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tv   Action News at 1130 P  ABC  June 8, 2014 11:30pm-12:01am EDT

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>> matt kepzing says he has enough of his own issues and can't worry about jimmie johns n johnson. the favorite going to the poconos. he won in dover last week. >> drivers, start your engines. >> well, drivers, maybe not so fast. jimmie johnson jumped out pit row and slams into marcus ambrose and johnson sitting there. he has to go back to pit crew. excuse me. i have to back it up. beep, beep, beep. out of the way. johnson finishes 6th. concernsit having own issues gets into a minor fender bender. finishes 25 and falls to second behind jeff gourd an dale earnhardt junior takes the lead today and wins first race ever in the poconos. pole setter denny hamlin finishes fourth. how about men's french open
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typal rafael nadal beats novak joke vich ninth straight open final five have come in the last five years. whipping here never gets old. look at emotional nadal starts crying as he gets the trophy. nadal won 14 grand slam titles tying pete sampras only roger federer has more. >> what some fans will do or attempt to do to catch a souvenir at a baseball game. in lehigh valley last night the iron pigs game during a foul ballet fan well comes down running from the third row and whoops over the rail. he knocks the pirates minor leaguer in the head and didn't get the ball after all that. fan trying to explain to the player i thought hi it there. he doesn't care. look how embarrassed the other fans are. that's his wife and his son. you want to go out and have a nice night out at the ball game. boom. >> embarrass the kids and wife.
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>> and people like us show it over and over. >> sorry. >> it's funny. >> coming up in the next half hour of "action news" including james break out of bond movie manhunt in dan for inmates that escaped by helicopter. this is not the first time. >> and police in reading need help being froming down the gun toting robber. >> and hollywood star fell
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hall: oh oh, here she comes, hall: she's a... oates: scary lady oates: she's an angry tiger hall: she's a mangobbler oates: eater hall & oates: she's a maneater ♪ oh oh, here she comes ♪ watch out boy, she'll chew you up ♪ ♪ oh oh, here she comes sunday night here's what's
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happening on "action news" at 11:30 a philadelphia street before drying up and leaving a crater we'll tell you where. >> and d-day event ends with dramatic show on beaches of normandy. >> first he says tortured and beaten and locked in a cage for trying to escape. new details about sergeant bowe bergdahl's treatment at the hands of the taliban. he was breaking silence while the couldn't vertsy over his release and military career continues to swirl. they're calling for full jetion as parents are reportedly receiving death threats.
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chuck seevrson report. >> we're learning more about sergeant bowe bergdahl recovering in a military hospital in germany after taliban released him in prisoner swap last weekend ending nearly five years of captivity in afghan tan. bergdahl told investigators he was kipt in metal cage in the dark after he tried to escape and was unaware of up roar generated by his release especially accusation from some former army con radz he was catch toured after desserting his base in after gap stan. >> we want people to real eyes he's not american hero didn't serve with honor and dignity and respect and he's a desserter. >> members of congress are demanding full investigation. >> i think department of defense needs to do a thorough investigation. obviously those soldiers have very, very concerned and upset by it and if their account is true they should be. you dep dies others when you walk away from your post. >> he has not spoken to his family and does not know threats
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directed at him, home oun to of idaho. >> desserters get put in jail until their court marshalled don't get tucker tape parades. >> that coming home party has been cancelled over safety concerns. >> freed e-mails if they want him within the rifle sites. >> many residents still standby bowe bergdahl. >> chuck seevr sop, new york. >> we'll have the latest open sergeant bergdahl's recovery tune in tomorrow morning 7 a.m. after "action news." please in reading hope surveillance will help them catch two armed suspects with a convenience store with a shotgun. cameras captured the height 7/11 lackawanna street. the lerk handed over was of cash to one of the thuingz that held a shotgun to their faces and second suspect waited at the
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door and got away. clerks locked the door until police arrived. so far no rest. >> camden county officials called to the walmart. someone tried rob the super enter 2:30 a.m. nobody was hurt. few other details are released about the crime. >> philadelphia police officers responded a shooting and found the victim lying beneath a car in strawberry mansion. investigators roped off the scene on the 2500 block of north 35 street and they say the man suffered one gun shot bound to the chest pronounced dead at the sgleen water main break made mess of intersection in philadelphia's brewery time neighborhood it will asecond service as well. >> water gushed through the area after 27 and master street. a 36" transmission main ruptured and that was enough as you can see to create the roadway river. fortunately, this actually had no effect open water service
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within the community there. but a few basements did get blood flooded. >> water was everywhere in our basement we didn't know where it was coming from. we came up at the end of the block trying to get our car it was like an ocean. >> the water was going. i didn't think it was that bad and now i see all the water is gone it's really that bad. meantime owners this corner store say the flooding cost them thousands of inventory. water accident officials say they're still not sure when the break will be fixed. >> medic station on the main line is back in service tonight after devastating fire shut it down and amy buckman was there as members of the community checked out the new and improved facility back in business. >> hundreds of people gathered in ardmore this afternoon to welcome volunteer service core of lower merion and nar berm back home and kohr's main station was heavily dammed by fire on march 28 and one ambulance destroyed and another damaged beyond repair. since then the 0 professionals
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and 60 volunteers who provide some 6500 rides per year has been working in boroughed space and on borrowed equipment. >> mrapss are from nnl until, delaware and obviously pennsylvania offered trucks to us to get right back in service. we actually had to move out of the building there was so much damage, we ran out of there. >> insurance covered most but not all of the losses. today's block party was fundraiser and way of letting them know they're back up at full speed. they got to check out ambulances and equipment closed up. plus plenty of food to enter raffles and buy merchandise. main line helps bryn mawr and presented core with 1,000 check and president of lower merion board of commissioners talked about important role the core plays in the area. >> i think we're lucky that we
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have a strong volunteer score that supplemented and have the service. >> even after ensuring payments the medical -- is still facing 50 to 60,000. and they're expecting donations on-line and we'll give you a link if you want to help on in ardmore, i'm walk walk, "channel 6 action news."" >> three camden women are homeless tonight after a shooting victim drove right to her house. this was the scene on 700 block of sycamore street overnight. police say the driver was shot multiple times and drove right into the home. and i by the time officers arrived the wounded driver was not gone. the man in 20s later showed up where he is in critical condition. >> a cyclist broke a leg after ending up open hooded car this morning. >> the driver wasn't transported to hahnemann and is expected to be okay. >> the search continues for three men who broke out of jail
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in dramatic fashion. a helicopter landed in quebec last night and took off carrying three inmates. the man was arrested on drug trafficking charges in 2010 and two were later charged with murder as well. all three are believed the military is involved in the massive manhunt from canadian. pope francis hopes his prayer summit will mark a journey to peace in the middle east. he welcomed vatican center and they impressed they and attended garden sayre 340er why of jewish, christian and muslim prayer. >> the 70th anniversary and d daxt has not come to a close. nearly 1,000 para troopers from several countries including u.s.
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jumped from planes in sky over nor mappedy france. world war ii veterans said the real operation of 15,000 allied fortunes work. still to come on "action news" tonight a member of abc family is off the market we'll show you the drug from her wedding weekend. >> and man arrested in sandra bull uk's room. after a 911 call. >> and a community in south jersey comes to its roots to celebrate an important record in history. >> outside tonight, temperatures in upper 60s. lower 70s. tracking some unsettled change ahead because of the workweek. maybe sure you have t
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>> oh, my gosh. >> what was the red flash? >> cellphone capturing tornadoes that formed in colorado. this one tourp an rv park and another twister touched down near junior golf tournament southeast of denver and an caddie was hit by a golf cart tossed by powerful winds. he was taken to the hospital but only for mime or injuries. >> fog like that but we have weather activity headed our way this week. >> walter it looks to be unsettled for an extended period of time with on and off showers and storms. we'll show you what is going on. double scan radar showing you showers are mainly north and west of the city and they're fairly light in nature. we'll go in tighter, stormtracker 6 double scan street-level this is live data of what's going on right now for suburbs west of town and quakertown just a light shower.
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same thing in green lane and over to the west we go and kutztown, fleetwood, north of reading. we have a little bit of wet weather to contend with and this will be the case as we get to the overnight hours as well. we'll show you the picture outside sky6 liver in h d looking at the wilmington water front on this sunday night we've got a partly cloudy to mostly cloudy sky and no moisture to content with yet and wilmington will change as we get to tomorrow afternoon. high today in philadelphia not bad climbed up to 84 degrees and three above normal and outside tonight, it's still pretty comfortable, philadelphia, 71. trenton 70. up in the poconos 68. beach haven 66. dover 70s. 67 in lancaster and humidity for the most part is in check. however the humidity will be coming up depending where you live as we get to the overnight hours. so you look at the dew points that's level of moch moist stur in the atmosphere fear. it's comfortable. she noticed these numbers from
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lead reading down to millville and points south and west when you have dew point temperatures anywhere from 60 to 65 degrees and if you step outdoors and you open the window now you'll notice increase in moisture and fill it as you step outside. satellite 6 and action radar cloudy to the mid-atlantic. this is why we have trouble on the way. showers and storms with disturbance moving ob through and one you have disstush answer and increase in humidity and south to south easterly wind that will clip for a good khuching of the workweek. here's future tracker 6. during the overnight hours 4 pbg in the morning couple showers and thunder lightening likely. 6:00 in the morning i don't think it will be a washout of a commute. it's mainly dramp and it's mostly cloudy. we'll get a break by mid-morning and with the sun repiering by the afternoon shows showers and storm will be coming back out with instability overhead
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especially 2:30 in the afternoon. >> we'll break it down once again, spotty showers. 11 a.m. i think we get a break at 72. 7 at 2:00 in the afternoon and early evening we're close to 08 degrees at 5:00. here's the exclusive accuweather 7-day forecast humid tomorrow. high temperature up to 80. tuesday, highest of 83. thunderstorm around. on wednesday the day is mostly dry. high of 81. but a shower is still possible. we have to leave that threat in there. stuck in the clouds on thursday. with high temperature of 58 and looks like even was we get knee next friday and start of next weekend the showers and thunderstorms will be popping up. we're going to track changes as the week progressing. >> we want to remind you about the roadwork scheduled tomorrow on i 295 the 12 -- 12 section they can rebuild between girard
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and allegheny avenues. crews work between 10 p.m. and 5 team minimize impact on traffic and they're actually several scheduled penndot projects i-95 in philadelphia through the summer of 20 18. >> on tonight's people scoop a big scare for oscar winner san extra pul of course. >> a 911 call regarding prowler was made 6:30 this morningch the suspect is reportedly a man in 30s and was arrested on her property. bullock was unarmed. >> abc ginger see is celebrating happy you's news. z tweeted this picture of georgous crown she want -- no word on the guess list but we can imagine some of her famous raendz tended. while ginger is enjoying her
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redefining what tv can be. that's powerful. >> phillies are on pace toss lose 96 games, 96! and the worst floored baseball. and yeah writing is on the wall. it's time to rebuild as much as they tried to add this, and that, around this core group it's not working. things not going well with cincinnati and they strike out step times against reds pitcher
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homer bailey and chapman. they're now a season low 11 games under 500 worst neem national league for a month. they won just one time since the last saturday. now just about the only positive thing to say about the phillies now is jimmy rolling -- phils start a series with san diego on tuesday. >> eagles 13 weekends away from opening their season against jacksonville and of course between now and then there's a lot of hard work to put in especially for rookies who are still learning the play book. playing catch up is not something jordan matthews should have a problemp with like hall of fame cousin jerry wright matthews already developed a reputation for his hard work you. >> never know when it's your last catch or being owe then field so you make the most of it. >> what do you say to a college kid that want to be an nfl
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player. >> all boys focus. all the greatest, all the guys that made in the long run, tom management, bryce us. it is fall camp and come out flying around and it really takes liberty focus you still want to do there same guy work twelve of the season. >> and when it's all said and done for new this year and i know it's just starting for you what do you want people to say about you. >> the best teammate if not greatest of all time. >> what about greatest player. >> teammate. >> and matthews said he gets work ethic for computer ormd special sgliingt baltimore today at army game lieutenant of abarau. >> he returns home to surprise his fiancee. she shno idea. what a moment down it in baltimore.
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lieutenant is home. safe and sound. love this story. >> thank you, jeff. >> burrow in south jersey took a trip back in time today to celebrate cycling history. neighbors dressed in finest victorian gash and gathered at the river line strain station for a dedication. this spot used to be location of 1895 quarter mile bicycle track. 119 years ago psych nriingts new jersey, pennsylvania, and new york, raised from the steps of the "new york times" building all the way to river. >> a serious run that seriously fun took over the trails of fairmont park today. 3,000 people showed up for fifth annual odyssey half marathon. the winners get cash prizes. money raised benefits the students run philly style ment r mentorship. >> "fyi philly" is next.
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and "action news" begins 4:30 tomorrow morning. >> for walter perez, melissa magee, jeff skversky and the entire "action news" team, i'm magee, jeff skversky and the entire "action news" team, i'm sarah bloomquist, have a great
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i'm karen rogers and i'm alicia vitarelli. tonight on fyi philly with the warm weather comes farm fresh bounty. we'll have your guide to the best farmer's markets in the area. philly has become a hub for artisan food makers. we test some tasty treats being made right here. we head to lambertville for the town's first ever night fare and father's day is fast-approaching. when it comes to gifts, wood is the word. it's an fyi for you ... starting now. hi everybody and welcome to fyi philly. we are at hard rock café on market street the restaurant is getting ready to celebrate a big birthday that's right it was founded june 14th, 1971 in london we'll check out the new menu, music and cocktails in just a bit but first it's june. and that means farmers markets are back in business all around the region so much bounty to choose from, you could hit a different market just about every day of the week.


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