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tv   Eyewitness News on the CW Philly  CW  October 26, 2014 10:00pm-10:31pm EDT

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>> ♪ >> from the cbs broadcast center in philadelphia, this is cbs3 "eyewitness news". >> atv's and dirt bikes speeding and doing wheelies on the streets of philadelphia. police say it's reckless and illegal and they're taking action. good evening, i'm natasha brown. thanks for joining us. chopper three caught this video, dirt bikes and atv's doing stunts in streets of the city. "eyewitness news" reporter matt rivers is live at police headquarters. he's got more on what police are doing now. matt. >> reporter: natasha, police tell us they confiscated 34 dirt bikes and atv's during operations today during what's called an ongoing effort to get those kinds of vehicles off the streets. the message from police is simple. if you ride illegal dirt bikes
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on city streets making roadways for dangerous for drivers and pedestrians like that woman there, your ride will eventually end up here impounded in police custody. >> while it's illegal to ride dirt bikes and atv's in philadelphia and we're seizing a lot of these vehicles. >> reporter: police showed off their recent haul sunday night nearly three dozen dirt bikes and atv's confiscated. sunday's operation comes days after hundreds of riders hit city streets on tuesday snarling traffic and making drivers nervous. they were riding in honor of a dirt bike rider from philly killed earlier this month. >> it's in the news right now because of what happened last week. >> reporter: that said the chief end specter said sunday's roundup was not done in response to tuesday's ride rather he says it was part of continuing efforts that have confiscated over 100 such vehicles this year in north philly alone. >> very reckless. they're riding on sidewalks, can cutting vehicles over. it's definitely a public safety hazard.
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>> reporter: there were no injuries reported during tuesday's tribute ride but officials say it is only a matter of time before something bad does happen. >> my heart goes out to the young man that's dead but we've gone out of control with dirt bikes in this city. >> reporter: and a reminder that philadelphia police policy holds that officers are not allowed to pursue those dirt bikes or atv's during traffic stops for fear that it would only make the riders more reckless and therefore make streets more dangerous. live outside of police headquarters tonight, matt rivers, "eyewitness news" at 10:00 on the cw philly. >> matt thank you. septa workers they have voted to authorize a strike but will stay on the job for now. all of those who attended the transport local 234 earlier today approved of letting union leadership call a strike if they deem it necessary. 5,000 bus drivers, subway and trolley operators also maintenance workers have been without a contract since march. >> nobody wants to go on strike but if we have to go on
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strike we'll go on strike. we're on the front lines. we're the ones that operate the trains, the buses, the mechanics. if you don't take care of us, this stuff won't be out here operating properly. >> the two sides continue to negotiate. sticking points continue to be pension benefit increases and pay raises. >> hey, good sunday night. hope already great day today, was able to enjoy the nice weather today. perfect fall weather, temperatures actually still a couple degrees above average. we made it up to 67 in philadelphia, wilmington, mid-50's very comfortable up month mount pocono. little chilly tonight as we have clear skies over the delaware valley right now. here's the current temperature. 57 at the airport, lower 50's now showing up for wilmington, trenton. 45 degrees at the airport currently in atlantic city as those winds are starting to go calm. we'll lose any heat we had today right back up to the atmosphere. doylestown mid to upper 40's
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this hour. clear skies. not much hang on storm scan3. we have a large area of high pressure over to the south and west over us. as long as it stays there it's going to keep our forecast quiet really officer the next 24 to 48 hours so that high kind of sits over us once again monday. monday morning pretty chilly low 40's in many suburbs to mid 40's in center city so you'll need the sweatshirt or jacket early tomorrow morning but a big change in temperatures this week. our average high is 63. looks like tomorrow right near average but watch what happens tuesday and wednesday. notice the temperatures really spike up. they could be a good 10 degrees above average but by the end of the week below average. that seven-day forecast in a few minutes. natasha. >> thank you, justin. the drought in the desert continues as you can imagine eagles fans are taking this loss very, very hard. >> awesome game. very suspense full but
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heartbreaking at the end. i think they did the best they could. >> i thought i was going to die when it came down to the last few seconds, i was like he got it, he got it and then all of a sudden i was like, are you serious? very disappointed. >> many reassured themselves saying the birds they can right a big wrong here if they beat the cowboys. that will be all that matters. sports director beasley reece is live in the sat center tonight with this heartbreaking loss, beas. >> you heard some of the words i was using during the game. two good teams in the desert today, eagles and cardinals. eagles made the biggest plays. larry fitzgerald and john brown burnt the secondary brown beat ago double team to put phoenix on top 24-20 with a little more than a minute left to play. valiant drive by the eagles ended with one second on the clock and nick's throw to jordan matthews a couple yards too wide. the eagles fall to five and two.
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24 to two was the final. >> and our defense played real well except for that -- there's a couple plays, they have a long pass to fitzgerald at the beginning of the second half and the next two plays after that but besides that our defense played really well. >> trying to find our one to one match. trying to give the guys an opportunity to make a play in that situation. jordan came down with a great catch but i got to make sure i keep him inbounds keep us in the game. secondary gave up 2td passes of 80 and 75 yards. nick foles set a career high in attempts. i'll talk about that later in sports. >> well, tonight new york governor andrew cuomo loosened quarantined restrictions for medical workers returning from west africa. they may be quarantined at
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home as long as they are monitored twice dale by medical professionals. cbs news correspondent don champion tells us quarantining continues to be a very hot button issue. >> reporter: casey hickcock has a civil rights attorney trying to get her out of quarantine. the nurse sent these pictures of where she's been in isolation since friday when she returned to the u.s. after working with ebola patients in sierra leone. >> when you put everyone in the same basket that's the thing we're concerned about. >> reporter: her situation is sparking debate. she's isn't sick and even tested negative for ebola. in the dallas morning news this weekend she called her quarantine disorganized writing this is not a situation i would wish on anyone and i'm scared for those who will follow me. >> the best way to protect american center city to stop the epidemic in africa and we need those healthcare workers to do that. >> reporter: she says is the first healthcare worker quarantined since dr. craig spencer came down with ebola after returning home from
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guinea treating patients. he's being treated at bellevue hospital. right now new jersey and illinois only require mandatory quarantine for medical workers like spencer and hickox. the centers for disease control requires workers to self monitor which new jersey's governor doesn't believe is enough. >> i don't think we can counter on a voluntary system. this is government's job. >> reporter: the obama administration is working on new guidelines for returning healthcare workers guidelines it will want the states to follow. don champion for "eyewitness news" on the cw philly four-year-old eli waller was the first confirmed death from enterovirus d68 and now there's a foundation in his honor in new jersey. for a $10 donation to the first day of school foundation families could have a halloween portrait taken at the erica hauler photography studios in hamilton new jersey. eli's father says this is one
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of many to come benefiting families of special education students. >> we're doing this to try to maybe give a little something back, just showing thanks, to show how grateful we are for having people's support isn't the foundation has been up and running for three weeks and they've already raised thousands of documents you can get more information about future events by visiting the link. it's on our web site >> ♪ now getting closer to a cure with every single step. coming up thousands spent their day walking for diabetes. plus, three suspected burglars escape with a stolen television but they don't get very far. it turns out that one of them apparently pocket dials 911. justin. >> well, we have a quiet finish to the weekend. now get ready for temperatures warming up into the 70's for the work week. i'll have the details in the forecast and it's a storm that just won't quit. remnants from hurrican gonza
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>> welcome back everyone. a history making day in afghanistan as u.s. forces and british troops hand over control of their posts to the afghan army. it is the official end of 13 years of operations. the american drawdown began in 2011. equipment that hasn't been sent back or destroyed is being left for the afghans including $230 million worth
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of buildings and real estate. the exact date of their departure is being held secret for security reasons. and an accidental call sparks a investigation in new mexico before a crime even happened. >> joker i know we should have gotten a lot more. you know what, i look at it like this we got away, safe clean. >> 911 operators recorded what was in all likelihood a pocket dial and led them to one of three burglary suspects. officers checked the address mentioned during the call and they confirmed a flat screen television had been taken. the suspects were taken into custody and charged. three is on your side with more welcome news at the pump, all good news here. the national average for a gallon of regular is $3.08. prices dropped 18 cents in the last two weeks. gas is 65 cents cheaper than may and analysts are expecting that that trend will continue
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its downward spiral. pennsylvaniaians are paying $3.14 on average. new jersey dollars paying $2.81 while folks in delaware are paying $2.90. thousands spent their sunday walking today to raise much needed money to combat type one diabetes. "eyewitness news" reporter syma chowdhury tells us how recent research is giving patients new hope. >> reporter: with never step we're getting closer to a cure forte one diabetes. jdrf held their annual 5k walk at the art museum. 8,000 people participated this year. >> to help find a cure and improve lives to turn type one into type none. >> reporter: math which was cone is on the international board. he's also the father of two daughter whose suffer from type one diabetes. sidney and mckenzie were both diagnosed by the age of seven. the disease doesn't run in their families. this is their eighth year participating in this walk.
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>> i get to help not just myself but all these people and we all band together on this common issue. >> reporter: the sisters say it's a difficult disease to live with and hope scientists will find a cure. >> our blood sugar gets out of range and our emotions change. our friends don't understand. how could they? they don't have it. >> eventually they'll have a cure. >> reporter: harvard researchers announced a break through in finding a cure. >> they've now developed cells that can be reproduced. they call it the holy grail of fbi one diabetes cures. >> reporter: jdrp gets that money from events like this. >> they have over half a billion dollars in research going on around the world of which harvard is one piece that of. >> we have made so much progress in my lifetime. i hope to make even more in the future and eventually find a cure. sunday's event raised about a million dollars and that money will go towards research towards finding a cure.
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if you missed the event and want to donate log onto our web site for more information. syma chowdhury for cw philly ping glow at the cancer treatment center in philadelphia. landmarks across the area are glowing pink as a reminder for women to schedule a mammogram. this is the 13th year that cbs3 and the cw philly have teamed up with susan g. komen philadelphia for the lights for the cure campaign. >> all right, well check this out. five and a half inches of rain in only 90 minutes torrential rains caused flash floods in athens, greece. the flooding swept a way at least 250 cars. the same storm system dumped feats of snow isn't the alps. in the delaware valley no threat of rain coming in the next several days really or at least no big chances of rain.
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we're in a dry weather pattern. temperatures will be warming up over next couple hours. clear skies over center city right now but right now 57 degrees in philadelphia, 48 mount pocono, 45 in atlantic city. so, we're somewhat cool tonight. we had the clear skies, calmer winds. there's a bit of a cooler air mass settling in the northeast. 44 in buffalo and cleveland but this will start to lift on out tomorrow and certainly tuesday and wednesday you'll feel the difference as high temperatures surge a good five to maybe even up to 10 degrees above average for this time of year. still p some clouds lingering, showers with that little jet stream disturbance over new england right now but we're in the clear skies. large area of high pressure over the ohio valley. this is going to set up shop once again tomorrow and that's going the keep our skies mainly clear so expect a lot of sunshine for your monday. jet stream is going to be all over the place this week. currently we have a little bit of a trough or a cool spot in the jet over new england. that starts to move northward for tuesday into wednesday. see that ridge or push that of jet northward. in starts to bring in the warmer air.
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we're talking about 70's returning to the forecast for the middle of the week. don't get used to it, though. here comes another shot of colder air returning for halloween as temperatures go below average as we finish off the month of october and head into november. there's the high pressure they are will keep temperatures in the mid 60's for highs on monday with plenty of sun. warm front moves through on sunday -- on tuesday and now we're talking about highs a good 10 degrees above average a cold front moves in wednesday bringing more clouds, maybe a scattered shower. doesn't look like anything widespread or heavy at this point. best shot will be later during the afternoon hours. lot of sunshine tomorrow so a good start to the day. morning commute looks good. you'll need the sunglasses probably battling sun glare out there into the afternoon, nice and clear. into tuesday maybe a few more clouds. it's actually the sign of the warmer air moving in with that warm front and then more clouds build in on wednesday. not a lost rain showing up on this forecast model so chances will be slim for a shower on wednesday afternoon.
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wind direction tomorrow is going to be out of the west. it will be lighter about five to 10 miles per hour but notice the arrows, they shift more out of the south for tuesday so that starts to bring in warmer air from the deep south. association let's talk about those temperatures. cool tomorrow morning. we're going to be in the 40's, maybe even 30's colder suburbs. we make it back into the 60's for most locations. poconos will be stuck into the 50's and then here we go tuesday, look at that, we're warming up into the 70's possibly the mid 70's as we should see a decent amount of sunshine here across the delaware valley. tonight it will get chilly, mostly clear, 46 degrees for center city, little bit colder in the suburbs. your monday forecast, very pleasant, mostly sunny skies, high temperature 64 degrees. enjoy it if you can get outside certainly do so. here's the extended forecast. up to 74 tuesday, lots of sunshine, clouds for wednesday with that cold front. there could be a stray shower around. the high still warm, near 70 but then watch what happens at the end of the week. temperatures get cold. 60 for the high thursday. halloween only in the upper
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50's. right now trick or treat looks dry friday night. that's good but a little bit chilly but look at the weekend. high only near 50 degrees. >> oh, we're going to take a little dip. >> yes, it's that time. >> do you have to wear a coat over your costume. >> you might have to. >> may need a jacket. >> depends o what your wearing. >> thank you justin. "eyewitness news" at the philadelphia airport. embassy suites hotel as chop cancer patients and their families gathered for a party. festivities included dancing, clowns and halloween goodies and the phanatic getting his groove on. >> he's got the moves. >> everybody with their mouth open after that game. >> it was shocking. fall five to two. too many mistakes at the wrong time burnt on big plays. sports coming
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>> the eagles haven't had much success in arizona. their last win in the desert was 2001. today they had a chance to end the drought but lost in a heartbreaker. here we go. birds got to the board first. nick foles dumps off to maclin, he gets the block, he's gone. 21 yards for the score. seven-nothing eagles on top. cardinals come right back.
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andre ellington capped a 80-yard drive. third quarter eagles secondary toasted by larry fitzgerald. cardinals run a nice play. he went 80 lard. chip kelly's hero responds. nick foles and maclin hook up again. foles with 411 yards passing. eagles regain the lead. final two minutes of the game, eagles leading 20-17 on third down rookie john brown burnt everybody. call the fire department. 75-yard score. the eagles trail 24-20. eagles need a touchdown, one seconds left on the clock and jordy matthews makes the catch but he's about 1 yard out too wide. eagles lose a dramatic heartbreaker 24-20. career attempts for nick, 62. >> playing deeper in that
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situation and he made a play and thought i was going to be able to catch him but i couldn't make that play. he was fast enough to get away from us. >> played pretty well. we got to make the play. >> gave me a chance to go get the ball and i got to find a way to get my feet down, that's the bottom line. its on me. i got the make a team for my team, my quarterback. >> i know he caught it inbounds, he might have got pushed out. we just came up short, man. like i said, we been on the other side of this and being on this side isn't fun at all. >> all right, next up for the weeks, the texans. today they took on the titans. aryan foster ran for 150 yards and scored two touchdowns as they beaten 1030-16. flyers off until tuesday when they take on the stanley cup champions, the la kings. wear your halloween costumes for trick or treat night. yesterday the flyers got that big win over the red wings.
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braden schenn's power play goal led to the four-two victory at the wells fargo center. it was the first on home ice oap the orange and black this with lesley van arsdale, we'll break down the eagles last minute loss to those people, those other birds. with 94 wip's rob ellis plus the sixers start the season wednesday against the pacers. we'll preview the season with keith pompey right after the late
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>> thank you so much for watching "eyewitness news" here on the cw philly tonight. for justin, beasley, all of us here, i'm natasha brown. we're going to see you at 11 o'clock over on our sister station cbs3. have a great night, everyone. >> ♪ hiiiii. hi. sorry, we're closed. what? i need help with my deposit. the bank has rules.
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how're we doin' in there? it's coming, it's coming. [sighs] ah. there we go. oh, one sec. be right back. [sighs] [footsteps moving around] [whispers to himself] come on.