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tv   Action News  ABC  July 8, 2014 4:30am-5:01am EDT

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>> ♪ >> "action news." delaware valley's leading news pr ogram. with matt o'donnell, tamala edwards, karen rogers and with matt o'donnell, tamala >> ♪ >> good morning. we're working on several stories you didn't see last night on this tuesday, july 8th including breaking news. gun shots rang out in bucks county overnight. new details in a live report. >> protesters were fired up in southwest philadelphia after four children were killed in a fire over the weekend. why they are pointing fingers at firefighters. >> a disgruntled yankees fan caught sleeping during a game against the red sox is hauling several parties to court. we will tell you why. good morning everyone. 4:30 on this tuesday. tam is off. erin o'hearn joins us.
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good morning. >> dorn good morning to you. >> let's talk about some weather. getting hot again. meteorologist, david murphy is here. >> another hot sticky day. this time guys you can see that there is a string of cloud cover that's a little closer to us. this is in association with a cold front that we talked about yesterday. last night the severe weather was off to the north of us. there's a possibility we get a couple strong thunderstorms later today and especially this evening from anywhere from philadelphia up to the north and west suburbs. for now we're dry, 77 degrees, though. wet warm in the city as you step outside. 77 in wilmington. still 69 in allentown. 75 in trenton and 75 in sea isle city. as we head out the door this morning, we expect partly cloudy to mainly clear skies. it's going to be warm out there. 75 degrees by 6:00 a.m. and probably heading up toward the upper 70's by 8:00. and it looks like we'll be at about 80 by 9 o'clock. then like yesterday we're off to the races. 94 is your high probably around 3:30 or 4 o'clock and the farther we go into the afternoon the better chance we have of showers or a pop-up
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thunderstorm and keep in mind that some of these could be on the strong side. when it isn't raining of course we're going to have a fair amount of sun out there and i want to remind you that it is another high uv day so keep the sunscreen handy. matt we'll have more on today's storms and another round coming tomorrow in the accuweather 7-day. >> david, thanks. let's begin with that breaking news. gunfire in bucks county leaves a man dead and two people injured. "action news" has been on the scene this morning gathering information from police. "action news" reporter katherine scott is live in bristol township where she just received an update. good morning, katherine. >> reporter: good morning, matt p. information is still coming down about this but police say three people were shot, one person has died, two people were injured. police have not confirmed the condition of those two that are injured only to say that they went to the hospital with gun shot wounds. , see at the scene here in bristol township remains closed off at this time. police are waiting for a search warrant right now. so far they say no weapon has been recovered. police were called to the home
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on the 900 block of windor drive around 12:45. one person was dead inside the home another man injured. the other injured man was able to go to neighbor's home and call 911. police say that was the only 911 call about this. police found shell casings but no weapon has been recovered. circumstances of the shooting what was happening before those shots were fired all remains under investigation. >> right now bucks county detectives are processing the scene. we do have detectives that are interviewing so we're just trying get as much information gathered as possible to try to get some leads on this shooting. >> reporter: and police say this house has been known as a problem house by neighbors but they did not elaborate. again, police say they have no known suspects. this all remains under investigation. we are knife bristol township, katherine scott, channel 6 "action news." >> thanks so much katherine. new this morning, philadelphia police are searching for the shooter who
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gunned down a man in a minivan. it happened in the city's parkside section late last night. police say the gunman fired 12 shots at the 21-year-old victim from point blank range in the 1600 block of south wilton street. detectives are still working on a motive but say the victim had prior encounters with the law. >> "action news" has been monitoring a tense and emotional situation in southwest philadelphia overnight. protesters rallied outside a firehouse angry about the response to that deadly fire that killed four children over the holiday weekend. "action news" reporter kenneth moton explains why. >> reporter: the protests, the faces of anger and the police response increased in a matter of seconds in southwest philadelphia. one arrest after another in clashes with police that had officers using their batons. this was the scene of unrest on 65th street near busy
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woodland avenue, both streets shut down. these demonstrators furious over what they call a delayed response to the saturday morning fire that killed four small children on the 6500 block of gesner street. that fatal fire is right around the corner from ladder four engine 40 which had officers protecting it. >> those kids should be here. these people should have their houses and these fire people do not care. >> reporter: before this riot broke out those tempers were flaring in a community meeting. fire commissioner derek sawyer told residents the response time was three minutes after the initial call. >> i have children of my own. it's no way, no way that i would accept that our members didn't give their all to save those children. >> reporter: that report only angered people, many from liberia africa who made race allegations. one of the loudest voices came from the father of the boys who were killed in that fire. >> we pay taxes just like every one of them.
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we have to make a phone call first. >> reporter: at one point firefighters tried to respond to a call. officers dragged away those who blocked the engine. community leaders including state representative ronald waters rushed here to try to calm this crowd which eventually moved to the sense of the deadly fire scene. >> you appeal in a way that people are going to understand your pain but not to be rude and trying to start a riot. that's why i was trying to calm them down. >> reporter: police have been on this scene overnight to keep the peace and watch over that fire station and its firefighters. reporting in southwest philadelphia, kenneth moton, channel 6 "action news." >> we will hear from mayor michael nutter in the next half hour of "action news." in the meantime we have more coverage of the deadly fire on our free 6abc news app including a slide show of photos showing the four young victims and we have posted a way you can help the families affected by the fire. happening today, the pennsylvania state senate will vote on a bill that would allow philadelphia to hike cigarette taxes to raise money for public schools.
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the two dollars per pack increase would help close the district's $93 million budget gap by more than half. last week the statehouse approved the same bill sending it back to the senate for final approval. the senate has already approved the from measure once before. also happening today, a pennsylvania house committee will try to figure out why a water treatment plant in montgomery county had so many problems back in may. those problems required 18,000 households in six townships to boil their water for four days and force 150 restaurants to temporarily close. the public hearing takes place at the west norton township building at 11:00 a.m. officials from pennsylvania american water will be there, the utility that experienced the problems. >> we have new information on the rollercoaster accident that injured four people in southern california. this is the scene late last night at six flags magic mountain in santa clarita. investigators say the ninja coaster hit a tree branch causing the front car to break
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off the track. nearly two dozen people spent several hours dangling up to 30 feet in the air until rescuers brought them to safety. all of the injuries, though, were minor. the walls literally came crumbling down in west philadelphia's cobbs creek neighborhood at the site of a row house collapse. two of the homes caved in on each other yesterday endangering a neighbor's house on the 6000 block of spruce street. fortunately no one was inside when the walls buckled. a dog however was pulled out safely. the red cross is assisting 10 people as inspectors try to root out the cause of the collapse. >> now for your first look at business. a new survey suggests it is what you study, not your alma mater that earns graduates the highest salary out of college. the department of education says math and science majors from the class of 2008 secured jobs with salaries averaging $65,000. graduates of other degrees
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earned about $50,000 a year. cupcake maker crumbs is closing all of its stores. the co-op rated two stores in our area and the cherry hill mall and the christiana mall. corruption was dee listed from the nasdaq last week. stocks slid slightly monday over the batch of earnings reports. stock futures are mixed. scientists at mit are offering a finger reader. it fits like a ring on the index finger. a camera scans the text and a voice reads it aloud. no word yet on how much it will cost. erin, back to you. >> okay, thanks so much, matt. >> a federal judge in philadelphia has granted temporary approval of a deal that would compensate thousands of former nfl players for concussion-related claims. the nfl has agreed to remove a $675 million cap on damages.
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the settlement is designed to last at least 65 years and give $1 million or more to retirees who develop lou gehrig's disease or other profound neurological problems. >> still ahead, new search warrants issued in connection with the death of a toddler in a hot car and they reveal what police want to look at now. >> a veteran weatherman loses accident. details after the break. david. >> my goodness. all right, so we are looking at another hot and sticky one across the region today and there could be a chance of a thunderstorm. that's a little addition to today's forecast. we'll have more on that and better weather coming as a front gets past us a little later in the week. that's coming up. >> ♪ all the chicken in your grocery store
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is inspected by the usda... but perdue asked them to go further. they verify that all our chickens are cared for in a clean, safe environment... and fed an all-veggie diet. no other chicken company does this. but at perdue, we believe in a better chicken.
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well, at perdue, we say you are what you eat...eats. so we feed our chickens an all-veggie diet, including corn and marigolds with no added animal by-products... hormones...or steroids. because at perdue, we believe in a better chicken. >> 4:43 now. it is tuesday morning and, well, feel like summer again, really hot. >> yeah, it's going to be hot, a little sticky again today much like yesterday only today we add the possibility of a thunderstorm. i think most of those probably hold off until this evening. storm tracker 6 live double scan shows us we don't have any precipitation for the morning commute. always a nice thing and as we take a look outside we've got sky 6 and center city looking okay. camera not bouncing much. we don't have quite as much as a breeze as we had yesterday. the temperature currently is 77 degrees. a couple of ticks hire than it was this time yesterday and dewpoints are still in the mid 60's across much of the region and that means it's somewhat humid out there. winds
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south-southwest at 7 miles per hour. take a look at satellite this morning. or i should say future tracker six, there is not a whole lot of action expected during the morning and early afternoon hours. every now and then some of you especially north and west of philadelphia could see a shower or two popping through. but it looks like the big action is probably later on tonight as a cold front gets closer to us and a line of showers and thunderstorms develop ahead of it. some of these, this evening up until about 11 o'clock or so could be strong with some strong gusty winds, maybe even some small hail. so i wouldn't be surprised to see some thunderstorm warnings later tonight and looks like most of this is going to be centered to the north and west of i-95. philadelphia itself could get some of this as well. not so much down to the south and east today. 77 degrees is the 8 o'clock temperature and then by 11:00 we're up to 86. afternoon we're going to spend pretty much in the 90's. by 2 o'clock 92. a high of 94 around 4 o'clock and by 5 o'clock, 92 degrees again, some afternoon showers
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and thunderstorms possible but most of the action later this evening. high temperatures in the 90's again just about everywhere away from the shore and at the shore you are looking fairly toasty, mid to upper 80's today. and then we take a look at future tracker for tomorrow and tomorrow it looks like the center of the action early may be south of philadelphia although during the day there is the possibility of a scattered shower or a thunderstorm popping up. your exclusive accuweather 7-day forecast shows that high of 94 today. it will be a bit on the humid side and there is that chance of a pop-up shower or thunderstorm this afternoon with a better chance later on this evening. warm and humid again on wednesday, 89. again some showers or a spotty strong thunderstorm is possible. and then we get into thursday and we're looking at a mix of clouds and sun with a high of 86. we're allowing for a lingering thunderstorm but in general this is the day that the front starts to pass past us and i think things are transitioning to better weather. in fact as you take a look at friday we're looking at a sunny and nice day with lower humidity and a high of 85. that front is going to return as a warm front on saturday
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though. we'll see a mix of clouds and sun. we reintroduce the idea of a spotty afternoon thunderstorm and that high of 87. 6abc night at the union happens on saturday night. i'll be down there with some of the rest of us from channel 6. sunday warm and humid, 88 degrees and the chance of a pop-up storm there as well and then 86 on monday. so, a little bit of a break coming but we've got to wait another couple days to really get there. okay. >> thanks, david. >> sure. >> happening today, president obama plans to ask congress for $2 billion in emergency spending to deal with the u.s.-mexican border crisis. unaccompanied migrant children from central america have been crossing the border by the thousands leading to protests in california where many are ending up. the obama administration is calling the problem a humanitarian crisis. the white house is requesting getting more money for immigration judges, detention facilities and legal aid. >> newly released court records show police want to learn about the health of a toddler in the months before
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he died of heat exposure in his father's car near atlanta. investigators are seeking medical records for 22-month-old cooper harris. justin harris faces murder and child cruelty charges. harris said he left the boy in the suv for about seven hours after forgetting to drop him off at day care. >> an accident involving fireworks caused a tv weatherman an eye. the chief meteorologist at the abc station in detroit remains in the hospital. he was vacationing in iowa city during the holiday weekend when the accident happened. he will undergo surgery tomorrow and will need a prosthetic eye. details on how it happened were not released. 4:47. coming up on "action news," two thieves steal a central air conditioner unit. now police need your help tracking them down. >> and a fan caught on camera sleeping during a yankees-red sox game back in the spring is
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now filing suit over the embarrassment. details
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>> 4:50. time to take a first look at the roads. this is south philadelphia, broad street at i-95. there was an accident right by the ramp that comes off of 95 southbound but it looks like traffic is getting by pretty
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well. single vehicle accident looks like it's moved off to the side. so, things have cleared up pretty quickly in that area. next on to devon in chester county, route 202 northbound approaching the schuylkill expressway, there is still some overnight construction in the northbound lanes restricting some traffic. the crews, though, should be clearing out soon but for now you want to drop your speeds as you come north of paoli and head towards king of prussia. matt has flight traffic for you. >> lots of thundershowers expected across the country. we're looking at some rider now live on the big board on our flight explorer program moving across the midwest right now, missouri, illinois affecting a lot of airports and there are other areas across the country that are going to have the same thing. here are all the many, many airports that could experience some travel delays related to the weather. first we'll start on the east coast here. thundershowers expected in our area and also boston, new york city but not until later on today and they could be spotty. down in florida the usual
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thundershowers expected so miami and all the rest of the major airport there is could see delays related to that. houston as well some thundershowers am i posted a couple airports we don't talk about all that much but they are very important to some folks flying out to kansas city or saint louis, could see some delays this morning 'cause those thundershowers moving across right now. the midwest chicago and detroit, thundershowers. denver thundershowers and finally sky harbor in phoenix could see some thundershowers today and travel related delays. erin. >> thanks matt. surveillance cameras show two men stealing a central air conditioning unit from the andorra pediatric center on thursday. the suspects drove off with the unit in a white and silver colored vehicle. if you recognize the men, you are urged to call the number on your screen, 215-686-tips. a montgomery county pool will be closed today after it was vandalized. someone shattered glass inside and outside the towamencin
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township swimming pool. police say it happened sometime late saturday night or early sunday morning. officials have shut down the pool while they work to clean up the damage. could it reopen as early as wednesday. >> family and friends gather to remember a teenage here drowned in ocean city, new jersey. mourners brought gifts and shared hugs at grover school last night. that is where 14-year-old corinthian hammond recently finished middle school. the teen was swept into the water on june 29th. his body was not discovered until july 3rd, just south of the ocean city longport bridge. hammond's family has set up a memorial fund to raise money for a funeral service. you could find the details online at the teen's drowning is prompting extended lifeguard hours in ocean city. the beaches at eighth, ninth and 12th streets will be protect fred 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. every day. hammond died after being swept out to sea at ninth street
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when lifeguards were off duty. >> 4:53 now and all new in the news," new details on the hunter for a woman police say abandoned a baby in a new york subway.
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>> new on "action news" there may nobody crying in baseball but a sleepy yankees fan is wining in court. andrew rector filed a $10 million lawsuit against 2espn announcers. he says they mocked him when he was caught on national television sleeping in his seat during a game at yankee
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stadium. he says commentators called him fat and stupid. he also named major league baseball and the yankees as defendants. >> two middle aged women in florida learn the hard way not to mess with another man's stuff. >> you need some help? >> do you know how to do it? >> yeah. this is our stuff. >> this is yours? >> yes. >> wait a minute. >> no. this is all ours, all of it, the chairs, the bags, this is all our stuff. my kids, yes, that's my kids'. i'm sorry. yes. >> yeah, the man in question caught the ladies trying to steal his beach canopy and filmed i guess the hilarious encounter posting it on youtube. it happened at new smyrna beach on independence day. the video has received more than 1 million views since its posting on july 5th. the man who took the video did not press charges instead decided to publically humiliate them. >> i think that was probably enough.
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a neighborhood reeling from the deaths of four young children directs its anger at the philadelphia fire department. hear how the mayor is responding. >> a monster typhoon bearing down on japans where thousands of military members and their families are
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>> ♪ >> "action news." delaware valley's leading news program. with matt o'donnell, tamala edwards, karen rogers and meteorologist, david murphy. edwards, karen rogers and >> good morning. it's 5 o'clock on this tuesday, july 8th. tam is off. erin o'hearn joins us and we're following breaking news. >> gunfire breaks out in a bucks county neighborhood. we are live on the scene of a deadly shooting investigation. >> anguish turns to anger over a deadly fire in southwest philadelphia. hear how the mayor is responding. >> get ready for the warmest most uncomfortable day of the week. and accuweather is tracking the chance of an even this morning. >> david murphy with details. matt pelman filling in for karen with traffic. good morning. >> right now a little muggy out there, not t


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