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tv   Eyewitness News on the CW Philly  CW  October 10, 2014 8:00am-9:01am EDT

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a wawa in northeast philadelphia. happened shortly after 3:00 a.m., 800 block cottman and fox chase. developers say thief walked in, demanding cash, and he got a which with about a thousand dollars. no one was hurt. also, breaking this morning, the winners of this year's nobel peace prize have been announced. the first, malala yousafzai, the pakistani teenager was shot in the head by taliban militants, survived, now global advocate for children's education, the other winner kailash satyarthi of india, kailash satyarthi is also a children's rights activist, who has fought against child labor for decades. and airline passenger's comment meantime about ebola spark quite a square in the air. >> this all happened on us airways flight from philadelphia to punta cana in the dominican republic. "eyewitness news" reporter jan carabeo joins us at philadelphia international with the dramatic response, jan, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, first, we want to emphasize
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that no one on this flight actually had ebola. but it goes to show, just how much of a concern it is become being specially as this nation and the entire world wore business it and tries to figure out how to contain it. >> by all accounts, us airways flight 845, from philadelphia, to punta cana, was routine that is until landing in the dominican republic to this announcement. >> i want you to keep your wits about you. we have people coming on, please, stay out of the way. let them do their jobs. >> what followed, was cents a dramatic response by local health officials. captured on video, bypass edgers with cell phones. this youtube clip shows team in hazmat shoots boarding the plane and headed to the back. according to the person who posted the video, passengers were told by flight attendants that there was cents a situation, than a passenger may have been in africa and had ebola. she was certain it was a hoax, but didn't take any chances cents. eventually, the team escorted an unidentified man from the
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plane, and the airline confirmed the incident in a statement reading in part: we are following the direction of and strictly adhering to all centers for disease control and prevention guidelines in place for airlines in response to the ebola virus. the flight was check by officials and cleared. those in the medical community say they would have quickly learned if the case had been real, than this incident should remind people of the of how serious ebola has become. >> from the medical per second tiff it, seems to be a hoax, a joke, that went bad limit i would advise people to table this seriously because ebola is no joke. people are very anxious about it. >> now, these passengers were allowed off of this plane just about two hours after it landed, and in pun a can't a, the dominican republic, airline goes ton say it apologizes for any inch convenience, but safety of the passengers as well as safety of its employees is its first priority. meantime starting tomorrow, and next, five major airports
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will start increasing its screening of passengers coming from west africa, philly however is not one of those airports. reporting live outside of philadelphia international airport, jan carabeo, "eyewitness news" on the "cw philly". >> thank you, jan. meantime lawmakers already holding hearing today in dallas over the death of thomas eric duncan the first ebola pain don't die in the us. duncan was initially released from the hospital after he became ill. also, in dallas, officials stay a sheriff's deputy who exhibited symptoms of ebola tested negative for the disease. that deputy had been inside the dallas apartment shared by duncan. 8:03, traffic and weather together. good morning, kate. >> i good morning, everybody, happy friday. first and for most. i lover be able to say that to you. we are, however, tracking some more wet weather. this is feeling awfully familiar, isn't it? last friday also tracking wet weather for at least the first part of your weaken, but little bit of different scenario, very similar timing though i must say. storm scan3, already, starting to show signs of life here off to the south, generally south of dc. you have got some activity on
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the radar, speckles of green starting to fire up, obviously with the satellite throwing on top of this, clouds beginning to build, and all do you have do is zoom it out once, see, just west of the appalachians, some heavier rounds every rain beginning to head our way. so really is just matter of time. but guys, i am pretty confident that through most of the day today, most of you will stay just cloudy, little chilly, i give that you, probably sweatshirt or extra layer, by the time the rain picks up talking toward evening at earliest for most spots in not later then the heaviest lane will come overnight into early tomorrow morning before skies gradually begin to clear from northwest to southeast through tomorrow at about midday. here's how the rest of today will pan out though. look, not too much movement on the thermometer, guys, at best talking upper 50's, so, just flirting with 60, eventually perhaps little damp out there, there may be sprinkle by 3:00 p.m. like i said, i don't think you absolutely have to have an umbrella until about the time the sun goes down or later. vittoria?
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>> thank you, so much, katie. good morning, everyone, if you are traveling on the blue route, we definitely have big delays, we take a look, at 476, this shot here around mcdade, we have accident scene. it is on the shoulder, which is the good news, but you have rush hour delays, and you have a gaper delay because folks are just taking a look to the right. and then you have residual traffic from earlier disable vehicle, that we had around broomall. so the northbound side of the blue will not be fun between 95 and broomall upper darby for sure. southbound 95 also some slow going around route one. interesting shot here at cottman avenuement because usually at this time, specifically on a friday, 95 and the southbound direction, which is this direction right here, would be jammed through this part. but we are starting to lose end up a bit. still going to be slow on 95. so if you are traveling southbound, out of the northeast, beyond cottman avenue, down through the vine st. expressway, speed censors still low. it doesn't seem to be we are getting bet nerve areas. if you are traveling in huntington valley, philmont avenue at hillside, accident there. so, be careful of that intersection, try avoid it if you k as you can see, still drop down to 13 miles per hour
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on 95, 20's traveling on the schuylkill, expect some eastbound volume traveling on the vine, between the schuylkill and broad street. and also some lingering traffic on the 42 freeway as well as a five both northbound. natasha? >> thanks you very much. happening today the penalty phase starts for raghu. yesterday, montgomery county jury found him guilty for the deaths of ten month old sanvi and her 16 year old grandmotherment victims killed in a botched kidnapping back in october of 2012. raghu family friends who lived in the same building. prosecutors say they are seeking the death penalty in this case. >> the defendant has his mother to beg for his life. but that same opportunity was not given by the defendants for sanvi's mother, given everything he's been through, he is not an evil person. and he's not the worse of the worse. and, accordingly, he should not be put to death. >> if he is in the sentenced to death by the jury, sangu
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will spend the rest of his life behind barts. deitz and watson breaking grounds, massive fire destroyed its warehouse in delanco. city officials lured the company to move across the delaware river to empty lot in talcony. move expected to bring about with one ooh jobs to the area. lasts september's fire destroyed everything in its burlington county warehouse. >> police in delaware county are investigating a series of burglary scams targeting the elderly, neighbors ♪ to help thwart a burglary last week, diana rocco explains investigators still want home owners to stay alert to avoid becoming the next victim. >> police are looking for this man, part of a burglary ring, targeting elderly and several states. >> you feel they did, that's one thing. >> bob manual says before lunch last week a man knock on his door saying he was from the electric company. >> said want to take a walk around, i'll show what we'll
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do. >> while bob was in the back, he radio to two men in a waiting car. one stalled bob while the other two had rush foot apartment. >> he was writing stuff down on papers and all, you know. >> did you believe this guy's story that he actually works for the electric company? >> ya, because the way it was, and the way he talk. >> police were alert by a witness, while bob was still in the backyard. they pulled the two men out of his apartment. >> one cop has his foot on his head, and he has the gun on the other guy. >> larry mitchell robert mitchell and ricky park here is want in the two states for burglary, were arrested. inside their car, stolen items like jewelry, coins shall cash, and hundreds cents of other possible targets. >> hundreds and hundreds of addresses cents, had notes written next to them, older, young, no good, good. >> now police say this man, and at least two others, are still targeting elderly, after an attempted burglary was thwarted wednesday blocks away in darby. the elderly woman on main
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street was told the water company needed to check for toxin while she waited. a man fitting this description radios to other two inside her apartment whether neighbor walk in the three fled. >> we believe very strongly that this has happened to other people in darby and they just haven't reported. >> utility companies say they'll never sends a workers to someone's home without calling first. police are asking anyone thinks they may have fallen vick time to the scan to dial 911. dime anna rocco, "eyewitness news" on the "cw" fill. >> i "eyewitness news" obtained exclusive video of the marge dubbed the burqa bandit. >> this robbery happened wednesday at the beneficial bank in audubon, new jersey, police are hoping the public can help identify the suspect wanted in a string of bank robberies. as you can see right there, suspect wears a burqa during the heist then escapes on bmx bike. police believe the same man struck several other south jersey banks last month.
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>> happening today, educators rally hoping to get contracts back. live look right now in front of john b kelly elementary, 5100 block of pull as ski avenue. school reform commission canceled the contracts monday during a surprise meeting, you can see that rally already underway right now. 8:10 in the morning. serious health concerns for former soviet leader mikhail gorbachev. coming up next, the latest on his condition, after he's admitted to the hospital. >> and also, ahead, more unrest in missouri. protesters spilled to the streets for second night in saint you lies. >> ♪ >> we're introducing to you a little boy getting help from law epp fors. near and far. taking on serious health issues. shane's heroes, that's coming up.
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like to make it through the cold and flu season without getting sick? every day this week america's top health experts reveal the best ways to get your immune system in tip-top shape. how much sleep is enough? can your diet make you a target for disease? how do you decrease stress? which supplements are best? and which exercise gives the most benefit? protect your health
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>> former soviet leader in the hospital, in the past severe form of die bee east. report the 84 year old gorbachev told him his health is deteriorating and determined to fight for his life. >> more unrest in miss your think morning, protesters get violent after another police involved shooting. a 18 year old black man, was cents fatally shot this week, by an off-duty police officer. two months ago, an unarmed teen, was also fatally shot in ferguson. in the most recent case, police insist that suspect fired first, but his parents say he was not armed. cleve has more. >> reporter: for second night, protesters filled south st.
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louis missouri streets angry over the shooting death of 18 year old myers, during altercation with police wednesday. they smashed store windows, damaged police cars, and taunted officers. police say the situation could have escalated. >> what i describe as large knife came flying out of the crowd. actually hit an officer on the shoulder. fortunately not the blade edge. just shows how the emotion and how quickly this situation can turn. >> hours earlier, there was cents a somber vigil from myers, teen shot and killed by off duty st. louis police officer, who was on patrol for private security company. police say myers ran from the six year veteran, firing at the officers, three times, before his gun jammed. myers' family disputes that, calling the incident a case of racial profiling. >> for him to go from joking around and playing around and eating a sandwich and he was sharing the sandwich with two, three of his other friends, to go from that to now's violent criminal is absolutely absurd. >> certainly the young man may have gone in the store and bought sandwich earlier in the evening.
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when he ran from police officers. he was armed with a gun and not sandwich. >> this week's demonstrations commas tensions remain high. two months after the shoe g death of michael brown during struggle with the ferguson missouri police officer. >> chris van cleve, for "eyewitness news" on the "cw philly". >> 8:00 czars time for traffic and weather together. >> i want to show you waist going to ends up being the cuase of the wet weather we're calling for here, actually two separate pieces that combine together, creates little dreary forecast, headed into tomorrow. frontal boundary very well defined, stall out here. and the combination of wet weather extend as far east at this point to just south of dc. we've got area of developing low pressure along the tail end of this. and that's what will end up bringing us our steadiers and heaviest rainfall. generally totals anywhere from half inch upward to inch or so, heavier rainfall likely southeast of philadelphia, through say south central new jersey, so that's likely where you ends up with the higher totals out of it. meanwhile outside we go, lower
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merion high school, things are looking pretty quiet. clouds have clearly taken over the skyline for you here with the trees, and 52 degrees is your concern tour, there very model breeze, this is going to end up being a rain making systemment not a wind producer necessarily, not thunderstorm producer meanwhile it is all out of here thankfully in time fortune and playing on columbus tomorrow night. i this the field looks damp but good if you have couple of hours of tailgating in ahead of there is then in time for the actual match itself. looking better. that speaks to the timing. as early as late thereafter noon, in toward delaware, jen lip in night fall and beyond, heaviest rain overnight into tomorrow morning, before it gradually tapers by midday. now on sunday, just nicer day, expect some sun, temperatures to rebound back to the mid 60s. vittoria? >> thank you so much, katie. we've had disable vehicles, had accidents today, and now we have another one. traveling on the westbound side of the walt whitman bridge, i'll step out of the
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way for a second so you can get good idea here, westbound on the walt making your way into philadelphia, we are dealing with a disable vehicle cautioning -- causing quite a stir. blog left-hand lane, accident situation, two disable vehicle, as a result of it. so if you are traveling in this area, or traveling on the walt, making your way into pa, definately going to want to possibly use the ben franklin bridge or the betsy but even westbound side of the ben is not looking great right now, so just give yourself more time. also little slow still on the 42 freeway, leading to the walt whitman bridge. now we talk about another accident. >> this one here, this is 476 northbound. right as you make your way around mcdade. on the shoulder, seems to be that earlier northbound delays has loose ends up a bit. it doesn't mean that you still won't have little bit of traffic out there. traveling on the blue route itself, southbound as will as is northbound, find volume around route one. westbound on the pa turnpike approaching mid-county and if you are traveling on 95 southbound jammed still from just about the area of approaching the betsy ross, down through to the vine st. expressway, 26 your average
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traveling on the schuylkill expressway eastbound and westbound, the thickest traffic you'll find right around the area of the roosevelt boulevard. no major problems however for mass transit. we head back to the desk. >> well, heartwarming story about a little boy, you don't want to miss this coming up next. >> we're introducing to you shane's heroes, see holey enforcement near and far helping to booze the spill of this little boy and he takes on the handcuff health issues. >> a look at what's coming you can ton on are the wp -- "cw philly".
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>> a lot of little boys love the flashing lights and sirens. >> and shane is no different. police offers remembers heroes to this very special little boy. but he has no idea that he's a hero to them, too. >> at five years old, shane knows exactly what he wants to be when he gross up. >> a policeman. >> he wants to be a police officer. he a doors his fathers. he really does. and whether he can be a police officer, i don't know, but i'm not going to say no to him. because the skies the limit. >> shane's john toy joining the force may and bit more difficult, though, it always goes back to his very first minutes of life. >> shane turned blue. his coloring was just blue. and the doctors said he was cents fine. >> but his mom colleen new something was wrong. after ten months, she eventually got referred to a neurologist at children's hospital. >> they did an mri. and he had a stroke.
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>> shane was diagnosed with cerebral palsy and what followed is weekly therapy, and treatments, but not stopping him. >> he never gives up. no matter the procedures he has, the surgeries he goes through, the physical, occupational, speech therapy, he goes through it three times a week at children's hospital. the traveling, even hurts his legs, his arms, you know, and he goes through it with a smile. >> mom and dad found out early on what makes him smile. >> when i graduated the police academy my mom gave me a police officer's blanket. and it has a picture on it, and it looks like a patch. shane says i want to be like daddy, and pointed out my blanket that has a patch. he says i want to be like daddy and i wants patches. >> i put the youtube video together, we got the patches. everyone is so supportive. >> every time woe open that envelope or open that letter, he would just smile. and it makes him feel good t
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makes him feel good that there is other people out there like daddy who support him, on his bad days. >> with dozens ends of patches, some from as far away as germany, australia, turn to good friends to make very special surprise for shane. >> now i have to closure eyes. >> remember all of your patches? >> oh, my gosh. >> now, shane can take this with him too children's hospital, giving real meaning to a security blanket. >> this police blank set my favorite, and i like it. >> he does go through a lot of therapist. the ability to give him something comfortable, something that will, you know, be therefore him is a safety net. his dad, the law enforcement, around the country; his safety net. we're very proud to be a part of it. >> he has cents a great personality, joyful kid. even if he is in pain, he still continues with a smile. >> bit after ham, too. >> absolutely, even though, no
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shy, no shy to life, no shy to the camera, of course. >> ya. >> but he's my smile. >> wonderful family. >> so adorable. >> as shane gross and gets bigger and stronger it gets difficult for his mom to lift them in the van. what they really need is called wheelchair lift. they cost about $10,000. there is fund ration page lidge today our website cbsphilly.comment click on links, numbers, very top there, shane's heroes, if you want to make a donation it want to make a donation it would really help them mmm! ring ring! progresso! i forgive you. you do? it's ok that your soup tastes like my homemade. it's our slow simmered vegetables and tender white meat chicken. apology accepted. i'm watching you soup people. make it progresso or make it yourself.
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good morning, everyone, i'm natasha brown. we head right over to the eyewitness weather forecast. meteorologist, katie fehlinger, tracking everything. rain, katy? >> rain eventually. not out there yet, that the tasha. but clouds definitely telling the story of things to come here. we had at least little sunshine out, there you can still see little sliver of it here on the skyline, but south of washington, d.c., just matter of time before the showers lift north. you will get most of the day in here around most of the region, without anything other than clouds. it is mainly toward evening, at the earliest, that the showers start to build in. and it will turn over to steady rain through the
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overnight, and early tomorrow morning, especially, before it gradually starts it taper offer by midday tomorrow. so again, friday overnight, sunday morning, generally when you will see the worse of the rain move in. and then we head into sunday with much nicer conditions, expect some sunshine, 64 degrees, and temperatures that warm up nicely by monday tracking a fresh potential for some showers. vittoria? >> thank you so much, katie. good morning, everyone, if you are traveling on the walt whitman bridge, we do have accident blocking the left-hand lane, the westbound direction. so if you are commuting from new jersey, into pa, and you want to take the ben franklin bridge as alternate, you will find delays there, too. so the best thing do would be to wait it out. we'll let you know it clears out of the way. traveling actually 476 right around the area of mcdade. blue route is loosening up, but it doesn't mean you won't have traffic. you will have little volume around route one in both directions, 95, southbound, slow going into the city, we also cents have accident in swenksville. it is a vehicle fire rather. seventy-three at planning road. so give yourself more time there. and this is an accident montgomery county huntington
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valley section at philmont avenue hillside avenue. so try to avoid that stretch if you can. no delays for mass transit. >> thank you, next update 8:55. continue to watch us on t these
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>> looking liver at storm scan3, showing clouds across the area, hey, rain is headed our way. when will it arrive? katie tolls you coming up on the 3's. >> and, traffic showing the ben franklin bridge here. there it is.
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vittoria joining us with a check on all of the roads for you, when we do traffic and weather together. that's coming up in just a few minutes. meanwhile, airline passenger's comment about ebola sparks scare in the air. it all happened on us airways flight from philadelphia, to punta cana in the dominican republic. >> "eyewitness news" reporter jan carabeo live at philadelphia international to tell us poor about the dramatic response, jan? >> good morning, first we want to stress that no one on this flight actually had ebola. but mere comment about it, sparked a dramatic response. once a philly flight landed in the dominican republic. this is video of that response. take a look. it was up loaded to youtube. this is us airways flight 845, when it landed in punta cana, flight attendant made announcement and said people were coming on board and asked pass inning tears please let them do their job. you can see team of local officials wearing hazmat suits, boarded the plane, walked to the back, the person who up loaded it video says
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passengers were told by flight attendants that there was cents a situation, than a passenger may have been in africa and had ebola. she sad dollars she was certain it was a hoax, but didn't want to take any chances. officials later took an unidentified man off the plane and afterward the airline confirm the incident and apologized for any inconvenience, those in the medical community say they would have fast learned if this was indeed a real case. they say this scenario shows how concerned, health officials are, about ebola. >> from the medical perspective, does not seem to be a hoax, a joke, that went bad limit i would advise people to take this seriously because ebola is no joke, people are very anxious about it. >> and us airways released this statement that reads in part: we are following the direction of and strictly adhering to all centers for disease control and prevention guidelines in place for airlines in response to the ebola virus. the flight was cents check by officials, and cleared.
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passengers were allowed to get off of that plane, just about two hours after it landed, and again, the airline is apologizing for any inconvenience, but says the safety of the passengers and its employees is the first priority. now, happening tomorrow, and in the next week, five major us airports will start increasing their screening, having more strict policies, screening for passengers coming from west after k philly however is not on that list. reporting live outside of philadelphia international airport, jan carabeo, "eyewitness news" on the "cw" philly. >> january, thanks so much. of the screenings that jan just mentioned, one begins this weekend, starting tomorrow, passengers arriving from west after did a, will be questioned and examined at jfk in new york. the rest of the screenings start next week at newark, dullos, a hair, hearts ville airports. new jersey governor chris christie spoke about the need to ramp up secure toy keep the deadly virus from spreading. >> of course we're concern, but that concern is being moved into action.
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i hope the federal government moves even more quickly to get to ooh -- newark area point, because they are in charge that far aspect providing security at our airports. >> he also said i was assureds by the white house that the add obama administration is moving as quickly as possible. similar screening already in place in west africa. let's get check on traffic and weather together. now at 8:33, this morning, good morning, kate. >> i happen friday everybody. we can expect to see those clouds thick win time here today. so the sunshine will definitely be at premium. that in part will really limit any kind of warm that will eventually take place here today. not going to see too much movement on the thermometer guys here. let's take a look, storm scan3 already bringing in a couple of showers, here, generally, they're very light in spotty, but it is all mainly through the southern delmarva peninsula. eventually, though, see the heaviest moisture pent up here. back through west virginia, for example. that will eventually roll on in. and that will happen, i would say, closer toward evening. this is will really end up being overall dry day for us.
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but a loft clouds out there. it is a little damp, i would say, but you probably don't need the umbrella until at least the evening, and we start to see the showers moving in from southwest to northeast will take over the entire map before clearing out tomorrow afternoon, about midday, when we start to see everybody in the clear. meanwhile, through the course of today, again, expect a lot of clouds out there, showers will start to move in, with time, but will take a while, some time to kill before that happens. >> expecting more sunshine up through the highest terrain, further north you go, the more sunlight you will see here today. but everybody again eventually has to deal with the rain, later on tonight. vet tore crashes over to you. >> thank you so much. good morning, everyone, going to start with a take on our bridges, right? so if we are traveling on the walt whitman bridge, not doing great at all f you are headed in the westbound direction, we do have an accident, which is blocking the left-hand lane.
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making traffic just squeeze on by. so some of the volume pouring back on to the 42 freeway, you will want to give yourself more time. maybe being at this, okay, i'll take the ben franklin bridge. ya, if you do that you will run into this delay. so both sides, excuse me, both the ben and the walt, making your way into if the, is not going to be fun if you can wait it out. the westbound side of the ben jammed because of rush hour traffic. could be some folks taking a detour and then also construction which is taking out the right-hand lane. give yourself more time. ninety-five, schuylkill expressway, vine st. expressway, you have the usual slow downs, even traveling on the blue route in either direction around route one, find slow down, as well. also, disable vehicle on dekalb pike at bethlehem pike. vehicle fire in swenksville, at 73 at planning road, no delays however for mass transit. things at the airport lock pretty good still. to "eyewitness news" execution, something you will see only here on cbs-3, bicyclist speaking out after
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confrontation with university of penn officer. all caught on camera. >> you're going to pepper spray me. >> sarah rodriguez says the up officer seen in this video pulled her over for running a red light wednesday morning, rodriguez said she did not stop right away, but when she did, that's when thinks he is call ate dollars. that's when a bystander started recording, now rodriguez claims another officer responded and used homophobic slurs while insisting the bystander stop recording. the officer ticketed roll regies, she said she accepts responsibility for going through the red light but calls the officers' actions cents unnecessary and excessive. >> someone landing their bike into me, trying to make me crash, and then holds ago can of pepper spray. that's ridiculous, that's ex else i have force. >> penn police say it is in the middle of their share of the road campaign, and the officer bass simply enforcing the traffic laws. the department says it is looking into the other allegations cents. >> if you bought ice cream or
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other food at dairy queen lately you could be the latest victim of hackers. fast-food chain says hackers may have stole cuss upper's numbers and done between august and october. we check and affected restaurants close toast philadelphia are in reading, dover, and bear, delaware. >> temple is at g cut edge futures to its popular model s including speed and safety with all deal while, high tech driver assistance systems. senate bee began with all of the details from los angeles. >> a giant robotic arm, the latest version of the model s. signature electric car. ceo says the vehicle isn't just faster than the original, but also safer. with new auto pilot system that, uses cents radar, ultrasonic sonar. >> able to see things at long distance, also able to see through fog, through snow. it is able to read stop signs, distinguish pedestrians, look at traffic lights.
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>> while it is designed to assist drivers it, can't take overcome pleatly. >> not at the level where you could safely fall asleep and arrive at your destin us. >> but it can read speeds to up 155 miles per hour. >> says new mod sell like giving the drivers their own roller coaster. will be available to choose three settings, which is normal, sport, and insane. >> actually say insane. which is true. >> now offering four wheel drive as an option, powered by dual motors. analysts cents say the new feature do help sales in cold weather states and a broad. >> 80% of audi sold in the u.s. are all wheel drive, something like half of bmw and merced sees are all wheel drive. >> new model s will hit the road as early i as december. >> travel and leisure magazine confirms now that we have all known all along, philadelphia
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is a great city. >> the magazine just ranked america's favorite cities in dozens of different cat gore ills. philadelphia finished second for best historical site, that is thanks to icon being landmarks like independent hopples and the liberty bell. only washington, d.c. finish ahead of fill any that category. city of brotherly love also came in third for best sandwiches. i like that one, fifth for pizza and passionate sports fans, something we definitely know a lot about. >> now, sandwiches is that correct like cheese steaks do you think? does that include general perhaps? >> okay, we'll get more details. >> we'll take t halloween just three weeks away. keeping the kids safe it is the key. >> yes. starts with the costume, coming up next the hit end danes toys walk out for. also cents have this: celebrate your love of outer space with few apps from that the in a nasa. i'm kara tsuboi, all of my rays cents coming up next in the tech minute. >> ♪
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>> apparent lip the clouds are chasing our sun away. not much sun out there. clouds ruling the day. kately tell us about some rain, that's possibly hitting our way, as well. it is 8:40, we're glad you're with us here on the "cw" philly this morning. back in a momenent.
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like to make it through the cold and flu season without getting sick? every day this week america's top health experts reveal the best ways to get your immune system in tip-top shape. how much sleep is enough? can your diet make you a target for disease? how do you decrease stress? which supplements are best? and which exercise gives the most benefit? protect your health
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>> parents are stocking up on candy, and kid getting ankles us to dress up as their favorite characters. but is your child's costume safe? jim donovan explains, checking the label might not be enough. >> trick-or-treat. >> it was halloween 2,000, zoe smith, was dressed as a princess, but when her costume came too close to a candle? >> i remember the flame all
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around mere. >> the fire was so fast, by the time i got to hershey was engulfed. >> the costume she was wearing was eventually recalled, but she still lives with the physical and emotional stars of what happened that night. >> i just hope that maybe we can help other people not have to learn the lesson the way we did. >> was as under water laboratory set several costumes on fire, this princess costume ignited right away, in 422nd, the whole dress was engulfed in flames. >> the package had big warn on the front saying choking hazard, but the words keep away from fire were small, and on the back. >> army uniform said it was fire retards and, but flamed up and spread quickly. the safety commission says parents look for costumes that say fire resistant it, doesn't mean the costumes are fireproof n addition to checking for any labels on the costume about as its
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flammable, the materials, choose well fitting costumes not too big and bill owe i. above all else, keep them away from any other flame. reporting for three on your side, i'm jim donovan. >> all right, traffic and weather together now so katie get all of your errands run pretty early today. >> yes, yes, if you want it avoid the lane anyway, yes, i know sometimes our schedules don't allow for, that but gave you a sense of what you will have to expect walking out the door, even despite some of the signs of life here, on radar, just south of dc, off to the west, we should be, won't say, in the clear, but should stay dry through the day today. actually walking you through future wet near second, but seeing the wet weather first place, see our frontal boundery very obviously and well defined, and the moisture starting to string out ahead of it here. area of developing low pressure, that's going to be what prince us the hit yes, sir rain, looks like that is going to move in here overnight tonight into tomorrow morning. color contouring tells the
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story, front at boundary basically lining upright through philadelphia. and, when you start to see the green, and yellow, obviously means some miler air, so well off to the south. even generally into the 60s so far this morning, for us, barely going to get you out of the 50's here today if that. jumping all all the way to 8:00 p.m. one model representation, important to make the disclosure however keeps the wet weather at bay until the sun has gone down, good news, if you have outdoor plans, then heavier stuff moves in overnight for everybody, and it will be out there, through the morning, which moans we could easily pick up about inch of precipitation before it is all said and done, by noon, gradually skies are starting clear out, coy see lingering shower through the midday, but overall the heavy stuff should be gone as we go into the afternoon, then just clear, by the time the sun goes back down again tomorrow night. so, mid 60s expected by sunday meantime wet weather to dodge, but i would say if it had to
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come at all the timing isn't terrible. not a bad commute. good news and shocking news on friday morning. as we take a look at 95, 95, cottman avenue, that would be your southbound side. usually we're stacked, like from academy all the way down through the vine. not so much today further south into center city for sure approaching girard, down through the vine st. expressway, i would say betsy ross down through to the vine, but it is better than usual, 422, not much of a problem. other areas talking the schuylkill, where we're at 19 miles per hour, not looking good there at all. westbound, approaching the roosevelt boulevard, as you make your way through to the one suburbs, very slow. speed censors in other airs not bad. don't see too much red and yellow un. if you are traveling in new jersey, weaver few slow downs on the northbound side of the
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42, so, give yourself more time there, no delays for mass transit. we head back to the desk. >> all right, thank you, so much. here is a look at today's headlines on "eyewitness news", breaking news, teachers union rally at the kelly elementary school in germantown. it is underway right now. teachers are calling for their contract back. the school reform commission canceled contract on monday, in a cost-cutting measure. more breaking news, police are searching for two suspect, who tazed a person at bucks county's neshaminy mall then stole their car. victim not seriously injured, car recovered in northeast philadelphia. also, breaking today, authorities are say the arm man who robbed the wawa on cottman avenue, in fox chase, still apparently out there. investigators say the man got away on foot with about a thousand dollars. >> well, did you know, it is world space week? because just wrapping up doesn't mean you can't continue to love the cosmos. well, kara tsuboi
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reports on handful of new apps designed to help you blastoff into the exploration of space science and technology. >> no better place to start exploring than hands full of apps designed by that is cents an itself. free ios app space place prime catch owl for all muse, video, images, update dollars daily, great for all ages. that the a free ios and android app space images is a must download. thousands of stunning photographs, and videos, of planets, galaxies, save your favorites to your camera roll. finally if you're specifically interested in nasa's mission to mars, download the and martian app. another free one for both types of phones. stay to up date. view updated photos even and ask experts questions about the red planet. kara tsuboi,, "eyewitness news" on the "cw"
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fill. >> i all right, you want to stay with us for the coming up the latest viral video, it is after cat, you know, human voice, explaining a dog to a kitten. it is cents a. who you don't want to misiss it. thank you, cable. for the slower internet upload speeds. for fewer video on demand titles. for taking longer to upload our movies. for making me wait longer to share my photo albums. thank you, cable. for taking longer to upload my fantasy picks. thank you, cable. thank you, cable. because if we never had you... we wouldn't't know the incredible difference verizon fios makes. the numbers don't lie. in customer satisfaction studies, fios is rated #1 in internet speed and reliability 8 years running. #1 in internet customer satisfaction...and hd picture quality. so join the millions who enjoy the difference fios makes and get a fios triple play online atan amazing price guaranteed for two years. sign up now and get $300 back with a 2-year agreement.
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and as an extra bonus from verizon wireless, a free lg tablet, or up to $200 off any tablet. go to today. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800.974.6006 tty/v mmmmm. ring ring! ring ring! progresso. you soup people have my kids loving vegetables. well, vegetables... shhhhh! ...taste better in our savory broth. vegetables. no, soup! oh, soup! available at walmart. today we try to answer that age old question, what is on a cat's minds? >> yes, i have pondsrred
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that a lot. >> times. >> jeannie most reports on viral video hit aimed at making us howl. is it guilty of dog bashing? >> boom. >> remember the days when cat food commercials featured cats, eating food well now cat explaining a dog to kitty. >> dear kitten. you have probably notice that there is a new thing in the house. it is called a dog. >> st. bernard puppy and two felines are headed for fame. >> are they end known? >> they're unknown cats. >> confronting the unknown, in a series of viral hits, called -- >> dear kitten. >> dear kitten. >> dear kitten, you may hear the dog being referred to as a pupae, some sort of french way of saying puppet. >> this explains why they attached that string to him. >> forget the hard sell. >> bands dollars together to
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create almost sub limb march cat food commercials, featuring cats nearly sub conscious thoughts. >> wet food, so special, keep it in little armored metal casing, in claw can penetrate. >> spots are penetrating the internet. >> dear kitten, i should warn you of the monster called raccoon, it can eat and yell at the same time. >> you can -- sucking up millions of views. influencial web content creator, dave frank. but is this dog bashing? >> imagine a cat, now take away independence, cleaniness, and intelligence. what you have left is basically a dog. >> does seem little dog hating. >> anti-dog. >> some are accusing the dear kitten creators of being copycats. >> they site henry the black cat the feline rack by anxst.
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>> henry may speak french, but he was created by an american film student who says he was making fun of the perception that french films are self-involved as a cat. the creators of deer kitten deny taking inspiration from henry. this is just a cat's eye view of dogs. >> when they get happy, stay to the front, because their tails become some sort of weird psycho furry sword. >> shore has humans wagging their tounges. >> jeannie most. >> that's right, dog. >> i boy down. >> so cute. >> oh, that's great. katie, i know you love that. >> oh, enjoyed t and the wet food is commonly known as the good stuff. so it is true. >> it is the best. they love it. guys, timing out the rain, heaviest stuff, basically bottom line it comes late tonight into tomorrow morning and gradually tapers by midday tomorrow. tory? >> thank you, katie. well the admiral wilson
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boulevard does not look so hot at all. you're jammed from jersey all the way into pa, and once you get, there you still have volume lingering on 95, vine, schuylkill, so the usual stuff. >> thanks for watching us here on the "cw philly". for more local news weather and traffic back on with you at noon and all the time. >> and speaking of noon, talk philly coming up on cbs-3, back in 30 seconds with pun more cheheck of traffic and weather together.
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in is cbs-3 "eyewitness news". good morning, i'm erica von tiehl. following breaking news this morning. police are searching for two suspects, who taze add person in the neshaminy mall parking lot. it happened around 3:00 this morning, and the victim is an employee of the bar louie bar and the restaurant at the mall. that's in bensalem, bucks county. the victim was not seriously injured but the two suspects stole their car. that car was later recovered in northeast philadelphia. all right, made it to friday, hoping for good friday, and good weekend hour, are we looking? >> unfortunately i can't promise you completely weekend what is coming, but seeing clouds thicken across the board, limits temperatures, a, b sign of the fact we've got wet weather on the move. already see some of that, few
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speckles evergreen out there. not really producing too much at this point across sus sex county, delaware, but the combination of the next system that will move in here which is stalled front combined basically with an area of low pressure. that will bring in some steadier rain, especially, by later on tonight. and first raindrops really probably don't even start to fall until late today at the absolute earliest, by tomorrow, midday or so, things are starting to dry out from northwest to southeast. sunday looking so much nicer, definitely the better of the two weekends days. vittoria? >> thank you, good morning, everyone, definately not looking so hot on the majors, but heaviest might be the ben franklin bridge, leading to the point this is what you will run into speed censors dropping on 95, pretty short delay, though, than what we are used to seeing, but still slow approaching the betsy done through to the vine in the 20's on the schuylkill expressway, 50's traveling 476. we have wrapped up that delay quite nicely. traveling mass transit no delays but do you want to watch out for this accident
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here, line lexington road at cow path road. give yourself more time. we head back toutiesting. >> thank you, that's eyewitness fuse for now, talk philly is coming up at noon on cbs-3. i'm erika von tiehl. hope you have a great weekend.. ♪ the all-new mercedes-benz gla took nearly 600lbs of high- strength steel. setting industry-leading safety standards took 20,800 crash simulations. and perfecting its engine took over 1.1 million miles of extreme driving. but, this may be the most impressive number of all. introducing the all-new mercedes-benz gla. mercedes-benz.
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>> wendy: it's time to get up and go. >> our chairs are literally killing us. >> wendy: because if you don't... >> catastrophic health problems. >> wendy: hear why we're made to move. >> it's the most important thing. the data is very clear. >> wendy: on today's "700 club." ♪ >> pat: welcome, ladies and gentlemen. terry, i woke up early, real early, this morning, and i was troubled. you know why? >> terry: why? >> pat: i was thinking of that little town in syria, that kobani, and to think those kurds there are going to be abandoned by turkey and the united states, and we've had maybe five airstrikes or 10 airstrikes, like nothing. but we've got an inside thing that will shock you about what is being done in relation to those kurds.


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