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tv   Action News at Ten on PHL17  WPHL  November 27, 2014 10:00pm-11:01pm EST

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>> on your mark, get set, shop. tonight stores across the country are packed with shoppers hoping to score holiday deals. we'll have a live report. accomplice it would not be thanksgiving without this philadelphia tradition. 6abc dunkin doe nouts thanksgiving day rolls through town with special guests including these two from the north pole. owe our big story tonight a football victory. eagles beat the cowboys giving them top spot in the nfc east. ducis rogers is in arlington,
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texas tonight. >> what a victory for the birds tonight. 33-10 over the coye boys. as you mentioned they are in first place nfc east 9-3. let's talk about lesean mccoy. hi was absolute beast today. 109 yards rushing. eagles as a team, 256 yards rushing. after the game chip kelly was asked if a win like this on the road gives his team confidence after fwhapd green bay two weeks ago. >> the message after green bay is the same thichblingt you have to flush this and get ready for a good seattle team. i don't think you will see anybody in the team patting themselves on the back. >> i'm proud of the effort on such a short week. so awesome job. defense, offensive line, really fun. >> and good job by mark sanchez. he did not turn the ball over at all. he had two touchdowns.
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one passing and one rushing. if you believe it the two teams will meet again 1 days at the linc. in arlington for "action news" at 10 on phl17, shirleen. >> lots to be thankful for tonight. thank you, ducis. today was chillier than normal. what kind of weather can you expect if you plan to brave the crowds at the mall tomorrow. let's check in with meteorologist melissa magee at the accuweather forecast. >> hi there, shirleen, you may be braving the clouds early as tonight and the chill is on. it is stick around as you close out the short workweek on friday. 32 in the city and 22 poconos and 22 trenton and along the coast in beach haven to sea isle city temperatures 35. 33 for both wilmington and dover is. winds are not much of a factor or breeze to deal with outdoors. you have not much wind at all for reading andal up tone and sustained 5 miles an hour and
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trenton. you look at the wind particles they're coming north, north weather direction. that gives us a chill when you factor in the wind chill. as you take a look at these numbers feels like 12 in the poconos. wind chill in the city 27. 26 current wind chill in sea isle city and 24 outside in lancaster. here's satellite 6 and action radar lots of clouds around the region. we're tracking whipped dipping down to the north and south of our region. mostly cloudy the rest of the delaware and lehigh valleys. what's ahead for all the shoppers trying to get a head start on black friday and get bargains, 5 a.m., 29, and mostly clear. 7 a.m., 31. bright sun overhead. 339:00 and the temperature is 35 with plenty of sunshine overhead. put a coat or jacket on the list for black friday day. more details with the full and exclusive accuweather forecast.
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>> thank you, melissa. tonight a lot of people are out trying to score holiday deals. as melissa mentioned black friday officially gun and stores ra round the country are packed. chad pradelli joins us live from king of prussia. >> i got here when the doors opened 6 a.m. crowd was sparse. this mall is parked and now the crowds are out and shoppers are ready for bargains. >> as the doors opened at this target on city avenue shoppers began filling up their carts. electrics were the hot item. the hottest item may have been a 40" tv for 1 19 but had you to get a ticket sdmri don't know how much 40" goes for but it's $119 today. great deal. >> we're super excited to see the sales and have great deals for guests waiting in and waitsing on line for us. >> the line in king of president
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bush qua wrapped around the building. people began waiting at 5 a.m. this samsung galaxy phone goes for a buck. >> it's got an awesome camera and pretty and it's a dollar. i have an up graded my phone in three years. and i'm poor. >> that was not the only holiday gift for a dollar. this man came to get an item i once found my stocking. >> play doe a dollar. a dollar i came to get ten for my grandchildren. >> king of prussia was not left out of the early says. some piger storms opened 6, h & m, lord and taylor and gap. luring shoppers with 40, 50, and 60% off. yes, thanksgiving shopping is not what it used to be and shoppers are taking notice. even when the team in green is playing. >> the eagles are playing and i'm here at the toy store.
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>> i hope she got a good bargain. she missed a good game by the eagles. the mall closes 1 a.m. and reopened 6 a.m. live in king of prussia. chad pradelli, "channel 6 action news". >> chad, thank you. 12 hours before target opened doors kmart welcomed shoppers. people were out 6 a.m. in morning in search ever bargains they're calling today's sale holiday clearance. it's staying open 4 hours. doors will not close until tomorrow night at 11. >> before a lot of you watched football and hit the stores in search of bargains you took part in another tradition 6abc dunkin donuts thanksgiving day parade. this was 95 anniversary. parade was, of course, hosted by cecily tynan and rick williams. they were joined by lots of special deguests including ginger zee from "good morning
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america" and the alexis i. dupont marching band from delaware traveled today toful's parade, 140 members led my richard weaver. they performed across the country. this one is their favorite ♪ >> philadelphia gay men's chorus performed their rendition of jingle bell they sang and danced all wearing christmas red, white and green. >> and you can not have a parade without a few balloons and mr. mr. potato head flew high above the parade route today. 16 handlers to manage him. he's a regular in dunkin' donuts 6abc thanksgiving day parade. >> and as it does every year the parade ended with a special visit from santa claus and mrs. clause. they flew in from the north pole to greet everyone at the parade and remind them chris mass is
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just a few weeks away. whether you took cooked for your family or a group of strangers today thanks giving is all about breaking bread in the spirit of friendship and gratitude. here's new jersey correspondent nora muchanic. >> volunteers at the method church in willingsboro were serving up dinner. the meal was open to veterans. those without family and anyone else who need aid holiday meal. >> i heard about the dinner you know? and i just wanted to come out and enjoy the meal. >> in these tough economic times the idea behind this dinner no one no family should go out a dinner on the holiday. >> have people come and break bread together and continue fellowship on a special day. all of us giving thanks. >> some of the dinners were sent to the homeless and those living in area hotels without cooking facilities so they could have a hot he'll, too. >> they might not be able to
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find one a. ford one or know where to go to get one. >> when i was sick my husband was sick people came in and helped us and gave us time and service and love we want to give back to the community. >> some may miss dinner or arrive late because they have to work. gas station attendants and super markets come to mind. >> crazy at my house good to be. >> work is better than home. >> this year. >> catering to shoppers like melissa picking up yams. >> we're going to sit and eat and watch the game. >> we're almost finished. >> we're missing graham cracker pie crust and ran out of twining for the turkey. >> this is cutting it close. >> rotisserie smoked honey turkey. >> that sounds good. >> it's going to be. >> is there an extra place at the table. >> there sure is come on buy. >> what time does the turkey go on. >> as soon as we get back. good luck and bon appetit.
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>> the turkey sounds good. >> health scare nearly changed a holiday for one mount laurel family. he had not one but two open heart surmys in september and he was released from the hospital this week when asked what he was thankful for this year his answer was simple. >> to be alive and be with my family. >> but his homecoming has not been easy. he has four children, 11 grandchildren and 8 great grandchildren. he's still in minority as only cowboys fan. sorry about today's game but we're glad you're on the mend and happy thanksgiving to you and yours. >> and there's much more to come in this full hour of "action news" at 10. you may want to skip that late night trip to the fridge to enjoy the leftovers. we're brawking down calories consumed on thanksgiving. touching moment when a family what lost a son hears a part of
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him that is still very much alive. that incredible story coming up 10:30 and update on this pathetic looking christmas flee reading. yes, it is. reading. yes, it is. the town has decided to do with ♪i want it all! ♪and i want it now!
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>> it has been a touch week in furgeson, missouri, today brought calm to the town rocked
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by riots. despite freezing temperatures and snow flurries groups have been painting designs on the fly wood covering store front windows to protect against vandals and many are hopeful because of how peaceful the protests were last night. even on this holiday national guard troops are standing by for any potential problems. monday night it was announced darren wilson would not be indicted in august shooting of 18-year-old michael brown. >> president obama said part of -- spent thanksgiving making phone calls to u.s. troops from the white house. he spoke with representatives from u.s., army, air force, marines, navy, coastguard and expressed appreciation to their service and work to stamp out ebola and defeat isis. >> sailors and marines across the u.s.s. call vincent enjoyed traditional thanksgiving in arabian gulf. it is supporting ongoing air strikes against islamic militants in iraq and syria.
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supreme court justice ruth bader ginsburg is out of the hospital after having emergency heart surgery earlier this week. the 81-year-old was hospitalized tuesday night after she experienced discomfort while exercising. they placed a stent in her artery to relieve blockage. ginsburg is expected to be back monday when the justices begin their next round of oral arguments. >> meteorologist melissa magee standing by at the big board. >> hi there, shirleen, hopefully you had a warm tucky at least in the oven and hopefully the turkey was warmer than the air temperature outside. as we celebrate the holiday and give thanks temperatures westbound well above average. 42. high temperature in the city. mostly cloudy. 10 below where we should be this time of year and as you look at the numbers outside tonight, most spots are in the 30s. the exceptionalen town and lehigh valley and also lancaster temperatures there are in the
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20s. we're at the freezing mark in philadelphia coming in at 3 2. trenton 31. along the coast in beach haven 33. dover in at 33 as well. and not much of a breeze to factor in. but those winds coming in out of the west, northwest. it makes a difference when you step outdoors. feels like another wind chill in the city of 27. feels like 26 trenton and along the coast in atlantic city at the boardwalk at least temperature feels like 26. here's satellite 6 and action radar lots of clouds breaking up across prorss of delaware and lehigh valleys and we're tracking short wave moving on through. you can see a lot of precipitation diving just to the south and west of all region and it will push offshore as we get to the overnight hours which means skies turn brighter as we get to the day on friday. and we got you covered as we fast forward and check out things the rests of tonight. clouds, brisk, cold, short wave moves through and dips south. no precip with that on the way but reinforces the cold air
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overhead tonight. 28 overnight low in city and drop down to 22 in the suburbs. here's a call from accuweather as we get to friday. postsly sunny. chilly breeze. that temperature in allentown 36. downingtown only temperature of 36 degrees. and along that 95 corridor lots of sunshine. for the early bird shoppers tomorrow wind chills in the 20s in the morning and throughout most of the day as well. we'll max 39 in the city and west chester coming in 36. down along the coast tomorrow better than inland locations. cape may 40 and 40 for high temperature in atlantic city. coming up we'll take a closer look at the forecast and yes, that chill is stick around tomorrow. but these temperatures and the numbers shirleen gradually rebound as we get to the rest of the holiday weekend. though details back in the accuweather 7-day. >> soccer great pay lay is hospitalized and expected to be released in the next few diesch the 74-year-old was admitted
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with a urinary dwri track infection. he remains a worldwide soccer ambassador, won world cup with brazil three times. >> it's time now for sports. jeff skversky is live now in the "action news" sports center, jeff, lots to celebrate tonight. >> absolutely, shirleen. what a night. how about this thanksgiving feast, eagles stuff it down. dallas's throat today with first place at stake. eagles fist team in nfl history thanksgiving and physician 6-0 they out scored teams by 100 point. >> eagles made cowboys look look a bunch of turkies. eagles come out and score on 7 of first 9 drives that's mark sanchez rookie jordan matthews. eagles up 16 at the half. lesean mccoy season high sat yard rushing and touchdown.
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eagles blow out the boys 33-10 and eagles and mark sanchez takeover sole possession of first place. better than the one sanchez had two years ago when he had the butt fumble with the jets. >> dropped the ball on the turf and scored. i don't know if it gets -- it's like my favorite holiday. so that's not cool. real bummer. but the game plan was try not to do that. and we accomplished it. 27 yards is icing on the cake. >> everyone in a good mood today in dallas except for you could doyz. sanchez admits as much fun as this thanksgiving game was the eagles left a lot of points out on that football field. something she want to correct going forward against seattle 1-5 in the red zone. coming up checking in live with ducis rodgers in dallas. for now, shirleen, back to you. >> see you soon. thank you, jeff. >> you probably still stop and
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don't want to hear this we hear how many calories the average person consumed today and plus emotional reunion. couple who
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>> you ate turkey and trimming it adds up to a lot of calories, 4500 to be exact. that's how much the average person consumes during a traditional thanks giving dinner. 3,000 for the meal and another 1500 for snacking and nibbling and combine the calorie control council says we eat enough fat at holiday meal to squall three sticks of butter. >> death of 22-year-old minnesota student was devr stating for his family. this week his family got to hear his heartbeat once again. he was an organ toner sean his heart went to tom meeks. five different hospitals refused to consider him for a heart
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transplant. mayo clinic gave tom a lifeline putting him on waiting list for a new heart and last march he got the call. it's been 8 months and this week he got to meet matt's tam limit he invited them to listen to matt's heart which fwheets his family. >> thank you. >> [ crying ]. >> thank you. >> believe me it's my pleasure. >> two families shared memories and created two any ones. >> two families shared memories and created two any ones. his
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>> what would you do if you found 100 grand. from too much turk dwroy too much spending this is the season to overindulge and to what have the must have ghivts year to friends and family we'll show what you is hot at 10:45. is that the most beautiful tree. it's actually kind of pathetic. reading residents have finally figured out what they'll do with reading residents have finally figured out what they'll do with this charlie
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>> thank you for joining us and here's a look at the big stories we're covering on "action news" phl17. >> awesome thanksgiving for the philadelphia eagles they beat the cowboys 3-10. moving them to the top spot in nfc east. a lot of cheering and clapping today at 6abc dunkin' donuts parade and 95th year. there were bands, performers, floats, and let's not forget the most famous person there, santa.
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stores are packed tonight with people hoping to scoop up black friday deals and now that the turkey is consumed it's time to focus on christmas. it's exactly one month from today. >> some of you may be curled up still trying to digest all that food you ate today. what kind of weather can you expect if you will brave the crowds and malls tomorrow. >> meteorologist melissa magee. >> hi there, shirleen. looks like chill is settling in as we get into the day friday. after that these temperatures will rebound for the rest of the holiday weekend. outside we go. sky6 live in hd nice shot of the center city sky line. partly cloudy and quiet. on the cool side. we'll show you stormtracker 6 double scan radar dry and quiet. no issues with precipitation. we're staying dry for the rest of the holiday weekend. these temperatures, however, are definitely starting to cool down. north and west of 95 corridor. tapersville 22. slatington 28. new holland 30 in center city at this hour 31.
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chester 3 1. whipped chills in philadelphia coming in at 7. down across new jersey sea isle city 3 3. vineland 28, same in ham mondayton, hockessin 31. here's satellite 6 and action radar lots of clouds across the mid-atlantic region through new england as well. breaks across the region now. short wave coming through earlier tonight. all thav that energy and precipitation dipped south of our region. skies turn brightser as we get into the day friday. speaking of friday. a lot of people are trying to get out the door early. early bird shoppers and bargain hunters on the way for black friday. 5 a.m., 29 degrees, mostly clear. 7 a.m., 31. bright sunshine. if you are up early 9:00 this in the morning. bright, sunny over haid. 33. temperature 11 a.m. coming in at 35. fast forward to the afternoon hours on friday. and high temperature will max
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out at 39 degrees in the city. high pressure take over in wake of this frontal boundary moving through overnight. mostly sunny with bit of chilly breeze to deal with. remember throughout the day today wind chills in the 20s. as we get to saturday cloudy. below average. we'll climb up to 43 saturday. so a little better than friday. still 8 degrees below normal. there's a warm front off south and west. this warm front lifts north of us. and with that team turz rebound nicely. north and west of philadelphia tomorrow, allentown, mostly sunny, wind chills in 20s. max out at 36. if you are down the shore as we close out this week on friday, coming in at 40 degrees winds out of the northwest 10 to 20 miles an hour and bit of chilly breeze. here's a call from accuweather with the sdlusive accuweather 7-day forecast eye high temperature in the city tomorrow 39. dress for temperatures in the 20s when you factor in the wind chill and reinforcing shot of cold air. sdpa, clouds and some sunshine.
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otherwise high temperature 43. we're up a little by day. and on sunday turning milder once that warm front lifts north ever the region. high temperature 53. monday the first day of december, look at that high temperature. in at 60. it's warm for the month of december. on tuesday, it's chilly change we drop down to 43. we rebound on wednesday back up to 54 with clouds and sunshine and temperatures gets closer to normal as we get to next thursday, shirleen, high temperature then of 40 degrees. there's a roller coaster ride there. >> we'll take it. >> yes, we will. >> thank you, melissa. >> food, football and fun that was recipe for many thanksgiving celebrations across the region and for one family this year was extra special for 8 reason. eva pilgrim has more. >> fly, eagles fly ♪
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>> this is thanksgiving tradition. >> cupping ham family in northeast philadelphia thanksgiving day means sitting around tv with family watching football. >> we're huge eagles fans and we hate dallas this is beautiful. >> i'm most excited to eat turkey. >> pumpkin pie. >> stuffing. >> turkey. >> pumpkin roll. >> everybody has their own thanksgiving dish getting the food to the table takes a lot of work. >> hi to buy a lot of food. clean the house. clean like i never cleaned. >> we have traditional thanksgiving fixing, mashed potatoes, corn, stuffing, it's about being with loved ones. >> i've been up since 4. >> liz had to prepare a meal for 20 peoplech the family home in pensauken was packed and that's a good thing. liz and william have 8 kids ages 2 to 22 all of them they adopted. >> it's a blessing very biges
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blissing we thank god he gave us the opportunity to adopt and give children a loving home. >> both homes have a lot to be thankful for. >> eagles ! >> family. >> is that your girlfriend. >> and the birds win over dallas! that was the icing on the cake! e-a-g-l-e-s, eagles! >> eva pilgrim, "action news" at 10 on phl17. >> and the weather cooperated for annual tradition on the ben franklin parkway. 6abc dunkin' donuts thanksgiving day parade delighted a large crowd this morning and viewers watching at roma cross our area. >> a roaring performance of two colors got everyone moving this morning. there were colorful ribbons, confetti, balloons, and trina fushy performed with gospel
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choirs and scores of dancers. >> ♪ we don't need no money ♪ >> an cast members from mowtown the musical wowed the crowd with performance of my girl the broadway show coming to philadelphia early next year. >> here's the one that definitely needs a little christmas. grinch floated high above the parkway. that scowl couldn't denature the excitement of the families who gathered for the annual holiday tradition. >> mayor nutter got in on festive fun and road through the parade with wife mutter reminded philadelphians to pass on the thanksgiving spirit after leaving the parade today. >> we have so much to be thankful for and so many people that have many, many needs. we need to always remember them and try to do something good on this day. >> and this is so important. >> boy scouts did their part. dozens pushed shopping carts
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along the way. it's part of of the holiday food drive. those donations will benefit phil bupd answer. >> a tree that made head lines for being ugly is getting charlie brown treatment. spinally bravrpchs of their ugly tree will be decorated with a single red bow like in the be loved peanuts cartoonch the 50 foot norwegian pine will get it december 6. >> police in egg harbor township are investigating a fatal car crash when one person was killed and another critically injured in a crash that happened 1500 block of spruce avenue. we will bring you more information as soon as it becomes available. the flight 93 memorial chapel in shankville is temporarily closed. police take a car sit the chapel wall off two week accident.
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one woman was killed and another injured. the chapel is memorial to 40 victims of flight 93 which crashed in nearby field september 11, 2001. >> talk about hitting the jackpot. a bag containing 100 -- found inside a restaurant what the owner did with it and next the tragic story doctors return to save a baby after a mother is heat by elderly driver. save a baby after a mother is heat by elderly driver. more on the accident after the
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a pregnant woman sitting outside a store was killed. she was at this rite aid when an 88-year-old man pulled into a spot he may have hit the gas instead of break and mini van jumped curb and hit the woman. he seemed disoriented. last week he was supposed to be driving to the store and ended up in ohio. he will got be charmed. >> a frightening morning for a mother in new orleans. she was bumping gas when a man jumped into her car and took
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offer. inside the car was her daughter. the search continues fort car jaerk. >> >> he says he's living in hotel now. at one point was living in his truck and had no money for gas or food. stapp claims money was stolen from his bank account. what would you do if you found a bag containing 100 grand. it happened to a burger king employee in california she spot aitd backpack in a booth. when nobody came back she called the owner. >> there was lots of money in there cash, money, 100 drar bills half the back was packed with money. i said wow it is my birthday i felt like it was my birthday
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gift. >> he did not keep it he called police he did the right thing. along with the money they found candy, marijuana and bank deposit slip now they're trying to track down the owner. >> still set for thanksgiving feast. wait until you hear what was on the member uat the white house. if you plan to do your holiday shopping this weekend you'll also want to stick around. we'll take a look at this year's hot items and don't forget, wake up with the "action news" team and the morning's top news headlines, weather, traffic, st ♪ there's confidence... then there's trusting your vehicle maintenance to ford service confidence. our expertise, technology, and high quality parts means your peace of mind. it's no wonder last year we sold over three million tires. and during the big tire event, get up to $140 in mail-in
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rebates on four select tires. ♪
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>> is the sidewalks of manhattan were packed for annual macy's thanksgiving day parade. they had six new balloons and weather was cold and drizzly and everybody was glad yesterday's nor'easter moved out in time for the holiday parade i. >> obama's enjoyed a spread this thanksgiving. check out this menu. thyme, honey roasted turkey and winter greens, mack and cheese, sweet potatoes.
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mashed potatoes, green beaten casserole and dinner rolls than wasmentty to choose from including dessert, pumpkin, cherry, apple, you name it they had it. now that we all stuffed ourselves with turkey we predict holiday sales will total 6.16 billion dollars. on-line shopping is expected to grow 105 billion dollars. >> are you making your list and checking it twice? if you have your heart set on giving a perfect and highly coveted gift this year you may want to jump on it sooner than later. abc's rebecca jarvis explains. >> not every year brings about tickle me elmo fever but generally each holiday season there's inevitable grivt cravings and if you're a shopper determined to give the must have
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gifts do your reer is. for kids the list will include anything transformer, everything teenage ninja turtle and without a doubt tickle me elmo is elsa from frozen. frozen items are hot. if you don't want to get left out in the cold. >> i don't wait. prices will be good on black friday and sideer monday and creep up a bit and won't be back down until mid december. >> kids are tech savvy and their wish lists will look like mom and dad's. santa's list heavy dose of iphones 6 and 6 plus and laptops, tablets, go pros, and xbox 1. >> they want durable technology mom and dad. >> another favorite oldie but goody. >> tv. >> to make sure shop rerz
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getting the best bang for buck experts recommend shopping smart and apparently a lot of them are. >> they're using all the wright apps to make sure they're getting best low prices. >> rebecca jarvis abc new york. >> twitter says it's tracking app users -- apps users have then their phones. company announced yesterday users will receive a notification when the new feature is turns on. twitter will collect data on list of apps users have installed not data within the apps. social media service wants to use the information to create better targeted advertising. >> it's time now for sports. jeff skversky is live at the big board. jeff, i was eating my turkey and watching game and i was pleased. >> everybody in philadelphia is pleased. >> eagles feast on cowboys in dallas. shirleen says, you got to love it. >> eagles playing thanks giving
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in dallas for the first time since bounting bowl in 1989. opening drive. mark sanchez difficulties in. eagles take 7-0 lead. sanchez to jordan matthews. 27 yard score. eagles score first 7 of 5 drives up 16 at the half and dallas not holiday spirit. players yet yelling at each other all day long. eagles have most turnovers in the nfl. cowboys takeover 13. eagles stop them. j.c. matthews briping down tony romo. mccoy takes off. 30 yard touchdown run. how about mccoy. season high, 159 yards rushing eagles runaway with 33-10. eagles beat up boys in dallas. how about fight for nfc east
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title it is on eagles takeover sole possession of first place. >> well the eagles won nfc east last december and took a major step in same direction today, ducis. >> they certainly did, jeff, this season eagles have had problems with teams with winning records. that was not case today. 450 yards total offense for the team. birds certainly let the dallas cowboys know who is' bossing n fc east. >> we're in to play football dpaimz. we gave ourself an opportunity to play meaning full football. it's a whole different animal. >> every teex has their day. even when we lost to green bay. i don't think if you play three, four times i don't think they would blow us out like that. >> lesean mccoy goes over 1,000 yards for season and becomes
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first team running back to have four spz with over 1,000 yards. ducis rogers for "action news" at 110 open phl17. >> ducis, how about mccoy. 29 yards rushing over last five days. eagles face dallas again in 17 days. but up next seattle next sunday at home seahawks depending champs up 16-3 against san fran tonight in the third. high school football annual traditional thanksgiving this match-up a classic sent rl and northeast look at old scool blocking by northeast. and freeze up lesean grange. shut out 41-0. >> oldest in new jersey vineland against millville 14 3rd meeting. kareem wattman. where is he outside today. woo, louisville wins 34-40 over
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vineland. >> college hoops st. yoplaiting western kentucky st. joe's down three last shot this tie. it deandre. ah, next up templeton wednesday. lots of football. one little basketball. >> lots of football, turkey, everything tonight. >> i won't knight this suit. >> me neeming neither i'm feeling it. >> participants in the annual turkey bowl hit the field in wilmington today. the game honors tradition of playing football on thanksgiving. these gentleman decided to don mass pass the birds and new
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>> screens happening from tree shows selfiess taken at nearby photo booth a cording to mall this is first tree of kind in country and i have a feeling there will be a lot more trees like this one especially with selfie craze. >> everyone trying to takety selfie. >> we'll show you this now. friday, 7 a.m., bright sunshine. 31 degrees. binning early start open your shopping. that's what i'm trying to say. >> bright sun overhead. we get into 4:00 in the afternoon. temperature 5. wind chills in the 20s.
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we have the sun overhead. meteorologist david murphy has the 4r5eu9 easton 6abc. >> happy thanks giving to everyone. thank you for joining us tonight. "modern family" up next. for brian taff, adam joseph and ducis rogers and melissa magee i'm shirleen alicott good night ducis rogers and melissa magee i'm shirleen alicott good night see you back here tomorrow
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oh, hey, honey. have a great time at the game. thanks. [ plastic crinkles ] ah, why are you crunching? ordinarily, i'm a rule follower, but when someone tells me i can't bring my own snacks into their stadium, that's when i get a little nuts. [ plastic crinkles ] it's a free country, right? let's just say it ruffles me... [ plastic crinkles ] ...when some goobers... [ plastic crinkles ] ...tell me i have to spend half my payday... [ plastic crinkles ] ...on their hot dogs. [ plastic crinkles ] please, just remember the family portrait. we only have the photographer for an hour. okay. okay? and, sweetie, did you have a chance to try on the white pants i put in your closet? oh, what do they look like? is there really a more clear way to describe white pants? sweetie, if they don't fit you, you're gonna be the only one not wearing white,


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