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tv   Action News  ABC  July 7, 2014 5:00am-5:31am EDT

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>> good morning, everyone, it is 5:00 a.m., monday, july 7. tam is off, erin o'hern joins us, we're following several breaking stories. >> including a traffic tragedy in philadelphia. an outof control car -- an out-of-control car crashes killing the driver and injuring the passenger. >> a stray bullets hits a girl in her bed in south jersey. >> we have heat and humidity coming in and chance for
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thunderstorms later this week. >> let's go over to david and matt pellman is in for karen rogers good morning. >> reporter: it's not going to be too bad out there today. i expect sun and clouds through the morning. eventually we'll be on the look out for the precipitation move closer to us, we have a cold front out to the north and west, that will be tomorrow afternoon and only parts of the region. 73 in wilmington, 73 in allen up to, 72 in trenton. we have bumped up to 70 in 'sea isle city. it's not all that humid just yet. 77 degrees is the 9:00 a.m. temperature, 85 by noon, 92 by 3:00 p.m. today's high is likely to be 93. this is the way i do crossword puzzles. i do them in ink and i have to keep scratching over things. 93 is the high, we'll reach that around 4:00 p.m. thunderstorm chance comes back
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into play tomorrow, i'll have details on where that's going to happen. >> reporter: you need a pencil. good morning, david, i hope you had a nice holiday weekend. it is back to work for so many people this morning. as you head out and back to work, we have some spots for you to avoid. northeast extension right at lansdale, after midnight overnight there was a disabled vehicle northbound at lansdale, struck the barrier, a tractor-trailer comes along and hits the disabled vehicle. both northbound lanes have been blocked since midnight. it's at the interchange, you can exit and get back on, or stay on northbound 309. that should clear out in the next half-hour, of course, we'll keep you posted. birmingham chester county down wires cleared and no problems through 202 and chester and delaware counties into delaware.
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in bear, delaware, would he have that overturned truck blocking the westbound lanes of route 40 at school bell road this happened at 2:45, stick with 273 or 13 to get around. i-95 in delaware no delays as you get around the 49 are 5 closure. >> breaking right now a driver was killed in a crash in philadelphia's hunting park neighborhood. the apparently was taken to the hospital with serious injuries. it happened at whitiker avenue and east luzerne street at 2:00 a.m., the driver loss control and smashed into a wall. police say it is unclear why. we're following more breaking news, a shooting in camden county, new jersey, with stray bullets blasting through two homes. a young teen was shot while she was sleeping in her bed. katherine scott is live on the scene in sicklierville with more on this new story. >> reporter: matt, investigators are trying to figure out who fired these shots, a 13-year-old
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girl was hit while she was asleep in her bed, the shooting happened on this street, haywood lane. the houses that were hit one on the corner and one across the street in winslow township. it happened at 1:30 a.m., four girls were asleep on two bunk beds inside a home when a stray bullet pierced the home and struck one of the girls in the buttocks. she is in the hospital receiving treatment. a woman on the corner was injured when a bullet struck her home, she was not hit by a bullet, she was struck by debris, she did refuse treatment at the scene. nearly a dozens shelling casings were visible on the street. news of the shooting spread through word of mouth and social media. >> i saw pictures of the girl,
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i got you in my prayers, i saw this posted and this must be serious. >> reporter: back live on the scene, winslow township police are here, camden county prosecutor's office is investigating, as well. we don't know the circumstances surroundingment -- the shooting, two homes were hit by stray bullets, one girl was hit while sleeping in her bed, no word on her condition, she remains in the hospital getting treatment. katherine scott channel 6 "action news." >> police are looking for an unusual group of suspects who carried out a home invasion in the crescentville section of philadelphia. the suspects were two orderly women and a man and they had a child in their car. the action cam was at the scene where the suspects gained entry into an elderly man as house yesterday around 5:00 p.m. once they got inside they robbed
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the place and drove off. police think they are the same people who targeted other disabled people and elderly in the area. we look at the week ahead. d.a. jack what i what i whalen h residents to stop violent crime in the city. after the walk, there will be a barbecue at providence baptist church. pope francis will mark an unprecedented milestoneness papacy. he in his papacy. he will meet with victims of the sex abuse at his private home in the vatican.
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secretary of education aroundy dunkin will attend the luncheon. >> a family if philadelphia was nearly crushed by a falling tree. he was leaving fairmont park in the cobbs creek section when they heard a loud noise. moments later a car a covered in heavy branches. >> it was like a cracking noise at it is tree fell on the car. i started crying. >> fortunately, nobody was hurt, the tree took out a power line peco crews responded to secure the scene and make repairs. it is believed the recent wind and rains may have weakened the tree and caused it to snap. >> that's what i was thinking whistles watching the video. >> heat is coming, but it's a pleasant morning. >> reporter: not bad so far, not too humid. storm tracker 6 live double scan is showing wire dry and off to a
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start. as we look outside we have sky 6 and hd view of center city. we have cloud cover to start out and sun breaking through and kind of mixment skies with clouds and sun as we roll through the day. 675 in philadelphia, 73 in allentown, 73 reading, 72 in wilmington, an even 70 in millville and sea isle and up the coast on the boardwalk in atlantic city, as well. satellite showing you that cloud cover there are some breaks there will be more as the day goes on. we'll keep an eye on the sip sayings, but with a -- on the precipitation, but with a cold front coming closer very slowly, we'll have showers up in the lehigh valley. allentown, 92. down the shore, 81 degrees by noon, 3:00 p.m., probably up to
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87 degrees, so, rather warm on the beach this afternoon. 93 degrees is the high in philadelphia. with a mix of clouds and sun. a bit on the humid side dewpoints in the mid 60s, that's a little bit humid, but not oppressive humidity. the numbers will climb, 75 by 8:00 a.m. 83 by 11:00 a.m. you'll see the humidity build by in the afternoon. 2:00 p.m., 89. 5:00 p.m., 91 falling from the 93-degree high. tomorrow in the morning we're dry. by the time we get up to noon, there could sprinkles and showers around. later in the afternoon, showers and thunderstorms possible. thunderstorms will be on the spotty side as we go through the afternoon and evening, but where they hit, they could produce strong, gusty winds. that is tomorrow afternoon. 0 today hot and hiewsmed, high of 93.
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tomorrow -- high of 93. tomorrow, hot and sticky, 94. wednesday, warm and humid, 87 that chance of thunderstorms slides to the south and east of i-95 on wednesday as the front gets closer an starts to push through the region. thursday, virtually dry just a slight chance of a lingering storm. if that front gets through, mixture of clouds and sun in the 80s. stickier and warm this weekend. >> you got it, thanks david. next a moment of panic sparks a deadly stampede at a concert in mexico. >> the american teenager caught in the violence over seas talks about his beating bile the israeli police officers. >> reporter: you might say all is fine on the vine. nearby on the benjamin franklin parkway everything is reopened after friday's festivities. blockages in montgomery and new castle county are coming up
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after the break. plus later in the morning buzz, the oldest living american shares her secrets to longevity. "action news" continues.
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>> good morning, things are happening at philadelphia international airport, it is 5:13, it is monday, 74 degrees, should be a pleasant morning, get ready for heat and humidity today, tomorrow and through the week. >> things are happening on the roads as everybody is heading back from a long holiday weekend. >> reporter: it's so tough, you
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have to crawl and claw yourself out of bed and try to get yourself on the roads. let's get to the suburban, we have a tractor-trailer accident, started out a disabled vehicle ran into the barrier, became disabled. truck comes along and hits the disabled vehicle. it's right by lansdale. it's at the exit, so you can get back on the northeast extension. it happened after midnight. i was thinking it was clearing out tnts, for now -- at any time, for now, the northbound lanes are blocked. you can exit and get around it. i-95 southbound comement headlights toward i-95 no issues on the blue route. we have this big issue down in bear, delaware.
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the blockage of route 40 pulaski highway at school bell road. this overturned truck the westbound lanes are blocked. stick to 2737 to get around or 13 to get around it. new this morning, surveillance video shows the moments a wall crashed down on concert goers as they tried to leave an rather an arena in mex. 15,000 people tried to rush out of the buildings when a fight broke out after the show. an american teen beat by israeli police is out of jail and under house arrest in his
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uncle's home. this shows him during a beating. he was held for three days without charges and released yesterday. >> what would you say to the police officers if you could speak to them now,. >> i would say why would you attack me like that. at least tell me, why would you do that to me, if i didn't do anything to you. >> israel his ps ambassador to the u.s. said the teen was one of five others who attacked police with mall to have cocktails. the crashes followed the murder of his cousin he was abducted and burned alive last week. 6 young jewish men have been arrested in connection with the killing. police say the men were looking for revenge after the killing of three jewish teens. phillies will open a three game stint in milwaukee.
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the pirates swept the series. it was the 8th time phillies were swept this season. chase utley was picked for the all star team. else number 3 in overall start as the national league second basement. >> 5:17. changes are coming for a popular jeep model, but there was no transformation at movie theaters this weekend. high school students are tradings cigarettes for another smoking habit. >> reporter: it's hot this afternoon, a bit more humid than over the weekend. there's some nice test nations you can get to -- destinations you can get to, this is owls
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head maine. we'll be back with the pool forecast and get you to the airport. >> don't forget you can get "action news" and accuweather anytime with our 6abc news app. it's free at the apple and google app stores.
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>> a can carnival crews -- a carnival cruise ship came to the rescue of people stranded at sea. they responded a distress call on the atlantic ocean. the crowded vessel was on its way from florida to haiti. the coast guard pulled everyone to safety. >> it's hard to get going monday after a holiday. >> reporter: it is i spent a time down the shore this weekend on what some people call the boardwalk. it was really nice. a lot of people are down there, so this morning they have to get back home, 42 will be extra busy, expect big delays if you're coming north from the ac
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expressway this morning. better news in middlesex county, the overturned vehicle crash in the northbound lanes. jersey turnpike is gone. have you been to that buffet? it's really good. >> reporter: 77 degrees, 89:00 a.m. low to mid 70s right now. it's feeling comfortable. as we roll through the day, 85 by noon, 92 by 3:00 p.m. with a high of 93 around 4:00 p.m. the other thing this afternoon it's going to feel a little bit more humid than over the weekend. not oppressive, though. as we head to the airport, let's see if we have green planes on the board. yeah we do, hopefully it's clear sailing for you at the airport. researchers found students currently cigarettes were likely
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to use hooka. surprisingly the odds of students using it increases if their parents have a higher education level. students with weekly incomes from a job have increased odds. >> stocks looks like they coud take a breather as the stocks open with a high. >> reporter: the financial markets are charting new territory this morning, for the first time the dow opened above 17,000, that's an increase of 3% and many think this bull market has room to run. the next version of the jeep wrangler could be different. chrysler wants to improve gas mileage, that could mean lighter material and smaller jeep. it only gets 17 miles per hour a
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gallon. it was the weakest holiday movie weekend in at least a decade. in north dakota, the average person drinks 43 gallons a beer a year almost 3 kegs, montana was second and new hampshire third. >> philadelphia didn't take that honor, it's good to hear. >> up next, a shark attack victims talks about the moment he came face-to-face with jaws. a teenager is shot as she sleeps in her bed we're live updating the search, where the gunfire came from, who fired
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♪ [ male announcer ] give extra. get extra. >> we're getting a clearer picture the moment a man from california swam into the jaws of a great white shark. 40-year-old steve robles was swimming altman hatton beach when the -- manhattan beach when the man saw him eye to eye. >> the animal had been fighting to get free from a fisherman's line when he swam by. >> time for the morning buzz, we should be so lucky as this
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woman from arkansas who celebrated her 116 birthday this weekend. she is the oldest confirmed living american, she was born in 1898. she is the second oldest person in the world second only to 116-year-old man of japan. she offered three virtue yous fr her longevity. trust in the lord, and love everyone. >> community members rally around a philadelphia neighborhood destroyed by a tragic fire. "action news" continues.
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oh. okay, nobody use these cranberries over here. deadly fire in southwest
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philadelphia, find out how you can help. >> we return to the 90s as you go back back to work. accuweather is tracking more heat and storms later in the week. good morning, everybody, i'm matt o'donnell along with erin o'hern, tam is off, david is here and matt pellman is in for karen rogers. >> reporter: we have some breaks in the clouds, and we have rain up by toronto, this is in association with a cold front that will produce showers and thunderstorms tomorrow at the earliest. 75 degrees in philadelphia. 73 in allentown, 73 in reading. 70 in sea isle city and up the coast in atlantic city on the boardwalk. 73 by 6:00 a.m., 8:00 a.m., 75, fairly comfortable with humidity fairly low for now. as we roll through the day it gets


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