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tv   Action News at Ten on PHL17  WPHL  October 8, 2014 10:00pm-11:01pm EDT

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wednesday night, a montgomery county mom, knows about her, 15 year-old heroin habit but police say she is the one who got the tina dick. and casino workers in atlantic city have a message and they took it right to the middle of the busy expressway, tonight. but the big story on "action news" tonight is death of the first ebola patient diagnosed in the u.s., and another possible case that is linked to it. >> while government officials say there is no chance of an out break here in this country they are taking some brand new precautions. that is where "action news" reporter sharrie williams picks up this story, live at the big board.
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>> reporter: shirleen and brian, thomas duncan's death is raising questions about the timely necessary of his care. lets look at that firsthand, so we can understand where the family is coming from. duncan first entered the hospital, he was sent home, that was september 25th. he returned and was finally admitted on september 28th. the the familiar willly is outraged and is asking, what if those three days, had in the been lost. in the meantime, more precautions are coming tonight from our government. there is now april order for five different airports to do additional screenings of travelers, entering the states from west africa. you can see these airports on screen and map. between these five airports they handle 94 percent of the air travel coming from west africa into the states. meanwhile all this is happening at texas, keeps its eye on the new possible case of ebola. the the person who became the the face of ebola in america, died today.
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thomas duncan was receiving treatment at texas health presbyterian hospital in dallas. >> i'm deeply saddened. the this is something we have prayed and hoped would not the happen. >> reporter: doctors say that he was given the best care possible, and administered a new experimental drug. >> i would just remind you that ebola, even with the best of treatment, is a terrible disease and is fatal in a high proportion of cases. >> reporter: hours after duncan's death, a sheriff's deputy rushed to the same hospital today, he is being tested for ebola after coming down with flu-like symptoms. is there great concern, because this deputy was part of the team that delivered the quarantine order to the family of ebola patient thomas duncan. >> five or six symptoms he was minus a few, but i think gave us reason to believe or maybe the health department reasons to believe that this was a lower level risk.
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>> reporter: now in compliance with the cdc guidelines duncan's body will be cremated. because there his in cure for ebola doctors are trying to fight the virus anyway possible. well, do you remember, kent brantly? he is the credit who contracted ebola in west africa and flown back to the states for treatment. today he was asked to donate his plaza to help one another man the american cameraman who just arrived from liberia this week. the experts hope anti bodies in brantly's blood will help his immune system. we will see if that works or not. brian, over to you. >> sharrie, thanks very much. as concern continues to mount over the the spread of the ebola virus abroad and with the spector of new cases here at home a lot of hope mighting riding on a local company. a pharmaceutical company in plymouth meeting has developed a vaccine to protect against that deadly virus. it has been tested on animals but the company says the vaccine was being safe and successful in two important ways. >> there are a hundred percent
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of the control animals died within a couple of days but all of the vaccinated animals survived, not the just from death, but also from sickness. >> well now, inovia is preparing for human trials and hoping f.d.a. fast tracks approval. even if that does happen the testing and approval process would still take, nine months to a year. other companies are also testing their own versions of a vaccine but at this point none is widely available. developing tonight, jury deliberations are underway in the case of a defendant, accused of killing a ten month-old girl and her grandmother, inside a king of prussia. "action news" reporter kenneth moton is live at ladies raghunandan yandamuri trial. >> injury any this capitol murder trial has been deliberating for more than six hours now and still no verdict, all is quiet in the montgomery county courthouse behind me until about 45 minutes ago, when one jury
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pass aid note to the judge saying he or she wanted to meet privately with the judge, but the judge steven o'neill, told the entire jury that was not allowed, and he instruct the men and women to keep the at it. now it has been two years to the day montgomery county prosecutors say raghunandan yandamuri sill saanvi venna and her 61 year-old grand mother in their king of prussia apartment building. child suffocated, grandmother stabbed inside, the apartment where yandamuri also lipped. police say it was a botched kidnapping to pay off a gambling debt and man even confessed on video to the the brutal slaying. yandamuri who represented himself during this trial claimed he was coerced by police and forced to participate in the crime by two mysterious male strangers. men he failed to give more tea tail about, when he took the stand in his defense. earlier we spoke with the prosecutor, and the defendant's court appointed attorney. >> i didn't help him prepare it and gave as good a closing
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you can with someone with no legal training but i cannot figure out why he did what he did, vicious case, emotional case. we hope that it gets to the jury ohis afternoon and they come to the just conn collusion. >> reporter: judge o'neill has already let three alternates go home for tonight but question is how long will's how this jury to deliberate here in this court house, behind me. we are expecting another update within the hour, so stay with "action news", we will have the latest here on "action news" facebook page as well. reporting live, in norristown kenneth moton for "action news" at ten on phl17. >> thank you for that update. is there a long list of charges against this man four three-year old brian duffy, police say he is a suspect who attacked a shopper inside a pathmark in northeast philadelphia, last night. the victim is a 50 year-old man, who stabbed in the face and neck. tonight he is in stable
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condition. duffy's charged from attempted murder tore recklessly endangering another person. manhunt for suspect cop killer eric frein is still going strong tonight, in the poconos, today pennsylvania state police described writings, he apparently left at an abandoned campsite and searchers discovered last week. the journal's entries are described as cold blooded and chilling. his take on the ambush of two state troopers, outside of a rural barracks. also today authorities released new images of what frein might look like now after a month on the run. you can expect a difference in the temperature, meteorologist adam joseph is live at the big board with the word from accu weather. >> shirleen, those temperatures will back off closer to normal for this time of the year. today it was warm but it was windy. peak wind gusts this afternoon 28 miles an hour in philadelphia average high temperature in the upper 60's this time of the year. we hit 75 degrees today with that sunshine.
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the as we look at satellite and radar all across the clouds right now on the pa new york border to the north with some showers from syracuse, burlington and rotating around a large low in central canada but as you can see high pressure in control so we have a clear sky and with the winds relaxing a little bit temperatures will fall overnight into the lower 40's for lehigh valley, 44 in reading. wilmington 48. fifty dover and philadelphia under that moon lit sky just after the full moon which is earlier this morning so technically there is still a full moon out there, right now. as we look at future tracker temperatures into tomorrow afternoon, no 70's, we're in the 60's but average this time of the year. sixty-five allentown. sixty-seven in philadelphia. dover near 70 degrees and the same for wildwood. when we come back we will talk about the beautiful day tomorrow, brian, but then everything changes, for friday and the upcoming weekend. >> all right, adam, thank you. not only mother from schwanksville been arrested for heroin possession but
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she's charged with giving that drug to her 15 year-old daughter. the authorities say patricia davenport told the teen to snort that drug on their kitchen table back in april and then started injecting the girl and her boyfriend with her win on drug runs to philadelphia. souderton area high school nurse noticed needle marks on the teen and contacted police. the girl and her eight year-old stepbrother are staying with relatives now, davenport is in jail. the works of talentedded young play writes took center stage tonight the at temple university. >> black to white, yellow... >> this performance by temple under grad is part of the series of short works by last years 11th grade class at benjamin franklin high school. they were among winners of this years philadelphia young play writes program, that gives students a voice and shines a spotlight on issues that they are facing. a lot of talent on that stage there. >> yeah. still ahead on this full
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hour of "action news" at ten tonight pennsylvania's gubernatorial candidates face off one final time. also atlantic city casino workers take their grief to the streets and some ended up in handcuffs. police arrest a burglary suspect only to find out the african-american teen was going home to his family who happens to be white. an at&t customers keep an eye on your statements you could be getting some money back. the lightest or nothing. the smartest or nothing. the quietest or nothing. the sleekest... ...sexiest, ...baddest, ...safest, ...tightest, ...quickest, ...harshest... ...or nothing. at mercedes-benz, we do things one way or we don't do them at all. introducing the all-new c-class.
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the best or nothing.
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casino workers as troubled taj mahal in atlantic city have contract demand and tonight they face a very public move to make them known. but the casino says something has to give in order to keep that business opened, and "action news" reporter dann cuellar was in atlantic city tonight and has the story. >> reporter: over a hundred casino workers, members of the local 54 of the unite here union and others, shut down expressway entrance into atlantic city. the move was deemed an act of civil disobedience to protest contract give backs to keep the the trump taj mahal opened. trump entertainment resort is threatening to close taj
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november 13th unless the the union gives up health insurance and pension plans. the the union says absolutely not. >> we will not give it up. we will negotiate this contract in the streets, not on the table. >> reporter: company has asked karl eyecan to take it over and invest a hundred million-dollar to keep the taj opened. ican owns tropicana and won't agree to contract extensions without the concessions. >> six major operators have extended contract until march so we can get through this cat trove that i we are dealing with. >> reporter: four of the 12 casinos have already closed this year, although revel's new owner plans to reopen it. ican was an veilable but tells the associated press he is the one that rescued the tropical from bankruptcy four years ago and saved union jobs. he says the union needs to make concession toss help save atlantic city's casino industry but 46 year-old paul smith a cook for 21 years says he suffered a massive heart attack and is grateful he had
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insurance. >> my co pay was well over a million-dollar, for a six day stay in the hospital. >> reporter: without insurance. >> i wouldn't have been able to put a roof over my children's head. >> you will ab rested. >> reporter: thirty union members and others were arrested after failing to stop blocking roadway which was reopened after 40 minutes. >> it is a volatile issue with no easy answers but right now it is at a stalemate and there is a lot at stake. people's livelihoods and future of another casino the taj mahal. in atlantic city, dann cuellar for "action news" at ten on p hl17. it is time for the accu weather forecast on a cold but mostly clear night. >> beautiful night. near liz full moon out there as adam says a few minutes ago and some change is in the air. >> yes, definitely feeling like fall out there tonight with those temperatures dropping under that clear sky and we will get, to normal tomorrow or backup to normal and then go below normal as we get into friday and saturday. today's high though
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75 degrees. we are looking at 6 degrees above normal which is now 69, low this morning close to the normal high of 62 degrees. normal low is 51 and records is 32 and near 90 degrees, and it still can get that hot this time of the year in philadelphia 60 right now in allentown. sixty in reading. fifty-seven in lancaster. still feeling nice out there the at 10:00 o'clock. fifty-five millville and dover coming in at 63 degrees. satellite and radar we have some high clouds that spun through the region early this afternoon but they are lifting backup to the north and to the east. we have high pressure, that will be moving in for the day tomorrow, and that high, will be weak, but it will slide to the east and as it pushes off the coast, we're going to see our system arrive for friday out of the ohio and tennessee valley. but, as we look at the numbers, to sue saint marie international falls upper 40's to near 40 degrees. toronto 50. cleveland 50. some of that cooler air will be draining in tomorrow and
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especially for end of the week. the morning rush tomorrow just needs sunglasses, no wet roadways, just that bad sun glare with the the very crisp start. 51 degrees at 6:00. fifty-two by 7:00. near middle 50's at 8:00 o'clock. as we go region by region tomorrow to the north and west 65 in reading, efforta and lancaster both coming in at 65 degrees. downingtown 66. pottstown 65. mostly sunny and breezy a long i-95, trying to get to 70 but we will be shy by a degree or two but a lot of sun and notice late day sirrus clouds ice crystal clouds 20,000 feet up. the wrightstown 67. salem 68. to the south and east, 69 is magic number atlantic city toy cape may as well as dover. speed well 68. sunny and nice. we will have a westerly win again tomorrow so no sea breeze at the shore. brian when i come back with the seven day forecast we will talk about that rainy period coming into begin your weekend and let you know fit is a complete wash out in the seven day.
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>> we hope not, thank you. police in a small north carolina town pepper sprayed a teenager inside his own home after assuming he broke n desean curry, hoist african person in, has been living with his foster parents, who are white, for about a year now. when neighbors saw him walk in the home after school they called police. when officers arrived an argument ensued and police pulled out the pepper spray. desean says he had finally started feeling comfortable in his new home and now he is not so sure how to get that secure feeling back again. owners of nfl teams met today in new york city but they weren't talking much about football. tops on their agenda a personal conduct policy for the players. nfl commissioner roger goodell spoke to the media after the meeting says five of the nine hours was dedicated to issues of social responsibility. goodell says the league plans to announce an overhaul personal conduct policy between now and the super
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bowl. >> what we want to do is make sure we have a policy clear, strong and we will not accept this kind of behavior. the punishment should be clear and as swift as possible. >> goodell and the league have come under fire for their handling of the several recent high profile player conduct incidents. most noteably the ray rice domestic violence case. meantime a december 1st trial date has been set for minnesota vikings running back adrian peterson. he is facing felony charge of child boost after using a wooden switch to discipline his four year-old son. peterson is on paid leave from the team until the case is resolve. he faces up to to years in prison. he says he never intended to hurt his son and just disciplining him the same way he had been discipline as a child. nhl season is officially underway tonight and flyers got things started against storied rival. >> ducis rodgers live from the "action news" sports center.
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ducis, lot of fans have been wait forgo this one. >> been a long off season. flyers tripped all over their skates to begin last season seven losses in their first eight games. this year this time a chance to start a new. flyers opening up the season in boston tonight against the bruins. third period flyers down one to nothing. sean couturier honorary direct, game tied at one. but with under two minutes left, there is a break down, chris kelly beats steve mason honorary bound and the flyers lose two-one. to football now, two of the eagles four starting linebackers did not practice today, demeco ryans sat out with the groin injury and linebacker michael kendrick is still dealing with that lingering calf issue that making hit week two with the colts. not news you want to hear heading in to sunday's big game with the new york giants. four and one eagles will face new york team that won three games in a row. there are weak spots in this eagles team but there is
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definitely no finger pointing. >> everybody who plays with us, you know, the fact that we're not playing to our potential, but we're still four and one that shows what kind of character we have out there on the field. >> ahead in the next half an hour, we will ease up on the trash tack going on between the eagles and the giants. we will ha
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with tom corbett, things keep getting worse. september 16th. budget deficits force pennsylvania to borrow $1.5 billion dollars just to keep the lights on. three days later, pennsylvania's unemployment rate goes up for the second straight month. under tom corbett, we've fallen from 9th to 47th in job creation.
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and on september 25th, pennsylvania's credit is downgraded for the fifth time in two years. why would we give tom corbett four more years? if you have at&t as your wireless provider the cot has agreed to pay more than 100 million-dollar to settle accusation that is it bill build customers for bogus charges. they were for services, that people never asked for things like horoscope texts or celebrity gossip. the those fees averaged about ten bucks a in month and were not easily identifiable on the bill. eighty million-dollar of that settlement will go to customer refunds. he is known as the hardest working man man in radio but the fly jogging and tonight tom joyner was in the home of thousands of his listeners in philadelphia a. radio one hosted reception at philadelphia art museum to honor joyner.
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he was recognized for his dedication to black radio and african-american communities. the tom joyner foundation has raised more than 60 million-dollar in support of students attending his million-dollar in support of students attending his histori thank you cable. for the slower internet upload speeds. for making me wait longer to share my photo albums. thank you, cable because if we never had you... we wouldn't know the incredible difference verizon fios makes. the numbers don't lie. in customer satisfaction studies, fios is rated #1 in internet speed and reliability, and hd picture quality.
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pennsylvania gubernatorial candidates faced off tonight, governor corbett and tom wolf held their final debate, coming up in just a few in minutes a live report from john rawlins who was there as the the two went head to head in pittsburgh.
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at 10:45 tonight a story of a woman who plans to end her own life before a brain tumor does, plan to die with dignity that has gone viral and we will tell but the push that will give people around here the same
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if you are just joining us
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at 10:30 here are the big stories we are covering on "action news" at ten on p. l17. test results are expect in the next 48 hours for a sheriff ease deputy who went in the dallas apartment where thomas duncan was staying and he is ill tonight. as for duncan, he passed away from the east bowl a virus today. tonight, jurors are still deliberating the fate of raghunandan yandamuri accused of murdering a ten month-old baby and her grand mother in 2012. jurors got the case five hours ago. as soon as there is a verdict we will bring it right now. more than a hundred casino workers protested this evening shutting down entrance in the atlantic city. they worked at trump taj mahal and upset about plans to close next month unless the the union gives up its health insurance and pension plans. four casinos have already shut down this year and some people were arrested there today. we've got breaking news
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chopper six live over this scene in media, delaware county right now. thinks elwyn institute where there was a fire earlier tonight, just a one alarm fire but there are several crews on the scene right now. we are told that this broke out right around 9:20 tonight. fire crews dispatched for reports of a fire. by the time they got there no flames were evident but there was significant evidence of, smoke and smoke damage. smoke emanating from the units there. the building was evacuated, as crews went door to door inside making sure no one was inside, conflicting reports right now as to whether or not any one was injured. we are working to get that information for you but again a fire at elwyn institute, in the 100 block of elwyn road in media, delaware county tonight. we will bring you latest as we learn of it. new tonight, a man who jumped 20 feet out of the tree in east oak lane is in the hospital tonight. chopper 6hd flew over the scene on the 66 avenue near 13th street around 6:30 this
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evening. we're told a 34 year-old man was working in a tree when he fell. he was taken to einstein with the head injury. the accident is under investigation. a new jersey football coach who authorities say was attacked by a player's father has been suspended for the rest of the season. forty-five year-old drew hillnicky's accused of using obscene language and berating the kids who were just 13 and four years old. he also toll players to turn in their equipment saying the season was over. league attorney said he did not have the authority to make that call. on sunday he and doctor joseph alleske got in an altercation. he is charged with simple assault. he has been banned from the league along with his teenage son. pizza shop, this pizza shop, in wilmington was rob, twice in just eight days. police say party pizza on foxbird road was hit monday night and previous sunday. description of the two armed suspects is same in both incidents. if you have any information, new castle county police would
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like to hear from you. pennsylvania lawmakers are working to make drunk driving laws, tougher. pennsylvania state senate has voted to expand the use of ignition lock devices. under the bill first time offenders with the blood alcohol level of .1 or higher would have to have, one installed for a year. they are already required for repeat drunk driving offenders. there are only a few days left before the legislative session end. if the bill does in the past the house, a representative, it dies. governor tom corbett and his challenger tom wolf squared off this evening. it was a final debate before voters head to the poles and pick pennsylvania's next governor. john rawlins joins us live from pittsburgh. john, would than last chance to hear from these two men face-to-face tonight. >> reporter: that is right, brian. we already should say no major gaff from his either side, neither side had to go in damage control. the governor is running way behind in the polls and to put it bluntly what he has to do
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is so the seeds of doubt and some of the mind of some of the folks who have been climbing on the tom wolf band wagon. >> mr. wolf wants to spend more money. we know that. the question is, how much? he needs to tax more to get that additional money but he won't tell the the people of pennsylvania exactly how much, nor will he tell them right here, a few weeks from the election how he will do it. >> reporter: corbett zeroed in on wolf's plan to transform the state income tack to make it more fair. how would he do. if some pay less taxes will some pay more. wolf's response says he cannot be specific until he see the states books as governor. >> if you are a 70 to $90,000 range as an individual, and you can double that if you are married, you should not pay more in taxes. people make bag low that will get a break. >> reporter: wide range, services, pension issues, minimum wage. corbett want to stay with the federate, businessman wolf. >> it should be increase todd $10.10 over a three-year
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period and then index todd inflation. >> reporter: marijuana wolf wants to legalize its medical use immediately. corbett would study a derivative oil. wolf would wait and watch colorado, corbett. >> certainly don't agree with the legal says of marijuana for recreational purposes. >> reporter: death penalty, corbett supports it. wolf. >> i think we ought to have a moratorium on capitol punishments in pennsylvania because i'm not convinced unlike governor that we are doing capitol, meeting out, dispensing justice, fairly. >> reporter: without men due to be in the philadelphia area tomorrow. corbett will be with new jersey governor, chris christie, at the the valley forge military academy. mr. wolf will be with helleries clinton at the national constitution center. live from pittsburgh, john rawlins for "action news" at ten on phl17. race may be over but the campaign is just racing up. now we will turn to the accu weather forecast.
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>> little chill think evening but typical this time of the year. it is quiet for the meantime. >> all right. >> that will change by the even of the week. we will look the at the action cam in haddonfield, new jersey this evening. you can see some folks dining outside, out there, tonight and it was, comfortable enough to be outdoors that he didn't need a heavy jacket but those numbers will be tumbling as the wind relax. the as we look the at accu weather live, we will look at double scan live radar temperatures north and west, south and east and that high pressure that is in control for the next 24 to 36 hours. double scan live radar nothing upstairs, tonight so we will look the at the the temperatures. fifty-eight in martin's creek. fifty-nine in quakertown. sixty-two in chester. we have fallen to 54 saint david. kenneth the square now 54 degrees. some sheltered, suburbs away from the wind already dropping into the middle 50's, same for hammington and vineland at 55 degrees. then jump topped cinnaminson up to 64. browns mills millions 60 degrees. right along the shore, much warmer, 66 degrees along the
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boardwalks. the as we look at the satellite and radar high pressure in control. the clouds are to the north. clouds way to the south. so we're in between the two. high pressure remains in control for your thursday, so high temperature, back to normal. 68 degrees a lot of sunshine. it does stay breezy but we will not have those win gusts near 30 miles an hour, like we had today, and then that high stays in the weekend and allowed a frontal boundary to separate very cool air to the north, warm air to the south and we will be on the cooler side of this system, 64 on friday, but if the rain comes in earlier, we may only be in the upper 50's to lower 60's for highs as showers develop in the afternoon with a wave of low pressure, along that boundary. as we look the at the forecast for tomorrow in allentown mostly sunny, breezy. 64 degrees. the not too bad out there. as we head to the shore, temperatures down there, they will be pretty similar to inland locations because we will have that westerly wind eight to 16 miles an hour.
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so sunny and nice, trying to verge on 7o as we head to the pacific we have to talk about super typhoon vongfong, you see that well defined circulation in the center of the storm, a category five hurricane. right now wind are down to 160 miles an hour but earlier it hit a peak of 180 miles an hour which made this typhoon, which is also known as a hurricane in our part of the world, strongest of 2014n fact, it was the strongest storm on planet earth this year and this is heading towards the southern tip of japan for the end of the week. the as we look at the exclusive accu weather seven day forecast, closer to home, much more quiet around here. sixty-eight tomorrow. but clouds build friday, afternoon showers, 64. we have a wet period friday night into the first part of the weekend, hopefully we will dry it the out saturday afternoon but especially on sunday with temperatures below average, both days and then we will quickly warm it up early next week above normal, a few
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showers monday, warm and breezy tuesday and more rain possible on wednesday of 74. that super typhoon, once it does make land fall it will be a category two or three not dangerous category five. >> vonfong. >> you say it really well. >> yes. >> keep saying it. >> you like the word, so sirensing off at 7:30 as part of the city wide home fire drill. the dewitt family of northeast fail took part. they used their escape plan to practice what to do in the event of a fire in their home. fire fighters even responded. so, do you have a plan? if not it should include two exits from the home and a meeting place for your family somewhere off the premises. young woman says she will take her own life before brain cancer kills her, her story about dying with dignity has everyone talking tonight and how some people want it to be an option around here. next up we have an update on the philadelphia couple who started a bucket list for their baby.
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red bullies in big trouble it turns out it doesn't give you wings like it advertises. now the company has been ordered to pay up and find out what kind of settlement you could score.
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if you have had a red bull in the last 12 years you could have money coming your way. company is agreeing to pay out $13 million to settle a class action lawsuit. it all stems from their slogan red bull gives you wings. you have probably figure out by now you don't really grow wings if you drink red bull, however, some thought it was deceptive advertising. red bullies offering people a choice, you can either sign up to get a 10-dollar reimbursement or $15 worth of red bull products. all right. apple fans you will want to mark act 16th on your calendar. apple sent invitations to the media saying it has been way too long. apple am list expects new macks to be unveiled at that meeting. is there buzz about a bigger ipad, with an enlarger screen. detroit home owner will sell you his home, for $3,000, or an iphone six. it doesn't sound like a bad deal, right, until you take a
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closer look at the home he is offering. the doors are missing, the windows are busted out and fire pretty much gutted the place. some people think an i thephone six is too much for that house. >> it is pointless. would i save my iphone and money too. >> not such a good deal. >> not at all, not at all, would i give him a dollar. >> 1 dollar, come on. to fix the home up would cost more than a dollar but the condition of the neighborhood also makes it somewhat less attractive, it is filled with abandoned houses but home owner is hoping someone will see beyond all of that and scoop up this bargain and give him his ieven if please. >> something tells me he will not get that iphone. >> you never know. >> you never know good up next we have an update on the philadelphia couple who created a bucket list for their unborn son. >> plus young woman's decision to take her own life has spark debate, brittany maynature has a brain tumor and moves just so she can die with dignity, how it could become a possibility for people around
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here. don't forget to wake up with the "action news" team get the morning's top news headlines, weather and traffic starting at 4:30 a.m. only on six ♪watching everybody eating ♪what they want all day ♪oh this tasteless cardboard ♪brings me nothing but more shame ♪ ♪turning every turn until i find something right♪
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♪and it...takes my breath away
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♪ oh yeah old el paso's got a bold new stand n' stuff shell that's blasted for nacho cheesiness oh yeah! how do you helper? make helper with your favorite ingredients, for a fresh taste you'll love. helper. make it yours. helper. it's ground beef's perfect partner. parents are anxiously awaiting, mom is in labor right now, these parents have
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won hearts across philadelphia and the world. jena haley and her husband dann learned early that shane has a birth defect that will kill most infants shortly after they are born. the couple set out and completed a bucket list of all of their favorite activities the and shared them with their son. their story went viral and prayers for shane facebook page has more than a half million followers. tonight, we've got a story that has many divided. it business choice, compassion, and the right to die. twenty-nine year-old brittany maynard's story has gone viral. in less than a month maynard will die, in the from terminal brain tumor but that is slowly killing her but on her own terms. under oregon's death with dignity law. new jersey correspondent nora muchanic tell us it is a law some are fight to go get passed closer to home. >> reporter: thinks 29 year-old brittany maynard an active vibrant newlywed who climbs mountains and runs marathon. the she's dying from stage four brain cancer.
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rather than witt's way she moved to oregon with her husband where it is legal for terminally ill patient toss take their own lives and that is what she plans to do have november 1st, with pills that she already had in hand. >> i cannot even tell you the amount of relief that it provides me to know that i don't have to die the way it has been described to me that my brain tumor to tea me. >> reporter: her decision has reignited debate about assisted sue site only legal in five states, south jersey democrat john burzichelli think new jersey should offer it too. >> if you are in a terminal state and you don't wanting to through, even with all of the help around you, your choice is to end your life at this point is very limited and very violent. >> reporter: burzichelli hopes to get an assist ted suicide bill in the assembly in the next several months. the reaction to brittany's decision to end her life before the brain cancer debilitates her is strong. >> i went through this personally with my dad. he died of a brain tumor the the past couple of months of
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his life were terrible. >> a broad her. i think she has had every right to do what she wants to do. >> reporter: esposito's of west deptford disagree on the issue. >> it is your life you should do what you want to do, and it should ant affect anybody elsey don't think you should do suicide. it is something you have to live with, to a certain point and then it will get taken over by hospitals. >> reporter: brittany maynard's story is making headlines but patients asking about ending their lives all the time. >> they wish they could end their suffering sooner. they wish someone, would ask you can you help me is there something you can do and i can't. >> reporter: bill proposed in new jersey would make a lethal dose of prescription drugs available with those with less than six months to live with approval of two doctors ape patient would have to take the medicine themselves. in trenton i'm nora new channel for ago news at ten on phl17. >> story sparking
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conversation. time for sports and more on the flyers season opener up in boston. >> ducis rodgers is live at the the big board with more, ducis. >> hi there shirleen and brian. claude giroux says off season was a long one. it was made longer by fans around town reminding the flyers captain about it. a chance tonight to start over. flyers and bruins in the season opener first period no score. bruins strike first on the power play. that is riley smith, one to nothing, boston. third period, same score, sean couturier honorary direct duty, game tied at one. but with under two minutes to play there is a break down. chris kelly beats steve mason on the rebound, the flyers lose it two-one, the home opener is tomorrow against new jersey devils. instigation and injuries ahead of sunday's eagles/giants game. one half of starting linebacker core is a spectator at practice michael kendricks has same old calf injury,
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demeco ryans dealing with the groin injury. trash talking had has begun. giant cornerback antoine roll said eagles won the division last year because it was a weak division. that is clearly a shot at the birds. >> he talks a lot. he talks too much. >> on the field, off the field. >> both. >> how would you respond to that on the field. >> we will go out there and beat him. >> i will go out and beat him. it is my opinion. that does president discredit, philly by any means if they want to take that it way, then so be it. the game still has to be played on sunday. >> this photo is floating around social media, it shows a pair of giants defensive backs mocking fact that the eagles have not won a super bowl, those giants players have since apologizedded. the sixers won't win many games this season. coach and gm admit to that but this team with its youth will create highlights. sixers and hornets, wear a
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shirt that says that, nerlens noel, offensive game is not there yet but he had three blocks and nine rebound. sixer pull away in the third quarter. tony wroten to henry simms. sixers up by 11. this is second of eight presees on games. one second to go in the third quarter casper wear, check his shorts for rabbit's foot. sixth are win 106-nine two. noel feeling more comfortable out there. >> you know, i still want to keep progressing and i feel a lot more confident men then the other night and i will progress and make sure i keep it up. it feels great to be playing for the the city of philadelphia every night. we will play as harrahs we can to bring a championship here. >> basketball is back, hockey is back, eagles in first place. >> it is a good time good ducis, thank you. more than just winning on the mind of students at bonner prendie tonight. prendie pandas took the field
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wearing specially design uniforms in support of awe advertise am wear necessary. effort was organized by the school's newly formed paws for clause club and featured information and sign up sheets clause club and featured information and sign up sheets for other awareness
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mmm! ring ring! progresso! i forgive you. you do? it's ok that your soup tastes like my homemade. it's our slow simmered vegetables and tender white meat chicken. apology accepted. i'm watching you soup people. make it progresso or make it yourself. ♪watching everybody eating ♪what they want all day
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♪oh this tasteless cardboard ♪brings me nothing but more shame ♪ ♪turning every turn until i find something right♪ ♪and it...takes my breath away adam joseph has wake up weather. >> looks good heading out to the bus stop this thursday morning or almost thursday morning, as we head out the door, and we will look at temperatures of 51 degrees at 6:00, 54 at 8:00. crisp start but typical for october with a lot of sunshine and speaking of sunshine, it
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is going to be around through much of the day, 58 degrees at 10:00 o'clock, 65 at 1:00 and a normal 68 degrees at 4:00 with high clouds moving in but, soak in that sun because it is soaking of different kind arrives late friday. >> okay. >> thanks, adam. thanks for joining us tonight for "action news" at ten modern family is next filled by friend. >> for shirleen allicot, adam joseph and ducis rodgers i'm brian taff, have a great night tonight, great daze tomorrow and we will see you back here tomorrow night. >> we will see you.
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well, i drove grandpa to speed dating this week, so i should probably get the last roll. d, but i practiced my bassoon. and i listened. i can do this. everyone deserves ooey gooey pillsbury cinnamon rolls. make the weekend pop! he loves me, he loves me not he loves me, he loves me not he loves me! warm and flaky in fifteen... everyone loves pillsbury grands. make dinner pop.
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♪ oh yeah old el paso's got a bold new stand n' stuff shell that's asted for nacho cheesiness oh yeah! ahhh! what is it? there are no marshmallows in this box of lucky charms! huh weird seriously? what? they're magically delicious!
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's the family? great. kids are getting so big. haley's about to go off... you can stop holding your stomach in. college. you still exercising? (exhales deeply) clearly. i look at a clint eastwood or a chuck norris and i think, there's no reason i can't stay tough like... (giggles) oh, tickles! but... ow. that hurt? no. not r--ow. oh. what? it's probably nothing. you feeling okay? yeah. maybe we'll just run a couple of tests, just to be safe. what kind of tests? if there's anything wrong, i'll give you a call. oh. okay. so how's the real estate market doing? well, interest rates are low, so it's a great time to be a buyer, but if you're a seller, you really have to... bend over? (gloves squeak) true, but a quality property is still a quality--