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tv   Action News  ABC  July 23, 2014 4:30am-5:01am EDT

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. >> ♪ >> "action news." delaware valley's leading news program. with matt o'donnell, tamala edwards, karen rogers and meteorologist, david murphy. >> ♪ >> good morning. we have exclusive video on this wednesday july 23rd. only on "action news" exclusive video as rescuers free a baby from a locked suv. details on what will happen to the mother. that's ahead in a live report. >> the support to get international flights back into israel after the faa banned u.s. carriers from flying to tel aviv. >> this invasion of beatles was not as welcome as the one that took place 50 years ago. the ironic end to a tree dedicated to an iconic music man.
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good morning out there, it is now 4:30, i'm tamala edwards here with erin o'hearn. matt has the morning off. much more on all those stories in a moment. let's find out about this heat. sounds like it will be a real burner out there david murphy. >> headed to the 90's this afternoon. for now starting out clear, plenty of sunshine over the horizon maybe a little bit of haze over the atmosphere and we're watching to west as a cold front is beginning to trigger thunderstorms and showers on the other side of eerie pennsylvania, they will be here late today and tonight. 73 degrees right now in philadelphia and muggy. 70 in allentown, 72 in reading, 70 in dover and even down in sea isle city we are up over the 70-degree mark. take a look at dewpoints. anything over 60 means humid air. 66 in wilmington and allentown and even philadelphia at 64 so definitely al muggy feel as you head outside. and as we head out between 6:00 and 8 o'clock expect temperatures to climb. muggy, sunny early on.
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as we roll through the day that's when it really starts to heat up. 78 degrees by 9 o'clock, 87 by noon and then at 3 o'clock 92, we expect a high of 93 shortly after that and we'll probably still be holding onto the upper 80's by 6 o'clock and again after we get later into the afternoon and evening we'll be on the lookout for at least some spotty gusty thunderstorms. i'll have more on that on future tracker 6 coming up as well as what's on the other side of this next frontal boundary coming up in that seven day. guys. >> okay, thank you, david. the mother of a six week old baby is expected to be charged today. she's accused of leaving her infant unattended in an suv. an "action news" viewer caught the commotion on a cell phone as people noticed that baby in the car. "action news" reporter katherine scott has more on the video that you will only see right here on "action news." good morning, katherine. >> reporter: good morning, tam. in that video you can hear people talk about busting out the car windows themselves as they worried about the baby's safety. investigators are consulting with the district attorney's officers as they try to determine what this mother
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will be charged with. let's go to that exclusive video obtained by "action news." you can see people are gathering worried about this baby. there's a commotion in the parking lot. an "action news" viewer captured this cell phone video. this took place about 6:30 on monday morning outside the wal-mart on franklin mills boulevard boulevard. a six week old boy had been left in a toyota highlander. after few minutes a police officer arrived. that was around the same time as the child's 35-year-old mother emerged from wal-mart. she was handcuffed and taken into custody. the officer got the keys to the car. firefighters and paramedics were on the scene and they took the baby out of the vehicle. >> makes no sense whatsoever 'cause there's never any reason to leave a child in the car. not only just the heat but god for bid there was a car accident, if the car you was hit, anything could have happened, the child could have been, you know, stolen out of the car, anything could have
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went wrong. >> reporter: and at this time it's unclear how long that baby boy was inside the car. that baby boy was inside the christopher's hospital to be checked out. he's doing okay. he was placed in his father's custody. again no word on what charges this mother will be filed with. we're live from the special victims unit, katherine scott channel 6 "action news." >> thank god they saw that baby. thanks katherine. an argument may have that sparked a late night shooting in west philadelphia. police tell "action news" the victim was found lying in the 4900 block of west thompson street next to a mountain bike. the 41-year-old man is in critical condition with gun shots to the head face and chest. a potential suspect was spotd in a blue or dark colored vehicle. police are reviewing city surveillance on the block hoping to get a good look at the shooter. happening today an arraignment is expected in the montgomery county home invasion and kidnapping case. it happened yesterday near the intersection of trinity and holstein roads in upper merion township. police say the suspect broke into the home, grabbed the
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shot gun from the owner tied up the man's wife and drove the husband to the bank to withdraw cash. when police spotted the vehicle the suspect ditched the car but was arrested a short time later. >> and here's the latest coming from the middle east. the violence and the evacuations in israel and gaza are affecting international flights to the region. u.s. flights into israel have been canceled by the faa after a rocket landed near tel aviv's ben gurion airport. we have the latest. >> reporter: early wednesday clashes between palestinian and israeli troops left at least one person dead in bethlehem in the west bank. and over gaza, the sky was ablaze as both sides fired rockets and missiles. and now the united states is feeling the ripple effect. after a rocket from gaza landed less than 1 mile from israel's ben gurion airport on tuesday, the faa said that it
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is prohibiting u.s. airlines from flying into or out of the tel aviv airport for up to a day an extreme measure that the agency hasn't enactd in more than 20 years. major european carriers followed suit. >> obviously with the travel warning we take very seriously the security and safety american citizens. >> reporter: israel's seeming isly invincible iron dome defense system failed to intercept the rocket. the move to ban arrivals and departures from israel's main gateway to the world is a sign of caution about flying near combat zones heightened by the downing of a commercial jet over ukraine last week. overnight flight radar showed skies over israel quiet. israeli officials and even former new york city mayor michael bloomberg want the ban reversed saying it only hurts israel. secretary of state john kerry just landed in jerusalem continuing to push for a
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negotiate the ceasefire that would bind both sides to at least a temporary peace. susan saulny, abc news, wash. >> new york city police keeping a very close watch on the brooklyn bridge. two white flags mysteriously appeared on top of the bridge and they've since been removed. the nypd are looking for four to five people who scaled the bridge and switched out the american flag for bleached versions of old glory. the bulbs were covered with aluminum baking pans. officials wonder if the act was part of a demonstration. >> happening right now, a ceremony is about to get under way in ukraine as the bodies of at least 200 of the victims of the flight mh17 disaster are about to be flown back to the netherlands. international inspectors have told abc news that the wreckage of the plane shot down by a missile over ukraine has been significantly altered. those officials say they have seen local workers cutting
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away at the debris. the tampering could make it much more difficult to pinpoint blame. yesterday senior u.s. intelligence officials said the jet was most likely shot down by a russian fa11 surface to air missile. they believe the missile was fired by russian bacteria separatists in eastern ukraine most likely by mistake. it was hundred 90 people on board the plane were killed. and stay with "action news" and abc news for the latest on both of these major international stories. "good morning america" will have live reports from overseas coming up at 7:00 right after actor news. >> now time to take that first look at business. investigators will be holding a flues conference announcing the arrests of international cyber thieves. these crooks hacked into a thousand stub hub accounts. affected customers have received refunds. and we keep on hearing about a coming smart watch
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from apple. but it sounds like they're not going to call it i watch. instead it will be called i time. apple was just granted a patent for the watch and you're taking a look at some of the diagrams, the first diagrams of the design. to word though on when it will go on sale or how much it's going to cost. stocks rose on wall street on tuesday on solid corporate earnings. futures seem to be pointing to a higher opening. target is introduce a new app that let's customers by items by scanning magazines. >> the speed limit is going up on a stretch of the pennsylvania turnpike. drivers can now go up to 70 miles an hour between the blue mountains and the morgantown interchanges. the rest of the highway will maintain the 65 miles per hour speed limit. officials say they want to bring the turnpike up top
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speed with other roads in the state where 70 miles an hour zones are becoming more common. >> a mother of four is in with the law after police say she coerced her 12-year-old son into stealing. >> coming up more of this video you have to see to believe. david. >> it's going to be a hot one out there today with a high of 93, a low tonight of 72. both of these numbers above the average lows and we've got the chance of some thunderstorms later in the day and tonight. i'll have the details on future tracker 6 and give you your complete seven day coming >> ♪ all the chicken in your grocery store
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is inspected by the usda... but perdue asked them to go further. they verify that all our chickens are cared for in a clean, safe environment... and fed an all-veggie diet. no other chicken company does this. but at perdue, we believe in a better chicken. does this. i never know what kind theof adventure awaits. that the days are longer, and the breeze feels a little sweeter. and, thanks to volvo, i'll pay nothing for repairs or maintenance for 5 years, nothing. they even cover my first month's payment. so, i'll be happy wherever the summer takes me. the wonder of summer event. the 2015 volvo s60 sedan with complimentary first month's payment. starting at $319 a month.
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well, at perdue, we say you are what you eat...eats. so we feed our chickens an all-veggie diet, including corn and marigolds with no added animal by-products... hormones...or steroids. because at perdue, we believe in a better chicken. >> new this morning, take a look at this. a skin crawling sight in wisconsin. swarms of may flies coming out of the mississippi river. you can see them tractor-trailer at this gas station covering the pumps. the may fly hatch was so large it was picked up by weather radar and even caused a three-car accident. experts say that the may flies swarm is pretty common but that this year's swarm is bigger than normal. take a look at that. >> that looks like something out of a horror story. >> that's a lot of bugs. storm tracker 6 live double
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scan right now is not slowing any precipitation this morning. that will change later today and tonight. as we take a look outside we have sky 6 in center city and looking tranquil this morning across the region and looking warm, too. hey, we started this yesterday. we have an extra feature that we are adding to the full weather forecast during our morning broadcast here on "action news." it's for those of you with hdtv. we're calling it our seven day always on and if you've got hd you can see a preview of seven day on the left-hand side but in about 90 seconds i'll show to it all of us. temperature 73 degrees, dewpoint in the mid 60's. that's an indication of humid air so like yesterday morning it is going to feel muggy as you step outside and probably feel more so as the sun comes up over the horizon. future tracker 6 shows you through morning we're going to get sun but as we get later into the afternoon, any time after about 2 o'clock we may start to see a little of this but a better chance after four or 5 or 6 o'clock. the northern and western suburbs are going to start to see showers or thunderstorms pop through and then we get
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into the evening hours and there's a better chance of this coming down in toward philadelphia. not everybody sees it all at once but where you do you could see lots of lightning gusty winds and some of these could produce a little hail. not certain that there's going to be any severe storms out of this but there could be storms that at least knock things around enough to bring down a tree branch or two. by 10:30 and 11 o'clock right around the time adam joseph and cecily tynan have their nighttime forecast radar will almost certainly have something to show you. at the shore you might get woken by a rumble of thunder in the wee hours of morning. 75 degrees by 8 o'clock but by 11:00, 84 and by 2 o'clock, 90. your high today is 93 degrees and that kicks in probably at about three or four clock this afternoon. still in the low 90's by 5 o'clock. high temperatures from north to south, we expect 90's even up in allentown reading and trenton. down the shore mid 80's but everybody looking at hot and humid conditions and again late day storms in the northern and western suburbs and probably holding off until the evening hours in and
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around i-95. for the phillies tonight it's going to be humid and there could be a thunderstorm passing through that delays the game. i do think they'll get it in, though. 86 degrees for the first pitch and 79 in the ninth. tomorrow in the morning we'll be cloudy and perhaps a little bit damp up until 10:00, 11:00, noon. by the time we get into the afternoon it looks like the sun returns and humidity lowers and things do get better during the day tomorrow. your seven-day from accuweather, we are looking at a hot and humid high of 93 today. late storms as you just saw and that high of 93 coupled with the high humidity will probably give you a heat index up close to a hundred degrees in urban centers. tomorrow a morning shower maybe a storm but then clearing in the afternoon, a high of 82 with lowering humidity and friday still looking great, 84, sunny, beautiful evening for the union and phillies and saturday still looking pretty good, warm with a high of 88 but humidity on the low side. might be a little bit stickier on sunday, clouds and sun and in the afternoon a pop-up thunderstorm is possible and we'll probably see a little more of that on monday, okay.
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>> thank you david. >> thanks, david. >> new this morning officials believe they have found the find victim of a deadly landslide in washington state. a rain saturated hillside along the river gave way on the outskirts of the town on march 22nd. yesterday officials say they believe they have found the last boulder officials cannot confirm the identity until the body has been recovered. 43 people are thought to have been killed in the maryland slide. >> also new on "action news" a mother in central north carolina is accused of forcing her 12-year-old son to steal. susan shave vis appeared in a raleigh courtroom tuesday charged with misdemeanor larceny and contributing to the delinquency of a juvenile. she was arrested monday after police say she forced her son to take a backpack full of stolen clothes out of a wal-mart. police say she had a boy push a cart with beer and diapers out of the store without paying for it.
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she had three other children with her at the time. >> moving day more than two ship ran aground. the wrecked costa concordia cruise ship. >> the battle continues to rage on after casey kasem's death. details on "action news." >> you can
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>> welcome back. let's take a look at traffic around the region. let's take a look at traffic delaware county, this is neiffer at route 420. construction crews continue to block the northbound left lanes as drivers head towards the airport. now they're scheduled to leave out of there in about 10 minutes but even with them there right now there are no major delays. frazier chester county route 202 north of 401 work crews off to the side in the work zone. both lanes opened in both directions between exton and kop. again no delays and that road is dry. david. >> all right, guys, on the big board today, we're looking at flight tracker. about 1360 flights up in the air. vacation stuff working for everybody again. we do have a line of showers and thunderstorms that are out in northern ohio pushing down toward areas like columbus. if you're flying out there this morning you may have some
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delays. looks like chicago's clear and points to the west. couple of little showers and thunderstorms out in places like iowa and nebraska. not big travel hubs though and it looks like we've got a little bit of scattered stuff around florida and the gulf coast but atlanta looks like we're not going to have any major delays and west coast also looking clear. later this afternoon this line of thunderstorms is going to push in toward philadelphia and if you're planning on flying or receiving somebody on a flight later this afternoon or this evening you may have some delays there because of that approach of thunderstorms that will be around here in the northern suburbs in the late afternoon hours and probably pushing through philadelphia early this evening. a heads of that front we're looking at a high of 93, hot and humid today with sun giving way to clouds and eventually those storms rolling in, okay, guys? >> okay, thanks so much, david. from our delaware news room three people were hurt including a firefighter following a police chase that ended with a crash. authorities say a stolen car slammed into a wilmington fire truck last night at 8 o'clock at 11th and washington.
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the vehicle burst into flames and the firefighters just became accident victims had to spring into action to pull a suspect from the burning car. the other suspect tried to flee but was arrested two blocks away. >> the city of philadelphia is paying nearly $1.5 million to settle a lawsuit with people seeking gun permits. the city first came under fire when names and addresses of citizens denied gun permits were posted on a public web site a class action lawsuit involving thousands of people claims the database was supposed to be confidential. the city maintains it is not but it did agree to process permits faster within 45 days and refund the application fee to anyone denied. >> 4:53 now. all new in the next half hour of "action news" a delaware county community is on alert over an attempted child luring. more on the predator parents need to look out for. >> a tree dedicated to the memory of beetle george harrison meets a grisly end
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due, to wait for it, the wonder of summer is that i never know what kind of adventure awaits. the days are longer, and the breeze feels a little sweeter. and, thanks to volvo, i'll pay nothing for repairs or maintenance for 5 years, nothing. they even cover my first month's payment. so, i'll be happy wherever the summer takes me. the wonder of summer event. the 2015 volvo s60 sedan with complimentary first month's payment. starting at $319 a month.
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>> happening today, the ship will make its final voyage. it set sale overnight. it's been more than two years since the ship ran aground killing 32 people. a convoy of 17 boats will travel along with it. this ship is expected to arrive on land on sunday. it will take about two years to dismantle the massive cruise liner. >> the body of late casey kasem transport d to canada amid a family feud. the president of the funeral
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home said kacie kasem's body was transported on july 14, 29 days after his death. it's the latest development in the ongoing family feud between kasem's wife jean who wants the body to go to canada and his adult children from his first marriage who do not. one of those children kerry kasem got a restraining order to keep her father's body in the u.s. she presented it to the funeral home the day after her father's body was sent to montreal. a pine tree planted in los angeles over 10 years ago to honor the late beatle george larson has died and it was killed by beetles. according to experts the tree which had reached a height of 10 feet succumbed to a beetle infestation t a plaque at the base of the tree commemorates harrison not only as a musician but also an avid gardener. another tree a planned to be planted at that spot. >> 4:57. tens of thousands of jeeps are under recall this morning for a problem that could shut off the and gin. >> the pennsylvania spca rescues a dog hanging from a fence. now they're offering a hefty
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reward for information leading to its owner. "action news" will be right
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>> ♪ >> "action news." delaware valley's leading news
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program. with matt o'donnell, tamala edwards, karen rogers and meteorologist, david murphy. >> ♪ >> good morning. it's 5:00 a.m. on this wednesday july 23rd. matt o'donnell is off, erin o'hearn is joining us. here's what's happening. >> accuweather is tracking a big hike in the heat and >> accuweather is tracking a late day thunderstorms. >> rescuers free a six week old baby who was locked in an suv. we have the video that you will only see right here on "action news." >> international flights into israel remain on hold as the violence in the middle east drags on and the death toll continues to climb. >> first up we're going to take a look at weather and traffic. let's talk with david murphy who is talking about really high heat and humidity today and matt pelman is in for karen. good morning. >> you can feel that sticky air building in during the day yesterday and you're going to feel it again today. it is going to be a little hotter. right now looking at not a lot going on on satellite. hazy sunshine expected to come up over the horizon and all eyes are on thi


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