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tv   FOX 5 News at 5  FOX  October 26, 2015 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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they're hoping to land tickets for game one. >> this is for my son and my girlfriend. we're trying to arrange plans to stay for tomorrow night. duke: do you have tickets? >> not yet. duke: you're looking. >> we're looking. we might have to go home. >> i love kansas city. the people are so nice. i got to represent the royals for them. i'm a yankee fan, but i love the royals, too. they're a great team. duke: you're a yankee fan but you love the royals and you're here at kauffman stadium for the mets and royals. >> correct. duke: makes sense. if you look over my right shoulder, you see some of the players coming down from where they met the medicine media. i have to tell you, i've been around teams before big games. sometimes you notice a certain tightness. not these guys. they're very, very relaxed. remember, this is a young team without a lot of post-season
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experience. it should be very, very interesting. we saw them go out and just compete and dominate last year series and the series before against the damage odgers. that's the story from inside. tomorrow night, game one gets underway. jennifer: thank you. from kansas city to new york city, you can't escape the excitement. steve: mets fans cheering on their team in queens. lidia curanaj is live there victory. away. there are so many people here. although we're a block away, you can hear the roar of the fans, the cheering. go mets. let's go mets. going to the world series has been a long time coming for these fans. >> let's go mets! let's go mets. >> reporter: a sea of blue and
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orange as the mets host a hometown rally for dedicated fans. tradition. i've been a fan since '81. it's a great day. >> 15 years later, and it's so sweet. we've been waiting for this moment. can't wait for tomorrow. >> to see the mets win, waiting for my whole life. they're going to do it. painting. >> thank you. i look like this every morning. >> reporter: after sweeping the cubs, mets fans are confident the royals will also be dethroned. many of the fans have been loyal to the amazings from the beginning. >> i was born in '60. the mets was made in '62. so figure that out. i'm a lifer. rally. you can see the crowds of people out here in front of queensboro hall on queens boulevard.
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there is some traffic, but the fans are very excited. the last time the mets went to the world series was in 2000. they lost to the yankees. they are very confident this year is their year. back to you. steve: more exciting. thank you. in nassau county, former mets players, hundreds of fans, city officials, ready to whoop it up at a rally in mineola that is getting underway. fans decked out in all their mets jerseys, gear, t-shirts, jackets, et cetera. in honor of the mets making it to the world series, a lighting of the executive building's dome will feature the team colors of orange and blue. we heard some thoughts on their chances. >> they're playing great. the challenge they have, they get experience as they go. they have great chemistry starting with the wilpons. they did a great job. the trades they made during the summer, coming -- wishing good things for them. jennifer: you can watch the
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world series here on fox 5. game one is tomorrow night. pre-game coverage starts at 7:00. the game is at 8:00. the fox 5 sports post game show comes on right after that. >> could eating red or processed cancer? >> the world health organization released the findings of a new study. linda schmidt is live outside the nyu medical center with more >> reporter: good evening to both of you. one of the things that's interesting about the study by the world health organization is that the organization is saying that the level of evidence linking the chance of getting cancer or not the chance of getting cancer, but linking processed meats to cancer is just about as strong as the argument that links smoking to cancer. the risk is not the same, but the argument the organization says is just about as strong. >> it's different every week. something gives you cancer. it's different every week.
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predisposed to getting certain diseases and some people are not. half of europe died of the plague. the other half didn't get sick from it. >> reporter: for many, this is another study telling us what's going to kill us. for others, it's a guideline for how to live a healthy life. the world health organization concluded eating processed meat like cold cuts, hotdogs and bacon can increase your risk of colon cancer by 18%. eating red meat can probably cause cancer. this oncologist is with the cancer center at nyu. she says if you want to eat processed meats, do so in moderation. >> once in a while means once in a while. it means once a week, once every two weeks. assume you don't have another reason not to have it. if you have bad cardiac disease, you shouldn't be having it ever. >> reporter: when it comes to eating red meat, limit it to once or twice a week.
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but you also have to prepare it correctly. >> overcooking meat to the point where you blacken it or it's very overcooked, the chemicals in doing so may, in fact, give you the risk of cancer rather than the meat itself. >> the doctor says you must balance your diet. >> have your fruits and vegetables. make sure you're getting fiber, that you're getting your micro nutrients, that you're getting your antioxidants. all these good chemicals that come with fruits and vegetables that don't come with meat. >> reporter: health experts say the bottom line is this. it all comes down to moderation. it's nothing new. that's the latest from here, back to you. steve: that's the hard part. thank you. police say the gun found in the hudson river is the gun used in the killing of officer holder. jennifer: lisa evers is live in the newsroom with more. >> reporter: progress is being
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the murder of nypd officer randolph holder. at the same time, there are growing signs that the loss of this much loved officer can be a turning point in police-community relations. >> it's been a tough week for everybody since the brutal murder of randolph holder last tuesday. i thought it was important to take the opportunity to thank the brave and courageous men and women that have participated in the crime scene search. >> reporter: police officers from the nypd's harbor unit, including the elite 30-member scuba team, spoke about their painstaking search for evidence in the murky waters of the harlem river. >> as they're going down the line, they're conducting a search by using their elbow to their hand and searching every inch of the bottom. >> reporter: the round the clock effort paid off yielding important evidence in the murder of police officer randolph holder.
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>> sunday morning at 03:00 their efforts paid off with the discover of a handgun which has been determined to be the weapon sought by detectives. >> reporter: the weekend saw protests against police. there was a visit by reverend al sharpton, a critic of police and the mother of eric garner to the memorial to officer holder. they denounce all violence whether committed by or against police. former nypd captain peter moreno says the climate is changing for the better. >> you know, it's really a tragedy to say that something good is coming of it. i felt it already where the community has actually embraced the nypd as i haven't seen them do in the past. >> reporter: another sign of change will come tonight. rallies in support of police officers are scheduled for outside precincts in all five boroughs and will include community leaders, clergy and concerned citizens. back to you. jennifer: thank you, lisa. it was a violent weekend all
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over the city. steve: one person died. nine others injured in seven shootings saturday night into sunday morning. that included a double shooting sunday morning. this had been rented out for a birthday party. two were hospitalized in stable condition. that's the home. the investigation by police is still underway. jennifer: a 10-year-old girl was killed and seven people were injured after a minivan carrying children to school collided with a car in plainfield, new jersey. the crash caused the minivan to 7:00 this morning. five other children were injured as well as both drivers. no word on the extent of those injuries or exactly what caused that crash. steve: the woman accused of killing four people after driving into a crowded homecoming parade in stillwater, oklahoma, has been ordered to
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she is facing four counts of second-degree murder. police believe the 25-year-old was driving while intoxicated. her defense attorney said she's mentally ill and blacked out before the crash. >> my visit with her lasted the better part of an hour, and during that entire interview, i was not satisfied that i was communicating with a competent individual. steve: five of the injured remain in critical conditions. chambers is held on a million dollars bond. jennifer: 260 people are reported dead following a powerful earth that happened in afghanistan. the 7.5 magnitude quake struck the northeastern part of the country, but the shaking could well. most of those killed were in pakistan. buildings, roads and power lines were damaged. the epicenter was 130 miles below the surface. a pakistani official says that destruction. steve: five people are dead
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24 passengers and three crew members were aboard the vessels when it made a mayday call yesterday. crews pulled 21 people from the ship in frigid waters. three were taken to the hospital with serious injuries. four men and a woman all british nationals have been confirmed dead. rescue crews are still searching for one person. officials are looking into what caused that boat to go down. a wild bear seen hanging around one new jersey town. jennifer: what happened when it was spotted in the middle of the downtown area. steve: and everyone loves a good deal.
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steve: microsoft has opened the doors to the new flagship store. jennifer: a major retailer is getting in the business of discount deals. alison morris is joining us with more. that excites me a lot. >> reporter: we're all shopping today. we've got some good shopping news. microsoft's new flagship store is up and running. it is on fifth avenue between 53rd and 54th. that's blocks from the apple store. the new store is massive. we're talking five floors, over 22,000 square feet. it is very expensive.
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for over $3,300 a square foot last quarter. do the math on that one. the store is highly hands on. you can test out the xbox, tablets and surface book laptop. this announcement is for other discount shoppers. lord & taylors is opening its first store in paramus. the discount business is booming. this year, off price department stores are expected to bring in over $42 billion in sales. lord & taylor expects to open six more next year. at 6:00, we're talking about college kids and money. while you should seriously think about setting up your college student with a credit card. >> it can be a good way to get started with credit, help them build responsibility, and also
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have them give them a tool that can help them in an emergency situation. >> reporter: plus college students won't see their mailboxes stuffed with credit card applications. we'll tell you what's changed and what you need to do to get them a card. steve: when i was in college, that was the days they'd have the frisbees and hats, give you credit cards all day long. you'd wind up with all this debt. >> reporter: it wasn't a good recipe for success. steve: a delicate balance getting your rating up. let's talk about the weather. jennifer: what do we have? what's going on? nick: the weather was beautiful today. welcome back, steve, from your marital bliss. steve: thank you very much. jennifer: look at that. steve: warmer than in vermont. nick: saw some beautiful colors up there and in our neighborhood now. and a beautiful fall day, in the upper 50s. 58, 46 the split today. that's running just slightly below average for this time of year. we'll be around these numbers tomorrow.
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78 and 30 in the records. your sunrise, 7:20. it is setting at 6:00. we'll see a good amount of sunshine for tomorrow. certainly morning into the early part of the afternoon. then more clouds will move in. humidity, 40 percent with a northeast wind. pressure, 30.40 on the rise. and nothing with just a few high thin scattered clouds in the sky as we look at fox 5 sky guardian on the radarscope. there's nothing nearby. we have rain in the forecast. we need it. we'll get a good soaking on wednesday as the remnants of hurricane patricia will be coming our way. upper 50s for highs today everywhere you look. broke 60 at newark and allentown. mid 50s at monticello. bridgeport at 56. the numbers are in the same slot there. middle 50s montauk. 57 in the hudson valley and 55 towards the jersey shore. looking at 60 at allentown. upper 50s around the city. the northeast wind will continue
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something like that. it will be a chilly night, into the lower and middle 40s around the city and heading into the 30s out in the colder suburbs to the north and west. you can see no clouds nearby. just high thin scattered clouds that aren't detected on the satellite photograph. those are in the area tonight. we'll see more sunshine tomorrow morning. right now, high pressure is off to the north and east. wind. it will be an easterly wind tomorrow keeping temperatures on the side. look at the rain to the south and east and the remnants of patricia are coming across the gulf coast. that's going to bring this wet weather as you'll see coming our way for wednesday. 40s in the city in the morning. 30s in the burbs. 53 at lunchtime. the clouds will be increasing and more clouds mid to late afternoon. 59 is the high tomorrow. that's on target. there's the futurecast to show you the high moving along. a good amount of sunshine most of the day.
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the rain will hold off until late, probably after midnight. then it's wet weather on wednesday. some of the rain may be heavy at times. could be a thunderstorm moving through the area. i'm thinking an inch, two inches of rain in isolated spots as the system moves along. we can take whatever rain we can use to ease our eight-inch deficit deficit. 45 in the town tonight. sun will give in to clouds as the day moves along tomorrow. pretty much a seasonal day, in the upper 50s to near 60. 64, breezy wednesday with the rain and thunderstorm threat in the afternoon. that will last into the first half of wednesday night. thursday, we jump to over 70 with sunshine returning. then back to the upper 50s on friday. looks like 56 for saturday. it's nice for the trick-or-treaters. the weather should be nice. a lot going on. set your clock back sunday morning at 2:00 a.m. sunday is the marathon. the marathon weather looks good. starting out in the 40s. that's how the race runners like it. steve: such a huge weekend, now
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that halloween is for adults more than kids. everybody's got something going on. nick: big parade in the village. jennifer: last year's marathon was really, really cold. we covered it. it was windy and cold. nick: and the world series will be in new york this weekend. steve: on fox 5. nick: the weather should be good. steve: can't wait. thank you. jennifer: police say the driver of a van carrying box springs and mattresses that fell on to the new jersey turnpike earlier this month has been issued a summons in a deadly tanker crash. a california truck driver was killed when his oil tanker overturned and caught fire. it's a massive blaze there. he was trying to avoid the bedding. the 26-year-old of linden was reportedly ticketed for not having the mattresses properly secured. uber wants to be your designated driver after a night of drinking. steve: where the company is offering free rides to help prevent drunk driving. jennifer: a classic new york diner is becoming a thing of the past. why more and more are closing
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i'm bobby flay and new york is my home. there's no place like it in the world. come fall, i like to get a taste of everything the state has to offer. like this famous winery nestled in the hudson valley. or the award-winning vineyards of long island. this cooperstown brewery belongs in every beer lover's hall of fame. you can even try new york's exceptional cider and spirits. this fall, drink in the beauty of new york state. plan your trip at
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i am totally blind. and sometimes i struggle to sleep at night, and stay awake during the day. this is called non-24. learn more by calling 844-824-2424. or visit jennifer: there was a moment for pause in morristown, new jersey, this afternoon as a black bear decided to take a break in the town green.
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the area was blocked off. tall equipment was brought in to handle the situation. crews tranquilized the animal and brought it to the ground safely. it is being moved back to the woods. steve: new data shows members of new york took more than 100,000 trips in uber benefits every day in july, four times more than the year before. yellow taxi rides dropped to over 410,000 daily trips in june. uber is teaming up with a town in new jersey that has a high number of dui cases. jennifer: they're hoping riders will use the app as a designated driver. jessica explains. >> reporter: uber wants to operate throughout new york state and they're targeting a certain group. college students with the message don't drink and drive. the smartphone-based app uber is pushing to operate in upstate college towns. their message, let uber be your designated driver. >> give us a safe ride home. >> i think it's an excellent idea. >> why?
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>> i think it would cut down on drunk driving. >> reporter: uber has embarked on a campaign to educate the public and lawmakers on what ride share can do for cities. >> people in upstate are clamoring for this. 350,000 have downloaded the app. one of the groups that are loud are students. >> reporter: the general manager of uber new york says students have started a petition calling the need of apps in their city, drinks. >> hundreds of people are getting into drunk driving accidents every year. we have shown in cities that we operate, there's a meaningful and statistically significant decrease on drunk driving. >> in remote areas, there's no sense of transportation or anything. >> i think it's an added service that could benefit a lot of people. >> reporter: uber is partnering with one new jersey town offering free rides from local
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bars and restaurants within the town. >> we were having a dui problem. we were on pace for 250 cases, the most in town history. we've got to find a way -- how can we bring our residents home safely? >> reporter: 25 states have law passed for ride share technology. uber wants a new set of laws to move beyond new york city. jennifer: dozens of parents and students gathered on the steps of city hall in celebration. they rallied in support of a judge's decision to allow a lawsuit that aims to revise the teacher tenure rules. unions were trying to have the case dismissed based on actions by the legislature. steve: it's been three years since superstorm sandy. jennifer: coming up, we'll take a look at the progress some of the communities that were hit hard have made. steve: and taking your baseball skills to the next level. the new laser technology being
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that is so exciting. (announcer vo) play the i love new york scratch-off from the new york lottery. you could win trips to exciting new york destinations or up to $25,000 in cash. steve: this is good. i need all the help i can get. new technology can make your baseball swing or fast ball even better. jennifer: smart cages combine lasers, sensors and cameras to
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arthur chi'en has more on the technology that's being used by the pros. steve: >> reporter: this morning, matt is taking swings in a quiet facility. willie is throwing pitches alone. there are no major league scouts in person. the town has only 8,000. with each motion, the performance reaches across the country, a revolution through technology called smart cage. anthony calls it the ultimate reality check. >> if somebody did walk into the facility and i'm going to use an example, a 16-year-old test, and he goes and lights up 95 on the radar gun, that's going to send red flags. there's not many of those out there. >> reporter: using a combination of sensors from lasers to cameras to radar, all players are tested by a universal standard. numbers can all be compared.
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measured precisely with lasers, timing return throws, speed of weight transfer from the back foot to the right foot while batting. all of the stats go into a database that can be accessed in real time. >> it's tough for a scout, whether a pro scout or a college scout, to go all over the country and access all these kids. what it does is gives them access to say this is what i'm looking for. this is what i want. where are the kids. >> reporter: skills have to be taught outside the cage. but now coaches can reach major league teams and colleges and speak about players with definitive metrics. before the technology, if you wanted your kid noticed, it would help to live in a good baseball town or travel around so he could be seen by scouts. now anywhere in the country if they step into a smart cage and do this, all of it is measured exactly the same way. >> most players are getting states. people in the northeast, especially for us here, this is
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an opportunity for them to be able to put their numbers up against what guys are doing there. >> reporter: making this reality check an effective equalizer. with 160 smart cages going up nationwide, many players who deserve a shot will be getting one, thanks to this big idea. arthur chi'en, fox 5 news. jennifer: the mets world series run means lots of money for new york city. steve: that's right. the economic development corporation says the entire post-season run has had a $46.4 million impact including salaries of employees at citi field and spending by 30,000 out of town fans. every post-season game brings in another 11.6 million for the city. jennifer: all right. mets' second baseman daniel murphy is so hot, he's getting his own pub named after him. foley's is renaming itself daniel murphy's until the world series is over. he's hit seven home runs and a
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the pub named a special dish after him. he's on the ballot for possible induction into the american irish baseball hall of fame at the bar. steve: duke castiglione is a member of that hall of fame. you can catch the world series here on fox 5. game one tomorrow night. pregame coverage starts at 7 followed by the game at 8 and the post game show comes on after. it will be a late night but an exciting one. jennifer: it has been three years this week since superstorm sandy wreaked havoc on the area. steve: jodi goldberg has more on the progress that's been made on long island since sandy hit. >> reporter: it's a plan designed to protect seaside communities in nassau county. >> trying to bring the government agencies together to prevent that water from flooding both inlets, jones and deb's, which is the open door that caused the devastation in freeport and nassau county. >> reporter: superstorm sandy flooded 3,500 homes in freeport.
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today hundreds are still vacant. over the past three years, millions of dollars have been invested in repairs. the bulkhead at waterfront park has been replaced. special valves have been installed to prevent back flow on village street. mayor robert kennedy says the work isn't done. he wants to install watergates at east rockaway and jones inlets, a concept that's been a success overseas. >> they would stay open. if you had the stars line up like last time where you had the tide, the full moon and the storm hitting this area at the same time, you'd be able to close the gates two hours before high tide, open them up after the high tide and prevent nassau county from flooding. >> every time there's a storm or moon high tide, we shudder. we don't know what to think, what's going to happen. >> during sandy, the restaurant burned down, marina was damaged, three feet of water in our house. we don't want to go through it. >> residents are open to any
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plan to protect their homes. between now and the end of november, officials plan to do initial research on the cost of the gates. there needs to be cooperation from the state and federal government as well as fema, the army corps of engineers and nassau county to move forward. jodi goldberg, fox 5 news. steve: the recovery from superstorm sandy continues on the jersey shore. today the last two remaining displaced families returned hem to belmar. they helped many families receive additional flood insurance money from fema. jennifer: jimmy fallon hurt his hand game. steve: how badly he was hurt. this time when he was getting an award. jennifer: and where have all the diners gone. why hundreds of diners have disappeared over the years. coming up. steve: first here's tonight's new york minute. national red ribbon week, a drug prevention campaign aimed at keeping kids healthy and drug-free. students on long island
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decorated giant scarecrows as part of their school's drug awareness service project. >> it's never too early. we focus on especially in the early grades to making healthy choices, eating healthy, exercising and choosing good habits, such as not smoking. >> reporter: red ribbon week runs through saturday. [music] life. they dressed in characters like jack and jill for a big parade. they've been learning to read all month and treated friends performance. >> it is the beginning of reading, writing, listening and speaking, which are part of our curriculum. steve: and that's your new york
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jennifer: a decade ago, there were thousands of diners all over new york city. that number has dwindled to just hundreds today. steve: where have they gone? mac king visited one in the city that will be among those to close its doors for good. >> reporter: on a weekend,
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eat 4,000 eggs and drink coffee. >> they love our breakfast. >> reporter: after 53 years, it has failed to save the market diner. this 24-hour spot closes forever on november 1st. >> this s is a real adventure. >> reporter: at any hour of the day, the manager can look over the diner floor and find a customer he knows by name. >> customer service. really kind, good folk here. great waiters i've gotten to know by name. i don't know. they've got a good sort of 1950s ambience that i'm a fan of. >> reporter: younger generations like gabriel see art deco and their elders remember a gritty spot for cheap comfort food at any hour of the day or night. >> like a truck stop. all new yorkers knew about it. >> reporter: the cost of labor and the cost of food, customers have been tasting food in combination from food trucks, contribute to the plight of the diner, but not as much as the rising cost of rent.
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it down in favor of a 13-story building it can rent out to hundreds of tenants. >> like losing a new york institution. >> reporter: according to research, a generation ago new york city boasted a thousand diners. today not even 400 remain. and that total falls to one fewer when market diner closes sunday. >> a lot of history. >> reporter: a favorite among cabbies and limo drivers for the free parking lot, frank sinatra's go to hang out and a meeting place for the westies, they leave behind photographs, books of untold stories and a lot of hungry customers. >> a couple of times a week. they do the good work. >> we're sad leaving. the neighborhood and our lovely customers. we are really attached to them. >> on my late nights, i get a tuna melt. >> reporter: i'm mac king, fox 5 news. jennifer: lamar odom's blood tests are back.
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according to tmz, he tested positive for cocaine. he was rushed to a las vegas hospital earlier this month after a nevada brothel employee found him unresponsive. at the time, he was suspected of using cocaine and herbal viagra pills during a three-day binge. he remains at a hospital in l.a. and could be facing drug charges. steve: jimmy fallon can't catch a break. he tripped over a woman and took a hard fall. the bottle he was holding shattered and he cut his hand. but this summer he almost had to have his ring finger amputated. he tweeted a picture saying nothing a few bandaids couldn't fix. mom and dad taught us to eat our fruits and vegetables. jennifer: it can make a big difference to our health as young adults. steve: the inspiring story behind the young boy who rang the closing bell at the new york stock exchange.
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for the girl scout meeting. okay. for the soccer team. for the girl scout meeting. how many meetings are you having? at stop & shop, prices have just gone down. the savings keep going up. which makes the checkout lane, victory lane.
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jennifer: in fox 5 health news, we heard earlier about how the food choices we make can impact our health. now another study finds that starting healthy eating habits early when we're younger is a major way of protecting our hearts down the road. joining us now is dr. doris day.
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this is a pretty good study, right? >> it looked at a lot of people. with the skin, it can take 20 years from when you get sun exposure for that to develop into skin cancer. with the heart, what you eat as a young adult can take up to 20 years to show up. they looked at 2500 young adults in the cardio study. they looked at them, how much fruits and vegetables they had and then 20 years later, they did cat scans looking for hardening of the arteries and heart disease. they took into account life-style, obesity, smoking, even factoring those in, having lots of fruits and vegetables when you're younger gives you up to 25 percent or more protection against heart disease later in life. so it is important. at this time of year, we're in harvest season. we have pumpkins that are fresh,
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full of antioxidants. great for your heart. start young and you'll have a great heart. steve: it's not easy to say i'm going to eat better when i'm older. doesn't work like this. we have a mic issue. we're going to take a break -- we're good? let's go to nick. a big week. we have the world series later this week, halloween. we're in the heart of fall. looks like it will be a good week? nick: lots of good stuff going on. in between the things happening is a rainfall event we need. we're so far behind in rainfall for the year. that's going to be wednesday. there could be localized flooding problems with the storm center as it comes by us and produces one to two inches of rain. upper 50s around the city today. low 50s to mid 50s boston to albany to buffalo. 61 in washington d.c. for their highs. nothing on the radar. a few high thin scattered clouds. sun will give in to clouds as we work into tomorrow. you can see a satellite photo showing we are clear.
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it does start moving in. the rain of concern for us is way across the southeastern states. it's in 50s across the area, hanging on to 60 at allentown. 57 sussex to poughkeepsie. monticello, a little cooler. upper 50s around the city. mid 50s long island to belmar at 55. we're down three to 10 degrees from 24 hours ago. we've had a north-northeasterly wind in play. you can see it out of the north basically, north to northeast wind will continue at 5 to 8 or 10 miles an hour, along those lines. then the wind will become easterly tomorrow. let's look at the weather map and show you what's happening around our neighborhood and the country. for us, it's high pressure building down from eastern canada that gave the beautiful weather today. you can see the storm center here. that's the remnants of patricia, the hurricane that blasted central parts of the mexican coast by manzanillo and brought
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heavy flooding rains across texas and louisiana. tomorrow, world series night in kansas city as the mets take on the royals. the rain should end by the time the rain gets going. this system will produce a bit of rain for them tomorrow afternoon in the form of showers and thunderstorms. the rain should get out of the way in time for the game. by the time we have the world series friday, saturday, sunday, the game will be fine. tomorrow, upper 50s around the city. chicago, 58. cool to atlanta. 80s miami. southwest. back towards 60 in boise. 82 in l.a. let's show you on the futurecast. the sky staying clear tonight. the clear weather tomorrow with the easterly wind. more clouds will increase as we go into the afternoon. the moisture starts coming our way as we head into tomorrow night. increasing. midnight.
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that will be heaviest as we get into wednesday afternoon. even the possibility of isolated thunderstorms into the evening. let's look at our futurecast rainfall amounts. we'll be seeing that mostly occur as we head in towards wednesday. look at the amounts. between one and two inches of rain. we could use all we get. tonight, 45 in the city. 30s to near 40 in the suburbs with a clear sky and wind out of the northeast at 5 to 10. tomorrow morning, clouds and sun in the afternoon. a good-looking day at 59. check out the seven day. there's the rain and windy conditions on wednesday. winds along the coast gusting 30, 40 miles an hour. 64. thursday, brief, over 70 with sunshine. back to 59 friday. again, looks good for the nighttime game for the world series. halloween, sun, clouds, 56. set your clock back sunday morning at 2:00 a.m. marathon sunday should produce perfect weather for the runners with showers on monday. steve: warmer than last year. jennifer: so much going on. we'll come back to dr. doris day.
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issues resolved. steve: if you're always craving pizza, this idea of an addiction, i'm addicted to cheese and pizza, there could be some modicum of truth to it. >> that's try. food does affect your brain and mood. that's why we call it comfort food. we're understanding more and more why some foods affect our brains. it turns out for pizza, it has milk proteins called cacine. it binds to the opiate receptors that produce dopamine. you feel good when you eat those foods. now, it's okay to have a little bit. and 1-1/2 ounces is what you're supposed to have in a day. a slice of pizza -- if you only have one, and who does -- is 4-1/2 servings. that's a lot of that product. it's not about how much fat. it's the protein that's the problem. it's in all dairy products that
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are cow dairy products. the milk protein, what it breaks down, binds to the receptors in the brain. you have the dopamine release. in the long run, it can be a problem. jennifer: like a comfort food thing? >> now we know why. you only need so much comfort. otherwise, you can exercise for the same kind of release, that feeling of feel good. there's lots of ways to get it. it's okay to get it from food. you want to control it. steve: not as much. good deal. dr. day, we appreciate it. jennifer: thank you. okay. he is one of the youngest people to ring the closing bell at the new york stock exchange. steve: that's right. at just four years old, owen is a blood cancer survivor and is using his experience to save the lives of others. audrey puente has more on his inspiring story. >> reporter: today four-year-old owen hogan became the youngest person to ring the closing bell of the new york stock exchange. he is the son of a new york city firefighter and is raising awareness about the need for
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bone marrow donors. he was saved by a transplant two years ago. >> he had aplastic anemia. his situation was so dire, he needed a bone marrow transplant to survive. thanks to a stranger's generosity, they saved his life. >> while 30 percent of patients can find a donor, 70 percent must rely on perfect strangers to donate. that's where the work of donate blood cancer comes in. jack kirkland heard the call for help. >> i received a call from owen's father tim. he had been put in touch with me through another firefighter. i heard his story, wanted to help. we started setting up bone marrow drives. >> you can register as a potential donor if you're between 18 and 55, in good health, live in the united states and are 4 feet 10. >> you say i'm here if you need
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me. and i don't know. it's the ability to save someone's life. >> i can't describe the feeling of being a mom with your child in the hospital knowing that i'm completely helpless and i'm just waiting for a stranger to come along. we are so grateful that we found our hero. >> reporter: now owen is not only looking forward to his future, he's also looking forward to the world series. >> let's go mets! >> reporter: audrey puente, fox 5 news. steve: a city in florida invaded weekend. riding zombies rolled into key west. they cycled around for the zombie bike ride. they ended their terrifying tour in old town where they enjoyed a party for the undead. that's huge right now. steve: very big. they watched the walking dead last night. we'll see you back here tonight at 10:00.
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with a look at what's coming up at 6:00. thank you very much, steve and jen. we have a great show coming up at 6:00. we are live with the mets in kansas city as they prepare for game one of the world series. plus, kids and credit cards. not always the best combination. so how do parents teach their college students to be smart with money? some live expert advice for you. and nick's gorgeous fall forecast all just minutes away right here on the news at 6:00 next.
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smells like spaghetti with johnsonville italian sausage. my favorite. bad news. the johnsonville factory burned down brian. it's terrible. well if you can't serve tasty sausage why are we even a family? i may as well move out. well, if that's what yo... you're right. i'll stay. and tomorrow we're going to help johnsonville rebuild that factory. i'll take dinner in my room, with chocolate milk. make pasta tastier with johnsonville italian sausage. we don't make sausage. we make family. and sausage. >> announcer: live from studio 5 in new york city, this is the news at 6:00. ernie: it is monday night. hello, everybody. i'm ernie anastos. thank you very much for joining us tonight, and we're glad you could be with us to gear up for the world series. very exciting. a sea of orange and blue at borough hall in queens, mets fans gathering for a rally. the amazings may be in kansas
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city preparing for game one tomorrow night, but the hometown crowd is fired up right now. citi field hosts games 3, 4 and possibly 5 starting on friday. right now all eyes are on kauffman stadium in kansas center where players and managers met with the media today. duke castiglione is there. it's all happening. exciting. >> reporter: you know, this is a great time of year. and here we are talking about the world series. the mets in the world series for the first time since 2000. if you look over my right shoulder, steven matts is on the mound right there. he's getting ready to do some throwing. and what an exciting day today. not only are the players going to work out, but this was a chance for us to talk to some of the players themselves and everyone wants to know about daniel murphy. we know he hit six home runs -- hit home runs in seven games,
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national league championship
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