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tv   Eyewitness News on the CW Philly  CW  October 7, 2014 7:00am-8:01am EDT

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>> we're live with damage and injuries left behind from this fire. it is tuesday, october 7th, i'm natasha brown in for ukee washington. >> i'm erika von tiehl. first, we want to check traffic and weather together with katie and jessica. good morning. >> i know it is cold in the studio, i have my uggs on in here, nobody can really see them. do i need them out on the skydeck. >> depends on time of day. tends to if you're a wimp like me, i still need my -- need my jacket. a lot of people will walk out, who needs a jacket on morning like this. we have seen significant climb on the climb on the thermometer since same time
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yesterday. this afternoon looks nice, mild as well. here's what's up. storm scan3 till shows spec he else -- speckles evergreen. obviously since retreated out to the north. warmfront, so, temperatures responding, 63 at the airport, 63 wildwood. 62ac list goes on. even in mount pocono 53 that will feel so much milder to you by comparison than what we saw yesterday at this same time where we were easily into the 30's. so, that said, expect the temperatures to turn around nicely, we will be seeing some clouds out there, but, overall, i would just call it partly sunny day, and mile day at that, as is we again are sitting in warm sector of the storm, as earl as tonight after the sun goes down see new round every rain move n next approaching colds front, time things out bill more later in the show, now, we send it into you. >> thank you, love good october weather weekend coming up of the good morning, just coming after 7:00.
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we will actually check out area bridges. this is just near the platt bridge. so you can see, disable vehicle pull over to the right hand shoulder right-hand lane right there. headed westbound toward the airport, most of the volume eastbound right off the platt bridge. and speaking of a lot of volume, we head out to the ben franklin bridge, from the philly side. headed from jersey where the heads lights are, really crawling in, westbound, toward the city, and also losing out one lane due to ongoing construction, so that's really setting everybody back. headed from philadelphia into gist, currently will have no problems out in delaware, crash, route one northbound, just at route 40. pay attention to detours around there. and swab road, moral road, as well use some caution. back to you. >> dozens of people force from the homes overnight, flames rip through delaware county apartment building. >> now the cause is under investigation. "eyewitness news" reporter jan carabeo live at the scene, she's got the latest, good morning, jan. >> reporter: erika, that the tasha, good morning. i was just able to speak with
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the fire investigator, on scene here, who tells me in just few minutes he will be going through this building with code enforcement to take a look at all of the code violations here that need to be addressed before people can get back into their ants. they've been out on the street for hours now. some of them, spending their time here, in blankets, waiting for the doors it reopen. others have found a place to stay with family, friends, and still another group spent the night in a red cross shelter, at a local fire station. close to 100 people out in the street. here in folcroft, delaware county, after a fire, smoke, and high levels of carbon monoxide, force the evacuation of this apartment building, in the middle of the night. >> saw smoke, with all of the tenants out, and it went very smoothly. >> more than 70 unit at the glenn croft club apartments, on folcroft avenue, were cleared, after a fire broke out here in a first floor unit around 10:30 p.m. three people were taken to the hospital, as is a result. two elderly people transported nearly for evaluation, and one
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woman who lives in the apartment where the fire started taken to the hospital for smoke inhalation. fire crews were able to contain the flames to that one apartment. but the smoke and co was keeping everyone out now, but the fire is extinguished. the red cross cents is assisting. close to two dozen of the displaced are at a shelter that's been set up at the folcroft fire station. >> here at the folcroft firehouse, providing the cots, for people to sleep in, providing food for them, and just general comfort until they're able to get back to the apartments tomorrow morning. >> when they get back, we get back in there, we can get in our beds, and sleep for good couple of hours. that's what i would like to do. >> again, no word this morning, when these residents will be allowed back into their apartments, as fire investigation still has cents to happen, the fire investigators still has to go through this building with code enforcement, again, taking a look at those code violation that is need to be addressed before the doors can reopen. they say the fire alarm system also lab to be turned back on, reporting live in fowl craft, jan carabeo, "eyewitness news"
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on the "cw" fill. >> i thank you, january. suspect accused every brutally attacking woman in chinatown waiting to be arraigned on serious charges this morning. police arrested 29 year old brandon menially, after hours of questioning on monday. they say he is the man seen in this surveillance video, assaulting 45 year old woman. investigators are looking to see if the attack was random, or if the victim was targeted. >> the owner recalls possibility this individual had been in there. so, we're looking at the potential of this not being a random attack, but that this individual was targeted. >> well, he faces several charges including rape, robbery, attempted murder, and other charges, as well. developing right now, new concerns about the spread of ' bowl a health officials announce they have the first case of a person contracting the virus outside of west africa. travelers could be subject to additional passenger screening, as the us tries to stop the outbreak from spreading. cbs correspondent susan macinnis more on the story now
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from washington, d.c. >> a woman with the first known case of ebola contracted outside west africa is getting treatment at a hospital in madrid. health officials say her husband has been quarantined, and now they are compiling a list of other people she may have come in contact with. officials believe she cuase the virus last month, while treating this spanish priest who came to madrid from sierra leone for care, but later died. >> we all try to practice universal precautions, when we put gowns on, when we take them off. but, unfortunately, probably break in the procedure. >> to help contain the disease, president obama has promised to sends up to 4,000us troops to west africa. he also calls for the creation of up to 17 ebola treatment centers there, which are expected to be ready by the end of this month. the white house is also considering additional screening of passengers, at airports in the u.s. and a broad, to help stop the spread of ebola. >> all of these things make me confident that here in the united states, at least, we --
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the chances after outbreak of an epidemic here are extraordinarily low. >> officials in the u.s. are currently treating two ebola patients, american cameraman, arrived in the u.s. yesterday, and is at the nebraska medical center. thomas duncan, first man diagnosed with ebola, on us soil; in dallas, receiving experimental treatment. in washington, susan macinnis, "eyewitness news" on the "cw philly". well, officials at children's hospital of philadelphia alert the centers for disease control of two more cases possibly linked to enterovirus d68. doctors treating two new patients suffering with accuse muscle weakness, and changes in the spine. five patients total are being treated for similar symptoms. none have been confirmed to be infected with the virus, but doctors cents are still running tests. also, this morning, parents in hamilton township, new jersey, remain very concerned about the impact of enterovirus. student at yards ville elementary return to class yesterday for the first time since the death of four year
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old eli waller was linked to the virus. the cdc confirm on friday that it caused the death of the preschooler. >> i have a son who is extreme asthmatic. and my concern is he can get it anywhere. >> this here is here to stay, and we as citizens and teachers and students have to be diligent in our approach to personal hygiene. >> the hamilton township school district has approved over time for its custodian staff. and ordered bus companies to thoroughly wipe down all surfaces. the cdc is also testing a classmate of eli's hospitalized shortly before his death to see if he had enterovirus, as well. that child is recovering at home. happening today, a memorial service for the president and ceo of cooper university health system and his wife. john and joyce sheridan died last month after a fire in the bedroom of their somerset county home. investigators still aren't sure who set the fire, but they say, it was not an
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accident. today's memorial starts at 11:00 at the war memorial in trenton, some of the biggest names in new jersey politics are expected to attend. also, today, a bid here lost the bankruptcy auction for the revel casino gets his day in court. >> florida developer gwen slob trails the auction improperly conducted and filed papers for new auction. the one won with $110 million bid. that's 95% less than the original, $2.4 billion price tag of that place. >> bankruptcy court judge in camden will decide if the original sale should be approved. still ahead, barrel mystery in the middle of new york city this morning. >> coming up next, police investigate how the body of a bear cub ended up in central park. also, this morning, fans behaving very badly, and all of it is caught on camera. this huge fight that broke out in a baseball park bathroom. plus dining alfresco turns frightening after a lunchtime
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crowd is side-swiped by out every control driver. >> talking about starting a adventure together, the marriage proposal for hot air balloon ended in rescue operation, certainly one they won't forget. >> no kidding. >> we'll tell you all about it coming up. >> ♪ >> i like that ed sheeran guy. everybody's little to me. i'm like 93 in my head. any who, let's talk about the song, that song there, we don't want to talk about rain, but there is some in the forecast. katie is going to tell us all about why the timing of this weather might not be so bad. that's coming up for you. glad you're watching the "cw philly". back in a moment.
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san francisco 49ers fans come to blows in the bathroom. a fan posted this video on youtube, and says it all started with a argument over open stalls before the start of sunday's game, at levi stadium. victim seen laying on the floor right there in the video suffered severe head injury. police arrested two brothers, short while later, for throwing those punches. they're being held without bail. a chaotic scene now caught on camera in miami, oh, gosh, watch that, a car plows right through group of people dining outside. we'll have that video for you one more time. about dozen people were eating outside over the weekend when out of control car came barreling through. ten people were injured, including two pregnant women. there is no word on their conditions. it is unclear why the driver lost control.
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>> and, a live look now asomugha tree mounts on board the international space station prepare for space walk. that is cents an astronaut read wise man adnexal ex and girth will step-off from the station in about an hour or so. the astronaunts will be out in space for more than six hours moving a defective cooling pump. and also, installing back up power systems for the space station. wonder, to look inside there, very neat. >> very cool. just past 7:13. let's get our traffic and weather together. >> today is one of the days we get lull, basically, between systems, and see another round of rain moving n we look at the wider zoom on storm scan3, you can understand why. so okay, last three hours, you can see that over philadelphia, and the general vicinity of our region here, we had some showers. now they've since moved away off to the north. that is your warmfront. here is your cold front. still sort of strung back, in toward the mid mississippi valley. so that's got to roll through. and meantime, though, we get
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whole day off until tonight. that's when the actual cold front comes through. so, we sit between systems for now. expect some sun, mid 70s, little more instability to get some showers and thunderstorms going later into tonight. and there is, in fact, severe weather threat zone out toward east most new jersey, so the shore towns, could pick up on heavier thunderstorm, or gustier thunderstorm. meanwhile by wednesday there is front will quickly clear out. ends one sunshine, it may be early morning left over shower, but that's it. then thursday, the temperatures cam up to cool front, see them drop off back to the upper 60s, come friday, necessary disturbance already here, don't bling. might miss the dry days here, we again are going to have to dodge wet weather toward the end of the weekment meantime damp pavement tells the story, warmfront already gone, temperatures nice and warm because that far warmfront, also southwest come hone end to the wind flow, little breezy some spots, but at least outside west lawn, not too breezy at this hour. and again, that lingering shower change diminishing, so expect to see sunshine, solid
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b for the forecast, little muggier outside, but still all-in-all pretty decent day, as we said, tonight, however, that front comes in, bridges in the rain, and we're just going to quickly clear out by tomorrow. jess? >> thank you, katie. good morning, everybody, as we approach 7:16, we're going outside to our cameras here on 95, headed actually northbound toward the comador barry bridge off the 322 off ramp here. see everything that moving slowly, break lights there, see the schuylkill expressway, headed westbound, really heavy trip there, it will take but 20 minutes going from the vine st. expressway up into the blue route. this is actually our camera stationed on top of city avenue. it is complete stop and go for the past half hour, 45 minutes, see absolutely crawling as they head toward the king of prussia area. but out in delaware, still crash there, to look forward to. route one northbound, just at route 40, over in the shoulder, and out in bucks county, another crash out in the shoulder, as well, lincoln highway rising sun avenue. but otherwise the rest of new jersey, typical slow spot, route 42 northbound slow, 55
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northbound slow, and headed from jersey over into the ben franklin bridge, westbound, completely jammed. natasha, back over to you. >> thank you, very much. philadelphia's largest teachers union said it was shocked to learn the school reform commission cancel their contract with the school district. union representatives say this newspaper ad here was the only notice given about the meeting where that move was approved. and now for the first time union members will have to pay into their healthcare plan. that cost will run between five to 13% of their premiums. >> total disrespect for the teachers and other school employees who work in the school district of philadelphia. >> the concept that they are surprised by this is laughable. when i was first appointed to the sr -- src in february, i said that we would take unilateral action and if we could not reach an agreement. >> well, those benefit changes will go into effect starting on december the 15th. and frustrated ridley school district teachers, well, they hit the picket line in
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delaware county. they've been working without a contract, new one, since june. teachers say the main stinging -- sticking point guaranteed prep time for class. but the school board argues it is about money. teachers in the district macon average $83,000 a year. parents and taxpayers attended a school board meeting last night to show support for the teachers. >> i don't know how in god's name you can sit there and say she doesn't need prepping. how can she teach 31 children and not have prep time? >> no new contract talks are scheduled. teach letters continue to work based off of their prior contract. we have an update now on the manhunt for suspected killer, eric frein. state police believe that they found letter he wrote details how he allegedly ambushed two state troopers in the poconos last month, and then escaped. that letter does not offer a motive for the shooting. police say they've spotted frein in the woods at least five times. but they've not been able to catch him. a disturbing discovery in
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an unusual place. a dog walker stumbles upon dead bear cub un bush in central park. now, as dick bran on explains, launched animal cruelty investigation to find out exactly what happened. >> the 3-foot bear found beneath small bush in central park off west drive near 69th street. it was discovered by a dog walker, in a area of the park that is very crowded throughout the day. >> first i thought it was cents a raccoon, but it didn't look right. then i thought it was cents a brown dog. but it proved not to be. >> what was your ring? >> it was very upsetting. >> sources tell cbs2 news the bear had stab and slash wounds on its body, and police believe given how close it was to the roadway, it was probably dumped from a car. >> i think that someone would do something like that to an animal, to leave it in the park like this, yes, it is, it is cents very disturbing. >> i'm horrified right now. some people, they just are unbelievable. >> the bear caucus was wrapped
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in a tarp by state wildlife conservation, it is being taken to albany where it will be further examined. who ever dumb the the bear could face animal cruelty charges in addition to health code violations. >> i kind of just walked upon this right now, and just heard what happened. so it is cents just sad, very sad. >> that's terrible. such cruel people out there, makes me sad. >> that was dick bran and reporting. there cents one more bizarre clue. the woman who found that bear's caucus said there was a bicycle right next to the bear. and now police are dusting that bike for fingerprints. right now, it is 7:20. things don't always go as planned, right? romantic proposal turned down right dangerous. happened in california. eric propose today his girlfriend when their hot air balloon start today drift off course. it landed right in the ocean, north of san diego, lifeguards, and surfers rushed over to help thankfully close to land. also, no one was injured, and we are told his girlfriends did say yes. i feel for that guy, though. you can imagine how long he's
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been planning with the hot air balloon, and then -- >> supposed to be so romantic. >> and then into the water. well, he got the yes. >> that's all that matters. police officer getting some attention for traffic stop that led to action. >> what did after pulling over a drive for not having her child in a carseat. first, a look at what's coming up tonight on the "cw philly". and for many, it's a struggle to keep your a1c down. so imagine, what if there was a new class of medicine that works differently to lower blood sugar? imagine, loving your numbers. introducing once-daily invokana®.
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it's the first of a new kind of prescription medicine that's used along with diet and exercise to lower blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes. invokana® is a once-daily pill that works around the clock to help lower a1c. here's how: the kidneys allow sugar to be absorbed back into the body. invokana® reduces the amount of sugar allowed back in, and sends some sugar out through the process of urination. and while it's not for weight loss, it may help you lose some weight. invokana® can cause important side effects, including dehydration, which may cause some people to have loss of body water and salt. this may also cause you to feel dizzy, faint, lightheaded, or weak especially when you stand up. other side effects may include kidney problems, genital yeast infections, urinary tract infections, changes in urination, high potassium in the blood, or increases in cholesterol. do not take invokana® if you have severe kidney problems or are on dialysis or if allergic to invokana®
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or its ingredients. symptoms of allergic reaction may include rash, swelling, difficulty breathing or swallowing. if you experience any of these symptoms, stop taking invokana® and call your doctor right away or go to the nearest hospital. tell your doctor about any medical conditions, medications you are taking, and if you have kidney or liver problems. using invokana® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase risk of low blood sugar. it's time. lower your blood sugar with invokana®. imagine loving your numbers. ask your doctor about invokana®.
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7:00 there is here is a look at today's headlines, dozens of people are in the care of the red cross, after a fire swept through the glenn croft apartments in folcroft, delaware county. three people suffered minor injuries. also waiting for the formal arraignment of the man accused in the assault, caught on camera. police say 29 year old brandon menially attacked and robbed woman noachian a town arts studio. >> president obama and officials from the for the centers for disease control wearing options in the fight against ' bowl a2 americans are being treated, in the states, with one of them in critical condition. and spanish nurse is now the first person to contract the virus, outside of west africa. a michigan police officer is going above and beyond the call of duty to help a young family. >> this is heart-warming story. this officer out to protect and serve, officers ben hall pulled overall ex us de lorenzo for driving her daughter around without a carseat. de lorenzo said she couldn't affords it, so instead of
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writing her a ticket the officer took de lorenzo to a store and paid for new carseat out of his own pocket. after the police department posted the picks on his facebook page, the act of generosity going viral now. de lorenzo said she plans to pay it forward when she gets back on her feet. very nice. just gives you fate that there are good people out there. >> absolutely. >> don't want to hear about the bad stuff, but what a great man. >> could have just written a ticket, and he went above and beyond. >> love it. back in a moment, everyone, see you soon. ♪ ♪ turn around ♪ every now and then i get a little bit hungry ♪ ♪ and there's nothing really good around ♪ ♪ turn around ♪ every now and then i get a little bit tired ♪ ♪ of living off the taste of the air ♪ ♪ turn around, barry ♪ finally, i have a manly chocolatey snack ♪ ♪ and fiber so my wife won't give me any more flack ♪ ♪ i finally found the right snack ♪
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♪ this is cbs-3 "eyewitness news". >> meteorologist, katie fehlinger in the weather center, good morning. >> good morning, today will be one of those days where we catch break between systems, we did actually have warmfront roll through early this morning, left hine couple of damp roads, but done with this showers, for the time being, excuse me. and on storm scan3, looking good here with clearing sky. however, don't get too used to it, because, eventually, you are going to start to see wet weather moving back n57 is our expected high tonight. we drop it down to 61 with our cold front moving in, and it will bring in some showers likely some steadier rain if not heavier thunderstormment tomorrow temperatures haven't quite caught up. breeze kicks in. and on thursday, it is when we start to see the thermometer readings dropping off little
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bit more. jess? >> thank you, katie. good morning, everybody, having some problems out on the ben franklin bridge, as you can see from the jersey side, pretty much back up it, has been for the past hour or so. from the toll plaza headed up over the city westbound, over the into the city headed westbound from new jersey, so also losing out that right-hand lane. and really suffering with a loft back up there out in delaware, crash, push over to the shoulder, route one northbound at route 40. and another crash not too far away, lincoln highway at rising sun avenue. that the tasha, back to you. >> next update is at 7:55, up next on cbs this morning, no laughing matter. one comedy troop accuses saturday night live of stealing their skits. for more local news, weather and traffic, continue to w watch us on these channels, good
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>> jan live in folcroft, will bring us the latest out, there good morning, january.
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>> good morning, that the tasha, erika. finally, some mom on scene here, we just saw the fire investigator go inside this apartment building with code enforcement, of course, at first, it was a fire, and high co levels keeping people out. now code violations inside we're told that need to be addressed before anyone can go back into this building, and you can see out here this morning, as it gets little bit brighter, more and more people are showing back up at the scene. now, it was chaotic scene earlier this morning, three people had to be taken to the hospital because of this fire. two elderly people had to be trans forced merely for evaluation, one woman lives in the apartment where the fire started was taken to the hospital for smoke inhalation. but, of course, now, that the fire is out, the big concern is when are these people going to be allowed back into their homes? we're told about 100 people, for more than 70 units, to find another place to stay last night, because of this fire. and, at first, because of those high carbon monoxide levels. now, the fire department tells me, those levels are now likely down, but again, number
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of code enforcement issues have to be addressed before people can go back in. fire started here around 10:30 last night in first floor unit at the glenn croft club apartments here on the 100 block of folcroft avenue. the fire was contained to that one apartment. but, again, that co level got too high. all of the people had to stay out for hours. red cross cents is assisting and close to two dozen every those people spent the night at a shelter, that had been set up at the folcroft fire station. take a listen. >> here at the folcroft firehouse, we're providing the cots for people to sleep in. we're providing food for them. and just general comfort until they're able to get back into the apartments tomorrow morning. >> now, what time that will happen is still unclear. folks here tell me, they had heard around 8:00, 9:00 at least there is movement at this point with that fire investigators, and code enforcement now inside this building, checking it out. we will continue to follow this story but for now live in folcroft. jan carabeo, "eyewitness news" on the "cw philly".
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7:31 now, a look at traffic and weather together. good morning, kate. >> i hey, good morning, everybody, warmfront that lifted through the delaware valley here through early morning, what it has done has absolutely allowed for us to see not why such couple every showers along the way, but also real nice rebounds, on the thermometer, which we'll show now second. storm scan3, couple of left over signs of life here. we do still have some clouds, sun really trying to peak out, as we zoom it out little bit. you can see that the thrust of the precipitation is well off to the north at this point. so, as the warmfront lifts through, and lifts away, i should say, we ends up with just partly sunny day and certainly mild day, as well. most notable, right now, with your morning temperatures, and, you can see, that not even so much just the numbers, that you're seeing on the current winds, but more so the direction of the after owes. we basically straight up southerly winds flow, helping to draw in warm air. so this looks very much like what it look like yesterday, outside lower merion high school, with the view, sunshine out there on, you know, just on the left portion
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your screen, 06 degrees, much milder temperature than what we saw this same time yesterday there. basically everywhere else. so weight you to the mid 70s today. call it partly sunny across the board, little more sun, little more cloud cover, depending on location. but everybody is dry for now, tonight, the rain returns. jess? >> thank god it is just not during our morning commute, as you can see, but we do have a lot of problems going on, we did have additional rain. we would real be having a bad morning, 7:33, we go outside right now it the ben franklin bridge, where actually this is all the way backed up from the new jersey side, past the toll plaza, all the way up past admiral wilson boulevard, headed westbound into the city. you can see really just completely crawling, also, losing out the right-hand lane due to ongoing construction, so in a combination with that morning rush volume, really taking a lot of extra time for your morning commute. so head out the door just couple of minutes early. fifty-nine around bridge street, you can see pretty much the same story. so northbound lanes where the headlights are crawling, in also cents an accident, disable vehicle, over in the left hand lanes, and you can
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see, a lot of real slow going headed southbound toward the city out in delaware, also, a crash, route one northbound just at route 40. pushed over to the shoulder, that the tasha, back over to you. >> thank you very much. the supreme court essentially cleared the way for same sex marriage to expand in 30 states, or 30 states after the justices chose to not hear arguments from five states, looking to epp hold same sex marriage bands. correspondent chris von cleve explains. >> i now pronounce mary and sharon to be lawfully married. >> reporter: this was moment marry bishop and sharon baldwin spent the last decade fighting for. after challenging oklahoma's ban on same sex marriage. >> no longer second class citizens in our own state. but the next state over we are. >> the couple got their marriage license yesterday. after the u.s. supreme court rejected requests to weigh in on several lower court rulings that throughout same sex marriage bans. but the court stopped short of
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recognizing same sex marriage nationally. >> i think what we have today is more or less the beginning of the ends for same sex marriage bans. >> same sex marriage opponents express disappointment. >> some states now will feel compelled to jump on social bandwagon. redefine. >> allows same axe america and in wisconsin, virginia, omaha, and others. also impacts six other states golf he had by the same lower courts making same sex marriage legal in 30 states, and the district of columbia a in new york, chris van cleve, "eyewitness news" on the "cw philly". >> four weeks to go until election day, and democratic challenger tom wolf continues to hold a commanding lead in the race for pennsylvania governor. in a just released quinnipiac university poll, up 17 points, 55% to 38%. and that's quite improvement for governor tom corbett, however, running out every time, as november 4th quickly
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aproaches. well, 7:35, time for check on business news. >> money watch's jill wagner joins us now at the new york stock exchange, hearing that massive general motors recall over the defective switches, it is cents now linked to even more deaths. tell us more? >> victim compensation funds approved 24 death claims for people killed as a result of the automakers faulty ignition switches. it is to has been eight months since gm began recalling more than 2 million cars more than half of the own verse actually fixed their cars. so gm is taking some extra steps to get in touch with owners, like sending them messages on facebook. >> wow. >> you know what, what's going on here that we're hearing coffee prices are on the way up? >> not good news specially for us in the morning, tv
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business. so, dow take no joy in reporting this stuff. >> highest level in two and a half years, mostly thanks to the drought in brazil. a lot of concern about next year's crops. brazil provides about third of the world's coffee, the bean is used in many gourmet blends. so prices could go up, likely will, as we know, starbucks, folgers, maxwell house, they already raised prices this year. >> ouch. >> that hurts. >> i know, we'll get our coffee whether we can. thanks, jill. for more money tips and information from money watch. com head to our website >> new product that can tell you how many calories you drink. the new smart cup coming up next. also this. >> $400,000 worth the merchandise stole friend luxury department store. aim allison harmilan. that story coming up. >> ♪
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>> even the best every us got to make mistakes every now and again. hear how tony bennett flubbed got bless america. he owned it, though, but he did own t and it was still lovely tune. indeed. >> astronaunts on board the space station, looking live inside. they're getting ready to stretch their legs this morning. we will tell you about a space walk, coming up. we'll be right back. >> ♪
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some people think vegetables are boring. but with green giant's delicious seasonings and blends, we just may change their minds. ho ho ho green giant! (yawn) (ding!) toaster strudel! more fruit in the filling, ya? mmm! ya! warm, flaky, gooey, toaster strudel! now, with more fruit!
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>> a major identity theft ring five employees allegedly stole customers information to buy hundreds of thousands of dollars in luxury items. designer highs happened at sacks fifth avenue in manhattan. stealing high end brands, like channel, louie vet and. allison harmilan has the store. >> i this $10,000 hands bag, and these $2,000 shoes, are among the pricy goods stole friend sach's fifth avenue and headed for the black market. investigators are calling it an inside job. homeland security, the secret service, and the manhattan district attorneys office team up after they got tip from the store. >> it is a group of individuals who are obviously focused on high value objects to receive high value returns. >> officials say they found 200 pairs every luxury shoes and 08 handbags from channel, gucci, at the home of the
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alleged ring leaders to tamara williams, accused of conspire with four store employees and creating fake shows to employ customers using stolen personal information. from there defendant williams would arrange to meet the shoppers at designated places such as gas stations, to pick up the stolen merchandise. >> $400,000 worth of shoes, and bags, stolen from the flag ship here on fifth avenue man at and, district attorney's offers, bosses of the recovered goods filled the room from floor to sealing. >> american consume verse never been at greater risk from commercial retail fraud. >> says regardless of where you shop, americans personal information is at constant risk n new york, allison harmilan, "eyewitness news" on the "cw philly". >> have you ever wondered how many calories you drink a day? >> try to avoid thinking about how many calories you drink a
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day. >> new cup designed to help you keep track if you want, to the smart cup, it tracks sugar, caffeine, protein and fat just whatever you pour into it, called the vessel, it didn't displace the information and then sends that data to your smart phone so you can keep a record. >> a lot of health benefits to track what you consume, current mets off doing so, still little too difficult to do all the time. >> it has small censors, that analyze exactly what's inside. so whether latte, juice, or a smote, the cup no, sir. it will be released next year, but for now you can pre order on line for $99. >> katy? >> i don't have it say it so ominously, however. >> so funny. pour watt near it, push abut on, no, it is water, really. no, really, a latte, whatever. >> store school three, tracking not necessarily the most organized storm we've
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ever seen, but enough it will be messing with our forecast, earlier this morning, the warmfront there you see sort of lifting off to the north, stuck now, in the warm sector of the storm so what's that mean, today, couple of more clouds, little more humid. little bit breezy out there. >> we will talk p even the potential for gusty thunderstorms in a second. >> what's going on across the baja california tropical storm sallyann on has start today bring in some heavier wayne this way. eventually will be moisture that gets drawn in toward the next frontal boundery which eventually heads our way so would be will be dealing with heavier rain, potentially depending where the disturbance decides to set up toward the end of the week. this system, warm front, sent the temperatures on sky rocket. anything from 12 to 15 to 20
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plus degrees 21 surplus in trenton, millville, atlantic city, so much warmer today than it was this same time yesterday notice time stap p, starting off at noon classic partly sunny, clouds, sunshine out there today, but generally dry through the afternoon, could see shower, overall expect to not need the umbrella here we go, tonight, 11:00 p.m., probably even earlier, heavier rain will move in. and i'm not totally sold on where this particular model takes this storm, think at this could reach the shore points. but all out of here in time for 7:00 a.m. which is by the time say between 6:30, 6:55, start to see the lunar eclipse taking place. should get good view that far here in philadelphia. meanwhile, severe potential outlined right now from monmouth, ocean, southeast burlington, atlantic counties for gusty winds, perhaps some heavier downpours, some thunder, just a risk at this point, we'll let you know as things evolve. meanwhile, your eyewitness
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weather three day forecast not bad afternoon, tonight the rain moves, in quickly clears tomorrow. and we start to see the temperatures take a hit. >> for now, we are going to go to the cameras, start off 95 where you can see everything real slow, headed southbound really heavy trip, take you 42 minutes going from woodhaven into the vine st. expressway. this is actually our camera on top around cottman, still southbound completely slammed. see just crawling, headed tore the center city avenue. the northbound lanes toward northeast philly moving nicely, then typical delay spot for our morning commute. vine st. just around eighth street, see headed westbound toward the schuylkill, a lot of brake lights, been like this for the past half hour 45 minutes or so delaware still the crash, pushed over to the shoulder, erika, back over to you. >> thank you, dean of
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philadelphia sports broadcasting will be laid to rest this week. the legendary bill campbell passed yesterday at the age of 91. >> running hard, 7-yard line, and down on the seven. jim taylor, the game's over. the game's over. >> eagles are champions of the world. listen. >> the voice of bill campbell accomplished -- accompanied many memorable sports moments, like the eagles 1960 world champion chill to 100-point game. and the phillies 1964 collapse. we caught up with the current merrill reese to talk about campbell's legacy. >> his passion and love of eagles football came through. was con take us to all of his listeners he was great, great, eloquent broadcaster but versatile. >> the hall of fame broadcaster was fixture on our
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radio station kyw news 10606789 bill campbell, 91. >> well the eagles play the giants sunday night in rome time. the birds sit at the top of the nfc east with four and one record so far. fans are wondering if the eagles are the zero opportunity defense or struggling offense at this point. special teams have been the best unit so far this year so much says they're in first place, still plenty work to do. >> not just one magic quick fix, hey, guys, if we do this everything is straight. we just got to continue to work on it, get better. >> as i said yesterday, four and one, and four, doesn't mean you don't address the problems you have. still not con is cyst ten on the oaf ends i have side of the ball as we want to be. >> seahawks had three touchdowns, called back, but still, managed to beat washington 27 to 17.
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washington did get 60-yard touchdown from former eagle, desean jackson, the seahawks defending superbowl champions and are 11 and one, under coach keith carol. >> the washington nationals, will try to avoid elimination when they play the giants tonight in san francisco. the nats beat the giants, four to one last night, but the giants could advance it the national league championship with a win tonight. cardinals took two game to one negligent their playoff series against the dodgers. matt carpenter hit his third homer of the series, and colton long broke one-one tie with homerun, and the cards beat the dodgers, three to one, the two sides play again tonight. >> singing legends tony bennett sang nlds. now, unfortunately, the 88 year old had little mishap with the lyrics. >> ♪ to the ocean write with
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gold. >> while it is supposed to be white with foam not bright with gold, but did you hear everyone cheered after he sang it? the crowd loved bennett's performance giving him standing ovation when he was finished? absolutely. you got to love that voice. >> he's tony bennett! he can change the lyrics if he wants. stay with us, everyone, still ahead preview of exciting new superhero series, set to hit the cw tonight. >> reality tv star theresa and joe speak for the first time since a judge sentenceded both to prison. we'll be right back.
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>> flash, highly anticipated sooner hero series making its premiere. got to see that. >> in a flash, character barry allen's live is changed after being struck by bolt of lightning he realizes he's the fastest man alive. >> you can do there is don't make me. people have been hurt because of me, and when i looked at you, all i saw was another potential victim. yes, i created? madness, but you, barry, you can stop it.
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you can do this, now run. >> i spoke with the stars of the new series actors grant, and tom, about what drew them to the show. >> tell us about the character and what drew you to this show? >> honestly when i audition for this, it was like i said not something i necessarily expected to get, oh, ya, i won't pass up on that opportunity to at least audition for superhero. thinking i didn't have amazing chances, but worked out in my favor, here i am now talking to you. >> the flash premiers tonight at 8:00 p.m. right here on the "cw philly". >> word is reality tv couple speaking out for the first time since they were sentenced to prison. >> federal investigators charge theresa and joe with fraud and conspiracy. both will spend time in jail.
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judge sentenced theresa to 15 months in prison, her husband received 41 months behind bars. but, the judge staggered the sentences cents so one could stay at home with their four daughters. >> i'll be there, help daddy with the girls. >> the couple pled guilty to federal charges, back in march. theresa is due to report to prison in january. >> specking their first child, former gossip girl actress confirming news on the blogs. lively, reynolds, married in 2012 keeping mom about her due date. >> beautiful photo, though. >> congratulations will be beautiful baby, i'm sure. >> can you imagine, ryan reynolds and her? and fun. >> i and cute. >> had to throw that out there. >> we're back with you? just 30 seconds or so, glad you're with us this morning on the "cw philly". see you in a bit.
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>> good morning, right over to katie. talking about rain today? >> looks like this doesn't happen until the sun goes down. if you have plans out here today, i think you will get them in. see activity over my shoulder on storm scan3, did have warmfront already. and it has rolled on through, on that it had to do, actually helped the temperatures to rebounds nicely, maybe just a left over shower into the afternoon. >> quiet. clouds out there granted but call this partly sunny for the better part of the day tonight more rain moving, in all out of here and should be out of here early enough to catch lunar collapse. >> something to look forward
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tonight good morning, coming up on 8:00. going outside, check out a crash push over to the right hand shoulder woodhaven, just around the boulevard see not whole of lot of volume. but we believe we know be aware of this accident pulled over into the shoulder accident in limerick, king road, lewis road, be aware for local detours, everything slow, 422 she on the schuylkill, city west about 28 minute trip. back to you. >> next update at 8:25, next on cbs this morning, controversial ingredients in the food you eat every day. our lil news weather and traffic continues on the "cw philly" on these channels. skippy!! yippee!! fun fun fun! shiny! you never listen! what? is someone talking?
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♪ skippy!! ♪ yippee!! i'm bored. hashtag bored. skippy!! yippee!! look a ride! (vo) made with the funnest peanuts ever! skippy. yippee!! ♪ mmm! ring ring!
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progresso! i forgive you. you do? it's ok that your soup tastes like my homemade. it's our slow simmered vegetables and tender white meat chicken. apology accepted. i'm watching you soup people. make it progresso or make it yourself. developing right now, almost 100 people are still waiting to go back to their homes after a fire rips through a delaware county apartment building. >> "eyewitness news" reporter jan carabeo, live at that scene in folcroft, where she has been all morning, investigators now addressing
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code violations before the all clear is given, jan? >> that the tasha, erika, that's right. >> have been on scene addressing violations they found inside of the building after the fire started at first it was the fire and high co levels keeping everyone out. now these violation haves to be addressed before people can get back in their homes, small group of people have now congregated here in the parking lot wondered what time that will be. still no word on this morning, as everyone is just itching to get back home after long night. >> close to 100 people, out in the street, here in folcroft, delaware county. after a fire, smoke, and high levels of carbon monoxide forges owe arcuation of this apartment billing in the middle of the night. >> smoke, tenants out, and went very smoothly. >> folcroft avenue, it was cleared, after fire bro


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