags roller coaster outside washington, d.c. >> i was afraid it was going to fall and we were going to die. >> reporter: the more than two dozen passengers trapped for five hours in the august heat. >> we were side waiwasideways. >> reporter: attaching straps to the passengers, walking them one at the same time, carefully loading them into a ladder bucket for the ride back down to sweet earth. the ride on the jokers jinx
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should have happened like this, twists and turns up to 60 miles an hour. instead, an abrupt stop. the cause still unknown. but not the first. these unexpected stoppages have happened twice before at six flags parks this summer. last month, 22 people left dangling for three hours outside of los angeles. and just last week in new jersey, one rider filming his long trek back to solid ground after the ride stopped, walking down the steep stairs next to the track. a scene some are saying is too familiar. abc news, washington. >> thank you. turn now to the 13-year-old girl making headline this is morning for leading the team full of boys to the little league world series. pitching a complete game shutout. sara. >> this is so cool. she took over twitter last night, redefining throwing like
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a girl. take a look. >> fast ball on the ground to second, go to short for one double play. >> reporter: how is this for girl power? >> the little leaguers, a complete game. >> reporter: 13-year-old monet davis taking it to the boys, and leading her team from philadelphia to a shutout victory other delaware's power house team, the newark nationals. her 70 mile per hour fast ball helping her strike out six along the way. >> it's unbelievable. kids from philly, now going to williamsport. >> reporter: with this victory, davis is on her way to the little league world series. only the 17th girl to make it to the finals. while other teams are co-ed, she is the only girl on this little league team. >> pitching, they see the fast ball and they get scared and i strike them out. >> reporter: she had a love for sports, but her first choice was
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basketball. >> i had high hopes to be an wnba player. >> reporter: an honor student who starts eighth grade in a few weeks, earning respect on and off the field. >> i just go out and throw strikes. >> we wish her the best of luck in the championship series coming up. >> i love that, kids from philly. >> with a 70 mile per hour fast ball. thank you, sara. now to flooding and storm damage in alabama. the threat today. >> you see pictures like in from south carolina, northern alabama, the front yards are turned into ponds. that's still going to happen? yes, in north carolina, south carolina, but also that bullseye in florida. this is through wednesday. that's why we wanted to include the northeast. in parts of central pennsylvania, 3 plus inches, and flood potential. and heat in the northwest. close to records. your local forecast coming up in 30 seconds.
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first the select cities brought to you by walmart. >> reporter: good morning, i'm meteorologist karen rogers with your accuweather update. 68 degrees, let's go outside it's a pretty day, you can see it right there, as we look at the skyline. lots of sunshine out there, high temperature, 86 degrees, we'll see lots of sun mixing with the clouds more so this afternoon, but a nice day ahead. tomorrow, thundershowers and thunderstorms, some of could be very heavy, it will be heavy tuesday night into wednesday. #
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>> i do love seeing that young lady striking the guys out. just like when my brother was a wrestler and the girls beat him. >> and he'll appreciate you mentioning that on national television. >> we just lost a viewer. still coming up, new details in the case of the georgia toddler who died in the hot car. why the mother says she's a victim. and this is startling, a personal message this morning. and paying eight times more than the person next to you on your flight. what you need to know. januvia (sitagliptin) is a once-daily pill that, along with diet and exercise, helps lower blood sugar. januvia works when your blood sugar is high and works less when your blood sugar is low, because it works by enhancing your body's own ability to lower blood sugar. plus januvia, by itself, is not likely to cause weight gain or low blood sugar (hypoglycemia).
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these are from dunkin'. granny! i have a life, you know. [ phone rings ] oh, that's for me. ooh! dunkin's chicken biscuit sandwich is a tender breaded chicken filet on a southern-style biscuit. grab one for $2.99 today. america runs on dunkin'. >> a driver struck and killed a man in vineland, new jersey, and took off. it happened on landis avenue. police are examining parts of the vehicle in the search for the driver involved.
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david is off, and we have matt pellman here. >> reporter: we have a crash on the schuylkill expressway westbound by south street. but there's one on the eastbound side blocking the on-ramp to the eastbound side of the schuylkill expressway. you're seeing delays in both directions on 76. of course normal delays persist on i-95 southbound. on the boulevard, the overnight night crash that blocked the inner drive is gone. the pennsylvania turnpike without the right lane in both directions between morgantown and downingtown eastbound there's there's a crash. there's a crash closing scrog gy road at street road. >> it's sunny and bright out there, there's the delaware river. >> reporter: hey, matt it's
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68 degrees, slightly more humid than yesterday. the exclusive accuweather seven-day forecast, lots of sunshine, today clouds and sun, 86. temperatures where they should be. the tomorrow we'll see showers and thunderstorms some of which could heavy at times. will not rain constantly, but it will be heavy tuesday night into wednesday, matt. >> thank you, karen. congratulations to the taney little league teen they face south nashville in the little league world series. friday at 3:00 p.m., watch it
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♪ oh oh oh the scene at madison square garden last night. ♪ uptown girl the one and only billy joel. with his "uptown girl." this is going viral because of what happened next. he pointed out a surprising famous face in the crowd in the front row. i think you may be able to guess who that could be. but save it for later. >> the song is a good hint. also coming up, the picture from the terrifying accident posted by the rock. look at the picture and this. his mother and cousin recovering. this is him with his mom.
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glad they are okay. and kicking off a blockbuster megadeals and steals event lasting all week long. we have backpacks and other must-have supplies. i'll be stealing a few of those. >> my backpack did not look like that. i have been waiting weeks to show you this. plunging in, no cage, it says no fear, i don't know if that was completely true. an amazing underwater adventure to kick off shark week. >> i remember when you came back, you were so excited. wanted to share. >> i was. a new development this morning in the case of the georgia toddler who died after being left for hours in a hot car. this morning the boy's mother is telling her side of the story. her lawyer says she has reason to believe she may be legally in the clear. you have been following this, amy. >> that's right. good morning. and the d.a. sent a document that identifies her as a victim in the case of her deceased
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child. in the document, she describes the amount of grief the death of her son has caused as indefinable. not a moment goes by when she doesn't think of him and the future. this morning, leah that harris, who's son died in june is speaking out on her behalf, saying she is not a suspect in the death of her child. >> she went from a beautiful, loving family to nothing. how would anybody deal with that? i don't know how she stands up every day. >> reporter: her son, cooper, died after being locked in the father's suv on a 90 degree day. justin harris needing not guilty. his wife has not been charged with a crime, but prosecutors questioned her reaction on the day of the passing. she didn't show any emotion. >> reporter: sending a victim
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impact statement, requiring the 30-year-old to detail how the loss has affected her. >> on that form where itted a relation to victim, she wrote self because she's considered the victim under georgia law. by them sending it to her, i think they're alluding to the fact that really she is the victim. >> reporter: harris writing, i now lived a tortured existence. noting she lost her job and receiving counselling for depression. describing her husband as a wonderful father that would not allow harm to come to their son. >> it's hard to be labelled and victim and be a suspect. >> reporter: the d.a.'s office said sending the statement is standard procedure. it is not part of the investigation by police. harris honored her son on what would have been his birthday over a week ago. hand crafting this, reading happy second birthday to our buddy, shared exclusively with
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abc books abc news. >> i hope they don't charge her. we hope that happens. >> reporter: and she continues to stand by her husband, sitting in the courtroom in the last appearance where he was denied bond. and we expect she will be there again for the next court date. the trial date is pending. >> ryan smith is back with us for more on this case. we heard the lawyer say that the victim's impact statement could possibly clear the mother of any wrong doing. >> i would say that's a bit premature. and the prosecutor's mentioned that it was standard procedure. they're trying to get a sense of how this person is impacted by the death of this child. so they need to send it out as part of the investigation. also if there's a conviction at some point, you want to have that on hand to prepare that side of it. but for her perspective right now, she had some weird behavior. they're not going to file a case based on weird behavior. but at the same time, they're taking their time in the
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investigation, and it doesn't necessarily mean she won't be charged. >> doesn't mean that to be the case. we heard from amy and the lawyer and from the wife that she is standing by her husband. that has to help his case. >> emotionally, it helps, in the courtroom, not sure about that. they're going to base their case on the evidence they have found. the evidence against him. so the fact she stands for him, they don't need her to take the stand in his defense. they have their case together. it will make a difference in the courtroom if a trial happens, but it might not be as strong for his case. >> the trial date pending. we don't know. thank you. >> thanks. now to a break in fact murder case that had a city of philadelphia on edge. the mother of two strangled in a park after going for a job. they have arrested her husband and charged him with murder. paula faris with the story.
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>> reporter: this morning 48-year-old christopher murray is behind bars after he admits to strangling his wife, connie mcclain murray in the park last monday. >> we believe that he followed her and intercepted her somewhere along the pathway. >> reporter: police say when she didn't return from an evening walk, her husband reported her missing at 2:00 a.m. just hours later, police say a neighbor walking her dogs found her behind this park bench, leaving the city on edge. before his arrest, murray spoke to the philadelphia daily news by phone telling them, my wife was a beautiful woman. a loving, caring mother. a fabulous friend. >> i think it was more of a -- a rage incident more than premeditated. >> reporter: police questioned murray who is now charged with murder. on saturday night, police say he failed a lie detecter test. >> he became a suspect early on and remained a suspect.
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>> reporter: on sunday, family and friends hold a memorial for this mother of two girls. her brother telling abc news we are very saddened with the news of my sister's murder. now our main concern is my nieces emily and elizabeth at this time. >> mrs. murray was a kind person who was a leader in this club, in this community. >> reporter: for "good morning america," paula faris, abc news, new york. >> yeah. that is a sad case. time now for the weather again with ginger. >> impressive pictures out of prook lin, new york yesterday. this is a dust devil. not a tornado, it is completely different. doesn't have a parent thunderstorms. it was a beautiful day, but it was the land/sea breeze. and this front that can form and shift the winds quickly. because it hit over the dirt, it picks it up. when i'm out storm chasing, we see these. they're not as dangerous as tornados, but not something i would run into.
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not the best news, when you pick up any debris, it could hurt you. we have another nice day, 85 nor new york city, 85, philadelphia, 87, syracuse. the showers and storms on the way. in the next couple of rains, we have hefty rains in the northeast. looking for that. but also show you a little september feel. a little crisp air for green >> reporter: thanks, ginger, i'm meteorologist karen rogers, loving the sunshine. what a day we've got, heading up to 86. lots of sun, clouds, tomorrow a wet >> all that weather brought to you by k mart. sara committed to chasing with me. >> the only one is the dust storm. >> you see them all the time? i have never seen one. >> not a twister? >> no, it's a low-level feature.
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you can take straight to social media, pose next to it. coming up, the rock revealing his mother and cousin in a terrifying collision. they are recovering, what the star is saying now in a personal message. and this question, will losing the final ten pounds really change your life? why changing the way you look might not make you happier. singing: we've been waiting just to get back in the kitchen gotta see our favorite kids, the excitement got us twitchin' you got tammy in those sweet jeans, louis rocking blues could maya look any fly-ah in her tricked out shoes?!? jeans and hoodies, kicks, jeans and hoodies shop your way members will be getting all the goodies filling your closets, these deals are insane ooo, ya' styles so fresh, we feel like makin' it rain (corrrrrnnnnnn) anncr: footwear is now just $10 for back to school. plus, shop your way members earn points on qualifying purchases. kmart. where members always get more. guess the mcmuffin doesn'tthe think hashbrowns matter. it's ok, hashbrowns... ...we still love you. the new am crunchwrap from taco bell.
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scene. dwayne "the rock" johnson posted on instagram over the weekend. he posted a picture of a car wreck. his mother and cousin recovering after being hit by a drunk driver. and the super star sharing and personal message. we have that story. >> reporter: this morning dwayne the rock johnson sharing this photo and his gratitude with the world. thankful his mother and cousin who were inside one of these mangled, virtually unrecognizable cars survived after he says they were hit head on by a drunk driver. >> you're going to help me. >> reporter: the fast and furious star's mom and cousin, a wwe diva, were returning from a charity banquet last weekend outside orlando. posting this picture just hours before the accident, saying, ironically, put your seat belt on, aunty. another cousin was driving in front of them when the crash happened.
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>> all of a sudden, this drunk driver careens out of nowhere and slams into the car. >> reporter: johnson saying first reaction was to find the person who did this and do unrelenting harm to them. but the most important thing is my family lived through this and we can hug each other that much tighter these days. no arrests have been made and the crash is under investigation. the actor and star wrestler paid a visit to his cousin in the hospital. we are extremely lucky to be live, she said on instagram. post are expected to make full recoveries. >> this must have shook him to the core that he shared this. usually the thing on social media are professional more than personal. >> reporter: this morning the rock has a message to go along with the personal photo. 100% preventable, and choices matter. for "good morning america,"
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cecilia vega, abc news, los angeles. >> two great hashtags right there. coming up, why you could be paying eight times more than the person sitting next to you on the same flight. what you can do right now to save. >> without the drink cart. and look at this, ginger zee, no cage, no drink cart, no fear. did she really do this? yes, she did. right there with the sharks, coming up. you know what i love america? fine barbecue, good times and zero heartburn. ♪ and that's why i take prilosec otc each morning for my frequent heartburn. because it gives me... zero heartburn! prilosec otc. the number 1 doctor-recommended frequent heartburn medicine for 9 straight years. >>you can't beat zero heartburn. prilosec otc. one pill each morning. 24 hours. zero heartburn. ♪
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♪ that new guy is like yeah but you'll regret it. what about him? healthy like this super smoothie. yeeeeuk! the perfect man and the perfect snack, don't exist. you sure? try dannon oikos greek nonfat yogurt. perfect cause it's healthy with 0% fat and 12 gr. of protein and so creamy. mmm... could be the perfect... oh! ladies. snack, john! the perfect snack! dannon oikos. possibly the perfect snack. ♪ dannon! uh, hi... i'm here to drop off my resume. password? i'm sorry, i'm just... what's the password? uh... synergy? uh, dedification... gamification?
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with alumni in every fortune 100 company university of phoenix can help open the door to your future. go to to get started today. ♪ ♪ ♪ we build spiralmate. and prorail. we're number one in north america. here at ductmate industries, pennsylvania workers are proud to make top-rated parts for ventilation systems. and they're proving there's a future for manufacturing in pennsylvania. i've got a plan to rebuild our manufacturing economy. and we'll do it by connecting companies with vocational education to ensure that our workforce is trained for the jobs of today. i'm tom wolf. and together, we can build an economy that works for the middle-class.
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the luckiest guy on a monday. now to the headline, airline ticket prices, one seat could be as much as eight times more than the one you're sitting in right next to you. unbelievable, lindsey. >> many of us imagined, but haven't been able to confirm. i was part of a news team that went up and asked how much did you pay for the ticket? crunched the numbers for a number of flights and found the prices all over the map. how much did the passenger next to you pay for the plane ticket? you think about it but never ask. but a new study by claims to answer the question for you. it says by analyzing millions of domestic flights, they can pay twice as much as their seat meat or eight times more. >> the findings are shock. it's a seat, it's the same
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thing. >> reporter: the website found one-way coach tickets from l.a. to vegas ranging from less than $200 to more than $1600. abc news conducted our own unofficial survey on a flight from new york to atlanta. we found variability as well. how much did you pay? >> $320. >> a little over $600. >> it's market supply and demand, they say, they couldn't discuss it further. it variouses based on airline as well. fares varied by 5% on spirit airlines, 15% on virgin america, and 18% on united. >> the upside is there are good deals if you can have the time and you have the planning and it's not last minute, you can get some really awesome deals. we reached out to the airlines in our report, spirit responded saying it's able to keep
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uniformly low prices because many of the passengers book in advance. a trade organization told abc news in a statement, pricing within a flight like pricing for a sporting event or concert will vary on when it was purchased, where the seat is and what amenities are included. when do i do it? >> especially with the big difference from l.a. to vegas. >> just the one way ticket. coming up, kicking off the blockbuster deals and steals event. one of our favorite things to do is going to the dog park together. sometimes my copd makes it hard to breathe. so my doctor prescribed symbicort. it helps significantly improve my lung function starting within five minutes. symbicort doesn't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden symptoms. with symbicort, today i'm breathing better. come on, boy! [ female announcer ] symbicort is for copd, including chronic bronchitis and emphysema.
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it should not be taken more than twice a day. symbicort contains formoterol. medicines like formoterol increase the risk of death from asthma problems. symbicort may increase your risk of lung infections, osteoporosis, and some eye problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. [ man ] now symbicort significantly improves my lung function, starting within 5 minutes. and that makes a difference in my breathing. today, i'm hanging out with my best friend. talk to your doctor about symbicort. i got my first prescription free. call or go online to learn more. [ male announcer ] if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. verizon's 4g lte network? can't affolatest phones onon, aw man. not again... oh yes. again. because you need performance when it really matters. get the best devices on verizon, america's largest and most reliable network. at walmart.
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>> connie murray will be laid to rest today. her husband, christopher murry is charge with her murder. he has confessed to strangling during an argument in pennypack park a week ago. 7:56, i'm matt o'donnell, matt pellman is talking about the schuylkill expressway. >> reporter: i-76 on the eastbound side it's parking lot from this point to south street. we have a crash with fire crews on the scene off to the side and blocking the on-ramp from 30th street. you can see the delays coming east heading toward university
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avenue. on the big picture, i-95 southbound by the airport coming off the platt bridge, we have a crash blocking the outer drive there. in lower oxford we have a wreck closing scroggy road. in delaware, there was a dump truck does he want that took down pole and wires at 13 and summit bridge road. northbound a lane is blocked. >> taking a look at the cape may, new jersey, where the water temperature is in the upper 70s these days very nice. >> reporter: i had to drag my kids out of the ocean water so i could come to work, a lot of people doing that, another beautiful day, 86 is the high, lots of sunshine, clouds and great day, tomorrow, showers and thunderstorms with a front that's coming through. it's not going to be constant, but at any point tomorrow morning, afternoon and night we
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can expect this. matt, tuesday night is the heaviest into wednesday morning. >> download our news app so you can be informed when you wake up, free for iphones and android devices. hey pal? you ready?
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can you pick me up at 6:30? ah... (boy) i'm here! i'm here! (cop) too late. i was gone for five minutes! ugh! move it. you're killing me. you know what, dad? i'm good. (dad) it may be quite a while before he's ready, but our subaru legacy will be waiting for him. (vo) the longest-lasting midsize sedan in its class. introducing the all-new subaru legacy. it's not just a sedan. it's a subaru.
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good morning, america. it's 8:00 a.m. and are you keeping secrets from your spouse? the beauty treatment that so many women are hiding from their husbands. and will losing those final ten pounds make you happy center the new study revealing changing the way you look may not change the way you feel. and all hail "hung eer game why the villain is trending overnight and a pretty little liars. and ginger plunging into shark week. those are 16-foot fish with lots of sharp teeth, no teenage. our camera's right there as we say -- >> good morning, america.
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look at that wonderful crowd joining us here on a monday morning in times square. can't wait to get out there and see everybody. you saw the cast of "expendables 3." a great interview with them just ahead. and we are ready to pick up the blockbuster back to school deals and steals extravaganza. rah rah. huge deals every morning this week. the musts have starting this morning with backpacks and supplies. >> this the time of year when parents are like, yes! and kids are like what what. and something else going on with our audience this morning. watch out. >> scary. >> it is shark week. discovery channel, shark week every year. it is a television tradition.
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we thought we would send ginger to go swimming with the sharks. this is incredible. we have been having this debate in the commercials. would you ever? >> no. >> ever. >> i would do it again. >> ginger lived to tell the story, i may go no right after her. >> see what happens. but right now with amy with the top stories. good morning, everyone. we begin with the violence erupting near st. louis after the police shooting of an unarmed teenager. protesters looting stores and setting fire to a gas station. officers in riot gear arresting at least 32 people. following a vigil for 18-year-old michael brown. he was shot after an officer was assaulted. but one witness says he had his arms up when he was shot. and islamic militants seized
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another key town in the northeast, u.s. air strikes took them out of two other towns. al maliki is refusing to step down saying they violated the constitution. and investigators are reconstructing the crash that killed kevin ward jr. while he was trying to confront tony stewart. police are analyzing videos and pictures from people in the crowd. there is no evidence so far pointing to criminal intent by stewart, but charges could be filed. and a florida, that 12-foot python has been terrorizing a neighborhood. look at that thing, weighs 120 pounds. the search intensified after some local cats disappeared. yikes. the world famous singing nun keeping her day job. the winner of italy's version of the voice has renewed her vow of
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poverty. saying no to fame and fortune in favor of her top prior to, her faith. and finally, hear this first thing in the morning or any time of the day, actually? meet the winner of this weekend's husband calling contest at the illinois state fair. her husband's name, by the way, is francis. >> my husband's name is francis o 'riley. francis! >> that's how cheryl lets him know dinner is ready. he has not missed a meal because he didn't want to hear it a second time. that's why. >> i was going to say he hasn't been seen in years. just playing. you can't skip a call like that. >> no. turn now to the study linking weight loss and happiness in changing your body may not change your mood the way you think. and dr. jennifer ashton is joining us.
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that's counterintuitive after the weight loss. >> a little bit. they looked at people who had lost more than 5%, starting obese or overweight. losing 15 to 20 pounds. they kept it off for four years, and those people were significantly more likely to report a depressed mood than those who were weight neutral or gained back the weight. >> is there a connection between your weight and your mood? >> we say this all the time when we debrief studies. this is just an observation, didn't explain why. but there are theories, one that the depression was there and caused weight loss. we know they can be linked. but does the weight loss trigger depression. maybe we're not as superficial as we think, and obviously a lot more goes into causing true depression than what looks back at the mirror. >> could it be that they're hungry and depriving themselves? >> one of the other things to
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think about, people who managed to keep weight off at the four year mark are restricting and depriving themselves. that's something we have in short commodities. that's difficult to live with. still want to keep your weight in check. >> says the doctor. >> for health reasons, primarily. >> absolutely. no question. get to "pop news" and weather, but first sara in the social square. >> here's what's ahead on the morning menu and "pop news." "hunger games" super villain is trending overnight. plus what women are hiding and the beauty secret that could be damaging your marriage. and the blockbuster live steals and deals event, incredible savings all week long. all coming up live on "gma" here in times square.
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8:08 am
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[ male announcer ] when you see everyone in america almost every day, you notice a few things. like the fact that you're pretty attached to these. ok, really attached. and that's alright. because we'll text you when your package is on the way. we're even expanding sunday package delivery. yes, sunday. at the u.s. postal service, our priority is...was... and always will ♪ well-a, well-a, well-a, uh! tell me more, tell me more... ♪♪ our priority is...was... twizzlerize your summer fun with twizzlers. the twist you can't resist.
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say revlon colorstay makeup. breakthrough time release technology keeps skin balanced for a continuously fresh look. 24 hour wear. flawless results. each year 17 billion toilet paper tubes are thrown away in the us alone. that's enough to fill the empire state building...twice. now there's scott naturals tube-free bath tissue. get the premium softness you need without the wasteful tube. toss the tube for good with scott naturals tube-free. wouldn't it be great if hiring plumbers, carpenters shopping online is as easy as it gets. and even piano tuners were just as simple? thanks to angie's list, now it is. we've made hiring anyone from a handyman to a dog walker as simple as a few clicks. buy their services directly at
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no more calling around. no more hassles. start shopping from a list of top-rated providers today. angie's list is revolutionizing local service again. visit today. ♪ all right, let's go ♪ okay ♪ it had to be you ♪ well, some call it fate ♪ it had to be you ♪ i just had to wait barbra streisand, michael buble, a big announce from barbra streisand herself. an exclusive look at the world premier of their collaboration. had to be you. it had to be you. the legendary singer announcing on instagram, releasing her first duets in album more than a
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decade. it's called partners. and she will be with andre bocel bocelli, billy joel, stevie wonder, john legend. i have to say, full disclosure, cruising highway 1, listening to this cd. it is beautiful. it's coming out. >> her voice -- >> unmistakable. >> it's like velvet. >> liquid. >> velvet's better. >> what kind of liquid? >> liquid velvet. >> so very happy for her and for everyone. and happy you're here with "pop news," sara. we are following the story david had been following, the mystery ends now, taylor swift fans have been on the edge of their seats for over a week as the pop star shared chews on instagram about an upcoming project. she will be front and center for a global first. yahoo! will host the first-ever
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live stream on monday, august 18th. announcing the news on twitter just moments ago. already trending number one worldwide. of course it is. and you'll be able to watch it at on yahoo!. she can make any announcement with 40 million followers. there's the marketing department. she's been teasing it. who needs anybody else when you have 40 some million? i'm slightly behind that. >> i told her it would work. >> you, david? >> i knew she should do it. >> i knew you were in trouble, david. and major wins for abc family's "pretty little liars," la raking in six awards. and individual wins for lucy hale and several of her co-stars. and donald sutherland, bringing the "hunger games" to the stage after winning the villain award,
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threw a handful of berries out to the crowd. >> i have brought you souvenirs from pan-am. they're berries. i wouldn't eat them if i were you. >> nice on that one. he plays katniss arch rival president snow in the movies. doesn't he have aville anesque quality? >> he does. >> thrives on that. and billy joel has been selling out his monthly residency at madison square garden. one mid-concert moment getting play. recently spotting a special guest in the front row. >> who could that be? >> singing "uptown girl," his former wife within christie brinkley who starred in the video. she brought her kids and said he still has it -- so does she.
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>> she looks the same as she did in 1983. >> remember he was in the garage -- >> love that music video. >> what a sweet moment to point that out, she's always going to be the "uptown girl." >> he's still got it. >> he does. >> the heat index coming up, first another check of the weather. >> you know we love to put people on the spot once in a while. what do you want your parents to do? what does it say? >> it's a -- >> no pressure, guys now it's been on tv. how about that thing on twitter, get the hashtags out. one of our favorite videos. check this out. it looks as if he eats the super moon. that was so cool. see it one more time. remember, the super moon appearing 14% bigger and 30% brighter. look quickly as one of the forecasts off to the west.
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>> reporter: thanks, ginger, i'm meteorologist karen rogers with your accuweather update. let's check the forecast. we've got a good one, lots of sunshine, 86 degrees for your high temperature, tomorrow is a wet one, showers and thunderstorms at any point. it will not rain constantly all day, but it is time where we can expect heavy downpours that could create flooding problems. the heaviest tuesday night into wednesday morning, wednesday clouds and sunshine, high high . thursday, nice, less humid. >> all right, we have the folks from texas, tennessee, it's a good morning out here. good morning, america, let's get back inside, though. >> love how you say that. we can't wait to get outside with you. david is here. george is on vacation this week. >> yes. >> a lot of us are trying to get the last little bit of summer. having great weekends and vacations and all that. and we saw something in the new york times. this is really trending number one right now.
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it's saying when you do get away, unplug. that you're at your best -- hit your reset button on your brain. social networking and e-mailing should be done at designated times, not constantly throughout the day. take time to let your mind wander, daydream. and a nap, even a ten minute snooze can boost your brain power. it was a little bit forced upon me. i was in areas with no wi-fi. >> those are the best. >> and no tv in one place we were. i do agree -- it's hard not to check in at all. but one time during the day. >> pick a time. >> just check that one time. skpfr >> and turn off the dings. it's waiting for me. >> your friends may be on to you, take you to no cell zone. they know we won't leave you alone. >> it depends on your work. can you depletely unplug? >> i need to.
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i thehave to make an effort to this more. >> it's helpful. >> you become more productive. >> that's what they're saying. next in the heat index, most of the time people can't get enough of adorable baby photos. and doctors have posted pictures of the babies they delivered in their offices. but a story in the new york times saying this is on the way out because a law makes it illegal to do so unless they get written permission from parents. it's protected health information. i walk into the pediatricians office. it's christmas cards that the parents sent. you have to fill out the forms and there's an expiration date. they're making it hard to connect and share with the people in the office. i think it's kind of sad. we want to hear from you. is there anything wrong with the baby board at the doctors office? tweet us, i have a feeling i
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know -- >> yeah. all right, speaking of children this morning. also on the heat index, one of the top story on buzz feed overnight. every baby sitter's nightmare come to life. asking the friends to watch a 6-year-old. they get a briefing from the dad, and they realize how much could go wrong. we'll check in with dad and the parents to let them know how the baby's doing. they start listing the different things that could happen. a dinosaur just chased them down. an alien spaceship beamed them up it's shark week, watch out for jaws. when you have a 6-month-old, you can understand. >> i'm telling my mom how to take care of the baby. i think i might have done this before, thanks. >> i baby sat for your girls, and your daughter ran into the wall. she was like this. >> she is not making it up, she did run into the wall.
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>> i was like, she'll wake up soon. >> she's fine. >> she's fine. >> like mother, like daughter. next up on the heat index, cosmetic confession welcomes millions getting botox injections. keeping it from their spouse. we have the story. >> reporter: each of these women has a secret. >> i love the way it makes me feel. >> reporter: some hiding it from their husbands for years. >> he doesn't noi i have it. >> reporter: sneaking in botox treatments, hiding their identities. >> he would probably get mad and yell. he has this perception that you're going to look like joan rivers. not true. >> reporter: they're among the millions of women, including celebrities, hoping the injections will turn back the hands of time. getting rid of frown lines, wrinkles or giving their face a little lift. >> three along this muscle. >> reporter: morgan kept her
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husband in the dark after treating a raises eyebrow. did you feel guilty? >> i didn't feel guilty right away. i have never kept something from him before. >> so one month later, the 33-year-old blogger came clean. >> he expressed to me that he was not only disappointed that i had not told him and felt like our trust had been a little bit fractured. >> reporter: they have the reasons, cost, risks or social stig stigma. >> i can understand why women feel the pressure to hide botox. there's only one thing worse that able, and that's actually looking like you care about your ageing. >> he would have tried to talk me out of it because he thinks i look beautiful the way i am? >> reporter: morgan says her husband feels the same way and isn't getting in her way. >> i would do it again. i would talk to my husband about it first. >> reporter: but here she is the
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exception, not the rule. others taking the secret to the grave. >> always until i die. i will not is have wrinkles. >> reporter: brandi hitt, abc news, los angeles. >> and put the light on her. kidding. and dr. callahan, great to have you. keeping a secret from the husband. a lot of husbands don't even notice the difference, first of all? >> no, they don't, david. if you're not noticing then it's not that big of a deal. if it's plastic surgery, a permit change, frown lines, it's not necessarily a big deal like they're being deceptive. >> do you think that the wife doesn't want to be judged? and there are social stigmas to trying to look younger or stay young. >> absolutely. that's one of the biggest reasons people keep secrets. they're worried about being judged by their partner and
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friends. >> does that say something about your relationship, you're afraid of being junled by your partner. >> everybody keeps credits in relationships. it's not a big red flag. you don't share every detail. >> a little mystery in the relationship. >> exactly. they don'tdetails. >> when do you cross the line? >> it's a bad idea when you have an agreement and you're breaking it. and you have an agreement to not spend more than $200 without telling them, the secret shoe fetish and buying things, breaking the rules. that's where you have crossed the line. >> but looking 20 again is not that big of a deal. >> there's such pressure to stay young and beautiful. ladies have a lot of stress around that. >> have you kept a secret from your spouse? here's what you said, 68% said yes, 32%, no. that's what you said, doctor.
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out to robin with the crowd this morning. >> no secrets out here. the crowd behind us, they know it's back to school time. that back to school search on yahoo! spiked nearly 800% this week. tori johnson has steals and deals. get to on yaho yahoo!. these bargains are going to go fast. start? >> yes. big assortment of backpacks, tote bags. these are great for all ages. this particular one i promised i was going to give to maddy. she's going off to third grade in chattanooga. and these prices everybody loves, starting at $42. that big assortment is cut in half. cut in half and free chipping as well. >> you said free shipping?
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>> free. >> oh, wow. >> for the little kids, adorable backpacks in five different animals. and these from guilt are gorgeous. you get pens and get to color them. this is your own messenger bag. it will not get lost. someone eyeing this behind us? >> yes. >> big friends at guilt, and these normally go from 20 to $33, slashed by at least 50% to just 10 to 12.50. can't beat that. >> kindergarten? we'll let you pick out the one you want in a minute. >> i love what you're going to see next. my favorite, i think, ava, amy's daughter lucked out, this is my favorite. 50 different patterns. and you get the names, boys and girls designs on folders, notebooks, journals. really personalize the stuff to make it your own. amazing prices.
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and starting at $5. slashed by more than 52% to $13. and -- >> i'm getting it on vacation. got you covered. >> we got you covered. some pop in, i love brights. bright basics inspire bright creativi creativity. the quality is impeccable. normally $8 to $30, all slashed in half $4 to $15. you can't beat that. exclusive offer. >> thanks to all our companies for providing these great deals. we'll be back.
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>> a driver struck and killed a man in vineland, new jersey last night and took off. it happened along the 1,000 block of landis. police are looking at the parts of the vehicle left at the scene in their seven for the driver involved. david murphy is off, matt pellman is in with traffic. >> reporter: the schuylkill expressway solid line from gladwyn to south street. this is the reason, we have a crash off to the side, both lanes getting by, but doing so slowly on eastbound 76. it's a little extra slow on 42 northbound side with shore traffic. heavy from lower landing road to 55. once you reach this point at creek road it starts to break
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up. in burlington county, watch for a crash at 528. we have delays on trenton regional rail line for unbound trains because of equipment trop. we have a down pole in delaware at sum he let bridge road -- you mean he let bridge road. >> reporter: hey, matt, it's warm and comfortable, and slightly humid, 71 degrees in philadelphia. high today, 86. lots of sunshine and clouds mixing in this afternoon. tomorrow is a wet day, showers and thunderstorms, we'll get showers early in the morning and here and there through the afternoon and evening. tuesday night into wednesday is when the heavy rain comes through overnight. wednesday may start wet and clouds and sunshine, 81. thursday, less humid, 80. the rest of the seven day looks good. >> the taney dragons face south
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nashville in their first game of the little league world series. we have more on the team at
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♪ >> how. best seller and good friend andy andrews is coming on "gma." what do you say in the morning to get you going. morning mantra. love to hear from you.
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>> plus candid camera back. the ton of the original host, and allen, peter is here, and he pull chipping off a hilarious gag. and mel gibson, wesley snipes, coming up soon, robyn. >> they might be by buddy. >> it's the summer television tradition, shark week. ginger kicking it off. you went on an amazing advent e adventure. >> this is the discovery channel. it's not all fun and dangerous games. for every human killing a shark, millions of sharks die from humans. it's about learning and conservati conservation. that is me on my very first
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scuba dive in the ocean. oh, my god. >> oh, my god. >> reporter: and that is a 14-foot tiger shark. for discover channel's shark week, i'm living the motto go big or go home. going home doesn't seem like a bad idea. this all has purpose. let's rewind. here we are, the beautiful ba baha bahamas. discovery invites me to meet one of their secret weapons. stewart cope. a legend in the bahamas for his sbe ma intimate knowledge of the beasts of the deep. >> they taste before they bite. don't let them taste, you're okay. >> reporter: 25 miles offshore. our destination? tiger beach. they're here, everybody, and so are we. oh, my god. you see those sharks on the
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surface? they are lemon sharks. the tiger sharks lurking below are 9 to even 18 feet long, weighing more than 3,000 pounds. they're known for being less than discriminate when they eat. and rank chipping thiing third for unprovoke chipping attacks on humans. and again, i was going in. before i knew it, i was in that turquoise water. surrou surrounded. it's pretty down here. i feel like i'm in a movie. so surreal. and the sharks? while early curious really weren't coming after us. >> they aren't interested in us. >> i can't believe that how close we are. watch that, i'm even petting
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their rough skin. nurse, lemon, tieinger and reef. four species of sharks in under an hour. >> ginger and i are coming up. >> reporter: up and out, one of the most enlightening trips i have ever had. oh, my god. wow. that was wild. that was incredible. really. that's how you do shark week. discovery's 27th annual shark week. they have been doing it since 1988, and it's easy to see why audiences are fascinated i hardly went to bed last night. one of the sharks while ripping at the chain. it was on the bottom, like a layer of glass. their jaws are not stronger than ours, but the way they rip. >> and their teeth are a lot
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sharper than ours. >> we're just glad to have you back. >> that's right. especially with the wave behind us. don't forget, we spare chipping no expense. yeah. "gma" has the previews of shark week shows all week long. appreciate you doing that. i saw you when you came back, and you were thinking about it again. a little bit tamer with the weather? slightly tamer. going back in the ocean over here. diving in. this is great. let's go get the twitter photo too. starting with the sunset, sunrise, we weren't sure, in new jersey. and the hail from colorado springs. i know my brother was out there and telling me it was falling heftily at times. not too large, covering the roads. and the rain in north central florida. and from pennsylvania up.
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>> reporter: thanks, ginger, i'm meteorologist karen rogers. gorgeous day today. let's take a look at the accuweather forecast. it is 70 right now heading up to 86. lots of sunshine, clouds mixing in this afternoon. tomorrow is a wet day, showers . >> all that weather brought to but by -- amy? back in january, a magazine launched a nationwide search for america's next fitness star. i was lucky enough to be a judge, and we are about to reveal the winner. some of my fellow judges are here. we have chris powell, fitness trainer. and we have michelle, the editor and chief of women's health magazine. thank you for being here. as a trainer, what did you look for? >> for years of working with
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people on extreme weight loss. most trainers get the complex concepts and make it easy to understand and fun to apply. but make a fitness star is passion. >> i totally agree, passion, expertise, and most important, somebody who can inspire and motivate. you need extra motivation. i know i do. >> and speaking of motivation, our fitness star is going to get motivation. te tell us what they have to win? >> create and star in a women's health magazine, and our hope is to contribute on an ongoing basis. >> there were over 2500 submissions. and we are down to the final five. let's bring them on out. come on, ladies. [ applause ] first we have amy, you are from l.a. you have been training for ten years what's your number one
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tip? >> save time, work a lot of muscles at once. this is the row, and working core, cardio, upper and lower body. >> next is emily from denver, colorado. she was the star on mtv's the real world. and a cross fit competitor. what's your tips? >> combine the moves to work the full body. burpee with a step up. >> it's working for emily. i know that much. katie is up next, she's a pilates instructor from right here in the big apple. show us your success. >> core strength and stability. the best part about strengthening the core, everything else gets stronger. >> glad you're doing that. and from coral sping, florida, and you are a former track star and throw a kettle ball. >> we are going to go forward and back. it's a great full body exercise.
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with the shoulders and core. great full body. >> next and last but not least, noelle from north carolina. >> we are going to work on the tummy. keep the core tight and crunch up and come on overhead like this. >> they all take it look so easy. we know it's not. the votes were counted. so many for all of you. we have an envelope, i believe. so the envelope, please. and michelle, do the honors. >> it's the moment of truth. ready, guys? and the winner is elijan. >> and for more, check out this month's "women's health" magazine. we'll be right back.
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you're finally here. long way from the sandlot. first game in the majors? you don't know "aarp". because this family is enjoying a cross-country
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baseball stadium trip they planned online at aarp travel. it's where your journey begins with inspiration, planning, booking, and hot travel tips from real pros. if you don't think seize the trip when you think aarp, then you don't know "aarp". find more surprising possibilities and get to know us at
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smile. you're on candid camera. it's a phrase that's timeless. it's been with us for over 50 years. candid camera is coming back. a brand new series updated for the times. it's hosted by mya and peter
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font who's here with us. but first, behind the scenes, and a little surprise for her, too. >> you just got -- >> reporter: before we were punked or asked what would you do, there was candid camera. >> smile, you're on candid camera. >> reporter: now that phrase allen made famous -- >> smile, you're on candid camera. continuing with a reboot on tv land. before the preview tonight, allen's son, peter, invited us on one of his gags. >> doing a joke about the bathroom keys at the gas station. you know it's on a ridiculously big object. we decided to put it on a really ridiculously big object. >> reporter: we have our subject
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and move in. >> i'd like you to smile, you're on the candid camera television show. >> you know, guys, it's not really the right day for this. >> it's a joke for tv. just a joke. messing with you. >> i don't find it funny. i don't want to be on television. okay? >> no problem. could i offer you something? some money or something? >> no, i don't want any money. that's to rude. >> ma'am, ma'am, please. >> all right, cut. cut. >> rachel, i'm shaking like a leaf here. >> are you okay? >> let me tell you this, this is linda gully, a producer at candid camera. >> reporter: looks like the joke's on me. you were so in on it. >> come back here. you are on "candid camera". >> reporter: for "good morning america," rachel smith, abc news, monterey, california.
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>> we are delighted to be joined by candid camera co-host, peter. you had rachel and had people going here with that too. >> you could be next, robin. >> never know. the way you're keeping the family tradition going. that is so important to you and your family. >> it really is. my dad started this -- now, listen closely, yesterday, august 10th, was the anniversary of the first show in 1948 here on abc. >> wonderful. >> and the very next day we premier on tv land at 8:00 tonight with the brand new "candid camera." >> and it is brand new. congratulations. i know you said every time it goes away, you're not quite sure if it will come back. but it is something, you know, you put people at ease. you can tell that it's not malicious. it's for fun. >> in fact that little piece with rachel is about as far as we go. that's over the top for us. it's gentle humor. we're not out to show people are
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idiots as some shows try to do. we believe people are great sports and celebrate that. >> and you celebrate with a wonderful co-host. we know her from b"big bang theor theory". >> she is terrific, beautiful, funny and she's a brainiac. she knows everything. so it's so much fun to be with her. >> and you brought it to this time with social media and everything. does it make it harder or easier because there's so much technology now? >> so much easier. people are easier to fool an ever before, really. so watch out. they're multi-tasking. they are their mind on three different things. they don't pay attention when we step in. it's just easy pickings for us these days. >> we're going to be -- peter funt. >> wonderful. >> best to you and your family. cannot believe the anniversary. and the new "candid camera"
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premiers on tv land tonight. we pulled a gag of our own involving a bear and our audience. check this out on our website. we did our best. >> you have to try. that's how we started. coming up, the star-studded cast of one of the most action
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the expendables 3 is about to hit the box office with an all-star lineup. big names and katherine mathison is sitting down with them. >> reporter: it's the blockbuster summer action movie chock full of stars. and for stallone and the posse, the third time is most certainly the charm. ideal people want to see it? >> i think it has a little bit of everything. it's a throwback, but it's modern. you have the young expendables.
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couldn't take the stairs? >> you are representing the young guns here. what's it like being thrown into this mount rushmore of action movies? >> completely underwhelmed. >> they didn't care about us young guns. they called me names. rhonda all the time. >> what did you learn from these guys? >> nothing. not a thing. taking naps at noon. >> in some ways you're the odd man out, what was it like for you being thrown into the mix? >> an absolute pleasure. i worked with sly. the script is a blueprint. i think this line's not so good. >> you say it like that to him? >> but then he'd say, yeah, that's from an old draft. >> yeah. >> we were close once. we started this whole expendables thing together. but we had a falling out. >> and you play the obvious villain in this movie.
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>> i don't see him as a bad guy. i saw them as bad guys. >> as gibson answers, watch as the interview turns into a fast action sequence. >> what was that? >> hey! >> and an impromptu game of musical chairs. >> stop the music. okay. >> and i've lost weight too. suddenly i'm taller. >> who would win an arm wrestling competition? >> rhonda rousey. >> i'd love to hear from you, what advice would you give a younger version of yourself going into the career? what did you know now that you wish you knew then? >> find out what you are good at and stick with it. do what comes naturally. don't try to be a shakespearen actor when you speak like me. >> it's the life lessons that you accumulate. not so much about the career. it becomes secondary over time.
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really. it's about the more important stuff. i think like the power of forgiveness, for example, in your life. you know, you need to do that. >> that is for sure. >> exercise. >> that is for sure. >> man, i've had to forgive. and that's great, sets you free. but i've had to be forgiven. you have to give and take. >> that's good advice. make the segue, kelsie, i heard and read the words you said to your sister's murderer coming up for parole. how hard was that. >> it was written, foolinot foo to girl. my dad was shot, my sister stabbed. can't outlaw guns or knives. make sure they don't get out of
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jail. >> one word of response working on this film? >> fantastic. >> irreplaceable. >> ecstasy. >> once in a lifetime. >> expendable. >> miserable. >> what movie did you guys make? >> can i change my word? i want to change my word. >> to what? >> the renegotiable. >> termbinablterminable. >> adorable. >> exactly. >> great time with those guys. expendables 3 opens -- (vo) ours is a world of passengers. the red-eyes. (daughter) i'm really tired. (vo) the transfers. well, that's kid number three. (vo) the co-pilots. all sitting... ...trusting... ...waiting... ...for a safe arrival. introducing the all-new subaru legacy.
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designed to help the driver in you... for the passenger in them. the subaru legacy. it's not just a sedan. it's a subaru. it's huge! acme's anniversary sale? ♪ it's acme's anniversary sale. this week check out the quaker breakfast event, $1.49 each. nabisco chips ahoy cookies, $1.99. and frito lay party size chips, $2.99 each. don't miss our biggest sale ever! hey mom! look what i found. acme. this sale is huge!
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oh yeah. about your dream car? [sheepishly] yeah. black with red stripes. cool! [curiously] how'd you know? you've been staring at that new instant game from the pennsylvania lottery. yep. "muscle car money." i could win up to $100,000, or a dodge challenger rt classic.
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(announcer) wanna see your dreams come to life? you could scratch your way to instant winning today. fuzzy dice. nice. [announcer] the pennsylvania lottery. bring your dreams to life. on "world news" unless you get seasick. >> 46-year-old connie murray will be laid to rest this morning, had your hulls is charged with her murder. police say he confessed to
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strangling her during an argument at pennypack park, one week ago. let's go over to matt pellman and look at traffic. >> reporter: matt, a few problems starting in delaware, southbound side of i-95 a 14 minute delay between naamans road and 495. an overturned vehicle crash south of delaware avenue blocking some of the lanes, while the northbound side of 495 remained closed. the southbound side is open sft last week. use that instead through wilmington this morning. on the pa turnpike in morgantown there's a crash taking out the left lane. we have delays on schuylkill expressway to industry -- city avenue to the schuylkill
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expressway. >> reporter: matt, the numbers have jumped in the last hour. 75 degrees in philadelphia. low 70s in the lehigh valley and 73 in millville, new jersey. lots of sunshine, we're feeling it here, slightly humid, 86 for your high, but a nice day. tomorrow, showers and thunderstorms, we could see them at any point, starting tomorrow morning, it's not going to rain constantly but you need to be prepared for that at any time. the heaviest is in the overnight hours tuesday into wednesday. >> coming up on "action news" at noon, the search for the driver in a deadly hit-and-run crash in royalties and looting -- royalties and looting follow a candle light vigil for a teenager
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announcer: it's "live with kelly and michael"! today, from the new film "boyhood," ethan hawke. and from the movie "the one i love" and the series "mad men," elisabeth moss. and a special announcement for our viewers. watching "live" can win you a fantastic getaway. plus, actress and model brooklyn decker joins michael at the co-host desk. all next on "live." [captioning made possible by disney-abc domestic television] announcer: now here are michael strahan and brooklyn decker! [cheers and applause]