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tv   Action News  ABC  July 15, 2014 4:30am-5:01am EDT

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>> ♪ >> "action news." delaware valley's leading news program. with matt o'donnell, tamala edwards, karen rogers and with matt o'donnell, tamala >> hello everyone. we're working on several developing stories on this tuesday, view 15th. a violent line of storms roared through the region leaving behind extensive damage and accuweather is tracking yet another line as strong storms for later today. >> after a bloody week of rocket fire the egyptians try to get israel and ham ms. to agree to a ceasefire. >> septa police spring into action taking down a man carrying a cache of weapons. >> good morning, it is now 4:30. we'll get to all of those stories in a moment. first up, those storms were something else. let's go right on over to
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karen rogers, niece for david murphy. good morning. >> we're in for another day of that. as you mentioned as we start out with storm tracker 6 live double scan you can see we're basically dry through the area. we have one shower near baltimore that may migrate to our area and one west of reading. through afternoon we'll have to watch closely. we are under a slight risk once again for severe weather much like yesterday. satellite 6 and action radar showing weir stuck with the clouds. look at the precipitation that's trying to file its way in. we have another frontal boundary that's out to our west that's going to scoot through the area and when it does producing the chance for some of these strong storms. look at the dewpoints. 70 degrees right now in philadelphia. that's the measure of the moisture in the atmosphere. feeling oppressive and with humidity like that such a heavy air mass, it doesn't take much to get these very hard downpours we'll be getting once again and that's why the national weather service has a flash flood watch through this evening. it's been extended through the evening hours because of these
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downpours likely with these storms. looking at future tracker it's quiet early this morning but then we advances to later on at 3 o'clock in the afternoon we see that line of storms developing but takes a good long while before it actually finishes crossing the area. so, that's going to be one of the problems, a training effect with these storms kind of hitting the same areas could be an issue today. details on this coming up in the accuweather 7-day in a few minutes, matt. >> we'll see you then. thank you karen. that relentless rain of torrential rain strong wind and lightning strikes pounded parts of the delaware and lehigh valleys. there was also a possible tornado. katherine scott is live in voorhees camden county with more on the cleanup ahead today. katherine. >> reporter: matt, this neighborhood was just slammed by these storms. there are pine cones, leaves, branches in all of the roadways. if you take a look behind me you can see this enormous tree uprooted and is now covering one family's yard. they've already stretched a tarp across the hole that the
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tree left in the home. more clean upleft to do here and across our area after those violent storms last night. >> it was really strong. like the house started shaking. >> reporter: the storms were strong and this is what they left behind in voorhees. trees uprooted, power lines down. bill and his family were inside their home on pelham road when he heard a lloyd noise. >> nothing i've really heard. sounded like a tornado just really crazy fast winds, very loud. >> reporter: this tree in his yard uprooted and crashed onto his home smashing a hole in the side of the second floor. >> we got the worst of it based on what i'm seeing. >> reporter: in tabernacle a viewer snapped this photograph over the holy ukee rift church. signs of rotation on radar indicated a possible tornado in central burlington county between 8:20 and 8:45 p.m. and back here live you're looking at damage in camden county but we are being told the national
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weather service will be in burlington county investigating that possible tornado. in voorhees we've seen restoration crews go by, cable companies drive by. obviously there's a lot of cleanup left to do and a lot of ground to cover this morning. we are live in voorhees, katherine scott, channel6 "action news. >> katherine, thank you for that. a teenaged boy was struck by lightning in glenolden delaware county. medics respond d to east ashland avenue around 8 o'clock last night. the victim was rushed to crozer chester medical send. we're waiting to an update on his condition. a severe thunder and lightning storm hit washington, d.c. this is snapshots of the big bolts. d.c. news sources say a lightning bolt hit the library of congress just missing the nearby capitol building but there were no reports of any damage or injury from that strike. there was also lightning spotted in the vicinity of the washington monument around the same time. and as those storms rumble through again today, you can follow it all from your phone
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our tablet using our free 6abc storm tracker app. it gives you audio alerts for weather warnings plus access to live radar and the accuweather forecast. >> ♪ >> breaking overnight, efforts to negotiate a ceasefire in the middle east have hit an impasse. hamas has rejected an egyptian proposal, one that israel had agreed to early this morning. in response, the israeli military stressed it will continue to respond to any ongoing attacks from gaza. just hours earlier israeli rockets injured two people and sparked a fire at a resort on the red sea. at least 185 people have been killed in gaza and scores more injured. >> new this morning, septa police have confirmed a scary confrontation with the passenger who appeared to be armed with an arsenal of weapons. "action news" reporter erin o'hearn is live at the big board. she's got the full story. good morning, erin. >> you often hear law enforce. use the phrase if you see
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something, say something. that's what happened 10 o'clock on the septa broad street line. septa police are crediting a vigilant female rider for contacting them when she noticed a passenger carrying these weapons that you see here. the train was traveling northbound from the ellsworth station as police monitored the suspect on closed circuit tv. he got off at the city hall stop and walked to love park and that's when a detective confronted the suspect subdued him and took him into custody. he was carrying four bee bee guns, four butch her knives and faces numerous firearms possession charges and is in custody. septa is crediting this attentive female passenger with contacting police. anyone with this many weapons is a possible danger to the public and police were proactive in this case. >> thanks so much erin. neighbors in kensington on edge after the discovery of a woman's body. philadelphia police say a man discovered the body of a young woman in a duffle bag left
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next to a vacant home on north third street near susquehanna avenue. the body of the hispanic woman believed to be 23 years old was in a trash bag inside the duffle bag. her arms were bound and the front was duck taped. investigators believe they know who she is and are waiting on relatives to make a full id more at 5:00 a.m. >> police say they found a man already behind bars on other drug charges was running a meth lab out of his philadelphia apartment before his arrest. the action cam was in torresdale yesterday where police removed bottles of dangerous chemicals from an apartment on the 3500 block of grant avenue. investigators say they found illegal drugs and manuals on how to make meth, lsd and ecstasy. neighbors had no idea that anything suspicious was taking place in the apartment and it made them think about what their kids might have been exposed to. >> everybody's outside. i don't even want her outside until i know everything is
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good. it's crazy. >> it's terrible. i've lived here for 15 years and we've never had anything here and hopefully it doesn't happen around here again. >> the suspect is expected to face additional charges on top of the ones that led to his arrest. >> president obama will visit the closed bridge along interstate 495 in delaware this week to push for more funds for road and bridge projects nationwide. the president will appear at the port of delaware on thursday to announce a new initiative to increase private sector investments. the highway trust fund which bank rolls projects from coast to coast is expected to dry up next month. the president says without the funds projects will stall and thousands may lose their jobs. >> someone who purchased a powerball ticket in philadelphia is a million dollars richer. a ticket sold at the express food market on 16th and south matched all numbers expect except the powerball in saturday's drawing. matching the five white balls is still good for a million dollars. the winner hasn't come forward yet. the story received $5,000 for
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selling that ticket. >> 4:38 now. a father who was visiting his inmate son gets trapped inside a maximum security prison for 30 hours. we have new details on the visitor's terrifying ordeal. >> and could the royal family be preparing for a sibling for prince george? we'll have the latest. karen. >> it's warm and humid out there already and we're watching the radar closely because we've got another chance for a round of gusty thunderstorms. details coming up in the exclusive accuweather forecast next. >> ♪
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>> 4:42 here in philadelphia, u.s.a. live picture from berlin germany. folks gather to welcome the winning world cup team back to their home country and that would be germany who won that exciting game one to nothing over argentina which is the same score that the united states lost to germany in an earlier game. germany heading back home and tradition holds that if the lost country does not win when the country that does win the world cup returns home they do it in style. so they're doing that. everyone waiting to wish their heroes a welcome home in berlin, germany. >> nice. they'll have story stars on their jersey.
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>> good stuff. >> another difficult day in the weather department with some strong storms heading our way. let's take a look right now, storm tracker 6 live double scan around the region. we're basically quiet. we can see a sprinkle there to our northwest suburbs and in baltimore a shower that will migrate towards our area but the real activity once again doesn't happen until the afternoon hours. let's go outside and show you what it looks like as we go live at philadelphia international airport. we have lots of clouds and some low clouds with all that moisture that came through with those severe storms yesterday. that temperature 75 degrees already in philadelphia. the dewpoint 70 degrees. it feels oppressively humid. the winds south-southwesterly, hard al breeze but really pumping up that warm and humid air mass, the pressure dropping 29.80-inches. satellite radar showing we'll be in and out of the clouds. you can see the showers starting to pop up. nothing heavy just yetly we'll wait for daytime heating to help fire up the atmosphere
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and we'll watch this progress on future tracker 6 giving you an idea of what it's going to look like. at 2 o'clock this afternoon maybe a spotty shower in a couple places. by 4:30 it starts to get a little more organized. once again moving through through your drive time hours and not really clearing the scene until even early tomorrow morning. it looks like we're looking at another round of shower activity. so we are under a slight risk for severe weather once again with the gusty winds, the heavy downpours and the lightning as well and the downpours could be a real issue. we have those flash flood concerns and that's because of the strong jet stream. we've got the cooler air aloft. we could see 1 to 3 inches of rain with any of these storms that form and it's possible that along that front that we could have some training of the storms and that's where the storms kind of follow the same path and hit the same areas over and over and the reason for that, the winds are parallel to the front can help kind of create in situation so something we'll be watching closely, some strong storms coming again especially this
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afternoon into the evening hours. so here's your exclusive accuweather 7-day forecast. drenching thunderstorms at times. we start off pretty quiet, it's just warm and kind of sticky out there with 87 for your high and then later this afternoon and as you're driving local in the evening that's when you want to expect these storms moving through. they don't exactly clear the area. it's not just one line that comes through. we expect that tomorrow morning we'll still be dealing with some early showers or even a thunderstorm. then in the afternoon it's quiet tomorrow, so breezy and cooler and fine for the union game, a high of 83. thursday's refreshing. we really get the lowering humidity, it starts to set in wednesday night into thursday so it's the pick of the week, 83 degrees a pleasant day with partly sunny skies. friday we start off okay, sunshine, then we add increasing clouds, a high of 85. chance for a thunderstorm at the end of the day. saturday some spotty thunderstorms around, 84 for your high and that means that many spots will stay dry so it's just something to watch for, nothing like we're talking about today with those drenching storms. sunday clouds and sun, probably a better chance for a few thunderstorms around and
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86. monday warm and humid and 87. we saw those powerful storms yesterday and today is going to be another day when you want to keep a close eye to the forecast and we will help you through it all day long. >> good to have you to do that. thank you karen. a man is suing cook county illinois because he was accidentally locked in a cell at the county jail for 30 hours. he was visiting his son an inmate at the jail. guards led him to an eight by eight visiting room that was under renovation. suddenly polk says the steel doors shut behind him and locked him in. after about five minutes he started to scream. >> screaming, hollering out, screaming under the door. >> he could hear voices of the guards on the other side of the door presumptively if he could hear them, they could hear him. >> polk spent 30 hours in the room without food, water or bathroom facilities. he finally broke a sprinkler head on the ceiling to cause
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the too many flood and gain the guard's attention. officials at the county jail have apologized for the incident. >> ♪ now it's time to take a look at business. if it feels like things are getting more expensive you're not by yourself. americans are opening their wallets a lot this summer not for luxury vacations it's going for for bills and food. a gallup poll found two out of three people say they're they're paying more for groceries now than last year. governor christie is celebrating saying there's more good news for camden. whole tech intersectional is moving there. the company makes nuclear power plant equipment and hole tech says it plans to add 3,000 new jobs. however, here's the catch. they own have to keep 395 jobs in camden o in order to hold onto those $260 million in state tax breaks. let's take a look at stocks. on wall street stocks finished sharply higher on monday. right now, though, futures are pointing to a mixed open.
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i was in home depot yesterday. probably find this in the aisle soon. they're starting to sell 3-d printers. the pinned print hit store shelves in california illinois and new york. they make 3-d plastic objects and cost up to 29 monday dollars. matt you were one of the first people to say this is going nd a big deal. >> you go the to listen to me. >> every now and then it does pay off. >> thanks tam. it is now 4:48. coming up all new on "action news" never before seen video has been released showing the man charged with carrying out the boston marathon bombing one day after the attacks. community members put a stop to a theft in progress. the dramatic confrontation
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>> welcome back. we had all that rain last night and it's led to this overnight situation. this is south philadelphia, 26 street at penrose avenue. you see police blocking the northbound lanes of 26 street. up ahead in the tunnels there's high water blocking access to the schuylkill. crews are trying to unclog the drains but for now head to passyunk avenue instead and we'll have more on this coming up. but things are looking good in bensalem bucks county. we're looking at route 1 at the turnpike. the traffic is moving well on route 1 between northeast philadelphia and morrisville and other turnpike itself there was not a lot of overnight construction given all that rain but there was a crash eastbound near reading. luckily that just cleared up. matt. >> thanks, tam. 4:51. time for your travel forecast here at the big board and we had some storms that rolled through.
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boy, did we hear them. left a lot of problems and seemed to be causing some problems even now at the new york city area airports so let's sort of zoom in here and we'll talk about it. in newark liberty, they have about 36 delays and cancellations right now. that is rare given the time of day right now and as you see, the storms are gone in the new york city area and including philadelphia. thinking they're still trying to recover from them. la guardia and j.f.k. posting about 17 cancellations each so in the new york city area, have quite a few cancellations this time of the morning. so, we're posting possible delays up and down the east coast because we'll get some more thundershowers today. that's from florida, atlanta all the way up to philadelphia, new york city and boston. out in the midwest also chances of thundershowers, chicago, minneapolis, the airports in missouri, saint louis and kansas city and then also adding houston, possible thundershowers. this is the same thing every single community here, denver international airport, las vegas and phoenix, all have the chance of some
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thundershowers that could cause delays at those airports today. tam back to you. >> thank you, matt. new video on "action news" the violent struggle to stop a man from carjacking a woman and a child in a minivan in san diego it was caught on camera. a group of bystanders stepped in and detained the bandit. police say ishmael hernandez got into the driver's seat and tried to drive the vehicle with the woman and child still inside before he ended up hitting a pole. video showed the man being dragged out of the car and taken to the ground. hernandez is now behind bars. also new here on "action news," in a trial for a friends of dzhokhar tsarnaev prosecutors showed video of the bombing suspect. it goes him going to a gym the morning after the bombings. the other man is accused of destroying evidence of the bombing found in the bombing suspect's dorm room. closing arguments in this trial are expected later today. >> 4:53 is the time and all new in the next half hour of "action news" inspectors at
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los angeles international airports seize an unusually slimy package. we'll tell you more about what's going on here. >> a teen from nebraska nabbed himself quite the buzz worthy photo. details on exactly who is sitting behind him on that the wonder of summer is that i never know what kind of adventure awaits. the days are longer, and the breeze feels a little sweeter. and, thanks to volvo, i'll pay nothing for repairs or maintenance for 5 years, nothing. they even cover my first month's payment. so, i'll be happy wherever the summer takes me. the wonder of summer event. the 2015 volvo s60 sedan with complimentary first month's payment. starting at $319 a month.
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>> comedian tracy morgan is on the mend. we got our first look at him as he recovers from last month's deadly crash in new jersey. he's in good spirits though a
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little weak as he left his home for an outpatient therapy session he left a rehab sent this weekend. morgan is suing wal-mart saying they should have known that the truck driver from their company involved in the crash had not slept for 24 hours. check this out. a nebraska teen snapped an epic selfie. take a look at the duo in the background. that is billionaire warren buffet and sir paul mccartney relaxing on a street bench. mccartney joined buffet for dinner as mccartney prepared for a show in lincoln. the teen's instagram caption was "chilling with my home ms. >> prince george turns one next week. the royal baby gossipping and knitting of baby socks has begun. rumors are swirling that the duchess of cambridge is pregnant again. tabloids claim an exschool friend confirmed the pregnancy but buckingham palace has not confirmed nor denied these reports. if true, could be a spare
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heir. >> a spare to the heir. yeah, i think that best friend is no longer a friend. she'll be getting no more information. a man discovers the body of a woman in a duffle bag. >> inspectors seize a slimy what it is when "action
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. >> ♪ >> "action news." delaware valley's leading news program. with matt o'donnell, tamala edwards, karen rogers and with matt o'donnell, tamala >> ♪ >> good morning. it's 5:00 a.m. on this tuesday july 15th. here's what's happening. >> storms featuring powerful lightning, flash flooding and a possible tornado tear across the delaware and lehigh valleys. we are live in one of the hardest hit areas. >> and we're not out of the woods just yet. accuweather is tracking the risk of more thunderstorms and drenching downpours again today. >> a passerby makes a gruesome discovery in an empty philadelphia lot. now police want the know how a woman's body ended up in a duffle bag. >> let's get right to that accuweather forecast. david murphy is off. karen rogers has your accuwe


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