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tv   FOX 45 Late Edition  CW  December 10, 2011 12:30am-1:05am EST

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3 and iiask thaa you keepp deriek's family in your prayers and thoughts. students did tonight aa pirginia tech university. &prememmering the police officer gunnnd down on campus yesterday. 3 hello i'm jeff bbrnn. karen iss 3 paking place at virginia tech 3&ppoming out about the man tonight police are ideetifying the gunman as aa22- &pyeaa-old college student at nearby adforduniversity. police say roos ashley stole a -3& car from a real estate office abbut 15 miles from virginia -3 tech .they say e drove to the campus and shottofficer derrick crouse before killing himself. crouse was makinn a rrutine traffic stop when he was gunned down. - 3 . pooice officers devvloppmany close bonds whhn you work together in many strrssfuu &psiiuations and his death is a tremendous lost to our department, each and evvry one of us." 3 no... motive... yet... or the shooting.. which comes almost five years after a student
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killed 32 eople on the virginia tech campps before killing himself. 3 a... morgan... - state student...// is.../ found... shot to death.../ iiside.../ his... chhrles village.../ apartment. apartmmntt brandon hudson .../ a ...senior.../ business majorr...from & clinton.../ maryland .../ ááwitháá... no... criminal record../. áá policeeá say.../ there... was.../ no.... signn.. of... forccd entry.../ hudson.../ may... have áknowná.../ his... aatacker. baltimore... pounty police... say .../// are... on the lookout - holiday season .../ for... sex offfnders .../ haaging around.../ -3&p children....// children..../// áákeitháá daniels,.../ &p a place.../ ááwhereáá predators ...could.../ target.. keith. keith.
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3 3 3 want... to keep track... of neighborhood.? áágoáá... & o... fox altimore dot com.../ and... check out & ...our... traaking tool...//. danger areas .../ and... 3 safe...// from ... - registered offenders.
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3 a.../ new twist .../ in... - thee../ sex... &pabuse case.../ against... formmr ...penn sttte coachh../ jerry sandusky..../// sandusky.....//ááoneáá of... his... accusers ...says.../ 3 screamed ...for help.../ when... e was .../ being ... abused...// in... sandusky's hhmm... / mrs. saaduuky... wws.../ upstairs...//. áánowáá there... are questionn .../ whether.../ mrs. & sandusky.../ could áalsoá... face chaages. -3 3 3 jividen says::11 "iffthey -&pcould provv that she knew about the child abuss and didn't report it, they would have a case for endangering 20amendola says: 1 "i think pte attorney ggneral's offiie would bb hard pressed trrinn pto pursue some sort of & criminal accioo against dottie in the absence f aay direct proof." 8 3 dorothy sanduuky... pdenies... she heard scceams....// ááheráá... huubands... out... on bail.../ ááandáá... is... duee.. baak in court... / next week. 3 3 3 calls.. for the rrsiinatioo.../ of... thh state... // transportationn & secretary.../.. & 3 aa../ - fox45... invessigation.../ revealed .../ deals... / with consultants.../ t... the sttte ...highwwy... administratioo.../// áádealsáá... /
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ttat incluued..../ - state mooey... to... pay rent.../ for... private contractorss. / ááandáá... projeecs... bbing funded../ .without... proper... oversight..../// áásenatoráá - pipkin... says...// this... goes.... all... the way... to the & desk.../ f.... transportation secretary.../ -3 beverll.../ - swaimmstaley. (pppkin) "she's overssen an & agency that's run aaok, this isn't the first instance that something she's superriied hass 3& you have the governorr allingg for gas tax increase to give thee agency more mmney when they can't spend tte money &pthey've got properll." -&p 3 a... spokessoman... for govvrnor o'maaley.../ is... rejectinngcalls..//. p 3 3 join... our waste wwtch. ááifáá... yyu see goverrment waste../ áácalláá... -3 ur hotline.. 410-662-1456. pááoráá... go to pox-baltiiore dot com.. 3 the...// university of maryland ../ balttiore.../ - ann... college parkk../ will remain.../ seperate sccools.this.../ following... a vote.../ by... tte... univeesity system... of marrland's .../ board of regents....//áátheyáá votedd.. unannmouslyy../ against.. .a... full perger....///ááinsteadáá.../ . thhy're... - calling for.../ &p a.../ "straaegic alliaacee../" ááincludinnáá.../ a... joint... medical center.../ and.../ joont
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admissioo... ptioo... for applicants...//. áásenateáá preeident... mmke milllr.../ prooosed ..the merger .../ last spring. 3 3 bad day for the... wife.... of... formerr...p-g county executive.../ - jack johnson ...//áleslieáá johnson páisáá... sentenced ....o ooe year...// in prison. she to.../ interferring... / with... the investigatioo.../ into... her hhsband's.../ corruption...///.áájackáá... &p was sentenced .../ &p to....more & than... 7 3 taking... hhndredd of thousandd .. in - bribes .../ -3&pwhile... in office...//.. &p ááleslieáá... admits... o flushingg.. a check .../ downn & thhetoilet.../ ááanddá... stuffing her bra ....ith.../ 0-thousand .../ cash... / - ááasáá.../ the raiied... their... home....//áátheáá... whole thing ...was caught .../ on... & 3 "jack johnsonn "put it in your bra and wwlk out or something with it. i don't know whht to do with it." leslle johnnon: "do you hear & them bangingg"jack johnson: "tear up theecheck and um, tear ttup, jjst ggt rid of it."leslie johnson: "they are saying fbi jack."jackk ohnson: "yeah, know..that's why i'm telling you."put it in your -3 panties, i mean aal this cash ppntiess,3& lessieejohnson ...was
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elected... tt tte ...county cconcil .../ áájustáá -3 before... her arrest. ../ stepped down... in july.../ affer.../ pleading guiltyy 33 bad day or aa oklahoma woman arrest... her .../ for mixing.../ p meth chemicals... / at...// a... &pwalmart. policee... say... elizabeth... halfmoon ...// -3& was...// in... the tulsa... ptore.../// for... aa least.../ áátakingáá chemicals... from bootless.../ ááandáá pmixinggthem.../ po... make mmth. 3 p(i've been a police offfccr here in tulsa for 23 years and this is the ffrst time i've involved...someone whoowas -&&pactually mixing ittin the store. )) p) 3 one ...police officer... burnee hhs hand.../ during the arrest.../ 3 a.../ very... good 3&p a.../ ááheáá wiih.... for... aa../ shopping spree... at maay's. macyys.he waves, shakes hands handsreason jones.../ has... "chon-dro"... sar--coma....// ááwhicháá &p affects ..his.... cartilage cellss...// áámacy'sáá -3 and... the.../ maae-a-wish foundation .../ granted ...his wish.../ to...
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-3&pspend tte ay.../ shopping.../ pt.... acys.../////.ááheáá... and... his at...// the... towson... macy's ...// in... limo.....//// 3 jones says: 21:09:10 "i mean this is awwsooe. i really pppreciite everything." 13 1310:35 "they gave me aacar with a remote control, they gave e a book. i really 46 3 macy's... granns.../ "wishee... across america" ...for childree ../ with...// life-threnneninn ...medical conditionn. & 3 no big storms n the wwyy..but - pt will be littte chillyy this weekeed. &pweekend. emily gracey is here with her first look at the & skywatch foreeast. p3 &
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3 pthere is something wrong in this country when p3 he's not leadinggthe pacc of g-o-p presidential be the latest reason why...// -3 ááwhatáá dii rick perry dd thisá time? &p3 nw that newts at the top f he g-o-p pple...// áseemmáá he's become a target amonst ttose running ááespeciallyyá mitt rooney...// 33 3 and dog on ce. how the ordeal ended or this strannedd canine.
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3 3 gop... candidatts.../ conninue... porward .../ in.,.. crucial states.../ nationwide....// pálessáá... than... a month.../ until... the
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iowa aucus ..../// &páánewtáá gingricc is... in theelead.../ in... the pollss..//// - ahhaa... of.../ mitt &promney. áábutáá pays...// omney.../ has... gone.../ on... the attack.( 3 (nats) flanned y his & wife anddone son - miit romney conninues to paint himself ass a family friendly andidate --- ---as a new fox news -&ppoll hows he's the gop of eating presiidet obama. -3 romney sayy: "rellttve to the pressdent i can the uestion s - how will - romney faae ggint newt gingrich - whoos now pulled out a 13 point lead. naas like that - who needs the left?" romney's stepping with a more agggessive ad hat criticizes the new front &prunner for not supporting paul ryan'ssbudget plan. & gingrich says he's going to president ooama.gingrich saas: "i am onvinced if we unleash ameriian ppl, will go back o ggneration of & prrgreess" 10:57:42 analysss say when ii omes to gingrich's ever-increasing washington insiders are waaching with growing alarmm.
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cusack says: "" think tte pprty coold be so divided, and i think the ddstrust of -3 gingrich is so ssvere that - pany connressional republicann -3 will not endorse him even if he wins the nomination. plenty of voters appear to pe getting behind rrn paul thoogh oo. he's running third ii tte latest fox poll.paul saas: "i hink we're doing & very well, and the crowds are & "all ix major goo 3 squaae off agaan saturddy at an iowa deeatt sponsoree by a number offorganizations -3 including the des moinee -3 register. in washington, jennifer davis,,fox & 3 gingricc's campaign.../ startte ... back... tonight/ 3 that... atttcks by romney.../// 3 meanwhilepresidentiaa.... candidate... rick perry.../ has....// a... new... campaign ad...// that's... stiiring up.../ controversy. something wrong in this pountry whhn gaas can serve openly in the militaay but our kids can't openly celebrate christmas oo pray in schhol. -3&pas president, i will nd & i'll fight against libbral -3 attackk on oor religious herittge." heritagg."
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3 the ad.../ is... running... on tv owaa - .../ ááit'sáá lso.. on... youtube.../ and... -3 went viral --/ ááwith more thanáá... -3 3-million... & views...////. áwhoeeeráá .../ posted the ad.../ allowed viewers & vote on it.../ & it.... -3 received...// more... ttuubs down..../// -3 p á475áá thousand... dislikess -- /// áá12- 3& here'''... ourr question of hh day. -& ááisáá governor. perry's.../ 3&p ppropriate?? & ááthere'sáá a... debate...// gging on...// &p on our....facebook page tonitt...// ááchhckká it out...and joii the pdscussson// & dozenn are dead after a hoopitallin india goes up in flamms...// any of te dead... are patients...//. pt... took firrfighters... an hour... to arrive... at thee scene ./ because of... narrow roads--/// fire ccrws -- thenntook fivee hours... to control the flames ../six... hospital board .../ after authorities... found.../ they ere operating... the building with a canceled permit.. 3 . ack in thh u- s.../// - the.... &pnatiinal labor rrlations board... ropped
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its lawsuit... against.../ -&ptoday...//it... was over ...boeeng's plan... to open... -3 a new lant .. pn... south ccrolina.../ ...ddn't... have to... bellng to aaunion...//. unions... at boeing state.../ insisted... on the laasuit, many... considered ... a... 3 sot - sherk says: "... this is a comppete legal innovation..the board hhs asssrt jurisdictton over aa newly built ppant. the board simppy doesn't have theepower to do that." that." 3 critics believe he only reason thh aassit was dropped was because the union ggt what it wanted n contract negotiations in othee states. 3 33&check out thhs ffotage.a dog stranded and sooking wet inn the middle of an icy river n minnesota.the labradoodle was spotted by a tteevisioonneww 33 abbe to scoop theedog up o "beeeer" is finally - reunited with his owner. helen says: 13 ""hank you soo
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phe boat. i know they're hy and donnt waat to be on tv." 24 24helln says: 1:144"beezer is a miracle boy." 1:18 1:18beeeer is expected to be justtfine. 3 3 no ice here, but it will be chilly...emily gracey is ere 3
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3&pa massive ecall. what ford 3 its most ppoplar models. the shopper who resortee to pepper spray on lack fridayy thh new development in her pase. /úoññ
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. recaal.the carraker says the wheels cn fall off ordd fusions and mercuryymilan onny afffcts 2010 and 2011 moddls with 17-inch steel wheels.if you bring your & eplace the ug nuts oo all four wheels.the recall is 3 3 new iiformation about a... californii woman... who wentttoo far on black riday.shh's aacused using pepper spray... to beat back the crowdd .../ onight we've learnnd she ááwon'táá be charged 3 p -year-oldd ...elizabeth macias .... - attacked... more than ...200customers walmart..../áábutáá - prosecutors says... therr - was
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no evidence... of a felony...//.áámaciasáá could ...still ffce... misdemeaaor charges. 3 somee... unusual but common ense advicc... from the .../ enters - ...for... disease control--- / 3 casttate a lamb... with your teeth...//. ááthiiáá... warnnng... to sheep ranchers.../ in wyooing.../ comes.../// ááafteráá... 2... of them... came down ...with diarrhea.../ llst... june.....// ááturnsáá out....both men ...were part... of a team.../ which castrrted... 16--- hundded lambs.../ in....several days...////. &p áábotháá guyss.. used theii tteth.../ to... do 3 a....rare technique.../ & that disappeared, .../// áátteáá... -d-c .../ sayy...// ,,áátheáá men ...were probably infectedd../ with... fecal bacteria... from the animaas. 3 trying to beat the llgendary roccets... did these area rocket men and wwmen outdo the - genius? next -3 3
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pint--iied.../ rockee scientistss../ ii... essex.../ -3 today... today...launnhed ../ 30... water rrckets...////.áá4--tháá & graders.../ elementaryyschool .../ ááwereáá - hoping... to too ...the record .../ rooert 1926...////.ááhisáá liquii roccet... soared...// 41
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feett..// in... 2 seconds....////áátheáá lined up.../ too.. see.../ how... far.../ their... roccets flew.../////.áááoaháá grahaam.../ his... went up .../ 50 eet. 3 graham says: 21:20:05 ""e had cups we used to point and we had three wingss" 20:10 20:10graham says: 21:21:23 "we learned about space and how -3&pockett were set p to obssrve - ppace." 21:29 21:29 3 the launch... is... part of.../ p baltimore county's.... -"star-lab"... program.... // ááwhicháá teaches students ...aaoot planets .../ ann... space travel. 3 3
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3 follow.../// the... weather...// usingg..// doppler...// 3 áái--radaráá.../ -3 is... now availabll.../ at.../ - foxbaltimore dot com...////. 3 .the closer the ravens get 3 they struggle...john hardships in the ed zone... next n sports unlimiied...
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3 3 3 that's it for the late edition tonight... i'm jeff barnd. barnd. nowwhere's morgan adsit with sports nlimited// since seems - the ravens offense ii finally clicking week in and week out..- raa rice anddricky williams running a solid operation.the & ine has kept joeeflacco cleaa..- and flacco's spreading thee wealth in the air. air.but there's one thing the offense hasn't been ablleto do the ennzone... whennin the pedzone..for some reasonn20... 10... even 5 yards out is a challenge for baltimore''
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to play calling... throwing n first and goal... ruuning east pnd west. ... and aaflacco quarterback draw..the ravens - redzone offeese.only coring a touchdownn46 percent of the time when inside the 20. 3 "it's just touuher sleeding down there. we're playing very good red-zone defense. a couple of he teams we've played lately are playing great red-zone defense. but, that's not going to be a eason for us ot to -3 do well. we did wwat we had to do the lass couple of games -3&pwant tt sccre mooe touchdowns down there all the time." 33 rrvens kicker billy cundiff listtd as questionable for sunday's game with the colts..- ccndiff has a left calf injury. he practiced wednesday, but hasnnt since...eports the ravens have a backup plan if pundiff can't goosunday... kiccer shayne gramah on standby forr signiig.he's the guy cundiff beat outtfor the spot laat season...ou all probably know graaah bbst from his seven seaaons pent with cinninnatii cundiff will bb a ame time ddeision... the 3 it's the award for the best player in colleee
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football..kind offmore like &pthe best player on a top 11 b- c-ssteam.thh heisman trophy..- the announcement's tomorrow... most experts pickingg ttnford quarterback andrew luck..- luck's already got one q-b honor...the johnny unitas award.luck in town to get the award... tour he sports legenns museum... and o follow trrdition... slipping .luck looks pretty good in it... doesn't he???if the colts keep ttnkiig... indy will have the first pick... and ore than likely ill dump peyton and draft luck..tonight at the award ceeemony... mannnng tappd a video message connraauutinggluck onnthe in april... luck just honored same category as johnny unitas. 3
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3 that's all for spoots unlimited...i'm morgan adsit... thanks or watching...have a & great
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