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tv   FOX 5 News at 5  FOX  August 13, 2015 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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dari: that was lisa evers reporting. okay. so former jets linebacker i.k. is speaking out about the locker room punch that broke geno smith's jaw. he spoke in buffalo after being bills. >> i want to apologize to the fans, teammates and coaches. i apologize for what happened. it should have never happened. i should have walked away from the situation. it was never my intentions to hurt anybody. dari: he was released by the jets hours after he punched geno on tuesday. the nfl is reviewing the incident and he could face penalties under the league's personal conduct policy. as for geno smith, he is expected to be sidelined for six to 10 weeks. steve: no settlement in the deflategate negotiations. lawyers for nfl commissioner roger goodell and tom brady met with a federal judge presiding over the case for a second day. at issue, the four game
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suspension for the role in using underinflated footballs during the afc championship game. the judge will have to decide if the punishment handed down by the commissioner will stand. dari: school bus accident in irvington, new jersey, this dozen people. the driver of the bus says she went out. that bus collided with an suv right there and slammed into a liquor store at the corner of sanford and springfield avenues. 11 children and two adults were on the bus. lucky nobody was hurt. steve: a stretch of the new jersey turnpike is in business 24 hours after a crash involving two tractor-trailer trucks. crews reopened the lanes between interchanges 6 and 9 in east brunswick earlier today. you can see the damage and fire marks on the highway. the roadway was shut down since last night when the rigs collided setting off the massive fire. somehow miraculously, both drivers escaped without serious injury. dari: and new measures to
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regulate water cooling towers believed to be the source of the legionnaires outbreak. steve: here's linda schmidt with the details. >> i am very proud, proud of all of you. >> reporter: mayor de blasio thanked healthcare workers at lincoln hospital in the south bronx and city agencies for their efforts to contain the legionnaires outbreak. 12 people were killed and 121 infected. the mayor says the worst legionnaires' out break in the city's history is under control. >> no brand new cases since august 3rd. so now a full 10 days since we've seen a new case. >> reporter: last week city health commissioner dr. basset ordered every building order in the five boroughs with a water cooling tower to have it inspected and disinfected by next week. it is believed that emissions from a cooling tower from one of five buildings in the south bronx is the source of the outbreak. the city is also expecting test results in about a week to determine the exact building. the city says every building in
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the bronx impacted by the outbreak has already been disinfected. today city council passed legislation that will require buildings with cooling towers to register them with the city and have them inspected and cleaned every three months. the state will use this as a model for state law. >> it will require that all cooling towers in the city be registered with the department of buildings so we know how many there are and where they are. >> reporter: there's been criticism from some officials about the city's response to the outbreak, but the cdc was at the news conference and said, quote, the city's response was swift and robust and handled well. in the south bronx, linda schmidt, fox 5 news. steve: police are offering a $2500 reward for information leading to the arrest of the gunman who fatally shot chinks. he was shot several times while sitting in his porsche at a stoplight in queens in may. the reward comes as a
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documentary about him is set to air tonight and his debut album will be released tomorrow. dari: you may soon be able to text 911 in an emergency, the city council introducing a bill that would require the city to come up with a plan for new yorkers to contact 911 by texting. it would also allow users to send pictures of suspects or the crime scene. supporters say it would help victims feel safer reporting emergency situations without drawing too much attention to themselves. steve: seems like a good idea. another beautiful day today. dari: it was. perfection. >> it was fabulous, wasn't it? i really felt comfortable. the sun was shining. we had a couple of cumulus clouds across the tri-state area. we'll see another one like it as we go into tomorrow. the high numbers across the region are in the upper 70s, like sussex. monticello, the low 70s today. we were in the low 80s in central park. mid 80s to newark liberty airport. down the shore it was beautiful where the temperature was at 82
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for the high in belmar. we're sitting at that number at the beach. same in the park as well as towards islip. montauk, 78. 82 in bridgeport. up up towards poughkeepsie. nothing being picked up by radar. no rain is across the tri-state area. a couple of puffy clouds are across the region. we'll stay dry through the rest of the evening. high pressure is keeping things quiet for much of the area. the exception is north of albany right now. nothing here in the tri-state area. we're in store for a beautiful evening. i'll have more details on what to expect for the rest of the week coming up. steve: thank you, audrey. the pope coming to america next month. underway. dari: sharon crowley shows us how police and transit officials are getting ready for the pontiff's visit. >> reporter: pope francis comes to new york city in september. police and transit workers in new york city and new jersey are visitors. and that is just a guess based on how many people went to see the holy father when he said
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mass in rio and manila. new jersey transit's executive director says they will be adding extra trains and buses. >> the system is going to be pushed to capacity. it will not be the same regular commuting experience, and the times of trains, buses and light rail trips will be impacted by large loads of people boarding and exiting the systems. >> reporter: the pope will be in new york city the weekend of september 25th to address the u.n. general assembly. 80 world leaders will be here and if that isn't enough of a crowd, both the jets and the giants have home games at metlife stadium during his visit. >> for many people, they can't get there without going through here, the great state of new jersey. we're doing everything possible to make that travel smooth. >> reporter: the leader of the catholic church's personality and popularity are a security
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concern for the nypd. >> it will be a new challenge for us. he tends to mingle a lot more than we're used to. >> reporter: once pope francis leaves new york city, he will hold mass in philadelphia and transit officials plan to close a major bridge that leads to that city friday night until monday morning. now, those who want to see the pope will be asked to park cars or get in buses to camden, new jersey, and walk across the ben franklin bridge, 4-1/2 miles, to the ben franklin parkway where mass will be held. officials expect half of those going will be senior citizens. they want to prepare them for the long walk. they're urging people to stay off the roads during the papal visit and use mass transit. the last time this pope spoke and held mass in manila and rio, 6 million people were there. no telling.
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2 million just a guess. steve: unprecedented situation. dari: definitely. thank you, sharon. well, brooklyn's popularity has rents going through the roof. steve: the part of queens that's giving the hipster haven a run for its money. dari: and keeping money in your pocket instead of handing it to the government. alison morris is up next with tips to lower your taxes.
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so, i needed to deposit a check. i was about to head to the bank, but out of nowhere it just started to rain. like really rain. [clap of thunder] i did not want to go out. [clap of thunder] but then i was like duh, just use your phone. mobile-deposit-techno-thingy
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to the rescue. i'm rayna. and i bank human at td bank.
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dari: the numbers are out. and we can tell you that you're paying a lot more for your taxes than ever before. steve: alison morris is here to explain how to hold on to more of your money. >> the treasury department said in the first 10 months of 2015, the federal government collected a record $2.6 trillion in taxes, nearly half of that individual income taxes. that's a lot of money. our ask alison question today is more relevant than ever before. >> hi. i'm adam from manhattan. and one of my biggest questions is how do i keep more of the money i work for very hard and how do i not pay so many taxes? >> reporter: all right. unfortunately in the state of new york and in the city,
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there's no getting around it. we pay a lot in taxes. the more you make, the more you pay. there are things you can do. here are a couple of suggestions. one of the best things to do is to reduce your taxable income. what's a great way to do that? top off your retirement account. put the max in your 401(k). if you're under 50, the limit is 18,000. if you're over 50, put in an extra six grand. if you're thinking i'm not putting a thing in, time to get started. even if you can put in a small amount, anything you contribute lowers your taxable income. if you make 50,000 this year but you put 10,000 into your 401(k), you will be taxed on 40,000. if you don't get a 401(k), you can contribute up to 5,500 to an ira if you're under 50. over 50, throw in an extra thousand. you're reducing the amount of your salary that's subject to taxes. you're saving for your retirement. a win-win.
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another great option. find out if your employer offers flex spending accounts. they're commonly used to cover things like health and medical expenses, if you have high deductibles or co-pays. there are flex spending accounts for child care. even your transportation and parking costs related to work. with flex spending accounts, your employer will take money out of your salary before taxes, put it in a separate account you need to use the cover the year. you're limited to 2550 that's year that you won't be taxed on. if you contribute the max to your 401(k) and the flex spending, you can reduce it by 20,000. that's not a bad way to keep a money. a lot of the rest of it is going to be subject to taxes. steve: right. right. those are great tips. >> 20,000 is a lot of money you're not subjecting to taxes. steve: real money. we appreciate it. dennis walcott has been
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appointed monitor of the east ramapo school district. there is a dispute over control between the local school board, which is dominated by orthodox jews who do not use them, and parents of students, most of whom are black and hispanic. the board short changes the public schools, they say, while supporting the jewish schools. they blame a lack of funding. dari: i feel like such a wimp. whenever it's going to threaten to rain, i'm in a panic. this is so fabulous. steve: it's amazing. hard to get -- i have to head to work until 2 :30. i stayed at the park until the last minute. >> i was out, too. we had a beautiful day across the area. it will lead us into a wonderful night. we'll get another chance tomorrow. today's high in the park just about where we should be. we hit 83 earlier. 67 is where we started off. it looks like we'll see these numbers rise into the next couple of days.
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we're sitting at 82 in the park and islip. 78 towards montauk point. bridgeport, 82. poughkeepsie, 81. we're in the 70s in monticello as well as over towards sussex. now it's all about the dew point. that's what it made -- made it feel comfortable today. the dry air is making things comfortable across the tri-state. look on the scale. the readings are very comfortable. we won't see them climb up until sunday. that's when we'll see a little more humidity come into play. our winds are light at the moment. it should stay that way through the rest of the evening. satellite and radar is dry. that will stay that way for the rest of the night. we have a couple of clouds sprinkling the sky, but no rain. the nearest shower activity is up towards the capital district where they have showers north of albany and it's exiting towards new hampshire and vermont. high pressure is in control over the northeast. much of the eastern seaboard is very quiet. we're watching a system coming
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through minnesota. we'll have quiet weather for a couple of days. that's perfect timing going into the weekend. we'll have mostly sunny conditions for friday. there's the chance of isolated showers to the north of the city. i'm talking like northern portions of sullivan county, ulster and dutchess. everyone will be dry tomorrow. saturday, another day with beautiful sunny skies across the region. this model isn't indicating it. i'm leaving in the chance for a shower north and west of the city. overall it will be a beautiful day and weekend across the entire northeast. tonight mostly clear. very nice temperatures. you can give the ac a break. tomorrow, mostly sunny. numbers will be moving into the middle to upper 80s across the region. the weekend looks really good. we're going for 90 in many spots over the weekend. we'll turn up the humidity as we go into sunday, even into monday and tuesday. should we hit 90 for three days in a row in central park, that will be the first official heat wave.
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you're probably thinking didn't we already have one? not quite. you have to have three consecutive days. we've had it in newark and other areas, but not central park. it will be very warm and humid and feeling like summer over the next several days. enjoy it. dari: like a heat wave. thank you. rents in brooklyn have soared into dizzying heights, but now queens is getting in the game. neighborhoods are even more expensive than in brooklyn. steve: fox 5's baruch shemtov is live in long island city where paying 3 grand a month is the new norm. >> that's right. for years we've been hearing about skyrocketing rents in brooklyn. with rapid development in long island city and beyond, some people are asking could queens be the new brooklyn? >> queens is the new brooklyn. >> the executive manager of sales says the real estate boom is real. >> as you look around the neighborhood, you see how it's growing. it's something that everybody wants to be close by and the rents are following.
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>> reporter: the real estate business has been very business. there's a lot of people moving into queens. demand has been very high. apartments are moving very fast. >> reporter: the median rent in northwest queens is up 14 percent over last year at $3016 and exceeds that of brooklyn. the closer to manhattan the neighborhood is, the more it's booming. >> the neighborhoods that are growing are the western part of queens more rapidly, long island city, than astoria, then sunnyside and woodside and jackson heights. >> reporter: while some acknowledge rents are pricing many out of the neighborhood -- >> i've seen a lot of people move out of the neighborhoods because of the increase of the rents. people can't afford them. >> reporter: -- others feel they're getting their money's worth. >> i guess to be close to manhattan is what's important to people. that's where the money is. that's where they make their money. and i think queens is happening. >> a lot of new buildings are being built. it's a really good developing neighborhood. i know in these buildings
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amenities. >> a lot of restaurants and bars and businesses bring people around. >> it may not be cheaper, but i feel you're going to get more bang for your buck. >> reporter: just to give you a sense that this new development, one bedrooms start at $3,000. with more new construction, ending. i'm baruch shemtov, fox 5 news. steve: anywhere you can get into the city easy. thank you. >> getting great hair without the huge salon price tags. dari: simone boyce went to east harlem to find stylists who won't break the bank. steve: how some celebrities are using hypnosis to stay slim. dari: and check out the fox 5 ny weather app. it features daily and hourly forecasts, live interactive radar to track storms where you are, and you can also get weather headlines and storm alerts, even warnings when lightning is nearby.
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download the free app today. just search fox 5 ny weather in your itunes store and also google play. it took joel silverman years to become a master dog trainer. to master depositing checks at chase atms. technology designed for you. so you can easily master the way you bank. turns romantic, why pause to take a pill? re doing to find a bathroom? for daily use, t around either. daily tablet approved to treatr erectile dysfunction so you can be ready anytime the moment is right.
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steve: getting your hairs did can set you back a lot of dough. it doesn't always have to. dari: fox 5's simone boyce and christal young went to east harlem to find salons where the services are great and the prices are right. [music] >> reporter: if you know where to go in east harlem, it's easy to have a good hair day. >> it is. and there's so many options. i'm talking about one block and then there's a hair salon on the next block. >> reporter: we're at the corner of 120th and 3rd avenue at crystal's favorite hair salon. >> reporter: since the '90s i've been coming here. it is the best bargain in town. i send so many people here. it doesn't matter what ethnicity. my jewish friends, my spanish friends, my black friends, dominicans have every texture of hair. nothing throws them off. it is a no frills experience. they put the b in basic, but in
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the end, you'll look great. >> hello. >> reporter: i'm simone. >> reporter: she wants her hair blown out. i want my hair blown out. regular blow. [music] >> reporter: she washed it three times. they don't mess around with the washing. you get a good head massage with the wash. they put conditioner in. then they wet set it. >> reporter: why do they do the wet set as opposed to -- >> reporter: just blowing it out? it's less damaging on the hair. it breaks really easily when it's wet. they like to dry it completely. the body is already in it because you've had it wet set, and then all they do is blow the wet set out at the end. >> reporter: i am loving this whole look. >> reporter: it's so retro. >> so retro with the hoops and the '80s dress. [music]
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>> reporter: i got my wet set in. [music] >> reporter: so the wet set is dry now. and we're going to blow it out. and that's it. i already love it, and she's not even done yet. [music] >> reporter: the heat is really intense, a bit painful at sometimes. you're sitting under the drier, you get a little impatient, but in the end, i feel like this is going to last. maria, it looks so good. i love the way my hair feels. it feels so soft and silky and smooth. but it still has a lot of volume. silky and smooth like i can never get my hair like this.
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for 25 bucks, this is amazing. i will absolutely be back. i love my hair. thank you so much. dari: wow. you can catch simone's new show, simone in the city, saturdays fox 5. my son loves her show. steve: very nice. good. motivating yourself to exercise is often an uphill battle. dari: celebrities are using hypnosis to reach their weight loss goals. we'll ask an expert if you can count on it. steve: plus, with so many late trains, how the mta is lowering its standards for grading on time performance.
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u.s., puerto rico, canada, mexico, china and india. and for a limited time, you could get a $300 reward card plus tv equipment and epix included. get installed for free as early as today.
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call 1-800-341-9716. dari: if you ride the subway, you certainly already know that what a new report is saying, that trains are running later than ever. steve: the mta has now lowered the bar on how on time it wants to be. dari: arthur chi'en is live in greenwich village with more on subway officials expecting less, but we're paying more. >> reporter: the term we're hearing a lot is moving the goal post. it is a sports analogy for when your kicker can't reach the goal
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post, you move it in a bit. it's appropriate in this numbers game being played out. it boils down to a numbers game. the mta, which had hoped to run trains on time 92 percent of the time, has found it's not nailing 92 or 90 or 80. mta trains are running on time 74 percent of the time. it wants to change the passing grade for subway lines to 75 percent. >> they're going in the wrong direction. don't you want to improve rather than go in the other direction? >> it wouldn't be good. right now the trains are, well, delayed a lot, and that pisses off people. so i hope they won't change it. >> reporter: studying half a million subways in 2014, the state comptroller found three causes that can be improved upon. the maintenance of subway cars, making track work less obstructive to service, and cutting down on human error from the influx of new, inexperienced mta workers.
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everyone agrees changing what the passing grade is from 90 to 75 won't reduce delays, just make them more acceptable. >> the mta is shifting the goal post to 75 percent. they're saying, sorry, riders, yes, trains will be delayed and that's a reality. what we're seeing is that will be the reality until the capital plan gets funded. >> reporter: the mta said they're against the statistics altogether. they want a new statistic which measures the wait time of a rider on the platform. seems to make sense depending on how it's carried out and what will be considered a passing grade. arthur chi'en, fox 5 news. steve: incredible. now to the sky. the number of drones flying too close to aircraft has doubled. the faa says a number of pilots reporting has topped 650, including four this week as pilots prepared to land at newark liberty airport. flying a drone anywhere near an airplane can bring criminal grand.
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dari: isis claiming responsibility for a huge truck bomb that killed at least 67 people and injured more than 150 others in iraq. that massive explosion happened early this morning at a crowded food market. it was in baghdad. it was one of the deadliest blasts in the iraqi capital in years. isis is vowing more attacks. steve: connecticut's top court overturned the death penalty. the 4 to 3 ruling called it unconstitutional. that means 11 inmates on death row will no longer be subject to execution orders and will be given life sentences. that includes joshua komisarjevsky and steven hayes who were sentenced to die for killing a mother and her two daughters in 2007. dari: well wishes pouring in for former president jimmy carter after he announced he's diagnosed with cancer. the 90-year-old carter said that recent liver surgery found his cancer had spread to other parts of his body. he didn't say what type of cancer it was or where it had spread.
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in the most recent book, carter described his family's history of pancreatic cancer, noting his father, brother and two sisters all died of that disease. >> obviously it would -- we would be concerned about that family history. however, each situation has to be taken on its own merits. dari: carter says he'll be getting treatment in atlanta. doctors say that there are newer treatments used in patients in their 80s and 90s and they've been successful. forget scooters or segways. self-balancing boards are the new toys for the rich and famous. steve: we sent mac king to take one out. >> justin bieber owns one and so did jenner. mike does not own an auto balancing skateboard. >> i do not. >> neither does fox 5. the kind people let us play with theirs. this model retails for a thousand dollars.
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>> the segway was aimed at the older ground. >> auto balancing skateboards are for everyone of all ages but appeal to a younger, hipper and wealthier crowd. reporting artists and one athlete are among the adopters with pics of themselves gliding along hands-free. >> it will take a long time for them to catch on, especially because of the price. >> look what your boy just got. >> reporter: i'm mac king, fox 5 news. steve: they look fun. they're everywhere. dari: still ahead, some of our muppet friends on the move. steve: sesame street will be brought to you by the letters hbo. the abc's of why they're getting behind children's television. dari: and the rocketettes kicking off the holiday season. a bit early, but when you're in business, that's the time. when you can start buying tickets for the annual radio
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city christmas spectacular.
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steve: believe it or not, this is not file video. this was shot today. it's august, but it's looking a lot like christmas. the rockettes kicking off the christmas in august event. they stopped traffic to perform
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the parade of the wooden soldiers and ragdolls in the middle of sixth avenue. santa made an appearance. performances begin november 13th. dari: santa must be hot. ernie and bert, big bird, they're getting a new home, moving to hbo in a five year deal that will bring original episodes to cable with plenty of content and your old favorites. you can see them free. hbo will provide the new shows to air on pbs and its member stations after a nine-month window. the new episodes on hbo will start in the fall. steve: motivating yourself to exercise can be kind of difficult. dari: well, some celebs are using hypnosis to reach their weight goal loss. and we are going to talk to an expert to figure out whether it actually works. steve: audrey, you could do it outside. perfect. >> it was. we had beautiful weather with highs just about average for this time of year.
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i'll let you know how long this great stretch will last. steve: now a message from fox 5 vice president and general manager lew leone. >> right now there's no hope for kids in new york city's failing public schools. under the current administration, it's been two years of school down the drain. and the news is getting worse every day. from day one, the de blasio administration and his hand-picked chancellor have not had the best interest of students as their top priority. the first thing they did was back up the truck and award the teachers' union a massive contract with retroactive pay raises. now the new york post has been reporting a seemingly endless stream of fraud, social promotion where kids get a free pass to the next grade regardless of their performance and proficiency has returned. kids are allowed to take
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numerous summer classes for quote unquote credit recovery and cheat on the exams and kids who don't go to class and miss final exams are allowed to graduate in order to help administrators meet their goals and keep their jobs. this behavior by school administrators is outrageous ethically and morally wrong and possibly criminal in nature. with the usual political response to a scandal, which is the formation of a task force. in this case, it is a panel of cronies who will be investigating themselves and investigating themselves and their friends. she appeared on "good day new york" and promised she would be back. >> thank you so much. we hope to have you u you back soon. >> yes. in 100 days. dari: what number are we at? >> april 11th is the 100 day. we have a list of things we've accomplished. i'm happy to discuss the good news. >> we've been asking and she will not return to answer questions. new york city school kids deserve better. i believe in mayoral control of
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the system, but there was only a one year extension to prove the mayor can get the job done. governor cuomo will use his failure to his advantage in their power struggle and argue for the state to take control, clean house and we'll have to start the reform process all over again. once again, it will be the kids who suffer and for many of them, it's too late.
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dari: well, twitter wants its users to be able to express themselves more freely, so they are extending the character limit from 140 to 10,000. that's a big difference. but there is a catch. steve: joining us is social media expert chris dessy from silver back social. you can talk unlimited content if you're in dm? >> only in dm. they bait you with the lead. they're like we're expanding it to 10,000 characters. everybody is like great. but only in dm. i think they're attempting to broaden their appeal. they're a little on their heels. they announced it the same day the ceo is no longer with them.
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they're trying to compete with facebook's what's app and messaging. it is a messaging society and world. they're saying, okay, for dm's, we'll open it up. write to your heart's content. i think it is newsworthy. i don't love the sentiment behind him. it feels like they're trying to compete with facebook. i get that. but it does open up opportunity for people to be a little more free formed and more overly communicative via twitter. they're trying to broaden their appeal. they want people to not feel constrained. steve: the sites are becoming different versions of each other. if something works on one platform, they move it. dm, direct messaging. you can only do that with someone who follows you. >> correct. steve: let's talk about periscope. it's really cool. it had a big milestone. >> it had 10 million users. it's only been around four weeks.
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now usually when you have 10 million users, people want to talk about the engagement of the users. for periscope, it's live streaming. this is what i'm experiencing. this is what i'm seeing live and in the moment, especially for you guys that might be periscoping behind the scenes content. on a daily basis, they're streaming like 40 years' worth of video content. of the 10 million viewers, people are really engaged in the content. the eyeballs are sticking to the content. this is huge. it means money. money goes where the eyeballs go. if they have 10 million users in five months of being around and they're spending this much time viewing the unique content that's being posted every single day, the monetizing potential for that is fantastic. this is much more exciting to hear for twitter and periscope as opposed to the messaging thing for me. dari: i agree with you. let's talk about something else. other than the money aspect of
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it, i feel it has other huge implications politically and socially because remember the arab spring and everybody was talking about twitter, the immediacy of it and people were meeting in different places. think about the fact that you could actually be filming stuff that's going on. >> it would be huge. political debates. a politician steps off stage and looks -- steve: you have to assume potential if you're a public figure that everything is being broadcast. it could be. >> here's the fun part. it's the people that are in the public eye can have control. not to be concerned that they're being live streamed, but why not have their own account, curate their account and go live right after i stepped off stage and had this debate. maybe there's sentiment on twitter. i'm going to live stream and hold my mini broadcast, my own little press conference right here. hugely powerful. steve: the gatekeepers getting tossed aside. >> flattened.
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dari: getting interesting. i walk down the street a couple of times with miss audrey puente. all the way to starbucks [indiscernible - talking over one another] >> we may be on now. we're not. don't worry. but it is fun. it is fun like chris mentioned. it opens up the world. steve: follow all of us. go into our twitters and follow us. >> see the fun. speaking of fun, it was a great day weather-wise across the tri-state area. i'm sure everyone enjoyed it. if you didn't, you missed out on a great day. you'll get another shot tomorrow. temperatures were where they should be. we hit our high of 83 earlier this afternoon at 2:30. this morning, we started off with 67 in central park. there are the sunrise and sunset times tomorrow. we're sitting at 82 in the park. dew point and humidity, very important numbers. when we see readings like this, it starts to feel comfortable.
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that's what made the big difference. it feels nice and dry out there. even though the sun feels powerful when you're on the sunny side of the street, the drier air makes it feel comfortable because it is that way with less humidity across the region. right now we're in the upper 70s at sussex. low 70s in monticello. 82 at central park. the same in islip and bridgeport. here go the dew points. nice readings in the 40s and 50s. that's comfortable. we'll see them rise next week. that's when it will be uncomfortable with high humidity. winds are light. they'll stay that way through the rest of the evening. we're going for a nice night with temperature readings in the 50s to the north and west. you can open up the windows and give the ac a break. it's nice from new england towards the great lakes. we have 74 in boston right now. it's 72 in albany. williamsport, upper 70s. buffalo, 74. 85 in detroit. that's a little indicator of heat headed our way. 83 in philly and same towards the nation's capital.
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a look at satellite and radar show things are quiet. the closest rainfall we can find is in the capital district with showers north of albany. everyone else is dry. we're going to stay that way. we're in store for a dry evening and into friday and much of the weekend will be okay with one exception which i'll show you in just a moment. the eastern seaboard is looking good. there's a disturbance in florida giving them rain. there's one creeping across minnesota. neither will be affecting us. we'll have a quiet weekend across the area. the heat is starting to creep into the northeast. if you've been watching this map, we've had a nice comfortable pocket with temperatures in the upper 70s to low 80s. that will start changing tomorrow. we'll see the numbers move up into the middle of the upper 80s. we'll be close to 90 in many locations sunday. that could be the start of our first heat wave in central park. we'll have to keep an eye on that. in the meantime, it's been hot across the south. we have readings in the 90s
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tomorrow. san antonio, 99. 91 in denver. 90s in billings. seattle, 69. 75 in san francisco. hot in l.a., temperatures near 90. it will be quiet tonight. a couple of f of thin clouds. tomorrow, mostly sunny, a couple of clouds and to the north, there'll be more in the way of cloud cover north of 287 and there is the threat of an isolated showers. no need for the umbrella. just need your sunglasses. saturday, plenty of sunshine. make your plans now. it will be nice out there. the futurecast is indicating it will be dry. i'm leaving in the chance of an isolated shower towards the hudson valley and into the poconos and northwest new jersey. the beaches should be nice and dry. tonight, it will be mostly clear, very nice. in the city, in the 60s. 50s north and west. tomorrow, mostly sunny, with
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temperatures in the middle to upper 80s. warmer than today. if you want to get your -- head to the beach and the boating area, it will be good tomorrow. waves will be at one to three feet. winds out of the west at 5. our u.v. index will be at an 8. wear the sunscreen. rip current risk is low. it's getting a little more calm in the waters. the weekend looks very nice. 90 for saturday. there's the shower i mentioned. sunday looks great. on sunday, we'll start to feel the humidity creep back in. it will stay with us for the beginning of next week. it will feel hot as the temperatures hover around 90 as we go into the next several days. over to you. steve: all right. thank you. the celebrity crowd are no strangers to unconventional weight loss techniques. dari: one of the stars of the new x men movie is creating a lot of buzz with her trick for staying in shape. jen lahmers is here to tell us what it's about. >> it has to do with hypnosis. it's been used for everything from quitting smoking to staying
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away from certain foods. how effective is it? we talked to several hypnotherapists to find out. [music] >> reporter: when asked how she got in killer shape for x men, she said it had to do with hypnosis. in a matter of three days, the 35-year-old said she went from hating the thought of working out to hitting the gym every day at 6:00 a.m. she joins a list of celebrities like reese witherspoon, fergie and orlando bloom who have turned to hypnosis to overcome weight issues. >> it's a way or a technique to help people relax, to do something that they are motivated to do. >> reporter: hypnosis relies on focus and setting boundaries to help patients get what they want. this hypnotist uses the virtual gastric band, training patients to eat smaller portions. >> what we do in that imaginary surgery is connect people to their already installed
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programming of knowing what the right amount of food is. the average weight loss was seven pounds the first week. one to two pounds a week over time. >> reporter: patricia says hypnotism on its own doesn't work. instead, it should be used as one part of a bigger plan to achieve your goals. >> we do a hypnosis technique or relaxation technique to help people realize that, yes, you can relax when you're trying to quit smoking and you can accomplish your goal at the same time. we use it as a companion to evidence-based treatment. >> because a lot is about meditation, doctors say if you see a therapist for weight loss, it's important for them to teach you to use the technique on yourself so you don't have to keep going back. steve: that's a good treatment. most of the treatments are like >> reporter: right. i tried the relaxation thing. i really did. i felt like a stone, like very still and relaxed. i'm not sure it would make me change my behavior, but -- dari: okay. >> reporter: as far as relax
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goes, it was spot on. dari: i have a friend who was hypnotized to quit smoking and he's never smoked again. >> reporter: it's the power of thought. steve: very powerful. cool. dari: we'll see you back here at 10:00. steve: here's ernie with what's coming up at 6:00. >> thank you very much. coming up right now, the top headlines for you. and also tonight, protecting endangered animals and the global response to big game hunting and poaching. >> also at 6:00, cousin brucie joins us live in the studio to celebrate 50 years since the beatles played at shay stadium. remember?
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it's all next ava and i needed a little vacay. but we needed to watch our spending. meaning i needed to watch nikki. she's the spender. i'm the saver. so, mobile banking from td bank helps me keep track... for both of us. she was just browsing... we gotta go. i'm ava. i'm nikki. and we bank human at td bank. what?
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mmmm yoplait! i am needing to tell you something about yogurt. there is now 25% less sugar in yoplait original. poofs! that sugar is gone! so do i still love this yogurt? yes!
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because it still tastes good! yoplait! >> announcer: live from studio 5 in new york city, this is the news at 6:00. ernie: it is thursday night. good evening, everyone. i'm ernie anastos. we thank you very much for joining us again this evening. we're on top of the news for it. now remember the big headlines
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when a dentist from minnesota killed one of africa's most popular lions? there was outrage. but poachers killed five elephants for their ivory. not as much reaction. tonight, a look at big game trophy hunting and how we're protecting our endangered animals. jen lahmers reports on our current issue upfront. >> reporter: steve west hosts the show steve's outdoor adventures. he's booked trophy hunting trips to africa. >> what we do is find a client that wants a trip and they have a list of animals that they have the most interest in hunting for. the animals, they're the most passionate about. >> reporter: for some, that can include the big five, the highest value targets and some of the most threatened. on that so-called red list, the african lion, which the international union for


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