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tv   Action News  ABC  June 11, 2014 11:00pm-11:36pm EDT

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illegal hosta-taking. ♪ homeowner draws the line, ortho deer b gon. safely keeps thieving deer and rabbits away from your plants. guaranteed. ortho deer b gon. get order. get ortho®. police descend on new york's famed lincoln tunnel. swat officers searching for signs of danger after someone calls in a threat. and we're learning tonight at a local ties to this commuter chaos, the the suspect is from philadelphia. and his neighbors say,
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that they're not surprised. wednesday night jim's off, i'm rick williams. big story on "action news" is at rest of the local man important threats that prompted rush hour madness. for details we will go live to the satellite center and "action news" reporter dann cuellar, dann. >> reporter: rick, west philadelphia man with the history of mental problems has been arrested for causing a major scare, in the lincoln tunnel during rush hour. police say he had called 911 saying he had high powered weapons and was going into the city to do harm. for a tense few minutes a train full of innocent commuters we came terror suspects staring down the serious weapons as swat cops armed to the teeth, searched every single one. >> swat people with guns told to us get off. >> as soon as we saw all of the commotion we realized there was something in the back car. >> it was pretty scary at the time. >> reporter: for hours police had been swarming the area near lincoln tunnel looking for any signs of this man, 39
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year-old donald wallace of west philadelphia. police say he called 911 claiming to have high powered weapons and planned to use them somewhere in new york city. police say call came from a cell phone being used at this lumber store at 19th and park leading police to lock down the entire area at the height of the rush hour causing major traffic yams. commuters were forced off their buses to walk miles home and then police had just sounded all clear when someone called in a report of the man with the gun on a light rail train, within a few feet of the lumber yard. swat team swarm the train, briefly hand cuffing one man before leading him go. late last night, new york police track down wallace at west forty-seventh and 11th avenue. his neighbors in the 1400 block of north hobart said they knew him for strange behavior but never expect this. >> mind blowing, mind blowing. >> reporter: neighbors say he has been taken for mental healthy valuations for doing crazy things up and down the block. >> just dressing funny, and walking up and down the street on days with the baseball bat,
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talking to himself. >> it is crazy, to live a few doors away, it is crazy. never know he lived next to. >> reporter: authorities say donald wallace has a significant prior arrest record in georgia, virginia and here in philadelphia he is being charged with creating false public alarm and making terroristic threats, among other things. we're live from the sat center, i'm dann cuellar for channel six "action news". the truck driver charge in the fatal highway crash that critically injured comedian tracie morgan pled not guilty in court today this was first court appearance for kevin rope inner new brunswick this morning. neither he or his lawyer offered any comments beyond the not guilty plea. roper faces various charges including assault and death by auto, prosecutors say the wal-mart truck driver had not slept in more than 24 hours when he plowed in the limo bus carrying tracie morgan and six other people early saturday morning on the new jersey turnpike. today a judge kept roper's
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bail at $50,000. winslow township police are reminding residents to take precaution after two bear sightings there today, first on wharton avenue in the elm section, and then on bates mill road in atlantic avenue. police say animal was last seen cross nothing to water ford township but it could wander where ever it chooses. the authorities say black bears air tracked to food and garbage so keep trash cans covered and store them in secure areas like a garage, or a shed. from our delaware news room tonight an inspection of state bridges ordered in the wake of the i495 emergency closure had worrying findings this evening. dell dot says nearly half of the bridges examined had materials or vehicles stored underneath them, or within a hundred feet. that is the concern because engineers believe a massive dirt mound dumped next to the 495 bridge played a role in the columns tilting. also, 21 of the 29 bridge sites reviewed don't have any
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fencing. pennsylvania's gubernatorial candidates shared a stage for the first time tonight in center city philadelphia republican incumbent tom corbett and democratic challenger tom wolf were guests at an award banquet where focus was on the environment. both candidates have plenty to say on the subject. "action news" sharrie williams is covering the event live in center city tonight with more, sharrie. >> reporter: rick, governor corbett and mr. wolf, they didn't want to make too big of a deal about their first joint appearance it happened inside the crystal tea room. as you can imagine people were waiting to hear what they would say, they played nice overall but they didn't waste anytime rolling out their agendas. republican governor tom corbett and his democratic challenger tom wolf exchanged smiles and hand shakes tonight, both were featured speakers at the pennsylvania environmental council dinner in center city. it is the first time that the two appeared in the same place since the the campaign got
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underway. >> this is first time we have actually shared a stage together. it is different. >> i think it has been game on since january, as a matter of fact, between mr. wolf and other candidates, they spent about 30 million-dollar beating up on me and saying what they would do. now we need to know what the tea tails are. >> reporter: environmental policy at forefront, wolf wasted no time outlining his sustainable even why i plan comprised of seven proposals, he received applause when he said this. >> pennsylvania will join under the right circumstances and i emphasize that, under the the right circumstances, the regional greenhouse gas initiative. >> reporter: president obama announced the plan last week to address global warming. he wants a 30 percent reductions in the nation's carbon dioxide emissions over the next 25 years. governor corbett says that pennsylvania is already moving in the right direction. >> greenhouse gas emissions today are falling, even as industrial growth is growing. >> reporter: perhaps the the
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biggest different, between the two candidates is their view on taxing the oil and gas companies, governor corbett says energy companies are paying their share, through impact fees and corporate taxes, but wolf, wants to implement a new 5 percent severance tax on natural gas extractions. >> i want to use it to fun things like schools. i think we can bring hundreds of millions of dollars into do good things for pennsylvania that we cannot do right now. >> reporter: the environment is one major topic of the campaign but so is the state budget, if you can imagine, there are different views on that as well, at this point the state of pennsylvania has a deaf is sit of $1 billion, and this legislature will have until june 30th to pass a budget. live from center city sharrie williams channel six "action news". >> sharrie, thank you. legal fight over same sex marriage in pennsylvania, may not be over tonight, even though governor corbett said he would not appeal the ruling. now a circuit in schuylkill
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county want to seek a decision from the third circuit court of appeals in philadelphia. u.s. district judge and lower court struck down pennsylvania's gay marriage ban on may 20th and marriaging have been taking place ever since. in clementon, new jersey police are trying to track down thieves who put a dent in some charity fund raising. surveillance photos show theft of the large bounce house and dunk tank that were part of the clementon youth athletic association's benefit. the boro is on the hook for five you this dollars rental cost and youth groups activities may be in jeopardy. they are offering up $500 reward for any information. south jersey families proved they have not forgotten victims of violent crime tonight. gloucester county prosecutor's office hosted this remembrance ceremony in woodbury, new jersey. loved ones placed new you hand painted stones in the memorial flower garden here. markers pay tribute to lives lost and senseless tragedies, dating back to the 1907's. >> one of tv's favorite
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fathers shared add rise for dads tonight in west philadelphia bill cosby served as honorary chair of the fathers day rally committee celebration. for 25 years the organization has been a leader for promoting, responsible father hood programs and projects. the cosby used his signature walk and humor to talk about the important role of dads. and still to come on "action news" tonight see the final moment of the vegas shooters surveillance video from inside the wal-mart released today. plus iraq in chaos, hundreds of thousands flee islamic insurgents are taking over major cities with brutality and lightening speed. best excuse for showing up late for class these student heroes were busy saving lives, we will explain. seeing double, story of so many sets of sibling seniors at a bucks county high school, melissa. >> rick, we're tracking showers and storms approaching our western suburbs. these will continue for the the rest of tonight and for that matter into your thursday, details with the accu weather forecast.
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we're joined tonight by health reporter and registered nurse allie gorman. >> a initiative in new jersey is sparking anger from families. the hundreds of resident with developmental disabilities will be relocated. state says it is best for families and the budgets, others say it is unfair, story coming up in health check. ducis rodgers with the phillies looking to take two from the padres and the exclusive drawing for power ball, with more than a quarter billion dollars, good luck. when "action news" comes right back.
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while stopping at dunkin' donuts, so now i'm sitting in the bed of my truck, sipping a latte and smiling. #mydunkin" get any small hot or iced latte for just 99 cents from 2 to 6 p.m. share your story. #mydunkin
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from color. to the remote. to flat screens. now it's taking a quantum leap. introducing fios quantum tv. record up to 12 shows at the same time. store up to 200 hours of entertainment in hd. plus watch live tv anytime with the fios mobile app. redefining what tv can be. that's powerful. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800.974.6006 tty/v
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las vegas police released security video of the final moments of amanda and jared miller's turbulent lives, they killed two officers and a wal-mart customer in the rampage sunday.
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it shows amanda raising a gun in jared's face. they called their death the result of the murder suicide packet but investigators determined jared was shot and killed by an officer after forces cornered them in the wal-mart store. the 15 year-old who killed a classmate in yesterday's oregon school shooting had an arsenal. jared michael paget brought an assault rifle, hand guns and hundreds of round of ammo in reynold high school. he concealed them in the guitar case and duffle bag, an autopsy showed paget died of the self inflict gunshot wound. hoffman was kill in the a attack. a new surge of violence is underway in iraq and some are worried that the country is spiraling out of control. islamic militant are battling government forces as they seized more and more territory in the north. many came from syria capturing iraq's second largest city mosul before battling through car kook and tikrit, saddam hussein's hometown.
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estimate half million people are fleeing the carnage. hard line al qaeda splinter cell wants to create an islamic state spanning the iraqi/syrian border. day after losing his seat in the stunning primary defeat house majority leader eric cantor says he is giving up his post. virginia lawmakers says he will serve out the rest of his term in congress but resigning from the republican leadership at the end of july. now political maneuvering begins to replace him going into midterm elections with control of congress at state. political new comer and tea party candidate david brat defeated cantor through grass roots rather than big spending campaign. health check at 11:00 hundreds of resident in new jersey who are getting care outside of the state, will be relocated to facilities, in new jersey. it is an initiative to bring residents closer to home and for the state to save money. but some families say it is unfair. health reporter registered nurse allie gorman joins us
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tonight with that story. >> reporter: this initiative was lawn inched 2009, rick. federal government will give more money for states to remove resident with developmental disabilities with larger facilities out of state to smaller group homes in the states. for some residents the transition has been smooth, but for others, families fear it will be devastating. >> okay, come and sit back nice and slow take your time. >> reporter: joe and martin has been working with 44 year-old ellen petoff for more than a decade. ellen was nine when he got a flu, high fever led to unstoppable seizures which led to brain damage. >> so we tried steps today. >> reporter: she has limited control over her muscles and balance, and swallowing problems. she's lived at woods in langhorne, pennsylvania, for the past 30 years. it provides care, medical, dental, personal and behavioral for people with disabilities. >> this is maintaining the the best possible quality of life for her which is what my
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goalies. >> reporter: but soon, ellen and hundreds of others will be forced to move, in compliance with the division of developmental disabilities, returning home new jersey, initiative. the states's web site says it will help bring families closer together, provide community based home life settings for adults, some of whom have lived in institutional settings. and, increase new jersey's ability to receive federal matching funds, by providing care, in new jersey. >> a spokesperson for the division told me they didn't have anyone available for an on camera interview but in an e-mail she told me that the initiative will save the state more than 20 million-dollar, and she also said anyone moved will be placed in a home, that meets both their personal and their medical needs. allen's mother judy mccabe fears that just won't happen. >> our peace of mind is shattered.
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she will never get the stimulation that she gets here and she will sit in the chair and veg tate. >> reporter: judy's husband said they are grateful that the state has covered ellen's care but feels moving her from her home of 30 years is not humane. >> how can they decide and make a decision for our daughter, without being able to understand her handicap. i would like to see the state of new jersey make some compassionate decisions. >> as we said in the case they are not alone, state says there are 400 adults who still need to be moved, for some it won't be a problem but for many families with loved ones with more complex needs they are concerned. i did ask if there would be any exceptions, i was told no good all right, thank you for that report. a medical emergency in the south jersey school today could have been much worse if not for training and a life saving device. a burlington township middle
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schooler collapsed during gym class, fortunately staff members jumped in to action immediately and they started cpr and utilized an aed or automatic electronic defribillator. by the time e mt arrived and took over the girl was breathing and had a pulse. she's hospitalized but is expect to be okay. in southwest philadelphia two teenagers who were late to school yesterday because they saved two people from the burning home. michael eugene and isaiah ballmer heard two explosions and saw fire at their neighbor's house. they broke a window and raced through to find a grandfather and grandson still inside. >> that is when we got the the grandfather and grandchild out and quickly we just ran back outside. >> reporter: after that entire ordeal the boys continued to walk to school as if nothing happened. they got there 30 minutes after the first bell, their principal at motivation high sent them to the hospital to get check out and today they were guest of honor at a
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special assembly. well, do not adjust your tv sets you are seeing double. in fact 14 sets of twins were all set to graduate at william tenant high school in warminster bucks county. they admit they knew about the many multiples but did not know how many sets of sibling seniors there were until they counted this academic year. one more number over half of the kids in the top 10 percent of their class. nice going. meteorologist melissa magee in for cecily tonight what can we look forward to tonight. >> we will be tracking more showers and storms for city and areas to the west. have wet weather gear close to you because here we go again with the moisture. storm tracker six live double scan radar showing you somewhat weather to the south and west of the city. we are going tight tore delaware first. right along route 49 and areas to the south we have got those showers and storms approaching, two lightening strikes within the last ten to 15 minutes there. we will show you another pocket across our western
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suburbs from reading down to honey brook, coatsville and chadds ford and route one we have showers and storms. these will continue to roll role in the overnight hours and this will once again mark beginning of the unsettled day as early as thursday. checking out some temperatures today, cool and pretty cool tonight with the stiff easterly win. philadelphia coming in at 63. trenton 60. allentown six two. dover 68. upper 60's foresee aisle city and boardwalk in atlantic city. it is definitely a concern and issue. we have patchy fog out there and visibility apparently reduced to 2.5 miles in millville, 3 miles in dover. we are picking up showers and storms coming from the southwest to northeast direction. here's satellite six with action radar lock with the clouds cover from new england down to the mid atlantic thanks to the easterly win off the atlantic. we are tracking showers and storms thanks to the warm front that will slowly inch closer to the region as early
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as tomorrow afternoon. future tracker six has you covered 7:30 in the morning we have clouds, mist and drizzle. as we get in the afternoon hours and that warm front gets close, 5:00 in the evening we will see spotty showers and storms. i think thunderstorms tomorrow will be more isolated and in comparison to what is on the way as early as friday. here's what to expect over the the the next 48 hours we have those downpours and thunderstorms, the big concern is we could easily find a one to 2 inches in less than an hour which will lead to isolated flash flooding. those most activity days looks to be friday with the actual passage of the cold front. here's the call from accu weather as we look at the morning rush. roads will be damp, cloudy, 64 at 6:00 a.m. and 66 is number at 8:00 in the morning. the exclusive accu weather seven day forecast. it will be warmer tomorrow with high temperatures 80 degrees. we're tracking those showers and storms. very active on friday with the high temperature of 83 but
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some good news on the way just in time for weekend humidity drops, sunshine returns with the high temperature of 83 and for fathers day we are looking good with the high temperature then rick of 84 and for gary papa run sunday too. ladies hoping to represent garden state made their first impressions tonight in ocean city. miss new jersey contestant is a arrived with flare for 19th annual boardwalk parade. come saturday one of the 24 women will be crown miss new jersey. then she will move to compete in atlantic city for miss america tight this will coming fall. a familiar face marched in letter merion high school's graduation tonight. there she is our amy buckman. she didn't receive a diploma this time around but she represent add alumni. her son william right there did don a cap and gown as a proud member of the class of 2014. congratulations. cecily tynan had one last day away from "action news" while filling in for ginger zee on good american america
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and world news. tomorrow and friday adam joseph picks up morning duties for gm a. show him support using hash tag six abc on gm a. [ male announcer ] tv's come a long way.
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from color. to the remote. to flat screens. now it's taking a quantum leap. introducing fios quantum tv. record up to 12 shows at the same time. store up to 200 hours of entertainment in hd. plus watch live tv anytime with the fios mobile app. redefining what tv can be. that's powerful.
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call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800.974.6006 tty/v for the the first time phillies have won two in a row. >> rick, we're getting greedy. >> sometimes you need to score ten runs in a game, sometimes you need one. in the phillies case against padres tonight that one run hard to come by. bases load, cole hamels on the mound goes upstairs on cameron maybin, strike out to end the inning. hamels is efficient, and he is solid. he goes eight innings, no runs, one walk and a season high 11 strike out. reid, zero for three with two strike outs. a three run home run to win the ballgame. the that is right two in a row for phillies. three to nothing the final
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here. >> to not have that go as a loss, so that is huge, the coal was outstanding. you don't want to waste an effort for that. for guys to rally there and pull it out, and have a couple wins in a row. it could be big for us. >> timing is everything, and in life and certainly in football. that is one of the many things eagles work on during ot a's, latest session is continuing this week. nick foles has a few new rookie receivers. he is gelling with jordan matthews, second round draft pick out of vanderbilt. he has been talk of camp. it is mutual admiration society with these two guys. >> i love him. he is a great addition to the team. he is doing a great job and really buying into what, you know, chip wants to us do here. >> leaders is one word would i use to describe him but his character, it is second to none. great guy. i'm glad he is leading this team. >> still ahead in sports, world cup begins tomorrow, u.s. winning it all is not
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quite realistic. wait until you hear who g
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frozen arnold palmer. it's the coldest arnold palmer around. what you got there? frozen arnold palmer. i think you got me beat. introducing dunkin's new frozen arnold palmer coolatta. get any small coolatta for just $1.99.
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america runs on dunkin'. grilled chicken flatbread from dunkin'? take notes, people! it's delicious! grilled chicken is now at dunkin'. try the delicious new grilled chicken flatbread with ancho chipotle sauce today. america runs on dunkin'.
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game four between the kings and aka flyers west and rangers. caps are in the second stanley cup in three years. tight game throughout, one to nothing rangers in the second period, rangers, on the rush, martin st. louis, cleans up the mess in the step, and rangers win, to fight another day, they win this one, two-one. game four of the nba finals is tomorrow night, coverage begins at 8:30 on six abc. watch it on tv or mobile device by down loading watch abc app. finally tonight, eve of the world cup, granted, americans winning it all is a long shot but you probably dent expect their coach to say this. >> even today before the world
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cup starts to say that we should win the world cup is not realistic. american or unamerican, i don't know. you can correct me however you want? i don't know about you but i want to play for that guy. >> yes. >> thanks, ducis. finally tonight, many talents of philadelphia students are now on display at school district headquarters, take a look more than 1500 masterpiecees were select for this years young artist showcase, one of the largest school district art exhibitions in the country. tonight young artists were honored with special awards. jimmy kimmel live is next here on channel six followed by night line. "action news" continue at 4:30 with tamala edward, matt o'donnell, karen rodgers with traffic and now for ducis rodgers, medical lisa my gee and the entire "action news" team, i'm rick williams. have a good evening. we will see you right back here tomorrow. good night.
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>> dicky: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live"! tonight -- johnny knoxville. dave salmoni and wild animals. and music from timeflies. with cleto and the cletones. and now, first of all, here's jimmy kimmel! ♪ "jimmy kimmel live" and now, here's jimmy kimmel! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: thank you for watching. thank you for coming to visit us here. guillermo and i are very grateful.


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