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tv   Action News at Ten on PHL17  WPHL  January 21, 2015 10:00pm-11:01pm EST

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wednesday night and a community combaters to honor a life that had barely just begun tonight prayers and tears for a new born, and mother accused of burning the babe a live. and a massive fire forced hundreds to evacuate a new jersey apartment complex we've got latest on the intense fire fight still underway. but the big story on "action news" tonight is departure of a winter system that left us anywhere from a coat to go a couple of inches. >> but now the the concern is ice. wet road are could freeze overnight making for slick spots out there. and so our crews are fanned out tonight to check on current conditions. kenneth moton live in
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vineland, new jersey. dann cuellar is in claymont delaware two spots that saw most snow today. lets get started with meteorologist adam joseph live at the big board tonight, hi adam. >> as we look at double scan live radar the snow has been out of here for a couple of hours. we are not seeing any precipitation around the region. but the roadways, all of the sidewalks and even, some of the non-paved surfaces, they are either snow covered or they are wet. we will look the a at snow totals in reading half inch. in total. hough's church 1.3. exton half inch of snow, royersford, chad forward around a half inch of snowfall but as we head to the south, this was the highest jackpot for this particular storm near 3 inches in estelle manor 3 inches in bridgeton and? smyrna and dover, two and a half inches of snow full earlier this evening and during the afternoon hours. but the problem now, lies with those temperatures. twenty-seven in allentown. thirty in philadelphia.
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thirty in millville. 30 degrees in dover. these numbers will continue to tumble, into the 20's overnight tonight so winter weather advisories were supposed to expire at 10:00 o'clock. the national weather service who issues the advice wrist has extended it until 8:00 a.m. it is not because of snow but there will be some drizzle passing through overnight tonight and most areas and that could freeze on contact with temperatures in the 20's. so any surface that is not paved, even the bridges and overpasses, and especially the sidewalks, when you hit the morning rush hour tomorrow and the the road, use extreme caution because of those temperatures below freezing. we really need to watch for areas of black ice so anything that looks glistening or looks what like it could be water more than likely would be ice. be careful of that tomorrow morning. when i come back we will talk more about a beautiful even to the week, shirleen before we get into a possible trouble at beginning of the weekend in the accu weather forecast. >> okay thanks adam. as adam just mentioned south jersey got the brunt of
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the snowfall. while it was not enough it was enough to cause some travel headaches. kenneth moton is live in vineland with the story there hi kenneth. >> reporter: hi there shirleen. commute home was slow but good news is tonight those travel headaches are non-existent because there is barely anyone on these roadways. look at the side of the road especially here on route 56, and you can see that accumulation. the snow stopped falling in south jersey but it left some slick roadways, and a nice accumulation on the grass. >> certain spots are icing up. other than that they have been good with clearing the roads. some of the back roads are not that well but usually they take care of tonight 24 hearst. >> reporter: earlier in the evening there was snow coming down in cumberland county giving this area more than 2 inches. >> i have been sick for past couple of days. i got out of bed to bring my boyfriend home otherwise i would be bundled up. >> reporter: in millville it was a quiet night, without many residents out and b crew where is busy salting roadways like route 47 through town.
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>> i came back in, so there is one road up here. kind of slushy. only weigh in and out. >> reporter: we spotted residential streets spotted with that slush similar scene north in vineland but the main road were also looking pretty decent. >> it is not that bad like people to be stuck in their houses and not to go places and especially go to work. we won't don't want to work, roads are bad. it is pretty good. >> reporter: so many can't help but to look back at this time last year. they are thankful but people are still waiting for that big one or more, of the season. >> i think we have been lucky. i think worst is yet to come. >> reporter: let's hope not. communities here in cumberland county and surrounding areas will have a truck out overnight salting the road for that morning commute brian. reporting live from vineland new jersey kenneth moton for "action news" at ten on phl17. >> thank you. let's switch live to dann cuellar, who has got the scene from a somewhat snowy claymont
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delaware tonight and that could make for a messy morning there. >> reporter: yeah, brian, in fact, that is what authorities are talking about. right now as you can see on the side of naamans road grass covered in snow about than a inch or so of snow. it is a good job and roadways here are, wet. but authorities are worried about icy conditions, overnight that might be a problem, so they are urging motorist to air on the side of caution because hitting black ice is in fun. the little clipper storm was fast and furious in the evening with the snow coming down in a good clip. soon park cars would be covered in the white stuff and whether by hand brush, or other people were clearing off what mostly seemed to be a nuisance. >> i'll tell what you these motorist have a bright idea about windshield wipers. when you pull them off the windshield they are less likely to freeze up and much easier to clean. >> i see you are getting ready for the the little storm we are having here. >> yes, i am.
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>> reporter: what is the plan. >> by salt and shovel snow. >> reporter: dell cot were busy throughout the night plowing and salting down roadways, which were for the most part simply just wet. >> how are the roads out there. >> not bad at all. >> reporter: really. >> in the bad. >> reporter: you encounter any slick spots how are people driving. >> they are fine, they are driving slow. >> reporter: better safe than story. >> yeah. >> my friend was driving. it wasn't that bad. we were on the highway. >> reporter: back road were a different story, a little slick when awe replied the brakes on the vehicle will. as for area sidewalks and driveways it seems that the clipper huffed, and puffed, just enough snow to cover them in an inch or so of snow. how is it going. >> i love snow. i wanted it to snow a foot but it won't. >> reporter: you are getting a good work out here tonight. >> yeah but it is fun. i love snow. >> reporter: a lot of people don't like it. >> no no, my wife doesn't like it.
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>> reporter: there you go. back live here along naamans road the authorities are warning of icy conditions overnight so be careful. all and all a, however this little clip are might have been a good practice run for what we might be seeing on saturday, stay tune live from claymont, dann cuellar for "action news" at ten on phl17. >> thanks very much, dann. "action news" morning team will be on bright and early tomorrow morning with the latest on the road conditions and snow totals. given that possible ice we might be seeing so join matt tam david and karen for everything you need to know before you head out the door starting at 4:00 in the morning. now to a developing story out of germantown where a man was shot during a robbery tonight. he was rush to the hospital in critical condition. police tell us that the man was shot inside of the store on the 1200 block of east stafford street right around 8:30. the victim was hit in the face, and the leg. the suspect is still on the loose. the verdict is in former philadelphia sportscaster don
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tollefson was found guilty of fraud. tollefson was led a away handcuffs after the verdict was read at the bucks county courthouse this afternoon. the jury deliberated for nearly 12 hearst before convicting tollefson on all counts, prosecutors say he bilked roughly 200 people out of $340,000 by selling bogus sports and travel packages. tollefson thanked his supporters and said that he accepts today's decision. >> the jury has spoken and i believe in our legal system. >> tollefson declined a plea deal of seven months in jail and 14 months in the halfway house. he now faces up to 30 years in prison. we will have more from the court proceedings today ahead at 10:30. authorities broke up a major prescription drug ring based in southwest philadelphia. pennsylvania attorney general cat line kane a announced the results of the two year investigation today. kane says illegal operation stole identities of more than
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50 pennsylvania doctors. they used those identities to forge prescriptions for oxycodone raking in $1.7 million, four of the 22 suspects are now in custody. the the sale of the revel casino will move forward despite a plea from the tenants to put them on hold. several restaurants and nightclub and pur plant said it could be wiped out if a 95 million-dollar sale goes through, with a florida developer. the judge says, well, they won't take a hit but revel and the city would if things do not move forward. developer glenn straub has threatened to walk away from the deal if the judge, ruled against him. still a ahead a reason to get up and move around during the the day. plus these adorable cousins have quite a bit in common, their moms are sisters who happened to give birth hours apart today, we will hear from the excited families. the deflate gate controversy, is inflating tonight, it turns out colts have a accused the patriots of
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playing with partially deflated footballs in the past ducis rodgers has that story in sports. right now fire fighters are trying to put out a massive fire, hundreds of people's vac waited, we will take to you edge the water, new jersey where fire fighters have a long night ahead of them.
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♪watching everybody eating♪ ♪what they want all day♪ ♪oh this tasteless cardboard♪ ♪brings me nothing but more shame ♪ ♪turning every turn until i find something right♪ ♪and it...takes my breath away♪
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a vigil was held for a new born baby girl who died after police say her mother set her on fire. crowd gathered in browns mills new jersey to remember the the little girl named angelica. sharrie williams was there. >> reporter: residents in pemberton township, gathered with heavy hearts tonight, they are remembering a new born baby, police say was killed at the hand of her own mother. >> it is a horrible thing. i'm a great grandmother, a grandmother and a mother. anybody would have took that baby. she didn't to have throw ate way like trash. >> reporter: 22-year old hyphernkemberly dorvilier gave birth to a baby girl and then allegedly set the baby on fire. dorvilier is in jail facing charges. tonight a special prayer for the baby and the troubled mother. >> as a mother you just wouldn't do this. that is in the normal.
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so i will pray for her also, because i know she's in jail right now, saying what did i do? what did i do. >> reporter: special prayer was held just a few miles from pemberton at browns mills united methodist church. >> ♪ i once was lost ♪ >> reporter: after the prayer more than a hundred people gathered on the church ground for a candle light vigil. >> to celebrate the baby. give it life. >> it is a good thing in the community to be brought together. >> reporter: family members of the accused mother are grieving as well. they released a sky lantern and consoled each other. most in a attendance have never met the family but wanted to show their support. >> to try to bring something positive out of a very negative situation and we can, like we said try to stop the behavior and celebrate life and importance of life and this child is precious in god's eyes. >> reporter: those who gathered for this ridge ill say it is really about sending
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a message of hope. as for a burial and funeral services, they are set for monday, for the little baby. in browns mills, new jersey, sharrie williams for "action news" at ten on phl17. now to a developing story a huge fire is burning tonight in edge water, new jersey in bergen county. check out these enormous flames. more than 400 people had to be evacuated after that fire broke out at this apartment complex just a few hours ago. there are no reports of any injuries, right now. the fire is so intense that fire fighters from six surrounding towns have been called to help out and we've got a live picture of the scene. i want to give you some perspective. this is a view on that fire from a camera in central pennsylvania park in new york city, across the hudson river and so yes that is a massive fire. no doubt crews will be working throughout the night to get this under control. the ohio man arrested last week for allegedly plotting an attack on the u.s. capitol has
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been now indicted. federal grand jury charged 20 year-old christopher cornell with attempted murder of government employees and several other crimes. if convicted he faces up to 45 years in prison. the the fbi says cornell was plot to go bomb the capitol building, and shoot people as they fled. so far there are no indications of foul play in last month's air asia crash indonesia's top accident investigators said that the analysis of the plane's cockpit voice recorder shows no signs of sabotage, or terrorism. 152 people were on board the the flight that crashed into the the java sea on december 28th. no distress signal was received a priest limb nature i analysis of the plane's two black boxes is expect next week. all right. now for that exclusive accu weather forecast. while the snow might be finished falling the temperatures are not. >> adam joseph has the the latest from the big board. >> we're all below freezing at this point, guys but those temperatures will be tumbling
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in the lower 20's by tomorrow morning. the ground is relatively damp right now after the snow that fell across most of the region. in fact delaware around smyrna and west dover over two and a half inches of snow, blackbird 1.9 glass go 1.3, newark 1.2. not exciting numbers but better than what we have seen so far this winter season n new jersey bridgeton won the the jackpot at 3.3 close nothing on 3 inches in atlantic county, estelle manor manahawkin, 2.5 and sicklerville at 1 inch and washington township just under that inch mark. the the numbers to bay below the high temperature. 6 degrees shy of that. the the low this morning started a couple degrees above normal but look at that record low, six below zero back in 85. as we look the the a the numbers we're in the upper 20's from lancaster, reading allentown. thirty in millville. thirty in atlantic city and trenton. a a very cold damp 28 degrees. all of the moisture has pushed
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away. we have a a lot of cloud cover but as we look to the west, near pittsburgh you can see a little extra moisture. as this pushes east most of it will fall apart but if it does follow some like snow flurries or some light rain showers, with temperatures, by low freezing point it could create a the region but future tracker showing that moisture does not, will pull in but you know what no matter what take a caution, little bit easy tomorrow morning and then by 4:00 future tracker showing a decent amount of sunshine breaking out in those northwestern suburbs. and in fact temperatures tomorrow will go up above normal with cloud giving way to sunshine and lots of melting going on. thirty-eight in allentown. forty in millville. forty-two in philadelphia. forty-two in dover. big improvement into thursday and a really nice friday on tap as well. but then things change over the the upcoming weekend. we will chat about those changes guys if you would like to hear them, coming up in the seven day. >> if we must.
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>> yes. >> stick around. >> all right adam, thank you. still ahead tonight story of two local sisters who gave birth to baby girls, just hours apart. and next we will take to you california for latest on the measles out break plus doctor richard breast letter talks about why parents should get their children vaccinated thank you, cable for the slower internet upload speeds. for fewer video on demand titles. thank you cable, because if we never had you... ...we wouldn't know the incredible
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a measles out break that started a at disney land has spread to four other states and in mexico. there are now 59 confirmed cases. the out break is renewing the debate over vaccinations. many of those who got sick weren't immunized, some parent choose not to vaccinate their kid because of autism fears. doctors say it is a bad decision. >> i vaccinate children all the time. i know that there is nothing that i do in terms of protecting their health that has as much value as vaccinations. thankfully the science is in. is there absolutely no connection between vaccinations and autism. >> in 2,000 cdc declared measles had been eliminated in the u.s.
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since then the virus has made a steady return. on health check at ten a new report backs up what we long expect even if you regularly exercise too much time sitting down can put your health at risk. people that are too sedentary are likely to develop heart disease cancer and diabetes. researchers found best way to ensure your health is to both exercise and limit your time sitting down. so, it is suggest thaw get up every half an hour or so for two to three minutes while at work and when you are at home for instance, watching the the the news stand up during commercial breaks and give yourself, a couple of minutes, to stand up. the not a bad idea. >> well it is called deflate gate and tonight we are learning about a scandal that threatens to over shadow the super bowl. >> ducis rodgers is live in the sports center. ducis patriots have some explaining to do to say the least. >> yes they do. did patriots get caught cheating again? that is the the question nfl is examining, along with 12
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footballs. >> espn is reporting 11 of the 12 footballs the patriots had in the afc championship game were under inflated for about 2-pound each. the balls were tested by referees prior to the game and at that point they weren't complying. one member of the losing colt who happens to be a former patriot is not blaming the balls for the defeat. >> they were better than us on that day. i don't know how much of a advantage it would have played or made a difference in the game. i don't want to speculate on that stuff. i think, you know, they've gotti good team f that was going on, you guys will figure that out but as far as i'm concerned they just out played us. >> sixers and knicks entering the night, two teams had a combined 14 victories on the season to put that number in perspective the the atlanta hawks just won their 14th straight game tonight. former st. joes stand out langston galloway with the nixon his second, ten day contract he factors in the decision. galloway with the huge three late to kill any sixers rally.
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eleven points and seven board for them. knicks beat sixers 98-91. ahead next half an hour we will see how galloway old st. joes team faired tonight against u-mass brian and shirleen back with more news
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well, this will make you smile these adorable cousins were born on monday just five hours apart, shanon lynch was
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induced monday at holy redeemer hospital in meadow brooks. she had just given birth to the baby when her sister stopped by to visit. melissa pant o started to have some pain, went to her doctor and he sent her back to the hospital. that night she gave birth to avery. >> we will have some fun birthday parties and neat things and i'm sure they will grow up to be best friend. >> yep, they will grow up, and, it will be fun. >> built in best friend. girls were originally due ten days apart but said they came just five hours a apart don't they look sweet tonight. >> same birthday, graduation, weddings one day. >> so many to look forward to. >> yes yes. coming up tonight, we will hear from a woman who said her husband bulldozed her home and everything inside it. tonight she's wondering why. tonight some are saying bridgeton police used excessive force when they shot and killed a man last month, we have the the dash cam
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video. plus we are hearing from pennsylvania pennsylvania attorney general kathleen kane about allegations she leak controversial grand jury information to emba
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hello again, thanks for joining us on "action news" at ten on phl17. here's the big stories we are following right now.
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there is a massive, fire fight underway in north jersey a as we speak. this is a five alarm fire in an apartment complex in edge water bergen county fire started at 5:00 it is still burning, 400 people have been evacuated from their homes but the good news is at this point there are no reports of any injuries. a south jersey community gathered tonight to mourn life of the new born, police say that the girl's mother a 22-year old gave birth on friday, and then set the girl on fire. there was a candle light vigil after a service at browns mills united methodist church, tonight. former philadelphia sportscaster done ton tollefson was found guilty in his fraud trial, prosecutors say he bilked roughly 200 people out of $340000 by selling bogus sports and travel packages. he faces a maximum of 37 years in prison. well, big story all day long has been winter weather. snow came down for a couple hours ago today but it is out
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of here. >> lets get to meteorologist adam joseph to find out what we can expect in the morning. >> very cold temperatures and patchy black ice but it will be dry when you are talking about precipitation from the sky. double scan live radar will confirm that, southern new england's issue new with that a snow, sleet and rain. as we look at the snow totals around the region less to the north of philadelphia cecily mentioned last night. this was an upside down storm where the southern areas got the most snow. half inch in reading. 1.3 in huffs church allentown closing in on an inch royersford .3 inches and chester county half inch to an inch of snow. as we head down to the south this was the jackpot area where we saw between two and 3 inches of snow anywhere from the central part of new castle county through entire county of kent, delaware, bridgeton, 3.3, estelle manor, seaville around 3 inches of snow and north of mount holly around a half inch. looking at the numbers we are
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in the 20's from pot town saint david, kenneth square 28, martin's creek 26, center city at 30 degrees. as we head south and east temperatures here equally as cold up are 20's to around the the freezing point at the shore communities with the bay and ocean temperature also in the mid 30's. the winter weather advisories have been extended until 8:00 o'clock tomorrow morning through that morning rush hour. there is some patchy, freezing rain, way to the west but we're not expecting anything that major tomorrow morning but a lot of the surfaces are on the damp side and with temperatures in the 20's there could be some of that patchy black ice honest specially the sidewalks and the non-treated surfaces. that low is out to the north and east there is a patch of drizzle to the west, we will see if that holds together more than likely it does fall apart as it push necessary late tonight, tomorrow morning but our eye is now looking down to the deep south and texas. we will see moisture being pulled out of the gulf of mexico and that jet stream
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coming in off the pacific helping to really enhance this particularly pressure system. this is saturday's concern as it pushes south and east, nor'easter is more than likely going to develop off the the carolinas and it will potentially pull up that eastern seaboard somewhere, the the question right now is how much moisture is grabbed from the atlantic and gets thrown inland and also how close to the coast will it be to determine what type of precipitation we will see around the region. right the now there is a good chance we will see some snow, sleet rain across the area. morning rush hour tomorrow mostly cloudy, watch for black ice. twenty-nine at 6:00 o'clock in the morning. 30 degrees at 8:00 o'clock. as we go over to the full and exclusive accu weather seven day forecast, 42 tomorrow, 40 on sunday. a a lot of melting going on. much bright are on friday. not a lot of cold eras that system arrives on saturday at 36 degrees. the it would be a mix of some kind of a snow, sleet and rain. the track will be key.
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we will hone in on that, here tomorrow. then second half looks good at the 40 degrees before another round of snow showers could give us probably similar to what we saw today early on morning before it turns very cold on tuesday and wednesday of next week. >> all right. >> thanks adam. "action news" was in montgomery county this evening, the the snow didn't keep people in conshohocken at home. we saw plenty of people out, we even saw a guy out for a run. we also want to thank all of how got out in the snow, and snapped some pictures. there are just some of them sent to us using the hash tag six abc snow and it looks like some of you a had a great time playing outside in the snow. the "action news" morning team will be on early tomorrow, with the latest road conditions and snow totals join matt, tam david and karen for everything you need to know before you head out the door starting at 4:00 a.m. guilt on all counts that was jury's verdict against
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former philadelphia sportscaster don tollefson. bucks county jury reached that verdict after nearly nine hours of deliberation. that means tollefson now faces up to 30 years behind bars. "action news" reporter chad pradelli was in the courtroom. >> reporter: gone handcuffed don tollefson was escorted to jail after being convicted on five count of theft and other related charges. >> the jury had has spoken and i believe in our legal system. >> this is far enough guys. >> i think he is a narcissist he has a god complex and clearly loves himself more than anybody or anybody else in the the world. >> reporter: list of victims is more than 200, dollar amounts stolen more than 300,000. he sold bogus sports packages in the name of charities but used that money to support his family and drug and alcohol habit. for his victims, including family of killed plymouth police officer brad fox, the verdict is a relief but bitter sweet. >> there is in winners here.
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we don't get our money for the foundation, people that got packages don't getting to on vacation and mr. tollefson is going somewhere that is not a winning scenario for him. >> we exposed him for what he is, a liar and a thief and he got the what he deserved. >> reporter: prosecutors had offered tollefson a plea deal, basically a two year sentence with little more than six months behind bars. he accepted, then reject it. now the once iconic city sportscaster known as tolly is broke and facing up to 30 years behind bars. >> i will continue to work to be sober and better person in anywhere i can. >> reporter: tollefson has work for many radio and tv stationness our region including six abc. no sentencing date has been scheduled but judge said it will happen within the next 30 days. i'm chad pradelli for "action news" on the phl17. tonight we have dash cam video from the night bridgeton
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police shot and killed a 36 year-old man and some local activist say it proves that police used excessive force. on december 30th officer bra him days ape roger worely pulled that car over there. they repeat thely ordered the man inside who was not the passenger to move but's peers to push his way out and it looks like his hand are extended in front of him when he is shot. still critics say police should not have fired. >> we've given jerome so many demand and if you have a gun in my face i'm going to be nervous too. >> it gives a face to an atmosphere that exist here every day. when you guys leave this atmosphere will still be here. >> prosecutors say that a gun was recovered from that car but some witnesses say that jerome reid was you been armed a at the time. reid had a criminal record and over the summer was arrested for resisting arrest. the county prosecutor's office is promising a thorough, fair
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grand jury investigation. a delaware man is under arrest charged in connection with a hate crime. smyrna police arrested 30 year-old daniel lawrence of towns end today. police say they were contacted by a 66 year-old man who said lawrence left a threatening voice mail message last month. police say the message included racial slurs. lawrence faces hate crimes terroristic threatening and harassment charges. he is free, on $5,000 bail. perjury, false swearing and obstruction, those are recommended charges by a special grand injury a begins attorney general kathleen kane. the recommendations were reruled in confidential documents ordered unsailed by kane herself. in it kane defense team asked supreme court to stop the grand jury motion which was denied. the investigation centers on whether kane leaked controversial grand jury information to embarras i
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political rival. today she spoke out saying charges are false, absurd and vowed not to step down. >> no, i won't resign and i will tell you why. i promised the people of the pennsylvania that i would fight public corruption. that is exactly what this is. >> montgomery county district attorney risa vetri furhman has to deciding whether to move forward with the grand jury suggestions and actually indict kane on those charges. tonight philadelphia's top executives philanthropists and chefs came together for a good cause. garrett getland snyder foundation hosted an evening at the rittenhouse hotel benefiting the the vetri foundation for children. guests enjoyed cocktails and food and got to learn about the foundation from mark vetri himself. pre seeds will benefit programs helping schools provide healthy meals from scratch. athletes from philadelphia's sports teams honored five miracles tonight. fifth annual shining star award benefiting the march of
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dimes was held it in at the hyat penns landing. each young honorary was born prematurely some extremely so. but went on to live healthy lives. tonight was a celebrate of the medical efforts that help them grow and children that stood on that stage tonight. a with man comes home only to find that home is gone and now she's wondering why her husband did it. but man thought he tweeted himself to a hotel stay and tried to hide out in a room for a few days. find out how he got caught. we have an update on the fire that ripped through a maryland mansion, and update on the six people believed to be inside.
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♪watching everybody eating♪ ♪what they want all day♪
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♪oh this tasteless cardboard♪ ♪brings me nothing but more shame ♪ ♪turning every turn until i find something right♪ ♪and it...takes my breath away♪
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the fire broke out monday morning and quickly consumed the 16,000 square foot home, and it is believed that the couple and their four grandchildren were inside at the time. investigators have not said how the fire started. a new york woman says she was shocked to discover her husband has bulldozed their home and everything inside. >> but he says that he knew he was going to do it so did
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she. police say 48 year-old james wines rented an excavator and knock down the couple's home monday morning. the couple was in the middle of the renovation and were staying elsewhere. he allegedly told investigators that the house was in such bad shape it could not be repaired, so he just up and got rid of it. >> we were arguing. i don't know what happened. i don't know, anything. >> he is now charged with criminal mischief. following a fight with his wife a mandy side had to cash or rather crash at a pricey resort in palm beach florida. police say the 29 year-old man snuck in the room for two nights without paying and got caught when he stole a television. the man admitted to police he thought he could stay without being noticed. bad idea. room was under renovation. in mandy need taking television but rack up a total of $1,500 on his resort bill.
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so pricey tab there. still ahead as news continues tonight a college student turns his dorm room in the ball pit. have you ever bought something expensive a and hid from it a significant other? if so you are not alone. we will look at how many couples are committing financial infidelity. don't forget to wake up with the "action news" team they will be on starting at 4:00 a.m. tomorrow. join matt tam, david and karen for everything
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are you keeping financial secrets from your spouse? new credit survey find one in five americans has hidden a purchase of $500 from their significant other. 7 million americans have a bank account or debit card their spouse does not even know exists. analyst say keeping secrets could cause problems down the line including late payment ape lower credit scores not to mention damage tour marriage. wal-mart says you can get your tax refund in their stores, in cash, retail giant has made the agreement with 25,000 tax preparers. wal-mart will not charge a fee but your prayer might charge
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you a few bucks. the service of people who do not have bank accounts. wal-mart says it will benefit having customers in their store with new cash in their pocket. millions of people are jumping on the netflix band wagon video streaming service added 4.3 million new subscribers in the fourth quarter of 2014. that is more than they predicted. netflix has 57 million subscribers around the world. all right. it is time for sports tonight. >> ducis rodgers live at the big board, hi ducis. >> we will start off on the hardwood. sixers/knicks, two of the worst teams in the nba. that would normally be a hard thing to sell but knicks come to town with langston galloway. he is on his second, ten day contract. he hopes to stick. tonight he factors in the outcome. carry grant a force on the defensive end, eight blocked shots. twenty-four minutes to play. we're in the fourth quarter mcw with the move that takes
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out not one but two knicks. another sub parachuting night, ten of 26 but he does score 27 points. sixers within three. the less than 302nd to play, grant with another block. but galloway is there to pick up and put home the mess. eleven points and seven rebound for him. galloway and knicks top the sixers 98-91. >> it was big. i enjoyed being in philly all these years. to come back and have a good game and get a win, that was the main thing getting a win. >> when that happens you have to shake his hand and it was a good shot. there is nothing else we can do. we played good defense. he had better offense. >> it is a great story. give him credit. local kid comes home hits the the fade away in the corner you give him credit. >> nfl investigation in the patriots is ongoing but if the reports are true, lack of air could lead to plenty of hot water. espn is reporting 11 of the 12 balls patriots supplied in the
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afc championship victory were under inflated. also, all were check by referee and they were fine then. under inflated ball is easier to throw something tom brady referred to in an interview we found in 2011. >> when he scores his eighth touchdown he spikes the the ball and deflates the ball. i like the deflated ball. >> 12:30, monday afternoon is when zach renal do will have a conference with the nhl office and they will decide what punishment, following this hit on chris le tang the last night. he was eject he might now be suspended. college basketball phil martelli has young team at st. joes, young teams often struggle hawks have lost five of six games. facing you mass second half saint jones down 36789 he tied it. twenty-five for him. he had 27 over the the weekend. later hawks in transition,
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james, st. joes wins 52-56. hawks will fey penn at day. drexel lose toes hofstra 86-58. delaware tops william and marry 84-8o penn hosting monmouth, this is one sided affair. dion generals a game high 17 points. quakers lose by 15, 71-56. finally denver san antonio game. randy foy trying to stay lose ball, he is successful. foy has a tray full of adult beverage poured on him imagine what he smelled like after the game. >> how did he play, that is the question. >> that is all that matters. >> a university student is having a ball at college, david nickel transformed his room into a giant ball pit. he came up with the idea in september, he pays $500 for
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13,000 plastic balls, he says his room, serves primarily as a place of sleep read and, of
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we have overnight ice. >> with moisture on the ground and temperatures in the 20's untreated surfaces could easily ice over tonight and early tomorrow morning as you head out to the bus stop. take it cautiously on those sidewalks as you head to the
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bus stop, 29 degrees is your temperature at 6:00 in the morning and 8:00 only 30 degrees. then we will kick things up in the temperature department in the afternoon with some returning sunshine and temperatures, get into the lower 40's, for some of us in southern new jersey, and melt some of had snow away. >> good stuff. >> thanks, adam. >> thanks for joining us on "action news" at ten modern family next followed by friend. >> for shirleen allicot, adam joseph and ducis rodgers, i'm brian taff. have a great the night tonight great day tomorrow and g, isn't it?
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it's a shame you have to work, huh? [ laughing ] yeah. anyway, i'd like a large sausage and pepperoni -- it's my stuff, okay? just keep your hands off my stuff! phil: hey! i didn't put my hands on your stuff! hey! just a second, derek. what is the problem? alex read my journal. i did not! why would i even want to read your stupid journal? because it contains the details of a life, and you don't have one! ohh! alex, don't read haley's journal. uhh! sorry. my daughters. you got kids? oh. what grade are you in? claire: phil! oh, that's my wife, claire. luke was using my computer. for this. i'm gonna have to, uh, call you back. he told me he needed it to do homework and then i find this -- a-a picture of a topless woman


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