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tv   Eyewitness News on the CW Philly  CW  October 5, 2014 10:00pm-10:31pm EDT

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>> ♪ >> from the cbs broadcast center in philadelphia, this is cbs3 "eyewitness news". >> a young life lost much too soon. tonight a grieving father remembers his son, a victim of the enterovirus. good evening, i'm diana rocco. natasha brown has the night off a community mourns eli waller. concerned parents gather to learn how they can protect their children. reporter: for the first time we're seeing photos of the child who died as a result of this virus. four-year-old eli wall area student at yardville elementary school passed away in his sleep. his dad release add quote:
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>> reporter: sunday as hamilton township continued to mourn one of their own parents gathered for a town hall meeting to address the threat that remains. >> very saddening and i just want to know is there a risk of it spreading, is there a risk of it spreading amongst the community. >> reporter: health officials answered questions from the community. their concerns centering on what happens next. >> everyone is worried for their children and that's where we are now with it. a certain -- certain steps they can take the and whether they're following what procedures, what protocol they're putting in place. >> reporter: the school district has ramped up cleaning at its schools adding extra staff making sure surfaces are spotless. >> talking to students about how to throw tissues away, making sure they get to wash their hands. >> reporter: because this is a virus preventing its spread is the best way to combat the issue. parents say they expect to be informed of what the district
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is doing. >> the communication in this district needs to be better. >> reporter: an additional three children are being tested for this particular strain of enterovirus here at the children's hospital of philadelphia. nationwide over the last several months over 500 cases of people testing positive for this particular strain have been reported. we're live in university city tonight, matt rivers, "eyewitness news" at 10:00 on the cw philly thank you, matt. breaking news tonight. we've just learned a child from liberia is at bay health kent general hospital in dover. the child was brought there because of possible symptoms of ebola. but the hospital tells us that the cdc is not testing the child because the likelihood of ebola is very low. we'll continue to keep you updated on this breaking story. meanwhile and officials are monitoring 50 people in texas that may have had contact with the only patient to be diagnosed with liberia in
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liberia -- ebola in the united states. the cdc is retesting dr. rick sacra for ebola even though he believe he came down with a respiratory infection after being treated for the virus. an american camera now is on his way to the united states after being diagnosed with ebola in will i be y the -- liberia. >> as long as the outbreak is continuing in of a today, there is a risk in other places. an outbreak anywhere is potential al threat everywhere. >> officials are also monitoring this homeless man who shared an ambulance with duncan for symptoms. the director of the cdc is scheduled to brief president obama on the current ebola situation tomorrow. >> a good sunday night. if you like november-like weather, i know you liked today. temperatures were a good 10 degrees below average. we were stuck in the 50's in many spots north and west of
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the city. here we are right now, another cool night. 42 in allentown, 35 degrees the temperature in mount pocono. hanging onto lower 50's wilmington and philadelphia right now but across the delaware valley things are going to be getting on the school side. 39 degrees in quakertown, 43 in pottstown. with all this chilly air, we have a frost advisory in effect for the poconos tonight so carbon and monroe county, that goes until 9:00 a.m. monday morning and here's why. we have clear skies but look at the morn temperatures. up into the mount pocono area, lehigh valley, berks county, 30's, possibly even upper 30's around allentown, so, yes you're going to need the hoodies and coats once again for monday morning but it's a quick shot of cooler air. clouds moving in from the south and west so that indicates a south wind flow. that will warm our temperatures back up. we'll be dry overnight. check out the highs tomorrow. partly sunny skies, low 70's for philadelphia and the shore.
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we're cool in the poconos coming in at 63 degrees but looks like we'll keep skies generally partly sunny so not a bad day to start off the work week. coming up in the full forecast we'll talk about how long these milder temperatures stick around and the next chance for showers in a few minutes. diana. >> thanks justin. it was another nail-biter for eagles fans but the eagles pulled out a win. sports director beasley reece is live at the cbs3 sat center for us tonight. beas, i think we're all breathing a little easier. >> yeah, it was too much drama, unnecessary drama. another heart pounding finish to a game that should have been a blowout. still special things are happening. like the improvements on special teams. 23 seconds into the game, james casey gets the block. chris garrigus accident happened it up. it's a blocked punt for another one. for most of the game the defense played really good football. in the third quarter trent cole forced a fumble. eagles were with a 34-seven
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advantage. then the rams came back. they scored 21 unanswered points. austin davis looked pretty good passing the ball. final minute of the game davis throws a incomplete pass on fourth and possible for his team and the eagles move on to four and one on the season. 34-28 was your final. >> they say offensively we have to do a better job of finishing people up. we're up 34-seven had to talk to the guys about not being complacent about the score and let's finish this off. >> the nfl is a tough league. in this league it's a blessing to win. we have to learn how to finish better. but we're not there yet. >> lane johnson's return to the offensive line did help. nick foles wasn't sacked and the running game produced 145 yards on the ground. lesley van arsdale will have more highlights and team reaction in sports. >> thank you beasley. eagles fans don't hold
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back. they made it clear while they're happy with this win, the game itself could have been better. >> they were catching up to us. it was a little bit nerve wracking but we pulled it out, we won so it was a good day. >> the coach got to do some changes but they were lucky to pull it off today. >> nfl. it stands for not for long you take a win, you get them as you can get them. >> we will be back with more on the eagles win on the sports zone. that's over on cbs3 right after "eyewitness news." new tonight, an accident on i-95 sends a philadelphia police officer to the hospital. it happened just before 6:00 in the northbound lanes near the academy road exit. the unidentified officer is assigned to highway patrol. he was not seriously hurt. the cause of the accident was not immediately known. convicted killer mumia abu jamal delivers the commencement address that stirs up the controversy created decades ago when he was found guilty of murdering
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a philadelphia police officer. "eyewitness news" reporter steve patterson has reaction from the college and the officer's widow. >> reporter: 30 minutes without a sound. the philadelphia police department and fraternal of police projecting silence director at a college looking at the words of a convicted killer for inspiration. >> we're here to show support police officers maureen faulkner. >> reporter: sunday about 20 graduating students from the low enroll. goddard can college in vermont where students choose their own commencement speakers listen to mumia abu jamal. >> this is your commencement and as such, i will dwell on the third that you are about to enter into, inhabit and true to goddard's founding ideals hopefully transform. >> reporter: the story is well documented.
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political figure formerly on death row for the murder of philadelphia police officer daniel faulkner now serving life after years of court battles activism and media attention. for faulkner's widow maureen she says it is a constant 33 year reminder of her husband's murder. >> more than half my life i've been dealing with this. i've tried so much to go on way normal life but when this man, he may be physically in a prison but i'm mentally in a prison. >> reporter: faulkner caused the student -- calls the student's decision disgraceful she spoke from her nome california. >> it's a slap in the face to officers. >> reporter: zinn the college released a statement from their interim president bob keen knee saying "choosing mumia has's a their commencement speaker to me shows how this newest group of goddard graduates expresses their freedom do engage and think radically and critically in a world that often sets up
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barriers to do just that. in center city, steve patterson, "eyewitness news" on the cw philly. >> members of law enforcement joined loved ones to celebrate the life of pennsylvania state police trooper david kedra. the viewing was held tonight at givnish funeral home in the northeast. a service will be held tomorrow at christ the king church. kedra was accidentally shot in the chest during a firearms training exercise in plymouth meeting last tuesday. the loser of last week's revel casino auction heads to court tuesday to argue the auction was improperly conducted. brookfield assets management won with a $110 million bid. that's a 95 percent discount on the facility that cost $2.4 billion to build. florida developer glen straub claims among other things the
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winning bid was accepted after the deadline and revel's attorneys didn't share information on the competing bids as promised. an suv careens out of control, slaming into a doughnut shop and it was all caught on camera. a man sitting at the table is hit but survives. we'll have more on this startling video coming up. plus, olympian michael phelps says he's taking ing a break from swimming. how he hopes to recover after his second dui arrest. >> get ready for a warmup for the work week.
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>> take a look at this video showing a deadly cross at a los angeles doughnut shop. footage shows the destruction as a driver of the jeep plows through the store. were unplan was sitting at a table when the suv actually hits him. he escaped with cuts and bruises but one person was killed and four others seriously hurt. the driver was taken to the hospital and released. it's not clear what caused that driver to lose control. michael february says he's taking a break from swimming to focus on his sobriety. the olympian took to social media to tell fans he would be entering a six week inpatient treatment program. the 22-year-old was charged with his second dui in maryland last week am he said
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"swimming is a major part of my life but right now i need to focus my attention on me as an individual and do the necessary work to learn from this experience and make better decisions in the future." a battle at the box office as two thrillers go head to head but gone girl comes out on top. >> ♪ >> as y'all know my wife katie elliott dunn disappeared three days ago. >> gone girl stars ben affleck as a man whose wife goes missing on their fifth anniversary making him a possible suspect. it's based on the best selling novel gone girl pulled in $38 million barely beating anibel, the horror movie about a creepy porcelain doll. the equalizer slipped to third place followed by box trolls and the maze runner. hundreds attended a very special walk today and this one went to the today. "eyewitness news" at the 15th
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annual pause for the cause dog work. the event supports research at fox chase cancer center. today they've raid more than $225,000. the philadelphia college of osteopathic medicine is glowing pink tonight. buildings around the region are turning pink as part of the lights for the cure campaign. a joint effort by cbs3 and susan g. komen philadelphia. the pink light is a reminder for women to schedule a mammogram. october is breast cancer awareness month. >> well, a powerful typhoon is heading towards japan's main islands. it is packing winds of up to 90 miles an hour. it could make landfall tomorrow. the storm could dump as much as 15-inches of rain so residents are being warned about the threat of mudslides. that i understand system there could be another typhoon that threatens japan later on after that first storm moves by. back home our area beaches were in good shape today.
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rehoboth beach delaware, go through a time lapse today. a lot of sunshine. it was chilly. temperatures only in the 50's for highs, low 60's near the coastline. some people hanging out on the boardwalk, not many people on the breach. overall not a bad october day with mostly sunny skies. now, this is a brief shot of warmer air -- cold air. we'll start warming things up for the work week. now 61 degrees, that was our high temperature for philadelphia. that's it. we should be around 70 this time of year. 58 allentown, 60 in ken trenton, low 60's near the shore in south jersey. 42 is where we stand right now in the lehigh valley, 35 degrees in mount pocono where you guys are under a frost advisory tonight. 50 still in millville. wilmington hanging onto 52 degrees but again, another chilly start. we have clear skies over the region, a couple can of thin we have clear skies over the west. they shouldn't bother us. notice this rotation over the great lakes. that's a cold pocket of air sit on top of us. it will start moving back northward so we'll bring milder air from the south and
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we can seal this in the jet stream. here's where we are right now. that jet pretty far south. cold air spilling in from south of the hudson bay. that retreats back north tomorrow. we start to bring in milder air as the jet stream moves farther north. that's the trend this week. we'll get back to near average, even slightly above average as far as temperatures go for the middle part of the week. and all these cool nights and warm afternoons leading to and we're peaking in parts of new england but even up in the poconos seeing some moderate to high color and still pretty low around the philadelphia area into south jersey and delaware but that will change over the upcoming week or so. south winds over our region now. that's going to be the trend again tomorrow. that brings in the warmer air. going to be a bit breezy monday afternoon as well into tuesday, same deal. notice the arrows. they're pointing north side ward. so that means a southerly breeze. temperatures on the warmer side. tomorrow looks great if you have outdoor plans. a mix of sub and clouds.
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tuesday a weak disturbance moves through. could be a couple showers late morning, early afternoon. nothing widespread. otherwise partly sunny skies. later on tuesday night early wednesday morning another disturbance moves through. i think we have a better shot to see scattered showers. this will be overnight tuesday into early wednesday morning. into wednesday afternoon we're back to mostly sunny conditions. overall it's a quick shot of showers in here. early tuesday afternoon and again tuesday night. temperatures tomorrow inland approaching that 70-degree mark so that's close to average for this time of year. tuesday little bit milder. we're into the lower 70's for the warmer spots, some suburbs still hanging into the upper 60's. so here's what's happening overnight. it's going to be chilly. center city low 48 degrees. so you know some of those cold suburbs will drop down into the 30's but a nice rebound tomorrow, partly sunny skies, milder with a high of 71 degrees. south breeze coming in at 10 to 15 miles per hour. here we go with the extended forecast. 73 on tuesday, could be that afternoon shower. wednesday sun and clouds, mid
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70's. we're back to 70 on thursday. then as we head towards friday, our next system moves in, i think that's a better chance for showers so friday looking a little bit wet, probably the wettest day of the week. if you love weather become a cbs3 weather watcher. sign up now on the >> well, take the rain if it means these cold temperatures go away. >> that's a good way to look at it. >> thanks justin. >> what's going on with the eagles. >> second straight game the special teams were very special giving the eagles defense a lift. boy did they need it against the rams. highlights and reaction coming
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>> the eagles came very close to setting an nfl record and not a good way. they did manage to hold on for the win. for the second game in the row special teams put points on the board. 23 seconds into the game the birds are up seven-nothing. to the second eagles up 13-seven. nick foles and riley cooper connect for a touchdown. birds lead 27 at the half. third quarter birds defense comes up big trent cole forces the fumble. cedric thornton grabs the ball. after another thornton fumble nick foles finds jeremy maclin
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for a touchdown. birds with a commanding 34-seven lead. you think the game is over but it's not. the rams scored 21 unanswered points. austin davis scoring quick right there but the eagles managed to hold on. austin's pass in the final minute of the play on fourth down incomplete. eagles hold on for a 34-28 victory. whew. >> he knocked it out my hand and i was just frying god i got a touch down. it was my first one for my career after college and i thank god and it was definitely went towards our victory. >> always happy to win the game obviously but we're just unhappy with our performance. most important thing was to get to four and one which we d i'm pretty sure there's going to be some stuff that that we did pretty well on the football field but we just wantd to play better than that. >> it's hard to win in this league and we're definitely excited about winning but there are definitely some things we got to do as far as
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finishing the game better. >> next up for the eagles we have a prime time showdown against their bitter rivals up the jersey turnpike the giants. today the giants took on atlanta. fourth quarter, eli manning finds rookie wideout owed dell beckham june for his first career touchdown. the giants beat atlanta 30-20. that's their third win in a wrench lone star state battle, dallas hosting the texans. 44 seconds lester rick frost punches it in for the one. that forces overtime t in overtime dan bailey makes this 49-yard field goal and that will give the cowboys their fourth straight win 27-17. baseball playoff game three between orioles and tigers in the sixth inning, baltimore's nelson cruz takes david price's pitch down the right field line and over the wall. that's good for a two run home. the o's beat the tigers two-one and sweep that best of five series. coming up in the sports
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rose we'll break down the eagles win over the rams. we'll also get you ready for the flyers season opener wednesday night mike sielski after the late news over on our sister station cbs3. over the past four years pennsylvania has gone from 9th to 47th in job creation. and now, news about our economy is getting even worse. "pennsylvania's jobless rate is up for the second straight month as employment fell and unemployment rose." "bond rating agency has cut pennsylvania's rating to double a minus because of recurring budget deficits." "the state government is out of cash and is scrambling to make sure school districts and state employees can even be paid." thank you, cable.
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>> we got some rain in the forecast. >> little rain in the forecast, we got some cool air again tomorrow morning but we actually rebound nicely back to where we should be, lope 70's this week. so we got a warmup coming up. 71 for the high tomorrow, could be a couple showers tuesday afternoon with a high of 73. wednesday looks good at 75. ending the week cooler. friday looks like our best shot to see widespread rain. >> thanks justin and thanks for watching "eyewitness news" on the cw philly. for justin lesley and all of us here, i'm diana rocco. we'll see you over on cbs3 at
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