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tv   Action News at Ten on PHL17  WPHL  December 6, 2014 10:00pm-11:01pm EST

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>> saturday night, another $10,000 is added to the reward in search for a missing local college student and eagles come together for a special sendoff for a local military man that decided to serve his country once again. the big story on "action news" is one soggy saturday spilling into the beginning of your sunday. umbrellas are accessory of choice today. it will be that way all day long. the sun is expected to make a much desired appearance tomorrow. meteorologist melissa magee joins us with the latest from double scan radar over at the big board, hey, melissa.
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>> hi there, walter, it's an up door kind of day. go to the movies. read a good book. stay indoors and watch "action news." unfortunately we've been dealing with the rain all of today. it started friday night. stormtracker 6 double scan radar has the line of not so steady and heavier pockets of rainfall. drier in delaware and north and west across areas in allentown and lehigh valley. but i do want to go a little tighter on stormtracker 6 live double scan street-level and want to notice the levels indication of heavy rainfall along the 9 a5 corridor and right across areas in philadelphia international down to wilmington. let's talk about the rainfall we've seen so far. it's coming from southeast to northwest direction and wrightstown close to inch. philadelphia international .86. three-quarters for poconos and millville and more than half inch of rainfall in allentown. the moisture will move on out and we have better news on the day for second half of the weekend. we'll break it down for you until midnight we have a steady light rain. as we get into the overnight
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hours a few lingers showers from west, east direction and sunday, good news, it will get bright and blustery. we'll talk about the details in the full and exclusive accuweather forecast, walter. >> we'll take it. thank you, melissa rain nor arson could dampen spirits in phoenixvillech the fire bird festival wept on despite the loss of the center piece. vapdlees set fire to the 30 foot tall wooden fire bird used for festival annual bonfire. neighbors quickly rebuilt what they could so traditional lighting could take place tonight. the efforts to salvage this tradition embodies exactly what the phoenix represents. >> the fire bird festival is all about phoenix rising from the ashes and the community rose up to the challenge too. >> original bird cost $2,000 and four no buildch the serve for the arsonist responsible continues. >> to the serve for missing
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college student shane montgomery and another increase in reward for information leading to his whereabouts. there's a new on-line tool search crews hope gets them the much needed information. kenneth moton is live in manayunk with the latest. kenneth. walter, day 10 shane montgomery's family says whatever it takes. a lot of ground has been covered in this community. but the young man's parents they're saying they hope that money and organized social media effort will help find him. >> help find shane this is newly launched web site to find missing west chester university senior shane montgomery. it has stats and flier to download and law enforcement contacts for tips and a case that has a 50,000 dollar reward. >> it's overwhelming to me that people that don't know me or my family have been so generous. >> the roxboro mother was trying
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to spark any tips about her son's mysterious thanksgiving disappearance after he left kildare's on manayunk. they have been working to enhance video from businesses. >> we're looking for any kind of selfies, video, from anywhere on main street that may have somebody in the background resembling shane. >> before sunday's eagles game lincoln financial field his mother says the eagle pep band will help spread the word and volunteers will pass out flyers to tailgate parties in the parking lot and many will wear green ribbons shane's favorite color in honor of them. she hanked the community as she thanked them for the recent increase in the reward. >> if money is incentive for somebody help then i would go to the ends of the earth to come one anything and i just need that one courageous person to come forward with information about shane.
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this flier says $40,000. but by the time it surprise dated to $50 k it's likely the reward will be higher as so many work to find shane. reporting live in manayunk tonight, ken, "action news" at 10 on phl17, walter. >> thank you, kenneth. police are investigating a homicide tonight in north philadelphia. it happened before 8:30 in the 2400 block of north sideenham street a male in 30s was found on the street with multiple gunshot and stab wounds. the male has yet to be identified. >> and meantime, delaware state troopers are investigating a deadly pedestrian accident on i-95. investigators say they found a 37-year-old woman lying on the southbound lanes near route 1 in newark just after 7:00 tonight. only one lane was open while crews investigated and the victim's name was not released. over in montgomery county, police are looking for two hit-and-run drivers, both accused of hitting the same person. 54-year-old tom daily was hit
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and killed late thursday night or late last night crossing intersection of ram bow and ford streets in bridgeport a neighbor siz says he saw driver of first car stop. that person took off after the second car struck daily who was already on the street badly injured. a full report is coming up with the latest on the investigation as well as word from daily's sgreving family coming up in the next half hour of "action news". >> police aare looking for the thugs that shot and killed a dog during a robbery attempt in southwest philadelphia. central collision repair shot shop on lancaster avenue this afternoonch the victim told police two men held him up at gun point when the dogs started barking one of the thieves shot them. they then fled without cash. >> philadelphia naacp elected a new president and spoke tonight with "action news." our cameras were there as voters made selections in north philadelphia today. rodney mohammed will be the new leader. he leads the nation of islam mosque in north philadelphia and
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he promises to bring renewed stability to naacp and his main goal is education. >> we're concerned with deep poverty and hunger in the city of philadelphia. but, more so, we want to aggressively educate the citizens in this land so they're not so vulnerable so they're not so weak when it comes to issues that are impacting their lives. >> earlier this year the national naacp us is spended local president squery mondaydesire and three board members of public squabbling and questions over the handling of the group's finances. >> a local navy vet decided to serve his country once again by reenlisting and before he ships out the eagles help him cross something off his bucket list. "action news" reporter annie mccormick has the story from the linc. >> state your name. >> i. >> he is missile technician first class joseph amend reporting for duty in the end zone of lincoln financial field. >> i was hoping i could do it on
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50-yard line. unfortunately it rained. but we found something in the end zone. >> yup you heard it right the 33-year-old navy man reenlisted open the field after calling eagles who agreed to make it happen before he left to ship out serving our country is a family tradition and his brother and law and fellow navy men stood by his side his brother who serves in the u.s. army did honors and nephew a boy scout folded the american flag. >> i feel great it's a dream come true. i've been in 14 1/2 years. this could potentially be my last reenlistment and take me to my 20 year mark. >> i'm very proud of him. he's accomplished a lot in his life. he's definitely a eagles fan and navy man. >> we're proud of keith. he has perseverance and gets thing done. >> it doesn't change much we're here, family,al together, cold, wet, but we're all happy. >> it all took place in the pouring rain even though covered
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in tarp he gotta chance to run across the field. his stepfather bob may is next cu and missed big event. afterwards the family came to him in the hospital following the ceremony. his entire familycy full of die hard eagles fans and sunday they will all be together in sicklerville, new jersey, watching the eagles play the seahawks. >> e-a-g-l-e-s, eagles! >> at lincoln financial field in south philadelphia, annie mccormick for "action news" at 10 on phl17. coming up on "action news" at 10 an person has been executed by al qaeda terrorist a full report on tragic ending that started as daring rescue attempt and the president was taken to a hospital today. we'll tell it you why doctors wanted him to have a ct scan and oh, dear a local woman thinks quick after a dear breaks into her house and she has the photos quick after a dear breaks into her house and she has the photos to prove.
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an american hostage in yemen was killed during a failed attempt in u.s. forces. they railroad trying to help free luke somers. >> about 40 members of u.s. special operations forces swooped into yes, ma'am anyone os pri helicopters closing down to central yemen in middle of
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the night. it was second attempt to free american hostage luke somers seen in this video posted thursday. >> my name is luke summers 32 years old it's been well offer a year i was kidnapped. >> pleading for his life. >> and i'm looking for any help to get me out this situation. i'm certain that my life is in danger. >> the first rescue mission two weeks ago going failed. u.s. troops could not locate somers and instead liberated other hoingt tam, ans. with time running out president obama ordered another daring raid. the hostage tearers threatening to kill somers saturday unless their demand were met. >> our heart are sad luke somers was murdered. >> as they approached a fire fight broke out and tourists affiliated with al qaeda shot somers and south african hostage pierre querky. >> they before unable to save luke. >> they med vakd two wounded
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hostage and one died on nearby u.s. warship and other onship's operating table leaving unfulfilled a wish by luke somer's mother. >> i wanted to see him again and have i safely in our arms. >> lyndsey janice. "abc news," new york. >> president obama underwent a ct scan today at a military hospital and apparently everything is okay. commander-in-chief had a few tests done after complaining of sore throat. doctors at walter reed noticed inflammation and decided to go ahead with ct as precaution. white house says everything came back normal and problem seems to be linked to acid reflux. >> meanwhile federal lawmakers and clergy members gathered in the nation's capitol say good-bye to merion barry he died november 23 at the age ever 78 dubbed mayor for life and expanded economic opportunities
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for city's black population and revitalizing downtown washington. he's best known across the country for crack cocaine arrest back in 1990. he spent six months in prison only to be reelected to fourth term after his release. >> a typhoon made land nal eastern philippines packing wind gusts of up to 130 miles an hour. typhoon heavy pit pounded rain and wind and knocked out power erin toppled trees across the region. 650,000 people fled to safety and that same area was devastated last november by typhoon hyann. 723 people were killed during that storm. philippines put military on fall lert to respond top any impending disasters. >> meteorologist melissa magee has the accuweather forecasts. hi, melissa. >> hi, walter, it's been a wet, soggy, soaking saturday and the good news is we get to the second half of the weekend the sun will make a come back. how is that for a lot of s's. and today in philadelphia coming in at 50.
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despite the moisture temperatures were 2 above average in the sit yes and arm this time of year 48, record setback in 2001. numbers outside tonight along the i-95 corridor temperatures in the lower 40s. 49 in philadelphia wilmington 44. and moisture starting to thin on out a long the coast in beach haven 47 as you move and look at boardwalks temperature there 51. you can seat moisture we're tracking here and it's moving over virginia now. you get the moisture coming in southwest to northeast direction. it will clear our region as we get to overnight hours and brighter skies are on the way for the second half of our weekend. future tracker six timing out moisture here for you 59 midnightly little prings linger ago long the 95 corridor and areas southeast. as we get to overnight hours we can see 3:00 in the morning light showers ra long south
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jersey and delaware and as i advance 9:30, 10:00 tomorrow morning high pressure moves in and brighter skies prevail for sunday. the call from accuweather for the rest of tonight rain tapers turning wundy and winds pick up and things dry out from west to east direction. 36 for low in the city and 30 suburbs here's the exclusive accuweather forecast sunny and brisk tomorrow wind chills in the 30s. even though air temperatures in the 40s. we're calling for high temperature in the city of 44. 40s allentown and 45 as we get into cape may. we'll be brighter. also blustery and looking at winds as high as 35 to 40 miles an hour in some locations and we'll take a closer look at that forecast in the full and exclusive accuweather 7-day. >> police in new jersey face down unusual foe or bill this afternoon. panicked neighbor in galloway township call police when a deer burst through her front doovrment fortunately she was able to lock the animal inside a
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bathroom where officers called a brief standoff and they were able to escort the deer into the house and back into the while. they couldn't even imagine what motivated that deer to rush that house. >> in a matter of hours prince william and duchess kate will arrive in u.s. for whil wind tour it's first ever trip to the big apple. they have a jammed pack itinerary. they are expected to stop by september 11 34e78 memorial site and take on a net's game and travel to the white house to meet with obama. both are expected to attend events were hillary clinton, chelsea clinton and tom hanks. as you may know kate is expecting the couple's second child in april. their first son will remain in the uk. >> coming up on "action news" flyers can finally feel like kings if only for a day. jeff has highlights. later a record breaking auction in new york. later a record breaking auction in new york. we'll till how much one person
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>> this boy had a wish to have a bike of his own. that came through. he was born with a medical condition that affected his ability to keep his balance and he need aid special designed bike to help him compensate. thanks to four week fitness challenge and fund raiseers fearly 5,000 was paid to pay for haden's special new bike. >> time for a check on sports. jeff skversky is liver at the "action news" sports septemberer, hi, jeff. >> a lot to get to tonight. let's start with eagles, scoring open seattle. eagles could not afford to have high flying officers come to a stop. and eagles are one of the worst teams in nfl scoring inside the 20. and five of the the last 16 trips in the red zone. doesn't get any easier against the number one ranked in the nfl. if they want to stay one in nfc
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east they better figure this out. >> it will be a battle out. there they'll come in ready to fight. they know we played pretty well up to this point. but, this say big game we need this, they need this. >> flyers need a win as well. we need it badly. flyers lost ten of 11 games coming into play out in la against stanley cup champ. it's been a wheel of miss fortunes and why they solved "the buzz" the puzzle against the kings. 1-0 flyers two minutes into the second on power play. that's win simmonds. flyers win 2-1 ending sixth game losing streak. how about sixers against second worst neem nba. down three, 13 seconds to go. brett brown drove this off.
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hol us thompson off dallas at three. ties it up. in ot michael carter williams. it's second of the year. starting 0-17 they won two of last three games. what a finish for the sixers. more on that and college football and college basketball and guess who was mad at chip kelly we'll tell about you that coming up in the next half hour. walter, back to you. >> all right. thank you, jeff. local authors and familiar face work to inspire love of reading today in west chester. very own matt o'donnell reading to a group of school kids this morning. this read to dream gift of litcy event is result of collaborative effort involving local teachers andage you'res and entertainment and each family went home with stack of brand new books. >> caidlees to crayons hosted 7th annual ungala in west conshohocken this event is organization largest annual fundraiser and helps them
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provide senlz to r50,000 children each other. all caidlees to crayons events are family friendly and anyone can come out and have fun and help make a difference. "action news" news director tom help make a difference. "action news" news director tom davis and his
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>> a pricey piece of fungus went to highest bidder today for quite a chunk of change it may not be pretty but worth 61,000 bucks to somebody. that's how much unidentified
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food and whine lover frv taiwan paid for four pound white truvrl it's the size of football. white truvrlees are dug up when size of walnut and then it's not cheap. it was unearthed in italy. they say they plan to donate the winning bid to new york city meals on wheels program and children's glaucoma foundation. >> next half hour of "action news" hefty reward offered in >> next half hour of "action news" hefty reward offered in connection with arson spree and fewer parking tickets issued tomorrow in philadelphia we'll till why. >> new xwrar year's end i have till why. >> new xwrar year's end i have the list
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>> if are you just joining us here are the stories on "action news" tonight the reward for information in search for shane montgomery stands at $50,000. tomorrow will mark 11 days since the west chester university senior vapished after a night out in manyunk and his family started a web site with specific information on how you can help in the search. >> and also the phoenixville fire bird festival went on tonight with a makeshift center piece. they torched the fire bird
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overnight. neighbors quickly came together today to build a structure for tonight's traditional bonfire. arsonist responsible remain on the loose. >> first lingering rain over the delaware and lehigh valleys tonight taking a live look at stormtracker 6 hd seeing plenty of green there representing rain. crawling up the coast and moving our way -- i want to clarify there. no worries sunshine expected tomorrow. meteorologist melissa magee has the full accuweather forecast and i'm not sure i remember what the sun looks like at this point. it's getting ridiculous. >> it's been a dreary start to the weekend this saturday we were soaked. we got better news on the way and the sun will make a come back. stormtracker 6 he likes the sunshine. >> i miss it. >> it's sun. >> sky6 live in hd you see it's cloudy and we got that light rain in fact pockets of heavy rain now moving across philadelphia right along that 95 corridor and if are you stepping out on the town make sure you have wet weather gear close you to and if you know someone
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catching a flight you may want to check ahead with carrier for weather related delays and there's a look at the accuweather live lineup stormtracker 6 focuses on precipitation that looks to be heavy right now. you can see rain across most of the delaware and lehigh valleys and things are starting to thin out across areas in delaware. even to our north and west for allentown and the lehigh valley there. we will go in tighter on stormtracker 6 live double scan street-level and you notice yellow that's an indication of heavy rainfall along the 95 corridor trenton to philadelphia and even down to wilmington and including woodbury and also jenkintown and willow grove. and check out another pock eight cross areas in south jersey and moisture picking up. from speedwell all the way down to tack ahoe and fortescue you can see the moisture overhead. things taper off in west direction as we get closer to midnight and lehigh valley. it's a chilly rain north and west of town. tanersville 34. slatington 35.
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fleetwood 35. and center city at this hour 4 2. same thing in chester. down across new jersey browns mill 4 1. cinnaminson 40s. 44 smyrna and dover and sea isle city 41. here's action radar a lot of moisture overhead and storm system tracking currently knifing over virginia. moisture sweeping through southwest to north direction and then we'll start to see clearing from west to east motion as we get into the overnight hours and better weather on the way for the second half of the weekend. and we have the setup for you on sunday. high pressure take over tomorrow with this area of low pressure and cold front moving offshore. so it's sunny and windy and blustery. winds gusting 30 to 40 miles an hour and high temperature tomorrow in the city and coming in at 44. and the best news for the forecast tomorrow we look to be dry if you head over to the linc and eagles at home taking on seahawks. kickoff 4:25.
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winds tomorrow will be in the middle 30s. bundle up if you head to watch the game. sustained winds 12 to 22 miles an hour coming from north, north east that kickoff temperature 43 the upper 30s i you say once we get to 4th quarter. accuweather forecast, windy, sunny, dry. high temperature 44 degrees. monday, turning cloudy, 41. on tuesday, we're tracking this nor'easter it looks to be rain along that 95 corridor eye high temperature 48 mixed north and west snow likely in the poconos. on wednesday a few lingering showers and high of 44. thursday, sunny and chilly, in at 44 degrees and looks like we're going to stay in the 40s as we get to next friday and into the start of next weekend. but better weather on the way tomorrow, walter. >> thank you, melissa. >> stay on top of changing weather with the stormtracker 6 app that puts livery dar and hourly forecast in the palm of hands. app is available right now and free to download to your apple and android devices.
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>> now to family's plea to find two hit-and-run drivers that played a role in man's death in montgomery county and witnesses say the first driver stopped at the scene only to take off after seeing the victim lying on the road. "action news" reporter annie mccormick has details about what happened next. friday night just after 11:30 police shut down the bridgeport intersection ram bow and ford street of a pedestrian was struck and killed. now the hunt is on for not one, but two drivers who investigators say struck 54-year-old tom daily. >> help us to find these people. >> married 20 years eileen daily surrounded by people on her bridgeport porch tried to comprehend who could hit her husband and leave him to die. >> what they did was inhumane and cruel. and how could you leave my husband like that. and he was a wonderful father and terrific husband i heard the large bang.
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>> he sought driver of the first vehicle get out and survey the scene. pound's wife called 911 and he ran out to the street to witness the unthinkable. >> as i'm coming out to see if he's okay another suv coming down the street ran him over again right in front of me. >> pound says the driver that got out then fled. and the driver of the second vehicle never stopped. he was rushed to einstein medical center in montgomery where he was pronounced dead. daily was leaving a nearby family member's house walking westbound ram boa texting to cross ford. police describe the first striking vehicle as late 90s plaque ford explorer similar to this one with passenger side damage around the headlights. they believe it was operated by a hispanic male and second striking vehicle is described as green cadillac or lincoln suv with decall on rear window with family of stick figures. >> 11:30, midnight on friday it
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happened. they're asking for any people in the area that may have surveillance oween their property to also call them. for now, reporting in bridgeport, annie mccormick for "action news" at 10 on phl17. >> mourners gathered in tabernacleth in energy today to say good-bye to three young children shot to death by their own mother and services were held church of holey eucharist. their mother janine lapage died ofself inflicted gunshot wound following the attack on november 206789 they may never know the motive behind this unspeakable tragedy. >> there's a reward in case involving search for people in church firdz in fell ton, delaware. at faxt announced reward for $10,000 for the person or people responsible. the most serious damage was done would healing hands christian church berry town road tuesday. subsubsequent flyers were set at the man shift chapel and laws
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mennonite church carpenter ridge later that morning. if you need information call 888-atf-fire. >> a technical glitch has philadelphia parking authority relaxing parking enforcement tomorrow. ppa is having problems with wireless transition of credit card payments after kiosks, all those locations will be free tomorrow. however other locations including single spaced meters will be enforced. be prepared nop use cash at the kiosks. >> not all christmas presents are found under a tree. >> when it's time to buy new car sometimes you might might not know where to start. consumer reports makes it easier not know where to start. consumer reports makes it easier with recommendation from real
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deciding between buying food and health care is something else. healthy pa is now here to help, with name-brand health insurance that costs as little as a few basic groceries. if you're uninsured, call or apply online today.
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>> a member of synagog in center city brutally murdered inside his home. members of the congregation want answers. here is rick williams with tonight's crime fighter's report. >> he was dedicated to synagog life. >> dan setter from congregation shall home said lee stanley was a fixture in their synagog. >> he participated in many activities at the synagog he was member of the choir and member of the news club and he aited
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weekly bible study. >> stanley who was described as eccentric had no known enemies according to those who knew him. >> he was a gentle guy. there's no reason why somebody would have a reason to harm him. >> at noon on friday august 15 stanley's body was found by workers on the floor in his living room on the 100 block of mole street in center city philadelphia. he suffered a blow to the chest that proved fatal due to a previous heart condition. >> there was no sign of forced entry. no sign of anything having been stole. >> residents crime commission is administering $5,000 reward from synagog and up to $0,000 from the city of philadelphia for any information that leads to arrest and conviction of the person responsible. all you have to do is call 215-546-tips. all calls will remain anonymous. >> his death leaves a huge hole in our congregation.
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>> for "crime fighters" i'm rick williams for "action news" at 10 on phl17. >> a group called sisters for the cure dedicated to fighting breast cancer hosted a free breakfast in center city. no demographic has a higher death rate than african-american women. this event was made to help helmy style life practices and lynn abraham was honored with
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♪ with the card most accepted in the philadelphia region, you have the compassion and security of blue cross. giving you the confidence to move forward. independence blue cross. live fearless.
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if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. it's what you do. ♪ ah. push it. i'm pushing. i'm pushing it real good! >> if you wanted to buy a new car ask other vehicles are he vehicle owners if you would buy their car again. here's nydia han with details. >> consumer reports sure vaivd 350,000 car owners and got interesting results. >> frank loves his corvette and buying another corvette to the take out on the track. >> when you are in the car and hit the road it is great. >> 95% of corvette owners say they would buy a sing ray again. >> making it the best loved sports car. mazda also has a loyal following, 81% of mazda six
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owners said they would buy it again and the three owners are recently enthusiastic. >> the subaru forester is best loved small suv and for mid size suv toyota high lander v 6 and best loved car at all is tesla model s. 98% of owners said they would buy it again. hybrid owners are happy with their cars according to consumer report survey. it's best loved mid size. chef lay bolt best loved contact and toyota pre ac is best loved subcontact i'm nydia han for "action news" at 10 on phl17. >> jeff skversky has a check on sports and break up the sixers. >> they're playing a little better little better than that start. there's not many on sixers schedule but if there's one game you're thinking this is lay-up
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it's tonight against detroit who last ten straight games coming into play. six against the second worst team in nba. three and change to go. rookie kj mcdaniel is the slam sixers within one. michael carter williams drives, scores, sixers up one. ncw 20 and 15 assists tonight. 13 seconds left. hol lass thompson for three. we're tied at 100. going to over time. in ot, ncw nerlens noel that's the basket. sixers win 108-1 high fives all around. won two of the last three. aftering starting 0-15. >> it felt like never ending road flyers lost in my opinion straight road games nine straight this going on more than six weeks. there's issues on the road that finally end out in la. it's been a wheel of miss fortune for flyers and with pat
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sajack on hand they solved buzzle. claude giroux in the first. two minute on the second. how about the power play. wayne simmonds get in there. 37 saves including this on former flier jeff carter. flyers stanley cup champs 2-1. first w in two weeks and first on the road in over 6 weeks. >> seattle quarterback russel wilson is looking to get the best of philly. hopefully he only leaves town with cheesesteak before facing eagles 4:25. wilson stopped by steve prince's stakes today. mar slawn lynch is not eating up skittles but eating up opposing defenses. lynch has 17 touchdowns in last 16 games. >> he's a great, great back, focus back, somebody who don't
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talk a lot and go out there and play. we definitely got to you know get after him. >> everybody is ready to go. i know everybody will be excited. you knee know, we're back in the linc this week and fans will be with us and we'll be excited. ready to roll. >> college football and this is a bit odd. why there's coaches mad with eagles' coach chip kelly after widener loss to lynn field mike kelly says chip helped widener coach -- widener coach is now routing against eagles tomorrow. >> villanova in second around of fcs playoffs what a finish against liberty. john robertson runs in it. they runaway 29-2. they're dancing. whatever that is. they host houston next. >> holy holy the holy war is a blow out yet again today. villanova has beat up biggest
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rival st. joe's by combined 58 minutes last two meeting. all villanova today. cats up 17, minutes into the game. daniel blows by everyone. villanova beat st. joe's. cats 8-0. >> lasalle streamers flying all over the place, what a finish. lasalle down 2. 11 seconds left. they can tie it or take the lead. jordan price temple hangs on by one. john janine as fired up as it gets. won four straight. >> championship in new jersey rowan today. we have three south jersey schools all playing for championships. check key offense in rancocas, mark warnard takes the handoff and takes off. checky wins 30-10, second straight group five title dramatic finish between delsea and allentown in overist very
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time. delsea in the pouring rain makes a stop a mere bank. chelsea wins 42-35 ot. >> group one title game palsboro shuts out salem 4th quarter gaimdz in the end zone. paulsboro is jumping for joy tonight they win 21-0. >> in pa st. joe's prep beats pennsbury in state semi-finals against pennsbury. 21 yard score could win. they're going to hershey for a state title. >> phillys are celebrating at the ballpark. it was the annual pre lighting festivities and refer ear is wondering like the rest of us if bills who end up trading --
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>> howard and foles. >> they are a big part of the game. hamels is down right -- >> it's going to hurt to see that. but it's all about the business. >> yesterday reuben amaro gm has things to take care of with winner meeting monday. >> law enforcement officials in south jersey took time from busy schedules to do a little shopping for great cause. fourth annual shop with a cop took place in egg harbor township today this event pairs uniform police officers with disadvantaged children to help uniform police officers with disadvantaged children to help them with their holiday shoppinr
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>> meteorologist melissa magee has the last check of the forecast. >> we have heavy rain moving interior sections of south jersey. things drying out northwest suburbs reading and allentown. moisture will clear the coast in the overnight hours and sunshine making a come back for sunday. day planner 7:00 in the morning 36. bright and sunny and windy. 3910 a.m. and lower 40:00s 1:00 in the afternoon and winds gusts 30 to maybe 40 mimes an hour walter. >> i didn't hear you say the s word so no snow.
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>> the rest of the "action news" team will be on abc tomorrow morning 6:00. before you take off for international tour putting on a show for their hometown fans karen rogers takes a look at the program's history and future with 6abc loves the arts. that story and more starting at 6:00 tomorrow morning on 6abc. thanks for joining us on "action news" at 10. "philly fued" is next. for melissa magee and jeff "philly fued" is next. for melissa magee and jeff skversky i'm walter perez have a
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your referee of today's matchup. let's meet our competition. here is team blue. - i am bassador i'm here to represent the blue team. we have mecca, spence, panda. we are going to wax on and wax off the red team. let's go. - philadelphia is known to be a tough city, let us meet team red. - this is treadway, representing the red team. i have my man d money. reese raw banga. in my man haitiock. we about to do this thing to the blue team. let's get it! - we are in a search for team that knows the most about philly. - philly pheud on phl17 is


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