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tv   Eyewitness News on the CW Philly  CW  January 13, 2015 7:00am-8:01am EST

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south jersey husk questioned by police after the disappearance of his wife. she's been missing for two weeks, coming up this morning we're live following a possible break in the case. good morning, it is tuesday, january 13th, i'm ukee washington. >> we start things off with traffic and weather together. >> good morning, katie doing a lot better today. aren't we? >> slightly, the one and only left over problem jess, really just that, we are still dealing, perhaps with some lingering areas of left over puddles, maybe lingering slippery surrounds cents. let's take a look, storm scan3 >> critical clear skies see there are clouds offer in the distance but all thinning away nicely do, keep in mind, black ice still at least a concern through the morning drive here with our temperatures hovering near freezing, may still be standing water over puddles t allows anything to refreeze over specially, if untreated and a loft you may have untreated surfaces, because the rain washed away all of that salt we saw. so somebody to keep in the back of your head. temperatures across the board three's, 20's, teens, no matter how you slice it it was cold. flirting with or right around freezing. slow it down out there if it looks wet, it is probably iced. mid three's expected both at the shore and in the city here, the wind is going to continue to kick up for us
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here, not terribly windy but enough that you notice it and certainly enough that it will make it feel a little colder than the thermometer officially reads. little after 7:00 this morning, outside on 95, between the walt whitman bridge and broad street. the southbound lanes here, where you can see disable vehicle, push over into the right hand shoulder, not much in the way of volume here. >> get it cleaned up and out of the way over the schuylkill expressway, problems here involving an accident, up in the right hand corner, right here, right around belmont but these are the eastbound lanes headed toward the center city area. and the westbound lanes not doing too much better there headed toward the king of prussia area, slow going as well. now, over on 95, woodhaven into the vine expressway, southbound pretty slow 422 heavy oaks into 20, will take but 15 minute for that, back to you. >> leg zero police track down husband of south jersey mother. >> pick up at traffic stop while driving his wife's car. "eyewitness news" reporter jan carabeo joins us now at the mt. laurel police department where he was questioned. jan, good morning. >> update so far from the prosecutor's office about potential charges in this case. we do know that this missing woman's husband was taken into custody and questioned overnight. but, again no update on any charges, it has been two weeks to the day since married mother of two disappeared her family suspect foul play, they say they are relieved this morning, that the husband is now in custody and undergoing questioning. >> kyle crosby being
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questioned in the disappearance of his wife, erika crosby. police stopped him for a traffic violation last night in the missing woman's car family friend of the missing mom suspect foul play. >> we know deep down inside that he's done something. >> tells "eyewitness news" crosby last seen with her husband at restaurant this cherry hill. since her disappearance, they say, they found her usually tidy apartment in chaos broken glass broken window blind, and no shower curtain rod. they say crosby who has a seven year olan two month old daughter would voluntarily walk away from her family. >> i just hope she's okay. i hope she's out there i hope she is okay and hope he tells where she. >> family and friends gathered at the mt. laurel police station last night wait to go hear new information about crosby's disappearance. hoping kyle crosby will talk with police. >> i'm thanking god they got home. just want to know where erica; want kyle to comfort and to tell us. >> according to court document, kyle crosby has been in trouble before, from assault, also drug offenses, but at this point, with a we know is that he has been taken into custody and questioned in his wife's disappearance no word on any charges just yet. "eyewitness news", on the "cw" fill. >> i jan thank you. new this morning hazmat crews clean up fuel spill along i295 after this tanker truck overturned. crash happened mt. laurel burlington county. the driver was taken to the hospital to get checked out. it is unclear how many gallons of fuel spilled all lanes are
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now reopened. >> trying to figure out what sparked this fire at a local in millville cumberland county. that will fire started just before 11:00 last night in the house on north third street. told no one was hurt. >> crews are working to fix a 20-inch water main break in philadelphia's wynnefield section. water service in the area is now back up and running after it was temporarily disrupted for some customers overnight. officials say, 57 street between wynnefield and cardinal streets will be closed until further notice. drivers should plan alternate route. >> following breaking news out of new york city where an under gown fire broke out penn station earlier this morning. you can see the flames there shooting up from some of the subway great. smoke was also seen billowing into the streets. this happened just before 2:30 this morning, we're told, no word on injuries or the extent of damages just yet. the cause that far fire of course is being looked into right now. >> scary moment in washington d.c., heavy smoke filled subway tunnel and station, so much smoke, a passenger on board a train died, and dozen of other were hurt. done don champion reports the ntsb is investigating what went wrong. >> cell phone video from passenger shows frightening scene from subway train monday afternoon. >> i thought coy get my family out of the subway. >> lillian pits and her husband among the hundreds left stranded on board a metro train after smoke filled a busy downtown subway station. it happened just before the afternoon rush hour,
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investigators say the train stopped several hundred feet from where cables along the track are. filling the tunnel with smoke. >> i never experienced anything like that. >> as firefighters evacuated passengers people, were seen covered in soot, gasping for breath overnight national transportation safety board investigators inspected the track area, they say, an electrical problem along the tracks third rail could be to blame. >> in certain kay cents the arc can start sort of feeding on itself. >> generate gases that are more conductive. >> shows it could take to up a year. don champion, "eyewitness news" on the "cw philly". >> central bucks school district meets later tonight to discuss the status after high school guidance counselor. on merry kate's facebook page, quote red quote my child cannot get to the eagles game due to protesters, ill personally shoot everyone of them. you have been warned, idiotsment directed against demonstrators upset over grand jury decisions in missouri and new york not to indict police in the death of two african-american men. >> new jersey christy delivers state-of-the-state address this afternoon. among the issues, expected to discuss, the financial health of the state workers pension fund and new jersey transportation fund, which pace for bridge and tunnel repairs. the governor may also mention rebuilding effort following super storm sandy. >> developing right now pentagon downplaying the hacking of the us central command twitter and youtube
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website. >> apparently the work of supporters. "eyewitness news" reporter justin finch joins us from our satellite center, to help bring you to up date. >> says the group that pulled this off this was less after hack, and more after cyber vandalism attack. and that is because the info released was less classified than thought, at this time, this morning they're under investigation by authority. >> back on line, twitter page for us central command, return to social media comes after what the pentagon calls a cyber vandal attack. overnight citcom tweeted we're back, calling itself hijacked the site with this image and warning, americans soldiers we're coming, watch your back, isis. >> says it is an arm of islam inning state militants fbi is looking into that, the group also says it is access military networks. posting old rosters with names, phone numbers and emails of senior army generals. in a statement defense officials says it networks were not compromised. >> the fact is it threaten vier onment are getting worse actors are out there look to go shoot and get at us military personnel. >> while house says this social media take down does not compare to the recent sony pictures hacking. >> between what's a large data breach and the hacking after twitter account. >> the hacker group anonymous is tweeting, it has fawn the cyber not overseas but somewhere in the state of maryland. >> cyber hijacking comes as the president set to unveil series every new cyber security proposals which include private public partnership and at protecting
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consumers to being attacked on line. live in the sat center, justin finch "eyewitness news" on the "cw philly". >> clock ten, and college football's first national championship game. >> and a blizzard of confetti. how the ohio state buckeyes marcus, and those oregon ducks, when we come back. >> also ahead, when your cell phone is breached, do you feel your blood pressure go up? how that feeling of separation anxiety may be impacting your brain. >> ♪ ♪ >> temperatures dropping overnight, making for slick spots. still, be careful. slow your role even today. katie has the latest when we come back. see you in a bit. ring ring!... progresso! it's ok that your soup tastes like my homemade. it's our slow simmered vegetables and tender white meat chicken. apology accepted. i'm watching you soup people. make it progresso or make it yourself you say avocado old el paso says... zesty chicken and avocado tacos in our stand 'n stuff tortillas . (record scratch) you say stand n' stuff tortillas old el paso says... start somewhere fresh >> could the ncaa restore joe pattern ' wins stript from the jerry can dust can i sex abuse scandal? reportedly working tort settlement with the ncaa
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related to punishments leveled against the school for failing to stop sandusky. no word on the specifics of the negotiations, but any potential settlement could involve paterno's 111 wins that were vacated by the ncaa. if those wins were restored, the late coach would once again be the all time leader in victories, among major programs. ukee? >> elliot ran for more than 200 yards, and he had four touchdowns. the buckeyes beat oregon in heisman trophy winner marcus, 42 to 20. buckeyes quarterback jones was making his third start ever. we'll have much more on the highlight from the championship game coming up in our next half hour. police officers in columbus, ohio made a quote hands full of arrests after the game. many of those arrests were ohio state student who could face criminal and university charges. police used horseback officers and pepper spray to get control of those rowdy crowds. authority say there were about 40 fires set in trash cans, and dumpsters all around columbus ohio. >> let's get our traffic and weather together. here's kate. >> i good morning ukee, high shall everybody yesterday we saw our fair share of wet weather. came in a lot of different forms throughout the day, but in terms of rainfall, just couple of spots where we pick up over half inch, horsham, wayne, deposition for the, millville, all pick up decent amount of rain. it was and inch, thankfully, so didn't lead to any major flooding issues, or anything like that. but, it certainly has left behind some puddles in some locations, than is a perfect example that far. i'll step over to this side. so you can see it, see the one
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local puddle. thankfully not on the roadway but off the parking lot and the path here outside whitfield elementary school. so if you see puddles like there is appears just like puddles of rain. because the temperatures are so marginal with freezing or below freezing, they could have easily frozen over and led to slick spots. it goes for your dog walk on the sidewalk, if you're just going to wait for treanor bus on platform, keep that in mine and certainly for the roadways, as well. storm scan3, quiet, though clearing out nicely for us here across the board. we end one full sunshine, that classic breeze, that always tends to kick in, in the wake after system, there it is for us here today. by tomorrow, back up to the freezing mark once again. and there will be more clouds in our forecast, there is a new system, hasn't even developed yet, but by the time it does it, looks as though it will be tracking just to our south. because it is just close enough, i wore that i we may end up perhaps with a flurry, or snow shower or even a poe ten tently freezing rain or drizzle down near the shore point. so we have our eye on that possibility, definitely let you know as it actually evolves. right now again just few question marks still pretty close or at least near term in our forecast by thursday, temperatures begin to climb and it looks as though this is just the beginning of that. 36 degrees on thursday. turns into 38 on friday. turns into the low 40's for the weekend, even upper four's for the weekend so nice milder air down the road here but 47 degrees never sounded so good. >> i'm telling you. bring it. >> bring it, bring it, bring it. >> hey, young lady. >> the only good thing we have going for us really is the
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weather today. it is not like it was yesterday. we start things offer a loft incidents to talk becomes thankfully dry something to be thankful there. we start things off on the schuylkill expressway. where you can see an accident up in the right hand corner, up there and that's been there for quite some time. right around belmont. so no real delays there though, on the eastbound lanes any more. it was creating little built of a problem little earlier. the commute now see the real problem here, really on the westbound side so headed toward the king of prussia area. now, over on the 422 right around trooper road, trooper road right here, starting to back up just little bit. that kind of wraps around, headed eastbound toward the king of prussia area. just pretty much string of brake lights westbound lanes doing just little bit better. now, already having some problems out on septa's route 36 trolley. shuttle bussing between island avenue and penrose, due to disable vehicle blocking the tracks. so that might set you back just little bit. see if you're affected by. that will berwyn baptist road taxi in a ditch there. so just be prepared for some police activity on the scene. >> believed links to one of the brother who carried out attack on satirical newspaper in paris. this is video from last wednesday. that's when ten staffers of charlie hebdo and two police officers were killed at the beginning of three days of terror attacks. >> airasia flight 8501 data reporter, divers recovered the plane's second black box voice
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recorder on its way to indonesia to be download dollars and analyzed with the other box. investigators are trying to figure out how to get the main body to the surface cashed on december 28th, killing all 162 people on board. >> pope francis has kick off his asian tour in have i language a the leered of the catholic church want to bring a message every healing following a quarter century of ethnic civil war. he says the island nation cannot fully heal without pursuing truth for the injustices committed. the united nations says both sides committed war crimes during the conflict. >> the new york clinic where joan rivers underwent a vocal cord procedure just before her death will lose its federal accreditation at the end of the month. the federally run center for medicare services said the clinic no longer meets conditions for coverage, will not receive any medicare or medicaid funding. the clinic says it will appeal. >> 7:19. you know that panic feeling when you can't fine yourself fowl? researchers in missouri call it form of separation and say tie, study participant who did not have their phones with them performed worse in puzzle tests, also experienced elevated heart rate, higher blood pressure, and increased feelings of anxiety study author says we tend to see our phones as extension of ourselves. >> everything relies on their phones right now. >> compared to say five, ten years ago. everything is there. >> just thinking that, back in the 70s 80s got along. >> with the big old house phone with big old long cord. >> now it's like where is it, where is it? >> you can teach an old dog
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new tricks. >> black lab who takes the bus by is her self. you won't believe where she heads every day. >> but first here's look at what's coming up tonight during evening prime time viewing right here onon the "cw philly". flo: hey, big guy. i heard you lost a close one today. look, jamie, maybe we weren't the lowest rate this time. but when you show people their progressive direct rate and our competitors' rates you can't win them all. the important part is, you helped them save. thanks, flo. okay, let's go get you an ice cream cone, champ. with sprinkles? sprinkles are for winners. i understand. >> erika crosby was last seen december 30th with her husband, has not been heard from since. yesterday her husband, kyle was stopped by police while driving her car, so far no charges have been filed. >> also, france is remembering the police officers killed in last week's terror attacks in paris. in all, 17 people and three gunmen were killed, ten people were killed at the offices of a french satirical publication, plus, four hostages and kosher supermarket and three police officers. the pentagon says yesterday's hacking attack on us central commands twitter and youtube accounts did not breach military support. the hackers claim to be working forest hal i can state
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militants. >> black lip bull mastiff mix. like fellow human passengers, she uses seattle's busses to get around. she often just roams the aisle, looking for a seat, then hops up next to a stranger, and it makes perfect sense for a dog who rides the bus alone. >> urbanized totally. she's a bus riding sidewalk walking dog. >> we get separated. she get on the bus without me. and, i catch her at the dog park. >> i love it. they get separated the dog just hops on the bus by herself. i'll meet you there guy. >> and the driver knows where to put him off. >> that's great. hops in the seat next to stranger. spokesman say they love that the dog is a supporter of public transit adding quote she would be much seafarer she had her owner on a leash. because she knows what she doing. >> bus she is a bus riding sidewalk walking, that's good. >> and love she goes to the dog park, naturally. if the dog was going to go take the bus somewhere. >> and having a lot of fun. that's what it is all about. >> and lift the spirit of those people on the bus. >> sure does. >> going to work going to school. >> probably get married when they don't see her. >> no kidding. we'll take a short break. good morning. ♪ ♪ ♪ all the goodness of milk all the deliciousness of hershey's syrup.
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>> good morning, it is the day after that wintery mix let's see what's up, katie on the weather center thankfully that system now long gone. but it has certainly left behind some cold, and definitely left behind hint of breeze, too, we start things off on quick check where you can tell left over clouds are also starting to thing out nicely. what's it look like outside? you can tell there is definitely still iciness out there, when you look at just the river here outside palmyra cove nature park, 26 degrees modest breeze currently, a breast that will be with us for good part of the day. so it is going to make it feel little colder. we've basically already hit our daytime high. we level off on the thermometer today. because close it freezing all day long, if any moisture left on the roads sidewalks could definitely still be slick. slow it down. always that aftermath issue that you got to contend with, jess. >> doing little better today roadways dry but we do have some volume here on the schuylkill, right around belmont. westbound toward the king of prussia area seeing most of the back up and delay, ben franklin bridge seeing some problems here, this is from the philly side losing out one lane though headed eastbound into new jersey, all lanes pretty much back up from the toll plaza, headed on into the city. ukee, back over to you. >> thank you next update at 7:55, up next on cbs this morning, a legal battle over martin luther king's bible and no bell peace prize. for more local news weather traffic and sports on the "cw philly" on these channels. i'm ukee washington, good you tell us what you want to pay and we help find options to fit your budget. nah, nah, insurance, nah, nah, nah, discount. my name's flo, you want to go out
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with me? no. uh-huh-huh! ring ring!... progresso! it's ok that your soup tastes like my homemade. it's our slow simmered vegetables and tender white meat chicken. apology accepted. i'm watching you soup people. make it progresso or make it yourself you say avocado old el paso says... zesty chicken and avocado tacos in our stand 'n stuff tortillas . (record scratch) you say stand n' stuff tortillas old el paso says... start somewhere fresh what were you expecting... a little garnish? introducing longhorn's bold flavors, bold price for $12.99. the fire grilled triple bacon sirloin. the shiitake truffle mushroom sirloin. or the garlic provolone sirloin. all with salad and honey wheat bread for just $12.99. longhorn steakhouse. you can't fake steak. now try our slow roasted shaved prime rib sandwich or the rest of our steakhouse lunch combos starting at $7.99. >> the husband of missing south jersey mother is in police custody. >> authorities questioned him overnight after he was pull over in his missing wife's car. "eyewitness news" reporter jan carabeo at the mt. laurel
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police department, with more, jan? >> ukee, erika still awaiting word from the prosecute he's office this morning on any charges in this case. what we know so far is, yes the missing woman's husband has been brought in for questioning. he's now in police custody but no word on any charges just yet. police say they located him in his missing wife's car in brooklawn, last evening if you look at the video see many of this woman's family and friend came outlook for answers police also looking for answers, erika crosby disappeared december 30th last seen with her husband kyle crosby, at a cherry hill restaurant. here we are, he can actually two weeks later now and family and friends haven't been able to reach her. no calls texts facebook posts or any of the other usual means of communication. crosby family suspect foul play. they say the 26 year old's usually tidy apartment was left a mess no shower curtain or rod. they want her husband to talk. >> i'm just thanking god that they got him. and i just right now i just want to know where erika is, i just want kyle to comfort and to tell us. >> we know deep down inside that he's done something. >> crosby has two young daughters, her family, again say they're relieved he's now in custody kyle crosby has been in trouble before for offenses including assault as well as drug oven cents again, he's in custody but no charges, no word of any charges, by officials yet this morning. reporting live, outside of the mt. laurel police department,
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jan carabeo, "eyewitness news" on the "cw" fill. >> i jan thank you. >> this morning still know sign after hamilton mother. keisha has been missing. last seen at her home in smyrna. her four year old daughter and four month old son were the subject of an amber alert over the weaken. both found safer in indianna with their father. cortez hamilton now in jail there. and he's wait to be brought back to delaware to face charges. >> traffic and weather together. start things off with kate. good morning. >> good morning, erika. >> this will end up being much brighter day by comparison, much brighter. full sunshine, for you but it is colder by comparison, and we definitely still could have slick spot left over out there. all just a product of the fact that anything that we saw fall out of the sky yesterday has had a chance to maybe refreeze out there. on the sidewalks on the train, in the bus platform being on the road of course, so you just need to keep in mind it still could be little slick. meanwhile we take to you storm scan3 first. pretty quiet lingering moisture, ground clutter at the radar site. see by looking at the loop over the last three hours satellite and radar things have gun to clear out nicely, so if you haven't start today see that sunshine yet, you will, only matter of time. here's where we actually stand on the thermometer. everybody is close to or below freezing. again it does moan puddle left over, good shot to just freeze right back up. please be careful. taking you forward in this forecast, expect the temperatures to stay somewhat steady. not a heck of a lot of movement. there will be a breeze pretty much everywhere up in the
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poconos expect bright sunshine, high just 22 degrees there will be new storm that develops to our south tomorrow. nearby, close enough it, might mess with some counties, we will talk more about that later in the show, meantime, down the road, some pretty shot sailing, and we'll have high pressure to thank for. that will more details on the full forecast, coming up probably on the next hit. stick around for that, jess? >> thanks, good morning, everybody, starting things offer right now on 95 past academy, southbound delay something we're used to, not doing too bad northbound lanes moving just fine. but we do see some problems out on the ben franklin bridge. so actually this is from the philly side, so headed eastbound into new jersey where you will see most of the problem right now but that is because we have ongoing construction, so losing out one of the right hand lanes. so everybody's casino of forced off into two lanes, you can see just string of brake light-headed almost the entire span of the bridge. westbound lanes headed into the city, doing just a little bit better but still some volume from the toll plaza up on over. should many bussing penrose due to disable vehicle, blocking the tracks, you might want to see if you're affected by. that will overturned tractor-trailer situation out in east nottingham closing route 272, that's between route one and route 222. you want to take conowingo road to get by that incident for the time being. out in new jersey accident over no shoulder 295 southbound just past route 644. ukee, back over to you. >> man behind bars this morning, charged with sexual assault after police say he used social media to lure young victims.
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>> aaron johnson jr. say he used messaging app called kick to meet two young boys, then assaulted a 12 year old victim. a parent found the messages over the weekend and reported it to police. need to get more involved. understand the environment they're playing in just as if it were in the physical worm. >> authorities in hamilton township contacted local schools and say johnson could have more victims. he is behind bars facing several charges. the mother after young boy hit and killed crossing the street on his way to a sleep-over is speaking out after learning the police officer who hit him will not face charges. last month franklin township officer nicholas struck ten year old mat motorcycle klaus ski while responding to an urgent call for help. we learned several days ago that em not face charges. issued statement in response reading dow not believe this to be an accident because this was not an accident. it was a clearer or in officer training officer and road management created a scenario where it was just a matter of time before someone died. now on administrative leave. >> grandson of oscar hammerstein will have to wait little longer to find out whether he can builds a museum in a theater on his grandfather's former property. doylestown zoning board members continued the hearing until march. at issue, what becomes of highland farm, which is currently a bed and breakfast. will hammerstein wants to build an education center in addition to the museum, and 400 seat theater. >> your time now 7:36. let's get a check on business. >> money watch's jill wagner
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joins us from the stock exchange. we hear cyber thieves aren't just after financial information. also now going after your frequent-flier miles too. what do you know about this? >> america and united say hackers got ahold of user names and passwords frequent flyers, and then booked free trips and upgrades, the airlines say the incident happened in late december, american did start to notify affected customers by e-mail monday. both airlines, though, say no one actually hacked in their systems, the thieves got names and passwords from somewhere else. but still for people who have been working to build their frequent-flier miles not fun. ukee, err dismay. >> not fun at all. lighter note there last bit of backlash after kad berry said it is changing the rest pete of popular easter treat? >> has left fans in the uk shellshock. for years the goo filled eggs have been made with cadbury signature dairy milk chocolate, now being made with standard milk chocolate. craft bought cadbury knack 2010. egg fans are boiling mad one even tweeted you might as well cancel easter. not being real dramatic at all. >> right. >> ukee, snare. >> wow i always thought the more they missed with little mixture, egg yolk mixture. >> right. don't mess with that, that's right. >> don't be touching the peeps either. >> oh, don't mess with my peeps, out of bethlehem, don't mess with the peoples. bethlehem, pa. all right, jill, talk to you soon. >> man, easter will be here before you know it, jill. >> for more money tips and
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information from money watch. com head to our website >> dozen of bottom dollar grocery stores shut their doors for good earlier than expected. closed all 46 of it philadelphia area stores yesterday. they were scheduled to close on thursday, ailed i bought all of the stores but has not decided if it will reopen. >> still to come this morning on "eyewitness news", a young girl's letter to heaven scrawled on a balloon release intoed the sky is found on the gown. but you won't believe just how far this traveled. that's coming up. also we'll have this. >> after some time, i just said look, i'm not dying tonight. stranded in the ocean for 16 hours. hear a former nfl player's amazing story of survival. >> and a man and woman say i do 20 years after walking down the aisle as children. the story of faith that reunited a ring bearer and a flour girl when we come right back. >> so, freezing ice and rain yesterday, things can only get better today right guys? right now it is 7:39. katie has your forecast, jessica keeping an eye on the roads. we'll be right back. >> remember this from howard jones? >> ♪ ♪
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what we eat and drink can stain our teeth. new colgate total lasting white mouthwash strengthens teeth and has an invisible shield that helps block stains like this. for a healthy white smile that lasts. new colgate total lasting white. nabbed. booked. locked up. case closed? you don't know "aarp." because the aarp fraud watch network means everyone can protect themselves and their families from scams and identity theft. with local alerts, tips from law enforcement and the inside scoop from former con artists. real possibilities to stay ahead of the bad guys. if you don't think beat con men at their own game, when you think aarp, then you don't know "aarp". find more surprising possibilities and get to know us at >> this year, she got an answer back, stacey butler picks up story from california . >> almost every year since her dad died of brain aneurysm in 2010, 16 year old ashland has written him a letter on his birthday january 6th. >> i miss you so much. i love you. >> every year she sends a new letter on a balloon. she says so he can read it in heaven. >> i don't like how i never had you in my life. it is not fair. show me a sign, please, anything to let me know you're there. i miss you so much. and i want you back. i was just crying so much. and then when i let it go, i kind of just calmed down. and i watched it go. and i didn't like any anybody
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would find this. >> but they it, the most recent balloon landed outside lisa's restaurant, in auburn, california. 436 miles away. >> i feel like it came to us for a reason. >> lisa and ashland talked on skype. started a pay it forward facebook page for her town. shy shared the letter, and now, cards and packages for ashland are pouring in. >> i told them to show me a sign. and this -- i think this is a sign. >> a sign, says ashland, to let go of of regret. >> to forgive more easily. >> the night before her father died she saw he called and didn't pick up. >> wish i could fix it. >> it took a balloon 436 miles and strangers to remind ashland what her dad would say if he could. >> that he loves me. >> that was a sign. how about that? >> so true. once again stacey butler from sister station in los angeles. >> hopefully giving her some casino of closure and feel that connection to her father. >> no question it. right now 7:43. and we want to show you a picture of brings and brittany then, on the left, and now on the right. the two served as three year old ring bearer and three year old flower girl, at brigs godmother wedding 20 years ago. little about they know, back then what they had in store for them. reconnect in the high school. got married last saturday. they say they remember a lot more about their most recent trip down the aisle, and i love they recreated the picture with the friends in the middle. >> that's great. >> how about? you never know. >> that's true.
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congratulations. >> sending your little daughter down the aisle for the ring bearer flower girl. >> if you her your pipe burst in your home you know how messy things can get. >> oh, ya. >> bit of understatement for this family who lived in a 100 year old home in detroit. pipe burst on the third floor over the weekend and sent water gushing through the entire house. now, temperatures were so coal it caused all that water to freeze over, damaging everything. can't live there any more we're toll. such a shame. next time up get frustrated slipping on ice, weather bothering you it can always be worse. >> let's see what's happening in our area? >> weather watchers definitely reporting in some cold temperatures very marginal freezing, take you on little tour here. take a look at the map region wide, you know you are at least at or below freezing, in a lot of these spots and while not going to see the kind of ice flow, like what we saw in the video just now it could certainly still be little slick out there. as we take a look at some of the temperatures in this list format here, lawrenceville perkasie eagleville, riverside, list goes on, where you find these temperatures into the 20's. we take you in toward tuckerton, middletown, delaware, ocean sit little bit higher just because of your proximity near the rivers and near the open ocean water however still marginal, if you had left over put it will could freeze over. it could be a little slick. so please just keep that in the back of your mind traveling out and about today. really is any time. because it looks like that cold air is taking over, and our temperatures stay pretty steady. we take you out toward storm
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scan3 here next. we show you the view here, generally speaking, it is a very quiet one at this point. our storm system from yesterday, really the trail of clouds at this point is the dead give away things are starting to clear out. you can even see here at home, see it almost like it fizzles away cloud cover that is, left with high pressure, regaining control. now, there are a new storm system that's set to develop. where is it? well hasn't formed yet. one of those storms that will be very quick at the last last second, decides to form, and will form right around here. because that far i'm not convinced we're very dry. so take you through the next couple of days, generally dry but tomorrow will be one of those sort of asterisk type days. where make some of the southern counties pick up on flurry or snow shower or even little light freezing drizzle, just all going to depend on where the storm designed to a form and b eventually track. we'll keep an eye. generally it is a quiet forecast, back to the 30's, thursday, and the forecast actually has night little moderation taking place here, back to much more seats on recall conditions for the weekends, 42, never sounded so good. you know what sound better 47 degrees, nice moderation up on the they are mom term, overall very quiet upcoming seven days jess? >> thanks, katie. yes, good news, i like 47 degrees and good morning everybody, 7:47. we are going outside on the ben franklin bridge, where we can see some pretty significant delays here. this is from the philly side all lanes open on the westbound side. see real slow going from the toll plaza on in to the city eastbound lanes giving us a problem this morning as well. losing out the right-hand lane
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due to ongoing construction being something we're used to, was disable vehicle just up ahead on the mid-span of the bridge little earlier has cleared out of the way still residual delays due to that. so down to two lanes here, earlier they were single file and now that's just reopened, so everyone casino of funneling on through for the time being. now, over on 95, everything still moving along okay. there is actually an accident, just up ahead right here they've since zoomed out which is right around allegheny. northbound lanes moving along okay, still southbound delay there as well. now over on the roosevelt boulevard north, an accident right on the inner drive just use caution when traveling on through, guys, erika, over to you. >> former nfl player is talking about his dose de filing experience in the atlantic ocean. former miami dolphin rob conrad was trying to real in fishof the coast of florida when a giant wave washed him off his boat. he was all alone swam 9 miles without life jacket through shark and jellyfish infested waters e said his family was on his mind during the entire ordeal. >> i've got two beautiful daughters. i was hit that shore. >> it took conrad 16 hours to swim to the shore. he is out of the hospital after getting treated for a dehydration and hypothermia. wow. and, international dart throwing competition goes hey wire when spectators start hurling chairs, tables, and punches at each other. this happened sunday in australia. the event organizers blame the behavior on rowdy fans who had had too much to drink. dozen every people were
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ejected from the event. but no arrests were made. >> in sport the six remembers back in action tonight in south philly. they take on the atlanta hawks though who have the best record in the eastern conference have won eight straight games. 6ers have won two in a row are playing better and bert every game. and speaking of the best record, the flyers were playing the tampa bay lightning last night, they have the best record in the nhl's eastern conference, didn't matter, to the flyers, they scored five goals in the second period to take control of the game. and won with ease. seven to three the final. fly guys will play again tonight on the road in and around our nation's capitol. big winner of the first ever college football national championship playoff is the ohio state buckeyes. the oregon ducks and heisman trophy winner marcus put up a fight, through two touchdown passes including a 70 yarder in the third quarter. chip kelly covered that young man at oregon many of you know but the buckeyes had sophomore running back elliot, and he ran for four touchdowns. ohio state wins the national championship, 42 to 20. >> now fans head today last night's big game had an unusual transportation option. >> yes, all thanks to ride sharing service uber, some could hop a helicopter. uber put the deal on line yesterday morning, $350 per person for a 15-mile chopper flight from love field to the stadium in arlington. now there is was so popular uber to take the deal down and then repose it. about 20 people seized the opportunity. >> something jest i would do go big or go home? >> we thought what's a
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different way to get to the stadium, being able to see the stadium as you're flying in, you know, seeing jerry's world flying in from that perspective. it is casino of unheard of. >> fans got ride back. and ukee says they're planning on doing the same thing at an event sometime soon. >> that is little too small for me. >> you know, you're six-four, six-five, you snow. >> tight quarters. >> i'm surprised they did that. $350? a lot of money. for what, 15-mile ride. >> to say you did it once. >> and it sold out. >> sold out. hey, mark your calendars. >> yes, coming up next in the world, when steven cobair will take over cbs late night. that's comoming up next. >> breaking news from the kensington section of philadelphia, chopper p over the 3400 block of rorher street. within the hour police were serving a warrant at a home in that area, when a woman we're told, ran from the house and jumped into a car. police say that woman tried to drive away, but hit one police car and backed into another. no officers were injured. we're told the woman was able to get away. rest assureds, they're looking for her right now. 7:53. we now know when steven cobair will make his debut as the new host of the late show. >> will take over for david letterman on the eighth of september.
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he was tapped to be the late show's new host last april. cobair ended his comedy central show just last month. now, david letterman's final show will air on sister station cbs-3 wednesday, may the 20th. and, the ladies of the talk are getting in on the late night action. the talk after dark will serve as temporary replacement for the late late show during the time between craig ferguson's exit, and the successor james' first episode. last night's episode featured visit from share son's husband ozzie osborne. i'm sure an entertaining guest. >> right background, nighttime. >> can be little sauce i sometimes. >> super sauce i. >> now, you can catch special after dark edition of the talk tonight following the late show with david letter machine, laid list sit down with phillies own seth green, who you know back in the day. >> indeed, funny guy. must have new project coming upment always a funny guy indeed. it was on wrap around show back in the day with the kids, so is bradley cooper, ryan philip number of doctors nurses, so proud that far show. >> just breeding grounds. >> everybody that put it together, i loved it, loved it. we'll take a short break. you're watching eye within news on the "cw philly" good morning. >> should bring that back together. >> oh, that would be a great idea. >> i'd watch it. >> i'm going to host it.
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good morning, right over to katie. she has your forecast, hoping for some improvement over yesterday. >> really some improvement out, there erika, for sure, things could still be little damp however f it was damp from yesterday it has probably since frozen over. so basically here's the bottom line. if it looks like it might be wet, probably ice. so just keep that this mind traveling out and about today. or even take the dog for a walk. storm scan3 emptying out nicely clouds are thinning, that means bright full sunshine beautiful blue skies to go along with the temperature of only 32 degrees, so it is definitely coal outside breezy along with, that but it is winnie err. partly cloudy and cold, dropping to 20 degrees, tomorrow similar looking day but will be more clouds and also system nearby to our south. and it could just clip us across the southern counties. we'll keep an eye on that for you, jess? >> good morning, coming up on 8:00 a.m. outside looking at 95 right around allegheny the northbound lanes right here, where they are actually approaching a disable vehicle pushed over into the shoulder, so you can see, some pretty major delays there. on 422 right around trooper road trooper road right over here, wraps around eastbound toward the king of prussia area. starting to see some slow going. though bee do have hit-and-run accident involving a police vehicle. use some caution when traveling through the area. >> thanks, jessica. next update at 8: 25 next on cbs this morning the best and most profitable jobs of 2015. we'll see you on the "cw i saw a commercial that said you can save $500 by switching to progressive. that was me, mom. [ laugh ] i thought you said "that was me, mom." [ laughter ]
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okay buddy what's your favorite kind of cheerios? honey nut. but... chocolate is my other favorite... but apple cinnamon is my favorite too... and fruity... oh yeah, and frosted! okay, but...what's you're most favorite of all? hmm... the kind i have with you. me too. >> does god still heal today? >> i knew that something miraculous had happened to me. >> i was born deaf and then my ears got healed. >> i've never seen anybody recover so quickly and so profoundly. >> when they took that second scan and it came back completely negative, like, just gone. >> discover how god still heals today. on "the 700 club," all week. >> possible brake in the search for missing south jersey mother. >> police pull over the woman's husband in become lounge, camden county driving her car. jan carabeo joins us at mt. laurel police department taken for questioning overnight. january, good morning. >> erika ukee, good morning it, has been two weeks to the day since south jersey married
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mother of two disappeared without a trace. no phonecalls, no text, no facebook posts her family suspect foul play, and they say they're relieved this morning that her husband is in police custody and being questioned by police. >> the man now in police custody, being questioned if the disappearance of his wife, erika crosby. police stopped him for a traffic violation last night in the missing woman's car family friend, of the 26 year old missing mom suspect foul play. >> we know deep down inside that he's done something. >> family tells "eyewitness news", that crosby was last seen december 30th, with her husband, at a restaurant this cherry hill. since her disappearance, they say, they found her usually tidy apartment in chaos. broken glass broken window blind, and no shower curtain rod. they say crosby, who has seven year old and two month old
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