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tv   Good Morning America  ABC  July 15, 2014 7:00am-9:01am EDT

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good morning, america. and happening now, the extreme weather worsens overnight. flooding and dangerous lightning coast to coast. families rescued from rising waters. one mother swept away for four miles and survives. >> wow. it's loud. hammering hail making it look like winter snow. lightning bolts hitting the freedom tower and house of congress. one of the busiest subways and cars going off the track in russia. injured passengers walking out of the tunnel to safety. at least 16 dead right now. comedian tracy morgan speaking out for the first time since his hore rifg car crash. >> i'm okay. >> you look great, man. >> the star healing back at home from his critical injuries. what he's doing right now to get well. ♪ wild thing and it really is the planet
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of the apes. we'll show you what these two critics thought about the most popular film in america right now. buying their own tickets and popcorn. turns out this trip to the movies was all monkey business. ♪ wild thing and we do say good morning, america. several people at the theater a little worried about those chimps getting the wrong idea, you know. >> you knew someone was going to try. we have a lot to get to including the breaking news on that subway disaster in just a minute. dangerous weather worsening overnight. flash flooding and waters rising rapidly sweeping families away. ginger tracking it all. >> more than 170 severe weather reports from coast to coast and we get in a little closer. part of the fuel for all the storms, that striking cold front. this morning memphis in the 70s.
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kansas hit a record low of 54. unruly storms across the nation. hail and floodwaters swallowing colorado neighborhoods. fierce downpours in kansas. and in new york and new jersey, cars overtaken by water. up to 2 inches falling fast. >> all the cars and they were pulling through. their waves were hitting us and moving us. in ohio one family's car hydroplaning and being whipped away by flash flooding. the father grabbing his daughter and hanging on a tree. >> his wife did not drown. the water carrying her four miles before she too climbed to safety. 2,000 miles southwest, a harrowing water rescue in phoenix. a woman pulled from her submerged car. time lapse capturing the monsoon storms dumping almost 2 inches of rain in just an hour. images inside the storm striking a hit on the freedom tower, the library of congress in d.c.
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struck too and in philadelphia, a teenage boy is in stable condition after he was struck by lightning. so who needs to look out for those watches later? wyoming, colorado, a little area there, also from north carolina up through vermont and new hampshire. strong wind, large tornadoes and, of course, we could see hail. excuse me, isolated tornadoes. not large. i wanted to sit on this. it is cold but some people are telling me they love it. chicago is saying this feels good. feels like end of september >> as long as they like it. >> keep it. >> keep it there. >> hey, ginger, thank you. now to that breaking news in russia, the deadly subway derailment. passengers still trapped at this hour after several cars left the track during rush hour in moscow. this report from abc's kirit radia coming from the scene. >> reporter: this was a commuter's nightmare. thousands on their way to work at the height of the morning rush hour when the train derailed. you can see it behind me. they've been pulling people out
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all day. the death toll, at least 16 people with over 100 people injured. the images we've been seeing are horrific. cars piled up on cars with twisted metal and smoke everywhere and amid all this chaos we've been hearing stories of heroism. >> there are no reports of terrorism. russian authorities say three cars derailed after a power surge caused the train to stop abruptly. the station where the crash occurred is one of the deepest in the subway system making rescue efforts even that much more challenging. we your honor to the crisis in the middle east and breaking news. israel accepts a new cease-fire proposal but the military wing of hamas appears to have rejected it launching more rockets into israel and martha raddatz has the latest from jerusalem. does this mean all hope for a quick cease-fire is lost? >> reporter: i don't think all hope is lost, george. at least they have something on the table.
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but hamas needs some sort of face-saving measure. this i've lost almost 200 people after firing rockets into israel and israel launching air strikes against gaza so at least they have something to talk about. this will be difficult, very difficult, but not impossible. >> and if the rockets continue to launch, what's next? >> reporter: prime minister b g benjamin netanyahu of israel says "we are prepared to continue and intensify our operations to protect our people." they have been doing that with the iron dome and i expect more air strikes this afternoon. >> okay, martha raddatz, thanks very much. morning's other top stories from dan harris in for amy. >> good morning. we'll start with the mystery illness spreading in washington state. health officials say more thank 80 people got sick after swimming in horseshoe lake waiting to find out if the norovirus is to be blamed. they're warned to stay out until tests are confirmed. people in california may see
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drastic new restrictions aimed at easing a historic drought and they're expected to vote on a $500 fine for anybody caught wasting water on landscaping or washing their cars. meantime, the dry conditions are fueling this wildfire in the northern part. more than eight square miles have burned and more evacuations are being ordered. the department of veterans affairs says it has made, quote, tremendous progress reducing a backlog of disability claims. but at a combative hearing on capitol hill members of congress accused v.a. of fudging numbers and hear from more v.a. whistle-blowers saying they are harassed and her car was depthed after speaking out about abuses of power. look at this video out of san diego. a group of strangers rushing this stop a woman and young girl from being carjacked. the suspect jumped in and tried to drive off but crashed it and a group of men passing by and grabbed the would-be carjacker
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and held him throwing a few punches in the process until the cops arrived. sports news, he's done it again. oakland's yoenis cespedes, did i get that right? close enough. won the home run derby and blasted 28 homers last night including one that traveled 452 feet into the third deck above left field but the real headline depending on your view on these things was this rainbow that appeared during the rain delay. quite beautiful. >> wow. some major drama at a minor league game in texas. a fan ran on to the field and tried to punch the opposing team's player for hitting a batter with the ball. the fan was arrested. police say he was drunk. which is shocking. and finally from the news desk, a whole new twist on carpooling. yes, this right here is a car that is also a pool. two guys from canada built a working hot tub into this 1969 cadillac deville. they want to make it the fastest hot tub on earth.
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they have raised more than 10 grand on kickstarter to race this car in utah and it may shock you to hear they actually came up with this idea over a keg of beer at a backyard party where all the best ideas are invented including the iphone and the sneeze guard both invented -- >> how did i know alcohol was involved. >> what do you think, strahan, let's take it for a cruise. >> seat belts and what happens in an abrupt stop. >> don't ask questions, just do it. dive right in. >> she looks pretty great. >> it does look great. >> how deep is it? s>> you can wear water wings. >> are you worried i'm too short for the car? >> i didn't say that, dan. i didn't say that but if you did, hey. >> oh, boy, here we go. >> always making that turn. >> see you guys. to the former p.o.w. held five years by the taliban, this morning army sergeant bowe bergdahl is back at work assigned to a desk job and military investigators are digging deeper into his
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disappearance into afghanistan. brian ross is here with much more on the story. >> reporter: good morning, this morning sergeant bergdahl is assigned to regular duty but comes the most sensitive part as the army will begin to question him about how he became a taliban prisoner in the first place. this morning, at ft. sam houston in san antonio, the army says sergeant bergdahl will be treated like any other soldier as he reports for duty at his new desk job with a bed in the barracks and no restrictions on his movements. the pentagon says he has now completed what military psychologists said would be his reintegration process. >> in captivity fundamentally your decision to make any choice is taken away so slowly increase his sense of control. >> reporter: it's been a little over six weeks since the dramatic prisoner swap in the afghan desert that ended bergdahl's five years of captivity in the hands of the taliban. during those five years, bergdahl's parents were tireless in their efforts to gain his
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freedom. >> i pray this video may be shown to our only son. >> reporter: but pentagon officials say bergdahl did not meet with his parents at all during the transition period. >> it is the returnee's choice to make that -- when and who they want to meet with. >> reporter: since his release the taliban released this propaganda photo online with a smiling bergdahl with a taliban leader who has since been killed. despite the chummy appearance he has told army investigators he was badly mistreated by the taliban. and army family that blames bergdahl for death says they are furious he has been returned to regular duty calling had i'm a deserter. the army investigation into whether he did, in fact, desert his post is due to be completed in about a month. robin, george. >> okay, thank you. we turn now to an alarming report out this morning on data breaches with cybertheft soaring it reveals how vulnerable our credit cards, bank accounts and other personal information can be. pierre thomas is bringing us the abc news exclusive.
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good morning, pierre. >> reporter: good morning. this new report is a disturbing reminder that computer hacking and identity theft are at epidemic levels and only getting worse. any report looking at data breaches in the state of new york provided exclusively to abc news paints a stark picture suggesting that we're all increasingly at risk for identity theft. the study examining eight years of state records show the pace of cybertheft of personal information is growing at an exponential rate. the number of hacki ining cases reported in new york spiked from only 34 in 2006 to more than 400 per year since 2011. a more than 100-fold increase and in 2013 security breaches exposed the personal records of more than 7 million new yorkers. >> consumers have to take steps to protect itself. if it's happening in new york it's happening to everyone all over the country. >> reporter: retailers and customers are the top victims on the hit list as a massive hacking of target showed us last year and this year major
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breaches at michael's and ebay. >> many businesses are simply throwing up their hands and accepting it as a fact of modern life. >> reporter: acourting to one estimate they cost the u.s. $4.7 billion in 2012 what lone. intelligence sources allege that cybercriminals in countries including russia and china target u.s. companies and private networks daily. some tips today for consumers, check your credit and debit accounts as often as you can. routinely update your passwords and never, never post personal information on social media pages. robin. >> great suggestions, pierre. to a major initiative by major league baseball to combat homophobia in the big leagues and abc's paula faris has the story. >> reporter: this morning, just hours before the all-star game, abc news has learned major league baseball is poised to make what should be a game-changing announcement, regarding inclusion of gay players. while the league has never had
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an active openly gay player some have come out publicly after retirement like glen burke who will be honored by major league baseball commissioner bud selig at today's press conference and billy beane. >> and here is billy beane. >> reporter: beane played for six seasons before coming out and is now working with the league on its efforts. >> the challenges are to make sure every individual knows that they have a welcome and inclusive environment. >> reporter: the league has banned discrimination based on sexual orientation since 2011 but mlb tells abc news as the sport of jackie robinson the principles of equality and inclusion are bedrocks of the game." 2014 is a year of first of gays in sports. jason collins became the first openly gay player in the nba. in may, the st. louis rams drafted michael sam making him the first openly gay player in the nfl.
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something he spoke with robin about. >> i think i could be a beacon for those people, the light. hey, i could comfortable in my own skin. >> reporter: now, major league baseball has never had an active openly gay player but today's announcement expected this afternoon is just the next step in creating an environment of tolerance and inclusion. it's only a matter of time. we want to make these players feel comfortable. >> starting at the top with bud selig. he has been out front in this inclusion. good to have you back, paula. >> good to be back. >> good job. something who really deserves some good news. >> good news and, you know, some much deserved happiness for a hero of the boston bombing. jeff bauman lost both his legs in the blast but more than a year after the attack he's a daddy and he is stronger than ever. it's one of the those iconic images from the boston marathon bombing. then 27-year-old jeff bauman, rushed to safety by a stranger
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in a cowboy hat, the blast at the finish line severing both his legs but this morning, a happier image, bauman and his fiancee erin announcing the birth of their first child nora. he helped identify one of the accused bomber and personified boston strong becoming a symbol of strength across the country. throwing out the first pitch at a red sox game. appearing at this year's state of the union with the special seat just inches from the first lady. even addressing a group of graduates. >> you know, we are all running a marathon in one way or another. today you are at the finish line of your race, but you just have to keep running forward and don't let anything slow you down. >> reporter: in his best-selling book "stronger" now slated to be a major motion picture. >> i treat every day like it's my last and do everything i can. >> reporter: inspiring words
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he'll no doubt lead now that he's at the starting line of fatherhood. >> ah. >> good news. >> great story. >> i hope we stay in touch and then see pictures every year. >> let's do that. >> speaking as a boston guy he's incredibly strong and also the city rallied around him. it's terrific in a million ways. >> yeah. >> it's a big night for new york yankee. >> indeed. baseball great derek jeter, a tribute to him is already going viral. the yankees' captain will be playing in his 14th all-star game tonight. in his final season, i hate saying that. during the game though fans will see a special nike ad featuring fans, sports stars and celebrities all honoring the beloved shortstop. >> now batting for the new york yankees, number 2, derek jeter. number 2. ♪
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♪ ♪ >> tiger. >> yeah. you need to look closely at so many stars in the world of sports and everybody wanting to give number 2 the respect that he so deserves and you'll see the whole ad, 140 -- 100 -- 1:40 airing during the all-star game and 60-second versions through the rest of the summer. >> he earned every bit. >> lara said it made her terry. it made me terry too.
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my ad from nike -- i didn't put in 15 years -- >> what? >> next half hour we'll all tip our hats to you. >> maybe i'll announce i'll retire before the end of the season -- >> it all worked out. well deserved. nobody personified class not just in new york but sports across all sports. >> incredible. >> good recovery. >> good recovery. >> go back to ginger. a lot of rain coming. >> michael, we'll make yours 1:45 so -- >> it's going to be longer. from maryland all the way up to maine we are on flood watch here throughout the northeast so later this afternoon and evening storms with some very hefty rainfalls will come through. back here in oklahoma and texas watching for that stationary front to bring some areas in exceptional drought much needed rain. a quick look. some areas hot, reno, hot, 105.
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>> hi, i'm meteorologist karen rogers with your accuweather update. watching for app couple of sprinkles around but no big storms until later today. let's take you outside right now and show you what it looks like. we've got some low clouds at philadelphia international airport and it's very humid. warm, too. let's take a look at your accuweather forecast. warm and humid, a high of 87. we could see a shower or a thunderstorm at any point but really gusty, drenching thunderstorms come late today through the evening hours. tomorrow some early showers or downpours and a high
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. >> and just for the record it's again a clinical strength deodorant day in new york city and you need the umbrella. yep, brought it back. >> just for the record. all right u. ginger, thank you. coming up, the federal agent on trial for the murder of a man in a mcdonald's. the whole incident caught on surveillance tape. also ahead, the bizarre story of a father visiting his son in jail only to become a prisoner himself. tracy morgan talking about how he's recovering from his critical injuries. a woman proving age is just a number. the incredible 40-year-old cheerleader for the new orleans saints. 10 miles... the length of 146 football fields. they can see the light of a single candle. your eyes are amazing. look after them with centrum silver. multivitamins to help support your eyes, heart and brain. centrum silver. for the most amazing parts of you.
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>> ♪ >> good morning, everyone, i'm matt o'donnell. 7:26 on this tuesday july 15. let's see how that 62 you can is doing with matt pelman. hi, matt. >> not dealing with sun glare but we're dealing with other stuff. a vehicle doesn't run on 76 westbound side right by the belmont on-ramp as you come away from manayunk and penndot is out there trying to get the vehicle moving again but it's
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at tracking attention for the time being in a spot that would normally be jammed westbound so it's a little extra heavy from the boulevard through this points out to gladwyne. storm damage from last night here in tredyffrin a downed tree along yes, sir low springs road. if you're using the ben franklin bridge, there are only three westbound lanes available coming into center city so we are starting to see delays in the mid span on into center city. have some traffic light troubles over here in south jersey along hickstown road at erial road in blackwood and a pair of issues on 55. there's a crash northbound past 553 on the shoulder. also reports of a vehicle fire approaching 322. matt. >> thank you, matt. let's take a live look at cape may, new jersey. some low visibility in some areas this morning. let's go to meteorologist karen rogers filling in for david. hi, karen. >> hey, matt. today is a similar day as yesterday. oppressively humid. could be a shower at any point. best chance for these storms are pretty late afternoon into the evening hours. let's look at this accuweather forecast.
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warm and humid 87 for you high. trenching thunderstorms and they come late in the day through the evening hours again from west to east. and even tomorrow looks like we have a line of some early showers or a quick downpour for the first part of the day. then the second half of the day is better tomorrow, 83 degrees. we don't reduce the humidity until wednesday night into thursday. by thursday it's refreshing, 83 and dry finally. and then friday sunshine to friday, saturday, sunday chance for a shower, matt. >> thanks karen. the national weather service will be in burlington county later today to see if a tornado touched down during yesterday's s hey pal? you ready?
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can you pick me up at 6:30? ah... (boy) i'm here! i'm here! (cop) too late. i was gone for five minutes! ugh! move it. you're killing me. you know what, dad? i'm good. (dad) it may be quite a while before he's ready, but our subaru legacy will be waiting for him. (vo) the longest-lasting midsize sedan in its class. introducing the all-new subaru legacy. it's not just a sedan.
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it's a subaru. hot stuff baby this evening ♪ >> there they are getting all warmed up, the finalists for our 5-alarm firefighters challenge from tacoma, gulf shores, alabama, competing tore that $10,000 prize for their fire department. three feels right now at the end of the day, there will only be two. it's going to be quite a competition. >> yeah, gulf shores taking an advance competition. just warming up for the main event. also this morning, the father who visited his son in jail, wound up serving time himself getting trapped for more than 30 hours. what really happened? >> crazy story. >> really scary. plus, star tracy morgan showing encouraging signs of recovery from his critical injuries from that horrific crash. what he's saying right now in a new video. >> good to see him up and moving. do you miss "the wonder
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years" because we've got the cast of the beloved show back together for the first time in 16 years. we also have some rare outtakes from the set that you've never seen before and we'll share them with you this morning. >> great tune there. thank you, lara. we begin with the federal agent on trial for the second time for a murder in hawaii. agent christopher deedy is claiming self-defense in the 2011 shooting at a waikiki mcdonald's that was caught on tape. abc's cecilia vega is here with the story for us. good morning, cecilia. >> reporter: nice to see you. christopher deedy will be back in court this morning and all eyes will be on that courtroom. this is a case that has gripped this island paradise. this surveillance footage shows the final moments of 23-year-old kollin elderts' life shot to death by off-duty federal agent christopher deedy. his first trial ending with a deadlock deadlocked jury. it painted him as a portrait as
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a bar-hopping drunk the night he shot elderts. >> the defendant was fueled by alcohol primed by warning about hostile locals and imbued with a sense of entitlement. >> reporter: but the defense alleges it was the victim and his friend who were the aggressors harassing other customers before scuffling with deedy and that deedy fired his gun in self-defense. >> what our law enforcement officers are trained to do, stop it before it becomes violent. >> reporter: he says he went for a night out testifying that he intervened when he saw elderts harassing other customers. >> i told him, i'm a cop and as i said that, i was reaching back pulling out my creds, opened them up. >> reporter: deedy says his warnings didn't work. >> i put both arms in front of me palms forward and i said, stop, i'll shoot.
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>> reporter: he said elderts tackled him to the ground. >> delivering the blows, he had come back and down, back and down. >> reporter: deedy has pleaded not guilty to second degree murder. he says he tried to stop the bleeding, telling elderts to breathe as seen on this witness' cell phone video which will not be shown in court. an emotionally charged case gripping this island community. and deedy's attorney says he will likely take the stand in this retrial. that first trial ended in a hung jury. >> it did, all right, cecilia, thank you. abc chief legal affairs anchor dan abrams is here. either side have an advantage. >> prosecutors. this he can fix the mistakes they made at the first trial. he testified in the first case. they can go through all of that testimony and try and pick apart new inconsistencies when he takes the stand again so they have a new opportunity inconsistencies. the judge made a couple of rulings that seem to favor the prosecution but, remember, this
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was 8-4 for acquittal in the first case meaning it was pretty close to him getting an acquittal but the jury ended up being hung. >> so that being the case are you surprised the prosecution didn't go for a lesser charge of, say, manslaughter. >> i'm stunned they didn't ask for that, right, because you understand why the defense would say we want all or nothing. if these jurors aren't going to convict of second degree murder we think there will be an acquittal. you would think prosecutors would want a compromise like manslaughter where some are suggesting there was a scuffle. in the first case the prosecutors did not wafk for manslaughter. in this case, i think that they should if they don't and it's possible the judge could just say, look, i think this is an appropriate charge. that could end up making the difference for a jury. in fact, one of the jurors in the other case was asked if you had a manslaughter option what do you think the outcome would have been, paused for a moment and said, hmm, don't know, hadn't thought about that. >> it varies from state to state. this is hi high.
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what's the legal standpoint here. >> for self-defense it has to have been immediately necessary but once he puts forward some evidence of that, meaning his own testimony, prosecutors then again have that burden to prove it beyond a reasonable doubt that it wasn't self-defense which is why it makes these cases kind of hard meaning if he's got some evidence to put forward about self-defense, suddenly the prosecutors take on this enormous burden and that's why you saw a divided jury in the first case but, again, i think prosecutors have an advantage, this time around, which you'll see. >> all right, thank you, dan. you'll be back later. >> i am with -- doing something very different. i'll be in the same clothes but i'll be referring a firefighter challenge. >> big job today. >> i love how you said that. >> i wanted to go casual and they're like, no, i want you to wear the suit. >> but you get a whistle. we turn now to the strange story of a man visiting his son in jail only to become a prisoner himself. a door locked behind him
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trapping him for more than a day now suing the prison. abc's alex perez has the story. >> reporter: this morning a visitor who says he inadvertently became a prisoner inside the jail for nearly 32 hours is speaking out. farad polk was visiting his son in the cook county jail july 5th when according to polk guards told him to have a seat in a waiting area down the hall. when he entered the room, the heavy steel doors slammed behind him. >> he was locked in an 8x8 room for over 30 hours and made to sit in that room without any food, any water, no toiletries, no bedding. >> reporter: for nearly a day and a half he said he tried desperately to get anyone's attention, screaming, even pounding on the room's two-feet-thick concrete walls but no luck. he says it wasn't until he broke
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the head off one of the sprinklers flooding the room that the fire department arrived and found him. this morning polk is filing a lawsuit against cook county alleging negligence. cook county jail telling abc news overnight this was an extraordinarily unique set of circumstances that unfortunately resulted in him being in that room for that period of time. polk says the experience was so traumatizing he hasn't been able to visit his son. for "good morning america," alex perez, abc news, chicago. >> what a nightmare. hard to believe that one. ginger, i love what you got over there. >> me too. not all doom and gloom in the weather department. we have after doom and gloom pictures. imagine you're at the happiest place on earth and this beautiful rainbow comes up. you walk right through there and become a prince or princess kids, i promise. i'm sorry. that doesn't happen. the storms that are just going to be scattered throughout the northeast. that cold front bringing major
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different temperatures, dallas was 101. today only 90. atlanta in the low 80s. raleigh still ahead of the front but cooler weather headed this way. look, less humid too. as that high pressure system settles in, eventually we will see the humidities drop and temperatures drop too. early morning lows that you're seeing so 60s in new york city, boston will drop to 62 by friday morning. a cool kickoff to the >> all that weather brought to you by petco. i just want to point that out, the falllike icon with the leaves blowing past. >> there's just no need to do that at this moment. >> too soon. thanks, ging. coming up, tracy morgan speaking out about his recovery from that horrific crash.
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what he's saying right now. and how baby talk can boost your child's brain power. when you should talk. this mother inspiring so many. how she danced her way into the new orleans saints cheerleading squad. get your pom-poms ready. . revlon age defying firming + lifting makeup our multi-benefit innovation. skin feels tighter. expression lines look more relaxed. 3x hydration... ... beautiful coverage. 93% of women saw noticeably improved skin. radiant. rejuvenated. revlon.
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ensure, your #1 dr. recommended brand now introduces ensure active. muscle health. clear protein drink and high protein. targeted nutrition to feed your active life. ensure. take life in. we are back now at 7:42 with comedian tracy morgan back home recovering from that serious car crash. morgan is suing walmart over the
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accident and also speaking out for the first time. abc's mara schiavocampo has the story. >> reporter: flashing a peace sign and a smile while leaving his new jersey home monday, tracy morgan looked visibly weak but sounded strong. >> i'm okay. >> you look great, man. >> just wondering how you're doing. >> thank you. >> reporter: this new video is one of the comedian's first appearances since being critically injured in a car accident last month. after spending five weeks in the hospital, the 45-year-old is still recovering from serious injuries including a broken leg, nose and several ribs, a scar still visible on the side of his head, morgan was injured when walmart truck driver kevin roper allegedly fell asleep behind the wheel crashing into the limousine van the actor was riding in. >> it's two vehicles and a walmart truck. >> reporter: the accident injured two others and killed morgan's longtime friend. >> this is a terrible accident. the car flipped. it's on its side. >> reporter: roper pleaded not
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guilty to death by auto and by assault charges and morgan is suing walmart claiming they should have known he was awake for more than 24 consecutive hours immediately before the subject accident. responding to the lawsuit walmart says it is cooperating fully in the ongoing investigation. and as the investigation continues this morning, so does morgan's recovery. he's now reportedly undergoing an aggressive outpatient program at his home in new jersey. for "good morning america," mara schiavocampo, abc news, new york. >> and we are all wishing tracy to get well soon. all right, coming up, new research from one dad that could reveal smartphones could actually make us better parents? >> if you say. and "the wonder years" reunion 16 years in the making. and rare outtakes from on set you've never seen until now. >> yeah. now go to your closet and get out your pom-poms. >> i already got them. >> you have to cheer on this mother of two that's inspiring so many and proving age is just
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a number. >> rah-rah shish boom ba. [ woman ] i've always tried to see things from the best angle i could. it's how i look at life. especially now that i live with a higher risk of stroke due to afib, a type of irregular heartbeat not caused by a heart valve problem. i was taking warfarin but wondered, could i focus on something better? my doctor told me about eliquis for three important reasons. one, in a clinical trial eliquis was proven to reduce the risk of stroke
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he fell twice. ♪ c'mon, you want heartburn? when your favorite food starts a fight, fight back fast, with tums. heartburn relief that neutralizes acid on contact. and goes to work in seconds. ♪ tum, tum tum tum... tums!
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sometimes, caring for your neighbors means going the extra mile. when our patient, susan, mentioned her dad couldn't make it in to pearle vision to get his eyes checked... we went to him. and we realized, if he had trouble getting new glasses... he probably wasn't the only one. to us, eye care is about living dr. pearles legacy. building a trusting relationship with the person behind the eyes. this is genuine eye care, right in your neighborhood. this is pearle vision. ♪ hoi do you like me now >> now to the incredible story of a cheerleader who defied the odds in age and auditioned for the new orleans saints cheerleaders and it was on kriste lewis's bucket list but she did more than audition. the mother of two, she danced and she made the squad. >> yes. >> check this out. >> kriste lewis had the moves to rival any nfl cheerleader but there's something that sets her
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apart. >> i'm 40 years old and i'm a mom of two boys. >> as a 40th birthday gift to herself lewis a longtime dance instructor decided to fulfill a lifelong dream and try out for the new orleans saintsations. most of her competition between 18 and 30. >> there were a lot of young, beautiful girls. >> reporter: and her age wasn't her only obstacle. >> 14 years ago i was diagnosed with polycystic kidney disease. eventually they'll shut down and i will be in need of dialysis and eventually a transplant. that had a lot to do with me auditioning as well and didn't want to waste a day. >> reporter: and a waste it was not, after three rounds of tryouts it was a unanimous decision kriste made the team. >> it was exciting. >> reporter: now an official member of the saintsations, she said she's certain her daily workouts are helping her battle
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her health problems and can't wait to make her opening debut in september. >> i cannot wait to get to the superdome. i cannot wait for us to run out for that first time and we run on to that field. >> reporter: on top of being the oldest cheerleader the saints have had on their roster she's now officially the cool mom among her son trent. >> they're all jealous of me. >> i'm especially proud she made it and she's just the best mom a child could ever have. >> reporter: a pride shared by her husband. >> it's just amazing to watch her dance. >> reporter: and kriste herself who knows she's a living reminder to never give up on your dreams. >> i think as moms, we are hardwired to give and we give and we give and i think it's important just to kind of think back to what made you excited as a child. >> you know what, it's great to see someone who at the age of 40 battling the kidney disease she's battling, hey, i'm going to do something on my bucket list and made it happen. >> she said her husband's motto,
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fun and focus. focus and fun and she did just that. >> a winning combination. also, you know, yeah, they're boys, but they -- she's showing go for your dreams, anything is possible. >> who dat. who dat nation? >> she's honest. now coming up after actor jason segel will be here and we have our 5-alarm fshz challenge. three teams going head-to-head on our challenge. ♪ ♪
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with new hershey's spreads, the possibilities are delicious. car insurance companies say they'll save you by switching, you'd have, like, a ton of dollars. but how are they saving you those dollars? a lot of companies might answer "um" or "no comment." then there's esurance. born online, raised by technology and majors in efficiency. so whatever they save, you save. hassle, time, paperwork, hair-tearing out, and, yes, especially dollars. esurance. insurance for the modern world. now backed by allstate. click or call. ♪ ♪
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♪ he has been called energizing, electrifying and unaware of personal boundaries. and now he's here to explain one product that does two things. beroccaaaaaaaaaaaaa! fla-pow... mental sharpness support... fla-pow... physical energy support... ...together and only brock spedwell can explain it. beroccaaaaaaaaaaaaa! beroccaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
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if he were a lobbyist... if they were political contributors... maybe tom corbett would listen to them, instead of cutting... funding for their schools. but corbett's huge tax giveaway to the oil and gas... industry has cost us billions. forced deep cuts in education. and his mismanagement caused a massive budget deficit. now corbett wants to give the oil and gas industry even... more handouts. because that's who tom corbett listens to. and this is who pays the price. "good morning america" is brought to you by berocca. >> still ahead on "gma," our 5-alarm firefighter challenge kicks off with three teams going head-to-head on our obstacle course. let's go team.
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>> ♪ >> hello and good morning everyone. it is 7:56 on this tuesday july 15th. i'm matt o'donnell. we have matt pelman here for a look at what's going on on the roads. hi, matt. >> matt o'donnell halfway through the month of july. it is a slow commute this morning along the 30 bypass. eastbound side from 340 through this point at 322 out to 113, not a lot of sun glare this morning but still heavy traffic. it's a little extra heavy on our good buddy ben, the ben franklin bridge. westbound side coming into center city because unlike normal, again this morning there are just three westbound lanes. usually four but the last couple days it's been just three so we are seeing those heavy delays coming out of
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camden headed towards center city. in berlin some downed wires along jefferson avenue near broad avenue. also traffic light troubles along hickstown road at erial road. issues this morning on 55 northbound in gloucester town. crash on the shoulder at tracking attention and causing delays there. matt. >> it's been hard to spot the sun this morning as proven by this live sky 6 picture of philadelphia international airport. david is off. meteorologist karen rogers has accuweather. camp. >> good morning, matt. i can see the sun right behind the clouds trying to poke through but not happening yet. let's take a look at your accuweather forecast. it's warm, humid, 87 for your high today. we'll see lots of clouds, a shower or a thunderstorm at any point but the real drenching gusty thunderstorms come very late this morning into the evening and early nighttime hours. then tomorrow we start off with early showers or downpours. the second half of the day is better on wednesday, 83 degrees but the humidity doesn't really drop until wednesday night into thursday. finally, thursday is refreshing.
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you get a one-day break before friday. we add some clouds and the cla lasts through the weekend, matt. >> thank you karen. we have posted some spectacular pictures from yesterday's lightning storm on you can also view them on our free
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♪ it started with a whisper good morning, america. it's 8:00. could everything you've ever been told about using your smartphone around kids be wrong? the new research that phoning it in could be a key to happier, healthier children. and from better parenting to baby talk. the brand-new study showing the startling benefits and big impact on baby brain power. ♪ plus, "the wonder years" reunion you've been waiting 16 years to see. rare outtakes you've never seen, the cast back together. our cameras rolling. all that and more as we say -- >> all: good morning, america. >> yay!
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>> wow! >> amazing degree of difficulty. very impressive. >> they win. >> they're working hard there. >> really heating up, guys. >> i've never seen that. >> me either. our 5-alarm firefighters challenge. they're our finalists. you voted for them from mcallen, gulf shores, alabama and now the three final teams are here live. >> they're running out of steam. >> yes. >> oh, fellow, come on, you guys. leave them alone. >> it's hard. >> you know what, let's hear that siren. [ sirens ] >> come on in, guys. come on in. >> you're giving them a break. >> they've all been warming up. they've been warming up all morning so they got to get ready to take on our obstacle course. $10,000 at stake. >> put it on. >> turn around. >> and not only -- only -- >> hey. >> yeah. >> nice. >> $10,000 at stake and only two
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of these three teams are going to advance so -- >> oh. >> denise said you just got hotter. even hotter. >> yes. >> absolutely. >> that's with his shirt on. >> sweating in this helmet. >> are you mr. july? on the calendar? i could just see it now. >> should i save you, michael, and move on to "the wonder years" reunion. >> i retired my fireman outfit. >> the cast is back together again after all these years. we went behind the scene, got some rare on-set outtakes, things that have never been seen before. >> oh. >> so much fun. we also have a great quiz for all you super "wonder years" fans. which "wonder years" character are you? we asked. logon to on yahoo! to take the quiz. i'm sorry, i'm still thinking about michael and his fire outfit.
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>> okay. >> that image will never leave our heads. >> we do have a lot of news to get to, dan. >> all right, george, thank you and good morning, everybody, once again, good morning to you. we begin with two breaking stories this morning. first that subway disaster in moscow. at least 20 people have been killed. more than 160 injured as several cars jumped the track at the height of the morning commute and authorities say it derailed after a power surge. they've ruled out terrorism here. also breaking right now, a suicide bombing left nearly 100 dead in eastern afghanistan among the biggest attack in years fueling concern about more unrest following the disputed presidential election. fast-moving developments in the middle east this morning after egypt proposed air cease-fire. israel's cabinet met and accepted the deal but the palestinian militants rejected it firing off dozens more rockets instead. and back in this country, this is all that is left of a house that exploded near pittsburgh overnight. look at that. two people sleeping inside. very sadly were killed. the two-story home reduced to a
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pile of debris. the cause of this explosion still under investigation. a new poll out shows nearly a third of americans are unhappy with the way president obama has hammed the ongoing immigration crisis along our southern border and new image really shows the growing divide in cities and towns across america. this graffiti sprayed on a potential shelter for mike grant children in maryland saying no illegals, no undocumented here. >> we are watching wild weather across america. flash flooding trapped people in their cars near phoenix. this woman rescued from the raging waters just in time and floodwaters separated a family in ohio. their car ended up in a swollen creek. the mother was swept four miles downstream. but survived and her husband and daughter were found clinging to a tree. a harrowing story there. heavy hail inle cole made it look like snow in july. ginger's full forecast coming up in a matter of moments. >> wow. a woman honored as one of the 100 greatest olympians in history has died.
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alice coachman, first african-american to win the high jump at the 1948 games grew up in the segregated games and ran barefoot on dirt roads to train. she was 90 years old, what a life. just when you thought air travel could not possibly involve any more indignities, check out this seating design that has people outraged. airbus is trying to patent this, a cross between a bike seat and folding chair, no tray, no seat back, no tv monitor, no comfort. >> come on. >> all aimed at packing more passengers into their planes. the airline says this is only a patent. no plan to install these seats. >> good. >> yet. i can tell you i might be able to fit in one of those seats. there's no way this guy, michael strahan is never going to fit -- >> bicycle seat hurts. can you imagine flying six hours on that. >> no way. >> you know they're floating it now as a trial balloon. >> just to see the reaction. >> can we pop it. >> shoot it down. >> we'll need those firefighters
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to get me off the plane. >> all right, everybody. now to a brand-new study on the surprising benefits of baby talk we go back and forth about it. they're now saying it could have a big impact on boosting the brain power of babies and abc's linsey davis has a little one herself right now and did a personal test of the theory. >> hello, mikey. do you know who i am? >> reporter: just like in the movie "look who's talking" we've all spoken in this high-pitched highly exaggerated language known as baby talk or parentese. >> oh, yeah, she's gone. >> reporter: a new study shows our babies may be benefiting from all that babbling. according to researchers at the university of washington in seattle, doling out the da, da, das may improve their speech development even if they can't talk back yet. >> the first time there's evidence that the brain is working on it well before they've got the true capability. i don't think it's ever too early to talk to the baby.
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>> reporter: using a noninvasive brain scanner, the study monitored 7 and 11 to 12-month-old babies listening to i aseries of syllables such as da and ta and researchers noticed an activation in parts of the brain that coordinated speech production. >>. >> hello, how are you? that's the kind of speech that we think allows babies to mirror what they ought to do. >> reporter: so in the interest of brain development -- hi. i make sure my little guy gets an earful of parentese daily. >> hi, my precious. besides, who could resist? for "good morning america," linsey davis, abc news, new york. >> oh. that is linsey's bouncing baby boy. we go back and forth. didn't we do something recently that said read to your children. >> bottom line, just keep talking to them as much as you can. we can't go wrong going over to lara, social square for the
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in us. >> thank you. a look at what's coming up on our "gma morning menu." first in "pop news" what "modern family's" julie bowen is saying about sofia vergara's red hot relationship and bethenny frankel is getting a lot of reaction wearing our 4-year-old's pajamas. what she's saying about that and come on over here, your smartphone, could it be making you a better parent? we have some new research on that and so much more coming up on "good morning america" here in times square, so stay with us. won't you? ♪ "gma's morning menu" is brought to you by nexium. new nexium 24 hour, now available without a prescription. ♪ he paid for ya. ♪ it's a german luxury sedan. but it's still an audi. ♪
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♪ i love it. >> hey, everybody. look at that guy. look at those moves. that's jack black. he starred in water al yankov yankovic's spoof "tacky." speshging for us. with a promotion for his upcoming new album, "mandatory fun" and it looks like they're having a lot of fun filming it. >> yeah. a little tacky outfit so fitting. >> jack black is so funny. >> he is. >> so you got to see the entire thing. it's really -- a lot of other celebrity cameos in there that may surprise you. lara, what's popping in "pop." >> thanks for asking, mike. here's what's happening in "pop news." what happens when "people's" magazine's hottest guy starts dating the hottest woman on television.
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according to julie bowen you have a genetic explosion. sofia vergara's date may not be diverse enough because they're too good looking. they began dating after joe told the magazine that sofia was his dream girl. >> that's how it works. that's how celebs hook un. say something to a reporter and, boom. >> have you not seen -- that's how it works? >> if you look like -- >> they said, i wish i had known. >> i didn't mean it like that. i'm happily married for the record. >> clean it up. >> easy on the eyes. happy they're happy. and then from new romance to a guy who knows how to get the girl and keep her. bob phillips wrote a love letter to his bride on their 61st wedding anniversary and had it printed in "the charlotte observer" and in the process won the heart of the world. in the letter that has gone
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viral he writes that he has searched the sunday paper every week since their wedding day, 1953 to see if there will ever be another bride as beautiful as his gail but, quote, i already know the answer, there is not and never will be. on our wedding day you were the most beautiful thing i've ever seen. the delightful truth is you still are. happy anniversary to bob and gail. >> wow! that's the one we should be taking notes from. >> bob has moves. >> he set the bar high. >> i just wanted to share that. i hope you don't mind. finally want to share this with you. check out this sexy ad for a car. >> one careful owner. 10 months rego, always garaged. could it be for the new lexus? hey, it has matching seats. it is style redefined. the ad, not for a bmw, not for some fancy car at all.
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it's by a guy in australia trying to unload his 19 999 holn barino hatchback. >> spent more on that than the car is worth. >> well, you may be right, michael strahan, because he put the ad on youtube yesterday. he has one offer for $20. >> we'll double that. we can go to 40. >> i'm teasing. >> you might get a job out of it. because that was pretty good. >> yeah. that's "pop news." everybody. >> thank you, lara. "heat index" is coming up. weather from ginger. >> i think we can get that guy to 25 bucks at least. i wanted to play name that cloud. i brought out the umbrella. these will be like gold later. real quickly. you tell me, this is morgan from sarasota what kind of cloud, lenticular or stratus. "a" or "b." >> lenticular. >> we'll find out after the break. let's check the severe weather. two pocks we are watching here along the mid-atlantic and northeast and another back along the rockies.
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>> hey, ginger, i'm meteorologist karen rogers. it's warm, it's horribly humid, 76 degrees right now. here's a look at your accuweather seven day. we're headed up to 87 with oppressive humidity. lots of clouds and some peeks of sunshine. we could see a shower or thunderstorm at any point but we'll see the real drenching thunderstorms very late afternoon into the evening and early nighttime hours. tomorrow, some early showers around, then 83 degrees. it's better on thursday. refreshing and dry, partly sunny and 83. >> okay, let's find out if morgan was right. let's look at the screen. was it lenticular? yes, absolutely. there's your umbrella. good for you. she's like, i don't want that. let's head inside to all of you. >> kick off the "heat index" with bethenny frankel facing main backlash after posting this instagram photo of herself wearing her 4-year-old daughter's pajamas. there it is right there. one of the top stories online right now.
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she captioned the feet toy, think we're ready to start sharing clothes yet? she says it was all a joke. not everyone laughing. i got to say i hated it when i saw it. i thought it was just -- >> why. >> sending all kinds of the wrong messaginmessages. look at her squeezing into it. >> there's a lot of young women who look up to her and have issues about their body and to be able to say that you can fit into a 4-year-old's clothing. >> yeah, come on. >> yeah, we want to hear from you. should bethenny frankel have posted this picture in the first place? tweet us what you think with the #soci #socialsquare. >> we'll find out. next howl about our firefighters this week at "gma" with our 5-alarm challenge going on but one firefighter right here in new york city is making history as the first woman featured in the annual f -- oh, the calendar, the calendar of heroes. oh, the name has been part of the department for years and
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always thought it would be cool to be part of the smoke eater spread. okay. all right. all right. but was told -- i can't believe i said that. she was told it was only for guys and this time around she wasn't taking no for an answer hoping to inspire others who aspire to be firefighters. that's the point right there. yes. >> who would know? i -- you know, you really don't think of a female firefighter to get notoriety. just the guys. man's only calendar, come on. >> they do it every year and raised a ton of money. since i was at abc we've done this story because obviously we're -- we're not looking at the pictures but just doing it for the charity but it's a tradition and i thought it was great to see the picture. >> good for her. >> why don't we have a calendar. >> who's not to say we don't? >> why do you say that, michael. >> notice the one who brings it up, the former athlete. >> i'm just saying --
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>> if i get on a calendar people will send me food. >> all covered for a reason. this is just a farce. >> well, we're working on our calendar and get back to you on that. but first a celebration in our "heat index," everybody. one of the most famous romantic comedies ever turning 25 this morning, uh-huh. that's the one. it's big. a quarter century since "harry met sally" when america fell in love with billy crystal and meg ryan. post grads who came to new york and eventually became friends and then, well, something more. rob reiner directed, written by the one and only nora ephron. the film full of famous scenes including that one, which we shant re-create, strahan. >> i'm just that guy. >> he's happy. >> but it's one -- you kind of judge your age now with movies. 25 years. >> hard to believe. >> seemed like yesterday. >> uh-huh.
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sure does. >> great movie. up next in the "heat index." are smartphones cutting into quality time with kids or making more possible? big debate and "the new york times" says it might help us be better parents. abc's nick watt has the story. >> reporter: she's doing it. he's doing it. i'm always doing it. >> daddy. >> reporter: just one second. >> reporter: let's be honest, we all do it. we spend time with our kids but frequently staring at our phones at the same time. >> momma. momma. >> reporter: it's bad. >> you may be actually undermining the child's sense of importance in your life. your body is there but your heart isn't. >> there have been times when i'm looking at my phone and my son has to yell at me to get my attention. >> reporter: is that right? >> yep. >> reporter: but "the new york times" tech writer and father of two says the smartphone is a plus for parenting. >> it's actually allowing us to be with our kids at times where
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in the past you might have just had to stay in the office. >> reporter: but lay down some laws. >> my wife sets rules for me. one rule is like never during dinner. never during while we're eating. >> i think what you need to do is a to your child i'm not going to talk to you right now. i'm going to be working on my cell phone and then when you're done, a short while later, you stop and say, and now i'm going to spend time with you. >> reporter: this is something that i feel guilty and bad about every single day of my life. you were telling me i should be okay with it? >> i think you should feel less guilty. >> reporter: about this. >> throw the ball. >> one second, milo. >> reporter: for "good morning america," nick watt, abc news, playing with my smartphone and my child. >> all right. >> as only nick can do. all right, also up in our "heat index," "the wonder years," it's a reunion. two decades after the classic sitcom went off the air. abc's chris connelly was there when the cast got back together for the first time in 16 years.
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♪ what would you do >> reporter: "the wonder years" love to look back and now for the first time in 16 years cast reunion fred savage who starred as kevin arnold is doing just that. >> we were so little and so young and it was such a big part of our life, it was half our life at that time. you know. >> reporter: set in the simultaneous of the 1960s through six seasons on abc in the late '80s and early '90s "the wonder years" found its coming of age insights illic illiciting tears as readily as laughter. >> i felt that my father was a great man. >> reporter: there was kevin witnessing his father getting chewed out at work. >> what the hell is this, arnold? this is incompetence. >> reporter: or yearning for danica mckellar's flawlessly winsome cooper. >> hi. >> reporter: this kiss was the first on video and in real life for both fred and danica. ♪ when a man loves a woman >> the one good thing about getting your first kiss on
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camera you know for sure it's going to happen. >> it was terrifying. we were both scared and nervous and didn't know what was going to happen or if we were going to do it right. >> do you breathe in through your nose or hold your breath? >> all that stuff was very real and i think all those things that were kind of happening on the show all grew out of something very real that was going on between us or in our lives. >> reporter: how much familiarity did you get with every inch of his face? >> oh, yeah, i used to have all the freckles memorized. his -- yeah, that's right. long time. let me see. >> still there. >> reporter: cast members credit their parents for keeping them focused on set and setting the stage for later lives of exceptional career achievement. >> i think that's why they're all still involved in the business, even, you know, josh is a big entertainment lawyer and jason is a producer, fred is a director. all this crap about kids from tv shows having terrible live, look
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at "the wonder years." they all did great. >> reporter: some think kevin's buddy paul was played by a shock rocker. how many times a week do you get asked if you're marilyn manson. >> he just got asked on twitter two seconds ago. >> i think it was the very first internet rumor and because of that, it doesn't die. >> i get asked if he's marilyn manson like every week. ♪ >> reporter: his keep coming for danica who last season added "dancing with the stars" to her eye-popping resume. grown-up actress on "the west wing." grou groundbreaking scholar. >> i have been so blessed. i have the best life ever. i'm so happy and excited about every day, every month brings a new adventure. i never know what it's going to be. >> reporter: all 115 "wonder ye years" episodes with their music
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intact can be now seen on hbo plus featurettes and outtakes. for cast members it's aid chance to savor sweep memories. >> i see these episodes and remember shooting it. it's an incredible kind of time capsule for us. i mean, this was our -- >> childhood. >> this is what we were doing. >> the best home videos ever. >> so cute. so great and superfans check this out. this is the whole collection. if you want to preorder "the wonder years" dvd box set you can find out how on our website, on yahoo! >> a little locker. >> a little locker and inside are all the dvds. >> clever. >> great to see them all. all looking great. so is jason segel. he's here to talk about his new movie.
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>> ♪ >> septa police are crediting a female rider for contacting them quickly when she noticed a passenger carrying several weapons. police eventually arrested the man. he was carrying 4bb guns and three butcher knives on the broad street line. 8:27 on this tuesday morning. i'm matt o'donnell. matt pelman is standing by with a look at track. hey, matt. >> good morning, matt. i think some people may be off work again this week because volume has not been horrendous. we're something some of it in chester county along 202. northbound side from the 30 bypass through this point at 29, also getting used to that new southbound traffic pattern off to the right side instead of moving right here where the traffic was last week. have a crash to watch out for in worcester township along germantown pike at north trooper road. if you're taking your kids to curious kids preschool watch out for that accident in that area.
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meanwhile on the schuylkill expressway 95 is just normal morning volume. extra volume on the westbound ben franklin bridge because we own have three lanes instead of the normal four. and there's a broken down vehicle in cherry hill along 70 eastbound near haddonfield road blocking the median there. matt. >> okay, matt. thanks so much. meteorologist karen rogers filling in for david murphy looking out for some storms later. karen. >> that's right, matt. right now we're just in the soup. really high humidity out out he. warm and humid with a high of 87. we'll see some drenching thunderstorms at times. you want to watch for it at any point today, most especially through the afternoon and evening hours. tomorrow we could have some early showers left over so look for that in the morning but then the second half of the day is better on wednesday and dry and 83. thursday's refreshing. finally we get low humidity, we're dry, partly sunny and 83. temperatures below average. friday, sun stays behind clouds and 85 with a chance >> thank you, karen. the national weather service is investigating a possible tornado in burlington county.
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they'll be out there today. "action news" will let you know what i
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♪ what's your favorite place in america? the place that makes you the happiest? this summer that's what "gma" wants to know. maybe it's where you had your first kiss or walked as a child with your dad. go now to on yahoo! and tell us about your favorite place in america. and who know, we might just drop in and visit you there. >> and this is one of our favorite parts of summer when we get to see everyone's favorite place in america. so many great places. see so many viewers sending in photos of their favorite spots. we want to see yours. send it in to on yahoo! cannot wait to see it and also tell us the story behind it. >> absolutely and then, oh, jason segel, who doesn't love jason segel? such a great guy. so funny and there he is in our social square at the twitter mirror. he's starring in the new movie "sex tape" with cameron diaz.
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looking forward to seeing that and also who's talking to him? >> i am. i am. i am. can i rush over? >> no. >> so much fun talking to cameron. looking forward to talking to jason. and the violin sensation. breakout star lindsey stirling has more than half a billion views on her youtube page. her electronic music. >> half a billion. >> yes, george. listen to her. it's so different. it's a hit with so many people and she's going to be performing live right here on "gma." we're looking forward to that. >> love her music. >> so much to get to but right now start your engines because it's time for our "gma" 5-alarm firefighter challenge. viewers weighed in to help select our three final teams. here they are, team red, representing mcallen, texas. tacoma washington is team green and gulf shores, alabama, is team gold going for the gold all rocked out yesterday during our
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danceoff. that was just for fun. now the teams have their eye on a $10,000 prize that will go to their fire departments back home courtesy of disney's "planes: fire & rescue," that brand-new movie hit theaters friday but right now things are going to get physical with our 5-alarm on sta cal course. our judge this morning, the one and own chief legal correspondent, dan abrams who has outfitted -- >> i'm taking it off. >> 5-alarm. 5-alarm. this is serious. things are getting hot. >> putting on a whistle. i'm putting on a whistle. >> hand ha off. >> you guys, here's what's happening. okay, so the guys, keep your gear on. a bucket brigade. you got to find a find a hidden kitten in a make believe forest tree and lift your teammate and carry them to the ladder. the teammate carried must climb the ladder with the kitten and ring the bell. are you ready? do you understand? i don't really so have fun.
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>> if i see any violations, you got to go back and you got to start again so you got to keep the clothes on, very important throughout -- i'm taking this serious. >> keep the clothes on. thank you, dan abrams. >> this is not a firefighter calendar. this is a firefighter competition. >> here we go. three, two, one, go. >> looking good. looking good. ♪ hot stuff >> oh. >> work. >> go. >> how many buckets? >> seven. >> seven buckets. >> seven buckets. >> who's looking good, dan? hard to know. >> it's tough to handicap this.
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look how competitive this is. these guys are not messing around. >> okay. so now -- >> they got the kitten. >> carry their colleague. >> uh-oh. oh, boy. >> oh. [ whistle ] >> i believe we have a winner. >> we have a winner. yep, yep. >> wow. wow. >> yes. we have a winner and we have a clear second place. >> do we? >> yeah, i think so. >> guys, great job to all. let me break through here. hello. all right. are we going to announce a winner, dan abrams? are we announcing the winner now? announce the winner now, yes or no? all right, everybody, team red, mcallen, texas, congratulations. team red, right? did i get it right? >> the medals. >> dan, do the honors. >> let's see, team red. >> and then -- texas, you are
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the winners, $10,000, congratulations. >> no, no. i'm wrong. oh, no. oh -- >> you won this round. so exciting. >> they go to the next round. when you rescued that kitty, i felt it so deeply and climbed that tree, it was so beautiful. so you're halfway there. you're halfway there. >> where is the other -- >> second place. >> second place is tacoma. tacoma. >> yes, yes. >> as you can see, this is a beautifully choreographed live event. as only "gma" can do. ginger, please weigh in with the weather for tomorrow's competition. >> all right. >> and then -- >> we're going to get -- >> the bucks of water through the trees as i was hiding back there. speaking of water, this is a very funny one. my team came and said we got this great picture from san diego and look at this picture. why it's great? because it hasn't rained in two months and that would be a trace of rain in san diego. so, yes, it is great news back
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there. annapolis, maryland, a picture there too and the cold front will bring the storms this afternoon and evening seeing the timing of them. that takes you through our 11:00 hour tonight so, yes, storms that could bring some flash flooding again, even damaging winds and hail in the middle of the country, it's absolutely ch >> hey, ginger, i'm meteorologist karen rogers here in philadelphia oppressively humid out here. temperatures in the upper 70's. let's look at your forecast. a high of 87, it's warm and humid. we could see a shower or a thunderstorm in any point but drenchly thunderstorms late >> all that weather brought to you by the university of phoenix, george, they did a great job. i one more. >> having fun. time for monkey business at the movies. check out these special guests heading to the theater to check out "dawn of the planet of the apes." most popular movie.
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paula faris with the story. >> reporter: most adorable moment art and life combine. two chimps seen at a movie theater in myrtle beach, south carolina. for the weekend premiere of "dawn of the planet of the apes." and much like their cinematic counterparts, these chimps are clearly highly evolved buying their own tickets for the show and even paying for their popcorn and juice after walking right up the stairs and presenting their tickets -- >> can i see your ticket, please? >> thank you. >> reporter: they were ready for the show. >> i'm sorry, my friend. >> reporter: during the it film the chimps respond like many humans. volley clenching his companion's hand and both clap for the good guys and bark at the bad while still managing to get their popcorn fix. some viewers were concerned asking the safari's director if the chimps should really be watching and learning how to take over the world.
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but he says as smart as the chimps are, real-life gorilla warfare is unlikely. for "good morning america," paula faris, abc news, new york. >> i cannot believe that story and i can't wait to see what jason segel thinks about it. he is here live coming right up. ♪ ♪ when you're i love the taste. always smooth, never bitter. my cup of coffee is always awesome when i go to dunkin'. man: i see the steam rising off the cup, 'cause you know it's a fresh pot. man: one cup a day for sure. two if need be.
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and it's usually "need be." dunkin' -- your place for coffee.
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friday hold on tight for the dance party of the summer in the
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park with zedd igniting the morning with the smash hit -- ♪ >> "good morning america's" summer concert series. >> i've been looking forward to this. jason segel spent nine seasons, of course, on the hit sitcom "love marshall." brought "the muppets" to life and gave up the breakup scene, am i right. in "sex tape" he and cameron diaz play a couple trying to rekindle the romance by scheduling some, let's say, alone time. >> maybe thursday. >> fantastic. it feels like it's been a long time. >> it has, right? >> last time when we got those towels from bed, bath & beyond, the linen sale. >> we can't talk about this right now -- >> not the right time. got to get going. >> been so hard to find a moment at the end of the day we're exhausted. >> tell me about it. maybe one of these nights we'll have sex instead of watching "project runway." we'll tivo
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>> that's probably why they invented tivo so people could have sex. >> we're happy to have jason with us, one of our stage managers evi is laughing along. welcome. >> i'm excited to be here. thank you. >> a lot of people -- it's a great date flick and be back in the car just nodding along going, yeah. >> that's the hope. i think on the ride back from seeing the movie you'll talk about how funny it was and then there will be that awkward pause and then a couple will look at each other and the real conversation will start that i think it's really easy to slip into a routine after so many years of being together of not putting your intimacy at the forefront of the relationship so hopefully it'll spur some conversation. >> i'm sure it will. >> i love how you've said as a great screenwriter life experiences, you kind of put that up on the screen for all of us. >> i think for me what's always funny when i see something on screen that makes me feel like, objection, my gosh, that's me and then that person has the most humiliating experience that you could possibly imagine.
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>> you can't wait for the ending and write it down and make sure you get it. there is so much more to this. i really enjoyed watching it. >> thank you. >> okay, "sex tape" and, yes, it is hilarious, that portion of it but it's just like a mad caper in some kind of ways and you're trying to retrieve the video or the tape on the ipads. >> i grew up loving movies like "romancing the stone" and "adventures in baby-sitting" so it's a story about a couple trying to reclaim what was theirs like their love life over one night and it really is like a nonstop sort of mad cap adventure where a couple refalls in love. >> rob lowe, oh, my goodness, he was -- >> he's a killer, man. he just the best. >> but i have to say you and cameron, she was here yesterday and she could not say enough great things about you, but there's this comfort level and you both approach comedy the same way, all in. >> yeah, she's very physically attractive. i was -- i was like very -- i
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was very lucky in the making of this movie. you become a writer for a reason and this movie is it. and then, you know, you get to set and honestly, it felt like a game of comedy chicken and neither of us were turning the wheel of the she's just so -- she's so game and use the expression just one of the guys but i think it does a disservice to women. she's a woman standing on her own two feet going at comedy as hard as i've seen anything. honor to be part of. >> you both hold your own on the screen and talk about how attractive she is. you're getting some raves too. >> that's nice. >> because you look fantastic and you talk to jimmy kimmel about it. we have a question on posted on facebook. how much weight have you lost? was that for the movie? you talked to kimmel about this. >> yes, i don't get on a scale. i judge by the mirror but i lost exactly 35 pounds. >> the muir he told you that. >> yeah, yeah, something like that. >> you said knowing that you would be up there with cameron.
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>> the movie needed to be in my opinion really laser focused that it's a couple who is not sleeping together because of time and the realities of life and children and i didn't want people to be able to look at the poster or the movie and say, i think that they're not sleeping together because he's super fat. >> you've taken that out of the question. no one would have thought that at all. >> thank you. >> also you're going to be an author. >> yeah. yeah. >> what's that? >> it's a young adult like harry potter age trilogy of novels. it's the first thing i ever wrote when i was like 22 years old and after working on "mup t "muppets" and seeing the imagination of a child and how it works, i just figured it would be neat to put something in print where a kid made whatever he wanted of it. every individual kid gets to have his own experience as a kid. >> when does it come out? >> september 9th. >> i'd love to have you back to talk about it.
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>> you're such a renaissance man. >> i'm not afraid of being terrible at stuff. that's all. >> that never happens to you. thanks very much. "sex tape" hits theaters nationwide friday. you've got to come back for this. viral sensation, more than half a billion youtube views. violinist lindsey stirling performs live when we come back.
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♪ lindsey stirling is that classically trained violinist and an unstoppable viral sensation. she will perform live in just a moment. but first here's a look at all she's accomplished. ♪ she's a viral phenomenon. her youtube page with more than a half billion views and now her music is hitting a high note selling out tours worldwide. ♪ >> lindsey stirling is putting a new twist on class cal music
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combining the haunting sounds of the violin with graceful dance moves and fierce futuristic electronics. ♪ her self-titled debut album blasting to number one on the billboard dance electronic chart with more than 300,000 copies sold all without the backing of a major label and the album's hit song "crystallize" has more than 99 million hits on youtube and climbing. ♪ >> reporter: the rising star already collaborating with superstars like john legend. ♪ crying you're beautiful too >> reporter: making her a breakout star striking all the right chords. >> ooh. >> all right. lindsey stirling's "shatter me" has over 10 million hits on youtube. enjoy. ♪
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♪ i see the stars even moon ♪ tired mechanical heart beats till the song disappears ♪ ♪ somebody shine a light i'm frozen by the fear in me somebody make me feel alive ♪ ♪ and shatter me so cut me from the line dizzy spinning endlessly ♪ ♪ somebody make me feel alive and shatter me ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ shatter me
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♪ ♪ somebody make me feel alive and shatter me ♪ ♪ if only the clockwork could speak i wouldn't be so alone ♪ ♪ we'd burn every magnet and spring and spiral into the unknown ♪ ♪ ♪ somebody shine the light i'm frozen by the fear in me somebody make me feel alive and shatter me ♪ ♪ so cut me from the line dizzy spinning endlessly ♪
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♪ somebody make me feel alive and shatter me ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ somebody shine the light i'm frozen by the fear in me somebody make me feel alive ♪ ♪ and shatter me so cut me from the line dizzy spinning endlessly ♪ ♪ somebody make me feel alive and shatter me ♪ ♪ ♪ shatter me
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♪ ♪ somebody make me feel alive and shatter me ♪ what can i get you?
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[customer] oh, sorry. i was daydreaming. [server] dreaming about your wedding, huh? [customer] yes! actually. [server] with a big ice sculpture and a string quartet?
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[violins playing] [customer] yeah. how'd you know? [server] you've got the new instant game from pennsylvania lottery. [customer] yeah. $1 million golden ticket, with 5 top prizes of 1 million bucks. [narrorator] want to see your dreams come to life? you could scratch your way to instant winning today. the pennsylvania lottery. bring your dreams to life. "good morning america" is brought to you by crayola. send them back with the best.
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>> head banger. yeah, our thanks to lindsey stirling and lzzy hale. love your music. you're just bringing it to a whole new generation. bless you for that. exciting and thanks to our firefighters and our 5-alarm firefighter challenger. mcallen, texas, the winners and they advantage on to the final tomorrow. >> they'll face off for that $10,000 grand prize. unfortunately, we have to say good-bye to gulf shore, alabama. you were great, as well. see you all tomorrow. >> ♪ >> the national weather service will be in burlington county new jersey today to see a tornado touched down last night. an "action news" viewer
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captured this picture of what looks like a twister in tabernacle. a live update on the investigation on "action news" at noon. 8:57 on this tuesday morning. matt pelman is telling us what's backing up the roads. hey, matt. >> not the most beautiful tuesday morning out there matt but the weather is cooperating for the morning ride. roads are dry and there's not a lot of sun glare just have a broken down vehicle along 95 northbound side approaching philadelphia international airport. kind of off into the median with penndot assisting and traffic in the main lanes of 95 getting by fine. elsewhere the normal slow down southbound from approaching the betsy ross bridge into girard. just three westbound lanes available on the ben franklin bridge just like yesterday morning so it is a slow go there as well. and there's a crash in mercer county to avoid along the ramp from 130 to 195 westbound. fuel spill there, too, so things are partially blocked and expect delays on septa's cynwyd line because of equipment problems. matt. >> matt, thank you. meteorologist karen rogers filling in for david with a warning of more storms later. karen. >> that's right matt.
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lots of clouds and oppressive humidity but watching the sky closely for later today. let's look at this accuweather forecast. 87 for your high today, warm and very humid. we could see a shower or thunderstorm at any point but i think the real drenching thunderstorms come late this evening. tomorrow we've got some early showers still left over, maybe even a couple of downpours for the first half of the day. then the seconds half of the day is better, 83 degrees and drier. thursday refreshing, finally dry, 83 degrees, partly sunny and low humidity by thursday, matt. >> sounds g thank you karen. also at noon setbacks in ceasefire between israel and hamas. a septa rider crediting with helping to nab a passenger carrying a cache of
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announcer: it's "live! with kelly & michael." today, star of the movie, "sex tape," jason segel. and from the new spy thriller, "a most wanted man," willem dafoe. plus you questions and comments when the co-hosts open up the "inbox." ll next on "live." now, here are kelly ripa and michael strahan! [cheers and applause] ♪


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