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tv   Action News  ABC  July 2, 2014 4:30am-5:01am EDT

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>> ♪ >> "action news." delaware valley's leading news program. with matt o'donnell, tamala edwards, karen rogers and meteorologist, david murphy. edwards, karen rogers and news on this wednesday, july 2nd. the hunt is on for a gunman who shot a barrage of bullets into a crowd hitting five people. a full report is next. >> as we predicted, the hot weather continues with temperatures hitting the mid 90's and accuweather is tracking more humid air. >> the the wawa welcome america celebration is in full swing. look what we have live on the action cam from the national constitution center. these people got up way early to make a 5-ton hoagie and we
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will track its progress. >> looking good. they are rearing to go, aren't they? >> good morning, everyone, it is 4:30 on this wednesday. tam is off. nydia han joins us. we love hoagies. >> and it's hot, hot, hot. >> there you go. >> i like them cold. sweet peppers on those wawa hoagies. i could eat 1 ton all by myself. we got issues today. the first a heat advisory. this kicks in at noon and goes until 8 o'clock tonight because we're looking at excessive humidity and high temperatures. the heat index is going to make it feel like it's between 100 and 105 this afternoon so cool drinks, light fitting clothing all that good stuff. also, we are at slight risk of severe weather later this afternoon and this evening. any storms that form in this humid unstable air mass could produce gusty winds downpours and of course frequent lightning so you hear rumbles of thunder later today head indoors on the lower floors. not a lot happening out there. looks like we'll have sun to start out. you'll probably want cloud cover at times today because of how blazing that sun is going to be.
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currently we're already at 77 degrees. that's pretty high for this time of morning. 75 degrees in allentown, 75 in trenton, 76 in wilmington and 72 both in atlantic city on the boardwalk and sea isle city. as we roll through the day, 83 degrees by 9 o'clock. that's pretty quick to get into the low 80's and by noon it looks like we'll already be at 90ly then 94 at 3 o'clock. your high today is 95 probably around 4 o'clock and 92 at 6 o'clock and again during the afternoon hours in particular, thunderstorms are possible. and of course we're still tracking tropical storm arthur which is now beginning its rotation up to the north off of the east coast of florida and it will be tracking up the coast. still looks like minimal impact for usually i'll talk more about that in the exclusive accuweather 7-day. matt. >> thanks, david. we begin with breaking news. someone opened fire into a crowd in chester delaware county. five people were hit including a teenager. "action news" reporter erin o'hearn is live in the satellite center with what we learned overnight. good morning, erin. >> reporter: good morning, matt. this just happened overnight
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so we're still working to get more details. we know the shooting happened on the 800 block of kellman street. according to witnesses, just before 2:00 a.m., multiple shots were fired across the street into a crowd of people. at least five people were hit. numerous ems units responded to the scene. all of the victims were taken to crozer chester hospital. we know at least one of the people shot is in critical condition. again, we are working to gather more details including the condition of the other victims. right now word on any suspects or any motive nor shooting. again, we'll bring you the late of the updates as we receive them. i'm erin o'hearn live in the satellite center. nydia back to you. >> we're following a developing story. police believe a neighborhood dispute in west philadelphia erupt need gunfire. someone shot two women sitting on their front porches along hoop street late last night. one of the women is stable t-the other remains in critical condition. police say officers responded to the same area earlier in
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the night to break up an argument among people who live on the block. >> also developing this morning, a car involved in a police pursuit left plenty of damage along two philadelphia streets. a total of five parked cars were smashed up along grilling ham and orthodox streets in the port richmond section overnight. pennsylvania state troopers say it happened when a driver fleeing police lost control. they say the driver is now in custody. police are not saying why they were pursuing driver. >> philadelphia police continue their search for 58-year-old william carrasquillo. investigators say he collected his mother's social security checks for months while her body was in a freezer in their feltonville home. yesterday officers removed the freezer from the home on the 4500 block of north lee street. the body of 83 year old andrea carrasquillo was still in it. william carrasquillo worked at ed's pizza house on rising sun avenue. his boss says he mentioned in january his disabled mother
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had died. >> i think he came in and just kind of mentioned it and i just left it at that. i don't like to bother him about his personal life. >> police are trying to determine if this is a case of simple fraud or something much worse. a medical examiner is working to figure out whether the mother died of natural causes. a mother and her teenaged daughter remain in critical condition after this food truck explosion feltonville. look at this surveillance video. it shows the moments the vehicle erupt need a fire ball on wyoming avenue yesterday evening. you will hear brand new reaction from a relative of one of the victims coming up in a full report at 5:00 a.m. >> also new this morning, a central pa woman is accused of using bogus medical credentials and giving physical exams to as many as 16 truckers. police say joanne wingate of south middle township advertised at a truck stop offering physical examinations for $65. state police say she stole the information from a real doctor's medical license to
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illegally perform physicals on at least two men at her home. wingate is facing numerous charges including forgery identity theft and deceptive business practices according to court documents. matt. >> thanks nydia. time for your first look at business on this wednesday. the federal government is suing t mobile accusing the cell carrier of hitting customers with hundreds of millions of dollars in bogus charges. the federal trade commission says the charges were from third party merchants offering text message subscriptions for things like flirting tips to horoscopes. t mobile says the lawsuit is without merit. tv's, americans are super sizing them. sales of 65-inch television screens or bigger are up 50 percent in the past year but overall, tv sales are struggling. stocks were up across-the-board on wall street on tuesday. at one point the dow jones industrial average came within two points of hitting 17,000 and stock futures point to
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more gains at the opening bell. burger king is celebrating gay pride by selling the proud whop per in san francisco for pride week. it comes wrapped in rainbow paper and when you open it a message reads we are all the same inside. nydia, back to you. >> matt, thank you. now that it's really starting to get hot and it's going to stay hot remember to take it easy and check out these folks in the steamy weather. the action cam was at penn's landing where people were enjoying the evening. we'll have another look at the accuweather forecast including your fourth of july forecast coming up a little later in the broadcast. meantime i have a feeling the oppressive weather won't stop people from getting their hoagies. the wawa welcome america celebration has begun and wawa is marking the occasion with the favorite sandwich. "action news" reporter katherine scott is lie outside the national constitution center with details. hope you're going to bring some back, katherine. >> reporter: well, we'll see nid y you guys will have to line up around noon. either way the hoagie building begins early this morning. they officially don't start until about 20 minutes from
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now but they're giving us a little taste early on. , see they've been unloading the ingredients, the rolls are out, they're making a the love italian short tea this morning and soon this haul will be brimming with 150 employees from a number of different wawas putting together this free feast for later. wawa says this is their most patriotic hoagie day yet. the build taking place at the national constitution center and we can expect some historical reenactors here including george washington. here's what they're do. they were doing somewhat what hoagie stretching before getting into the big build. they're making 17,000 italian short tea hoagies, 10,000 pounds of ingredients are going into this. the first 5,000 hoagies will be given to philadbundance to distribute to community shelters around the delaware valley and the rest will be served free on independence mall at noon today. now, if you've been to hoagie day before, you know the lines start early. there are a lot of delicious hoagies to be handed out but
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you want to be on time if you want yours and of course we'll be giving you updates here from the build throughout the morning. we're live from the national conscious center, katherine scott channel 6 "action news." >> i know where i'm headed after work. thank you katherine. you can head to the new for a special of this year's festival. you can see a slide show of all the performers slated to take the stage for the largest free concert in america on july 4th. >> hoagie stretching katherine says. i would love to see what that's all about. 4:39 now. we're following a developing story overseas. waters again. details on this latest overnight launch. >> a 19-year-old college cheerleader and big game hunter is facing the wrath of animal writes advocates. david. >> hot and excessively humid today with the chance of strong storm. we could have some drenchers tomorrow as well and then arthur creeps up the coast. lots to talk about in in accuweather 7-day it's all just ahead. >> ♪ what can i get you?
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[customer] oh, sorry. i was daydreaming. [server] dreaming about your wedding, huh? [customer] yes! actually. [server] with a big ice sculpture and a string quartet? [violins playing] [customer] yeah. how'd you know? [server] you've got the new instant game from pennsylvania lottery. [customer] yeah. $1 million golden ticket, with 5 top prizes of 1 million bucks. [narrorator] want to see your dreams come to life? you could scratch your way to instant winning today. the pennsylvania lottery. bring your dreams to life. >> tropical storm arthur is already kicking up waves off the central florida coastline. surfers are taking advantage of the wind whipped breaks and tourists continue to hit the beaches for now even though the sun is sometimes blotted out by ominous clouds. lifeguards will be keeping a close eye on swimmers.
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more than 1 million people are expected to head to the beaches for the holiday. authorities are warning conditions could be ripe for rip currents which were responsible for the presumed death of a teen in ocean city earlier this week. >> tracking a number of things, arthur, the hot and humid weather. >> it's a busy week. storm tracker 6 live double scan dry for the morning commute. that's about the end of the good news for the next 48 hours or so. as we take a look outside we do have high humidity already in place and as you step outside particularly if you have to start moving around out there, you are going the feel that humidity hit and once the sun comes up it gets worse. nice that we have all the red white and blue on the tops of the sky scrapers in center city, what with welcome america under way. high heat and storms, that's the first highlight of this forecast that we're going to roll out for you. we have excessive heat today. there could be some spotty but drenches storms and of course later in the week we have arthur's approach so let's get you to the whole shebang. 77 degrees in philadelphia, dewpoint well up there close
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to seventy in some neighborhoods we're already at 70 degrees so oppressive humidity beginning to build and the winds out of the south at 7 miles per hour. in terms of storms today we're probably okay up until about noon, maybe 1 o'clock but after that out in the we will western suburbs we'll have to look out for the development of some spotty thunderstorms and in some cases these could be strong with gusty winds and downpours. you can see later in the evening they push closer to philadelphia and eventually get over toward the shore where they probably fall apart. it's scattered stuff today but we could be in for at least a couple of severe storms here or there that could produce strong gusty damaging winds, downpours and of course lots of lightning so again this afternoon and this evening if you hear thunder beware of it and take cover indoors, okay. otherwise it's going to be a hot one. 80 degrees by 8 o'clock. by 11:00, 88. 93 degrees by 2 o'clock and we're going to get a high of 95 probably around 3:30 or 4:00 this afternoon and by 5 o'clock still holding onto the low 90's with that chance of some afternoon and evening thunderstorms around. high temperatures across the
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region, not much of a break anywhereout side of the shore. 92 is your high in allentown, 93 in reading and trenton. at the shore the mid 80's and it will probable be somewhat humid down there but of course we've got ocean temperatures still treating you fairly well. the other part of the story is that high humidity. when it isn't raining it's going to be oppressive out there with the dewpoints above 70 for a part of the day. as we take a look down to the tropics we still have tropical storm arthur beginning to make its slight move off to the north. maximum sustained winds have rise den to 60 miles per hour. that's better than yesterday's 40. as this storm pushes towards the north and we started talking about this yesterday but even more so at noon yesterday it does look like the latest tracks are pulling the storm farther out to sea so that we might get a little rain in the morning especially down at the shore. the afternoon should be dry but the big issue especially as it dries out and people head to the shore rip currents that will be a big concern on friday and probably saturday as well. your seven-day, 95 today. oppressively humid.
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afternoon storms there could be drenchers. tomorrow, humid, 88 degrees and there could be some more drenching storms. today's storms have a better chance of being strong and gusty. tomorrow the big issue is probably just that downpour producing storm variety. and then arthur will be off shore on friday. there could be some rain in the morning. by later in the day t-there's the possibility of some sun coming back. i can't promise you a great bright fourth of july but it does look like it will be dry for your afternoon barbecues and for fireworks at night. ooh 82 is the high. weekend looks great, lots of sunshine, highs in the 80's and then we start to pick up that humidity and bring some storms back in early next week, okay. >> all right, david thank you. we have a developing story out of north korea right now. the country has apparently fired two short range missiles off its east coast. they are the north's third series of launchs in a week and these pictures are of north koreaian president kim jong un overseeing launches. the missile fires come on the eve to the visit by south
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korea of chinese president. he's expected to talk to south korean leaders under the north weapons program. >> a college cheerleader's hunterring trip is causing an uproar on the internet. kendal jones has been uploading pictures of the trip to facebook to promote her hunting career. they show her beaming beside dead animal carcasses in africa. animal activists are not pleased. jones views herself as a conservationist and argues hunting rare animals helps ensure only the strongest creatures survive. >> 4:47. she's been labeled the nightmare nanny for refusing to leave the home of her former employee after her job was reportedly terminated. did i january stratton says she's not the nightmare, the family s she's speaking out for the first time. she insists she was not a con artist squatter but a victim who was mistreated by the family. she says she wasn't fired, she quit after being exploited and overworked. >> when i was working there, i
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didn't get lunch breaks, i didn't get coffee breaks, i didn't get any holidays or basically i was working 24/7. >> the family maintains it fired her after she started neglecting her work. the family says she then refused to leave and threatened to sue. she's now living out of her car but her belongings remain in their house. >> still ahead on "action news," the frantic search now under way for a delaware woman abducted from her home. >> hundreds of sharks are hanging out along the gulf coast. details when "action news" continues. >> and the storm tracker 6 app is almost as essential as your car keys today. you can track the storms as they move in. also, hourly temperatures as we soar into the 90's today. get it for apple and android
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>> welcome back. taking a look at track, plymouth meeting, the blue route at chemical road, for now the road is dry and traffic is moving well on the blue route. on the northeast extension 476 watch out for slow downs northbound past mid county because of road repairs. 95 nearly allegheny avenue road work in the southbound lanes is gone. all lanes are reopened headed towards center city. at this point volume is light so there are no delays. matt.
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>> thank you, nydia. good morning everyone. midweek wednesday morning, still talking about arthur with our travel forecast. it's a tropical storm still off the coast of florida right now kicking up some surf along the florida coastline and could be an issue if you're flying down to florida, could cause some travel delays so do keep that in mind and could make your vacation not so great. as for the rest of the east coast posting possible delays for airports from florida to boston, logan international due to the fact there could be a chance of some thundershowers not related to arthur and some in our locale. david will be tracking that but just keep that in mind if you're using any of these airports including atlanta, looks like there are going to be some big thundershowers down there. out in the midwest chicago looks like they're getting some rain this morning but it will clear out later on. detroit and minneapolis look g dallas fort worth thundershowers possible, denver and thundershowers possible later on i put las vegas up here not because they're expecting travel
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related delays but because of the fact that it's going to be 110 degrees there. if you get off the airplane make sure you have shoes on before you get on the runway. they're going to be sizzling. >> good advice. thank you, matt. new jersey might become the first state in the nation to raise the legal age to buy tobacco products to 21 years old;, to sell tobacco products to 21-year-olds. the senate has passed legislation. it now moves on to the assembly. the current age for buying tobacco and egg sift cigarettes in new jersey is 19. new york city already prohibits the sale to anyone under 21. >> out of our delaware news room police need your help to find a new castle county woman who they believe was abducted. a neighbor reported seeing nefertiri trader being forced into her own car in the saddle brook community. it is a silver 2000 acura rl like that one with the delaware tag 404893. nefertiri's cousin says he grew suspicious when had he couldn't reach her and she
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failed to take her daughter to camp. >> she normally calls to see if i'm awake and she didn't call me so when i called her when i got off, her phone kept going to voicemail and the whole family been trying to contact her all day. >> nefertiri trader's two children were home at the time. anyone with information on trader's whereabouts is urged to call crime stoppers at the number there, one-800-tips-3333. still ahead in the next half hour of "action news" the maryland police officer who confronts a driver after being struck by a car, we have video of the show down. >> and robin williams is heading back to rehab but he says he doesn't have any alcohol problems. we'll explain why
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>> people are spotting more sharks along the gulf coast. sharks are everywhere along the pensacola pass. they show up as dark images in this video there. you can actually see their outlines. experts say this could have been dinnertime for the sharks who were looking for an easy meal. people also spotted dolphin and sting rays. so far no people have been attacked. officials say most people are keeping their distance. >> actor robin williams has entered rehab again. williams checked into a facility to focus on his sobriety after working on back to back projects that's according to his rep. in 2006 williams sought treatment for alcohol after he began drinking after 20 years of sobriety. >> 4:57 now. a surveillance camera captures truck turned into a fire ball. an update on the investigation into what happened coming up. >> and we have the results of the new poll just released overnight. find out where the candidates
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for governor stand with voters in pennsylvania. "action news" continues.
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>> "action news." delaware valley's leading news program. with matt o'donnell, tamala edwards, karen rogers and meteorologist, david murphy. edwards, karen rogers and >> hello and good morning. it's 5 o'clock on this wednesday, july 2nd. tam is off. nydia han joins us and here's what's happening. >> today will be hotter and even more humid than yesterday and accuweather is tracking the chance for gusty thunderstorms. >> "action news" has video of a food truck exploding into a fire ball in a philadelphia street. nearly a dozen people were hurt. >> look at this. volunteers are hard at work right now building a giant version of one of philadelphia's favorite sandwiches. yes, the wawa hoagie. a live picture there. >> our mouths are watering, david and karen, or maybe it's just the humidity. >> yeah, really, we could use some water with those hoagies today definitely and some ice. we've got a heat advisory in effect starting at noon today. it doesn't quit until 8 o'clock tonight. and during that time period especially in urban centers across


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