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tv   FOX 5 News at 6  FOX  October 22, 2015 6:00pm-6:30pm EDT

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starting in baseball, and a 30-year-old second baseman with one all star at bat to his name who obliterated october baseballs like no hitter in history. while the mets emptied bottles of champagne all over the visitors clubhouse, 57-year-old nicholas nursed a club soda at a bar in a holiday inn in flushing. >> we started hugging everybody. then we went to mo's. >> he watched every inning of mets baseball this season, half in person. >> i've been a fan since 1966. my dad took me to my first game. >> season ticket holders and children know him at pin man. >> it's been taking over my life. >> reporter: he started wearing these on his sleeves in 2006. now he hands out pins to kids at games. on thursday, nick arrived at citi field four hours early to welcome home the metropolitans. >> i didn't think i would see one of my teams win another championship.
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finally one of my teams will do it. >> a smattering of fans and a hoard of cameras welcomed the mets home. >> with this coaching staff and group of guys, we'll be prepared. >> reporter: next to a sweep of the cubs, they earned five days to rest and prepare for the world series. fans plan to spend those days revelling in their team's success. success. >> we are the national league championship new york mets! >> reporter: game one of the world series is tuesday. the mets will play the winner of the royals and blue jays. the royals lead that series 3-2. i'm mac king, fox 5 news. ernie: thank you very much for that. and let's continue to keep talking about this. very exciting. russ, we talked about this when the season first started. you had a good feeling about the mets. russ: not this good.
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dreams and expectations. this is absolutely off the charts. what i'm seeing now, maybe it's good karma, whatever. watching that celebration last night, you've got to be really happy for the players, extremely happy for mets ownership, the wilpons. they had to go through that business with bernie madoff. ernie: what a nice payoff. russ: enormous. you know what? i've been around a lot of teams. guys. they're a fine mixture of young men and veterans. ernie: absolutely. lucas duda set it off. start. russ: that was the sleeping giant to get things going. because lucas, who's been in an awful slump, belted three-run homer in the first inning. then two more in the second.
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believe me, if he's starting to click, if lucas is starting to click, just -- at this right time, you're going to get him and who knows what -- ernie: they've got it all together. they're really hot. you talked about the young pitching arms which is very important to the team. russ: what to me is most impressive about the young pitching arms, it's not just talent. they seem to be mature beyond their years. there's a lot of poise there. they don't get flustered. there's been a lot of discussion about momentum, can the mets keep up the momentum. there's a saying in baseball your momentum is only as good as the next day starting pitching. the mets starting pitching has been so good, that's because -- you know, they're keeping the other teams off the board. ernie: let me ask you this. they'll take a bit of a rest. that's good for them actually. what about a match-up? the mets, toronto, kansas city? what do you see there? russ: i think that series is
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ernie: either team. russ: don'te looking for another sweep. let me tell you that. it ain't happening. ernie: you never know. russ: i'm so impressed with you. you become mr. met. you were actually watching the game. ernie: i was watching the game. i enjoy it. russ: i figured your lovely wife kelly, she's watching. i figure you're dusting, fluffing pillows. ernie: i was watching the game. great stuff. we're looking forward to the world series. russ: it will be fun. i can't wait. i'm annoyed there's no mets game tonight. i like the action. ernie: we're ready for it. russ: everybody gets revved up. ernie: thank you very much. let's talk about other news. hillary clinton was off the campaign trail and on capitol hill. the presidential hopeful testified before house lawmakers about the deadly benghazi attack in 2012 while she was secretary of state. some members blasted her for not doing more to save the lives of four americans killed in a
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ambassador chris stevens. >> nobody knew the dangers of libya better, but chris chose to go to benghazi because he understood america had to be represented there at that pivotal time. ernie: and many questions dealt with her use of private e-mail accounts. >> family, friends and community are remembering nypd officer randolph holder who was fatally shot in east harlem. his viewing will be held at the greater allen ame cathedral of new york in jamaica, queens, tuesday. the funeral service will be held there on wednesday. governor cuomo is calling for a state-run licensing system for ride-sharing companies like uber and lyft. he says it should be the state and not the city's job to regulate them. right now they're limited to operating only the five boroughs. but uber wants to expand to other big cities around the state.
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i think it's going to cool off? nick: a little bit. we had a nice, mild day, but a cold front is on the move. it will bring us back to where we should be. might be a shower this afternoon. ernie: might be a shower. thank you so much. still to come for you, sesame street tackles autism. how a new character on the show will help educate kids about friends and classmates who are autistic. we'll be right back as we
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i'm michael douglas, and new york is my home. there's no place like it in the world. and there's no time to see it like the fall.
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ernie: okay. now watch this. we wanted to show you this because it looks pretty cool. now this is time lapse video of fog rolling through billings, montana. that was yesterday. it was taken from the rim rocks overlooking the city. eventually you could see the sun come out, burn the fog off and giving folks there a very, very nice, sunny afternoon. this is a real nice touch of nature. watch this, nick. isn't that pretty? how beautiful is that? nick: would you like a lesson in meteorology?
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it's common this time of year. what happens is the nights are getting longer. the temperature falls quickly and hits the dew point and, boom, the fog will form in the valleys. when the sun goes to work next day -- ernie: look at this when it clears. isn't that a beautiful sight. it's coming again. here we are. have a beautiful day, folks. nick: and away it goes. ernie: billings, montana. away it goes. i wish we could do that with other things that come our way. nick: it would be nice. ernie: a little cooler. nick: a little cooler coming in. montana is beautiful. ernie: it is pretty. nick: fabulous. cooler weather coming here. maybe this weekend we'll get some of the radiational fog in our cooler valleys. because when the wind gets lighter tomorrow night and maybe tomorrow night will be our best chance of seeing that, you might see that in the valleys to the north. you can see on the satellite photograph, some clouds out there. a couple of showers may appear. that's when the approaching cold front. that's why we were talking about it turning cooler. we were back in the 70s again.
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we'll be finding that temperature in the upper 50s to 60 tomorrow. 75, 58 officially. 62, 48. that's average. 88 and 30 in the records for the day. your sunrise 7:16. you'll see it set at 7:06 and see all of it tomorrow. a southwest wind at 9 and it's 71. the dew point, that's down at 47. that's why we're not seeing a lot of showers. the air is too dry to support much. a little sprinkle or two. upper 70s in poughkeepsie to newark. stayed in the upper 60s on long island for their highs. same at monticello. we're finding it in the 60s in a lot of spots east of the city. 67 at bridgeport. we're hanging on to 74 at poughkeepsie and newark. 73 at belmar. back to 70 in north jersey by sussex. there's the wind, a southwest wind. that brought the mild air in place 10, 15 miles an hour. once the cold front passes later tonight, that wind is going to shift to the northwest and come to the north.
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here's fox 5 sky guardian. a couple of sprinkles out there. some of this is a little false return, but you might run into an isolated shower this evening. you can see on the wider picture how little shower activity is around here. it's all movin off to the east. notice this line of clouds here. that's the cold front. it's just a couple of hours away. as it moves through, it will get into the air on this side of the front. that will arrive tomorrow. it will be a beautiful day, sunny, breezy, and temperatures will be cooling down a little bit. showers in the plains states. they'll make their move this way. they'll get here later saturday night and into the first half of sunday before we start drying out again with another shot of cooler air for the early part of next week. a big difference tomorrow. it will be almost the same out the lower, lower 50s in the city, 40s in the suburbs. we don't move that much. 56 noontime. 59 tomorrow afternoon with a bright and sunny day, but a gusty north breeze. there's high pressure building down.
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some valley fog and saturday the sun mes coback. clouds maybe later in the day. still only in the upper 50s. notice showers to the west. they get in here for saturday night and the first half of sunday and sunday afternoon, not a great deal of sun. tonight, it's an early shower, pretty much we'll take that out of the forecast. clearing, 52 in the city. 40s away from town. tomorrow, beautiful, bright and sunny, breezy, upper 50s to 60. kind of refreshing and more typical for this time of year. seven day, there's saturday at 59. looks good. showers late at night. a couple o showers through midday sunday, 65. back to the upper 50s monday and tuesday. a nice-looking day. 40s at night. showers wednesday into thursday. we break the 60-degree mark, probably low 60s by the time we get to thursday. as i keep saying, we need some rain. ernie: we do. but everybody is enjoying the variety and a lot of the nice weher.
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almost peak color this weekend. ernie: a lot more coming up, including my question about dating tonight. >> i want you to tell me if you've ever been on a blind date and what it was like. ernie: what about you? what do you think about meeting someone new? see what people had to say coming up. [music] >> tonight we go underground to show you what it tkes to get a spot performing for commuters in the subway. 6:00.
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6:16 pm new york. these grapes are squishy. i...need a shove. can someone help me? new york. yes, that's a real bear. i...won a trip. that is so exciting. (announcer vo) play the i love new york scratch-off from the new york lottery. you could win trips to exciting new york destinations or up to
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ernie: well, there's a new muppet moving to sesame street, julia. she's a preschooler with autism. she will join elmo and the gang in books and on new apps. it is trying to reduce the stigma of autism with sesame street and autism, see amazing in all children. >> julia is a four-year-old with autism and she's part of our narrated storybook in our resources. and she shares with her differences and her similarities with her sesame street friends elmo and abbey. ernie: sesame street and autism has been in the works for three
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children stronger, smarter, kinder, and we are all for that. >> we've talked about theatre, museums and dance. tonight we're taking it to the streets for the performers that you see every day as you get around the city. antwan lewis shows us more about how this is a wonderful thing, far beyond opening up a guitar case and playing. >> reporter: new york city has many places to showcase talent. one of the most endearing is beneath your feet. rob is a subway performer, one who serenades as you're racing for the trains. >> when we walk past, i don't care if they're two, they'll be bopping. >> reporter: three or four times a week, he hauls his bass to subways across the city. he's been doing it for 20 years. >> i wanted the children to hear jazz. i wanted them to hear the jazz for free.
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and not be able to go in clubs where they're drinking and stuff like that. i really basically do this for the kids. >> reporter: subway performers are part of the mta's music under new york program. it allows some of the best unsung big apple talent to shine sub . >> we have reggae, steel drums, all types of music reflecting the diverse ridership. [music] >> reporter: susan has been a performer for three years. we asked her about nerves when playing for some of the toughest critics you'll meet, random new york strangers. >> the first time is a lot. right from the first day, i had words of encouragement. people said finally classical music in the subway. >> reporter: how did it make you feel? >> really good. [music] >> reporter: the mta has 300
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7,500 performances a year. each must apply and audition for a chance to make the commute in and around new york city just a little sweeter to do. >> you have to have a passion and do it, like getting up every morning and humming a song. that's what i do. >> reporter: what's the biggest tip amount you've gotten? >> a few hundred. oh, yes. yeah. believe it or not. there are a lot of millionaires in new york city. ernie: a lot of variety, too. >> reporter: a lot of variety. ernie: fantastic. you forgot your saxophone. you told me you used to play. >> a very bad saxophone. very, very bad. ernie: this is quite a process. >> it begins in january. anyone who's interested can go to the mta web site and fill out the application. if you make the cut, around may they'll invite you back for an audition. 35 musicians get to decide who will get one of the spots. ernie: it's a nice opportunity. it's very unusual, and it's a thing.
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just show up and start playing. you have to apply. they take it very, very seriously. we'll can start a band. ernie: i'll get my drums. we have one more day appreciating the arts. tomorrow, comedy is one reason why hustling in new york pays off for so many comics. we'll share that tomorrow on the news at 6:00. all right. how about dating? have you been on a blind date? was it a good experience or what? we have your answers coming up next. [music] that's a big bull. i think that's old cyrus. 1800 pounds of do whatever the heck i want.
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ernie: you're on facebook. and so am i. like my page at anastos, and i'll be sharing some behind the scenes stuff, plus some pictures. positive thoughts and we'll be posting questions of the day. so you can share your answers as well. check it out now and go to facebook. facebook. >> here's the question for the heart. have you ever been on a blind date? >> yes. ernie: what was it like? >> fun. ernie: did you enjoy it? >> yes. ernie: did it develop into anything? >> no. >> no. in the first minute, i was wondering why i was set up with the person. ernie: that was a blind date? >> well, yeah. ernie: how did that go? >> well, he's not here now. >> it's a 50-50 chance. ernie: how did it work out for you? >> it didn't work out. we had one date. i left him for another person. that was it. >> i refused to go.
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>> because i like to pick who i go out with. i wouldn't want to run away in case it was unpleasant, you know, cut the meeting short. ernie: you refuse to do blind dates. >> never done it. won't do it. ernie: you're a bachelor? >> i am. ernie: a bachelor. no blind dates. how do they get in touch with you? >> they don't. i'll get in touch with them. >> yes, i have. and i'm married for 14 years. i'm trying to remember. i always enjoyed it. ernie: you did? >> i like meeting new people. ernie: you've been on several? >> several. i played the field in a big way. ernie: really? was some of it fun? >> definitely fun. yeah. ernie: you didn't marry one of the blind dates? >> i did. yes. ernie: look at that. >> i know. ernie: a success story here. happy, happy. >> yes. ernie: good. take care. bye-bye. love, love, love. that's it for now. thank you very much for joining us. i'm ernie anastos. for all of us in studio 5 and our control room upstairs, a bunch of tigers up there, thank you for being part of the
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have a great night. we'll see you tomorrow.
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