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tv   Eyewitness News on the CW Philly  CW  November 10, 2014 7:00am-8:01am EST

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>> overcome by fumes, family returned to the hospital, carbon monoxide three times the normal limit fills a jersey home. >> also, getting ready for a blast of cold air. good morning, everyone, monday, november 10th, i'm ukee washington. >> i'm erika von tiehl. we start things off with traffic and weather together with katie and jessica good morning, ladies? morning. >> hey, good morning, i hear i'm the only one looking forward to this week with the weather. >> you probably are. let's be honest here. because we've been talking about this arctic plunge, on the thermometer now for about a week. and i know very few people, say, except for miss jess, looking forwards to. >> this than as it may, mother nature deal up what she want, to right? so at least we can offer up front loaded pleasant weather for you, on storm scan3, virtually nothing happening out there. you got little thin vale of clouds, and other than that,
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it is nice and clear and looking at nice day. but there is obviously something a foot off here, across the northern tier of the us. we've got that heavy snow falling currently through minute society, a wisconsin, back to the dakotas, even off the map into montana. that will will eventually be what's responsible for our plunge on the thermometer, but not expecting snow. so that's some good news out of the system. thirty-three your current temperature in trenton, as well as ac, as well as reading, list goes on, into the 30's, but in philly we have since turned the cornerback to you low 40's right now, and i have to tell you as we've been going through the morning, on the skydeck, feeling more comfortable than earlier hours have now that the sun's up. expect the temperatures to continue their climb. low 60s, down the shore, in philadelphia, mid 50's, still smidge above average in the poconos as well, and everybody can bank on some sunshine, so some nice weather news to kick it off. jess? >> thanks, katie. good morning, everybody, we go outside right now, check out disable truck, on 422, right near 29. so headed eastbound, see the guy right over here on the rye
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hand shoulder, possibly blocking little bit of right hand lane. but everybody's kind of squeezing on by, moving real slowly headed eastbound towards the king of prussia area, so far on 422, but, on the schuylkill expressway, conshohocken, so headed eastbound toward center city where you can see all of the brake lights, westbound lanes doing the same opposite side, now on the northeast extension northbound, just past the pa turnpike still crash out there on the right hand lane. out in delaware county, concord road at chichester avenue an accident there, as well. montgomery county, another one, swamp pike at knifer road, taking out the right hand shoulder with police activity on the scene there. everything look being great in new jersey except for the typical slow spots on 42 and 55 northbound. ukee, back over to you. >> jessica, thank you, more on breaking news, close call for camden county family. >> fumes send them all to the hospital and fire investigators say it is carbon monoxide poisoning. "eyewitness news" reporter jan carabeo joins us in sicklerville to bring us to up date. good morning. >> reporter: erika, ukee, good
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morning, a frightening morning for this community after seeing one family here in sicklerville, being taken away in ambulances, because of carbon monoxide poisoning this all happened behind me in sicklerville. told carbon monoxide fumes, just filled that home crews are investigating the he can act cause, but since vented the home. coming to you live from ten hidden hollow lane in sicklerville, the initial call came in around 4:00 this morning when police arrived, a five year old girl answered the door and immediately collapsed. three people in all were inside this home at the time. were taken to the hospital. neighbor tells us they were all taken out of the house unconscious. but police say, all three are in stable condition, this morning. now, once they were removed, the house was metered, and very high levels of co were detected. take a listen. >> responded for an ems call. when the police got here, a child answered the door.
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and immediately collapsed for the police as slow was opening up the door. we received readings above 900 part per million. >> which is? >> which leads to instant coma, convulsions. >> folks here thankful the family is safe this morning, including the five year old little girl. when fire crews arrived on scene they did not hear a co detector. they say, however, reeled was so high that the detectors play have been over saturated and stopped working. fire crews work to go determine the exact cause of into these fumes. but toll likely came from basement heater but again that investigation is continuing. this entire neighborhood, just happy that this family will eventually return home safe. we're told pastor lives here with his wife and his five year old liver girl. so we are looking forward to their return. reporting live, in sicklerville, jan carabeo, cbs-3, "eyewitness news". jan, thank you. new this morning, firefighters pull a woman from a burning home in germantown overnight.
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it happened just after 1:00 along the 6400 block of belfield avenue. firefighters rescued the woman from a second story rear bedroom. she was returned to the hospital, in stable condition, with smoke inhalation. no word though on what sparked that fire. >> trying to figure out what spark fire in this chester county home. the fire broke out just before midnight in a home at seventh and caldwell street. no one was hurt in that blaze. happening today, jurors will receive instructions to begin deliberations, in the trial of former philadelphia police officer, richard decoatsworth. he is accused of assaulting his girlfriend after argument, turned violent, outside of their port richmond home back in 2013. the de coat worth testified he never intended to hurt her. he retired on did disability from the police department, back in 2011. >> well, a car plows through the second story of a delaware home, leaving a gaping hole, and this morning, investigators are searching
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for a cause of this accident. they said driver hit a park car, the impact caused vehicle to fly in the air. the homeowner was home at the time of the crash. >> is that home belongs to linda, inside when it happened. but both are okay. safely on the other side of the house, when the mitsubishi sedan burst through her walls. apparently not an easy thing to do. >> nice strong structure. this is not a modern construction. >> just up the street from linda's house you can see where it first went wrong
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>> hear the crash. >> the 27 year old driver was taken to the hospital will likely be okay. police haven't said what caused the crash yet, but >> the speed played a role, will be decided later. sunday night, linda's house had to be cut open, the hole made wide tear drag out the car inside. but as bad as it looks, linda says, it could have been far worse. >> lucky, lucky us, overwelmed >> not how i plan to start my week. >> once again no word yet on the cause of this crash. meanwhile, a structural engineer was called out to the scene to determine when the family can safely go back inside their home. >> we're in hokessing delaware, matt rivers, "eyewitness news" on the "cw philly". >> we're following breaking news right now in nigeria. close to 50 students have died in a suicide bombing at a high
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school. dozens more were hurt in that blast. survivors say the bomber was disguised in school uniform and detonate in the auditorium, where some 2,000 student had gathered for a weekly assembly now suicide bomber killed 30 people in that same city just last week. >> susan macinnis reports, the president in beijing to promote trade and economic cooperation. >> the president kicked off a eight day asian tour today, in beijing, hoping to score some foreign policy point, with his popularity shrinking at home. >> you ate intoed states not just here in asia to check a box. we're here because we believe our shared future is here in asia just as our shared past has been. >> talking to business lied ers ahead of the asia pacific economic summit, president
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called the us and asia linked and portrayed the us and china as nation's forging new ties. >> in fact, over recent decades, the us has worked to help integrate them into the local economy. >> while he tries to make the gains on the trip, some here in washington question how much influence the president can have in asia after big republicans wins in last week's midterms. so far, the president announced us and china will start granting visas to each other citizens, valid for up to decade. and he's expected to announce more agreements, after meeting with chinese president, she ginning ping. tough issues including cyber security, climate change, and human rights. susan macinnis for "eyewitness news" on the "cw philly". well, it is eagles and panthers tonight in prime time. the birds will be look to go keep pace with the cowboys who won yesterday over in england. now the player to watch on offense tonight for the birds,
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yep, that guy right there, mark sanchez. he got the first time reps at the november a care. replacing of course nick foles who last weekends went down with that injury. should be a big game un the lights. and by the way, if you are headed to the game, septa will have extra service on the broad street and market frank forwards line. let's go birds. >> time now 7:00, so plane crash in the bahamas leave nine people dead and well known minister among the victims. we'll have the details on that story coming up. >> also, tragic home coming to tell b army veteran killed at party celebrating his return from afghanistan. find out what police believe was behind the attack. and we'll also have this. >> the first major snowstorm of the season is making its way across the midwest toward the northeast. what to expect when it gets to you. i'm brian web, in new york, that's story is coming up. >> ♪
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>> so many people looking forward to the eagles having dine knight tonight in prime time. south philly, against the carolina panthers, we'll talk more about it coming up in sports. good morning, family, glad you're up with us. be right back. >> ♪
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>> three astronauts back on earth. american, along with russian colleagues, landing, and they spent more than five months on the space station, traveling more than 70 million miles in orbit. welcome back. hey, drastic drop is on the way, major snowstorm is sweeping across the midwest
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this morning. bringing with it, some very cold air, that will below through our area later on this week. brian web has more on the system that could give us a real taste of winter. >> reporter: roads in north dakota covered overnight, the same that brought to alaska this weekend, pulling frigid air along with it, plunging much of the midwest, into a deep freeze. main happen list, transportation crews preparing for heavy snow during monday morning commute. expected to blanket the area, with up to a foot before it is finish. >> will this be all maintaining the roadways for the traffic? keep at it as we need to. >> meteorologists say heavy snow will hit states montana to michigan, freeze warnings are even expected to dip south, all the way to says like oklahoma and texas.
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later this week, the system moves here to new york and other part of the northeast, temperatures will drop 20 degrees, in two days. in all, the system will affect nearly 5 million people in its path. >> air traffic will be going no where. >> first test every winter has arrived with official start to the season still more than a month away. brian web, "eyewitness news", on the "cw philly". >> oh, 7:15, but katie, you said this could be so much worse for us? >> absolutely. it could. take a look what the folks in minneapolis are dealing with right now. >> oh, no, that's horrible. >> live view of all of the snow falling currently in the twin citiesment look at the traffic. i mean, it is bad enough dealing with the morning commute, right? well, you have to deal with this, and we remember how this was all too well from last year. in minneapolis, spot very likely to pick up at least half foot of snow out of this, the very same system that down the pike will be affecting our area, so yes we get a
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significant impact, nothing what the neighbors are dealing, with and that snow continues to fall very heavily back through wyoming, even montana, and eventually, this will be a storm that sort of tilts itself, so that we actually see cold front develop, and sort of slide down in toward texas, oklahoma, will eventually sweep through the area. so, it is actually starting to lose moisture by the time it hits us. so yes, we see drop on the thermometer, that's about the worse of it, nice clear sky, now that the sun is up, 41 the current temperature here, 30's scattered the rest of the board. look how much colder it is in minneapolis, we just showed you the shot, 27 degrees, teens are the norm through the central canadian prairie, even couple every choice spots where you are currently. in the feels like temperature. currently only into single digit territory on the thermometer. now shall as time progresses, eventually we will see the same dip, take effect on our
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thermometer readingsments actually starting off on beautiful note here. enjoy it while you have t before your very eyes, temperatures can't decide, mid 40's, upper 50s outside middle township high school? but nice bright sunny day, sun glare, you bet you. it will be an issue for us, i think, both today, tomorrow, but i think we'll all take it if it means we get some nice weather, front loaded into the forecast before the chill sets in, and you nets, that chill obviously not hereby wednesday, but that's our transition. thursday, the day, that we won't break out of the 40's. >> no significant snow for us. >> oh, that was coming down pretty good. >> at least half foot. >> everybody is always mad at me. i like the snow and i give the traffic accidents. >> i know! >> i like snow, too, but just not a lot of it. >> i like t i like last year. looking forward to it. >> i'll take your temperature. >> you're loan. >> i know it. >> it is all right, i have
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more bad news for everybody, though, it is fine. we will gather through it, though, 7:17. good morning, going outside and check out a disable vehicle, on 422 causing some pretty bad backups here. this is just near 29 eastbound toward king of prussia, police activity and screen crew on the scene trying to get it cleaned up and out of the way. right now deal with some residual delays there. now, over on 95, at girard, southbound, the typical delay here. headed southbound toward center city, northbound lanes moving along great so far. now, a loft accidents popping up all over the place, montgomery county, one sandy hill road fairfield road. known accident in chester county, west chester pike at ellis lane. now, the eagles already playing later on today, at 8:30 p.m. versus the panthers, expect a lot of volume around the stadium area at that time. but thankfully, septa helping us out, broad street line, trains every ten minutes starting at 6:45, so that's going to get you there. on time, and even maybe little bit earlier. otherwise, everything looking great out in new jersey, the
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typical delays on 42 northbound and 55 northbound, ukee, back over to you. >> jess, thank you. an internationally known preach is her one of nine people killed in a plane crash in the bahamas. the plane slammed into construction crane last night while trying to land at the airport in freeport. pastor miles monroe and his wife were both killed in the crash. they were heading to a conference organized by monroe. well, growing outrage in mexico following the brutal slaying of 43 college student, peaceful protests quickly turned violent, outside a government building where people through rocks, and set vehicles on fire. protesters criticized how officials handled the investigation. authorities now say gang members have confessed, to burning the student's bodies in the rubbish. group disappeared six weeks ago. an army veteran who survived afghanistan was shot to death at welcome home party in southern california. someone shot fran since co-garcia as family and friends attempt topped move the celebration from one location to another. police say a man got out after suv, yelled at garcia, then grabbed handgun from another
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person, and opened fire. >> it is a sad, sad fact, yes, he was in afghanistan, combat, and comes home and this happened to him. i think it is terrible. i really honestly do. >> the police believe the attack stemmed from a previous dispute. they're asking for the public's help in finding the gunman. >> what does an american want for his first meal after two years in a north core even and prison? kenneth bae wanted pizza and he got t the free kenneth now facebook group, shortly after he returned to the u.s., held calf tiff in north korea because he left a bible in the country. >> also, maine nurse kacie hickox, has finished her 21 day eel monitor period, that expired at midnight. her boyfriends told the port lan press herald they are moving by the end of the week. their first stop is to visit family in southern maine. hickox returned to the u.s.
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last month from treating ebola patient in sierra leone. she has not shown any symptoms, and tested negative for the virus twice. >> a recap of the days headlines coming up next here onment "cw philly". also, fireball streaks across the night sky. more of this incredible video, and the mystery left behind. >> but first, here's a look at what's coming up the tonight during evening prime time viewing here on the "cw philly". good morning. ring ring!... progresso!
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it's ok that your soup tastes like my homemade. it's our slow simmered vegetables and tender white meat chicken. apology accepted. i'm watching you soup people. make it progresso or make it yourself some people think vegetables are boring. but with green giant's delicious seasonings and blends, we just may change their minds. ho ho ho green giant!
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>> a mother, father, small child, are in the hospital after a carbon monoxide leak in their home in sicklerville, camden county, in stable condition while investigators search for the source of that leak. >> also, a 60 year old woman was rescued from a second floor bedroom, after flames tore through her home on belfield avenue in germantown. that victim is being treated for smoke inhalation. we're toll she's in stable condition, right now. >> and, in sports, mark sanchez will start for the eagles tonight in prime time. the carolina pant remembers in south philly, sanchez filled in when nick tolls was injured last week, he hasn't started a regular season nfl game since lays december of 2012. but he's ready to go. let's go birds. well, quite a site to see, possible meteor lighting up the sky in texas. >> it was caught on tape by police officer's dashboard camera over the weekend. several witnesses say it was a
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blue-greenish type of color, and had an orange tail. just last week, you may remember, meteor was spotted over part of the east coast including one that you can see over the commonwealth of pennsylvania. so, luckily, cameras are rolling, and they captured that. >> i can't imagine seeing one of those actually it is it happens, though. running for cover, wondering when it is coming? >> i have seen a shooting star, nothing like that. >> but it is nice when they're up there. if you see something like is it going it below up on us. >> do you make a wish on that, too? >> big wish, big meteor. >> that's right. >> that's right. ♪ good morning, usher! hey! did you know bees communicate through dance? me too... we're practically twins!
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>> this is cbs-3 "eyewitness news". hi, good morning, everyone, i'm ukee washington, we start you off with your forecast, check in with katie in the weather center. good morning. >> at least starting off on pleasant note out there this week, ukee, good morning. happy monday to you, some great weather to make an excuse to be outside, and enjoy. today, and tomorrow, storm scan3, quiet as can be, high pressure still on our side. we look forward in the forecast later this afternoon, very pleasant, with sunshine, the high hitting 61. we drop down to 45, later on tonight. still, with clear skies, overhead. tomorrow looks great. mid 60s for veterans day, if you have a parade to head to, looks great for that, too. but by wednesday, transition is starting to take effect here. the breeze kicks in from the northwest, and temperatures take their nose dive by thursday. jess, over to you. >> thanks, katie. good morning, everybody, we go outside, check out 422, where
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disable tractor-trailer, crew on the scene, kinds of taking things over right around 29. so headed eastbound, toward the king of prussia area, where you will see most of that delay and back up so far. now, few accidents also, one in new jersey, route 42 northbound, route four; and an accident out in chester county, west chester pike, at ellis lane. currently mass transit is a great alternate. septa, new jersey, dart, running on time, currently no delays at the airport. back to you. >> thanks so much. next update at 7:55, up next on cbs this morning, china scrambles to fix major pollution problems, ahead of a global summit. for more local news weather traffic and sports, we're on the "cw philly". you can find us on these channels, i'm ukee washington, good monday morning.
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>> good morning, we would like to up from date breaking news, fumes sicken family of three. >> apparent we're told it was carbon monday, identify poisoning. "eyewitness news" reporter jan carabeo joins us at the scene in sicklerville with the latest information. jan, good morning. >> reporter: erika, ukee, good morning. this just in. we just got up a date from the
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winslow police department, who tell us all three people, who were taken to the hospital, because of carbon monoxide poisoning, here in sicklerville, had to go to the hospital just for observation. they're now in stable condition. they also say the source of the fumes this morning came from a basement heater, a faulty heater, at that. now, if you take a look at the video, see what the scene look like early this morning, here in sicklerville. we're coming to you live from ten hidden hollow lane. now the initial call came in around 4:00 this morning. when police arrived, we're now told that the homeowner, answered the door, and immediately collapsed. his wife, and their seven year old daughter, were inside, and unconscious, on the downstairs living room floor, all three regained consciousness, after they received treatment, and again, they were taken to the hospital just for observation. now, once they were removed, the house was metered, and very high level of co was detected, take a listen. >> we received readings above 900 parts per million.
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>> which is? >> which leads to instant coma and convulsions. >> we thank god that they all came out alive and keep them up in prayer. >> now, folks here are just thankful that the family is safe this morning, and including that five year old little girl, now, when crews arrived, they did not hear a co detector going off. but we're told that the levels had risen so high that they could have rendered those detectors unusable, faulty, stopped. now, we're also told that this, again, the fumes, eminated from downstairs basement, again, though, this community is just happen that i this family will come back, alive, we're told is pastor, his wife, their daughter, who lives in this community just for about a year. they often moved around because of their work, again, just relieved that this didn't turn out whole lot worse. reporting live in sicklerville, jan carabeo, "eyewitness news" on the "cw philly". >> for sure, jen, thank you. >> authorities in chester county says family dispute end in the gunfire sends too long
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men to the hospital. police arrived at home on summit avenue in paoli. they found victim who said he was shot by a family member, john richards berry. the officer eventually track down berry, to a house down the street. we spoke to a neighbor who was one of the first to call 911. >> that was the first time i heard the pow, pow, pow. i saw a gentleman walking up the street, in the process, of this shooting, incident, and i thought that was kind of weird. so i got back on the phone, and i called 911 again, because i saw the gentleman standing on the porch. and that freaked me out. >> now, as officers approached berry, he turned the gun on himself. he and the victim were returned to paoli hospital in critical condition. >> time for your traffic and weather together. here's kate. >> i actually very pleasant start to the week for us in the weather department. but my advice, truly, enjoy this while you get the chance to. because, we're going to see couple of more days that top off to the 60s, even smudge
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above average with the values, bye the problem is once we drop on the thermometer later in the week it, may be the last that we've seen of the 60s for the rest of the year, that's how cool this air mass will be, and we will struggle to break out of it, any more, for the rest of 2014. but currently, we've got high pressure on your side, got very pleasant weather unfolding here, well off to the north and west, and that's the combination of the storm that's going to drag a very potent and very polar arctic frontal boundery through our region, and knock the temperatures back, significant snowfall out that far through the northern tier of the us, we are going to dodge the bullet on that one. big time. because it doesn't look like we get much of any precipitation, although we do certainly start to see the thermometer drop off. now, for now, you're still off to cool start obviously, 41 at the airport, very calm winds, 33 in ac, even calm winds down the shore right now, so that said, we see actually you what get on the thermometer. feels like what the thermometer reads in other words. with bright sunshine, chance to warm up nicely. so lovely day. if you have outdoor plans,
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make the most of it while you can. both today and tomorrow, in fact, look really nice. and then we start to see that pattern change take effect. first it starts off with a chilly breeze kicking in by mid week. then the temperatures start their nose dive. we will talk about just how cold it will get a little later in the show. for now jess we send it over to you. >> good morning, little after 7:30, we go outside, check out the delay on 422, around 29, due to disable vehicle, that's actually just up ahead right here, but headed eastbound, you can see, that delay spans all the way back here, headed eastbound toward the king of prussia area, where you will see most of that back up. now, on the schuylkill expressway, at city avenue, a loft back upright here. this is the westbound delay, still headed toward king every prussia there, as well, where you can see most of the back up pretty much from the boulevard to belmont. route 42 northbound at route four; accident. chester county crash in west chester pike at ellis lane. now the burlington bristol bridge scheduled for opening between now and about 7:45. so you want to take the
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tac-pal bridge to get around that for some residual delay. erika, back over to you. >> all right, thank you. new york city's largest new subway station opened to commuters this morning. the $1.4 billion fulton center connected the worth trailed center to the rest of the city. it features huge dome, that lets sunlight shine inside. as many as 300,000 passengers are expected to use this station every day. with the eagles set to take on carolina panthers tonight at the linc, septa providing additional subway service. broad street line sports express trains will run every ten minute. service begins at 6:45 p.m. making all express stops from fernrock through to the at&t station. the market frankford line is also expanding service starting at 6:30. after the game passengers will finds trains waiting at at&t station for the ride home. and, we have some good news for your monday morning, the price of gas just keeps on dropping. we shot this video on route 38 in burlington county, new
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jersey. the national average is now just 2.93 for a gallon of regular. here in pennsylvania, still, just above the $3 mark at 3.05. in new jersey drivers are paying 2.76. and in delaware, it is 2.82 a gallon. experts say that oil supplies are growing faster than demand, and that is thanks in large part to production increases in the u.s. so, are you signing up for the affordable healthcare plan? you can now shop around on the website. newly revamped allows to you start brousing for plans in advance. administrators say users will find other new features designed to make it easier to use. enrollment starts saturday, runs through the 15th of february. well, our time now 7:36. let's get check on business. >> mine watch's jill wagner joins you now from the new york stocks exchange, jill, stocks opened at my hughes again today. we like hearing this news. what will investors be watching? >> reporter: that's right, the dow and s&p both closed new highs friday. came after the labor
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department said the economy added 214,000 jobs, in october, and the unemployment rate dropped to 5.8%. that is the lowest level since 2008. there is one problem, though. wages aren't really going up. so people aren't really make that much more money. investors this week will be watching overseas developments, in china, specifically, president obama arrived in beijing this morning, for an economic summit. trade and cyber security, could really be the big issue, so definitely keep watching developments there, ukee, erika? >> hearing teenagers don't think abercrombie and fitch is as cool as it used to be. what's going on? >> reporter: ya, abercrombie and fitch is losing favor amongst teens, retailers says sales fell about 12% in the past few months, abercrombie's recently laid out a plan to help turn things around. that will includes getting rid of loud logos on many of the clothes, ditching that night club feel of stores, they are area a little bit more welcoming, and cutting
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back on cologne splitting at stores, ukee, erika. >> you're cracking up. >> but a decade ago, jill and i probably were in there coughing on the cologne. so ... >> exactly. you know, you shouldn't be intimidated to go into a store, though. so i think this is probably a good idea. >> right. you want them to come and buy stuff, flight. >> you guys are something. i love it. >> and you should also be able to see the clothing. >> heist helpful. >> there go. >> i their. >> take care. >> for more money tips and information from money watch. com head to our website >> if you love the bold flavor of door eat owes, but chewing seems like too much work for you, well, there may and solution. >> huge population out, there love dorito, hate chilling. fees your eyes on this orange colored beverage, it is called deworitos: freshman and the kent state university took this picture. he taste tested at promotional event, claims it is mostly
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like orange soda but with a dorito finish. pepsi spoke man reportedly confirmed they are actually testing this one out, but not said when or if they'll unleash it on the public. >> need a couple of samples. >> cheese finish to your orange soda? >> give it a little zip? >> okay, little zip maybe. we'll try to get something. time 7:39. we'll tell you about the dangers of laundry pods. that's ahead here on the "cw philly". children poisoning themselves with seemingly harmless household product. coming up next, what you need to know about new study. >> and, will the real andy reid please stand up? >> a fan dressed as the kansas city coach. but that's not a play book. but that's not a play book. tell you more and for many, it's a struggle to keep your a1c down. so imagine, what if there was a new class of medicine that
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flew this morning on the health watch, new warning about those popular laundry detergent pods that can be dangerous for children. >> health reporter stephanie stahl has details on the new research that was just released at midnight. they're colorful little pockets of laundry detergent, convent weren't, easy to use, also enticing for children. >> they're definitely colorful. i can see why a child would want to eat t almost looks like marshmallow. >> doctor evan weiner emergency room physician at st. christopher hospital for children in philadelphia. >> so there are reports of kids ending up in the icu from these. >> newly-released study in the john pediatrics says the detergent packs are serious risk to young children. reports of children being injured by the detergent packs increased 645% a month, when they were first introduced in early 2012. that's decreased some, over one year periods, peace on control received more than 17,000 calls, about accidents with children, and packets.
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>> some may have common symptoms, like nausea, vomiting. and then there are the more rare but more serious symptoms, like ultra event al status, respiratory depression where they are really not breathing, and they may require inch too because or being put on ventilator. >> that's what happened to one year old alex, hospitalized on respirator after swallowing detergent pod last year. the new study calls for a bigger effort to prevent exposure, which could include improving product packaging and labeling. doctor weiner says parents also need to take precautions >> we got no response from the maker of the pods, but last year introduced more friendly packaging, offering free safety lamps to parent. new research by the way didn't look into dishwasher packets. i'm stephanie stahl, "eyewitness news", on the "cw philly". >> it is clock 436789 here's
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your traffic and weather together. k fell? >> good morning, everybody, we start thing off here, across the northern tier of the us where our storm is brewing. and brinking in basically nothing more than snow at this point. few locations where it is coming in a little heavier than others, just across the south dakota and minnesota border here. this is the storm system that eventually is going to really develop into a potent system, and it already is pretty potent in terms of the snow falling. but for the rest of the eastern two thirds of the united state, we ends up with a strong surge of colds air in its wake. zoe sinkly what will happen, you're just starting to seat signs of the combination of storm right now. what will eventually happen, it sort of shift, and tilts, and then the front will be draped back down, this way, and get drawn through our area. so, we essentially dodge the proverbial bullet on this one, because it will be a system that starts to lose some of its moisture, but it is still going to pacca punch in the way of some very cold air. and yes, this is the polar vortex dropping on in, paying us a vets so. we want to walk you through what this is all b we've heard about the polar vortex now for
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a year, last winter seemed like it just showed up out of no where, right? but what is the vortex not? not a storm. rather an area of very cold air, typically confined in the northern most hemispheres, up today the polls, isn't something you can see. again, air mass, more than anything, and it is nothing new, this is not new phenomenon. just we started here, much more about it, because of the kinds of went their last year brought. what is the vortex, it is actually a large circulation, surrounding the polls like we mentioned, but sometimes it can get dislodged and send these cold air outbreaks our way, that's what's happening this time around. it is generally stronger in the winter based on the earth's tilt. so that's why you tends to see these colder outbreak after the coldest time of the year. typically located primarily in the stratosphere. what's it going to do with our temperatures? right now off to chilly start anyway. but we will see far colder air than this in the days ahead, 30's, 40's, i mean, look what you are finding here across the canadian prairies, single digits, 16 in winnipeg, they
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affection alledgedly call it winter peg around this time of year for very obvious reason. and some that far is going to start to head our way. now, dow want to jump you head here to the eagles forecast, looks like fine night for football. low 50's, clear skies, light wind, perfect. these are the last three days in the 60s, and these could be in fact the last days in the 60s that we see for the entire year. so, enjoy it while you have got it. by thursday, talking 40's at best, jess. >> man you don't have to say it like that. >> sore. >> i not giving anybody anything to look forward it, but i love it. bring on the hoodie weather. 7:46. we go outside and check out the schuylkill expressway montgomery drive. where you can see most of this volume where the headlights are. so headed eastbound, toward the center city area, where you will deal with so much. over on 95, big back up here at 322. headed northbound towards the commodore barry bridge, pretty typical delay for the morning so far. burlington bristol bridge currently stopped for opening. so you want to take the talcony palmyra note get around. that will backing you up for the neck half hour for that opening.
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accident out in new jersey route 42 northbound, at route 41, been out there for quite some time. west chester county at ellis lane another accident there. now, great alternate to take, septa, new jersey transit or dart, all running on time, currently no delays, no delays for the philadelphia international airport. ukee, back over to you. >> get ready for prime time football action. it is eagles and carolina panthers under the lights. with mark sanchez under center for the birds. on defense, the birds will be without of course linebacker and defensive signal caller demeco ryans. he tore that achilles after interception against the texans last week. without damico birds will play emanuel ocho, rookie marcus smith. >> now, it is our job to go in there, to place him, make sure the defense doesn't skip a beat. that's the biggest thing, you know, having the wherewithall to know that a lot is on your shoulders, a lot on your plate, thankfully between me and casey, mark lust go in there. but just making sure we keep that standard at a high level, and we play at a high level. >> i like his confidence.
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good luck young man, aaron rogers put on quite a show in prime time last night. through six touchdowns before half time against the chicago bears at lambeau field. the pack beat the bears, 55 to 14. green by wide out nelson caught two of the touchdowns, the packer still a game behind the nfc north leader, the detroit lions. >> breath brown philadelphia 76ers on the road last night tough loss in toronto coach said it got ugly and quick. sure did. >> from demar, and handed sixers their seven straight lost to start the season 120 to 88 the final score. sixers are the last winless team in the nba >> yes, that's cool, on his way back, get the big fellow back. noel, it will be okay, family, it will be okay. >> hope so. >> fingers crossed.
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>> let's imitation. >> at least one guy has really high opinion of former eagles coach, andy reid. check it out. hang on. there you go. that's not andy reid. it is kansas city chiefs fan, who dresses like andy, and the chiefs red coat and caring a clipboard, however, that's actually a menu. still looks like it, but comparison, impressive. the real andy coached the chiefs from a come from behind win over the bills yesterday. that's too funny. >> that's pretty good. he looks great. >> and he leans. >> messing with and and andy wih the menu thing, but nice job. he is messing with him. hey, big news for movie fans, to tell but. >> yes, matt damian getting ready to bring back one of the most popular characters. we have the words on his big announcement coming up next.
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>> matt damon, as jason born, the actor agreed play the assassin once again, pull green grass signed on. >> directed second and third film of the born series, it is unclear, though, what's born have ahead of him? fans can expect continuation every his story. the film is set to hit theatres in 2016. >> hello. i am your personal healthcare companion. >> two movies have stellar opening weekends, both earning more than $50 million. big hero six came out on top. new animated adventure features fun and inflatable robot. big hero six hauled in more than $56 million. interstellar took off in second place with 50 million, gone girl, something going strong, was thirds, folds by oij a and saint vince sent. >> if you saw something, let us know. the cw hip drama the
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originals, is back, tonight. >> you left your bear hands around my neck, and squeezed until i died. >> do you even remember why? let's see. you turn us all into monsters, you can't deny me of my hybrid nature, lied about my father. >> you killed me, because i kept you from ever knowing your true father. >> my hatred for you runs so deep, difficult to pinpoint its origin. >> maybe i hate that i'm the product of a wore's lecturing. >> watch your mouth. >> remember you are still my son. >> oh, oh, see that? >> in season two, the newly empowered werewolves are in control of the city. so, what else is in store for the originals, what plot twists can viewers spec this season? we spoke with actor joseph
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morgan, he plays clause on the show. sneak peak of tonight's episode. >> where his mother is trying to convince him to renounce his vampire i amims. he doesn't want to do that because he embraces his nature, as a vampire, as a hybrid, half werewolf, half vampire. he lovers this power that he's accumulated over the last thousand years, and he's not too keen to give it up. so, we have a stranger from klaus past coming in. that's really his mother's ace up her sleeve, her secret weapon, her key party of her plan to make his go along with this. >> your character in particular, any surprises we can expect? >> oh, ya, absolutely. we're going to learn a lot more about his past, his relationship with his siblings, and in particular, because of this, and have to be very careful now not to reveal too much, there will be red light going off in the
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studio, we have to pay particular -- he in particular is influenced by this trainer from his past. >> oh, we got deep on that. >> oh, ya. >> check it out tonight, the originals at 8:00 right here on the "cw philly". just lovely gentleman, too, i must say. >> yes, very talented, very, very talented. wow, that's great. >> and that show, something for everyone. >> serious conversation. we'll take short break. good morning, family, you're warning "eyewitness news" on the "cw philly". have t to check it out. >> stranger. ♪ good morning, usher! hey! did you know bees communicate through dance? me too... we're practically twins!
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>> this is cbs-3 "eyitness news". >> good morning, i'm erika von tiehl. it is monday, back to school, back to work, and hey, back to the 60s, too, right, katy? >> indeed not the decade, though, talking temperatures here. we have some very pleasant weather actually today and tomorrow and even wednesday, looks pretty decent overall. that's our transition day, that's when things start to maybe, i guess could you say, go downhill. that will be certainly noticeable on the thermometer. but storm scan3, we have high pressure, guys, it means bright clear blue skies, chilly but look at the wind. giant goose egg for you outside palmyra cove nature park in the live neighborhood network. while it is chilly enough to warrant nice heavier coat, it is still going to be a lovely day. 61 degrees, with sunshine, perfect football weather tonight i might add. tomorrow's my favorite, the mildest, and also sunny for veterans day, then by wednesday the breezes starting
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to kick in, and that's when the nose dive starts to take effect too. jess? >> thanks, good morning, everybody, we go outside to shaky windy camera here on the vine st. expressway, actually westbound, approaching schuylkill, disable vehicle here, trying to clean that up and get it out of the way. tucking out the left hand lane, part of the shoulder, burlington bristol bridge also stopped for opening right now, tack the tac-pal to get out of the rises eude all delays. >> next update at 8: 25, next on cbs this morning, the fall of the berlin wall 25 years later. >> hope you have great day!
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>> investigators found high levels of carbon die objection odd. joining us now in sicklerville to bring us to up date. good morning. >> erika, ukee, good morning, police now tell us, it was likely a faulty heater, that caused this home, here in
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sicklerville, to fill up with carbon monoxide, it was a frightening morning, for everyone here in sicklerville, the family, inside this home, had passed out. the father, here, able to call 911, and make it to the door, just in time, to let in help. >> lucky to be alive, that's how firefighters describe one sicklerville family that lives here on hidden hollow lane after three times the normal level of carbon monoxide filled their home early monday morning. >> we receive greetings above 9900 parts per million. >> leads to inch estimates of comb and and column vaughn seans. >> came in around 4:00 in the morning, homeowner answered the door, and immediately collapsed. >> downstairs living room. >> everybody went out to the house, it was unconscious, thank god they all came out alive. >> all three taken to the hospital and are now stage condition. fire officials say they suffered carbon monoxide


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