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tv   Good Day New York  FOX  August 14, 2015 9:00am-10:00am EDT

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and low-fat yogurt. it's a delicious choice you can feel good sipping. discover the goodness of dunkin's new smoothies today. america runs on dunkin'. greg: hi everybody. things are looking good in new york city. unfortunately we have a situation on staten island. >> rosanna is on vacation. simone is joining us. >> hi. great to be hanging out with you. greg: we are going to the situation on staten island, a new york city firefighter is shot twice in the leg while responding to a reported fire and started by a gunman.
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>> reporter: lidia is on the scene. >> good morning, this is still a very chaotic busy scene here. a lot of emergency responders behind me. a short time ago we learned who the suspect is. he is 38 year ode garland tyree page. he wrote a posting a half hour of the shooting began. he wrote today i die. a lot of his friends and family have been commenting about on the post and staying don't do it. very, very tragic scene what happened here. it started at 6:00 this morning. take a look here. dozens of police officers and firefighters. so it started around 6:00 this morning. the u.s. marshalls came out to 15 destiny court to arrest him
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and he has a very long wrap sheet for drug possession and weapons charges. they came to arrest him. all of a sudden he started to fire at the police. that is when a fire then started at the home. a fire stated. the firefighters came out to battle the blaze, that is when the suspect shot at the firefighters and he hit one firefighter in the leg twice, 54 year firefighter and said to be in critical but stable condition. you are seeing here now, we have seen the police officers here with machine guns. we have seen a lot of emergency vehicles here. this is blocked off for blocks and blocks. family members here of the suspect and crying and hoping and pleateding with him. the suspect is still inside and the hostage negotiate ors are here. >> you reported earlier that the
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man's name garland tyree, right now wif u on the phone former fbi chief chris voss and used to talk people out of situations hike this. are you here? >> yes, i am here. >> reporter: what is the first course of action in a situation like this? >> they know the guy is communicating and they are going to establish a direct communication, and the fact that he's posted on facebook, the first step is will he communicate at all and the next step is will he communicate with the police. if they can get him talking, they can at least, at least he's got a message to get out. he wants people to know something about him. if they can get him talking about that and see if they can find a vision of the future at all that includes his survive
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then they have a chance to talk him out. he has to let them talk him out. greg: his friends are saying we are watching this on the news and he's aware of that, and you did this for a living, let's suppose that garland is watching, what would the message be to him right now? >> well, garland, you have something to say. there is something about your life that mattered and it matters to you and a the people that are there trying to see you come out alive. so the meaning of your life is still there and let's see where it goes and you can continue to be a positive influence on the people that are there and wanting you to come out alive. >> reporter: we have social media going on here and does it lend information to the situation here? >> yes, there is something about
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his life that matters to him and something, there are other people in the world feeling the same way. there is a reason for him to be on the planet. he's got friends. there are people he cares about. we hope that is enough for him to see him continuing to live through this and getting beyond. greg: i recall of in our instance of a new york city firefighter being shot. these are the best and the bravest responding to a fire and being shot. it is so counter intuitive and he's trying to do good and putting out a fire. well, you made the point to the gunman. we hope he's listening. we want no one else to be hurt. thank you, mr. voss for joining us. we hope it ends peacefully. >> thank you very much. greg: i can't find where this happened before.
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all right, again, our prayers for ending this peacefully and the thoughts and prayers with the firefighter that was shot twice. >> well, simone, welcome to show. thank you, greg. >> she covers the entertainment issues at night. >> i like the culture issue. greg: we might -- we are going down simone lane in a little bit. remember the tom brady sketch from yesterday. look. i'm not a big fan of his. he's handsome. very handsome. hey, there is roger goodell. everybody noticed that the tom brady protrayed by a courtroom sketch artist. >> reporter: not looking accurate. greg: not looking like tom. there he goes again.
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this is jane, she's a noted well established courtroom sketch artist. that is her version of tom brady. that is influenced by picasso. >> reporter: deconstructed take on tom brady. greg: the media going crazy. i give her a lot of credit. take a listen to what she said. come on. don't we have that? she said, if you can do a better job, go ahead and try it. okay. she was defiant. i want to bring in one of her peers. christine, a long time sketch artist and providing sketches for how long? >> since 1975. greg: what do you think? >> she was trying to do too much and put in casts of thousands and the head got small an mr. brady and i don't think she
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really had the time to salvage that. it was too tight of space to really render it. her initial take was a little like carving it all in and being a little choppy. greg: he looks sullen. >> reporter: absolutely. the face is sharper, more angled than in real life. you are close with her anticipated friends with her and you spoke to her, this is difficult for her, right, fielding the criticism? >> this went so viral. it was crazy the responses she got. we tallic the criticism from time to time. i did a drawing that wasn't great of uma thurman. she was being stalked.
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she was a victim and kind of unhappy about the situation. greg: christine, i want examples of what you have done. what is your technique. >> that is mr. brayy dy in the foreground. >> that is amazing. greg: did you look at jane and say what were you thinking? >> i'm too busy. greg: how much do you make, no how do you do at these things. do you sell them to the tv stations? >> that is right. >> sell them directly to? >> directly to the news stations, absolutely. this is bernie madoff. >> wow, i'm impressed with the detail in the paints in a short amount of time. how long do you have? >> 3 minutes and, you know, whatever. one hour is a good time to do a
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drawing with five people in it. greg: what is this. who is the woman? >> it is martha stewart. >> that is pretty good. she was hard to draw. she really tried to avoid us. i made these jokes -- >> what do you do with the head down? >> there is the hair. the nose. she was really avoiding us. greg: did she write you a note? >> i did actually speak to her once and apologized for using the buy knock collars on her. >> she said perfect come mregs right? >> i said yes, of course. >> take a look this. this is my version of rosanna. >> reporter: this is awful. greg: i like the caption. what do you think? >> i need to look at rosanna. [laughter]
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greg: i captured the essence. >> it is minimalistic. greg: we have assignment for you. can you take a whack at drawing us? >> yes, that is fun. >> i'm excited. greg: in the meantime, mike woods, what is up? mike: we have the forecast, gorgeous. we have got another beautiful looking day coming up for us, just a little warm, 75 right now at central park. 77 newark and islip. 74 bridge fort. 61 in monticello. the temperatures, a little variation. in particular, it is a six degree drop in sussex. 4 degrees warmer at newark as well as central park. same thing in islip. and as we get into the afternoon, we are seeing the warmer temperatures in general in the tristate region. up.
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low to mid 50s for the tristate and the numbers are going to climb and sticky in the tristate comfortable. that is going to close. today sunny and clear and a lot of sunshine out there. high pressure is in control. there it is. here is what will be happening though with the ridge of the high pressure, it is staying for a little bit. as we head into tomorrow, here is the futurecast, high pressure drifting off shore and when that happens the winds are rotating around more to southeast and southerly and that drags up more of the heat and humidity. just a little more for your tomorrow and more so going into sunday. also, tomorrow, a weak combed front approaching and could be kicking up a few showers, just a little bit of action in the north western counties. that is not making a penetration to the tristate and a slight chance for showers north west and then out of here. the heat and humidity are moving
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in on top of us and that is the main weather player going into the next week here. so today we have sunny skies. comfortable highs. 86. the average high is 83. tomorrow high of 89. a few storms up to the northwest. sunday, monday and tuesday could have a heat wave, 3 days in a row 90 degree heat. cooler headed to tuesday and wednesday and storm chances at that time as well. got birthday shout outs, alex. 20th birthday. happy birthday to you. work. your family is proud. this weekend. they are big fans. thank you for that and congrats to you. mike kemp is turning 20 years old. simone, greg?
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greg: thank you. rosanna is absent, missing. she's got a day off. simone is sitting in. >> thank you, greg. greg: she's a big deal. glory video of her. adventures around new york. tell people about your job. >> my job, you know, it's adventure, it is getting the most out of new york city. so mitch -- much to do in new york city. i tend to stick to the things i know. i love to show you the hidden gems in the city. greg: you know drinks. she showed up for drinks at rockaway. roll it. simone looked fabulous. it is fabulous bar.
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greg: how was the drink? >> it is pina colada. it is frozen. delicious. it is amazing. it is right off the rockaway beach. greg: look at you. this is a regular thing. the simone show? >> the month of august. >> how about that. i'm not a little bit jealous.i'm a lot jealous. no co-host, just you. >> just me. it is a lot of fun. it is a lot of responsibility too, greg. greg: when is it? >> saturdays at 10:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. greg: it is a tough job. >> yes, somebody has to do it. greg: thank you, simone. thank you for filling in. meet the crazy animals from new jersey.
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it is a pet store run by our two friends danny and joe. >> hi, guys. these are cute. >> sometimes they are called honey bears and a south american raccoon slash monkey mix. badger? >> no. they are just a swiet honey animal. greg: you were at a pet store? >> yes. we found a niche throughout the yiers add more of a calling for the exotics and responsibly selling them. these are animals that require a different level of kwar. i have a great staff. greg: what kind of person can responsibly own one of these? >> has to be somebody that has
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resources and a lot of space. they need to have attention. you can't ignore them. they are smart. >> will they get into mischief? >> yes. they love the sweet. they eat fruits and nectars. >> that is my diet. >> yes, expert juicers. >> how much do they cost? >> 2500 to 3000. >> what'd you think? >> i love it. >> you need one. greg: do you have the resources to keep one? >> i do not. a new york city apartment is not going to do him justice. greg: he likes you. yeah, i think so. i hope so. greg: what else? >> show us a striped positive some. we have a cool nocturne animal. these are cool, for the people
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working throughout the day, you want something active at night and greeting you and something different. >> possum as a pet? >> these are different. you are thinking of a possum. this is australia version. >> whoa. they have the striped look. this is a large possum from australia and indonesia. >> he smells. >> yes, they do. they have scent glands. look at the fingers. they are long and stick in the crevices and the logs. they are a musk and rub that on the trees. >> how much? >> 2500. >> this animal is you rarely ever see them.
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there is not one for sale since 2012. greg: very good. hello to what? >> we saw a larger version today. they are cool animals. they are a little nervous right now. greg look at that. >> i will trade you. this is lucy and ricky. >> can i touch her? >> yes, yes. they dig around and eat anything they can. fruits and vegetables and insects and birds and eggs. >> you have licenses for all of this stuff? >> yes. >> you need licensing and permitting. >> you need a permit. >> we have enjoyed these guys. >> these guys run about 2,000. >> megan.
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this is an adult version. >> these are babies? >> yes, they are babies, ten weeks old. >> megan, put them on the ground. they are fast. they are very intelligent animals. >> it is looking a bit like a rat. >> no, not a rat. >> it is not looking like a rat. >> it has a longer tail. >> oh, yes. are you kidding me? that looks like a full groan rat. a big rat. >> rats are excellent pets by the way. supper affectionate. >> yes, if you want the plague. >> no, no. >> you are not sold on the rats, are you? >> no. what else? >> we have a north american animal that is becoming popular, a skunk. >> we saw that earlier.
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they are becoming popular pets for the active person that is not home a lot. >> what is your website. >> nj exotic this guy is chilling out. he's a good pet. >> we have trained him to do that. >> this is favorite so far. here is the skunk. >> wait, deskunked? >>y u yes, deskented. >> they have a musk gland. it is altered so they don't spray. >> like neutering a dog? >> yes, like that. they are not prone to spraying when they are a pet. some states require that. >> he's cute. they make great pets. they spend a lot of time sleeping. they sleep 20 hours a day. >> this is the friend.
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these are skunks bred as pets. they are white, silver. this is a latte color. gray hair. >> thank you for bringing the pets by. i'm keeping this one. >> okay. >> danny, joe, thank you. thank you to all of the animals. christine, i hope you are okay with the sketch. make me look thin. >> i'm a little nervous. >> we have the situation on staten island. a gunman inside and he shot a new york city firefighter and shot twice in the leg. he's going to be okay. still the situation is not over. >> when we come back, we are joined by comedian bill bellmy. we are looking forward to that.
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join the millions who have we switched. netflix. call today. i switched. now i have a free app that
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lets me watch tv whenever i have the time. for $89.99 a month you'll get tv, internet and phone. and if you call now, there's no risk, no contract, no catch, no kidding. i switched to time warner cable they were coming. thanks to their one hour appointment window. switch to time warner cable today. and now, for a limited time, a $300 reward card. call today. [ female announcer ] when you're serious about fighting wrinkles, turn to roc retinol correxion . one week, fine lines appear to fade. one month, deep wrinkles look smoother. skin looks ageless. only from roc . anything. anywhere. anytime. anyone. spread the delicious taste you know and love. hershey' s is mine, yours, our chocolate spreads. my theory is pretty simple. happiness, before cleanliness.
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gooey. flaky. happy. toaster strudel. now with more icing. you say avocado old el paso says... zesty chicken and avocado tacos in our stand 'n stuff tortillas . (record scratch) you say stand n' stuff tortillas old el paso says... start somewhere fresh >> once again, on going situation on staten island. a new york city firefighter is shot by a gunman now held up in the residence on staten island. here is what we know so far, u.s. marshalls were attempts to arrest this individual. they showed up, he reportedly opened fire and then set a fire, actually constructed a fire in
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the house. the fire department showed up and he shot a firefighter, shot twice in the leg. he's going to be okay. we have disturbing comments posted on facebook by this guy. 38 years old. he posted today i die. several of his friends, please -- >> we hope you are okay. greg: you don't have to go out this way. the hostage negotiators are on the scene. possibly he's watching the news. if he is -- >> he's posting? >> yes. >> wow. greg: we are staying on this. the firefighter will be okay. change. bill bellmy. >> lighting it up. happy friday, everybody.
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too. >> you are from the area? >> yes, jersey boy. fun. greg: welcome back. you are a gotham club? >> yes, tonight and tomorrow night. >> the quarterback for the jets, his jaw was busted by a teammate. >> the humor, you never hear this stuff. guys fight, but you don't get your jaw broke. geno probably going to do decent. actually the jaw that needs a jaw broken is donald trump. >> no. no violence. a talking to. >> why doesn't something happen to donald trump.
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he says the out landish stuff. maybe his hair flips back. he says one bad thing for geno and the jaw is broken. >> do you get in fights in the green room? >> we have fun. the om thing going wrong is if you steal my joke. you saw me do it and i see you. now with the internet, if you do someone i wills -- else's joke it is getting back. >> where do you get the material? >> a lot of stuff is personal experiences and i read about and embellish the story. greg: how do you, how should shi handle the hecklers. watch this.
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>> all right, let's see. >> you want to know where i got the boobs. the corner of you can't afford them and stop talking to me. >> it is in your best interest to shut your fat faces. >> people giving comics a hard time in middle of the show. >> that is rough. >> with the hecklers, i don't get a lot of them, you have to keep control of the room. the thing about it, if you say something fast and keep the power of the show on the stage, the worst thing that happens to you is the heckler is funny than you. if that happens it is a wrap. i am fast. i have seen that happen a million times. i was doing a show and there was altercation in the back of the show. fight.
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the guy had on a nice suit and he looked a toyota salesman and i talked about outfit and the lady he was having an argument and we then got back to the show. have fun in the moment. >> stay confident and command of the room. >> we have the "good day" comedy club. we have a couple of people hanging out now. hi, everybody. >> wake up. >> they need coffee. no drinks. that's why. they are not lose yet. kick it up. we are trying out two new up and coming comics. simone too. >> no. no. greg: "good day" comedy club is next. all right. >> look alive, guys. >> make noise. >> all right. we'll be right back.
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breyers natural vanilla. milk and fresh cream and only sustainably farmed vanilla. breyers has fresh cream, sugar and milk. breyers. the good vanilla. our milk and cream come from cows not treated with artificial growth hormones. this is so good! restore your hair's strength and flexibility. new improved nexxus with concentrated elastin protein and precious ingredients. for hair that lives to move.
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>> reporter: welcome back. we have a comedy club here. this is so fun. greg: is it funny? we hope so. >> we'll see. >> i have great rosanna jokes. no, not really.
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>> that is not fair. >> bring in number one. >> pat brown. give it up for pat brown. >> thank you for coming. this is english is a second language class. i'm from harlem. i moved to harlem and you have to say i have been in harlem by choice. reputation. they feel sorry for me. like i'm anning's baby. you know, you will judge a whole neighborhood by the grocery store. like, oh, girl look at them apples. they don't have a good school system. i, i that is my pet peeve.
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i can't stand a grimy grocery store. if you go on the inside and they are a dark alley. what is the mustard. done there. oh shoot, will you walk with me. i don't want to be mugged over the condiments. thank you, guys. i'm pat brown. >> that is awesome. >> a where are you from? >> kansas city, missouri. >> how do people find you. >> pat at comedian pat >> we have been on shows together. she's one of the young and up and coming funny females. >> girl power. >> i love him. you did it. >> give it up. >> you are great, great. thank you.
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>> beefy guys from sales crack add smile. >> we have gary bitter from long island. come on out. [applause] >> all right. thank you very much. i hope this goes well. or a terrible way to start the day. i will tell you i'm losing my hair. i don't want to go bald. my dad is bald and he looks terrible terrible. the friend says just because your dad is bald doesn't mean you are going bald. my mom is bald today. she looks terrible. good reaction. how is your love life? oh yeah. i'm in a long distance relationship, restraining order. cool. gave online dating a shop, when i showed the girl looked nothing
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like the pictures and not h for the better, she's embarrassed. if i see anyone i know i will tell them i met an a bar. that's cool. i am also embarrassed. i hope you don't mind me telling them you are my aunt patty. yeah. i got recognized recently, i did. i was picking up a to-go order, you are a comedian, right. yeah. you weren't funny. here is the policy with the to-go orders, i never tip. i'm going all the work. i called it in and picked it up. i made an exception. i wrote in $2 on to-go order to
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show her i can throw that cash around and when i got home i transaction. thank you very much. greg: fantastic. >> thank you. >> how do people find you. >> twitter and instagram and talent. people can vote for me. if you don't want to vote more me, keep your votes to yourself. >> michael from new york. how did you find yourself here? >> i was working down stairs. >> they told you to be here? >> i asked if i could come up and check out the show. look at that. >> thank you. soon. >> yes, simone in the city.
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i took a lesson and went up and did a stand up routine. it is the most terrifying thing. we have part of the es lesson. >> i will be the host and you come up. >> please welcome simone, everybody. >> okay. thank you so much. >> perfect have a great day. >> good evening, everyone. >> what you want to do thank you all for coming out tonight. >> stop there. you are not eminem. >> wow. >> it is nerve wracking. that is just the beginning. you have to learn the body language and carrying yourself on stage. >> yes. style. it is like a song. everyone makes people laugh in a different way. >> thank you. >> in addition to learning how
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to hold the mic, i hope you learned jokes. we have them. here we go. >> let's go. let's pray. >> they are fire. especially with a little bacon cooked in there. it is amazing. yes. yes. we have a collard green fan up in here. he goes can you pass the colored greens. [laughter] the drumstick hit the floor at that point. >> this was taken a little bit out of con tics text, someone in the family doesn't pronounce collard correctly and we sitting around the table and pass you pass the colored greens. it is awful. it is true though. >> a lot of comedy comes from
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the real situations and make it work and people can only laugh with me if they can relate to you. >> simone, playing the race card on her very first comic debut. >> way to go. that's all i know. >> thanks everybody. gary, thank you. pat brown, thank you. bill, tonight and tomorrow night at gotham. >> yes. good stuff. lola kirk. >> great in gone girl. >> the female she made friends with and betrayed her. that is lola.
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>> she's here when if your purse is starting to you may be muddling through allergies. try zyrtec for powerful
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allergy relief. and zyrtec is different than claritin . because it starts working faster on the first day you take it. zyrtec . muddle no more .
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>> last year i was crazy about the movie gone girl. the first movie where i didn't want to it to end. rosanna loved it as well. one o effective coolest parts, when what's her name, wonderful amy. amazing amy and losing her identity and goes to trailer park and makes friend. it is good stuff. we did a musical. we create add musical about gone girl. go online and watch it. we have footage right here. here we go. it is great stuff. once again giving a plug for gone girl. it is a great movie. >> and to our guest lola kirk. she played the thief. at the trailer park. greg: she betrayed amazing amy. it is great story telling.
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she's here to talking the latest project. welcome lola. >> thank you for joining us. you made the character so memorable. >> thank you. >> the character is haunting and sticks with you. greg: talk about the new project. > the new project is written and directed by great greta and stars in it. it is a lonely college freshman played by me and frumpy. person. >> the whole family is awesome. family.
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but any way, she's a college freshman and meets a glamorous kind of train wreck of a person named brooke. and they have adventures together. >> i like them. i'm going to see the movie. i like you. see a clip. >> what happened with mimi. we never looked back. >> i'm seeing trees. she lives in connecticut. there are trees in connecticut. >> there are trees everywhere. >> you have to listen to spirit. maybe give you the money. >> can we get some confirmation. >> not that young. >> vow got used to watching you yourself? do you like watching yourself? >> i love watching myself, no,
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it is fun if you don't think it is you any more. hopefully you can feel disconnected from yourself when doing the job as an actor. >> there is a lot of table around the table. the conversations are interesting and witty. >> mistress america. coming out today? >> yes, coming out today. good stuff. thank you. >> thank you. lola. >> we are going to beach, anna is there and playing volleyball with friends. we'll be right back. join the millions who have already switched. we switched. and now, we're streaming netflix. who knew time warner cable's internet was so fast! mom switched. and now, we can watch our favorite shows
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together, on demand. i switched. so i can connect to the internet just about anywhere with my free twc wifi hotspots. join the millions who switched to time warner cable. for $89.99 a month, you'll get 100meg internet, and hundreds of hd channels. you'll also get unlimited calling to the us, mexico canada, china, and now india. call today. i switched. now i have a free app that lets me watch tv whenever i have the time. for $89.99 a month you'll get tv, internet and phone. and if you call now, there's no risk, no contract, no catch, no kidding. i switched to time warner cable and knew exactly when they were coming. thanks to their one hour appointment window. switch to time warner cable today. and now, for a limited time, you could get a $300 reward card. call today. my theory is pretty simple. happiness, before cleanliness. gooey. flaky. happy. toaster strudel.
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now with more icing. you say avocado old el paso says... zesty chicken and avocado tacos in our stand 'n stuff tortillas . (record scratch) you say stand n' stuff tortillas old el paso says... start somewhere fresh
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greg: hi, everybody. >> welcome back. greg: we are going to the beach. anna gilligan is @ lant tick beach. hi, what is happening? anna: hi, i'm playing beach volleyball and have ing a great time here. we are at the beach club. it is beautiful. beach volleyball. keep on playing there. they have charity team that does good for the local community. lots of fun. you have to be a member here in order to play. we are having a lot of fun and showing me the moves. howard is the owner of the beach club and thank you so much for having us here. >> good morning. >> this is great. when you go to beach you have to pack so much.
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the beach club takes that out. >> absolutely. we start memorial day and bring your stuff down, you sit, relax, we feed you. >> there is a restaurant and bar and a pool. >> we have a heated pool. >> cabanas. >> who is the cost here? >> 795, access to beach. i give you chairs. >> when does the season start? >> memorial day until labor day monday. >> you have is signature drink. sunny disposition. i love the name. we have lovely bartender made me a virgin one. it is early. thank you so much. that is delicious. >> absolutely. >> what's in it>> coconut rum. kaluhau.
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>> we have the recipe on there is a little history with the club. there are movies shot here. >> the god father shot at the toll booth. >> good fellas? >> yes. we had royal pains shooting here. maxim magazine here. it is just beautiful. the club is fantastic. back to you in the studio. >> oh, we have gifts for you. i will bring them back. greg: tell him to be quiet, i have a question. do they still serve frito's at the club? >> cheetos? >> they served fritoa on every table. >> okay, absolutely.
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greg we'll do that for you. >> you love the junk food. >> that club back in day put fritos on the tables. >> anna is multitasking and playing volleyball. way to go, anna. greg: we had a courtroom sketch artist and she's drawing away. drawing people before going to jail and drawing us for 45 minutes. i'm told we look -- >> guilty. greg: he's busy. we have it after the break. the word is it it is not flattering for either of us. >> i think we look like we did something wrong.we'll see what we did. life' s the food that brings us together. and kitchens where every meal is the most important of the day.
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my theory is pretty simple. happiness, before cleanliness. gooey. flaky. happy. toaster strudel. now with more icing. you say avocado old el paso says... zesty chicken and avocado tacos in our stand 'n stuff tortillas . (record scratch) you say stand n' stuff tortillas old el paso says... start somewhere fresh
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life' s the food that brings us together. and kitchens where every meal is the most important of the day. >> welcome back to "good day new york."
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greg: okay, christine, a noted courtroom sketch artist. thank you, alvin. our facebook fan. christine, noted courtroom sketch artist since 1975. cameras allowed in the courtrooms relatively recently and people pay to see the renders of things going on in courtroom. >> hi, welcome back. she's working away throughout the show and doing a sketch of us. greg: can we see it. are we in trouble? >> no. no. >> i have been drawing in the dark folks. >> oh, um. greg: you look -- >> you are looking accurate. greg: simone. you lost a custody battle.
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my puppy died, christine. >> there you go. greg: christine, you are drawing people in a bad situation? >> yes. greg: that bled over. >> i see the emotion. by my hair looks fantastic. >> when is the show on, simone? >> tomorrow, it is fun. >> see you tomorrow, guys. we snap it.
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