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tv   Eyewitness News on the CW Philly  CW  October 21, 2014 10:00pm-10:31pm EDT

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♪ >> from the cbs broadcast center in philadelphia this is cbs-3 "eyewitness news".
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>> right now at 10:00 o'clock, stunts in the streets. potentially dangerous situation in philadelphia. dozens of riders on dirk bikes and atv's flying down area highways and popping wheel lease on city streets. the motorcade started as a show of respect for a fellow rider who was murdered last week. good evening, i'm chris may. jessica is off tonight. >> well dozens every riders sped through streets for hours today captivating some but terrifying others. "eyewitness news" reporter walt hunter has more on a dangerous ride. >> reporter: roaring across the girard avenue bridge doing wheel lease dozens of dirt bikes and atv's tour through miles of city streets dangerously fishtailing, racing down some streets in the wrong lane, forcing at least one pedestrian to scurry out of the way. the procession winding for hours down busy streets in center city, southwest philadelphia and into north philadelphia.
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the bikers racing at high speed. a police car at one point apparently blocking access to a west philadelphia street, but nowhere did we see any attempts to stop or cite the bikers for wreck less drivers. >> some of the riders are going on the sidewalk. they're swerving in and out of traffic causing hazardous conditions. so at this point we're making a push to get some of these individuals off the street. >> reporter: the wreck less racing follow add memorial ceremony for dirt biker gunned down one week ago in oh southwest philadelphia streets. no accidents or injured reported as the bikers swerved on to one street after another cutting across pave manies the bikers zoomed past school buses doing wheel lease and stunts as students looked from the bus windows. >> this is something we can't have. >> as the caravan that began at mid afternoon began mixing with increased traffic at school dismissal time and rush hour, there were growing concerns someone could get hurt. >> walt hunter reporting. those bikers did end at a memorial in west philadelphia.
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again there were no injuries and no arrests today. >> developing news night high school hazing takes center stage at the board of education meeting in sayreville middlesex county. the board of ed vote to do night to continue the indefinite suspension of the football team's coaches with pay. five members of the coaching star at sayreville war memorial high school were suspended last week including the head coach george nejar. school's football season was also canceled after the hazing allegations that purportedly involved sexual abuse. seven players face criminal charges tonight. we'll have more on these late breaking developments tonight on cbs-3 "eyewitness news" at 11:00 o'clock. there's new information now on a story we first told you about friday night. a suspect is in custody in connection with the murder of a correctional officer in southwest philadelphia. relative found the body of frieda denny inside of her home on 63rd street on friday.
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police say the suspect is a friend of the victim and is now being held on oh probation violation. investigators are awaiting dna tests to determine if that person will be charged with murder. well to the poconos now. schools will reopen tomorrow. classes were canceled today following a potential siting of the accused state trooper killer eric frein. a law enforcement officer reported a possible siting near a post office in the town of swiftwater yesterday. that's not far from pocono mountain east high school where there was another possible siting reporting on fry today. well new at 10:00 o'clock police are searching for these two suspects in a series of burglaries in lander county. they're trying to track down carlos soler and tyler gallagher tonight. the two accused of of breaking into sheds and garages and stealing everything from lawn equipment to motorcycles. the crime spree began a little bit earlier this your. there are four other suspects facing charges.
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>> also new tonight, journalism giant has died. ben bradley the long-time editor of the washington post from 1968 until 1991 died following a long battle with alzheimer's disease. bradley was editor of the post during the paper's landmark coverage the pentagon paper and the water gate scandal. he was honored with the congressional medal of freedom in 2012. the great ben bradley was 93 years old. >> "eyewitness news" in rittenhouse square tonight. a dry, warm evening in center city. but we're tracking some changes including storms. meteorologist kathy orr is here now with that. kathy? we're talking about rain and wind, chris, and it's revolving around a broad area of low pressure. see these showers and storms to the south? they are going to be moving up into the delaware valley overnight tonight. so just part of the weather story earlier today we had showers and thunderstorms not everywhere but in brick township in ocean county we had a lot of
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lightning. chopper three captured these pictures over the shore as well and we had also a report of a waterspout. not too unusual this time of year but we don't see them that often. the waterspout was spotted off of barnegat bay off lava let and you can see this eyewitness cam picture courtesy of barnegat bay island new jersey facebook page and the waterspout going down right here. we had rotation in the thunderstorms moving offshore and that is what created this tornado over water. typically weaker than a tornado but gusty winds associated with it as well. as far as our weather is concerned now, in the future, we're talking about these showers moving in overnight tonight. some of them will be heavy. as we look ahead to our future weather we'll be seeing this moving toward the north and the east that is a rain i showed you on storm scan3. that's early for the morning commute. not just the rain but also the wind. tomorrow morning winds gusting to about 30 miles an hour even in philadelphia with gusts to
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36 miles an hour down the shore. coming up we'll talk about the timeline of the rain, also, when the sun will be making a come back and we will have better weather for the weekend. chris, that's the silver lining. i'll be back with the seven day forecast later in the broadcast. >> we deserve it, kathy. thank you very much. well now to one of the most anticipated liberty medal ceremonies in years. a young human rights activist is recognized in philadelphia tonight for her leadership in the pursuit of freedom. "eyewitness news" reporter diana rocco live at the national couldn't stewing center now. diana? >> reporter: chris, 17 year old malala is experiences and words are well beyond her years. tonight she was given one of the city's highest honors for a fight that nearly killed her. >> 2014 lib dee medal. >> reporter: touching tribute to freedom and education, 17 year old malala the youngest nobel prize winner received this year's liberty medal for her
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fight for children's rights to education. >> i speak for those without voice. i spoke for every child whose right to education has been neglected. >> reporter: at 11 she began writing published journal entries living under the taliban rule in pakistan. and against keeping women out of school. >> i had two options. one was not to speak and the second was to speak and then be killed. and i chose the second one, because i did not want to live in that situation of oppression. >> reporter: six years ago, three taliban gunmen boarded her schoolbus and shot her in the head. >> i realized that liberty comes at a high price and the taliban they take me in order to silence me. weakness, fear hopelessness died and strength, power and courage was born. >> the courage and hope embodied
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by malala should serve as a call to action. >> thank you malala. >> her voice has inspired world leaders and given hope to young women. her journal entries were read on stage by local teens with their own accomplish manies. >> she had a hard fight and she now -- she's here and her stories being told everywhere. >> for her to go beyond those boundaries it really inspires everybody. >> and during the ceremony tonight malala announced that the $100,000 she receives for being awarded the liberty medal will go to educating children in pakistan. outside the constitution center tonight, diana rocco for "eyewitness news" on the cw philly. >> what a remarkable message she bring. diana, thank you very much. we want to update you now on the enterovirus d68 in new jersey. health officials in hamilton township, mercer county, now say that a child thought to have the virus indeed tested negative for it. that child attends yardville elementary school.
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it's the same school attended by four year old eli waller the little boy who died from the virus last month. encouraging news tonight for one of the nurses infected with ebola virus. here's the latest. doctors in maryland have upgraded nina pham from fair to good condition. the dallas nurse was infected while treating thomas duncan the first person to die from ebola in the us. meantime the rhode island cameraman infected with ebola while working in liberia no longer has the virus. he'll ab loud to leave nebraska hospital as soon as tomorrow. >> and travelers from west africa can now only travel through five u.s. airports where stronger ebola screenings are in place. just how dangerous is drowsy driving? still to come here on "eyewitness news", how this shocking new video serves as warning to all americans on the road. >> and a horse on the loose in major u.s. city. we'll tell you where this animal was running free on some very
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busy streets. kathy? >> showers will continue to rotate through the delaware valley for the next couple of days. but there's some better weather coming in the seven day. we'll talk more about that coming up. >> and we'll tell you how a local woman turned potato chips into a million bucks when "eyewitness news"
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>> quite a scene here from the big apple as new york city
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police pursue a run away carriage. it escaped and bolted through midtown manhattan early sunday. the video was posted on youtube by a group pushing for the elimination horse drawn carriages. so called blade runner oscar pistorius is spending his first night in prison tonight. he started five year prison sentence today for killing his girlfriend reeva steenkamp. pistorius a south african olympian and double amputee showed no emotion as he was sentenced. he'll have to serve 10 months or 16th of his sentence before he's eligible to be moved to house arrest. following his sentence today he was led away in a police van with bars on the windows. on the health watch tonight, awake, alert and alive. that is the name of a new push to raise awareness about the dangers of drowsy driving. tonight our health reporter stephanie stahl shows us how much of a threat this can pose. >> reporter: in this video, the driver of the truck runs a
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red light then crashes into another vehicle. he was reportedly asleep at the wheel. transportation safety officials say drowsy driving is just as bad as drunk driving. >> impaired driving probably covers alcohol and drugs, distraction and drowsy or fatigued driving as well. and that's the problem. >> reporter: 41% of drivers report falling asleep or nodding off behind the wheel at least once in their live times according to aaa. that leads to at least 100,000 accidents a year up to 6,000 of them fatal. >> people are in a hurry and they don't take the time to get some rest when they need it i guess. >> reporter: two hours less than the recommended eight hours of sleep is enough to impair driving according to the ntsb. >> one can't just will one's self to stay awake and make it home. >> reporter: experts say drivers are nodding off before they know it. >> on average, if person has to be asleep for as long as two minutes before they're more likely than not to realize that they were even asleep. >> reporter: many drivers
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think chewing gum or rolling down the window will help them stay awake. doctors say it's time to get off the road if you are yawning repeatedly, have heavy eye lids or forget the last few miles driven. i'm stephanie stahl, cbs-3 "eyewitness news". >> new at 10:00 o'clock night normal patco high speed line service will resume at midnight and that's great news for drivers on the ben franklin bridge. patco says the majority of the track rehab work there is complete. so regular service is now back during the week. still there could be single track service on the weekends. at least for the foreseeable future. lanes on the westbound side of the ben that have been closed due to construction activity will be open starting with tomorrow morning's rush. >> prices at the pump continue to drop according to aaa they are now at their low we have levels in three years. the national average for a gallon of regular is $3.09 that is down 60 cents from this year's high back in april. here's how things shake out
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around the region tonight. in pa drivers are paying on average $3.23 for a gallon of regular. it's only $2.92 in new jersey and $2.95 in delaware. south jersey nurse turned idea for potato chips into a cool million dollars. the nurse of westville gloucester county came up with the winning new flavor for lays potato chips. she suggested wasabi ginger. which beat out things like cappucino, mango salsa and cheddar bake couldn't mac and cheese. >> wasabi ginger we're licking our fingers over here. chester community charter school rolls route the red carpet and "eyewitness news" is there for the first ever night of the arts event on the east campus. dozens of students and their families were there for a variety of art and musical activities. night of arts will also be presented on the charter school's west and upland campu
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campuses in the coming weeks. well president obama was caught on camera in a pretty funny exchange with a fellow voter. the commander in chief got a bit of a warning from one guy who told the president to stay away from his girlfriend while she was voting. take look at this exchange. >> i really was planning on -- >> i'm sorry. >> i know. there's an example of brother just... >> again mike telling the president don't touch my girl. >> wow. that is a story that couple we know won't soon forget. nor will the president i'm sure. >> cbs-3's ukee washington has been on special assignment this week in la but you'll get to see him tomorrow on the talk.
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that's right. there he is. call him hollywood washington. you know how ukee always says good morning, family. well the ladies of the talk say they have the same mantra. >> people at home, people in the studio and your guest host. i feel like i'm part of the family. >> well you are. >> oh shucks. >> i feel like people spend every day with us they feel like they're a part of the family and i like that our show appeals to so many different people because that's not what you would expe expect. >> great crew of ladies including julie chen right here who wanted a selfie with our own ukee. you know he's made it now. don't forget you can catch ukee on the talk tomorrow afternoon at 2:00 o'clock. it will be a great show on our sister station cbs-3. um-hmm. the ladies love ukee. who doesn't? >> weather wise we're looking at a mostly cloudy night. down the shore you can see resorts all lit up in pink in honor of breast cancer awareness month. we're looking at conditions that are going to change rapidly.
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dry tonight down the shore it's not going to stay that way. temperatures around the region cooling down through the 50s and 60s. but highs today bare fairly impress with sunshine. lumberton the high was 72. girard college in philadelphia 71. dover at the international speedway 70 and hainesport at the township school 70 degrees. right now in philadelphia we're looking at 62. elsewhere cooling down outside the city in the 50s and the poconos checking in at 50 degrees. on storm scan3 you can see everything rotating in a counterclockwise direction around an area of low pressure. it's going to intensify over new england into you could call it a coastal storm not quite a nor'easter but for us it's just going to be some rain rotating through just like backward dial of clock. we're looking at conditions that will be windy and will be rainy for wednesday morning and as the storm slowly pulls away so will these poor conditions. thursday a few showers still winds gust to go 30 miles an
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hour but cooler with winds coming out of the north. temperatures will only be in the 50s. as this pulls away friday improving conditions with partly sunny skies. and that will set the stage for a better looking weekend. here's a look at future weather. you can see around this area of low pressure we'll continue to see the rain just rotating through. periodically not all of the time it's not a total wash out. but here and there seeing the rain and seeing the clouds. those clouds extending as far west as harrisburg even through state college with this large storm system. so here's the bottom line. through thursday, occasional rain. rain amounts between half an inch an and inch in total. we're talking about gusty winds that will begin tomorrow morning. winds out of the north 10 to 20 miles an hour gusting to 30 miles per hour. after we get rid of that, the weather will be getting much better for the weekend. overnight some scattered showers developing for the morning rush maybe a little slow. the low testimony cher 52. for your wednesday, windy with occasional rain the high temperature 60 and on the exclusive "eyewitness weather" seven day forecast, thursday is the coolest day of the week but
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then friday we warm it up to 63. sarday looking for a high of 66. the same sunday and then look at next monday and tuesday. warping up to above normal levels. that's a look at the seven day forecast. we'll be back with beasley and sports right after this.
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there are 211 lawyers in congress. but not one electrician. so here's a bright idea. donald norcross. a union electrician for 30 years... in the state senate, he stood up for working families and he'll stand up for south jersey in congress. working to make college affordable. fighting to create jobs that can support a family. and pushing equal pay for equal work. donald norcross. a congressman for us. house majority pac is responsible for the content of this advertising.
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>> the flyers with a chance to make a statement tonight in chicago. beat the unbeaten blackhawks and the confidence level might catch fire. but confidence level moving in the other direction after the first period. the blackhawks kept lighting the lamp. three goals from the blackhawks. brandon, patrick cane and brian bic kell in two minutes and sick seconds gave the hawks a three-zero lead. this game is now in the second intermission and the score stands at three to zero. all right. matchup of five and one squad sunday when the eagles travel to arizona. they should be ready. the coaches use the by week to scout themselves looking for any tendencies the cardinals might try to exploit. several notables participated in practice after the extra time off for the by week. jason kelce, darrin sproles, mychal kendricks, chris polk working off injuries. >> it's great to see those guys out there. kelce back. strolls, you know, michael
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kendrick out there running around. they'll help us push through this last few games. >> the last time the eagles play we saw victor cruz taken off by cart. it was reported that chip kelly visited cruz in the hospital the next day. here's coach. >> i just think the way he got injured and i think when you look at what happened i mean we're all competitors in this game, but there's a feeling no matter who it is when you see someone get hurt in a game, um, to the extent he got hurt, it's just -- just had an opportunity on monday morning to stop by, see if he was okay. if he needed anything before he got transferred up to new york. >> and thursday night on cbs promise as battle of excellent quarterbacks peyton manning versus philip rivers in a afc west battle right over on cbs-3. pre-game coverage begin at 7:30. should be a fantastic game. download our audio road show app to vote on the friday
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>> the residences the ritz carlson in center city glowing pink tonight. cbs-3 and the cw philly teaming up with susan g. komen philadelphia for the lights for the cure campaign during breast cancer awareness month in october. landmarks it cross the area displayed the pink lights. they're a reminder for women to schedule a mammogram. lights for the cure now in its 13th year and looking better than ever. we thank you for watching eyewitness news here on the cw philly. for kathy, beasley and all of us here, i'm chris may. we'll see you at 11:00 on cbs-3. ♪
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