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tv   Action News  ABC  July 12, 2014 1:35am-2:11am EDT

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>> and then there were four. this is the trump plaza. and it is the fourth casino in accuweather apparently planning to shut its doors this year. 1600 people work here and trump management is expected to announce 60-day layoffs very soon. it's friday night. and the big story on "action news" tonight is latest link in accuweather losing streak. live outside the trump plaza is "action news" reporter annie mccormick, annie the bad news keeps coming. >> reporter: jim, it does more bad news for accuweather casino
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workers but no official word from the trump organization however a local new jersey state senator is saying and citing multiple, credible sources saying the trump plaza will close in september. >> back and forth being depressed and angry all day. >> new jersey state senator jim walen citing multiple sources that trump plaza will send out notices next week announcing the casino will close. long time employees like frank morello have not heard from the trump organization. >> we always here rumors they cannot be substantiated. >> this would be the fourth announce thment year. atlantic club closed in january. revel announced bankruptcy for the second time and if they don't find a buyer they will shut down september 1. ceasars announced showbought will close end of august and at the time of their announcement ceasars said there are too many casinos in the market.
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employees like varella say if rumors were true his life would change dramatically. senator whalen cannot be optimistic of 11th hour move. >> i would have to leave. >> i would love to say stay here we'll fight and save your jobs but i would be lying. >> reporter: and congressman frank luzia no has not returned >> reporter: and congressman frank luzia no has not returned our phone calls. now, back out here live, local 54 president bob mc d evott has no confirmation at this point. we have placed multiple cars to trump and are waiting to hear back. reporting live, annie mccormick, "channel 6 action news," jim. >> thank you, annie. tentative date is set to auction
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off the revel casino hotel august 6. revel filed for bankruptcy for the second time last month. the hotel and casino only opened for 2 years. they have more than 447 million in secured debt and just $9 million in cash. this is the way it looked earlier tonight after a woman drove her car into a house in northeast philadelphia. the car came to a stop in the living area of the first floor. "action news" reporter sharee williams is live in the 11100 block of vladmir how badly is she hurt. >> she was walking briefly aft incident but still took her to the hospital by ambulance. she is said to be in stable condition tonight. but take a look for yourself where this all happened. you can see contractors came out to board it all up to try to close the gaping hole. >> it found sounded leak a bomb
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went off. >> joe donahue lives in the two story, four-unit building where a car crashed into the living room and he heard and felt the impact of the car crashing through. >> i ran out. there was smoke. i told my wife to get out of the house. >> the 75-year-old woman who lives in one of the upstairs units was behind the wheel when it happened that according to philadelphia police. donohue rushed in to help his neighborhood. >> i nakd on the window the door was locked she was dazed from the air bag hitting her and i went in the backseat and therapy crawled over the front and unlocked the door. >> reporter: the downstairs unit is heavily damaged and the woman who lives there was not home at the time of the crash. we spoke with the owner's granddaughter. >> thank god my grabbed mom was not here her couch sat in front of that window. >> reporter: and a live look again where this all happened. neighbors tell me this unit was actually undergoing some major renovations.
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so this happening in the middle of that the granddaughter telling me that that will be, of course, a major setback. at this point, also, neighbors tell me right before the crash the elderly woman was in the street in her vehicle. they say she looked disoriented before she crashed into the building. as for what caused her to crash it's still under investigation. we're live in northeast philadelphia, schwarmerei he williams "channel 6 action news."" >> prosecutors are seeking a life sentence for a child rapist and murderer in 2012. they found rivera guilty of all 11 counts ranging from first degree murder to burglary. >> i'm relieved that this man is finally going to pay. for what he did to my sop and my daughter. >> and police say rivera broke into the victim's house on wehr street and raped amber at knife bhoypt was 12 at the time. that's when her 6-year-old
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brother dominick ran in screaming trying to defend her. rivera slashed both their throats killing little dominick. normally "action news" would not identify victims of sexual assault, however, amber and her mother want to show the world today they stand tall in the face of evil and that she is a survivor. >> philadelphia rapper meek smil supposed to be on stage in washington tonight. instead he's locked up in philadelphia. a judge sent the 27-year-old to jail for 3 to 6 months on a parole violation today. and that probation sfremz a drug and gun phrase 2009. and an attorney for meek mills says his client was sentenced based on technical violations like social media posts and in addition probation officers were not always able to reach him by cellphone. the lawyer added mill is not taking the sentence well. >> he is distraught. confused, upset.
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he's worried because it will gift wrong opinion to his fans. >> meek smil scheduled to perform lee acore acenter july 19. buttock that show is now in question. >> police continue to investigate the death of matt bendic whose body was discovered independentence mall in philadelphia. he was the boyfriend of becca tob in. one of the stars of glee. she was not with him. there were no obvious sichbz foul play. >> from our delaware newsroom tonight the state fired chief medical examiner amid a scandle of tampering with evidence and official misconduct. he was terminated july 4. a criminal investigation is now on and the state is searching for his replacement. authorities have accused dr. dr. callory of using state resources for personal gain and mismanaging the office.
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>> councilman kinjada hosted a safety tour in philadelphia this evening speaking alongside law enforcement officers in the 17th district and representatives of the community organizations. word lebron james is returning to cleveland to continue his basketball career and that information is causing enormous buzz among nba fans and multiply that for 100 for the for fans of cleveland cavaliers. as soon as word came that they were returning to ohio fans in cleveland began a cheer that may lost for years. and before night fell on cleveland, season tickets for next surprise were sold out. >> jeff skversky has more on lebron james going back to cleveland. >> is that something or what? weren't finances burping his jersey not long ago? >> four years ago. >> stlael to buy new ones. lebron is taking his talents back to cleveland. four years after he bolted from
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miami and calfs owner gilbert ripped him for it in the nasty letter they worked it out and lebron is going back home. former mvp spent the last two snnz miami where he won who titles and he wants to bring one back to cleveland. he grew up down the road in akronm. lebron admits he always believed he would return home and finish his career. there family played a big role in this. he breaks the news today in an essay titled i'm coming home. here's quotes. my relationship with northeast ohio is bigger than basketball and i deposit realize that four years ago. i do now. i looked at other teams but was not going to leave miami for anywhere except cleveland ep the more time pasd the more it felt right this is what makes me happy in northeast ohio nothing it given and everything earned you work for what you have i'm ready to accept the challenge i'm coming home. and vegas books now say lebron james and cavs are favorites to
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win nba title. my am dwri 101 odds and coming up in sports we'll they're charles barkley and what he thinks about the return to cleveland. >> that will be interesting. >> yes, it will. >> thanks jeff. >> you can read more about the return to cleveland on 6abc news app and there you can find a link to full essay as well as reaction from other sports figures looking forward to hearing from charles. the 6abc news app is free for android and apple devices. >> still to come on "action news" tonight an earthquake and tsunami strike off the coast of japan's fukushima nuclear plant and aerial salt both sides trade barrage of rocket fire in the middle east and israel and how long they expect the cop nroykt last. and a crash causing sports karen thuz gist to once. >> comfortable, 60s and 70s. mid-atlantic in the northeast.
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it turns stormy and cool. >> scientists determine whether or not weather can real lay infect an aching back and blob or not weather can real lay infect an aching back and blob fest reenact whment "action
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>> in the middle east the violence continues hamas continues to launch rocket at israel numbering over 600 one hit a gas station exploding it into flames. israel continues to strike gaz with aircraft and dronz. reports say 21 palestinian where killed today bringing number of fatalities to 106. israeli prime minister said today that there is no ends in sight to israel's effort to halt militant rocket fire it will end
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when the goals are realized. "action news" was liver outside theies raily consolate jfk today and they dime support the military action against hamas insisting israel has the right to defend itself and earlier in the day also outside the consolate pro freingts palestinian surprise partyers that claim the battle is one sided and israel atargeting innocent civilians not terrorists. >> a strong earthquake rattled japan this evening striking off the coast from the crippled nuclear plant at fukushima. the 6.8 magnitude quake create aid small tsunami and no damage was reported and it was march 2011 when a more powerful quake and tsunami hit the sdi eachy reactors. fortunately this quake did not worsen conditions. it was urgent action today
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at the centers for disease control in atlanta. it has shut down two research labs because of incidents involving deadly germs. one event that lab in atlanta could have accidentally exposed work others to an tax that happened last month. another incident involved bird flu. that was this month. and the head of the c d c says outside panels will review safety procedures for handling dangerous germs. >> and the man accused of killing 6 members of his former wife's family in spring, texas collapsed in court today. as prosecutors read some of the details against ronald lee haskell the suspect appeared to faint. police say haskell tide up katie and steven stay and five children and shot them execution style. only their 15-year-old son survived the attack. haskell's attorney says he has mental health issues and has not been taking his medication consistent. >> i amazon is asking for
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exception for federal ban on commercial dronz to start testing flying delivery service. the on-line retailers asked faa for permission to run experiments near headquarters seattle they claim the drone fleet can deliver packages 30 minute or less carrying up to 5 pound in weight flying 50 miles an hour and the company wants to make drone delivery a reality by next year. >> and take a look that hotel surveillance video out of delhi, india a val a takes the keys to a 380,000 lambroghinis the valet hit was not seriously hurt. unfortunately, that high end car is a loss. in princeton real life cat burglars are captured and tonight the kitties are back where they belong. last weekend at the shelter on
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harron town road two teenagers grabbed two kittens and ran and a sharp eye volunteer saw it happen and managed to catch the boys and teens were charged with burglary and theft. one of the kit epz has been adopted and the other is still look firing permanent home. >> on "healthcheck" at 11 don't plame it on the rain. new study concludes that lower back pain is not linked to weather. some may claim their joint and back start aching when a storm is coming but australian researchers look at 1,000 people who had sudden acute bouts of pain and cross checked with weather reports. it turns out no meterological phenomenon was associated not temperature, humidity or even air pressure. >> hm they can't blame it on me. >> you knew that all the time. >> i said no. >> you're right you said. >> i deposit look at the research. >> you can't, can't get sick in the winter because it's cold and i don't wear your jack sglet
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it's a virus. >> it's a virus. >> nothing like that this weekend it will be beautiful. double scan out there now all is quiet upstairs in fact if you looked up in the sky this evening you saw this beautiful view the full buck moon but also this month it's super moon. the first visible super moon of the year. we have three this particular year and in fact let's take a look at statistics with the super moon the best viewing is before it sets at 4:51 in the morning check out now before you go to bed but the closer you get to 4:51 it will be the biggest, brightest part of the moon's phase here tonight. and in fact the moon's or sbit closest to the earth. it's much closer than typically is in normal full moon every month and in fact it's 30,000 miles closer so super moon means because it's closer it's a little bigger. and also a little bits brighter and then you see in any normal month. as you look at temperature now
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in trenton. 74. comfortable 70 allentown and 75 wilmington and 60s now for dover. and millville the humidity is dropping out there. so it is rather please nenlt fact the poconos, it is just 5 degrees. and we have high pressure that is setting up shop in northern new england now pushing the cloud cover to the south. and where we have this line of clouds that's where the real humid air is sitting over ocean right now. it will return back over the second half of the weekend. but we start beautiful here saturday, a light southerly wind. 88 degrees for the high temperature. so it will be very warm. it's seasonable for this time of year and hultty will below. and that humidity will spike the second half of the weekend on sunday. so we begin sunday future tracker 9:00 in the morning a mixture of sun and clouds and in the afternoon combination of increased humidity and front north throwing energy our way, it could spark some scattered downpours or thunderstorms
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especially in the northwestern areas sunday afternoon and sunday evening. but if you are at the shore. 66 ocean temperature and with wind coming lightly off the ocean temperature of 6 6 it's going to keep the numbers down into the upper 70s both days. so a nice seabreeze. a lot of sun. poconos because you're closer to that energy the front there could be afternoon scattered storm tomorrow of 7 and then more humid with numerous storms sunday afternoon at 76 degrees. the exclusive accuweather 7-day forecast sunny, warm tomorrow, 8. pretty similar temperature here on sunday but will it feel more uncomfortable because of spike in humidity and spotty storm late in the day north and west and heat, humidity is on and monday, 90. numerous downpours and thunderstorms and potent cold front comes through tuesday with gusty thunderstorms of 86 but behind that front unseasonably cool air this time of year only 0 or so for a high in middle january. overnight lows in 50s to low 6
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quite july heat with low humidity and highs near 8 0. some refreshing air on the way after the heat and humidity. >> we'll take it. >> yeah. >> thank you, adam. >> first night of blob fest in chester county ended with scream tonight. >> dozens of screams to be exact. scareier individuals running out of the theater into the streets of phoenixville and hundreds of fans lined the streets for the timed exit, blob fest continues tomorrow with a street fair and more horror films. community and business leaders attend aid reception tonight at the pyramid club in center city philadelphia to pay tribute to state senator vincent hughes event co-hosted by his wife. hughes served in legislature for 2 years and congratulations are in order for jimmy kimmel he's a dad again!
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the late-night host confirmed he and his wife molly welcomed a baby girl named jane yesterday this is the couple's first child together. jimmy kimmel has an adult son together. jimmy kimmel has an adult son and daughter from previous
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>> is the scene for introduction for 2014 call ripkin state attorney nment new hope, bucks county and after they called out the last name and after they suggest the national anthem it was "action news" lehigh valley correspondent walter perez throwing out the first ball today in new hope. >> can the phillies win their fifth in a row? >> i don't quite recognize the team right now. but i certainly say i do like it. just like lebron the phillys are
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coming home to win, too, kings in milwaukee bet up the brewers. best team in the league all week. now they're trying to keep it going at home against nationals and get out of last place. yup, it's been a bizarre season and this about sums it up not sure what is going on here phillies moving and grooving headed into all star break and don brown come around. two-run double in the second and 2-0 phils and 7 around batted in the next four games:00 a.m. phils roll from there jimmy rolling two-run homer and j-roll comes up again in the 7th. solo shot. last time j-roll hit two home nertz same game two years ago against the nets. a.j. burnett allows only two runs gets a standing ovation as he walks off phillies win 6-2. it's their fifth straiingts all against first and second place
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teams. does this team still believe they're in the playoff race. >> i don't speak for everybody i would say yeah. if not come see me. if not, i mean, you would not have this kind of baseball now. guys would be down on themselves worried about where they're going and what's going to happen anden that's not the case here. guys are preparing to win a baseball game and that's all you can do. >> if you don't believe go see a.j. >> all the cleveland fans that burned number 23 lebron jerseys four years ago you better find a fire exchange esh. he's going back to cleveland. they were burning the jerseys in the street when he left for miami. today all is for given. we're going crazy in the streets. outside of cleveland. of course dispointed in south beach. fans blocked out a face on this mural in downtown miami. he won two titles with the heat and wants to win one at home where he placed first 7 seasons
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and charles barky loves it. >> how often do you get a chance to become a legend in your hometown and home state. they're a blue collar city here's a blue collar guy i'm excited this is great for nba obviously. >> yes, it is lebron admits he always believed he would return and finish his careerer with the cavs. still to come in sports the decision where the major domino affect around the lock le brop decision will have
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a domino affect around the nba. sixers will not land jeremy lin after all. houston will send him to lakeers not the sixers. sixers playing in orlando summer league title game against memphis without nerlens noel resting on bench. alex thompson filling in fine. later in the game memphis ronald roberts against the former st. st. joe's star. sixers win orlando summer league 91-75 they now head to vegas for the summer league. eagles running back plus shawn mccoy and chickie's and pete's. mccoy will host a basketball game tomorrow in delaware county to raise money for als. allen iverson among those expected to play in the game and he's mccoy's childhood hero and he's hoping to cross ai over. >> "jimmy kimmel live" followed
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by "nightline" line "action news" continues at a5:30 jeff skversky and the entire "action news" continues at a5:30 jeff skversky and the entire "action news" team have a good night and >> jack hanna's "into the wild" is brought to you by nationwide insurance and the columbus zoo, partners in conservation for over 30 years. >> hi, everyone, i'm jack hanna here with my friend wilbur the woodchuck coming to you from our home in the columbus zoo, welcome to "into the wild." our family love to share our
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animal stories with each and everyone of you. today we're visiting another family who has dedicated their life to doing just that, bringing the zoo to you. you want to go, wilbur. hey, dave. >> you guys made it. >> it's a wild day. >> is this going to hurt my head? >> a lot of surprises. >> hold on tight. >> we head wildwile. get your shoes on, wilbur! >> this is a small city in southern california about halfway between los angeles and san francisco. a strong history in wine making, most visitors are here to see the vineyards, but not us. we're here to visit my good old buddy david jackson who operates an animal rescue center. he works hard teaching kids about wildlife conservation with his company, zoo to you. >> we had one of the


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