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tv   Eyewitness News on the CW Philly  CW  January 1, 2015 7:00am-8:01am EST

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more on our breaking news a massive three alarm fire in an abandon south jersey factory. fire fighters dealing with extreme conditions as well, we will have a live report in a bit. happy new year, everyone, what is today it is thursday. >> indeed. >> january 1st. >> that is right good 2015. i'm ukee washington. >> flying right along isn't it. i'm quarter von tiehl. we will have more on breaking news. lets check out that mummers parade. bundle up before, right katie. >> absolutely true good morning. happy new years to you. this is a very similar forecast to what we saw yesterday in that we are starting off with a beautiful sunrise. it is chilly out about granted but end up being a lovely day as long as you are prepared with a pair of shade and heavy coat to go witt. we have mummers day parade. you may be heading out and about and be ready for that chill. storm scan three is looking good and sun isn't officially up yet. we have about 20 minutes from that but look at the the beautiful light of day popping up over the the horizon. i just love these views and to bring them to you here. outside kutztown area middle school school is not in session but chilly start. once we see light of day on the ground i have a feeling you'll fine frost out there as well with that modest southeasterly breeze. looking forward in the forecast, wall to wall sunshine and we will get you up to 39 degrees, at best for had daytime high. ever so slightly below average, normal average is 41. we are close but in the quite there. it is a chilly day to start
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off the year. we will look ahead a few days in and first storm of 2015 is on tap. we will talk what that weekend system has up its sleeve and are we looking at snow? i'll have the answer coming up. erika, back to you. more on breaking news from burlington county fire fighters are battling a three alarm fire in mount holly. >> "eyewitness news" reporter jan carabao is on mobile three to bring you the very latest, jan? >> reporter: ukee and erika, good morning. fire crews have been here all morning long battling heavy flames and smoke but it does look like these fire crews are gaining on this fire making some progress here in mount holly. those orange flames not as noticeable but just a whole lot of smoke. fire crews remain on the ground and air dousing this abandoned building with water. you can see ladder trucks shooting that the water down. on the right side of the building we have fire crews on the ground shooting through the windows. that is where we have been seeing flames pick up every now and again. a as we look at the video you can see how big and intense this fire was this morning. the flames broke out here in the 200 block have of holeman man street just after 3:00 a.m. fire grew to three alarms and here we are four hours later fire crews remain on the scene. this is a commercial building and at dress 280 holeman is old location for arrow device safety company. a according to the web site the company consolidated a and moved out of state in 2008 and neighbors tell us building is vacant. the good news is at the this
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point is that there are in reported injuries. back out here on the scene you can see a very cold morning as well for these fire fighters. ice building on the road and big concern for neighbors or any embers that might be blown on to neighboring homes. some homes had to be evacuated as a precaution but it does look like fire crews are gaining control here on the scene. this fire breaking out just after 3:00 and four hours later a and these crew is still have work ahead of them albeit gaining some ground on the fire here this morning. we are live from mount holly, jane carabao for cbs-3 "eyewitness news". we have breaking news in lower merion a story you will see only on "eyewitness news". a patient steals a delivery van from lankenau medical center a and rolls it down an embankment. you can see aramark van flips upside down. this happened only about 200-yard from the hospital. police say that patient still had an iv in his arm and wearing his hospital gown. he was seriously injured in the crash and has been air lifted to another hospital for treatment. new this morning the new year begins with the fatal shooting in delaware county. it happened just before 1:00 in the 1400 block of cohain street in chester. victim's mother tells "eyewitness news" that her 22-year old son was shock while trying to break up a a fight. >> whoever took my son's life you don't have to worry about me coming after you you better worry about god because god will have his revenge on you. >> so far there has been in comment from chester police the shooting is still under investigation. a truly unique
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philadelphia tradition rings in the the new you year. 115 mummers parade kicks off in just three hours at 10:00 this morning. the increased cost and decreasing membership are forcing some changes. the original string ban parade's oldest club will not perform for first time in more than a century because of fun raising problems. is there also a new route for this years parade that starts at city hall south on broad street, before finishing at washington avenue. we have everything you need to know for the parade including best places to watch at cbs just a sight to behold were not one but two spectacular fire works show over the delaware river. what better way to ring in the new year. "eyewitness news" reporter justin finch was in the middle of of all that action. he caught up with revellers as he geared up for 2015. >> reporter: booming start to 2015, the flash, bang of fire works high in the skies. each burst, brighter then before, making moments that trove some along the new. >> i'm ready to get rid of this year and start next year already. >> me too. i'm looking forward to a great 2015. >> reporter: for some couples a kiss at sunset might be fire works enough, that is unless you are soon to be mr. and mrs. heineken. you could be anywhere in the
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city obviously why here tonight. >> fire works. >> we love philly fire works, new years eve. >> reporter: have you ever her of a couple planning their wedding around new years eve fire works? well, they did and congratulations to them, and in a years time they could be back here celebrating their within year anniversary. at penns landing i'm just continue finch for "eyewitness news" at cw philly. confetti fell and couples kissed as ball dropped in times square. 1 million revellers braved cold agoing the the so-called cross road of the world to welcome 2015 with the hope of the new year. wendy gilette got a front row seat to the celebration. >> reporter: glittering crystal ball dropped overtimes square ushering in 2015 forest mated 1 million people on hand to watch. >> yeah. >> reporter: they came from all over the world. >> where are you from. >> i'm from south korea. >> japan. >> saudi a a rain use. >> most a arrived to secure their right in spots early in the morning. after passing through security revellers were confined to massive pens they could in the leave even to use the rest room. >> i haven't had anything to drink since this morning. >> reporter: heavily arm counter terrorism officers and bomb sniffing dogs were on patrol to keep the crowd safe. >> it was a very cold night with wind chills temperature felt like the teens and there was in where to get warm. >> i'm freezing. i was florida born and raised and i'm in the made for the north. >> reporter: big act like take already swift and oar headlines the party.
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shortlily a after midnight treats clear out ape army of street cleaner moved in, cart ago way an estimate 50 tons of trash. wendy gilette for "eyewitness news" on the cw philly. now beside california tar there are some other changes this new years day. one minute mum wage in the state of new jersey is 13 cents american it was yesterday. at midnight it jumped from 8.25 to 8.38 an hour. people who earned minimum wage in delaware get the a raise on the first of june. speaking of the first state, teens are bad. governor markell makes it illegal for anyone under 18 to use tanning beds even with their parent's permission, spray tans are still allowed. salons also have to post signs warning about the danger of using indoor tanning bed. pull a tank up today don't be surprised if it is more expensive to do so in pennsylvania. new year brings a new gas tax. it jumped ten events per gallon at midnight. pennsylvania new has one of the most expensive gas taxes in the country. that extra money will pay for transportation project. still cheaper then last year. >> yes. >> so true. >> 7:09. we are hearing from eyewitness to a deadly police involved shooting in south jersey what they claim officers said were opening fire. then wild wind out west, fists go flying as people run for cover. we will have the latest just ahead. from shoes to peaches, we will look at more unique way people rang the in the new year but first a look at fire works from last nights show over penns landing.
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the search for air asia flight 8501 and victims a aboard are running into some more bad weather after a brief reprieve. onslaught of wind and heavy rain tampering in the search area in the java sea. so far crews have have recovered seven bodies, one of them was a flight attend an. plane carrying 162 people vanish on sunday. 7:13. rose bowl fan fest turns into i fright fest after win sent people running for cover. look at how strong that wind was. so-called dust devil swept a across the a area ripping tenth from the ground and taking a bouncey house to new heights. look at how this gets. incredible. bigad shaban has more on the
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severe weather battering the the west. >> reporter: 8-foot waves and wind of more than 40 miles an hour beached several ships on to santa catalina island just off the california coast. two people were killed including a harbor pennsylvania patrol officer who jumped in the water tuesday night when his boat nearly crashed into the rocks. >> i suddenly heard, all this screaming really loud like screaming. he went of he went over. >> reporter: 60 miles east of los angeles snow blanketed san bernardino county leaving more than 200 drivers stranded. flurries even fell in las vegas while drivers tried to navigate through white out conditions in new mexico. in arizona football fans headed to the fiesta bowl were stuck on snow covered road for hours, in the past dean a whirlwind sent tents flying as crew where is setting up for rose bowl game and parade. the cold weather is also rolling through, morning less in the 30's could be the coldest in the parade's 126 year history. cheryl ha ge traveled from north carolina to claim her spot early. how long will your group camp out here on the parade route. >> believe it or not we will be here at least 24 hearst. >> reporter: warm stations will be set up in the area owe revellers can thaw out after stopping to smell the roses. bigad shaban for "eyewitness news" at cw philly. >> we were talking about it is a rare day philadelphia has better weather in pasadena on the first. >> so true erika, absolutely. we are enjoying very quiet weather. it looks like a nice winder wonderland in the ski reor
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the. the this is what they want to see. all of the snow that they are finding here is allman made. in of that snow is coming down courtesy of mother nature and it does appear at least for next several days, we are not going to have a good opportunity for any accumulating snow, that said there is a storm we have an eye on, very same one bigad shaban was just talk about. it is in the looking all that organized but you can see moisture beginning to sort of just gather i guess you can a in advance of the storm leaving to not just some rain but some icing across the lone star state and back in the four corners. look closely and there is more rotation taking place. the that is your storm. once that pulls in the planes it will pull up and join the with the moisture and ingredients there are to see substantial and large system unfold here by the weekend. now don't worry too much here. it doesn't look like it will be that major of a storm for us. we have got high pressure today, we have high pressure tomorrow. two more days of sunshine. we will look ahead to saturday. daylight hours of saturday generally just watching the cloud build in. this is 1:00 p.m. rain not close by. it will move in i say generally toward evening. sunnies down by 5:00 p.m. colder air still in place up through poconos. that is your one and only spot where it is not warm enough to maybe end up with mixing going on. icing or some snow. meanwhile we are looking at just rain out of it but for now we have a mummers parade to talk b32 is the spec temperature in philadelphia at 10:00 a.m. as that parade is kicking off. find a sunny patch and it will
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feel better. hitting poconos or slopes to take or tomorrow great skiing conditions but rain and maybe some snow mix nothing on at day. p.m. hours specifically. here's the philadelphia temperatures again, chilly but it is january after all. >> yes, it is. >> it could be so much worse. with the storm coming in primarily a rain maker for most of us. >> we got lucky, depending if you like snow or not but it has been warm. >> very true we had more snow on the ground about this time last year. >> yes, we did. >> we have been getting off easy to start things off at least. >> a lot of winter left though. >> thanks for that ending. >> all right. 7:17 right now. happening today a candle light vigil for a gloucester county boy struck and killed by a franklin township police cruiser. ten year-old matthew mccloskey was crossing a street to the friend's house sunday night when a cruiser hit him. that vigil is at 7:00 this evening at the franklin township sports complex. his funeral is tomorrow morning. traffic stop in cumberland county, new jersey end with the suspect dead. authorities say man was armed. it happened on the south avenue near henry street in bridgeton. new jersey reporter cleve bryan has the latest on the investigation. >> reporter: while it is difficult to hear what is happening outside this cell even if video was taken during an officer involve shooting tuesday night. >> he just killed that dude. >> reporter: robin mostly's son danielle saw everything from the first story window. >> fell up against my fence and right there is where he died.
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>> reporter: a according to the cumberland county prosecutor's office around 9:20 ra him dan days and roger worely conduct a met or vehicle stop. both officers fired their guns killing 36 year-old jerome reid. police recovered a gun at the scene. >> the investigation ongoing. we are conducting the investigation pursuant to the attorney general guidelines. more information will follow but at this time this is what we have. as stated in the press release a gun was recover. thanks very much. >> reporter: several people were outside as incident unfolded including aseem love who says he was less than 15 feet away and a heard the officer say the name of the person in the car. you hear him say just before the shots were fired. >> he just told him don't move he was going to kill him. >> reporter: bridgeton police department says officer days has been with them for three years, officer worely for seven. both on administrative leave. in bridgeton i'm cleve bryan "eyewitness news" on the cw philly. your time is coming up at 7:20. lets talk about crabs, peaches, mushrooms. >> it is not the a i grocery list but some items being dropped to mark the new year, we will show you plus this. >> reporter: from gas prices to the took market experts way in on what is in store for 2015. i'm jill wagner in new york with that story coming up. but first here's what is coming up tonight on the cw philly. ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] just about anywhere you use sugar, you can use splenda® no calorie sweetener. splenda® lets you experience the joy of sugar without all the calories.
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think sugar, say splenda™ . breaking news on this new years day first mount holly burlington county a three alarm fire swept through arrow safety device factory 3:30 this morning. the fire fighters have been on the scene ever since and they are making progress. lankanol hospital patient has been air lifted after he stole a delivery truck and suffered serious injuries when it crashed. rescue teams had to pull him out. that crash happened on hospital ground in wynnewood. a live look at the mummers parade getting closer and closer. 115th parade steps off at ten this morning. this year marches south on broad street from city hall to washington avenue. now in the mushroom capitol of the world it is only fitting they ring in the new year with what else a mushroom drop. "eyewitness news" in kenneth square for their midnight on the square celebration, that mushroom is made up of steel and measures 8 feet wide and seven and a half feet tall. >> you would think it was a ufo or something. >> it looks like it. >> mushroom is a bit strange wait until youe these other traditions. >> check out french quarter in new orleans they lowered a ring in 2015. symbol which had has become
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synonymous with the big easy was made to look like a mardi gras mask. >> music city u.s.a. nashville tennessee rang in the new year by dropping a 15-foot tall music note. fire works show followed. also in tennessee home of graceland, memphis welcomed 2015 by lowering a guitar. >> yes. >> showers and confetti rained down on revellers. for residents in easton maryland the the new year got off to a crabby start. >> i want to see the crab. >> bang. >> a giant crab was dropped we're told to ring in the new year. the easton is a town along the chesapeake bay and they know their crabs. folks in atlanta pennsylvania, won't be the fifth they dropped a giant peach, to ring in the new year, in the peach state, that is big enough, like a whole lot of pie. that is a good looking peach. >> this is my favorite, there is sushi, the contracting queen, she dropped a giant high heel shoe to mark the the night down, one floor from the top floor of the street level floor there. this is long standing tradition in key west florida. >> partying in key west. good morning happy new year i'm ukee washington. lets get that new years day forecast here's katie good morning. >> good morning. this is a lovely start to the year. chilly granted but bright unshine and would do we have a nice sunrise. lets start off by taking you out to storm scan three. you can understand why we have
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a beautiful sunrise. there is in cloud cover. great view here. heading to the east facing window but we have a view here in the live neighborhood network it it is 11 degrees in broadheadville chilly tart but it is january. we have seen colder then this. we will look for in the forecast and keep it relatively within seasonal range through tomorrow with sunshine but by saturday specifically p.m. hours other next storm moves in. primarily a rain making system, by the the way, by sunday, look at the spike, we will flirt with 60 degrees and come monday as cold front crosses through a big nest dive in the wake of the storm as skies clear a pretty vicious wind chill is set to arrive. while this is a large storm it is in the a major snowstorm rather more rain maker with that mild air in place as we yum seven into the weekend. ukee, back over to you. thanks very much. lets do it again at 7:55. up next this morning what it takes to move an entire pro football team. more local news weather traffic and sports we're on the cw philly and you can find us on these channels. happy new year family i'm ukee washington.
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we're following breaking news flames tear through a factory in burlington county. >> right new fire fighters are getting the upper hand. "eyewitness news" reporter jane carabao joins us live from the scene to tell you more. good morning. >> reporter: ukee and erika, good morning. here we are at four and a half hour mark and these crews try to get a held of the fire and extinguish the flames. they have been battling heavy smoke and fire all morning long but it does look like they will continue to make progress in mount holly. those orange flames are not noticeable at all anymore. just a whole lot of smoke. crews continue to douse this abandoned building from the ground and air with water. but as you look at the the video you can see how big and intense the flames were earlier this morning. this fire broke out here on the 200 block of holeman street just after 3:00 o'clock in the morning. fire quickly grew to three alarms and here we are four and a half hours later a as fire crew is still remain on the scene. this is a commercial building and address 280 holeman is old location for arrow device safety company but according to the web site the company consolidated and moved out of state in 2008. neighbors tell us that the building now sits vacant. the good news is that there are no reported injuries. back out here live on the
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scene, again, dozens of fire fighters remain keeping an eye up on all of the hot spots. we don't see flames anymore but just a whole lot of smoke but you will see an orange flame pop backup. big concern has been embers and little bit of the breeze out here war big those embers flying over to their homes. a couple homes had to be evacuated just as a precaution but at this point, no injuries reported and this fire does look like it is beginning to come under control. reporting live from mount holly, yan carabao for "eyewitness news" at cw philly. in philadelphia, a new year and mummers they go hand a hand. we will give you a a live look in center city a as to the 115th mummers parade prepares to kick off at ten this morning. some floats are ready to go. the parade route is different this year. instead of starting in south philadelphia it starts at city hall and then moves down broad street to finish at washington avenue. so are you head ing out to the mummers parade or just need a refresh are course? we have got the complete guide to the mummers on our web site at cbs, and those mummers better be bundling up and onlookers too, katie we have a cool track to the new year. >> absolutely true it is january. we expect cold air in january and certainly as we kick start new year it could be a worst forecast. this is a good one. we are looking ahead to the nice day, very similar to yesterday. anytime breeze bless it will feel colder then the term ter reads and we have wall to wall sunshine. speaking of that sunlight man is this a gorgeous view or what in atlantic city.
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isn't this beautiful. we have beautiful clear skies we have right now we are looking at this all day here but what a beautiful sunrise. we had to show that to you in atlantic city and every where else that same view is underway. storm scan three quiet here all courtesy of high pressure. you even had lake enhanced snow falling this morning. if you look real closely to see how cloud are spun away that is because win flow is more southeasterly today as opposed to westerly as we saw yesterday. that is why skies have cleared out because wind flow is steering the clouds away. but with that modest breeze it does feel more like teens and 20's at best in most spots, mount pocono, where it only feels like single digits right now. happy new years to you. as that sun gets up over the horizon you may get up and adam and you can expect full sunshine but you need that heavier coat as well as sunglasses. 39 degrees. we can expect chillier air through the outlining suburbs of course. weather has setback search for air asia flight 8501. tara marginner reports wind and hurry rain, continues to hamper recover riff of the victims and debris. >> reporter: wind and rain are making searching for victims and wreckage from 5801 difficult. on new years day more bodies and numbered cough written flown to is your i buy a but only seven victims have been recover. there were 162 people aboard the two hour inn near a to singapore flight. which disappeared from radar about halfway in the trip early sunday. while bad weather is setting back search efforts
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investigators are pouring over pieces of wreckage they have recover including this evacuation slide from the airplane. investigators are closely looking at sonar image that is identified what appears to be large parts of the plane. singapore's navy said an unmanned under water vehicle to search the sea floor. on new years eve people who gathered in jakarta to ring in the new year pause todd pray for those lost on flight 8501. it is still unclear what brought the plane down. investigators are hoping once they fine the plane's black boxes that they will have some answers. in washington tara marginner for "eyewitness news" at cw philly. new year in china begins with the tragedy. stampede in shanghai killed 36 people and injury 47 others. it happened a half an hour before midnight in the city's popular river front area jammed with spectators for major events. the cause of the stampede is under investigation. 2014 was year of the economic recovery for the the united states. >> so was it 2015 have in store? money watch's jill wagner takes a look. >> reporter: $2 a gallon gas is a reality in most of the you had. triple a predicts prices will fall about ten more cents the in the next few weeks. before creeping up into the spring. it could cost a little less to fly too industry experts expect tickets to drop up to 5 percent in 2015. but americans will continue to spend more on food. >> what i think we will see this year in 2015 is grocery prices on the rise probably four to 6 percent. >> reporter: phil is editor of
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super mark he said the drought in california will continue to push the price of produce and beef, even higher this year. coffee and check late prices are expect to rise again after a big jolt in 2014. but how about the bigger economic picture like jobs and investment? stock market hit new highs in 2014 and analyst suspect this year will bring more of the same. >> we will continue to see dow jones reach newer higher or higher highs. >> reporter: unemployment is at a six year low and career builder believes companies will ring in the new year with more job openings but an improving economy comes at a price. >> interest rates will go up we know they will go up. >> reporter: federal reserve will likely raise short term interest rates for the first time, since the great recession, which would eventually make borrowing money more expensive. from wall street, jill wagner for "eyewitness news" at cw philly. your time 7:36. texas man is lucky to survive after crashing his koran new years eve and then having it burst into flames. >> group of bricklayers working nearby saw the crash and sprang into action. first they tried to break a window with the brick but that didn't work. then they used a sledge hammer. the driver inside the blazing car was still trapped by the air bag though. >> we had to look for a knife. we didn't have any knives on us. a jogger had a knife. we cut the the air bag. the man was trying to come out backward. i told him to turnaround because we could not get him by his seat. he turned and and we pulled him out. >> quick thinking, job well done. after all of those heroics, we
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are told those bricklayers went back to work. >> can you imagine. now to a touching show of generosity a chester county boy wanted to learn how to hunt so alex went hunting to what he thought was county police department's facebook page. >> alex hand delivered a letter saying his mom could not teach him because she was sick. it turns out that the page belong to chester county south carolina. the chiefs from both departments got together realized the mix up and put al-zawahiri ex-on a plane to south carolina. after learning how to hunt alex returned home just yesterday. >> unaudible. >> he is a happy kid. he likes outside stuff. he likes football sports. obviously now he likes fishing. >> my man. well, the cher any of chester county, south carolina says he is just happy to show alex a good time and said the entire experience brought a quote tears to his eyes. great story. great story. >> what a great outcome from a mix up. very rarely do you hear mix ups turning out well. >> people in charge made it happen. >> that is beautiful. as we move on phillies make a trach. we will have details next up in sports. also a ahead local health departments on alert for a measles scare, we will have details coming up in the healthwatch. but first here's another look at the the spectacular fire works in case you missed them over penns landing last night, happy new year.
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a warning about a possible measles case in philadelphia, and delaware counties. health officials tell "eyewitness news" that a boy may have contracted that virus, while outside of the the country. he was treated a at premiere urgent care on conestoga road in villanova on tuesday. people that went to that clinic recently have been alerted to make sure they are
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vaccinated. officials a alerted people who went to the cvs on east lancaster after new in wayne on sunday and please touch museum on monday. well, fast food chains pushed to offer healthier options new study shows calorie counts have have not change much over the the years. researchers a at tufts university looked at three fast food. they found calories along with sodium and saturated fats they are at the same level since 1996. researchers did find less trans fat though in frenchfries. 7:44. a lot of people indulge go to day, a little chilly out. >> people watching the bowl games or maybe going out to the mum inners day parade and it looks like a beautiful day no matter what your think is for this new years day. if you are at home watching right now, you know, it looks like we will even up with a chill in the air here today. but as we look back to the month of december, we were actually well above average. four solid degrees above the normal for december as a whole. we were below average in terms of the precipitation. .2 of an inch not too much shy of where we should be but highest temperature we have hit all december, happened two separate days. sixty-five on december 1st. we hit it a anchors. i know you know the answer. when did we hit 65? erika knows. the christmas morning. its just the other day. it was actually a day that the temperature dropped through the day. we hit 65 degrees at 1:00 in the morning. craze i stuff. i want to go next to storm scan three nice wide zoom here. i want to show you the the greatest scheme of things. we have high pressure still lock in place that will keep
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control of our weather pattern today and tomorrow. but beginning of our next storm, not evening the beginnings of it. did a number already a across portions of southern nevadian southern california but beginning are taking place over the planes. now underway you can see the icing. that is rough stuff for lone star state. if you look real closely you can see it back here. is there your low still moving in portions of the four corners. once that pullness to the plains all bets are off. we will see a serious system taking shape here. meanwhile i want to take you back out to pleasant valley middle and high school here in broad headsville. gorgeous sunrise underway. the it is coal. we are at 12 degrees. as we check with our couple eyewitness weather temperature reports i can tell people took the the daze off today because our eyewitness weather watcher reports have come in few ape far between this morning. thank you to those who continued to give us your observations. we are in the 20's from newark to west chester to moton and perkasie 15 degrees sent in for last hour from these foulke. in the next few days, generally pattern starts to go downhill. today and tomorrow, chilly, granted. sat the day included building throughout the day and rain moves in through p.m. hours toward the the evening. and it looks like sunday may be essentially a wash out but just with rain ukee back over to you. thanks katie. the phillies are in the news this new years day, even though we're about three months from spring training. right around the corner. phillies traded outfielder marilyn byrd to the cincinnati red in exchange for
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right-handed pitches are ben lively. byrd hid 25 home runs for the phillies last season. lively is red minor league player of the year for 2014. welcome young man. flyers have lost three in a row after a tough loss on last night, 2014. captain claude giroux put flyers up three to two in the third period when he split the defense and lit the lamp last night in denver. but the colorado avalanche came back to tie the game then they would win it with just 20 seconds left in overtime. the final four-three colorado. fly guys play the hurricanes in carolina coming up tomorrow night. later today the washington capitols host the chicago black hawks in the n hl's annual winter classic. you can see workers playing a little baseball on ice skate. outdoor game will take place at nationals park which is of course, the baseball a stadium. college hoops the to the temple owls on the road against defending champion u-conn. owls will cummings had a good all around game. he had eight points, seven assists and four steals. great win for temple on both end of the floor. good team win. cummings and owls beat huskies in overtime 57-53 temple takes on central florida on sunday. last night's orange bowl from miami gardens florida, mississippi state bulldogs with the long hail hail mary pass as the first half comes to an end, watch it, got it. check out ground crew rolling half time stage on the field a little bit early. they had to move to it let bulldogs kick the the that point. georgia tech won the game your final was 49-34. erika. when it comes to new years
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eve everybody likes to get dressed up, right? that includes members of the minor league hockey team too. there is the jersey they wore. how about this. the wings with their 13th annual new years eve game last night wore tuxedo jerseys. they faced the cincinnati cyclones while dressed in these jersey that is looked like tuxedos. they got in fights too. you cannot take them anywhere. cyclones won that game, unfortunately, i was pulling for the guys in the tuxedos. >> nice uniform. >> that would be an annual thing i'm sure. controversial comedy a lot of folks have been talking about. >> is there word you will be able to see the interview in more places. we will have the details for you, plus this. i'm kevin frazier. coming up bradley cooper takes you inside the mine of an american snipper. mark wahlberg rolls dice in the gambler. >> ♪
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major: ok fitness class! here's our new trainer ensure active heart health. heart: i'm going to focus on the heart. i minimize my sodium and fat... gotta keep it lean and mean. pear: uh-oh. heart: i maximize good stuff like my potassium... and phytosterols, which may help lower cholesterol. major: i'm feeling energized already. avo: new delicious ensure active heart health supports your heart and body, so you stay active and strong. ensure. take life in. well, word is, there are even more ways to see the interview. >> the comedy is now available on demand through various cable and satellite providers. it is already raked in more than 15 million-dollar since its on line debut christmas eve. film is showing in small theaters across the country which now includes roxy theater in center city. >> that is a great venue. >> beautiful, i love it. >> very nice. >> new year brings in very buzzed about new movies in the theaters. >> kevin frazier has a word on is what hot if you are heading to the movies later today. >> bradley cooper brings a navy seal's story to the big
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screen in american snipper. mark wahlberg leads a dangerous double life in the gambler. >> i'm feeling lucky i'm putting everything on black. >> nineteen red. >> mark wahlberg plays both side of the life as an english professor and high steaks gambler but when he burroughs from the wrong people, he must risk everything to get a second chance. >> i don't mind betting on myself. i would rather bet on myself because i have nobody else to blame. when i succeed is when i put the work in but i put the the real work, you know, if i try to take easy way it catches up to me. it business really preparing really being focused, and putting your best foot forward. when do you that you have a chance to succeed. >> you understand the gravity of the situation. >> i know what i have to do all or nothing, all of the money down. >> i have a military age male, on a cell phone, watching convoy over. >> in american snipper bradley cooper is a navy seal looking back at life or death decisionness his military career and their impact on his life at home. >> hold on i got a woman and a kid moving toward the convoy. she has a grenade rkg grenades handing to the kid. do you have eyes on this, can you confirm. >> negative your call. >> i'm kevin frazier. now back to you in the studio. >> i have to see cooper have movie. >> that looks rough. >> we're supposed to talk to bradley next week about that film. we will talk to him on satellite. >> annie is more my speed. >> i'm trying to keep positive feelings. >> director for gagambler came in. let us know. hit us on on facebook or
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ring ring! ring ring! progresso! wow soup people, i can't believe i'm eating bacon and rich creamy cheese before my sister's wedding. well it's only 100 calories, so you'll be ready for that dress. uh-huh...that's what i'm afraid of. you don't love the dress? i love my sister. 40 flavors. 100 calories or less. good morning i'm erika von tiehl. lets get over to katie for your new years take forecast, happy new year. >> happy new year to you, and happy new year everybody. this will end up being a very nice quiet start to the new year chilly granted but we're basically flirting with seasonal temperatures the next couple days. we will in the wait very long before our first large storm of 2015 comes along. storm scan three for the the moment is completely clear and we have it absolutely gorgeous sunrise underway. we will look out there to the mummers day parade festivities kicking off in just over two hours and it looks like it is just the same, bright sunny we will let that be the low end, mid 30's through better part of the day. we will top off at 39 degrees. with the breeze to make it feel ever so slightly chillier. the seasonably cold as we drop down to 28. looking forward to the eyewitness weather seven day forecast in harm in foul here through tomorrow, but by saturday especially toward evening, our next storm comes along. it looks way too warm for
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anything but plane rain for almost everybody. poconos could pick up a little snow on the on set. erika, back over to you. next update 8:25. next up on cbs this morning how fish in the pacific northwest are hitching a ride. your local news weather and traffic continues with us on the cw philly on these channels. i'm erika von tiehl wishing you a happy new year. ring ring! ring ring! progresso! wow soup people, i can't believe i'm eating bacon and rich creamy cheese before my sister's wedding. well it's only 100 calories, so you'll be ready for that dress. uh-huh...that's what i'm afraid of. you don't love the dress? i love my sister. 40 flavors. 100 calories or less. we are following breaking news from burlington county fire fighters are making headway with a three alarm fire in a old factory. >> good morning, they have been fighting the flames for several hours, and, and jan carabao joins us live from the scene. >> reporter: erika and ukee good morning. it has been a long cold morning for dozens of fire fighters tasked with putting out the flames here in mount holly this morning. you can see some fire fighters are picking up their gear, moving out but dozens of fire fighters remain on the scene. on the other side you can see that ladder truck is dousing this vacant factory with water. i'm told there are a couple spots that still have stubborn flames. if you take a look at the
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video you can see how big and intense this fire was earlier this morning. those flames broke out here in the 200 block of holeman street just after 3:00 a.m. fire grew to three alarms and here we are five hours later now with the fire still is going and fire crew is still remain on the scene. this is a commercial building and the address 280 holeman is old location for arrow device safety company. according to the web site the company consolidated, and actually moved out of the state in 2008. neighbors say this building now sits vacant. good news at this point is that there are
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