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tv   Action News  ABC  July 25, 2014 6:00am-7:01am EDT

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>> good morning, it is 6:00 a.m. on this friday, july 25. matt is off, eva pilgrim is joining us, we're following breaking news. >> a grizzly discovery in south jersey, a delivery man find a body dumped on the side of a road. >> we're learning about the suspect who opened fire at a delaware county hospital leaving one woman dead and a doctor wounded. >> the birds report to training camp today. >> i'm jealous at this moment, david murphy gets to go outside, it's a beautiful day and he has
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your accuweather and matt pellman is in for karen rogers. >> reporter: cool and beautiful we have sun ready to burst up over the horizon, it's behind me, the only clouds i see are over the coast. high pressure is coming in from the west. lots of sunshine and low humidity. as i said refreshing as you step outside. 63 degrees in philadelphia. how about 55 in allentown and reading. you get outside there, and it's like should i get a coat. 66 degrees in sea isle city. it will feel warmer in the afternoon, it is summer, after all. 71 by 9:00 a.m., 79 by noon. the high, 84 degrees will be a comfortable high with the humidity remaining low. if you have lance to go out on the town, it's going to be great.
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some of you may be thinking of an afternoon barbecue after work. not a bad day to get the grill fired up. very comfortable if that's your plan. when i step inside, i have the weekend call coming you mean. >> reporter: you're talking about the barbecue, does that mean an invasion, your subtle message, i'll be over later on. if you want to beat the crowds, now is a great time to be out on 42. we have building northbound traffic heading toward 295. no delays either way just yet. we're getting word of a fire solbury, bucks county. along act with -- aquetong road.
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no delays southbound i-95. in delaware, travel times are on time as you continue to detour around 495 closure. in bear watch out for a crash along 413 dupont highway and the farm market. left lane block with the police on the scene. we start with breaking news, the search is on for a person who dumped a woman's body on the side of the road in camden county. a pizza delivery man made the discovery on wilten road. we'll stay on top of the story and bring you any details as soon as they come in. investigators are trying to figure out what sparked a deadly gun fight inside mercy fitzgerald hospital in delaware county. this happened along the 1500 block of landsdown avenue in
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darby at 2:15. the shooting did not takes place in the mercy fitzgerald hospital building itself, but on the third floor of doctors offices across the street in what's known as the wellness center. katherine scott has more. >> reporter: 54-year-old teresa must not lost her life, she was the case worker who accompanied alleged gunman richard plotts to the doctors office. he was shot and is in critical condition. people described a chaotic scene. >> i left to go to the pharmacy, i got halfway there, they said you got to go back doctor and two patients got shot, the shooter still at large. >> reporter: the police rushed the wellness center at mercy fitzgerald hospital. after 2:00 p.m., a mentally troubled richard plots of upper
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darby walked into the psychiatric unit. his case worker, teresa hunt and dr. lee silverman were in the office when an argument erupted. >> they heard a loud argument they opened the door and saw him pointing a gun at the doctor. >> reporter: the worker shut the door and called police. seconds later there was gunfire. detectives believe plotts shot silverman in the head it was a graze wound. when the gunfire was over, the case worker was dead and plots critically injured. investigators are trying to determine who shot hunt. former neighbors say he has a history of mental problems. >> you could tell he was strange, you know that there was something -- he needed help. >> i think i've seen him where i don't want to say medication, it could have been drugs involved, too, so i stayed away
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from him for that reason. >> reporter: many are hailing silverman for his actions, carrying a gun is against hospital policy. but many believe he saved others. >> it is unorthodox or unusual way this doctor saved lives today. >> reporter: a district attorney said dr. silverman acted in self-defense. if richard plotts survived he'll be charged with first degree murder. in the next half-hour, here from richard plotts ex-wife. >> our coverage continues at where you you can follw the latest developments throughout the day. >> in israel, protesters clashed with israel troops 50 miles from gaza. israeli security council is talking about cease-fire
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efforts, but they are talking about expanding the ground offensive against hamas. new on "action news," more than a dozen animals survived the fire at the home of a dog breeder crews rescued nine puppies, seven cats and a rabbit. the homeowner raises german shepherds, some of them become service dogs, they've released from the veterinarian and on their way to their new loving home. millions of people in pennsylvania are due a check from an insurancance company. telly dellacot is at the nasdaq in time square. >> reporter: a check is on the way to people in pennsylvania
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insurers are refunding money if 20% of premiums are spent on marketing instead of medicare. this is 32 million in rebates being issued by august 1. >> general motors is set to pay between 400 and $600 million in victim compensation related to faulty ignition switches. the company set aside 400 million to cover the payments, but anticipates 200 million later on. the flaw is tied to numerous issues injuries and 1 deaths. those affected can file for payments next months. turning to the markets, they barely nudged as investors
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focused on deal news. futures are pointing to a lower open and we'll see how things shape up on there friday. >> in south philadelphia, the birds offer a glimmer of hope for sports fans. chip kelly reporting to nova care with most predicting them to win the division. the first practice that fans can see is monday at the linc. we'll have a live report later today on "action news." >> exiting. >> reporter: yep. >> reporter: we are precipitation free, that blob of green is ground clutter. as we look outside we have beautiful sunrise. we have a couple of clouds left over by the coast and east of philadelphia. they will not be around for long. overall we're looking at high pressure and gorgeous sun-lit day. temperatures across the region,
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63 degrees in philadelphia. 59 in wilmington. 55 in allentown. 55 in reading. mid 60s along the boardwalk in sea isle city and atlantic city, just cool and comfortable this morning. satellite and radar shows you a lack of any significant cloud cover. there's spotty stuff over to the east. we're looking at pleasant of sunshine and comfortable conditions, too. in allentown you'll get a high of 82. nice lots of sun and low humidity. if you're outside it's a sunscreen day. down the shore, ocean temperatures in the low 70s. 73 on the beach by noon, 83 in the afternoon. tons of sun and pleasant on the water. in philadelphia, 84, lots of sun, low humidity, light winds climbing through the day from 69 at 8:00 a.m., 77 by 11:00 a.m., 83 by 2, the high at 3:00 p.m. we'll be in the low 80s as we
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head toward dinnertime. if you're heading out tonight. the phillies are an option. a great night to be outside watching the ballgame. looking ahead toward the weekend in the poconos. sunday we'll see the clouds building in the poconos and there's a chance of afternoon thunderstorm, 79 the high. sunday more humid, 76 and afternoon thunderstorms. down the shore, tomorrow looks like sun in the morning giving way to increasing clouds during the day. high of 84. any storms hold off until late at night at the shore on saturday, i'd keep my eyes on radar just in case. sunday more humid, 84. an afternoon thunderstorm's likely. some of the storms could be on the strong side. the exclusive accuweather seven-day forecast sunny and nice, 84 today. sun to clouds tomorrow in philadelphia, high of 88. and in the late afternoon hours north and west of philadelphia we could see a thunderstorm. any thunderstorms on saturday in philadelphia close to i-95
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probably hold off until nighttime, okay? sunday, humid, thunderstorms, 89 degrees is the forecast high and there's a better chance of storms on sunday. some of the thunderstorms could be strong and gusty. of the monday, humid, a thunderstorm not out of the question. and then we get a cold front that moves off the coast and behind its refreshing again, that's been the pattern this summer. low 80 next week. >> more stories you did not see last night including a new theory on therapy that could breast cancer patients in the dark. >> parents are puzzle by porcelain dolls that look like their children, now the mystery is solved. >> reporter: we're at route 100 near ship road, traffic is moving fine. this weekend a highway, a drive, a bridge all going to close. we'll talk about the blockages
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after the break. >> we found something "action news" should by a pancake printer. we'll see what it's all about in tech bytes.
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>> good morning, sky6 live hd taking a live look, you can see the platt bridge there, as people heading in and out of
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work, depending on where they are in the morning. 64 wonderful degrees outside right now. >> matt you see the sun, you see the sun behind you, i'm imagining sun glare may be the issue though. >> reporter: looks like someone spilled orange juice on the camera. what a nice shot we've got the art hughes seem back there and the schuylkill expressway and we have the traffic moving well on the schuylkill expressway. how often does that happen. we've been dealing with the nice, light summertime volume this the last few days, we expect the morning commute to be light. mlk drive heading toward the city looks fine. of course that will be closed this weekend as it is every spring and summertime weekend for recreation activity. kelly drive will be blocked tomorrow from 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. for the youth regatta.
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northeast extension they will close saturday night into sunday morning starting at midnight, southbound direction between lansdale and mitt mid county. head to 309 to the fort washington interchange. this morning there's a blockage at solbury bucks county. aqment uetong -- aquetong road is shut down. ben franklin bridge will be closed sunday morning at 6:30 for a charity bike race. one blockage on saturday, 6:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. hartford road will be closed, utility work there, stick with creek road as the alternate in that case. >> gesture of goodwill had one
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california neighborhood creeped out. someone left porcelain dolls on 8 homes the homeowners say the dolls bear resembleance to their daughters. the person goes to church with the families. in tech bytes, is apple about to launch it's on mobile wallet. online reports claim the tech giant is working on the new feature which would allow user to pay for items in store with the iphones. a live action mini series focusing on agent jason lock. all five episodes of halo nightfall will be available on xbox live.pisodes of halo american airline is getting
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attention for its pancake printers. one is located in each of the airline board room locations. if you're looking for the most expensive tv on your block, samsung may be your answer. it is taking preorders for the tv that retails for $120,000. the family that plays together wins together. we'll tell you how much money this family will split. >> reporter: we have nice weather heading out to the beach or the pool. remember to hi. i'm henry winkler.
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and i'm here to tell homeowners that are 62 and older about a great way to live a better retirement. it's called a reverse mortgage. [ male announcer ] call right now
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to receive your free dvd and booklet with no obligation. it answers questions like how a reverse mortgage works, how much you qualify for, the ways to receive your money, and more. plus, when you call now, you'll get this magnifier with l.e.d. light absolutely free. when you call the experts at one reverse mortgage today, you'll learn the benefits of a government-insured reverse mortgage. it will eliminate your monthly mortgage payments and give you tax-free cash from the equity in your home. and here's the best part -- you still own your home. take control of your retirement today. ♪ ♪ >> one new jersey family ocean county's newest millionaire.
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sigrid edgar son won a 20 million jack pot. she also splitting the wins with 19 relatives. three families lost their homes in hurricane sandy and say this will help out. >> the morning commute is nice, we have a feeling that the afternoon will not be the same. we'll seashore traffic. we have a concert in camden one at theman -- mann center and a phillies game. it will be clogged i-95 by broad street. if you're heading to those events in south philadelphia, you might want to take the broad street line they will be running sports express trains on septa. better news in bear, delaware. the crash on dupont highway at hamburg road is gone. >> reporter: my twitter followers keep sending in those vacation pictures.
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lori sending in aidan and press ton is having fun on the beach. tweet me or send me pictures on my "action news" facebook page. 79 degrees by 9:00 a.m. high of 84 this afternoon, 81 by 6:00 p.m. low humidity which is good. down the airport with all the tranquil weather and up and down the east coast, we don't have any travel delays, a lot of you probably getting ready to head to the airport. no problems on the east coast. >> scientists are looking into a possible break through in breast cancer therapy. miles placed in blackout conditions produced more melatonin. the mice built up a resistance to the chemo therapy drug tamoxifen. doctors cautioned that more
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research needs to be done. this study was not completed on people. >> next and new at 6:00 a.m. the summer reading set back at a lehigh valley library. coming up at 6:30, katherine scott is updating a hospital shooting in delaware county. >> reporter: tam, a deadly shooting in darby, we're live .
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>> a driver faces charges fewer crash that killed a ceo from berks county. police say mark miller had
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marijuana and prescription drugs in his system when he crashed into a jogger on june 20th. this runner was killed she was the ceo for east penn manufacturing and been with the company for more than 30 years. >> new this morning, a health scare has closed the churn's reading room in delaware valley. there's mold in the room. the library has moved 2,000 children's books to the adult reading section until a cleaning company starts work in the coming weeks. we're following breaking news a murder mystery in south jersey. >> there's new overnight
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>> breaking now on "action news" a dead woman is dumped on the size of a road in south jersey, we're gathering details on this gruesome discovery. ment investigation continues into the deadly hospital shooting in delaware county. the accused shooter's ex-wife is speaking out about the incident. >> there are local ties to the deadly tornados that tore through a virginia campground. hear from one of the victims that returned to delaware overnight. good morning, 6:30, july 25. matt and karen are off this morning, let's go over to david murphy and matt pellman has traffic. good morning. >> reporter: what a gorgeous morning, sunshine coming up over the horizon. as you look at satellite we have very little cloud cover in place. my twitter follower barbara in cape may, new jersey, 64 degrees in cape may.
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we have some spots like allentown and reading and lancaster in the 50s, same thing in the poconos. you step outside, and it's like boy, should i get a coat? i couldn't -- i wouldn't because it's not going to stay cool very long. 9:00 a.m., 71 degrees, noon, 79. 3:00 p.m., 84 which is the high. if you're planning a pool party good one to do that, but remember that sunburn can happen in 15 minutes. keep the sunscreen handy. when i come inside i'll have the weekend call. >> reporter: the fact that we are contemplating the coat for the sweatshirt in late july is nuts. we have sun glare in the camera shots. you know it's bad when it's sunny on the 30 bypass in
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chester county. traffic is moving okay heading into the sunshine and 113 and downingtown this morning. there's a fire location to avoid in solbury township bucks county. it's blocking aquetong stay on street road by peddlers village as the alternate. meanwhile, it's looking dark on the vine street expressway, trust me things are fine on the vine because i saw the shot a minute ago. highland avenue, tail lights heading northbound toward 476. despite the sun glare, traffic is moving great. same thing with i-95 in delaware, the travel times are on time. 42 in south jersey, building northbound volume heading toward 295 and the walt whitman bridge. we're moving at a decent clip. southbound if you're shore bound, so far, so good on this friday morning. tam. >> and we've been following
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this breaking story from south jersey, police are searching for a killer after a pizza delivery man found a woman's body on the side of the road. ment disturbing discovery was made at 12:30 a.m. on wilten landing road. the action cam was at a second scene at a nearby home. police are searching for the suspect who took off in the victim's car. new information is emerging about the alleged trigger man from the psyche unit of the mercy fitzgerald hospital. richard plotts remains hospitalized in critics an. if he survives, the delaware county district attorney plans to charge him with first degree murder. he had a shootout with his dr. and his case worker,
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dr. silver man is was hit in the head, but released this morning. >> reporter: good morning, tam we're learning about the alleged gunman, he has a long rap sheet, he served several years in prison for a bank robbery. "action news" spoke with his ex-wife, she described an abusive relationship where he would threaten to kill her if she tried to leave. she said his violent and unpredictable and belongs in jail. he have was always very controlling after are and very violent. >> reporter: words from the wife of rich -- words from the former wife of richard plotts who asked us not to identify her. richard plotts shot and killed hunt. the doctor pulled his own gun and they exchanged gunfire.
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silverman was grazed in the head and plots was shot three times. >> he was physically violent, mentally abusive and the many times i saw he was in and out of jail, i never thought he had changed from any of that. so i'm not surprised. >> reporter: investigators are trying to determine who shot the case worker. the motive is not clear, but it's plots may have issues over the doctors' treatment plan. >> i feel bad that i know him and he brought harm to somebody and their family. >> reporter: richard plots underwent surgery at the hospital of the university of pennsylvania, he remains in critical condition this morning. live in darby. katherine scott which i will. >> the web team is constantly updating the story in the investigation. >> we learned there are deadly victims of the tornado out of a
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virginia campground. dave carpenter and his wife were trying to close the door to the camper, when the tornado hit cape charles. >> i said hold on, because the camper was starting to rock a little bit and within seconds we went on our side. i landed on the roof near the door and my wife went flying to the back of the camper. >> his wife fractured her hip, and carpenter hurt his back, their children were not hurt. friends ofman and woman killed in the tornado are speaking out. their three children are in the hospital. >> they were great parents. they would bend over backwards to spend time with their kids.
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>> we're all so hurt, we don't know if this is really real. it's really hard. >> reporter: about three dozen other people were hurt when the severe weather moved through the virginia vacation spot. >> 6:37 overnight several countries confirmed the discovery wreckage of the air air algerie plane. everybody on board was french. france is sending a military unit to guard the crash site. authorities believe severe weather played a role in the crash and that may have been why the pilot tried to change course 50 minutes into the flight. the french took on islamic extremists in mali last year. good morning continues our coverage. plane crash at 7:00 a.m. after "action news." >> the eagles report to
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training camp at the nova care complex in south philly. they will undergo conditioning tests today. the birds invite fans to free open practice on monday 12:15. 6abc is your official eagles station. the eagles preseason opener against the bears can be seen friday august 8th at 8:00 p.m. >> that's right around the corner. let's talk about accuweather's great friday. >> reporter: absolutely gorgeous out there, cool and comfortable, storm tracker 6 live double scan shows you we're dry. we look outside, sky 6 lots of sunshine at the airport, no weather related problems to hinder you travelers as you head out of town, perhaps, maybe this is your vacation starting today. temperature, 63 degrees, some suburbs in the 50s, the dewpoint is in the 50s which is an
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indicator of the low humidity air. i'll have the complete forecast for you coming up in a couple of seconds here. satellite shows you there's a lack of cloud cover across the region. lots of sun in store. it will be comfortable across the region with low humidity. warm later, 69 degrees by.:00 7a ocat theional ysn e tothdef de on r clo is tht we'lst now egionte be theurbs.r at, e
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'rin a>> repeat, repeat, repea. a university cuts ties with a top band director. >> reporter: we're on the blue route 476 southbound heading toward the schuylkill expressway. we're starting to back up on i-95 we have a fire location and downed wires to talk about after the break. >> speaking of the fire location, chopper 6 is en route to a breaking row home fire in south philadelphia. we'll bring you the story next on "action news."
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>> welcome back we've got some breaking news coming to us from south philadelphia. chopper 6hd is live over the 1700 block of sealing street -- sigel street where firefighters are on the scene. look at all the firefighters on top of the building shooting the water and looks like they are trying to haven't into that building. you can see the smoke coming from the second floor, heavy flames coming translate first floor. waiting an update on the occupants in that building. they are working furiously to do
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everything they can to knock down this fire. "action news" will keep an eye on this and bring you updates as soon as it comes in. >> let's get a check of our traffic. looks like things are picking up on the traffic app. >> reporter: you know that hour of the morning when things get busier and things start to drop. we're keeping our eye on the south philadelphia row home fire, and sigel street which is westbound is shut down between 17th and 18th. you can see the neighbors gathering around watching the fire crews do their work. this is sigel blocked off between 17th and 18th in south philadelphia this morning. instead i want to stay on moore or on mckeen that's south of washington west of broad, sigel street is shut down because of this major row home fire in
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south philadelphia on this friday morning. speeds are dropping on i-95 18 miles per hour by girard avenue. as we look live toward allegheny, normally the southbound lanes would be backed up. they are not this morning. volume is lighter than normal. you don't start to jam until you get south of here down toward the work zone. meanwhile, we have downed wires susquehanna road at rydle road. there's a croar at 263, stay on street road by peddlers village as an alternate. things look fine on the northeast extension, it is closing southbound direction between lansdale and mid county blocked midnight 6:00 a.m. on sunday. >> we have details on the philadelphia flight heading to
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tel aviv had to turn around. 796 took off late last night and developed engine vibration it had to return to philadelphia and did land safely. nobody was hurt the problem was the cancellation of the return flight from tel aviv that was supposed to take off this afternoon. the ohio state marching band is moving forward without it's director. the college fired jonathan waters yesterday an investigation uncovered students being pressured to march in their underwear and sing lewd songs and perform sexual stunts. ohio's state president's said he is profoundly disappointed and shocked at the findings of the investigation. >> next we'll check in live with our good friends at "good
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i never really gave much thought to the acidity in any foods. never thought about the coffee i was drinking having acids.
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it never dawned on me that it could hurt your teeth. he told me to use pronamel. it's going to help protect the enamel in your teeth. it allows me to continue to drink my coffee, and it was a real easy switch to make.
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>> time for a preview of "good morning america." >> amy robach is joining us now with what's coming up on "g.m.a." we had that mali plane
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that went missing yesterday we know you're following up on that this morning. wreckage from the algerian jet liner has been found. we'll have the latest on what went wrong as responders sift through the wreckage. investigators are saying this morning the standoff ended at mercy fitzgerald hospital, a dr. shot back after being wounded. student engineers have come up with an invention that made popping the question a bit more memorable. that is the ring box cam. we have the details on the newest way to capture that special moment. apparently she really likes the ring. we have gangs ofon reporting live in -- languages of leon
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report -- gangs of leon performing live in central park. >> reporter: we have volume eastbound approaching 23. overall we've seen much worse mornings. the trains are on time. there will be shuttle busing in norristown this weekend. >> reporter: some of us are in the 50s, wilmington, 5. 63 in in in -- in philadelphia. if you're out running errands it's going to be gorgeous. 79 degrees by noon. we have a "shelter me rescue of the week" report coming up, i was lucky enough to do this one with whyatt who is one of the dogs being offered by buddy foundation rescue. it's wonderful i'll show you that on saturday, tam.
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>> we'll come back in just a moment and bring you the details on the house fire still burning in south philadelphia. chopper 6 is
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>> welcome back updating our breaking story coming from south philadelphia. chopper 6 is live on the scene affirm house fire in south
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philadelphia. we have learned that three people including two females and a male had to jump from the second floor of the home on sigel street. all were taken to the hospital with injuries. firefighters are on the roof of that building working hard to get this fire under control. you can see quite a bit of smoke you can see they have water coming out of the second floor. stay with "action news" for updates. >> reporter: sigel is blocked, stick with moore and mckeen. we have a motorcycle accident in gloucester county along glassboro road. >> reporter: we have spots in the 50s, i love that in late july. sunshine all the way today and low humidity, get out there and enjoy it. people it's going to be a great night to be on the town. a great night to be out. >> we're back in 30 minutes for
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breaking traffic and news, for karen rogers, matt o'donnell, david murphy and eva pilgrim, and matt pellman, i'm tamala edwards. have a great weekend. >> reporter: want to throw in a cousin or two? >> for all of us at "action news."
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good morning, america.
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direct hit, more than a thousand run for cover as a tornado bears down on this virginia campsite. >> look at the tree. it's on that guy's camper. oh, my god. >> new video just coming in now shows the complete destruction. families in shock, dozens injured. >> we looked over, and the camper just blew right overtop of the truck. >> rvs turned upside down. boats tossed onto the dock. the very latest right now. also breaking right now, new details on that passenger plane that went down over the sahara desert. the wreckage discovered by a drone. the airliner disintegrated with no survivors found. one black box has been found. military securing the site now. a drone buzzing around the space
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