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tv   Action News  ABC  July 15, 2014 5:30am-6:01am EDT

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the region. >> storm tracker 6 will be ready for more thunderstorms today and accuweather will be tracking them closely. >> good morning, it's 5:30 on tuesday, july 15. david murphy is off. karen rogers has kept her eyes trained on storm tracker 6. she's the go late of the for accuweather and matt pelman is taking a look at your traffic. >> good morning. we'll be watching storm tracker 6 live double scan so closely today. right now we're just looking at a couple of showers. we can see them right now near philadelphia as well as near lancaster. it's not a big deal just yet. no lightning, no strong storms out there. that's going the happen a little later on today after the heating of the day but they are going to be quite strong once again. satellite 6 and action radar showing right now we've got the clouds and we just have a couple of showers that are trying to move its way through. trying to move its way later this afternoon into this evening that's when those strong storms will come by. we have a flash flood watch that's been extended through tonight because these downpours are likely. we could see 1 to 3 inches of rain and that's why the flash flooding is possible. any time you see rainfall totals of 2-inches in less
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than an hour you've got the chance for this. we'll see the possibility along streams creeks and streets and in just 6-inches of water could knock you off your feet when it's moving. that's why we have that flash flood watch in effect through tonight. look at the temperature right now. it's already 75 degrees. it's warm, it's horribly humid today and that's the way it's going to stay. a high of 87 so a very warm day, humid. much of the daytime hours we'll be pretty dry and then late this afternoon into this evening is when those drenching storms come through. i'm going to show you what that looks like on future tracker 6 and talk about some nicer weather ahead in the accuweather forecast. >> that will be a nice change. good morning to you, karen. we're still watching some puddles out there, some downed tree limbs and we're watching them tow away app disabled vehicle from the southbound lanes of the blue route. you see the flashing lights going here headed down towards the schuylkill expressway. all lanes reopened. here in east falls along the roosevelt boulevard extension all lanes are opened. the road is drying out. we're still without the overhead lights.
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they went dark overnighter but that's becoming less of an issue as the hours tick along. no issues in northeast philadelphia along i-95 approaching the work zone at cottman avenue. have a little bit of southbound traffic but no big deal here. a little bit up ahead on 95 southbound by bridge street there's a broken down vehicle taking out a lane that you want to watch out for. they've reopened the lanes of northbound 26th street in south philadelphia after some flooding there headed towards the schuylkill expressway and we're still without 18th street. the action cam is on the scene by rittenhouse square. an underground transformer fire causing the closure of 18th between walnut right by the square and chestnut. stick with 16th to get around it. over here in middlesex county watch out for flooding along 33 eastbound at apple garth road. matt. >> got you matt. the national weather service will be in south jersey to determine if a tornado touched down during this latest round of severe weather to hit the region. "action news" reporter katherine scott is live in
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voorhees with a look at the damage there. katherine. >> reporter: matt, these storms just slammed this neighborhood. there are branches down everywhere, there's debris in the street. you can see some pieces of people's homes that have blown off. you look behind me, there are several trees uprooted and crashed through this intersection. this is one of them lying across one family's yard. they've already stretched a tarp across the hole that the tree left in the home. more cleanup left to do here and across our area after those fierce storms last night. >> it was really strong like. house started shaking. >> reporter: the storms were strong and this is what they left behind in voorhees. trees uprooted, power lines down. bill and his family were inside their home on pelham road when he heard a loud noise. >> like nothing i've never really heard. sounded like a tornado, just really crazy fast winds, very loud. >> reporter: this tree in his yard uprooted and crashed onto his home smashing a hole
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in the side of his second floor. >> we got the worst of it based on what i'm seeing. >> reporter: in tabernacle a viewer snapped this photograph over the holy eucharist church. signs of rotation on the radar indicated a possible tornado in central burlington county between 8:20 and 8:45 p.m. and right now you're looking at damage in camden county but we're being told the national weather service will be out in burlington county. in voorhees we've seen restoration crews at work already this morning. crews have been out across our area but obviously there's just a lot of ground to cover. we're live in voorhees, katherine scott, channel 6 "action news." >> katherine thanks. a teenaged boy in delaware county is recovering from a lightning strike. it happened at 8:00 p.m. on the unit block of east ashland avenue in glenolden. the boy is being treated at crozer chester medical center. officials have not released his name or his condition. as storms continue to roll through the region it's a good time to download that free 6abc storm tracker app.
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get audio alerts for weather warnings plus access to live radar on the go. >> new this morning, septa police have confirmed a scary confrontation with a passenger who appeared to be armed with an arsenal of weapons. "action news" reporter erin o'hearn is live at the big board. she's got the full story. good morning, erin. >> reporter: take a look at these pictures because these are the weapons that police say that passenger was armed with. four bee bb guns there certainly look real and three butcher knives. now luckily this story ended well thanks to the vigilance of a female passenger on the train. she contacted police around 10 o'clock last night as the train was traveling northbound from the ellsworth station and she reportd that a man on board was carrying a cache of weapons. police monitored the suspect on closed circuit tv. he got off at the city hall stop and walked to love park. that's when a detective had a confrontation with the suspect subdued him and then took him into custody. he faces numerous firearms
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possession charges at this point and you often hear law enforcement say if you see something, say something. that's exactly what happened in this case and septa is crediting this attentive female passenger with helping them to be proactive and keeping riders safe. matt. >> all right, erin actually i'll take it. thank you. the mayor of jersey city is lashing out at the wife of a man accused of murdering officer melvin santiago. widow of lawrence campbell said while she's sorry for the santiago family her husband should have "killed more officers if they were planning to kill him." mayor steven philip called her and her comments "disgusting and ignorant." investigators say campbell ambushed and murdered officers santiago because he wanted to be famous. >> breaking right now there is new hope for a ceasefire in the middle east. moments ago a hamas leader in cairo is a said that group is still debating the egyptian proposed truce. the one that the israeli cabinet already agreed to early this morning. until there is a truce or an agreement, the israeli
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military stress it will continue to counter any attacks coming from gaza. hours earlier israeli rockets injured two people and sparked a fire at a resort along the red sea. at least 185 people have been killed in gaza and scores more injured. "good morning america" will have more on the efforts to broker is ceasefire in the middle east. that's coming up at 7:00 a.m. right after "action news." >> those storms last night karen were something else. my phone went off with the emergency alerts. people should keep an ear out today as well. >> it's a good idea. when we were outside briefly with the kids you a holding my storm tracker 6 app. you can have that in your phone to keep in your hand. storm tracker 6 live double scan the best view with our live radar that you'll get of what's happening. right now you can see it's kind of quiet just a couple showers. we can show you exactly where they are in our street level view. if you're in lancaster, in coatesville you're about to get wet there on the 30 bypass in 202, damp in malvern and norristown. not a big deal yet. a shower moving up i-95 from
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wilmington. the storms don't really happen until later today. let's go on outside and show you what it looks like on sky 6 looking at some low clouds here and there in center city with all of that moisture that we have in the atmosphere. let's check the numbers right now. that current temperature is 75 degrees. the dewpoint is 70 degrees showing how much moisture is in this atmosphere, so heavy out there. winds are light and pumping up that warm air mass and the pressure objects to drop. satellitesatellite 6 showing a d amount of clouds. you can see those showers trying to work their way through. nothing big out there yet. that's going to happen later on with the heating of the day. let's look after future tracker 6. this model has changed a little bit within the past couple hours. at 4:30 we're shog nothing more than a shower or thunderstorm popping up. be careful we could see that happen at any point. the real line forms late this afternoon into this evening. look at 7 o'clock once again seeing areas of red and purple indicating really good downpours with this and gusty winds.
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we can see this cross through at 9 o'clock tonight. we're still getting showers or some thunderstorms around and even tomorrow morning it looks like we'll get another line of some showers or even some downpours starting early in the morning. we are under a slight risk once again, that's because this entire yellow. this is issued by the storm prediction center being that our area could see some severe weather once again and we saw it yesterday and it could be a repeat performance for some areas. gusty winds, downpours and certainly lightning with. that let's look at the day ahead. warm and humid, some showers and thunderstorms, a high of 87 degrees. so, when will they hit? by 8:00 a.m. we're likely dry and 77. by 11:00 a.m. could be a shower or a quick thunderstorm popping up, not the serious stuff yet, 82. by 2:00 p.m., watching the skies careful technological. about 85, 86 and then late this afternoon into this evening is the better chance for some of those storms moving through and lasting through part of the nighttime hours. at the shore you really need to be careful. i know a lot of people got to the beach yesterday. you just have to have that app in your hand ready and certainly listen to the skies.
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very humid, heavy thunderstorms late in the day especially. by 11:00 a.m. 79. by 3:00 p.m., 82. your seven-day, a lot going on in this forecast. drenching thunderstorms, especially late this afternoon into the evening hours, late evening hours. 87 degrees for your high. some early showers or even downpours tomorrow. then the seconds half of the day is better and drier and 83. should be dry for the union game later. thursday refreshing, 83 degrees. that's when you get the low humidity, wednesday night into thursday. friday sunshine stays behind some clouds and a shower or two around. saturday spotty storms. so not everybody is going to get it. a couple here or there to watch for and a high of 84. sunday clouds and sun, a better chance with a few showers around and 86. monday warm and humid and 87. so, today's storms really drenching downpours. >> yeah, we'll be ready. thank you, karen. 5:40 now. next more news you didn't see last night including the violent struggle to stop a man from carjacking a woman and child out west. >> a man says he spent more
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than 30 hours mistakenly trapped in jail. hear him describe the anguish of being locked up coming a little later. matt. >> we spent some time last evening, tam, watching some light hail in this area of chalfont along butler avenue. this morning we're drying out and looking much better and that means the construction crews return to 422 in just a bit. we'll talk about that coming up after the break. >> and also comedian tracy morgan makes his first public appearance since his accident on the new jersey turnpike. more on that when "action >> kerri: kerri the sparkle® fairy here.
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are you about to spend that on paper towels? mom: well, i use bounty... kerri: ooo! use sparkle®... it's just right for cleaning up everyday little messes without cleaning out your piggy bank. sparkle®. the bright way to clean.
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>> ♪ >> welcome back. you're taking a live look, sky 6 looking down the shore in cape may. still looks gray in the skies and the surf very choppy as we continue to await more weather coming in, more thunderstorms later today. >> matt pelman is trying to get your ride easygoing in the suburbs today. matt. >> we made it through monday. we would like a little less gray. at least we won't be seeing a lot of sun glare. that's the upside. in the suburbs not moving too badly, you see a little traffic on 422 headed eastbound towards route 23 during the midday today 9:00 until 3:00 it's going to be westbound you're going to see the construction crews here near route 23 and trooper road. they're going to be blocking one of the two lanes. so, at that point coming out of king of prussia headed westbound toward oaks you could see delays. this morning no big delays yet and we're drying out on most
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of the roadways. but we do still have some storm damage like a downed tree here in the west chester area along phoenixville pike near 322. word of this just coming in and it's not our only issue in this neck of the woods. let's pull in the commuter report with the waze app 'cause some of our friends andy out and about in the same area talking about some animals near the road along 202, some other people talking about some rain coming down in that area. 202 south near west goshen so a couple things to watch out for as you travel through chester county there this morning. let's return to the maps 'cause there's also a new work zone that started yesterday in the same area. restrictions 9:00 until 3:00 through mid august along 352 between wicker ton drive and green lane. stick to dutton mill lane. the new work zone starts today lasting for several weeks here in mount laurel burlington county the intersection of elbo lane and mount laurel road affected. stick with church road and hainesport road during the mid days. matt. >> thank you matt. breaking right now tragedy is unfolding in moscow.
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a rush hour subway train derailment killed at least 10 people and injured more than 100 others. 50 of the injured are said to be in grave condition. one person is reportedly still trapped in the wreckage but still alive. rescue operations have been difficult because the russian train station is 275 feet underground. investigators do any other know what led to this deadly derailment. also new on "action news" witnesses recorded a group of brave citizens who stopped a carjacking in california. the video from san diego on sunday is getting plenty of responses on youtube. police say these bystanders violently dragged a man out of a minivan when it appeared he was trying to steal it with a mother and child still inside. police took the man into custody when they arrived on the scene. the woman and her daughter were not physically hurt. >> also new this morning, oscar pistorius has been involved in a nightclub scuffle in south africa. according to the olympians rep a man approached pistorius in
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a vip section of the bar on saturday night. the man reportedly provoked pistorius about his ongoing murder trial. but the other patron tells a different story. he says pistorius was drunk insulting and poked him in the chest so he pushed back. pistorius claims that he left the bar peacefully. happening today, nba owners are scheduled to approve the record breaking sale of the los angeles clippers despite the fact that that sale is still in legal limbo. former microsoft ceo steve becauser has offered to pay $2 billion for the clippers. shellie sterlings struck that deal after the nba moved to out of the her husband donald as the team owner because of racist remarks that he made to a girlfriend. donald sterling is suing his wife trying to block that sale. >> 5:47 and we get our first look at comedian tracy morgan since his release from the hospital. >> also a midwest prison's apology is not enough for the man who was locked in a tiny room for 30 hours without food or water. karen. >> it's 75 degrees right now. warm and humid and a warm and humid day ahead with some
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downpours coming later. right now storm tracker 6 live double scan showing just a couple of light showers as you're headed out here or there especially coatesville, malvern and near media. details in your accuweather forecast comin i love the taste.
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always smooth, never bitter. my cup of coffee is always awesome when i go to dunkin'. man: i see the steam rising off the cup, 'cause you know it's a fresh pot. man: one cup a day for sure. two if need be. and it's usually "need be." dunkin' -- your place for coffee.
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>> our own matt o'donnell proved his putting prowess at the bala golf club. proved his putting prowess at a little friendly competition to support a good cause. putt off carve cadets to help struggling teens get back on track. >> i was not the only person that made a putt there. despite the video showing this. they're going to lock me up if
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i miss. >> you had to make it. >> where was your checkered cap. >> i left it at home. next time. >> let's head outside live in southwest philadelphia, platt bridge by i-95, drying out looking good this morning. we got word tomorrow they're going to be putting up some new speed limit signs. speed limits dropping here on the platt bridge. right now it's 45. tomorrow it goes town to 35 so heads up for you if you use the platt to get to or from the airport. here's our good buddy ben, the ben franklin bridge. looks like this morning again we're only going have three lanes headed westbound into center city. that was the setup yesterday morning and it caused some big delays. also getting word of a new downed tree in hamilton township atlantic county along route 50 near oak street. karen. >> you saw some of those low clouds in those traffic spots. we're looking at 3-mile visibility in trenton, 5-mile visibility at philadelphia international airport. but just half a mile visibility in wilmington and .3 of a mile visibility in lancaster. a lot of low clouds out there with all that moisture that we had through the atmosphere
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both with the humidity and the heavy rain from yesterday. looking at travel, not seeing delays at this point at philadelphia international airport. we're seeing mostly cloudy skies and 75 degrees but gusty storms and drenching downpours later today could certainly cause problems as well as in boston but no delays report there had yet. a quick look at your forecast showing drenching thunderstorms today, most especially late this afternoon into the nighttime hours. 87 degrees for your high, matt. >> thank you, karen. several people at a shopping center in texas took matters into their own hands when they saw two small children locked in a hot car. one person grabbed a hammer and smashed a window of the jeep parked in a lot in the houston suburb of cadie. another person ran to the vehicle from his shop after hearing the children crying. mother was in a nearby beauty salon and left when she saw the commotion. she said she thought the children would be fine while she was getting her haircut. the children appeared to be okay as the mother drove off with them. no one called police.
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>> tracy morgan continues on his road to recovery. we got our first look at the comedian since last night's crash in new jersey. he was in good spirits though a little weak as he left his home for an outpatient therapy session. he left a rehab center over the weekend. morgan is suing wal-mart saying they should have known the truck driver involved in the crash had not slept for 24 hours. >> an ohio woman's run in with the law is making waivers on the internet and it is not the charge angela green faces that is getting attention it's her face in her mug shot. green made it when she was booked by police. she and a male friend had refused to leave a cleveland hotel or pay for another night. police say green at first refused to identify herself. now with this picture, everyone knows who she is. >> that was an unfortunate choice angela. it is 5:53. up next, a man sues a man in the midwest after being accidentally locked inside a cell for over a day. >> surveying the storm damage
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right now. we'll get a live update from this scene coming up
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that's about as american as it gets. woman: what do you mean? blueberry pancakes, strawberries and cream cheese icing, starting at just $4.99. apple pie, watch out. [bell rings] waitress: welcome to denny's!
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>> residents in torresdale were shocked to learn they were living next to a suspected drug lab. philadelphia police removed bottle after bottle of potentially dangerous chemicals from an apartment on the 3500 block of grant avenue yesterday. along with ingredients for illegal drugs officials say they also seized manuals on how to make meth, lsd and ecstasy. the tenant is behind bars on unrelated drug charges. >> new this morning a plan is suing cook county illinois because he was accidentally locked in a cell at the county jail for more than a day.
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farad polk was visiting his son an inmate at the jail. guards led him to an eight by eight visiting room that was under renovation. suddenly polk says the rooms are steel doors shut behind him and locked him in. after about five minutes he start d to scream. >> kicking the door, screaming, hollering out, screaming under the door,. >> he could hear voices of the guards on the other side of the door. presumptively if he could hear them, they could hear him. >> polk spent 30 hours in the room without food, water or bathroom facilities. he finally broke a sprinkler head on the ceiling to cause the too many flood and gain the guard's attention. officials at the county jail have apologized for the incident. >> 5:57 now. the difference between a diploma and dropping out. community college students voice concerns over their access to federal loans. >> coming up brand new at 6:00 a boy driver barrels into a crowd and his own father is among the injured. what led up to this accident berks county.
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next on "action ♪
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[ telephone rings ] how's the camping trip? well, the kids had fun, but i think i slept on a rock. ♪ the best part of wakin' up what are you doing?
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having coffee. ohh. ♪ is folgers in your cup >> ♪ >> "action news." delaware valley's leading news program. with matt o'donnell, tamala edwards, karen rogers and meteorologist, david murphy. >> good morning. meteorologist, david murphy. on this tuesday july 15th. here's what's happening. >> powerful lightning, flash flooding and a possible tornado tear across the delaware valley. we'll have a live look at some of the hardest hit areas. >> we're not out of the woods yet. accuweather is tracking the risk of more thunderstorms and drenching downpours again today. >> brand new at 6:00 a demolition derby in berks county takes a terrifying turn. an arena owners makes plans to preventer anything like this from happening again. >> good morning. let's talk about the accuweather forecast and go over to karen roger


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