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tv   Eyewitness News on the CW Philly  CW  October 14, 2014 7:00am-8:01am EDT

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>> following breaking news this morning, two firefighters being treated at hospitals right now, one for smoke inhalation, the other for heat exhaustion. >> this after house fire in holmesburg. nine residents have been forced from their homes, they escaped safely when the fire broke out little after 5:00 a.m. this morning. the cause of the fire is under investigation. good morning, everyone, it is tuesday, october 14th, i'm ukee washington. >> i'm erica von tiehl. first quick check on the traffic and weather together with katie and vet tore y good morning. >> we can expect to see pretty decent day unfold here across the delaware valley. as is for now just sitting between frontal boundaries, but may be just little bit of fog developing for some of you. the winds is actually going to limit the fog. so i don't think you have to worry too much about it, mainly through north and western suburbs, spot where you might end up seeing. that will storm scan3, quiet at the moment.
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again, just in lull right now. you can see the clouds really starting to build in here, really depending on location, you have either got clouds, little sun or full sun, about ready to pop over the horizon here. six a currently outside kutztown area middle school. here is a look at some of the projected visibility, notice, not terrible, but really where you find the worse, it is basically outside of philadelphia off to the north and west. so lehigh valley being pocono region, if you find that fog, do not be surprised by t we've got moisture and lighter wind up in those spots. now, as the day progresses, the sun will shine brighter and brighter and that does mean we will heat up nicely here. we flirt with 80 degrees, by the days end. not bad for mid october. vittoria? >> thank you so much. katie, if you are traveling on a few of our majors, you are going to run into few delays and problems. like if you are traveling on the roosevelt boulevard there is would be southbound, notice, some police activity over on the shoulder here, that is adding to rush hour traffic, causing gaper delay, as a result after accident. now this accident scene approaching broad street causing delay back toward
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ninth. anyone trying to get to the schuylkill expressway using the boulevard that lezy back this morning, move now into new jersey, 42 freeway, definitely going to find that northbound so down, try to make your way between 55, the walt whitman bridge, you will have space inbetween some of the delays, so go. speaking of slow go, 422 eastbound trooper down to 202. seeing drop on northbound 20 right around the malvern area. >> earlier, ten minute delays eastbound, but they have fixed this problem, but still might have residual problems, so just note that this morning, ukee, erika? >> tour, thank you, we start the news in north philadelphia where more than 30 shots are fired killing one man and injuring a woman. >> investigators tell us that they were just sitting outside in the 2100 block of uber street when two gunmen opened fire. "eyewitness news" reporter jan carabeo joins us now at temple hospital with the latest on the investigation. jan, good morning. >> erika, ukee, good morning, as you mentioned, one man is dead, shot more than ten
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times, and the woman he was sitting next to remains in the hospital this morning, injured, police say, she could be an innocent bystander. all of this while there community remains on edge after hearing more than 30 gunshots in the middle of the night. >> close to three dozen spent shell casings litter the street in stanton overnight. police say the intend target shot ten times, 24 year old man who died at the hospital. a 46 year old woman, police say, possibly an innocent bystander, was sitting next to him. fortunately, for her, she was hit only once, and is in stable condition. >> based on balistic evidence we know at least 32 shots were fired from two separate caliber semiautomatic weapons. we found 32 spent shell casings, on the street, and many on the sidewalk, right near the steps where these two victims were sitting, when they were shot. >> investigators say they were shot at point blank range. police were called to the 2100 block of uber street just after 11:30 monday night. that's when they fawn the man
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collapsed on the sidewalk, and the woman on her front steps. police say they lived in separate apartments within the same building, their relationship beyond that is unknown. the motive for the shoot something unknown at this time, as well, and the description of the shoot zester limited. witnesses describe two men in hooded sweatshirts who ran from the scene then jumped into a dark colored car sped away north on 19th street. >> several witnesses cents were transported to homicide. fortunately, we did finds several cameras in the immediate area. >> and police are hoping their cameras help pinpoint and help identify the suspects here as far as the shooting victims go, police have not identified them yet to the media. reporting live outside of temple university hospital. jan carabeo, "eyewitness news" on the "cw philly". >> jan, thank you. let's get more on breaking news we have been reporting all morning, un medical worker has died of ebola after contracting the deadly virus in liberian his identity not released but we have learned the man was receiving treatment at a german hospital
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since last thursday. and as chris van cleve tells you, back here in the u.s., doctors are using the blood of an ebola survivor to treat the texas nurse, who contracted the virus from a patient. dallas nurse has received lasts from from the blood of doctor kent brantly who recovered from the disease. nina pham the first to contract ebola in the u.s. while caring for the liberian man last week. so far unknown how she contracted the virus. officials at texas health press boy tear yan hospital say she wore gloves, gown, mask and shield, while she treated duncan. cdc is investigating but believes that at some point protocol was breached. >> the enemy here is a vie just, ' bowl, a not a person, not country, not a place, not a hospital. >> president obama is urging national security and public health officials to take lessons learned from pham's
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case, to ramp up to fight the virus. spent much of the day monday meeting with senior advisors and talking with international leaders asking for more assistance to help battle ' beil in west after cam so far more than 4,000 feel have died from the disease there. >> parishioners at the family church prayed for her monday night. >> i am sad sheet is raised well. she is okay. >> pham's condition remains stable, cdc says it is monitoring those in contact before he died. so far, no one else is showing any symptoms. in washington, i'm chris van cleve, "eyewitness news" on the "cw philly". >> sick passengers on emirates plane sparks ebola fears. this is video from inside flight 237. medical crews wearing protect tiff plane, walk five i will pass inning ers off the plane. boston health commission later concerned the symptoms did not
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meteorology tear ya for hub health concerns including ebola. >> local hospitals say they're ready to handle potent ali bowl a patients but local unions for the nurses disagrees. statement of pennsylvania reads in part, quote, hospitals in the region and state have been reviewing and adhering to guidance from the centers for disease control and prevention, the cdc. pennsylvania department of health and local public health authorities regarding the recommended best methods for safety screenings, isolating and caring for patients who may have been, post today ' bowl a hospitals will continue to stay a breast of the latest cdc and other health public guidance, and to follow those recommendations cents. still the president of pennsylvania's nurse's union says work nurses cents are behind the eight call. >> frying to keep up with the cdc, but the regulations coming out of the cdc has not been as is for the right and specific as they should be. i don't think every individual
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hospital should have to figure out these particulars. it should be centralized. >> nurse's union also wants education and effective isolation procedures and infection control for all hospital employees. the philadelphia health department told "eyewitness news" last week that it is working with local hospitals to ensure all precautions also taken. >> happening today, montgomery county injury coy decide the fate of raghi, jury found him guilty in the murder of ten molds own sanrv inch a her 61 year old grandmother. happened during botched kidnapping in october of 2012. jurors will decide between the -- between the dealt penalty and life in prison. >> accused of killing his wife, due in court today. christopher murray con i had connie mcclane argument they got into a fight at penn i park. they'll decide if murray has enough trial to keep him on fire. >> two gunmen shot bash he
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shop owner in the northeast, happened at castor finest barber shop 7100 block of castor avenue. the 33 year old victim shot in the arm, leg and chest, he also cents had graze one to the head. right now he is hospitalized in critical condition. two to new jersey where spree of burglaries in palmyra have homeowners on alert, two burglaries, one attempted burglary, over the weekend. happened near veterans drive, arch street and west third streetment then overnight saturday and less than a mile a way i people's cars and properties from sprayed with graffiti. this happened along garfield avenue. if you have any information, you are asked to contact palmyra police. penalty phase in the oscar pistorius case, last month found him guilty of culpable homicide in the shooting death of his girlfriend reeva steenkamp. shooting happened on valentine day 2013. the judge has wide range of possible sentence sentences cents from fine and no prison
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time to as much as 15 years in jail. still to come this morning, here on the "cw philly", a scare in the air when the walls after plane start caving in. >> renewed hope in the search phoronid lynn mccann, british girl who wendt missing while on vacation from her family more than seven years ago. find out why investigators have returned to the place where she was last seen. >> ladies if you live near a major head way, it could be hazard us to your health. details on that coming up in the hecks watch. >> ♪ >> sun is coming up on the horizon, so glad you are waking up with us we'll take a short break. be right back.
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more tension in missouri two months after the shoe g death of unarmed teen michael brown. protesters converged on st. louis, not only calling for justice in this case, but also, changes to police procedures. >> well into the night, protesters marched through the streets of st. louis. >> we have been out here for four hours and ten minutes. >> during the day many even braved pouring rain, demonstrators called it moral monday, a day of civil disobedience. >> clack clouds matter. a change that people don't want to acknowledge how important that statement is. >> the day started with protesters, showing up to st. louis city hall calling for officers, to wear body cameras, and the creation of a civilian review board. officials say they're list inning. >> at some point we have to have a rational discussion, but everybody has cents to be involved for it to have ledges mass.
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>> i across town others shutdown wal-mart in ferguson. and rallied outside the city's police department. the day ended with a gathering outside the st. louis rams football game. >> we all have to work to dismantle a system that unfairly privileges some people over other people. no matter what the injustice is. >> in all, officers arrested at least 49 protesters, including well known author and activist doctor colonel west. >> it showings solidarity. it shows unity. a lot of unity, we haven't had in this country in years. >> protesters hope that aounly had bring change. don champion, "eyewitness news" on the "cw" fill. >> i blown air duct has passengers quite the square on american airlines plane for dallas. passenger posted this from inside the cabin on twitter. officials say the problem caused end -- interior panels to separate from the wall. captain of the boeing 757 decided to return to san francisco international after
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seeing the damage for himself. eyewitness described what it look like on that plane. >> ought sudden this loud pop pop pop, ripping sounds, all shouting for the flight crew, come look, you know, the walls are caving in. >> firefighters stood by along the runway as a precaution while the jet landed and no one was hurt. traffic and weather together, here's kate. >> i today will be one of those days where we ends one pretty pleasant weather overall. sitting between fronts right now. so it can't last forever obviously. storm scan3 shows very large storm system from canada, all the way down, hundreds cents of miles away here, and where the tail end of the cold front ends over the open waters of the mexico. we have had hundreds of different severe weather storm reports. this is just the last 12 hours, we will zero in on one particular location, nash have, had a loft thunderstorm wind damage as even as well as the last 12 hours, funnel cloud spotted here outside the
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clarksville area with bull shaped funnel cloud reported across i24. meanwhile, we go out to the tropics, activity, there as well, weaver got a category two hurricane right now, gonzalo pulling away from puerto rico virgin islands, not only achieve hurricane status over the next day and a half but may become a category four before it recur office, thankfully not east coast threat, then likely end area woman bermuda a could have choppy surf out from our shore points. eyewitness weather seven day forecast, very warm today, expect to see some sunshine along the way, but starting off with some clouds, will thin as time goes on. looking ahead to wednesday, even as early as is tonight, i think we could see shower north and west of philadelphia, but tomorrow the showers start to become little bit more noticeable here. across cents the region as a local turns to steadier rain wednesday night into thursday morning. it gradually tapers off. friday looks lovely. still dealing with few more
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days of this large storm, then we can say we're done with it. >> got you. taking notes. >> i want my hands clean of this one, too. >> good morning, we just can't wash our hands of rush hour traffic just yet. because it is just gun. let's get outside. as i always say, when the sun comes up, the rush comes, in beautiful shot of the ben franklin bridge, with some of the sun on the left hand side there. but it is adding sun glare to your commute as katie was talking about the sunshine that we find today, you're going to see it, traveling on the ben franklin bridge, slow, out of new jersey, then all the way down through to eighth and vine. so give yourself more time there. earlier accident, was cleared out of the westbound lanes of the ben, i would say, really maybe 30 minutes ago. so still even trying to recover from. that will as we we continue, approaching the schuylkill not only here between ninth and broad street, we are dealing with a accident on the shoulder there causing gaper delay. seven your average on the schuylkill, high pockets of volume, out through to
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gladwynn westbound, traveling on 95 your average speed is 16 miles per hour out of the northeast down through the vine. twenty-five on the blue route. expect westbound delays on the pennsylvania turnpike out of the area of willow grove. i would say slow going out toward the stretch of the mid-county toll plaza. all ' breaks this that but still slow. disable truck on the tac-pal bridge headed into philadelphia add. g volume on 73. no major problems for mans transit. >> more than one month since missing university of virginia student was last seen, but her parents and search teams are not giving up. hanna's parent released new photographs hope for information about their daughter's whereabouts. the 18 year old was last seen at a mall in charlottesville, virginia, police have charged jesse matthew in connection with her abduction. in another case of missing child, pair end of madeline motorcycle came many says changes will breathe new life into her case. you may recall the four year old van fresh her apartment in portugal back in 2007.
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now new prosecutors on the case. detectives continue to search for clues and question perches of interest. mccann would now be 11 years old. new jersey school superintendent says football program may be over after gruesome allegations of hazing, comes as seven football players at vare ville war memorial high school face sexual assault charges. prosecutor alleges they held their teammates against their will and touched them in a sexual manner. now the status of the entire football program is in limbo. >> i played football in high school, in college, covered football for ten years, football is a game. no game including football will ever come before the safety and well-being of our students. >> sayreville has already canceled the rest of this year's football season. the superintendent also says he's investigating every other athletic program in the school system. health watch this morning, living near major roadway could be hazard us to a
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woman's health. >> researchers in bosses ton found women living less than 200 feet from a major red had 38 presser risk of sudden cardiac death, blame the increase risk on great edge exposure to air pollution. >> broccoli could help treat the symptoms of autism. researchers look at 40 teenagers and young men with moderate to severe autism, they found when take never pill form, chemical in broccoli sprouts improved verbal communication and decreased repetitive behaviors. >> that's the bottom line message, for the atlantic city community, absolutely we need to be followed up with more clinical studies, will cents more lab studies to understand exactly how it is working. >> also found in kale, and cabbage, appears to reduce stress in the bodies of autism sufferers. and still to come this morning, how the ebola outbreak could make chocolate more expensive. >> and another incredible honor for 13 year old pitching
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phenom mo'ne davis. find out what she has cents in common with a nobel piece prize winner. >> what's coming up tonight on the on the "cw philly". be right back.
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>> here is a look at today's headlines, breaking news, 56 year old united nations cents medical worker has died from
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ebola in germany. meanwhile, the dallas nurse with ebola has been treated with plasma, from ebola survive over, and another ebola victim being held in isolation in a san sass city area hospital. also, breaking, two firefighters suffer minor injuries, battling a house fire in the holmesburg section of philadelphia. residents manage to escape their burning home in the 4700 block of vista street around 4:00 this morning. a total of nine people are displaced. >> shooting in north philadelphia leaves a man dead and woman in stable condition. more than 30 shell casings littered the scene at 21st and uber streets in north philly. police are searching for two gunmen. time now 724:67:89 accolade just keep coming for philly's own mo'ne dave us. >> what a year she is having. so happen foyer h. thirteen year old dane taney dragon's pitcher among time magazine 25 more plus influencial teens in 2014. youth ac advice malala yousafzai right there, is also on the list. she will be here to pick up
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the liberty medal fresh off her nobel pies prize win, and lord, and will smith son's jaden also made the list. but some pretty nice company she is keeping. >> big ups and props to the adults in monday ' ace life, her paren and step parent, indeed. >> and teachers where one. great job. raise add bright young person right, there that's fantastic. short break, back if about 30 seconds or so. mod, facts family, see you in mod, facts family, see you in a bit ring ring! progresso. wow, soup people, i can't believe i'm eating bacon enriched creamy cheese before my sister's wedding. well it's only 100 calories, so you'll be ready for that dress. uh-huh... that's what i'm afraid of. you don't love the dress? i love my sister... available at walmart.
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>> and good morning, everyone, i'm ukee washington. let's get our forecast. katie is standing by in the weather center for us. >> good morning, we can expect to see pretty quiet day/. storm can three, showing clearly some very, very potent storms off to the south. this is frontal boundary that eventually bridges us our next round of heavy rain. no the yet. break in the action here outside lower merion high school. very mild. we will warm up easily, in advance that far pot end cold front. but it is a clash in the air masses for sure. so temperatures start to take a hit becomes more than anything see heavier rain move into tomorrow night into thursday, with embedded thunderstorms is as well. >> good morning, sunshine is out and about, so is the rush
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hour. when the sun comes up, rush comes in, what you will fine on the ben franklin brink, it is a slow go the whole way down to eighth and vine, the roosevelt boulevard southbound making your way from about ninth street through to the schuylkill, we've been dealing accident on southbound at broad, so gator traffic on top of rush hour. eight your average on the schuylkill, 21, 47246, the usual delays on 422 and 22, ukee? >> torrey, thank you. next update at 7:55, up in exxon cbs this morning, dying with dignity. mean the terminally ill woman choosing to end her life in three weeks. we're keeping it live, keeping it local on the "cw philly". ♪ ♪ turn around ♪ every now and then i get a little bit hungry ♪ ♪ and there's nothing really good around ♪
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♪ turn around ♪ every now and then i get a little bit tired ♪ ♪ of living off the taste of the air ♪ ♪ turn around, barry ♪ finally, i have a manly chocolatey snack ♪ ♪ and fiber so my wife won't give me any more flack ♪ ♪ i finally found the right snack ♪ ♪ skippy!! yippee!! fun fun fun! shiny! you never listen! what? is someone talking?
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♪ skippy!! ♪ yippee!! i'm bored. hashtag bored. skippy!! yippee!! look a ride! (vo) made with the funnest peanuts ever! skippy. yippee!! ♪
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>> over at temple hospital with the latest on the investigation, jan? >> reporter: ukee, erika, the man who was killed was shot at least ten times. thirty-two spent shell casings were found, on scene. the woman he was sitting next to possibly an innocent bystander was shot just once, fortunately, for her, she in the hospital in stable condition. meanwhile, police searching for surveillance video they hope will help identify the suspects in this case. this shooting happened around 11:30 last night in the 2100 block, in north philadelphia, police say that two people were shot, and one person was killed, now, the person who was shot, he's just 24 years old, he's a man, and the 46 year old woman who was shot was seated right next to him. on the front steps of where they live. police say this woman was cents shot one time in the leg and could be innocent victim. witnesses tell police the pair again were sitting on the steps when two men, in hooded sweatshirts, approached and shot them, the woman is in stable condition, here, at the hospital. the man was also taken to
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temple where he later died. based on balistic evidence, we know that at least 32 shots were fired, from two separate caliber semiautomatic weapons. we found 32 spent shell casings, on the street, and many on the sidewalk right near the steps where these two victims were sitting, when they were shot. >> police have not yet identified either of the shooting victims, they say, they lived in the same building, in separate amounts, but, don't go any further, into their relationship, as far as the suspects go, again, very small description of them, only in two hooded sweatshirts, fleeing the scene, and heading north on that. now reporting live outside of temple university hospital. jan carabeo, "eyewitness news" on the "cw philly". >> jan, thanks so much. we'll get back to temple. hospital in just a bit. also breaking news in the ebola outbreak, we've learned. n work here contracted ebola in liberia has died at a german hospital. and, we know, now know, 70
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staffers at texas health president by tear yan hospital treated thomas eric duncan. first person infected inside the us, she has been in isolation, with a fever, since friday. officials blame a breach of protocol possibly involving the removal of protective gear. also other serious symptoms, he had been taking care of patients. doctors hope to have his test results, sometime today. well, international observers, now believe, the terror grip known as isis may have used chemical weapons, in northern iraq. meanwhile isis is closing in on baghdad's airport, as militants surround and attempt to seize iraq's capitol city. in syria, curbed i shall fighters still holding the city of kobani, us wants to launch air strikes from isis from nearby turkish basis, but yesterday turkey denied claims from the pentagon, that they had struck a deal, for
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american forces to use those bases. let's get your traffic and weather together, here's kate. >> i depending where this morning, ukee, either sunshine out there, bright blue skies or some clouds to contend, with but overall nice break in the action here today. and you are going to end one pretty decent day overall. storm scan3, quiet here, locally, but all do you have do of course is zoom things out and we are starting to see the combination of our next very potent cold front come n so had warmfront yesterday t lifted to the north. that's why we are sitting in very warm air right now, it might actually feel casino every muggy to you when you walk out the door. but then the cold front comes along, as early as tonight i could see shower into tomorrow the showers start to comma little bit more widespread, and then it turns over to heavy rain, looks like, wednesday night, leading into thursday. >> still rebound very easily here today, into the upper 70s, both down the shore, as well as in philadelphia, we
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get some sunshine along the way, and up in the poconos, can't get this frog out of my throat, seven open degrees, up in the poconos today, we will see some sunshine, and before i dig myself into more after hole, torrey, we send it over to you. >> i got you, katie. good morning, everyone, definitely find sun glare as katie was mentioning with all of that sunshine today, so if you are traveling on the ben franklin bring, expect delays from new jersey all the way down toward eighth and vine, then once up get there on the vine st. expressway slow going in either direction around broad. moving down to the roosevelt, commuting in the southbound directs, definately slow from about ninth street through to the schuylkill, you have brakes in that delay but generally speaking slow, not only rush but residual traffic from earlier accident that we had around broad street. as we take a look now at the wide, speed censors dropping still, 16 is your average on 95, southbound delayed out of far northeast, academy down through to the vine st. expressway do, have red pocket on the roost develop, your delay southbound, six on the schuylkill what you are hitting westbound, approaching the roosevelt boulevard, then out through to the western
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serbs, eastbound, jammed 202 to the blue route, that's your thickest pocket there. then slow going all the way down to center city, 18 northbound 476 jammed 95, media, southbound slow going around route one, look at the long line of volume. on the westbound side of the pa turnpike, out every bucks county toward mid-county. now, if you are traveling the market frankford line, do have westbound delays having some equipment problems. so just be careful of. that will and we have disable truck headed into philadelphia on the talcony palmyra bridge, that's 73, so expect bigger back up there, right now, in regard to that situation. now, to erika. >> torrey, thank you. we have breaking news in indianna. i want to show you new video here after double decker mega bus. it flipped onto its side, outside of indianapolis. police say that the driver swerved to avoid a minor crash while heading to chicago. at least 50 people were on that bus. we're told there were hands full of serious injuries, and dozen of other passengers who suffered less severe injuries. >> our time now 7:35. let's get a check on business. >> money watch's jill wagner
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joins us now from the new york stock exchange, jill, another rough day on wall street yesterday. anything on the calendar to turn things around? >> big banks will be reporting their earnings today, jp morgan chase, wells fargo, so hopefully, if those reports are good it, will help turn things around. really there is now been five days of triple digit moves for the market. and only one of those days the market went up. so definitely a lot of concern here. bunch of different factors fueling the sell off. everything from worrying about the economy in europe, to the ebola outbreak. you can ukee, erika. >> we've been talking about the outbreak all morning long. wore at this could sends the price of chocolate higher, i understand? >> yes (that's right. get red tie pay little more for your sweet tooth. cocoa prices have been soaring. and that could send the price of chocolate up as well. really cue to the ebola outbreak in west after, a where 70% of the worlds' cocoa
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supply comes from. mostly from the ivory coast and ghana which haven't been directly impacted by ' bowl, a but they do border countries which have in the market is really just ruled by fear. of course the fear is it will spread there. ukee, err display. >> jill, thank for that update. talk to you. >> for more money tips and information from money watch. com head to our website man knocked out colds on philadelphia area street gives a first-hand account to "eyewitness news". we first brought you video of the incident friday night. now, hear from the victim in this exclusive interview with "eyewitness news" reporter diana rocco. >> twenty-four year old shane kerrey has cents difficulty talking and can't eat. thursday, a vicious attack, leaf his jaw wired shut. >> you feel violated, really. cell phone video shows shane unconscious, in the street, after a group of teens on
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bikes through water in his face, and hit him from behind. it happened last thursday, on the corner of 19th and fairmount. >> saw a bunch of kids on bikes, beating in the mirrors, of course. >> shane confronted the group and told them to stop, when they began to follow him and call him names. >> they started threatening me, all the kids, gathered on the street corner, pointing at me,. >> and within second, he was hit, without ever seeing his attacker, the teen scattered but couple living nearby ran to help. that is the next thing shane remembers. >> my head being cradled by this woman, and i couldn't really understand what was going on, but she was putting gauze to my head. so i wanted to thank her for doing that for me. >> it was a parent's worse nightmare. but i just want to thank her because it sound like it could have been a lot worse. >> a witness was able to identify the boys, 16 year old, and two, 12 year olds.
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>> were arrested, also wanted for harassing another cup nel their car half hour earlier on 18th and lombard streets. >> i just think that people shouldn't be scared to live in their own neighborhood. >> shane has decided to take a break from his philly life while he recovers at his parents home in williamsport. the three juveniles arrested charged with criminal conspiracy, aggravated assault, but it is possible more arrests may follow as police continue to investigate. in williamsport, die rain a rocco, "eyewitness news" on the "cw philly". it has been over a month and manhunt continues for the suspect who ambushed pennsylvania state police barracks killing one trooper and injuring another. police were able to determine eric frein's travel direction through evidence collected at a camp site. this yes even able to spot him but he was too far away. falling leaves means less protection, few you are hiding spots, however, officials remind us it works both ways. police will see and be seen by suspected killer. police are looking for a
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suspected arsonist after local dance studio was torchedment found evidence to suggest the fire at the dance studio was intentionally set. no one was injured. >> new this morning, new jersey christies tee's popularity dropped to the negative's first time in more than three years, according to new rutgers eagleton pole, just 42% of registered voters give him a favorable rating as governor. 45% view him unfavorably. governor christie's favorability has plunged seven points in just the last two months. new jersey voters today, the deadline to register if you want to vote in next month's election you can sign up at your county clerk's office, deadlines have already passed. to register to vote in the states of pennsylvania and delaware, erika? >> british airlines says it is making friendly skies more family friendly.
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thompson airs wears ruling out the amenities over the next five years, tables where families can sit while they travel. air lynn also training its attendants to entertain children with games and craft. full service there. they've also considered on-board childcare services cents, babysitting oring? >> how about that, too? >> take a little snooze, i'll watch your kid for you. >> god deal. >> i'm sure a lot of par won't pay good money for. that will severe weather rips through the south and midwestment we'll take a look at the damage, kately let you know how that system will impact our forecast. when we come back. >> also ahead, truck parked in the driveway spontaneously burst into flames. see what neighbor did just moments before it was engulfed. >> ♪ >> i see you bopping from side to side out there, uh-huh. ugly need something fans toy wear to the american music awards. words is she is leading in nominations. more on that when we come back.
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oh, ya. >> ♪ mmmmm. ring ring! ring ring! progresso. you soup people have my kids loving vegetables. well, vegetables... shhhhh! ...taste better in our savory broth. vegetables!? no, soup! oh, soup! loaded with vegetables. packed with taste. and now try new progresso chili. slow-simmered, homemade taste.
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it hurts. you doin'? this is what it can be like to have shingles, a painful, blistering rash. if you had chicken pox, the shingles virus is already inside you. 1 in 3 people will get shingles in their lifetime. i wish that there was something i could do to help. the shingles rash can last up to 30 days. talk to your doctor or pharmacist about your risk. decay. it's the opposite of evolution. the absence of improvement. and the enemy of perfection. which is why you can never stop moving forward. never stop inventing. introducing the mercedes-benz gla. a breakthrough in design, aerodynamics and engineering.
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because the only way to triumph over decay... is to leave it in its own dust. ♪ two feel dead, fire injured, enormous storm system rims you there several states in the south and the midwest. as correspondent david begno shows us, millions of people still face the threat of severe weather. >> reporter: a tornado with winds up to 135 miles per hour, touchdown near ashdown in southwest arkansas. the ef2 twitter on lip rate in the home where freddie harrington's nephew, charles, lived with his family. >> already happened when i got here. hard to even look at. >> he was killed, wife and three children, injured. >> my heart was broken because this was a very fine family. >> the tornado was one of at least two that swept through arkansas monday, no one was injured after this store
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collapse, but severe weather destroyed michelle williams' home, barn, and cars. >> i really don't have to deal with it right now. >> tens of thousands of people in several southern and mid-west states are without power. the national weather service forecasting 21 million people could be in the path of heavy rain, damaging winds, and possible tornados. in illinois, strong winds snapped trees, and damaged several homes, ripping off roofs. >> just very traumatic to walk up and see like the back of your house pretty much demolished. >> heavy rain caused flooding in mississippi and texas. and the rainy weather forced the post popement of game three of baseball's american league championship series in kansas city. david begno, "eyewitness news", on the "cw philly". we start things off with kate. >> i strong weather continues as is we speak, for the deep south, only difference is that it is all just further east at
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this point. so, now, atlanta is getting in on it, much of georgia getting in on it, about ready to go and roll in here to the western portion of the carolinas, this is where you will see the most in terms of severe weather, through the southeastern united states, the brunt of the severe weather probably doesn't exceed anything further north than the virginias, so we're not necessarily looking at severe threat out of this, we are eventually going to end up with heavier rain, very likely some embedded thunderstorms, could be gusty wind, but that's about the worse of our worries. so, you know, we can handle that. certainly by comparison, to what our neighbors down in the south are dealing, with meanwhile that wet weather not getting here until at least into tomorrow. which we will track in a second here, meanwhile we have temperatures really warm, to start off here, for mid october, to start off upper 60s in philadelphia, that's bick deal, currently into the mid 70s from charleston to raleigh, remember from the ray radar picture, this front isn't here yet. so, it is that clash of air masses taking place and you can see the cool air starting to funnel in off to the west
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here, so this frontal boundery really means business. as it pertains to us, jumping all the way to this evening, expect the clouds to thin out for sunshine if you are not already seeing it, and there may be shower here and there, generally northwest of philadelphia, through the overnight, but here comes the heavy rain, slow to truck east. eventually, we see showers turn over to steady rain through the second half of wednesday, mainly overnight, into thursday morning, keep in mind this is just a model. i do think we will be dealing with some heavy rain, before this is all said and done, but through the course of thursday the front that will start to move out to sea, and will as a result start to clear out behind it. so, here's where we stand. upper 70s both today, tomorrow. we start to seymour sun by tomorrow, clouds thicken right back up, and see those clouds, obviously, also help trigger some showers and eventually heavier rain by night fall. torrey, over to you. >> thank you, katie. good morning everyone. traveling on few of the majors, definitely experiencing the full heat of a rush hour.
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if you are traveling on 309, southbound, dealing with rush hour, traffic, also dealing with little bit of inches den here at highland avenue. the majority moved to the shoulder but it is affecting that ramp here, if you are approaching or trying to get on 309 southbound out of this area. so you will need to give yourself little more time. making your way on the pa turnpike once you get there you will find delays westbound on the pa turnpike out of bucks county all the way down to mid-county. talk about 476, because if you're traveling either southbound or northbound there is shot here right around route one, you are jammed. doesn't matter how you cut it, both sides of the blue route traveling about 18 miles per hour, between 95 and the area of route one, if you are headed out of the mid-county toll plaza on 476 south, you will feel delays between mid-county and the schuylkill as well. traveling on the schuylkill average speed about six. few pockets. sixteen your average on 95 out of the northeast flow down through to the vine st. expressway. overall your rule of thumb right now to give yourself more time and fill up at the pump before you head out. also on the market frankford line, experiencing westbound
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delays due to quilt problems. note that this morning. i think that the airport however looked really great no problems there. erika? >> torrey, thank you. well here is one way to meet your neighbor. watch as this man in colorado springs pulls his neighbor out after burning pick-up truck. the driver had a seizure and ended up flooring the gases pedal he ran right into that debris there. within minutes, the truck began to fill with smoke, and that's when neighbor saves the day just in time. >> some of the fire starting to come through the dash. i grabbed him and we just exited action pulled him right out of there. that whole scene you seen me out there, i don't remember any of that. >> wow. the two men were told did not even know each other, by first name, until this happened. >> right place, right time, ukee. >> you got it. >> in sports this morning, eagles are off this weekend of course because of the bye week, and it is good news, because it could give darren sproles and a loft other guys a chance to heal up little
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bit. sproles went down with the knee sprain, in the third quarter, sunday night, against the giants. he had one of the eagles touchdowns in their 27 to nothing shut out win. this season he's been a terrific addition to the birds offense. so far, he has four touchdowns, three rushing and one on a punt return. hope the guys take these next two weeks and get well. prime timings last night, from st. louis, colin capper nick teamed up with brandon lloyd for 808-yard touchdown, to put the 49ers on the come back trail at the time. they fell behind 14-nothing to the rams, before storming ahead to win it in the end. final score was 31-17. cap nick through for 343 yards, three touchdowns. san francisco has now won three straight games. to the identification now, the flyers go for their first win of the season tonight when the anaheim ducks come to south philadelphia. the flyers at the skate zone yesterday look to go work off a winless start thus far on the young season, will be without vinny for the next three weeks with some type of lower body injury.
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the fly guys have lost the first three games of the season, they're zero, two, one, the last three years. help us decide the friday football frenzy game of the week. download the audio road show app and volt. the nominees are st. marks versus salesianun, saint augustine versus absegami, and sane joseph at atlantic city. erika. >> still ahead, patrick swazey dirty dancing moves like you've never seen them before. don't go anywhere, you don't want to miss this viral video, have you cracking upment also, word is ben after lick animate matt daman teaming up again this time for the small screen. details of their next project, that's ahead. we'll be right back.
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the words is conspiracy, what chris brown thinks is behind the ebola outbreak in west africa. >> tweeted this saying quote i don't know but i think this ebola epiderm sake form of population control. his message was re tweeted more than 28,000 times in just over 24 hours. a few minute later though he followed with another tweet saying he needed to shut up. the nominations are in for this year's american music awards, nominees for artist of the year include rapper iggy
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azalea, nominate in the six categories totalment joining are katie perry, george len end, lord. don't forget to cast your vote on line the ala's will air on november 23rd. and, couple of oscar winners are headed to the small screen. according to the hollywood reporter ben afleck and matt daman, for the sci-fi channel. two also on board we're told as executive producers, great, great. >> yes, back together again. it is official george clooney's wife has changed her last name, the human rights lawyer wed george clean any venice italy last month, according to the website for her law firm, amal is officially amal clooney. ms. clooney is back at work this week after honeymoon with george. >> that has to be surreal, imagine working at that law firm? like high there is mrs. clooney, yes, used to be a.m. al. >> that's great.
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young boy has time of his life dank cents in his living roomment take a look for yourself. >> ♪ >> eight year old charlie has quite the moves, there i am at that time g patrick swazy, mom said he fell in love with dancing after he watched the michael jackson videos on line. and we are hearing that he also remade the thriller dance, the moves, those moves, posted on youtube, too, but keep watching this. and that, right there, katie's favorite move coming up. favorite move coming up. there we looking for one of these? yoplait. smooth, creamy, and craved by the whole family.
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good morning, i'm erika von tiehl. want to get right over to katie get your forecast, i can't believe how warm it is outside. >> very mild start to the day for the standards every mid october. good morning, everybody, and it is just because we're sitting in a lull right now. between fronts, we had warmfront yesterday, basically, lifted offer to the north, so seeing those clouds thin with time. get some sunshine, problem is we've also got cold front, so we can't keep the nice weather forever, but this will be pretty decent day overall, guys, expect again the clouds to break for some sun, heat up here to 79 degrees, for mid october, that's a big deal. there will however be shower around primarily north and west, or just sprinkle in philly here tonight. tomorrow, the showers start to build in. turns over to heavy rain by wednesday night, into thursday morning. that is your cold front.
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and it knocks the temperatures back with time. vittoria? >> thank you so much, katie. good morning, everyone, value rush hour delays all over in the usual spots. just note. that will taking you now to 309, where you are commuting in the southbound direction, we do have accident high lan avenue. now, for the most part, on the shoulder but still causing bit of squeeze for commuters f you are traveling, elsewhere, going to switch things up for just a bit. if you are traveling on the blue route, note that you will have delays around route one in a big way. not only northbound, but southbound, too, expect delays on 95, the schuylkill, look at that, 22 on 476, and big old westbound delay on the pa turnpike out of bucks county mid-county. no major delays for mass transit. erika? >> thank you, next update at 8: 2 ring ring!... progresso! it's ok that your soup tastes like my homemade. it's our slow simmered vegetables and tender white meat chicken. apology accepted. i'm watching you soup people.
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make it progresso or make it yourself you say avocado old el paso says... zesty chicken and avocado tacos in our stand 'n stuff tortillas . (record scratch) you say stand n' stuff tortillas old el paso says... start somewhere fresh
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a fire in kensington. nine people, who live along the 4700 block of vista street, are in the care of the red cross this morning. investigators are is her clinic for the cause of that fire. good morning, everyone, also, developing right now,
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police are investigating a deadly shooting, in north philadelphia. >> investigators tell "eyewitness news", that two gunmen unloaded more than 30 shots. they killed a man, and injured a woman in the 2100 block of uber street. "eyewitness news" reporter jan carabeo joins us now with the latest information from temple hospital. good morning. erika, ukee, good morning. one man is dead. the woman he was sitting next to was in the hospital this morning, injured, fortunately, for her, she was only shot one time, and i say that because 32 spent shell casings were found at the scene, and the man who died was shot ten times, and all of this as a community remains on edge this morning, after hearing all of those gunshots in the middle of the night. >> close to three dozen spent shell casings litter the street in stanton overnight. police say the intended target was shot ten times. he was a 24 year old man, who died at the hospital. a 46 year old woman, police say, possibly an innocent bystander, was sitting next to him. for the lip, for her, she was hit only


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