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tv   Eyewitness News on the CW Philly  CW  October 21, 2014 8:00am-9:01am EDT

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suspends service on their west trenton line, between neshaminy falls, and west trenton. >> suspect in custody, swat team wolds to secure the scene at the dekalb ants there, after a reports of gunshots. so far we don't know the identity of suspect in custody. we will update you on this breaking news from montgomery county against once we have more information. >> right now the big news of the morning, convicted murderer oscar pistorius head today south african prison right now. olympic runner just few hours ago for the 2013 death of his model girlfriend. cbs correspondent alphonso van marsh with the latest. >> mr. pistorius, please rise. >> oscar pistorius stared straight ahead, as the judge sentenced him for killing his girlfriend. >> the sentence imposed is a
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maximum imprisonment of five years. >> the judge said the decision to send the parra olympic track star to prison for five years for killing reeva steenkamp was hers and hers alone. >> it would be a sad day for this country if an impression were to be created as that was one for the poor and disadvantaged, and another for the rich and famous. >> police immediately took pistorius from the courtroom to a holding cell. last month the judge cleared the 27 year old of murdering steenkamp. judge ruled pistorius acted neglectly, and with excessive force, when he shot the model through a bathroom door in his home on valentine day last year. pistorius insisted he thought he was firing his pistol at an intruder when he shot four bullets hitting reeva steenkamp in the hip, arm and head. may serve just ten months behind bars, and the rest of his five year sentence under
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house arrest. alphonso van marsh, "eyewitness news" on the "cw philly". new this morning, police are looking for two gunmen involved in a overnight shooting, in philadelphia's fair hills section. >> wearing dabbing hood ice, fired shots just before 3:00 this morning, suspects were last seen running on b street toward cambria, there is cents no word yet on motive for that shooting. >> and, a house fire in philadelphia's frankford section leaves family homeless overnight. firefighters arrived to heavy fire on the second floor of the home home 2,000 block of granite street. we're toll family escaped, able to escape those flames, without injury. firefighters placed under control in about ten minutes. there is cents still no word on a cause.
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>> we are off to pretty quiet start, when go to storm scan3, not necessarily the case. take a lock quickly here, we do have showers rolled through, since this three hour loop, retreated local delaware valley region, but kind of surrounded almost here, by the green on the map. it is an area of low pressure continues to develop at this hour. >> rain gear, you you know, sort of having it at the ready, not the worse idea, although looks again are very deceiving right now, here in philly anyway. 54 degrees the current temperature, and it is certainly miler than it was by comparison yesterday. upper 40's, through some of the outlying suburbs, at this hour, so you know, while it is less harsh than yesterday he's at the same time, still jacket weather at its finest for sure. as the day goes on, any of the bright sunlight that we are currently enjoying here is going to start to get skewed by more clouds, there will be some showers to dodge at some point. but, as the day goes on, thee
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temperatures aren't looking all that bad. 68 degrees by comparison to yesterday, certainly milder day, and even milder than average for the standards of this particular day of the yearment so not too bad. jess? >> not too bad at all. good morning, everybody, just after 8:00. we go outside on the ben franklin bridge now, where we're seeing some problems, and jam up, from the toll plaza, out in new jersey, headed westbound into the city, and also losing out lane due to the ongoing construction project. but if you are headed from the city, into new jersey, you should have no problem doing so eastbound on 95, at cottman, actually, no, looks like i don't really know what's going on right here but looking at 95 at cottman avenue jam ups here. you can see the bridge here moving along nicely as well. septa service still suspended from west trenton into neshaminy falls, 35 minute delays, into center city due to earlier accident atwoodborn station. that will will have 35 minute delays there, in lehigh valley, an accident, on 78 eastbound, closed, at route 145. your alternate to get around there. just take route 22. out in king of prussia, gas
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main break, route 23, closed at north gulph road, i wanted to say it a little slower, until 3:00 p.m. your alternate there, take route 252. nicole? >> jessica, thank you. happening today, philadelphia city council holds hearing on new hate crimes bill. >> push from lawmakers follows recent attack on gay cup nel center city. "eyewitness news" reporter jan carabeo joins us now outside city hall with more on, that jan, good morning. >> erika, nicole, good morning, happening today, hearing on new proposed bill, number of people are scheduled to speak about it including members of the philadelphia police department, and the commission of human relations, as well as number of advocates, as well, all hoping for more strict penalties, against hate crimes here in philadelphia. now, councilman, councilwoman, wanda reynolds brown, and councilman jim kenny holding this hearing today in the committee of pun safety. now, this bill is in response to the september 11 attack on gay couple in center city, the couple says several members of this group, caught on camera,
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just before the attack, yelled gay slurs at them, and beat them, one of the victims spent more than three days in the hospital, and had his jaw wired shut. this story spark national outrage, and three people from bucks country eventually identified without social media arrested for the assault, but currently here in pennsylvania they can't be charged with hate crime because the law only covers race religion ethnicity, not sexual orientation, while some state lawmakers work to change that, philadelphia lawmakers want to takings in the meantime, the bill here in philadelphia, will provide additional penalties for crimes motivated by sexual orientation, gender identity and act of violation, for example corks mean to up 90 days in jail, fine of $2,000. meanwhile, defense attorneys, for the three suspects in that center city case, maintain that anti-gay bias did not motivate their clients. this hearing happens here at city hall, right around 1:30, and bill for the hate crimes comes up at 2:00. reporting live outside of city hall, january car bay/, "eyewitness news" on are the. w philly.
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>> the pocono mountains school district cancels lasts today, as authorities continue their search for an i cured cop killer eric frein. law enforcement officer reported possible siting near a post office yesterday in swift water. close do pocono mountain east high school where another siting friday. frein has been on the loose for 39 days now. happening today, the trial begins for philadelphia day care owner accused of leaving five children alone inside her mini-van. karen thompson faces multiple counts of child endangerment and recklessness. prosecutors say the 39 year old left the children unattended while she shopped at port richmond supermarket in july. the children range in age from six months to nine years old. young girl who almost lost her life promoting to girls education. will accept the liberty medal in philadelphia. malala yousafzai will attend tonight answer ceremony at the national constitution center. in 2012, a taliban gunman shot
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her while she was returning from school because of her vocal support for gender equality and education for girls. malala yousafzai also this year's winner of the nobel peace prize. >> 8:08 right now. beaten for her purse, victim of a vicious attack caught on camera is speaking out. it is coming up next. >> also, "eyewitness news" exclusive. young girl is using a makeshift wheelchair after hers is stolen. and that's not all. why she was turned away from her school bus. >> and if you're scared of sharks, well, this is probably your worse nightmare. more than 100 sharks, so close to the shore, some of them even swam up on the beachment full video coming up next. >> ♪ >> the sun just peaking through. >> dark cloudings, but it is trying. keep on trying, sun. we will see what we get. we'll have the full forecast
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coming up on the other side. stay with us. ♪
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with tom corbett, things keep getting worse. september 16th. budget deficits force pennsylvania to borrow $1.5 billion dollars just to keep the lights on. three days later, pennsylvania's unemployment rate goes up for the second straight month. under tom corbett, we've fallen from 9th to 47th in job creation. and on september 25th, pennsylvania's credit is downgraded for the fifth time in two years. why would we give tom corbett four more years?
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>> we have a feeding frenzy here, when 100 tax attack school of blue fishof the cape look out banks of north carolina you can see just how close they get to the shark, able to reach the beach even. oh, that's incredible. now, fortunately no people were injured. but, certainly, my, my goodness, if you're thinking man, i wish i could still go to the beach. here is something to temper
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that store. >> i ukee always say we need bigger boat? we need bigger beach. >> that's crazy. well, hey, katie fehlinger, may have some competition, guys, when it comes to predicting the weather. listen up, katie. very important study from the university of virginia, and texas a&m, shows elephants are tops in the animal kingdom when it comes to meteorology. >> yes, that data claims elephants can sense an approaching thunderstorm, from 150 miles away. >> quite i can prep i have. >> researchers tracked 14 heard for seven years, and the pachyderms moving were always associated with the direction of the rain. elephants have very keen hearing, and they can detect low frequency produced by rain, and thunder, that human, can't hear. >> katie, you're not threaten by there is are you? >> no way. >> common? >> no weymann. i mean, that's impressive, right? >> i got to give credit where credit is due. >> storm scan3, as our director joe pointed out, can track thousands of miles away. hey there.
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boom. starting things off with our pocono camera here outside jack frost big boulder, clearly no snow on the gown. but we have something that's very obvious, and that is some fog that's settling in. pretty light wind up this way. starting to see some moisture, very evident on storm scan3, the combination of the next area of low pressure, which is developing, and strengthening, and pulling in more atlantic moisture with time. so couple of days, that we will be stuck with some sort of effect because of this storm system. we will see the rounds of showers sort of rotate through as a result of the storm itself. rotating through. so our rain chances are out there. notice, no day is higher than 60%, though shall obviously wednesday will be the day where we likely see the most widespread coverage of any showers or flat out just rain. but, we are not dealing with a wash out with this storm system. because we are actually on the outskirts of where the main energy will be. we just showed that you pocono shot, we certainly do have some clouds out there at the moment. still looking for some showers, to dot the region,
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and that is not just the poconos, for everybody through the day. wednesday cool one, at best, talking upper 40's, low 50's, thursday, by that point, still little damp but should start to see things brighten up bit more as the storm itself starts to pull away. talking about the philadelphia three day forecast shall we? today will be nice mild day by comparison for sure starts to funnel in, along with clouds, showers, guys, breeze will also become more noticeable. >> so definitely have the extra layer, and i would say, probably not the worse idea to keep the rain gear at the ready, jess? >> good morning, at 8:14, we go outside, check out the schuylkill expressway having bunch of problems all over the place. just at university, see disable vehicle pulled over into the left hand lane there tying things up toward the king of prussia arm elsewhere on the schuylkill at 202, an
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accident, here, pulled over into the right hand shoulder so everybody squeezing by to the left, casino of, because just also pulled over into the shoulder so not setting anybody back too much. but possibly gaper delay. out septa the west trenton regional rail line suspended now up to 35 minute delays due to earlier accident into center city. and for investigation for. that will gas main break out in king of prussia route 23 closed at north gulph road up until 3:00 p.m. later on this afternoon, your alternate to get around that, to take 252, out in new jersey, an accident, on 295, southbound, just at route 42, nicole, back over to you. >> jess, thank you. police in new jersey are asking for the public's help to find the hit-and-run driver who left a young woman dead on the road. victim's mother found her in pilesgrove, quickly perform cpr. unfortunately too late. "eyewitness news" reporter todd quinones has more on that
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story. >> mom, registered nurse, looking for her pulled up. >> i check for heartbeat. there wasn't. she wasn't breathing and i tried cpr and i tried and i tried and nothing. >> burns, mother of three year old boy, struck by a vehicle while walking home friday night, at around 11:30, on alloway woodstown road near east lake drove. her mom says the 25 year old had gotten into an argument with her boyfriend, and got out of the car, to walk home. the boyfriend then called burns' mom, who tried in vein to save her daughter, when she came across the accident scene. >> she was dead. she died. she died with impact i'm sure, and i'm sure it was very quick. >> new jersey state police say burns was hit twice friday night, driver of the first car didn't stop. driver of the second car did. police believe the 25 year old died, after being hit by the first vehicle. >> there is cents no solid description available about
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that first car, or hot driver may be, and so that's why the burns have decided to speak publicly, about the death of their daughter. they're hoping someone may have spotted the damage or seen someone trying to hide a vehicle. not really mad at whoever did this. i wish they had enough heart to turn themselves in. >> anyone with information is being urged to contact the new jersey state police, woodstown station n salem county new jersey, todd quinones, cbs-3, "eyewitness news". well, just terrifying attack, caught on surveillance video, aspiring model, beaten by three men, as she walk alone in brooklyn. we want to warn you the video pretty graphic. twenty-one year old begin lynn reyes said jumped by the men she walked by earlier this month. left her boot end, bloody, broken nose, says the suspect got away with purse and her
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eiffel phone. >> i remember the whole attack. for them leaving me, i remember them just dragging me, and then i started yelling for somebody to help me. >> reyes told our sister station cbs2 in new york she is not afraid, won't let anything stop her from pursuing her modeling career. >> 8:18 right now. "eyewitness news" exclusive of the mother pleads for the person who stole her mini-van to return some fresh precious cargo inside. >> her daughter's custom-made wheelchair was in that stolen van. and now the family may have to wait until next year to get a new one. steve patterson has more. >> she hey, p had a yes, sir child. >> olivia's love for life isn't limited by her disc, it is limited by crime. >> it is just hard to get her around. >> few saturdays ago, olivia's mom, carry, was working the deli at this northeast shoprite on break she
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discovered pool of broken glass, where her mini-van should have been. she watched the surveillance video late their night. >> from the time he broke out the window, got in the car, back it up, took off, 19 seconds. >> when she realized her car was stolen, theresa was angry, realized her daughter's wheelchair was stolen with it, sang in despair. >> balling my eyes out. >> olivia has cerebral palsy, severe epilepsy, and significant developmental delays. her stolen chair isn't just a way to get around, it is an extension of herself. >> this wheelchair is custom mode today her body. and it is actually meant to grow with her. >> now, olivia rides in a loner, with makeshift foot rest, and single strap around her belly. it is not much, but mom says, school is important. >> tuesday the bus driver came and didn't even want to take her on the bus because it had literally no restraints on it.
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>> bliss don't know much about the suspect other than he was wearing light colored hoodie, may have used one of her credit cards up the station from the gas station. 20202 wind star marine, white mark on the back bumper, handicap license plate pd0628. but she says, it is the wheelchair she needs back. >> i'm hoping that somebody will see it, and call it in. >> well the family says, they've been talking to their healthcare provider, as well as their insurance company, trying to get another custom-made wheelchair for their daughter, but that likely won't happen until well into 2015, and they say, they cannot afford to wait. if you know anything about this, you're asked to call police. reporting from port richmond, steve patterson, "eyewitness news", on the "cw philly". >> casino of story just makes you angry. >> hoping they return it. >> 8:20, we do have good story for this morning, marine just back from overseas, gets an unforgettable welcome home. take a look. >> group gathered at bash's
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harley davidson mt. ephraim for first lieutenant who arrived from afghanistan. she grew up in medford, attended shawnee high school and the us naval academy. >> i totally was not expecting this. my mom said oh, we'll have a little pizak you know, just get together family, friends, and to have this much support for all of the personnel coming home, and who are abroad right now, it is incredible. >> oh, lieutenant is logistics officer in the marines corpse. welcome home. good to have you back. we'll be right back.
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the time of year to really hone your pumpkin carving skills. >> yep. can you believe it, halloween a week away from florida new service shows some underwater pumpkin carving. this is cool. sculpted jack o lanterns 30 feet underwater. tough to hold onto, though. >> so much
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cbs-3 "eyewitness news". good morning, everyone, i'm nicole brewer. we are following breaking news this morning. a person has been hit by a car in levittown, bucks county. it is impacting travel on septa's regional rails. chopper three, over septa's wood burn station here, where person was hit by a car, about 7:00 this morning. and rushed to a hospital. there is cents no word on the extent that far pedestrian's injuries. septa has suspended service on the west trenton line, between neshaminy falls, and west trenton, for police investigation. now, let's get a check on the forecast with katie. morning, kate. >> i good morning, everybody, we actually have at least little sunlight out there right now, but not necessarily going to stay that way. you can expect those clouds to start to thicken back up. eventually we will be dodging couple of showers. we take to you storm scan3, the region wide zoom right now combine of surrounded at the moment with some speckles
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evergreen out there, and this is area of low pressure just starting to gather some strength, you can see the streaks of clouds, the right side of the scene here, as is a result of some of that wet weather beginning to fire up to the south of say margate city here. as we take this live look in the neighborhood network, but the forecast progresses, temperatures start to drop off, will continue to see the potential spore showers, especially into this afternoon, tonight, tomorrow, and thursday, as well. and then we are just in for some nice weather weekends looking good. >> good morning, everybody, we go outside right now, check out the ben franklin bridge, having some jam problems, from the new jersey side, from that toll plaza, headed westbound, and into the city loses cents one right hand lane, but coming over eastbound from the city into new jersey, you're going have no problems doing so, to update the breaking news, west trenton regional rail line on septa us a suspend from the west trenton in neshaminy falls, 35 minute delays all the way newspaper center city due to earlier accident.
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nick snow. >> jess, next update at 8:55, up next, on cbs this morning, let's make a deal host wayne brady. for more local news weather and traffic, you can continue to watch us on the "cw philly".
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roads when we do traffic and weather together coming up in just a few minutes. >> spurred by vicious attack on same sex couple in center city, philadelphia lawmakers holds hearing on new hate crimes bill. >> "eyewitness news" reporter jan carabeo joins us now at city hall to break it all down for us, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, now, un current law, here in pennsylvania, hate crime laws, it doesn't cover sexual orientation, some state lawmakers are trying to change that, in the meantime, some philadelphia lawmakers are trying to increase the penalties for hate crimes, committed here in the city. now, if you lake a took at the video, see surveillance video of the latest assaults on gay, gay couple in center city, city council's public safety committee is hearing a bill today that would do just that, increasing the penalties, the bill in response to september 11 attack on gay couple in center city, and the couple says several members of this group caught on camera just before the attack yelled gay slurs at them and beat
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them. this story sparked national outrage, and three people from bucks county were eventually identified, with help the social media, arrested for the sexual assault. country in pennsylvania can't be charged with the hate crime. the law only covers race, religious, ethnicity. the bill here if philadelphia, would provide additional penalties for crimes motivated by sexual orientation, gender identity and disabilities, if approved, violation folks could mean up to 90 days in jail, and fine up to $2,000. defense attorneys for the three suspects in the center city case maintain anti-gay bias, did not motivate their clients. now, as for this hearing, happening here in city hall, later on today, that starts at 1:30, and the hate crimes bill comes upright around 2:00. reporting live outside of city hall, jan carabeo, "eyewitness news" on the "cw philly". >> today is one of those days where we get variety pack
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going. pretty bright star to the day in many spots. we look at storm scan3, yes, little built of break in the action, but there is obviously something going on here. this is the combination of an area of low pressure starting to get its act together. there will be the little pieces of showers, pockets of moisture that roll through, in the form of showers, scattered variety for us, as the day goes on, but for now, hey, at less getting some sunshine, enjoy it while you have got t clouds will thicken back up. look at the 24 hour temperature difference if you recall, i'm sure you are probably consideration so fresh in our minds how chilly it was yesterday morning. ten, 20 degrees warmer than yesterday at this same time. that translate to the thermometer in the form of mid low 50's, upper 40's, couple of choice locations but here is the key. goings to -- going to see sunlight start it to yield more cloud cover. should be scat nerds nature
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but will be out there. this will be somewhat of a running theme for us, all day today, into tonight, and tomorrow, and thursday, as well. because area of low pressure not only system but slow mover. will take its sweet olds time to get out of here, rain gear not the worse idea for us moving forward in the forecast but as for today looks like pretty pleasant one, at least to start things off watching for showering to move n milder, 68 the expected high. jess? >> messy messy morning so far. we go outside, the schuylkill expressway to start at city avenue. jammed further predominant part of the morning headed westbound toward the king of prussia area. see a lot of slow going there. we can pretty much say the same story out on 95 for the predominant part of the morning as well. so southbound toward center city see losing outright hand lane due to construction, there northbound lanes towards northeast philly moving along great. now septa western trenton regional rail line suspended from west trenton into neshaminy falls about 35 minute delays into center city due to earlier accident
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atwoodborn station. otherwise out in king every prussia we have gas main break route 23 completely closed at north gulph road until 3:00 p.m. this afternoon. alternate there, just take route 252 out in south jersey, another accident on 295 southbound route 42, available this for clean up, currently no delays at the philadelphia international airport. erika, back to you. >> thank you, jess, victory for philadelphia's school teachers. >> judge block school reform district. now, last week, members of the philadelphia federation of teachers protest dollars following the src announcement. cancelling the contract, is the rc can force teachers to pay for sean of their healthcare premiums. well, pft president jerry jordan released statement reading in part, the decision is a testament to the notion that these kind of contracts changes should be decided at the barring and table
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>> cause is urgent, children of philadelphia cannot continue waiting. cigarette smokers are on the move. stores just outside philadelphia are seeing a boom in business from smokers fleeing the city's $2 per pack cigarette tax. "eyewitness news" reporter diana rocco went to check it out. >> reporter: philadelphia's 2-dollar per pack tax on cigarettes has smokers leaving the city. >> i think you're picking on the weak. >> seeing rest of regulars, just over the city line, store owners like ken, say business has been booming since october 1st when the tax took effect. >> he owns knees and tobacco there is three weeks, business has tripped. >> very good business pick up, good for business. >> can you order me a carton of menthol 120's.
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>> he has hundreds of new customers, all looking for one thing:, went from 100 packs a day to 40 cartons. that adds up. >> i buy carton because i'm traveling all the way up here. >> down the street at wawa, the parking lot is full, and the line wraps around the counter. smokers say they're saving hundreds a month by crossing the city line. >> a lot cheaper, i get them for my friends. >> while i'm up here i grab cigarettes. >> still expect to bring in nearly $50 million, and say that will help tie up the school district's $81 million budget gap. diana rocco, "eyewitness news" on the "cw philly". well, it is hard to believe, but it is almost that time of year. to start your holiday shopping. >> but, one mom trying to get some toys off of the store
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shelves before the shopping rush sets in. started on line competition to ban breaking bad toys in children's toy stores like toys r us. if you aren't familiar, wildly popular tv show follows a chemistry teacher, turned mess cook, to help support his family. the toys come with speakers, gas mask, and lab coat. >> knowing that those are the items that one needs to make mess, i just think that it is wrong. >> now, the petition already has signatures from across the country, but she hopes that more parents will sign it. toys "r" us says, that the toys are collectors items, and they're intended for people only over the age of 156789 meanwhile show's star brian, he tweeted his response here, saying, quote, florida mom petitions against toys "r" us over breaking bad action figures, i'm so mad, i'm burning my florida mom action figure in protest. oh, my. okay. moving right along now, 8:37. and the fashion industry is
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mourning the death of legendary designer oscar de la renta, man who dressed first ladies and hollywood royalty alike passed away in his con it cat home. chris more on the fashion icon's life. >> you know, i have lived through period of life where the woman i started dressing, ooh years ago, such a very different woman than today. >> and for those five decades, oscar de la renta found a way to turn the difference noose success, on the runway, on hollywood's red carpet, and on inauguration night. >> mr. de la renta loved women. you saw it in every design he d he honored women's features, honored our bodies. >> i i'm in my oscar gown tonight, most comfortable in my pajamas, really, oscar needs to design pajamas cents. >> de la renta first made name for himself in the 19 60s as
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designer for the most famous woman in the world, jacqueline kennedy, first ladies became bit after specialty of de la renta, dressing hillary clinton and laura business for their husbands cents inaugural balls. just last month, made headlines for dressing george clooney's bride for the couple's wedding. to de la renta, dress wasn't the most important part of fashion, good clothes were merely the frame for the real masterpiece. >> a woman fits great in it, that is what makes t do you have look at the woman first. if you look at the gown first, and you look at the gown after, that makes a gown. >> oscar de la renta, 82 years old. >> such beautiful gowns, that embroidery, fashion great. wow. 8:39 right now. coming up next, katie with the latest on some showers today. of course, we'll have this. >> huge department stores are owning up this week in center city. retail experts say they're bringing a new trends. i'm syma chowdhry, with that story, coming up. and, a fight over who gets the microphone.
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the on-air stat that was spark by those riots at pumpkin festival over the week end. >> oh, my. >> ♪ here is something to talk, about our own ukee washington, guess host on the talk. talk when you can see him on the show coming up next. >> ♪
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>> center city becoming hot destination. >> lots of new shops are moving in, great news for everyone, we have map put together here showing some of the unique shops, unit glow, already, open at 16th and chestnut, forever 21, expects today move in almost next-door, at 17th and chestnut. two other big names, century
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21, and nordstrom rack, they're also setting up shop. here is syma chowdhry now with more on the shopping boom. >> new york based department store forever 21 will open eighth and market thursday, north symptom rack set to open friday on the corner of 17th and chestnut. >> center city retail is booming. , as well, and there is only more to come. >> cassandra is with the center city district, and says, both stores opening will help philadelphia become a shopping destination. >> nordstrom rack, some of the competitors are locking for space in the sit. >> i both retailers setting up shops in build that is used to house other department stores. even though, century 21 signs are up, the ghost of shopping past, can be seen. strawbridge used tore here for more than 130 years until it close in the 2006. and in other words strom rack taking up three floors of
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former daffy's which closed two years ago. >> will cause excite it what's to come. >> and retail experts say, the newest shopping trends recovers around discount luxury brands. >> in other words strom and century 21 spotted it at the same time. linda shine, expert in brick and mortar retail, says, grand opening in fall is a smart move. >> perfect time willing, just in time for the holidays. >> and, shoppers have been counting down, to the grand opening. >> so happy, the best. >> with excitement like that, how can cops not cater to philly shoppers? >> in center city, syma chowdhry, cbs-3, "eyewitness news". >> i say some people getting sick friday? maybe have to take off? >> oh, sounds like a good
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idea. seats will be empty friday morning t looks like the weather will be nicer by that point. you don't need me, right? just kidding. storm scan3, let's take a look, area of low pressure developing slowly rotating some round of showers through portions of really just down lake right now of erie, ontario, eventually some that far will roll into our area too. so want to track this pattern more than anything still have bit of breeze by that point so today mainly through the second half of the day, showers make return appearance. out there tomorrow, maybe pockets of steadier rain, on thursday, that cool mort easterly flow kicks in. this will end up being pretty significant storm system for new england. since we sit on the outskirts of that, it is mainly again clouds and showers and little built of cool down for us in the days ahead. currently at 54 degrees, little cooler through the most outlying suburbs like trenton, 49 currently, 47 mount pocono
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see temperatures dropping off. today definitely milder day by comparison. notice the difference when you walk out the door. from yesterday, to this morning. and we flirt with 70, with little sun, as well. by tomorrow, thursday, the clouds dominate, and we will still have some showers to track. jess? >> thanks, kate i good morning, actually going outside right in chester county right now, where we have live footage here from the chopper. overturned tractor-trailer involving suv. closing route ten, at route 340. if you want to actually go over to our maps right now, you can see, it is quite a mess right there, and alternate to get around that area, take sandy hill road. west trenton regional rail line septa completely suspended from west trenton in neshaminy falls about 35 minutes delays up into the city, due to earlier accident, and investigation wood born station, new jersey, woodland road closed near i295, alternate to take, to get
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around that, just take elbow lane. also, in lehigh valley, an accident there, another road closure, 78 eastbound, this is for the predominant part of the morning as well as route 145 your alternate to get around there, take route 422, 222 eastbound pretty slow oaks into 202, 11 minute trip. heavy wood half mean the vine st. expressway. nicole? >> jess, thank you. >> breaking news in today's headlines "eyewitness news", septa service affected by pedestrian accident near the regional rails wood burn station in levittown. person pit lie car, and right now no word on the extent of the person's injury. >> more breaking news for you too, stands off in east norriton montgomery county, it is over. with us is expect in custody. police were called to apartment complex after reports of gunfire, no one was injured. and breaking news from south africa, olympian double amputee and convicted killer oscar pistorius, sentenced to five years in prison. he was convicted lasts month in the 2013 shooting death of his girlfriend.
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8:47 right now. and reporters who cover the news occasionally have run in's with people who may want to silence the messenger. >> public access tv reporter new hampshire got into a bit of a scuffle, with an organizer, when he started talking about a clash at pumpkin festival. >> jeannie most with the fight over the mike. >> what makes live tv fun watch the guy taking selfie >> 100% chance of being showered by doggy affection. >> back with more in just a moment. >> for things really became unleashed, at the keen new hampshire pumpkin festival, not only did rowdy students riot. but there was this, strange dance, pumpkin fest organizer tried to block the public access tv host, ruth
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sterling, wants the jared good day to zip it, about the drunken rioting nearby. >> so, if you think that in siting these people is a good idea i'll pull the plug, you are here as a guest of pumpkin festival. i assigned this plot. >> she went for his mike about five times. >> really, you heard it here first everybody -- >> our guest, thank you. >> when you report the news, when you report the reality, the people in charge want to shut you down. >> so while pumpkin fest went on relatively undisturbed, students were busy beating each other and police with cans and bottles, not far away. >> i got hit with a jack daniels bottle. >> the organizer and the public access. >> you have no ride to self promote here. >> i'm not self promoting anything. >> on monday, ruth sterling double down, calling a self
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promoting punk who was metaphor i cannily yelling fire in a crowded theater. >> said she was guilty of battery, though no plans to sue. >> do you have anything outwent say to her directly? >> , ruth sterling. >> no wonder the jack o'lanterns were smiling! jeannie moses. >> you heard it here first everybody. when -- >> you are our guest. >> new york. >> okay. >> none would won last year's voice, releasing her debut albumn. >> first cut we're hearing is madonna cover. >> ♪
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>> the strange necessary continues. >> no kidding. sister christina released video of her singing madonna's like a virgin while hanging out in beautiful venice. she said it was a call from god to make all things new again. that will led her to the controversial music choice. her albumn comes out on november the 11. all right, we'll be right back. back. >> ♪ as a small business owner, you don't deliver anything less than 100% to your customers and at verizon we believe you shouldn't settle for less than 100% of the internet. that's why only fios comes with speedmatch. upload speeds as fast as your download speeds. so large files are sent in a snap and video chats with customers are seamless. switch now to get fios internet and phone for just $99.99 a month with a 2-year agreement and get $300 back. that's $300 when you switch to internet and
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>> ukee back at los angeles, as guest co-host of cbs the talk. >> that's right. he starts his day with a pre show meeting. joining him regular co-host, julie chen, sarah gilbert, sarah osborne, cheryle un wood. what do they like about working together? ukee got the answer. >> it is casino of like a girl's breakfast/lunch of just chatting away, and we get paid. >> hello, that's the best part. >> ukee with the girl talk. got to love it. >> well, this is not ukee's first appearance on the talk, if you remember, he actually co-hosted last year, and must have impressed someone at cbs. they asked him back. >> sure d you can catch ukee on the talk, he is on tomorrow afternoon at 2:00 on sister station cbs-3. all right, very proud of our own ukee washington. >> oh, yes. >> hey thanks so much for watching "eyewitness news" on
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the "cw philly" for more local news weather and traffic we're always on at >> check out talk philly at noon on cbs-3. back in 30 seconds, one more check of your traffic and weather together. we'll be right back. >> ♪
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>> cbs-3 "eyewitness news". good morning, i'm erika von tiehl. we have been following some breaking news from montgomery county this morning. we hope to learn more about what sparked a stand-off in east norriton. police were called to apartment complex, by reports of almost a dozen gunshots, around 11:30 last night. a swat team was called, and several units in the complex were evacuated during the stand-off. there were no injuries, and no word on what triggered that situation. all right, let's get your forecast right now with katie. we saw some showers out there, right? >> we still have little activity actually still showing up on the radar, and storm scan3, it is mainly outside of our viewing area, however. but, as the day progresses, you are going it seymour of the speckles of green, more of the signs of life firing up over our region, so while we may have little sunlight out
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there right now, don't get too used to it, clouds will eventually be building in, we'll see showers get triggered in, we drop back to 51 tonight. again, still scattered showers in the forecast. over time, temperatures take little modest hit hereby tomorrow. low 60s at best. then we have hard time hitting 06 on thursday. still with clouds, still with showers, in the forecast, and not to mention chilly breast that will make it feel even cooler than the thermometer reads. friday, and the weekends, looking pretty good. high pressure settles back in. jess? >> thanks, we start things off in chester county where we have live footage here with the chopper out in chester county, route ten completely closed, at 340, due to overturned tractor trail, also involving an s.u.v. you can see completely blocking offer the roadways here, crews, trying to get that clean up, and out of the way. we go over to the maps now. your alternate to get around that mess, take sandy hill road. now, west trenton regional rail line, on septa, completely suspended west trenton into neshaminy falls
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with 35 minute delays into center city due to earlier accident. and investigation up atwoodborn station, back to you. >> thanks, jess. that's eyewitness fuse for now. check out talk philly at noon on cbs-3. i'm erika von tiehl anncr: the great thing many breakfast options... you did a great job. it looks good! anncr: they're right next to our many other breakfast options. just another good reason to book now. feel the hamptonality
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>> he's helped his listeners get free, now dave ramsey helps them take the next step on the financial journey. and then, meet a doctor who was kidnapped by the taliban, and hear the heroin story of his rescue. plus...a muslim who was headed to the united states bent on jihad. >> i'm here to fight and die for the god that i worship. >> on today's "700 club." ♪ >> pat: well, ladies and gentlemen, to this edition of "the 700 club." two weeks from today there is going to be an election for the united states congress. one-third of the senate, all of the house of representatives. a very important election. and it's focusing in on control of the united states senate. because the leader is the most -- one of the most rf