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tv   Eyewitness News on the CW Philly  CW  October 29, 2014 8:00am-9:01am EDT

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launch site in wallops island with the latest on the investigation. >> and we have lift off. >> reporter: second after blasting off from the lawn have much pad on wallops island, virginia unmarked rocket bound for international space station burst into flames. the flight was over in just 15 seconds. a spectacular fireball and exploding debris rained down, on the launch pad. no one was killed or injured in the catastrophic launch but more than 5,000 pounds of cargo and supplies heading to the international space station are gone. >> we do want to express our disappointment that we were not able to fulfill our obligation to the international space station program and deliver this load of cargo. >> reporter: investigators are expected to begin evaluating debris around the crash site today. the residents of wallops island on the virginia coast are told to contact nasa if they come across any debris from the crash and they are warn it may be hazardous.
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engineers say rocket's self-destruct system was triggered at some point. >> something went wrong during the powered flight whether that was engine which were built in russia or some other support system is not yet known. >> reporter: nasa has used private companies to supply the the space station since it retired the fleet in 2011. despite yesterday's failed mission officials say the iss had adequate supplies to last at least until will next spring. susan mcginnes for "eyewitness news" on the cw philly. rocket explosion also has a south jersey connection. >> some students from ocean city high school had a science experiment on board that rocket. they hoped to learn more aboute coal i bacteria, and how it acts in space. one of the students at the launch tweeted quote that was most tragic scary thing i have ever witnessed. everyone from oc is okay and we are praying for everybody else involved. much more successful outcome for unmanned russian supply ship that blasted off, earlier this morning. right now that rocket is in
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route to the international space station. it is carrying nearly 3 tons of supplies for the the expedition, 41 crew and they should dock in about april hour. right now coming up at 80:00 36789 wheat head outside to katie with the forecast, how are we looking. >> not too bad considering this is transition day and we are tracking a cold front passage to take and considering that it is ten full degrees colder then yesterday, it is still decent day. let me explain. we will start off first and fur most with the quick check of storm can three and off to the west, the bark is so much worse than the bite on this, guys. we are more than anything seeing clouds build in today. there will be a shower as the day goes on but it looks like this soaking menacing rainfall out across central pennsylvania and for us it end up being a fizzling system that brings in the shower here and there as day progresses. see it first to the northwest and latest to the south east as it moves in. as we look at the the difference in the temperature is it is milder. we are talking about five to
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ten to 15 degrees warmer then yesterday at this same time. here's how it is represented on the thermometer. sill in the 60's right now at philly international and down the shore. so not too bad. 56 degrees in mount pocono. wind flow shifting a bit more west northwesterly up that way. here's how the the rest of the day will shake out as a whole. we are expecting mid to upper 60's in philadelphia and down the shore with some sunshine and clouds will start to skew that with time and we will see a shower as i mentioned but if you don't want an umbrella i think you can getaway without it. bark so much worse than the the bite when it comes to storm scan today, torey. >> thanks very much, katie. quite a different story if you are traveling the on the roads right now because the bark is just as worse as the bite traffic wise. as we looking at i-95, this is northbound side of i-95 we have just got rid of the accident right around area of 320. finally cleared. net is a few people here heading to the shoulder to assist in that accident process to get that completely
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out of the way and off the shoulder but this is the delay that resides behind it. traveling southbound in this area we have a gaper delay to go with it. best thing to do is give yourself some more time. what are we looking at there? the roads. somewhere. if you are traveling on any major in pennsylvania you'll find some sort of traffic. schuylkill expressway 18 miles an hour is your average there. eighteen on 476. red on 422. big delays on the westbound side of the pennsylvania turnpike out of bucks county and mid county and is 13 your average on i9 56789 your biggest delay traveling on i-95 is southbound out of the northeast down to the vine n new jersey northbound 42, northbound 55, we are seeing usual slow downs there. no problems if you are traveling mass transit, erika. >> thanks, variety tore y suspended high school football coach speaks out for the first time about the hazing scandal that brought the the season to an early end. "eyewitness news" reporter jane carabao joins us at central bucks west in doylestown with the very latest information, jen, good morning. >> reporter: good morning,
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erika. it certainly was a heated discussion at c.b. west in doylestown during the school board meeting. for the very first time those suspended coaches decided to speak and so did their parents in support of them. facing cameras for the first time since allegations of hazing has hit his fat ball team head coach brian hensel had one message for his supporters. >> i love my players, i love the parents and i love the coaches. i'm grateful for them. >> reporter: hensel and rest of the vv and varsity coaching staff has been suspended. central bucks police and county district attorney's office every looking into allegations on have hazing by senior members of the team. >> his reputation is great. now it is tarnished by a rush to judgment, and,. >> reporter: pack house, will school board detailed for the public findings of this internal investigation. they say most serious of the hazing included a game called grab it and lick it.
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>> unaudible. >> all this occurred with the player's fully clothed. >> reporter: district says this happened at a post scrimmage picnic organize by parents in the summer. last night henzel defended himself and coaches saying this is a one time incident they didn't learn about until october 15th. the the alleged hazing took place in the locker room he says after most coaches, including himself left. >> none of conduct, was severe, it was foolish. in of the it occurred on our watch. >> reporter: this investigation continues at this point, no arrests but the district attorney's office is asking that any students and athletes who may have felt victimize todd come forward and speak with police. we're reporting live, jane carabao for "eyewitness news" at cw philly. >> thank you. neshaminy school board votes to move fifth grade from the elementary level to middle school.
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that change was a approved in a six-three vote last night. the move will allow the school district to hire more counselors and add language programs back in the middle schools. a construction plan related to that class shift will be decided later in the school year. happening today a new georgia seen owe will be dedicated at the park honoring memory of the autumn pasquale. autumn was 12 years old when she was murdered in 2012. a boy, 15 at the time, is serving a prison sentence for her murder. dedication of the park, in clayton, gloucester county begins at 6:00 o'clock tonight. also happening today wilmington is expanding its smoking ban. mayor dennis williams will sign an order banning lighting up in all city parks, playground, public plazas and transit area. similar ban failed to pass city council earlier this month. wilmington's existing smoking ban covers city government offices, classrooms, libraries, and, museums. well, two years have
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passed since sandy slammed in the jersey shore leaving a trail of destruction, some of which remains today, our diana rocco traveled to tuckerton ocean county to see how far that community has come to getting back to normal. >> reporter: two years ago sandy was making her approach in an evacuation plans were in effect. but no one knew the devastation they would be coming home too. >> it was a war zone. it was something that i never want to see again. looking at peoples properties gone. >> reporter: tuckerton beach took one of the biggest hits. on any given street homes are still left abandoned while others are in the process of rebuilding. >> the water was at this level. there was debris all over, floating docks all over. i lost my floating dock. you can see tremendous damage. >> reporter: it took mayor george evans 17 in months to move home. >> the roof had buckled. the walk in the front, it was a first floor rancher, the living room area had dropped 7 inches. >> reporter: he had to demolish his ranch and start
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over. his new home is mortgage, much bigger and now on pilings. >> many people walked away from their home. left them the to the banks. >> some people had insurance, others didn't. >> reporter: eric hand sons's maritime marina is up and running with half the business and a whole new problem this one, that one, this one. >> reporter: he has been left with 30 abandoned boats. >> so what do you do with these boats. >> pay to get rid of them, you know, take them to the dump, i do what i have to do and i take them, get rid of the fuel, oil. >> reporter: how much does that cost. >> probably $700 a boat. >> reporter: this was tuckerton police department, while building still stands it has been condemned due to the water damage and needs to be torn down. it is located in what was one of the hardest hit area of tuckerton beach . police have been working out of the different location since the night before the storm. >> that is a picture of what was the the house. >> reporter: picture show how far they have come but there is still a long road ahead. diana rocco for "eyewitness
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news" at cw philly. >> someone else believe they may have seen eric frein who has been on the run for allegedly killing a pennsylvania state trooper. state police focused near 390 in barrett township monroe county where a man reportedly spotted frein yesterday afternoon. possible lead on the man hunt is now in the forty-seventh day. man who reported the possible sighting described what he saw. >> in the fine tune tree line down there we seen a figure popping up and down. i thought it was suspicious. >> frein is accused of opening fire outside blooming grove state police barracks on september 12th killing trooper brian dickson and seriously wounding alex douglass. our nicole brewer will have the latest on the manhunt at 8:30. philadelphia police searched schuylkill river for a weapon as part of their investigation into dion jordan. police believe jordan, hoist behind bars, this morning may have killed six people.
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most recent victim was 50 years old dallas long who was gunned down october 17th. his body was dumped at eighty-second and lionness southwest philadelphia. >> you can say okay, they caught the the person but it doesn't bring them back. >> this individual has been on a crime industry of his own involving bank robbery, murder, kidnapping, you name it, it is something he has been involved in. >> police told us jordan held up five banks in chestnut hill and bucks county. they believe he wore a specially designed mask to alter his appearance. investigators are trying to identified skeletal remains uncovered in the burlington county backyard. >> they turned up yesterday on bank avenue in riverton. contractor found them while dig to go install a new pool. it was under construction in the yard of the his so many home not far from the delaware river. >> kind of weird how it got exposed maybe it was meant ton. >> i think remains wanted to be found because it was basically a half of an inch
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buried into the wall that wasn't going to be excavated and a rock fell out and dirt fell out. that exposedded the skull. >> now the bones are very old so authorities don't suspect foul play. boy a slow motion crawl of burning hot fiery lava, edges closer to peoples home. we will update the situation in hawaii. also big changes expected at ferguson missouri, major figure rumored to be resigning, plus this. pumpkins aren't just for halloween anymore i'm karena mitchell and i will tell you why food makers are t tapping not to the power of pumpkins
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well, take a look at this dizzying sight on the sacramento river in california. a salmon fisherman was thrown over board leaving a 13-foot boat spinning in circles. sheriff's boat started to ram
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that vest until hopes of getting to it stop but it didn't and he kept spinning until it ran a ground. the fisherman was not hurt. a passing boater ended up picking him up. after months of unrest the chief of police is expected to step down. >> chief thomas jackson became the the face of the department after a white officer darren wilson shot and killed unarmed black teenager michael brown. a grand jury is deciding whether officer wilson will face charges. jackson could step down as early as next week. the justice department is investigating the ferguson police department. right now 8:15. lets get traffic and weather together. how are we looking today, kate. >> not looking bad at all, overall, considering the fact that we're tracking a cold front. it is a system that looks worse then it will end up being for our area granted, we have steady round of showers falling here across central pennsylvania but this is relatively slow moving and moving on through here with nothing more than just a shower and some clouds for our area in the meantime before this gets here we are keeping
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the warmth around. so again this isn't a terrible day. we will see some sunshine filter through that cloud cover. we will still get you in the mid 60's. far cry from what we saw yesterday which was a high of 76 by the way. to i day we will shave 10-degree off for that day time high. then we will look ahead to tomorrow and it is clear as dawn than but temperatures are starting to respond what was a moisture starved cold front but packed cool air. we will show you temperatures that we have in the wake of this already so you get an idea. friday halloween, of course, looks quiet, and then we will start to see a new system ram pink itself up. lets walk you through here and now and then sort of just slowly progress out here. sixty-one at the airport. upper mid 50's generally around the rest of the outlining suburbs but you can tell where cold front has come through. temperatures are starting to respond to the passage of that front in the cleveland,al people owe, chicago where we have a pair of four's in both spots but as the day goes on we will end up with similar temperatures to what we have got out in the northern
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plains. so while yeah it is still mild today. we will start to see that drop off taking place, starting. well, it is starting to day technically but we are we low average by tomorrow and friday. upper 50's, all they it is pleasant. we will get sunshine both days, vittoria. >> thanks very much, katie. your rush hour is not smooth. traveling on i-95 lets start here. i-95 northbound approaching area of the commodore barry bridge. we are jammed in an earlier accident approaching area of 320. been cleared out of the way but residual delays are big. if you are traveling out of delaware, commuting in the northbound direction towards 476, expect volume pattern that looks like. that traveling on 476, well, you will be down here as well this shot not too far from route one. northbound side. southbound would be folks traveling to the bottom of the screen. you're delayed in either direction. lets paint the picture. because 18 is your average on 476, we have a north bound delay between 95, moving beyond route one and area toward saint david,ville know of, southbound we are seeing delays approaching route one
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and down i-95. 422, we have eastbound delays there westbound volume on the pennsylvania turnpike out of bucks county to mid county, 17 is your average on the schuylkill. look at this it looks like a wish pope but not in the good way. bad luckies what we have here, westbound approaching the the area of the roosevelt boulevard, really there montgomery drive, it continues to slow down towards the curve, eastbound the entire length between your western about suburbs and area of the vine. is 13 your average on i-95. we have southbound delays, as you make your way out of the north east down through the vine street expressway. northbound delays on the 42 as well as 55, new jersey turnpike moving well but we have an accident on the westbound side of the pennsylvania turnpike at virginia drive and it is definitely adding to the volume there, erika and ukee. >> thank you, vittoria. a major trail project over the schuylkill river is getting underway. >> officials broke ground on the manayunk bridge trail yesterday. bicycle and pedestrian trail will connect the wynnewood heritage trail with the schuylkill river trail network. manayunk bridge has been unused since septa ended rail service in 1986, that is good to see. >> yes. willis she or isn't she.
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>> still ahead zoo officials are looking extra close at one of their lions, right there they are hoping she might be pregnant. we will that have in a bit. but first here's is what coming up tonight on the cw philllly. a man who doesn't stand still. but jim has afib, atrial fibrillation an irregular heartbeat, not caused by a heart valve problem. that puts jim at a greater risk of stroke.
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for years, jim's medicine tied him to a monthly trip to the clinic to get his blood tested. but now, with once-a-day xarelto®, jim's on the move. jim's doctor recommended xarelto®. like warfarin, xarelto® is proven effective to reduce afib-related stroke risk. but xarelto® is the first and only once-a-day prescription blood thinner for patients with afib not caused by a heart valve problem, that doesn't require regular blood monitoring. so jim's not tied to that monitoring routine. gps: proceed to the designated route. not today. for patients currently well managed on warfarin, there is limited information on how xarelto® and warfarin compare in reducing the risk of stroke. xarelto® is just one pill a day taken with the evening meal. plus, with no known dietary restrictions, jim can eat the healthy foods he likes. don't stop taking xarelto®, rivaroxaban, unless your doctor tells you to. while taking xarelto®, you may bruise more easily and it may take longer for bleeding to stop. xarelto® may increase your risk of bleeding
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cbs news correspondent, has the story. >> reporter: marry matthews sees something new in the aisle the of the local supermarket. >> whole bunch of stuff on the shelves now that i have everything pumpkin in it. >> reporter: not just a pie filling anymore. pumpkin is popping up in all kinds of products from pretzels, coffee cream tore ice cream and oreos. >> pumpkin oreos, that is interesting. >> reporter: you can find tonight vodka, dog food. >> a big craze right new. >> reporter: grocery store owner steve sloan says shoppers are eating it up. >> with the increase in demand we have brought more stuff in, so we have seen sales increase. >> reporter: sales have of pumpkin flavors goods have jumped 14 percent to 308 million-dollar, and craze for things like pumpkin flavored beer just keeps growing. marketing experts expect food companies to roll roll out even more pumpkin products in the future. >> it is basically adding it to many products to what they already made.
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the cost of goods standpoint it is not that expensive. >> reporter: mary says she will come back for more but not everyone is biting. >> they are not my cup of tea. >> reporter: but sales show americans appetite for pumpkins is still growing. in new york, karen a mitchell for "eyewitness news" at cw philly. pumpkin season runs from july to october, and this year company like general mills, betty crocker and craft rolled out pumpkin flavored products. >> katie and i love this stuff. >> katie is like i love it. >> pumpkin anything, delicious. first class artistic talent at work at pennsylvania a's governor residents in harrisburg. students from the pennsylvania school of culinary arts have carved dozens of pumpkins some weighing over hundred pounds. by the way pace the fourth largest producer of pumpkins in the entire country behind only i think illinois, california, and, the buck eye state of ohio. pumpkins are on display in harrisburg through halloween. >> they are talented.
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>> check out these awesome pumpkins, look familiar. >> wow. >> earlier right here on "eyewitness news" our special guest, steve clark, showed you how to carve your own pumpkin like a pro. >> spooky. >> wow. >> now steve does hold the book of world records for the fastest pumpkin carves and shared tips like carving the bottom instead of the top to scoop out seeds so it is more steady base and also no awkward putting the tea light in the pumpkin. >> yes, your safe tools as
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good morning everyone i'm ukee washington. suspended football coaches from sent will rally with bucks west high school speak out for first time since allegations of hazing surfaced. parents, players, coaches pack the school board meeting last night. it was also the first time that the school district spoke about the allegations. coaches defended themselves saying they were unaware of the alleged incidents which are now under investigation. katie has your forecast from the weather center, good morning. >> good morning, ukee. cool down is beginning for us here and that will start with today's daytime high but technically we are a smidge above average with the high. hard to beat what we saw yesterday but we have officially shaved 10 degrees off for daytime high here already and it will get cooler from here. it comes courtesy of the frontal boundary bringing in
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showers back west of harrisburg right new through central pennsylvania. so it is just a matter of time before we have a shower here or there ourselves but we have some sunshine. it is in the a bad day at all. just watching for that shower later on today. it will start to clear out. that means we will quickly cool down back in the the 40's through the overnight. by thursday and friday, although it is pleasant it is cool in the 50's at best and reenforcement come in this weekend raw, windy, chilly especially on saturday, torey. >> thank you very much, katie. good morning everyone. high volleys what you are dealing with 76, i-95, vine street expressway, we are taking a look at i-95 in delaware county. northbound you'll feel the heat of rush hour out of the area of delaware and making your commute down to 476, lets address our speed sensors. twelve on i-95 out of the north east, 16 on the sue kill expressway in your western suburbs and affecting roosevelt boulevard and 18 is what you are traveling on 476, and if you are traveling the westbound side of the pennsylvania turnpike expect delays out of bucks county to mid county and mine are delays
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on the 42 and 55. ukee. >> our next update 8:55. up next on cbs this morning, take already swift speaks to gayle king, for more local news weather traffic and sports we're on the cw this is the "name your price" tool. it gives you options based on your budget -- it's a piece of cake. i was told there would be cake. get a free quote at
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good morning. there is another possible sighting of eric green. >> he has alluded the law since ambush of two pennsylvania pennsylvania state troopers last month and "eyewitness news" reporter nicole brewer is in the satellite center to tell you more about it, erika.
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>> reporter: it has been a month and a half since police started searching for eric frein and just yesterday a resident reported a a possible sight helping in barrett township just outside the area where frein once lived from the air, to the ground, the the manhunt for eric frein continues to widen with officials focusing their effort on four townships throughout monroe county. latest possible sighting is barrett township tuesday afternoon. right around route 390. >> the pine tree lines down there, we seen a figure pop up and down. basically thought it was suspicious. >> reporter: six weeks in the search residents remain vigilant hoping to help 150 troopers send into search 133 square miles a tall task according to carol shield, who says frein has plenty of places to hide away. >> there are 1400 possible buildings, homes, summer homes, hunting cabins that he
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could be scoping out and staying in. how do you find him. >> reporter: especially since police consider frein a survivor list capable of remaining on the run with very little supplies. authorities have found a number of hide outs but reported sighting suggest he keeps on moving. when will his luck run out. mike dennis sauce as leaves fall, frein will have fewer options. >> i think that the fact that he will be losing cover from above is the main thing that he is going to be concerned with. >> people are very skilled with just being in the outdoors, but the longer it goes on the harder it gets for him. >> reporter: and for this community. >> i just hope they catch him soon because we are living in fear right now. >> reporter: local ape state authorities have their work cut out for them but they are being assisted by agencies all across the country including ohio's department of transportation, which has
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offered up its mylar balloon equipped with cameras so it can see people 3 miles away. we are live from the cbs-3 satellite center, nicole brewer, "eyewitness news" at cw philly. in other news, parents speak out in support of the suspended football coaches after allegations of hazing surfaced at central bucks west. those coaches defended themselves in front of the school board members parents and players at a meeting last night. the coaching staff said they were not aware of the incidents that happened at a post scrimmage picnic over the um iser. that event was organized by parents or players who are backing the coaches. >> his reputation was great and now tarnished by an administration that wanted to cover their butts. >> something went wrong that day and there has to be consequences for that. >> reporter: police and bucks county district attorney are investigating the alleged incident. they asked parents of any student involved to contact them. so far no charges have been filed. it is hard to believe but some new jersey residents are
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still cleaning up devastation left behind when super storm sandy roared a a shore two years ago today. "eyewitness news" in tuckerton ocean county. some homes there the in the process of rebuild bug others remain abandoned. our diana rock he spoke with the shore town's mayor said it took 17 months to get back home. >> the roof had buckled. if you walked, just a first floor rancher, the living room area cropped 7 inches. >> a new monmouth university survey finds that only one-third of the sandy survivors said they were satisfied with the state's recovery effort. one in five survivors report that progress had taken, had a toll on their mental health. right now it is 8:33. lets get traffic ape weather together. we will start off with katie, good morning. >> good morning, everybody. it is so hard to believe two years have have passed but at the same time it feels like it just happened. it is one of those things where it is so fresh in our mind but at least we can report that there is no major
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tropical activity at this point in the opened waters of the atlantic because we are tracking very significant changes. this is a different view from our rooftop here but in our center city studios you can see old inquirer building. center city as we face south. bleed blue bright blue skies that go with it. we are off to a beautiful start. lets go to storm scan three. something is waiting in the wings here. this is our latest cold front. i have to tell you bark way worse than the the bite on this particular front. this is a in moisture starved system so we are just going to see a shower, as the the day goes on, depending on your location, further inland you are, we will see these showers popping up. for philadelphia it is midday towards late afternoon. 61 degrees is your current temperature. not too bad. around the outlying suburbs it is a tad cooler and enough to warrant within extra layer walking out the door. you will not need a scarves are or a gloves or hat or
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anything like that. that may change later this week though. so as temperatures start to drop off a little bit we are still above average today but it is not yesterday in terms of the warmth. we are again, tracking the transition, taking place with this latest cold front, torey. >> thanks, katie. >> you know roads are just packed. i-95, the the schuylkill, vine street expressway, all of the usual spots would you find volume you will find them this morning. you will also may even count sore sun glare in area. just be aware of those things this morning. as we look at i-95, northbound i-95 approaching commodore barry bridge, we have slow go from the delaware state line all the way to 476. taking a look at this hazy shot of the roosevelt boulevard that would be your southbound delay, jammed from broad street to the schuylkill expressway. once we get to 76 your only traveling speed sensors in the 20's and teens. take a look the at the red we have right around the roosevelt boulevard and in the just westbound but eastbound too. eastbound 422, also delayed from oaks down to the area of
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202. traveling on 202 we will find northbound delays around 29 and schuylkill. look at the pennsylvania turnpike though definitely high volume there and traveling in new jersey 42 northbound as well as 55 experiencing slow downs, no delays for mass transit, erika. a full scale investigation is underway this morning after this, unmanned rocket loaded with supplies from the international space station. you can see right there just explodes seconds after take off. nasa a contracted rocket the launched last night from the wallops flight facility in eastern virginia. nasa officials are investigating but experts don't know exactly what went wrong. >> what we do there this is we learned what happened. we can diagnosis this problem, figure out what the problem was and fix the problem. >> this rocket failure now leaves space x as the lone commercial supplier to ship cargo to the international space station. 8:36 right now. lava flow from the kilauea volcano is moving dangerously
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close to homes in the the small community on hawaii's big island this morning. wendy gilette has more on how residents are dealing with this unusual crisis. >> reporter: smoking lava from the kilauea volcano is now moving on to residential land for the first time since the flow began in june residents have have been we arely watching its path for weeks. now the lava is yousing perilly close to the main road and threatens 50 structure in the village. >> once it crosses the the road i know it will be mayhem. we were preparing. >> reporter: scientists say flow was advancing by 17 yards an hour. lava burned down an empty shed and was slowly moving towards nearby homes. hundreds have been advised to evacuate. >> mixed emotions will come out as this continues to unfelt because it is a life changing event for many residents. >> reporter: lava usually flow towards the the ocean but this time it change direction and there is no way to divert its
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path. >> it is an emotional event. >> reporter: residents say they intend to watch lava destroy their homes to give themselves closure. wendy gilette for "eyewitness news" at cw philly. today president obama will update the american people on the fight against ebola following an afternoon meeting with his public health and national security teams. the president will also meet with volunteer health workers who have been or planned to travel to west africa. meanwhile, amber vinson the nurse who flew to cleveland after being infect by her dying patient is now home in texas. she left emery university hospital in atlanta after doctors said that she was virus free. hugs around. president spoke about ebola before leaving washington to campaign for democrats. >> this disease can be contained. it will be defeated. progress is possible. but we're going to have to
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stay syringe are length and we have got to make sure that we're working together. >> delaware governor markell we will brief his state's response, and there are in reports of ebola cases in the first state of delaware. increased security at federal buildings across the country including right here in our area officials tell cbs news there is no new intelligence or a specific threat. it is a precautionary step in response to last weeks terror attack in canada and continuing calls from terrorist groups like istoys attack the u. is. there is in word on how long the increased security will be in effect. well, it has affected millions of americans but often times it is not taken seriously. coming up in the healthwatch new evidence that chronic fatigue is real and what may cause symptoms, patient's feel. then if you are traveling for thanksgiving this may be the the best time to book a flight a month away now,w, we will tell you where to look,
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but do you really? [ female announcer ] neutrogena® makeup remover erases 99% of your most stubborn makeup with one towelette. can your makeup remover do that? [ female announcer ] neutrogena® makeup remover.
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a rush to judgment. the board suspended coaches and canceled final games of the season after allegations of hazing. it had has been two years since sandy made land fall on the east coast. storm caused more than 100 deaths and billions of dollars in damage. federal and state officials will visit impacted area today. if you are planning to travel, time is running out to book your flight. >> even though you waited you can still find a bargain. kara suboy shows you how to score a last minute deal. >> reporter: savvy shoppers are well aware that sites like travelocity, kyack, orbitz can save money.
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when it comes to booking trips over a busy holiday weekend it pay toss look the in the deal section of the web site especially if you are flexible. you never know mind find a too good to pass up vacation package. another way is to install a tool that can alert when it found a better price elsewhere. browser extension is called invisible hand and it works on fire fox, google chrome and safari. from get invisible follow simple instruction toss down load the tool tour browser. once installed a golden window will pop up at the top of the page, fit find what you are looking for honor another web site. it is great for hair fair and hotels but comes in handy for regular on line shopping too in san francisco i'm sarah suboy for c for "eyewitness news" at cw philly. all right. right now 8:43. time to check on our weather watchers, katie. >> indeed, we have been getting report in from you folks all morning long. we want to show you a couple of them. we will go into southeastern pa where jerry aubrey reports
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59 degrees. very mild start to the morning. for this time of the year. in blue bell, pennsylvania. that is where we will find him. meanwhile we go further off to the south, 54 degrees, current temperature, from kevin, in havertown. he says dew .53. you can feel there is a bit of humidity out there but pretty morning he says. certainly we definitely have seen that with the sunrisees, across our area. from bell herlock in cherry hill across the delaware, 56 degrees. his report from that location. we will take you down to the shore where we have a really, very mild morning, greg wood says a red sky at morning, beautiful sunrise, but the old saying greg red sky at warning, sailors take warning. the it is a free phrase that we have a cold front on the way. lets take you out to our eyewitness weather seven day forecast where we are track varying evidently, temperatures just keep dropping off. two separate systems the reason. today is not too bad. we have got some sunshine out
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there. there will be a shower. it could be worse. by tomorrow and friday although it is pleasant it is cooler by comparison. the weekend is really going to be the time when it is raw, windy, chilly and that is courtesy of the developing storm system which still has some question marks with it but we are expecting wind and chill for sure, the presip, and track of that storm is still where there are a few questions. we will let you know as things evolve there. follow our team on twitter and facebook and we will keep you on top of everything. if you love watching weather and want to join team of the folks we just showed you here we want to you join our team of weather watchers. sign up for eyewitness weather watcher network at cbs what else. torey, over to you. >> thanks very much, katie. there is in question bit, if you are traveling throughout this rush hour you will be delayed. i-95 southbound is what you are looking at here. delayed out of the northeast down through the vine street expressway. if you are traveling on i-95 in delaware county you will find major delays as well.
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northbound specifically between delaware state line and 476. i necessity that is a long hall but generally speak ago this entire commute will be stop and go with lots of traffic. also, stop and go would be eastbound side of the schuylkill expressway between your western suburbs, making your way down towards university, where speed sensors are traveling into the teens. you are slow on the westbound side of 76 but really pocket builds approaching roosevelt boulevard out past gladwynn affecting southbound side of the boulevard as well. twenty-two on 476. we have eastbound delays on 422, definite volume traveling on the pennsylvania turnpike but be mindful if you are traveling on the turnpike between bucks county and mid county you will be slow. trying to get to the pennsylvania turnpike using southbound side of the extension we have a disable vehicle compromising one of the lanes there. that could be adding insult to injure tour commute this morning. if you are traveling in new jersey we have northbound delays on the 42, northbound delays of 55. in the clear traveling on the new jersey turnpike. watch out for a lingering residual delay on the westbound side of the pennsylvania turnpike at
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virginia drive. mass transit looking great. ukee. on the healthwatch this morning a researchers may have found reason why chronic fatigue patients feel the way they do. >> doctors used three different mri techniques to compare the brains of healthy people to those with chronic fatigue syndrome. they found people who suffer from chronic fatigue had less white math inner their brains. researchers hope that their findings will lead to new ways to treat this condition. new guidelines could prevent first time strokes. american heart association or stroke association recommend eating more fruits, whole grains and nuts. doctors say those foods can lower your risk of having a stroke. they also recommend healthy lifestyle changes like quitting smoking and cutting back on salt. are you trying to get health i you may want to grab a glass of red wine. new study says one glass, just one can equal an hour of exercise. um-hmm. researchers claim that the natural compound in red wine
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can enhance training and performance. the lead researchers even says in some cases red wine can mimic the effects of exercise but there is a limit. this only works with one glass drinking a bottle a week does not equate to four to six gym sessions. >> um, don't be sitting on the couch, with your glass of wine. >> ukee, you cannot fight science. >> we will be right back. thank you, cable. for the slower internet upload speeds.
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say hi to the new graduates of the penn vet working dog center. these three dogs completed the dog program. they include first diabetes alert dog, narcotics detection dog, and urban search and rescue dogs. well done, guys. all three dogs started out together as the center's inaugural class of puppies. that was in september 2012. >> that is great. >> look at them having fun too. >> yes. >> oh, yeah. >> so many hours from those trainers, well done. >> all right. well, ever give a lion a sonogram. >> how does a zoo keeper know if one of zoo star attractions has a baby bump. jeanie moos wants to know. >> reporter: it is usually easy to tell when a human celebrity is pregnant everybody is looking down at their belly or resting a telltale hand on it but what about this belly, does that look like a baby bump to you? >> we hope. >> at cincinnati zoo their
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liones, it is getting the tabloid tv treatment usually reserved for celebrities like. >> mariah baby bump watch. >> we can see a slight baby bump. >> is that a baby bump jennifer garner. >> i'm not pregnant but i have had three kid and there is a bump. >> reporter: bumps can be deceiving, especially when perspective mom stays mum. at cincinnati zoo they are asking visitors is she or isn't she, fans disagree. awesome bump all the way, verse bump, where? she has gained 26-pound in the past three and a half months. her urine tests came back positive, who knows if she's told the possible baby daddy, john. >> maybe quite a few times. >> reporter: on his twitter account it says paws crossed. >> could lion be faking it as a giant panda allegedly did a couple months ago. breeding research center in china this panda was thought
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to be spanning expecting but it turns out what she was expecting was more food. they call it a sued owe pregnancy, panda behaves in a way that it knows from experience will get it better treatment. >> when i do a certain thing i get more of what i really like and in the panda's case that would be favorite type of bamboo. >> reporter: u.s. fish and wild life service proposed lions to be a threaten species when makes idea of cubs extra nice. here or her before, screen left and after pictures, so when are we going to know if the baby bump is babies or just a bump. >> we won't know for sure but we necessity that will happen in the next month. >> reporter: at least she isn't hiding her weight gain. >> mariah carry is a house. >> hello kitty was hiding a little something, something. >> reporter: say hello to this kitty, she's in the letting cat out of the bags until the cats are actually out of the
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bag. >> we hope. >> reporter: jeanie moo. is, new york. >> might be something there. >> is she or isn't she. >> i know. >> i feel like we're al like that. >> yes. >> why is everybody looking at me. >> i necessity. >> funny. >> traffic and weather together before we go, katie. >> as erika suggested maybe she had so much sodium at lunch. >> never know. >> milk and water weight gain. >> it should have been an extraal halloween forecast, partly sunny cool day. key here it is dry for ghosts and goblins trick or treating but 58 degrees for daytime high. we will jump to the next upcoming weekend when our next system comes in and it looks like a very chilly weekend as a result, torey. >> thanks, katie. rush hour delays are sprinkled all over the map, is 13 your average on 95. eighteen on the schuylkill. twenty-two on 476. high volume on the westbound side of the pennsylvania turnpike out of the bucks county. mid county watch out on the
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northeast extension southbound heading to the pennsylvania turnpike we have a disabled vehicle there so that is in helping anyone. >> quick reminder for all of how wake up early each morning we will go on the air 4:30 a.m. on our sister station cbs 36789 tell your friend, you're up and so are we bringing you news weather traffic and sports and we bring it to you extra early. >> thanks for watching "eyewitness news", tell your friend, yes, uncles. cw philly. for more local news weather traffic and sports we are always on cbs >> talk philly coming up at noon on cbs 3
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good morning, i'm erika von tiehl. hard to believe but it was two years ago today that super storm sandy made land fall along the east coast. new jersey governor chris christie plans to visit several areas hit hardest by the storm. many of them are still picking up pieces. the 2012 storm is blame for at least 182 deaths and $65 billion in damage to the u.s. lets get your forecast with katie and a nice mild start to the day. >> it is, and overall considering fact we are tracking passage of the cold front this forecast could be worse. in fact it will still stay relatively speak ago above average by a couple degrees but hard to beat the warmth that we saw yesterday and we will not. you can see off to the west
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storm scan three featuring what is a bark that is worse than the bite. we are expect to go see a shower role through but this frontal bound dry bringing that is somewhat fist welling nature and in terms of its moisture content but it does make temperatures struggle to hit 60 degrees. it will be quiet through halloween. then another system comes along bringing in at least some rain showers, on saturday, but a windy, raw day and obviously very chilly day. so chill any fact on spots, torey can see a few snow flakes. >> i don't like to hear that. i just don't like it. good morning everyone. i'm sure you won't like to hear we are still seeing lingering rush hour delay all over the usual spots like 95. ninety-five southbound out of the north east down through vine street expressway, definitely going to notice slow spot there you will find that slow spot still on the schuylkill expressway as you continue your way eastbound down toward center city and really delay stems from the western suburbs, down through to point of 676. watch out for delays on 422,
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definitely on the schuylkill, south bound roosevelt boulevard, 476, i-95 out of the north east as i mentioned before trying to get to the turnpike using south wound extension we have a disable vehicle there will compromising the situation, erika. >> thanks, vittoria. that is "eyewitness news" for now talk philly coming up
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