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tv   Sunday Today in New York  NBC  October 25, 2015 6:00am-8:30am EDT

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now on "today in new york," police get ready to shut down parts of a major roadway as officers search for a weapon in the murder of one of their own. plus, charges this morning against the driver who plowed into aparade. >> and the mets hitting the road for game one of the world series. "today in new york" starts now. welcome to "today in new york" on this sunday. it is the 25th of october. last week of the month. >> yes, ma'am. >> this is it. i'm pat battle. >> and i'm gus rosendale. waking up to temperatures up but some rain coming down.
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>> the ups and downs. we are dealing with rain out there on this sunday. you can see on our weather headlines, waking up to light showers. not a lot of heavy rain. by the afternoon, we're drying things out. breezy and dry by noon, 1:00 p.m. then we're tracking a significant rain threat on wednesday. here's a live look at storm tracker. we see the green. showers from new york city west to northeast new jersey. we have rain falling in putnam county, westchester county. pretty dry in suffolk, but this rain is crossing the region. everything moves from west to east throughout the morning. showers eventually move out. we have showers and 58 degrees right now. milder than it was yesterday at this time. no real chill out there. we're back to the 60s later on today. breezy and dry through the afternoon with a high temperature of 66 degrees. over all, not a bad sunday shaping up. big changes coming your way later. we'll look at your seven-day forecast in a few. >> thank you, raphael.
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new this morning, a three-mile stretch of the fdr drive in east harlem will be shut down this morning as investigators look for the weapon in the murder of an nypd officers. >> both directions will be closed between 96th and 102nd streets. it will remain closed until about 10:30 a.m. news 4 has learned four guns were used in the fire fight that led to the death of officer randolph holder. at least one has been recovered. >> today's search comes after a day of vigils honoring officer holder. michael george has our story. >> reporter: in richmond hill, officers and members of the community held candles and prayed for the family of officer randolph holder. but it was his brother who delivered the message for the city to come together. >> although it was a tragedy what happened to my brother, it really brought us closer than before. >> reporter: holder's father
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was to wear the uniform. >> it was his dream. he was always happy, always with a smile on his face. >> reporter: officer holder was a third-generation police officer. his murder has touched people across the city. in east harlem, complete strangers are leaving cards and candles outside the station. and eric garner's mother brought flowers to the police station house. >> i wanted to come show support and give my condolences to the family. these senseless killings have to stop. >> reporter: 30-year-old tyrone howard has been arrested and charged with officer holder's murder. police are also looking to question these three men to determine if they had any involvement with the shooting. as the family waits for justice, they told us they have a request for the community that's come together to support them. >> just show more respect to the cops. i see cops from a different side now. >> reporter: officer holder's funeral will be on wednesday in queens.
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he'll be laid to rest in his native guyana. in east harlem, michael george, "today in new york." >> and another prayer vigil scheduled for today, this one for a new jersey mother who was found murdered in her driveway last week. that community vigil for suzanne bardzell will be held in midland park this afternoon. she was a special education teacher, mother of two, found dead in her car on thursday. police say that her ex-boyfriend, arthur lomando, a former nypd officer, stabbed her to death. he then jumped in front of a subway train in harlem and was critically injured. grief counselors will be on campus tomorrow at oklahoma state university after a deadly crash during the school's homecoming parade. a car plowed into a crowd, killing four people, including a 2-year-old boy. that driver is now facing drunk driving charges. chris pallone reports. >> reporter: it was supposed to be a festive, fun morning for thousands. the annual sea of orange homecoming parade.
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>> this is what you do on homecoming morning. you come to the homecoming parade. that's what all the families do. >> reporter: in a split second, the fun turned fatal. >> this car just went in through the crowd, just burst into the crowd. >> reporter: police say a car near the parade route smashed into a parked police motorcycle and shot forward into spectators. >> immediately we saw people going in there. >> reporter: people ran for safety, screaming. police and firefighters, many taking part in the parade, rushed to help dozens of victims. police arrested the driver. she's been charged with drunk driving. >> she's a 25-year-old stillwater resident. she is currently in jail here at the police department. >> reporter: police say it may be a few days before they can figure out exactly what caused the car to surge out of control. oklahoma governor mary fallon has ordered flags to be flown at half staff and praised the people who tried to help.
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the men picked up the car and got people out, took people to the hospital and just strangers helping strangers in a time of great crisis. >> reporter: oklahoma state fans held a moment of silence and the cowboys football team prayed for the victims before their game with kansas. >> i've been here 29 years. i can't recall an incident of this magnitude. >> reporter: doctors treated more than 40 people, several remain in critical condition at hospitals throughout the state. chris pallone, nbc news, new york. investigators now say that fire that destroyed an historic synagogue in new jersey was accidental. the flames broke out friday on the first floor of the synagogue in new brunswick. then they spread through all three floors of the building. we're told a rabbi raced into the structure. he saved one of the say credit cred torahs. >> he ran in to get some of the scrolls and ran out with it. he gave it to me to hold, and he told me as he was running out
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there were more in there. i was asking him if he wanted know go in with him to grab more. he said the ceiling was collapsing and they wouldn't let him back into the building. >> well, right now investigators are trying to figure out how that fire started. that building is a 90-year-old landmark. well, the chase for the championship is on. the mets heading to kansas city now. this morning the team will leave citi field to hit the road for game one of the world series. matt harvey has been picked to pitch. john chandler has a look at the lineup coming up in sports. right now coming up on "today in new york," caught in the act. surveillance video of a man trying to make off with high-end wine. plus, car repairs that take nine months? you could deliver a baby in that time. what do you do? you better get baquero. and we are tracking some rain out there on this sunday morning. will it last all day?
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what about your commute tomorrow? will you need the umbrellas then?
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the brooklyn bridge in the hours before dawn on a sunday morning. lovely sunday morning it is. 58 degrees. warmer than it was yesterday at this time. we've got some rain on the way. i'll let raphael miranda tell you about that. in the meantime that, wine thief caught on camera. we showed you this video earlier this week. this morning, new information about that man. investigators believe he is behind a half dozen wine crimes. jamie ratliff reports from connecticut. >> reporter: it's a rare crime to see, a suspected thief after rare wine.
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paid a visit to gillette ridge wines. you can see a man casually stroll in and browse the wine selection with the help of an employee. but as the man attempts to leave, the worker accuses him of taking a bot old of wine. he pats his pants pockets, raises his arms, and the employee reaches for his shirt. that's when the struggle begins. you can see the man now holding the $200 bottle of wine and using it in a game of tug-of-war before running to the exit. store employees say the suspect jumped inside a green jeep cherokee with an unknown woman at the wheel. >> i couldn't imagine myself doing it. i'm surprised he's getting away with it. >> reporter: bloomfield police say he stole twice from the store, but it doesn't end there. an hour away, investigators believe that person is the same one caught on surveillance video in their town. on monday, police say this familiar-looking man stole a
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$4800 bottle of wine from octagon restaurant inside the mystic marriott. >> all of the surveillance photos are matching up. >> reporter: investigators identified the man at 25-year-old scott de luca of new york and say his crime spree spreads well outside our state. >> we have linked this person to a series of crimes that have happened throughout rhode island, connecticut, new york, and new jersey. >> and that was jamie ratliff reporting. de luca already has active arrest warrants out in new york and new jersey. police in connecticut, you know they're applying for one as well. raphael joins us this morning. i'm looking at the radar there. we have some rain in the area. woke up to that. a lot warmer than yesterday. >> yeah, it's mild. almost a muggy feel out there with that rain. >> you can smell it. >> 2 it smelled funny. it's been so dry. we haven't seen rain at all lately. we're getting it today. not that much though.
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we're look at your forecast for today. it is not a washout. we'll dry things out by the afternoon. there's a chance for more significant rain on the way, which we definitely need. we have a drought going on around the tri-state. we're going to hope to put app dent in that today, but a bigger dent towards the middle of the week. 58 degrees, light rain. roadways getting a little wet out there. please be careful after it's been dry for so long. you get that oil slick as soon as it rains. here's a look at storm tracker. we're tracking rain in the hudson valley right through westchester, new york city, and down across central and western new jersey. most of this is light. you don't have to worry about any heavy downpours. you can see on storm tracker, a closer look at union city, jersey city, hoboken all seeing that light rain streaming in. also, queens and brooklyn. take a jog north, steadier showers moving through westchester county. taking a wider view here, there's a drying trend across
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western pennsylvania. this is a cold front moving through. it's a relatively slow mover. a couple hours to go with these showers. they'll eventually sweep on through. temperatures with light rain in nassau county, upper 50s. that's the mild morning we were talking about. 60 in valley stream. no chill for you. much milder than yesterday at this time. 54 in poughkeepsie. 57 down the shore in long branch. let's take a look at future tracker. this is 7:00 this morning. you can see the showers still hanging around. that cold front tries to move through by about 9:00, 10:00. we start to dry things out. dry air overtakes the rain as we head later into the morning. this is 12:00 today. we start to see some sunshine north and west of new york city. then the sunshine makes a big come back by 2:00, 3:00 p.m. it gets breezy. everyone dries out. if the you're living on long island, it's going to linger a little longer, the rain that is, probably until late morning, early afternoon. 7:00 tomorrow, headed back to work on your monday. looking fantastic. lots of sunshine. there are no weather problems as you're heading into monday afternoon.
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it will be cool tomorrow behind that cold front. temperatures once again down into the 50s. fall foliage time. again, go north and west of new york city. by the afternoon, it's going to be spectacular. blue skies, breezy conditions, and peak color in places like putnam county, northern westchester, rockland. just a sight to see. around new york city, some high color just to the north and west of town across northeast new jersey. still have moderate color from new york city south and east. that will change, especially with the cool nights we're getting over the next few days. for today, 66, so milder than yesterday. it's breezy and we dry things out by the afternoon. probably after 10:00, 11:00 a.m. overnight tonight, down to 43 in the city. turning chilly. take a look at the seven day. cool weather to start your workweek. 56 tomorrow. lots of sunshine there. near 60 on tuesday. the remnants from hurricane patricia bringing us heavy rain wednesday and wednesday night. maybe into thursday morning. again, that is good news. we do need the rain. we'll be drying out by thursday
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afternoon. you want to stay with us any time of day, download our weather app. search the storm team 4 logo in the corner, scroll down, select the weather tab. see our later forecast, track our interactive radar, and learn how to submit your own weather video. the news 4 new york app for iphone is available now in the app store. 6:16 right now. what wrould ould you do if your car was at the repair shop for nine months? >> i know what i'd do. you better get baquero. here's lynda. >> reporter: janice hero is grateful to have this courtesy car from a local dealer. after all, it's an audi. >> i love audis. all my life i wanted an audi. i love the way they handle. >> reporter: that's why she bought a red audi s-4. back in 2010 she bought the pre-owned car from paul miller. she said she began experiencing engine trouble.
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>> the flashing, red lights, check engine light. you could feel on the throttle when you give it gas it's not getting that much power. >> reporter: she brought it into the dealership and promptly got it fixed. earlier this year, more car troubles. >> i stall out on route 3 going on to the on-ramp with my child in the car. >> reporter: she was given this loaner vehicle and has had it for several months. >> still to this day, i don't have a piece of paper saying, this is what needs to be done and this is how much it costs. >> reporter: janice said she's betempen in touch with the service representative through phone calls and texts with no luck. when you ask what's happening with the car and when you might get your car back, what do they say? >> i have a text that they said, don't worry, janice, your car is in good hands. when this is all said and done, you'll be very happy. i don't want anybody else to go through something like this. this is very stressful for nine months. it makes me very upset i can't get answers. >> reporter: we contacted paul miller audi.
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they reached out to janice, and her complaint was escalated. the corporate office of audi reached out to us. after i called, they did some digging and determined the service representative had bypassed their record-keeping system and had been communicating with janice only through his personal cell phone and e-mail. when asked why, the rep explained that janice didn't want to pay for repairs and he was trying to figure out how to get the car fixed. janice denies not wanting to pay for repairs. audi says the rep's superiors weren't aware that janice's car and the loaner vehicle had been in service for so long. they tell us that employee, the service rep, has now been fired. and as for the repair, problem solved. janice finally got her car back just a few days ago. audi repaired it at no cost to her, and she's thrilled to finally have it back. in the news room, lynda baquero, news 4 new york. >> good for janice. if you're having a problem with
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to e-mail or call our consumer investigative unit at 1-866-news-4. coming up, when you can get a peek inside the newly renovated gracie mansion. and who's going to start for the mets in game one of the chase for the championship. john chandler will join us with your sunday sports when we come back.
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it'll be here before you know it.
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hello, halloween. it's the one night when everybody dresses up. and that includes dinner. unleash the power of dough. give it a pop. it's always worth remembering... that icing the cinnamon rolls is a privilege not a right. unleash the power of dough.
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well, happening today, gracie mansion will open its doors to the public for an open house. the mansion has been closed to the public for renovations since the de blasios moved in more than a year ago. recently news 4 visited the mansion for an exclusive new look at roughly 50 works of art that were added during the closure. public tours will resume on the 10th of november. we are hearing an enthusiastic response for the mets' pick to start on the mound game one. >> john chandler has that and more. >> good morning, everyone. matt harvey gets the ball to open the world series tuesday in kansas city. it's official. jacob degrom will start game two followed by noah sind guard and steven matz in game three and four.
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the reason, degrom gets an extra day's rest. terry collins told the team on saturday. >> i called them all in today, gave them all the reasons, and told them what the rotations were. i said, you ready for it? he looked at me and said, damn right. >> that's what you want to hear as the manager. cespedes insists he'll be ready for game one, but he opted not to work out saturday. didn't want to push the injured shoulder. he did admit he played golf the morning of game four on wednesday, but he says that wasn't the cause. so maybe they're unsure of what to expect from cespedes, but the mets know what they're in for against kansas city. daniel murphy calls the royals relentless. >> we had, you know, pretty significant layoff at the end of the season after we played the nationals here and opened up in l.a. as a ball club, we responded well to that. so hopefully we can lean on that experience now as we have a few for the royals.
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they kind of never go away. seems like they always find a way to win. no matter what the score, is no matter what the situation is, they grind it out and never die. i think that's a tremendous compliment for a team. we're going to have our hands full, for sure. >> the mets will head to kansas city later this morning. college football, rutgers falls to ohio state at piscataway. it is rivalry sunday for the giants and jets. the team names are all the motivation that's needed there. the giants won't have to deal with dez bryant. dallas has ruled him out for today. jets went old school to fix their punter situation. ryan quigley is injured, steve weatherford available. now he's back with the jets as noted here on instagram, posing in between eric decker and darrelle revis. he was cut by the giants before the season started. on the ice, the devils beat the sabres 4-3. henrik with two goals. he now has six on the year. rangers and flyers needed overtime.
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just absolute chaos. just absolute chaos. over a minute left, diving save by henrik lundqvist. then a diving save by matt zuccarello. look at zuccarello rescuing the open net there. the rangers would fall in a shootout to the flyers 3-2. john tavares get the islanders a 2-0 lead with his fifth goal, but the blues tied it with two in the third. yes, please. more three-on-three o.t. the islanders win their fifth of the season 3-2. all right. the mets will be in kansas city later this morning. game one tuesday night. cannot get here fast enough. enjoy the rest of your sunday, everyone. for "today in new york," i'm john chandler. also out of the sports world this morning, manny pacquiao says he will retire. he plans to hang up his boxing gloves following his schedule fight on april 9th. an opponent for that fight has not yet been set. the only fighter in world
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eight different weight classes. he's seeking a senate seat in his native philippines where he's currently a congressman. i imagine politics and boxing come in handy sometimes. >> different kind of fight, manny. good for him. coming up next, patricia continues to weaken in mexico, but warnings remain. we'll look at a separate system bearing down on the gulf coast. and hollywood mourns the loss of a screen legend. a look at life and career of actress maureen o'hara. and it is mild out there on this sunday morning, even though we have some rain. temperatures in the upper 50s. there's a big chill coming our way tonight and tomorrow morning. we'll look at that frosty
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it's intelligent enough to warn of danger from virtually anywhere. it's been smashed, dropped and driven. it's perceptive enough to detect other vehicles on the road. it's been shaken, rattled and pummeled. it's innovative enough to brake by itself, park itself and help you steer. it's been in the rain... the cold... and dragged through the mud. introducing the all-new mercedes-benz gle.
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waking up this morning, like yesterday, you're going to need a coat. today you're going to need a rain jack. a little warmer.
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welcome back to "today in new york" on this sunday morning. i'm gus rosendale. >> that nice fleece-lined rain jacket with the hood. >> quite the fashionista. >> quite the collection of gear. years of reporting in all kind of weather. raphael, what kind of weather are we going to have this afternoon? >> it will stay mild throughout the day today, but it's also going to improve in terms of the rain. we have that rain right now. you can see on storm tracker a wet start to your sunday. new york city, the five boroughs dealing with that rain. we have some showers through the jersey shore as well. suffolk county, you've been dry up until now. the showers are creeping in there as well. this is all a cold front moving through. it's going to continue to move through as we head into the afternoon. we will dry out by about 11:00, noon. i think the sunshine starts to come out from west to east as that cold front moves on in and moves on out. 66 for your high for today. mild and breezy through the afternoon. up to 68 in ramsey.
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even north and west of town, temperatures into the 60s today. 66 down the shore in long branch. up to 59 in wingdale. winds out of the northwest from 10 to 15 miles per hour. once that front moves through, the winds are going to kick up, and it stays it breezy throughout the afternoon. down to 43 tonight. this is the chill i was talking about north and west of town. down to the low 30s in places like bethel. tomorrow morning, you're waking up to 37 degrees. the chill is back in cold springs. pat, tomorrow morning you'll need to transition back to that heavier fleece jacket, as will the rest of everyone out there for that monday morning commute. back to you. >> point well taken. thanks, raphael. well, teams are on want the ground now in mexico aseszing the damage from patricia. >> we have a time-lapsed image of the system as it slammed into the coast. a separate system prompted flood warnings into texas. >> the lonestar state seeing
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than 18 inches of rain in the last three days. natalie pasquarella has the latest. >> reporter: flooding so powerful a freight train overturned when the tracks became submerged near coriscana, texas. more than 18 inches of rain turned roads into rivers, shutting down part of interstate 45. many drivers scared to see the flood water rising. >> the car was being pushed by the wind, and the rain was so heavy. we cannot even see, and we can't control the car. >> reporter: first responders could barely keep up with the calls for help. >> i have a female and her 3-year-old daughter. she's advising that the water is in her vehicle. >> i've never seen it like this. i couldn't begin to tell you how many high-water rescues we performed today and how many stranded motorists. >> reporter: travelers off the roads are dealing with delays as several flights were canceled. now the focus shifts to san antonio, houston, and the texas coast as the remnants of tropical system patricia pound
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the region this weekend. leftovers from a system that started as a major concern and ended as a major relief. the category 5 hurricane plowed into mexico, losing a little steam but still packing 165-mile-an-hour winds, a record for the country's pacific coast. >> the windows started to get foggy. >> reporter: the storm's strongest punches landed south of puerto vallarta, taking down trees and flooding neighborhoods. this man says while part of his house was destroyed, he's grateful his family survived. natalie pasquarella, "today in new york." >> and you can track the forecast, of course, any time, anywhere with the news 4 new york app. just tap that news 4 logo in the corner and select the weather tab. new this morning, a search for suspects in a double shooting out of queens. investigators say two men were shot as they left a party along 28th avenue near bell boulevard. both men take tonight hospital. we're following the story, but we don't have word on their
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also, a grisly murder has landed a duchess county couple behind bars. charles cole is accused of strangling his mother in august. police say he and his wife lived with the remains in a hotel room for six weeks. they then drove to south carolina and dumped the body there many in a in a wooded area. a family member made a call about concern. the coles are being held without bail. in manhattan, protests against police brutality. hundreds of people holding signs and chanting marched from washington square park to bryant park. the event organized by the group rise up october calling for action against police-involved fatal shootings of unarmed civilians across the country. while a lot of those protesters are angry, they said retaliating
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>> that disturbs me tremendously. that shouldn't happen. that's not accomplishing anything. you're not doing anything that's going to help our cause at all. people need to rise above that. >> marches also took place in a dozen other u.s. cities, including los angeles. iowa voters caucus on their choice for a presidential candidate in just three months. the big lead up to that day happened last night in des moines. democrats went to the an july jefferson-jackson dinner to see the contenders. hillary clinton, bernie sanders, and martin o'malley delivered their pitches. this is where president obama's speech in 2007 was seen as a favorable game changer for him. among republicans, donald trump is swinging again at his fellow candidates. he labeled jeb bush as an embarrassment to his family, mark rubio as, quote, sweaty, and dr. ben carson as super low energy.
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carson points out he's a neurosurgeon with enough energy to spend 18 hours in the operating room. he's coming up on "meet the press" at 10:30 this morning. president obama agreeing with parents who say their kids spend way too much time taking standardized tests at school. he wants to limit those tests to 2% of a student's time in the classroom. the president says more time should be spent on learning. the education department will now make it easier for schools to meet federal standards without constant testing. hollywood is mourning the loss of the queen of tech any color, maureen o'hara. she was known for his bright red hair and feisty personality on screen. her most famous films include "miracle on 34th street" and "how green is my valley." green died in her home surrounded by family and he was 95. >> classic movies. >> and a classic lady. >> very much so. coming up on sunday morning d the de blasio administration dry to derail a story about slow
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sandy recovery efforts by creating mock fema letters? the i-team investigates. and storm team 4's raphael miranda returns with a check of the forecast and how long this rain is going to stick around.
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uh-oh, is times square getting wet yet? >> yes, it is. >> yes, it is wet. but it's a warm morning, 58 degrees. when you came outside, you could feel the rain coming. >> and it's here. >> how long's it going to stay? >> not for long. only a couple more hours. it's moving from west to east, gone by late morning. >> and not heavy downpours. >> no. you need the windshield wipers on low this morning. that's about it. light showers moving through. we need the rain. it is beneficial. and it's mild, so we're happy for that. not as cold as yesterday at this time. temperatures in the up er 50s. we have that rain falling all around the tri-state. wet roadways on your sunday morning, so watch out. could be a few slick spots.
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it's a little wet. you can see on storm tracker we are watching that cold front moving through. rain from northwest connecticut through new york city and down towards philadelphia. let's take a closer look. showers moving into brooklyn, queens. east new york seeing that rain moving in. it will be moving out quickly, though, getting a little drying going on to the west of new york city. heading to the north in westchester county, you're seeing that rain moving in across the border to fairfield county. our cold front right about here. you can see the rain ahead of it. it's all moving towards the east over the next couple hours. it's going to take longer to clear for suffolk county. the rain will linger for you into the late morning. maybe into the early afternoon. 58 in tribeca. near 60 in many spots. 55 for you at this hour in poughkeepsie. take a look at this. this shows you how much the temperature has changed in the past 24 hours. yesterday at this time, it was 26 degrees colder than it is now
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white plains, 20 degrees warmer this morning. and 23 degrees warmer this morning in morristown. that chill is just gone today. you're not feeling it. football weather later on. looks great for the giants and cowboys. 4:25, 64 degrees, breezy and comfortable. temperatures right around room temperature there. it will be dry, most importantly. no rain for the game. here's a look at future tracker. there goes our cold front moving through around 7:00, 8:00. by 9:00, 10:00, most of the rain is over. again, it may linger for eastern suffolk county as we head towards brunch time. pausing around 12:00, sunshine starts to break out. the drying trend goes on through the afternoon. 3:00, 4:00 p.m. looking good. it'll be breezy but bright. monday morning, heading back to work, 7:00 a.m., looks ing nice and quiet here. that continues into your evening commute. no weather problems. 66 for your high for today.
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it was yesterday for sure. overnight tonight, turns chilly again. enjoy that mild weather while it lasts today. the seven-day forecast shows a very fall stretch of weather coming our way. 56 for your high for tomorrow as we head back to work. 59 on tuesday. the remnants of patricia mingling with another system. rain could be heavy at times wednesday night into thursday. you want to stay up to date with the news 4 new york app. select the weather tab. you can see the latest forecast, use our interactive radar, which you'll need this morning, and learn how to submit your own weather video. the news 4 new york app for iphone is available in the app store right now. gus, over it o you. >> thank you. now to an i-team investigation. e-mails authored by fema say the de blasio administration tried to quash bad press about the city's slow progress in securing sandy disaster money. the messages say the city's hospital chief planned to use a
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by the i-team's chris glorioso. chris has the bizarre details in this report. >> reporter: this time last year we were asking the mayor's office and fema what was holding up disaster aid for the city's public hospitals. the feds were not ready to commit the cash. these e-mails say the city was willing to sign a dummy agreement just to avoid bad press. at manhattan's va hospital, shovels are in the ground. they're building a flood wall. this pulmonary patient bill johnson says three years after sandy, storm protection can't come fast enough. >> when i see the wall beginning to be built on 25th street, i just shake my head. where was this before? >> reporter: but the va is actually ahead of city-owned facilities like bellevue and coney island hospitals. their fema flood walls are still
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in planning stages, frustrating critics like councilmember mark treyger. >> where's the money, and why hasn't this work started? >> reporter: the i-team requested an interview with the man in charged of all city-owned hospitals. city hall declined but e-mails authored by fema and obtained by wnyc radio say he wanted to derail news about delays in fema aid. >> new york's biggest public hospital is still waiting for fema. >> reporter: one year ago, just before the i-team aired this report, fema officials wrote dr. raju was planning to head off the news story by signing a mock agreement before fema was ready to sign the real thing. i believe the health and hospitals corporation will sign a mock letter of undertaking tonight in an attempt to stop the report from the nbc reporter. at the end of the day, it very well might just be a piece of paper with ink on it.
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with all due respect, i -- but a lawyer for the city persisted. >> the e-mails raise serious >> reporter: it's not clear if the mock agleemt was ever drafted on replica fema letterhead, but one week later, mayor de blasio joined other politicians announced $1.6 billion in hospital aid. >> it is so good for new yorkers and americanss. >> reporter: there are no fema reps present at this news conference because the official agreement wasn't done until five months later. >> today's a banner day. >> reporter: city hall objected to any suggestion the mocked up agreement was intended to justify the news conference or kill a news story. jeremy burr man, the city lawyer who wrote some of those e-mails, said printing a letter on mock fema stationary was his idea, intended to push and prod fema to move faster. it was just impatience about getting through the bureaucracy. it wasn't a public relations move, it was a substantive move, and it wasn't a fictitious document.
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three years after the storm. they want to see it yesterday. but there seem to be more energy and focus put on mock agreement than actually getting a real agreement. that's my problem with these e-mails. >> reporter: back at the va hospital, administrators are proud to say their $24 million dplood wall is expected to be complete by may of next year. it was funded directly by congress, not through fema. >> for the new hurricane season coming up, we should have a brand new flood wall. >> reporter: the mayor's office could not make the same pledge. the city stressed the fema process is cumbersome. three years after sandy, it's not clear when flood walls will be up here. >> this resiliency wasn't built in when we should have known engineering-wise that these disasters were potentially out there waiting for us. >> reporter: although flood walls at city hospitals are incomplete, city hall told us we are in much better shape than we
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equipment having been elevated, renovations having been made, and in some cases, temporary flood barriers ready to assemble at a moment's notice. we reached out to the a fema representative, who said if the agency is ever asked to create a mock document for the sake of making an announcement, quote, we don't do that. for the i-team, i'm chris glorioso. >> and see more stories from new york's biggest i-team on the news 4 new york app for iphone. tap the news 4 logo in the corner and select investigations. the news 4 new york app available in the apple app store right now. and coming up after the break, meet the woman known as the queen of swing in this week's positively black. and later inside the raid. dramatic video exclusively obtained by nbc news appears to show the hostage rescue mission
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well, she is known as the queen of swing. this week, author, actress, dancer, and choreographer norma miller was honored. >> janice huff sat down with with the legend in this week's positively black. >> she's the queen of swing, but she's singing right there. ms. norma miller is still doing is her way at the age of 95. she is singing, dancing, and passing on her incredible knowledge to the younger generations, as you can see right here. because of that, she's being honored with the sachmo award. ms. miller is a true talent who's kicked up her heels with some of the biggest and best bands the world has ever seen. had a stint in hollywood and is singing the praise of those who have helped pave the way for her
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norma miller is here along with robert, the professor of english and founder and director of the center for jazz studies at columbia university. welcome to both of you. he's big time, right? she's pointing at you, and we're all pointing at her. >> how wonderful. >> isn't it wonderful? at your young age, you still have a ton of energy. how do you do this? tell us all the secret. >> coming back to new york. you know, coming back completely, coming back to the ballroom. it's like an entire lifestyle -- >> it's like full circle for you sort of. >> oh, it is. and that's so much of what i lived here. i come to new york and i see part of what -- i've been part of this whole jazz scene where
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how it all began. i was just a person. >> but you were a young person. you grew up -- >> 12 years old. >> you grew up around all these places. there's a picture of you right here dancing. >> the first norma miller dance. >> that's right. now, did you all tour around the world? >> this was the first group i took out. that's frankie manning down there at bottom. this was the first time they went on the roads. that was me in paris. >> look at you. frankie said jazz music is about the smooth flow. >> swing music, it developed -- we develop with the music. it's the music that coincides with your body. you can swing -- everything you do can swing. it swings easy. you can move easy. we found the beginning of this music something that our bodies could move to.
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we were creating something we didn't know at the time. but it was new music we were hearing, and we were developing a body to go with that. that's what started the whole swing era at a place called the ballroom, where we danced every night. >> must have been fantastic. well, we've got some video of you in full swing from the 1941 movie, where you were being tossed around. every time i see this clip and see you -- look at this. you're just swinging around. you're all over. just going to town. what was it like? >> that was the ultimate because we had the gotten to the place where we had taken the dance all the way to hollywood. >> you're honoring ms. miller with the sachmo award by the louis armstrong educational foundation. she's the first woman to receive this, correct? >> that's what i hear.
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special to receive it? >> well, she represents the quintessence of the louis armstrong spirit insofar as he stood for this flow you're talking about and exuberant life spirit as well as this jazz itself. probably the greatest living jazz dancer. armstrong left his money, saying he wanted it to preserve his own legacy, and particularly to honor great teachers of jazz. through her example and through her companies and through her work with young people all over the world, she stands for just the excellent teaching of the jazz tradition that louis armstrong stood for. >> a pleasure to meet you. >> one more thing. >> yes? >> please don't forget all of this was because of the wonderful louis armstrong jazz camp in new orleans. >> which you were a big part of.
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>> oh, my god. i'm living it. this camp is what has just reinvented me. i go there every year just to hear the music. it's the only band that's in the world that you work with. we work with a band of 50 kids. >> incredible. >> have you ever heard of something like that in your life? >> you keep up the good work and that wonderful spirit. congratulations. >> thank you. >> we'll be right back. stay with us. >> this has been a public
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it'll be here before you know it. hello, halloween. it's the one night when everybody dresses up. and that includes dinner. unleash the power of dough. give it a pop. that sound. like nails on a chalkboard. but listen to this: (family talking) that's a different kind of sound. the sound of the weekend. unleash the power of dough. give it a pop. party on, people. blinds to go's 60th anniversary sale is back... plus 1! celebrate when you buy one get one at half price off the entire store. blinds. shades. sunscreens. the entire store! 'cause the older we get, the more you save. that's just how we roll.
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the time is 6:56. we're back with an nbc news exclusive. we have obtained dramatic new body camera video of this week's hostage rescue mission at an isis prison. >> a u.s. commando was killed in that raid. we have the story from nbc's chief foreign correspondent richard engel. >> reporter: the footage appears to show the joint u.s.-kurdish raid on an isis prison in iraq last week. it was obtained by the arab 24 news agency, it says, from kurdish military officials. amid the sounds of gunfire, the hostages emerge, terrified and barefoot. their hands held up to show
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they're unarmed. bullet holes in the wall suggest there had been a gunfight. a voice in arabic apparently pr the rescuers yells for the hostages to keep moving. they do, in filthy prison gowns. some appear stained in blood as they move to safety. the commandos inspect another room with a large isis flag. what sounds like american voices can be heard. an adjacent hallway is lined with what looked like prison cells. the troops move with skill and have american-made weapons. much is not shown in the footage, including the moment when american master sergeant joshua wheeler from the top-secret delta force was shot. a senior u.s. military official told us he is aware of the footage and that the successful rescue of so many hostages it shows is testament to master sergeant wheeler's dedication and sacrifice. stilt, critics will question
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what american troops were doing there in the first place. richard engel, nbc news, istanbul. and as we continue, a senior u.s. military official says the successful rescue of so many hostages is testament to wheeler's bravery. coming up next at 7:00, a check of the forecast, plus our top stories, including the search for the gun in the murder of an nypd officer. i'm sheldon dutes with more on how that morning search could affect your morning commute. details straight ahead when
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right now on "today in new york," police shut down parts of the fdr drive in the search for the gun that killed an nypd officer. plus, what investigators say about the cause of a massive fire that destroyed an historic synagogue. >> and the latest from a terrifying scene at a college homecoming parade. "today in new york" starts now. good morning. welcome to "today in new york" on this sunday morning. i'm gus rosendale. >> i'm pat battle. we go headlong into the last week of october. hard to fathom. this week next time, we'll be saying, where's the rest of your costume? halloween a week from yesterday. >> but we're going to talk about
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>> temperatures near 60 already. big difference already. also, it's wet outside. nice and dry yesterday. we're trading off today on this sunday. waking up to showers out there. nothing too heavy. that's the good news. the better news is we're dry by the afternoon. also turning breezy. a rain threat for some more significant shower activity as we head towards wednesday. that's thanks to the remnants of hurricane patricia and another storm. you can see on storm tracker, watching that rain tracking east from westchester to fairfield county. light showers from nassau through new york city and down the jersey shore. the windshield wipers and umbrellas are being used this morning. you can see temperatures in the upper 50s. much milder than yesterday at this time. showers continue for the next couple hours. dry by lunchtime. today's high temperature, a breezy 66 degrees. nice and mild on this sunday and most of the day will be dry. the week doesn't stay dry. we'll look at your seven-day forecast and heavier rain on the way. that's coming up in a few. pat and gus, over to you. new this morning, the fdr
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drive going to be shut down as investigators search for the gun in the deadly shooting of nypd officer randolph holder. >> the closure will be in both directions between 96th and 132nd streets. sheldon dutes joins us from east harlem with what's happening now. >> reporter: news 4 has learned that four weapons were used the night of that shooting. so far one of the guns has been found. today police are going to be searching this section of the fdr, combing the area, looking possibly for the other guns that were used the night of that shooting. as the nypd continues its investigation into the shooting death of officer randolph holder, loved ones and strangers are honoring and remembering his life and legacy. last night his family, members of the nypd, and members of the community gathered for a candle light vigil to honor the fallen officer who died working in a
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career he loved. >> it was his dream. he was always hope. always with a smile on his face. >> just show more respect to the cops because i see cops from a different side now. >> reporter: in addition, police have arrested tyrone howard. he's 30 years old. they actually arrested him the night of that shooting. he has been charged in officer holder's death. right now, this morning, the search continues for the weapons possibly used the night of the shooting. police are also looking to talk to three people of interest who might have known something about the shootout that happened before officer holder was killed. for now, we're live in east harlem. sheldon dutes, news 4 new york. also new this morning, the search for suspects in a double shooting out of queens. investigators say two men were shot as they left a party along 28th avenue near bell boulevard. hospital. no word on their conditions.
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planned today for a new jersey mother who was found murdered in the driveway of her own home. the community vigil for suzanne bardzell will be held in wharton dike park this afternoon. police say her ex-boyfriend, arthur lomando, stabbed her to death in her car. police say he then jumped in front of a subway train in an attempt to take his own life. he survived, though, and is facing charges. a 2-year-old boy is now the fourth person killed when an out of control car turned an oklahoma state homecoming into tragedy. >> i need a bunch of help. we have a car in the crowd up here. >> it all happened when a car plowed over a parked police motorcycle and through a crowded street. more than 40 people were hurt in stillwater, seven of them critically. a 25-year-old has since been arrested and charged with drunk driving. >> i heard one story of people lifting the car up of the lady who ran over the people, and helping people be pulled out
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and helping those who had been injured, taking them in their car to hospitals. >> a moment of silence was observed before oklahoma state's winning game against kansas. today grief counselors will be on campus for people who need them. right now, investigators are trying to determine what sparked that fire that destroyed an historic new jersey house of worship. two things they now know. the flames first broke out on the first floor of the synagogue in new brunswick. then they say the fire was accidental. one neighbor says he saw a r running into that burning building to save at least one of the sacred torah scrolls. >> it was unbelievable. as the flames were going up, he ran in to get some of the scrolls and ran out with it. he actually gave it to me to hold, and he told me as he was running out there were more in there. i was asking him if he wanted know go in with him to grab more. he said the ceiling was collapsing and they wouldn't let him back into the building. >> fortunately for that because indeed that fire was massive.
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opened for services back in 1924, and it is listed on the national register of historic places. some tough stories there, but we do have this to get excited about. the chase for the championship. it is on. as you know, the mets are heading to kansas city. this morning the mets will leave citi field. matt harvey has been picked to pitch. coming up, john chandler will have a look at the lineup. and you'll hear from the amazes. that's coming up in sports. a lot of people excited about matt harvey. >> best believe it. including matt harvey. coming up, electrical services for legal counsel. that's what one man's advertising to get help with his divorce. plus, do you know what's happening on your child's school bus? an i-team investigation that may shock you. >> and we're tracking light rain on this sunday morning. it'll be gone by the afternoon. then we're tracking a heavier rain threat later had week. we'll look at your seven-day
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my name is amanda and i smoked while i was pregnant. my baby was born two months early and weighed only three pounds. this is the view i had of her in the nicu. my tip to you is speak into the opening so your baby can hear you better. you can quit. talk with your doctor. for more help call
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some raining moving through the tri-state area. rav phael will tell you how long it's going to let. do note the temperature. a lot warmer than yesterday. this next story, forgive the pun, creating a bit of a buzz on staten island. >> forgiven. >> thank you. >> a man splitting with his wife, his marriage is over, but the legal fees from the breakup are leaving him broke.
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unusual step to retain a new divorce lawyer. >> reporter: they've been popping up all over near the courthouse in staten island. flyers trying to get the attention of a divorce attorney. in exchange, said attorney will get free electrical work from a licensed electrician. they've been raising eyebrows all over the neighborhood. >> it's kind of a cool barter arrangement. the guy must be hard up for cash and/or a divorce. >> can you imagine an attorney responding to it? >> a good one? no. but yeah, i can imagine someone responding, sure. >> reporter: but if you call the number on the flyer, you'll meet anthony, who says he's very serious. >> my last lawyer has quit because i ran out of money. so i took to the streets to try to barter. >> reporter: he says he's been involved in an ugly divorce the last two and a half years after spending nearly $100,000 in attorney's fees for him and his
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wife, he says he's tapped out. >> i have this. i've always had this. i know how to do electrical work. i figured there has to be some attorney somewhere that just purchased a home that could use my services. >> reporter: he says he never imagined it would come to, this but he has two kids and is fighting for custody. he says three attorneys have already called, and he has plans to meet one of them this week. >> there's absolutely nothing funny about my life, what's happening. this is pure desperation. >> reporter: he says he's under deadline. the judge has given him until november 4th to hire a new attorney. he's hopeful he can make this barter deal work before then. news 4 new york. >> for what it's worth, raphael will give you the forecast for free. >> i do it every day, yes. >> we appreciate it very much. >> my pleasure. even on a day like today. it's kind of drizzly outside. we have some light rain behind us. we need the rain. we have a drought. we'll get to that in a minute.
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a better chance for some heavy rain later on this week. we'll look at that in the seven-day forecast. let's look outside right now. dealing with light rain falling on rockefeller plaza. we haven't seen a lot of rain in many months. we have light rain falling in central park. physical you're going out there for your morning jog, just a little wet for you. no heavy rain to track this morning. let's look at storm tracker. this is our rain moving through the region. places like nassau county, the five boroughs of new york city, brooklyn, queens. you're still seeing the rain falling around jfk. seaside, rockaway point, and towards atlantic beach, light to moderate rain showers for you. into connecticut we go. richfield, wilton, you have that light rain falling in westchester county into northern fairfield county. taking a wider view here, this is our cold front moving across the northeast. not a whole lot of rain here. that's good news. only a couple more hours to go. you can see the back edge of the rain moving into western new jersey. this is really only a morning event for us. the afternoon is going to be
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salvaged with sunshine and breezier conditions. a look at your drought monitor. this is good news we're getting rain. we have moderate drought conditions for new york city, the five boroughs, northeast new jersey, westchester, rockland. still dealing with that rain deficit of many inches in some spots. that will continue over the next few days. wednesday, that's our chance to put a more significant dent in that deficit. temperatures in the 50s by the jersey shore. 58 in red bank. 59 in point pleasant. 50s to low 60s on long island. yes, it's mild out there. 61 in westhampton. future tracker shows us improving conditions as the day goes on. even by 10:00 today, most of the rain is over, except for areas east. it'll linger a little longer for you. heading into the afternoon, looking great. from noon to 4:00 p.m., you can see the sunshine coming back. it's breezy, bright, and milder than yesterday. temperatures well into the 0u6z. it doesn't get cold behind that cold front until tonight. that's when it turns chilly.
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7:00 a.m., lots of sunshine for your morning commute. bring the shades tomorrow. you'll need them. beautiful sunshine throughout the afternoon. 5:00 p.m. as you're heading home, also nice and quiet. temperatures are cool. tomorrow has much more of a fall feel. today, not so much. 66, it is mild, breezy, and drier throughout the day. overnight tonight, it does turn chilly. the heat is back on. 43 for your low in the city. the seven-date forecast shows a nice cool stretch of fall weather as we head back to work. 56 tomorrow. lots of sunshine for tuesday with a high near 60. then we're tracking the remnants of hurricane patricia teaming up with another storm. that's our significant rain chance wednesday, especially in the afternoon. some of that rain may even linger into thursday morning. right now the timing is a little unclear. it looks like wednesday for sure you will need to have those umbrellas with temperatures in the 60s. you want to stay up to date with that hurricane patricia remnants forecast with your news 4 new york app. tap the news 4 logo in the corner, scroll down, select the weather tab.
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interactive radar, and how to submit your own weather video. news 4 new york app for iphone is available in the app store right now. pat and gus, over to you. it is school bus safety week. it's a push to raise awareness about keeping our most precious cargo safe. so how would you feel if you caught some of those yellow buses are caught running red lights and speeding? >> the i-team spent weeks sifting through the tickets and brings you an eye-opening investigation. here's pei-sze chang. >> reporter: you trust them to get your kids to school safely, but what happens when they do this or this? >> oh, my god. >> reporter: using school bus data from the state d.o.t., the i-team analyzed how often school buses were tagged by the city's red light and speed zone enforcement programs. this single bus received ten violations in two years. cameras caught it running red
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the i-team found more than 6,000 violations for buses both speeding and driving through red lights in the past two years. 171 bus companies got at least one ticket since 2013. the little richie bus company had nearly nine violations for every ten of their buses, more than 500 violations total. but the same company that owns them also owns logan bus company. that company had more than 300 violations. that's seven tickets for ten of logan's buses. an attorney for little richie and logan bus companies told the i-team the safety of children is their biggest concern. as the largest bus company in the city, we run more than a million routes annually. the company says it has a three-strikes policy, with the third violation drivers could lose their jobs. >> i do worry about my kids every day on the bus. >> reporter: lois torres has four children who ride the school bus every day.
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got off a bus. while this particular bus had no registered tickets, the company racked up 271 violations in the past two years, or ten tickets for every ten of their buses. >> they got to be careful. they got to understand they got kids inside the school bus. think about them. >> reporter: then there's l & m bus corps. they had 415 violations with just under 300 buses in its fleet. that's 13 violations for every ten buses, more than one violation for every bus. >> it's one thing if you're driving yourself. it's another thing if you have not just your kid but those buss are big, so you have many, many people's kids on. >> reporter: the councilman was concerned about the number of violations and that some of the most ticketed intersections were in his district. >> we need to get everybody at the table and see what we need to do to make sure that behavior chaungs. that's dangerous. >> reporter: most of the bus companies told the i-team that drivers are given extensive training. l & m bus company says any time
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a driver receives a ticket, they're subjected to a retraining process and a four strikes and you're out policy. y & m bus company did not respond to multiple calls and e-mails for comment. the department of education, which hires the bus companies, says bus drivers must submit to annual reviews of their driving records and safety courses. still, parents we spoke with found it unsettling. >> it's unsafe for the kids. something has to be done. >> reporter: now, we don't know how many miles the buses travel for the entire year, which would give us a little bit more perspective. the department of education also wants us to know that they monitor the dmv notification system, which provides real-time updates of any changes to a driver's record. so that's another way they can monitor bus safety. in the newsroom, pei-sze chang, news 4 new york. >> and if you have something you think the news 4 i-team should look into, please give us a call at 1-866-news-244. still to come, the chase for
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the championship as the mets prepare to hit the road for game one. john chandler joins us with a
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i'm like a boxer in a ring. a small boxer. you don't expect much... and then, wham! i hit 'em with huge creamy goodness! alright round two! bring it, girlfriend! rich, creamy, 100%
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mini babybel. snack a little bigger. well, the lineup is set. excitement in the air, on the ground, everywhere you look. orange and blue as the mets chase for that championship. >> john chandler has that and more in your sunday sports. john chandler. >> good morning, everyone.
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matt harvey gets the ball to open the world series tuesday in kansas city. it's official. jacob degrom will start game two followed by noah syndergaard and steven matz in game three and four. the reason, degrom gets an extra day's rest. terry collins told the team on saturday. >> i called them all in today, gave them all the reasons, and told them what the rotations were. i said, you ready for it? he looked at me and said, damn right. >> that's what you want to hear as the manager. cespedes insists he'll be ready for game one, but he opted not to work out saturday. didn't want to push the injured shoulder. he did admit he played golf the morning of game four on wednesday, but he says that wasn't the cause. so maybe they're unsure of what to expect from cespedes, but the mets know what they're in for against kansas city. daniel murphy calls the royals relentless. >> we had, you know, pretty significant layoff at the end of the season after we played the nationals here and opened up in l.a. as a ball club, we responded well to that. so hopefully we can lean on that
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experience now as we have a few days off to rest and get ready for the royals. >> you know, just seems like they kind of never go away. seems like they always find a way to win. no matter what the score, is no matter what the situation is, they grind it out and never die. i think that's a tremendous compliment for a team. we're going to have our hands full, for sure. >> the mets will head to kansas city later this morning. college football, rutgers falls to ohio state at piscataway. it is rivalry sunday for the giants and jets. the team names are all the motivation that's needed there. the giants won't have to deal with dez bryant. dallas has ruled him out for today. jets went old school to fix their punter situation. ryan quigley is injured, steve weatherford available. now he's back with the jets as noted here on instagram, posing in between eric decker and darrelle revis. he was cut by the giants before the season started. on the ice, the devils beat the sabres 4-3. henrik with two goals.
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he now has six on the year. rangers and flyers needed overtime. just absolute chaos. over a minute left, diving save by henrik lundqvist. then a diving save by matt zuccarello. look at zuccarello rescuing the open net there. the rangers would fall in a shootout to the flyers 3-2. john tavares get the islanders a 2-0 lead with his fifth goal, but the blues tied it with two in the third. yes, please. more three-on-three o.t. the islanders win their fifth of the season 3-2. all right. the mets will be in kansas city later this morning. game one tuesday night. cannot get here fast enough. enjoy the rest of your sunday, everyone. for "today in new york," i'm john chandler. >> all right. go mets. and oh, pat, this one's for you. if you're looking for costume ideas next week, these disguised dogs may give you some ideas. >> their owners showed off some creative halloween spirit down
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seriously? that is adorable, circus dogs. this is the 25th annual dog parade. three costumed pups put on this mini circus act for the crowd. all the donations from the parade actually help maintain the dog run. that's adorable. a teddy bear dog. that's really cute. i got to think of something creative. >> gearing up for it the parade. >> what's that one? >> dragon, i think. >> cute. >> and next saturday night, we have the parade in the village when the people put on the costumes. >> i got to find a spot to hang out. >> you're going. >> yeah, somebody tweet me please. looking for a spot to hang out. >> a good spot. quiet little corner. >> just my own. >> all right. next at 7:30, the latest on our top stories, including this. >> reporter: i'm sheldon dutes live in east harlem with more on the search for a weapon in officer holder's death with more details on how that could affect
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details straight ahead. plus, something school children are taking too many standardized tests, and now president obama wigs in on the issue. his plan to limit them when we come back. and even though we're tracking rain on this sunday morning, it is mild. temperatures near 60 degrees already. that's going to change in a big way. we're talking about a chill moving in tonight.
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lower manhattan on a cloudy, beautiful sunday morning. yes, it is, gus. cloudy yet beautiful. >> despite a little rain coming through here as well. and warmer temperatures. >> that was a very gothamesque picture. >> that's what raphael miranda is keeping an eye on this morning. >> a little halloween y y out there this morning. we have showers moving through, now east of new york city. beginning to dry out in midtown and northeast new jersey. a few more showers to track over the next couple hours. the rain primarily shifting into long island at this hour. we're talking about this mild weather this morning. temperatures well into the 60s this afternoon. sunshine, especially after 11:00. it gets better as the day goes on. 62 your high temperature in larchmont.
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it will be breezy. that's the one thing today. you need the windbreakers. 10 to 15 miles per hour throughout the afternoon. then it gets chilly. once that cold front moves offshore, the cold air filters back in tonight. down to 43 in the city. big change tomorrow morning as you're stepping out the door. chilly and breezy, winds out of the north from 10 to 15 miles per hour. we are down to the 30s tomorrow morning. windchills probably in the 20s in suburbs north and west of town. it will be mostly clear. there's no rain until wednesday. we'll take a look again at that heavy rain threat for your wednesday coming up in your seven-day forecast. pat and gus, over to you. >> raphael, thank you. new this morning, police are going to be shutting down a major roadway as they continue to search for the weapon in the deadly shooting after police officer randolph holder. >> both directions of the fdr drive will close between 96th and 132nd streets. >> reporter: gus and pat, we're
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standing next to the east river houses not far from the spot where officer holder was shot and killed tuesday night. in about an hour, this section of the fdr will be shut down for two hours as the nypd continues searching for clues and evidence in officer holder's death. not far from here, the number of candles and cards and tributes continues to grow at the station house where officer holder worked on 123rd street. reverend al sharpton and members of the national action network stopped by yesterday morning to pay their respects. later in the day, officer holder's family, his colleagues, and members of the community got together in queens, in richmond hill last night, to have a candle light vigil and to encourage respect for all police officers.
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>> although it was a tragedy, what happened to my brother, it really brought us closer together than even before. >> reporter: and police have arrested career criminal tyrone howard. he has been charged in officer holder's death. pat and gus, officer holder's funeral is scheduled for wednesday at the greater alan ame church in queens. reporting live in east harlem, sheldon dutes, "today in new york." >> sheldon, thank you. a duchess county couple is in custody this morning. they are accused of a gruesome crime. police say 48-year-old charles cole strangled his mother in a pleasant valley motel room in august. he and his wife then allegedly lived with the woman's remains in their room for seven weeks. police say the couple drove to lodge, south carolina, last week and dumped the victim's body in a wooded area. police discovered that body when family members became concerned about 76-year-old betty coal's wonderful. they're being held without bail.
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rallied against police brutality. hundreds of people marched from washington square park to bryant park. the event organized by the group rise up october is calling for action against police involved in the fatal shootings of unarmed civilians. while many protesters are angry, they say retaliating against police is not the answer. >> that disturbs me tremendously. that shouldn't happen. that's not accomplishing anything. you're not doing anything that's going to help our cause at all. people need to rise above that. >> there were marches similar to this one in a dozen other u.s. cities, including l.a. and we're watching two weather systems this morning. one, a storm of record-breaking strength, patricia. caused remarkably little damage after slamming into mexico's coast. weren't they fortunate? >> that is remarkable. the category 5 hurricane quickly dissipated into a low-pressure system.
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this is a time-lapse image showing patricia as she came ashore. also, a separate system has prompted flood watches from texas stretching into louisiana. >> the lone star state seeing a dangerous amount of flooding, getting more than 18 inches of rain in the last three days. natalie pasquarella has the latest. >> reporter: flooding so powerful, a freight train overturned when the tracks became submerged near corsicana, texas. two crew members escaped by swimming to higher ground. more than 18 inches of rain turned roads into rivers, shutting down part of interstate 45. many drivers scared to see the flood water rising. >> the car was being pushed by the wind and the rain was so heavy. we cannot even see, and we can't control the car. >> reporter: first responders could barely keep up with the calls for help. >> i have a female and her 3-year-old daughter. she's advising the water is in her vehicle. >> i've never seen it like this. i couldn't begin to tell you how many high-water rescues we did
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today and how many stranded motorists. >> reporter: travelers off the roads are dealing with delays as several flights were canceled. now the focus shifted to san antonio, houston, and the texas coast as the remnants of tropical system patricia pound the region this weekend. leftovers from a system that started as a major concern and ended as a major relief. the category 5 hurricane plowed into mexico, losing a little steam but still packing 165-mile-an-hour winds, a record for the country's pacific coast. >> the windows started to get foggy. >> reporter: the storm's strongest punches landed south of puerto vallarta, taking down trees and flooding neighborhoods. this man says while part of his house was destroyed, he's grateful his family survived. natalie pasquarella, "today in new york." >> you can track the forecast, of course, any time with the news 4 new york app. just tap the news 4 logo in the corner. select the weather tab. decision 2016 now. candidates at this point have
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just three months to convince iowa voters to back them at the presidential caucuses. democrats attended the jefferson-jackson dinner in des moines to see the contenders. hillary clinton, bernie sanders, martin o'mall ey were there. sanders criticized hillary clinton for her position on the keystone pipeline. donald trump's support sr. is slipping among iowans. he was taking jabs at the other candidates. bush says trump's comments are a joke. carson says he doesn't take the criticism personally and doesn't consider it worth his time. ben carson has a lot more to say on "meet the press" at 10:30 this morning. parents who want their kids to spend more time learning and less time taking those standardized tests are getting support from the white house. president obama calling on
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testing to 2% of a student's classroom time. he says too many tests cause undue stress for educators and students. no doubt sasha and malia were tugging on his coat tails for this one. the education department is going to make it easier for schools to meet federal standards with fewer tests. john wayne once called her his favorite leading lady. actress maureen o'hara has passed away. she earned the title queen of technicolor technicolor. she received an honorary oscar last year. she died in her sleep at her home in idaho surrounded by friends and family. she was 95 years old. and still ahead on this sunday morning, what do you do if your health insurance is cut short? you getter bet baquero. also, raphael miranda returning with a check of today's forecast. how long that rain is going to stick around.
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listen up new york. there's a new drug out there. and it's trying to destroy our generation. it's called synthetics. . . so, some guy thought it might be a good idea to spray poison on some herbs, and then sell it to you. no, it's not marijuana. it goes by names like k2, spice, rocks. causes hallucinations, rapid heart-beat. vomiting, seizures. and it can kill you the first time you smoke it. we gotta have each other's backs. this is our future. and the future of new york is saying no to synthetics! go to, or call or text the hopeline. [hold music playing] we at time warner cable, need to apologize to you. we no longer offer extended periods of free on hold elevator music when you call us. we're making a bunch of changes at time warner cable. including reducing how long you could wait on hold. now, we'll even call you back at a time that's convenient for you. but for those of you who miss our old on hold music, please check out
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r our greatest hits at r time is 7:40. we're going to go across the street to check in with erica and jeff to find out what's coming up on "weekend today" at 9:00.
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just ahead on "today," we're keeping a close wap tch on the weather. meantime, we're also looking at this new video showing the moment of deadly impact when a suspected drunk driver plowed into a homecoming parade in oklahoma on saturday. heartbreaking story there. also ahead, some incredible video first obtained by nbc news showing that raid on an isis prison that left an american commando dead. sfwlncht and surprising testimony from robin thicke and pharrell williams on their legal battle. plus, game on for pac man and donkey congress. this is what gus does all day when he's not on tv, playing retro video games. they're making a comeback, bringing generations of gamers together. we have those stories and more on a sunday morning. >> it's going to be nice for those guys' gaming nights you and gus have. >> it is nice.
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people finally understand us. >> wonderful to see we're not alone, jeff. we're all in this together. all right. see you in a little bit, guys. thank you very much. all right. raphael joins us now with a look at the forecast. what's your favorite, pac man or donkey congress? >> miss pac man. >> oh, the ladies. they're all good. pac man is my favorite. i never got very far. >> it's still fun. it is a good morning for staying home and playing video games. light rain right now. temperatures in the 50s. 57 degrees, milder than it was yesterday. we have some rain now mainly moving off to the east of new york city. so nassau, suffolk county, and into the hudson valley. let's look at storm tracker. we are tracking a cold front moving through the region on this sunday morning. the rain right now mainly to the east of town. you can see suffolk county, you've been dry until now. the hamptons dealing with rain. also showers in the hudson valley.
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for new york city, the rain has ended for now. it's mostly over already. you can see rain shifting east. union city, ft. lee, jersey city, hoboken all drying out. midtown manhattan, you're dry. there are showers off to the west that may move through over the next hour. fairfield county from stanford towards norwalk, you're dealing with rain along i-95. as we take a wider view, we're not completely done. there are more showers off to the west here. then we see a drying trend across pennsylvania. that's going to be our weather for the afternoon. temperatures are mild. much milder than yesterday at this time. maybe even the heat is off today. 56 in sleepy hollow. temperatures starting out in the 50s. we have low 60s inform ridgeport, farmingdale, and westhampton. the cool spot, 48 degrees in monticello. fall foliage map, the best places are north and west, where you see the red. that's where you have your high color.
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where you see the pink, that's peak. that's the best color this weekend. the afternoon is going to be great for checking that out. going to be a breezy, cool day. great weather for apple picking as well. putnam county, orange county all dealing with peak conditions. sullivan county, too late for you. you're past peak. you'll have to wait until next year before the color returns. past peak conditions now creeping into northern new england as well. football forecast, great weather for the game today. cowboys taking on the giants at home, 4:25. partly cloudy, breezy, and most importantly dry. comfortable, though, with temperatures into the mid-60s. only a light jacket needed as the game goes on. around 10:00 this morning, everything is basically winding down. maybe one or two showers linger, especially to the east of new york city. by 12:00, we start to get sunny breaks to the west of new york city. then sunshine takes over as the day goes on. breezy and delightful with temperatures into the 60s through the afternoon. for today, 66 is your high, above average. once the rain is gone, it turns into a nice day ahead. breezy and dry. overnight tonight, that's when it turns chilly.
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temperatures dropping down to the 40s in the city, 30s in many suburbs north and west of town. still breezy. jackets needed tomorrow morning. temperatures starting out on the cold side. we stay cool for your monday. high temperature of 56 degrees. we are tracking the remnants of return patricia. that could bring us some heavy rain on wednesday and even into wednesday night. you'll want top stay up to date with the news 4 new york app. tap the news 4 logo in the corner, scroll down, and select the weather tab. you can see the latest forecasts, interactive radar, and how to submit your own weather video. the news 4 new york app is available in the app store right now. >> thank you, raphael. whether you're fired or you quit your job, you can temporarily extend your health insurance with this program called cobra. >> but when a long island man's coverage got canceled, he decided you better get baquero. here's lynda. >> reporter: mel gross hated having to tell his son they could no longer afford to let him stay at an out of state
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medical treatment facility. >> he was going to one of the better treatment centers in the country, and now all the sudden he's had to leave that situation and be home now. >> reporter: mel had to make the tough decision when he heard from his insurance company's administrator that he'd been canceled in september, even though he knew his coverage should have lasted 36 months, according to new york state law. and he was only at the 32-month mark. >> i called them and asked why i was canceled. they said the reason is because your last payment was deficient. it turned out my wife had transposed the numbers. >> reporter: mel says he offered to immediately send out a check for the difference, $630, but was told it was too late, the payment was past due. >> reporter: had you received any notice? >> we had not received any notice at all. not that our insurance was canceled through that period or was going to be period or that
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we were deficient in payment. they said they're not required to. >> reporter: and he learned his coverage was canceled as of august 1st, the same month he'd been hospitalized with a heart issue. he dropped the check anyway, hoping they'd reconsider. mel reached out when he realized how much money he'd have to pay for his family's medical needs. >> i was not covered for august and september. they were probably the two most expensive months for me with medical expenses during my whole cobra period. >> reporter: we reached out to the tri-net. they agreed to look into the case. they came back to tell us they can't share details about an individual's medical coverage and that they take these sorts of matters very seriously. the good news, problem solved. they also confirm they have decided to reinstate mel and his family's medical benefits. we are happy that we were able
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to help. lynda baquero, news 4 new york. >> that's huge. that's great. if you're having a problem with a service, call or e-mail our consumer investigative unit. it can be tough for some of those companies. off by a penny, by a day. go llinda. coming up, we're going to introduce you to this week's wednesday's child. and what if you could track your teen's every move when they're behind the wheel?
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it is time now to meet this we can week's wednesday's child. >> joshua is looking for a family to share his passion for life and his passion for video games. here's janice huff. >> bright, full of life. >> and full of ideas. joshua took an interest in all kinds of video games from fantasy -- >> i see the ocean. i'm swimming. >> -- to action. >> get them. >> all this fun inspires him to accomplish one of his own life goals. >> work with video games and create. >> the whole idea of know is open mountain skiing. >> joshua is also into sports. >> basketball, any kind of sports. even lacrosse. >> and he's an ace student in school.
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>> i'm on the regents level. th >> very sociable. very likable. gets along with all his peers. >> like many children in foster care, life hasn't been easy for joshua. >> joshua has had a lot of loss in his life for such a young age. so it's about time he find that forever family. >> a family that can be his opponent while playing video games, but in real life always on team joshua. >> family means to me love, caring, sharing, kind and love. >> janice huff, news 4 new york. >> if you're interested in adopting any of our wednesday's children, contact the new york city children services parent recruitment hotline at 212-676-wish. coming up when "today in new york" returns, would it make you feel better or worse to know how your teen drives when you're not there? we're going to show you how a new tool lets parents keep a close eye on their kids when
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welcome back on a sunday morning. letting your teenager get behind the wheel of a car has to be nerve wrack for any parent. >> don't you know it. but what if you could track exactly what they were doing while they were in the car? would that make it any easier? michael george shows us a new tool that's letting parents do just that. >> reporter: parents, have you
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drives when you're not around? >> i would love to know how fast my child is going for safety reasons. >> reporter: pretty soon, cars will give parents report cards on their teen's driving habits. with r were they driving over the speed limit? were they driving distracted? these are all monitored by the car's teen assist program. click on the report card. your son said, hey, i'm going to visit my friend that's 20 miles away. comes back and it says 36 miles. let's have a conversation. where did you go? we took a test drive of the new system. the report card is just the beginning. the car automatically slows to avoid pedestrians and steers them back on track if they're veering off the road. if a teen isn't wearing a seat belt, it won't let them play music or sync up their phone. >> audio is muted until all seat belts are fastened. once i put on my seat belt, the music comes on. >> reporter: car crashes are the number one killer of teenagers,
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with distracted driving being the leading cause. chevy is planning on rolling it out on more vehicles in the future. but aaa believes it could be standard soon for all cars. >> we think teens, knowing they're being monitored, will help to reinforce good driving behavior. >> reporter: there's definitely some concern from parents about whether this amounts to spying on their kids. but people we spoke with said they would try it. >> i think it's very important. whether it be for teens or even seniors as well. >> reporter: michael george, news 4 new york. >> i'm down. >> i bet you are. mom's watching. >> that's right. coming up, a check of the forecast plus our top stories. >> including this live coverage. >> reporter: i'm sheldon dutes live in east harlem with more on a police investigation that could affect your morning commute. details straight ahead when
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it's great to look back at all your family's milestones. and birthdays happen only once a year. getting the flu could make you miss the party. don't let the flu don't let the flu achew! take you out of the picture. get a flu shot today and encourage your loved ones to get one too. now's the best time - and the best protection against the flu. flu season can least through may. to learn more about the flu, visit vachew!
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now on "today in new york," police shutting down parts of major roadway here in the city as officers search for a weapon used in the murder of one of their own. plus two, men gunned down as they leave a house party in queens. we have the latest on the investigation. and we're watching the weather as patricia dissipates over mexico. the remnants of that storm could pummel the gulf coast, which has already been swamped from weekend rain. good morning, and welcome to "today in new york" on this sunday morning. glad you have us in for news.
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i'm pat battle. >> i'm gus rosendale. >> stole your line. >> the rain we're seeing this morning is something raphael miranda is tracking. >> good morning. just a cold front moving through this morning. very light showers out there right now. we are waking up to a different scenario than yesterday. waking up to light rain, especially east of new york city. we have a drying breeze moving in by this afternoon. conditions improving hour by hour. there is a rain threat, significant rain threat, much-needed rain on the way as we head towards the middle of the week. here's a live look at storm tracker. you can see that rain mainly to the east of new york city. also, showers now in the hudson valley. most of it light to moderate. not a heavy downpour. that's good news. it's still some rain we're dealing with right now. lots of clouds in the city. showers off to the east. mild 57 degrees already. that's a major change from yesterday at this time. it was chilly. no chill to deal with today.
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drier through the rest of the day. 66, breezbreezy, and a nice afternoon shaping up with sun and clouds. we'll take a look at the heavy rain threat later this week. that's in your full forecast in a few. pat and gus, over to you. new this morning, within the hour, parts of the fdr drive are going to be shut down as investigators search for the gun that that deadly shooting of nypd officer randolph holder. >> the closure will be in both directions between 96th and 132nd streets. sheldon dutes joins us now from east harlem with what's happening now. >> reporter: pat and gus, that investigation expected to get started in about a half hour or so. we've already seen some members of the nypd and detectives gathered here along this stretch of the fdr. it will be shut down from 8:30 to 10:30 this morning as crews comb the area. as the nypd continues its investigation into the shooting death of officer randolph holder, both strangers and loved
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ones are remembering his life and legacy. last night police officers and members of the community and officer holder's family gathered for a candle light vigil in richmond hill to honor the officer who died working in a career he loved. >> it was his dream, and he was always happy, always with a smile on his face. >> just show more respect to the cops because i see cops from a different side now. >> reporter: police have arrested career criminal tyrone howard. he's 30 years old, and he has been charged in officer holder's death. we want to show you another live look at what's happening here on the scene. you can see some of the detectives. they've got their dry erase boards set up. they are making their way down the pedestrian path along here, along the fdr. again, it will be shut down until about 10:30 this morning so they can conduct their search. pat and gus, officer holder's
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wednesday at the greater allen ame church in queens. reporting live in east harlem, sheldon dutes, "today in new york." >> sheldon, thank you. also new this morning, a party in queens ends in gunfire. investigators are now searching for the gunman who shot two men as they left that party in bayside. both men were taken to the hospital. their condition is not being released. a prayer vigil is planned today for a new jersey mother who was found murdered in the driveway of her own home. the community vigil for suzanne bardzell will be held until wharton dike park this afternoon. she was a special education teacher and was fatally stabbed in her car at her home in midland park on thursday. her ex-boyfriend, arthur lomando, a former nypd officer, is facing charges. we're now learning more about that tragedy at the oklahoma state homecoming where people were mowed down by a car. >> we need a bunch of help. we have a car in the crowd up here. >> four people are now dead, and they include a 2-year-old boy
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more than 40 other victims, many of them children, were hurt in stillwater. that's where a car steered through a police barrier and went down a busy street. a 25-year-old is now charged with drunk driving. >> heard one story of people lifting the car up of the lady who ran over the people, lifting it up and helping people be pulled out from under that and helping those who had been injured, taking them in their car to hospitals. >> a moment of silence was observed before oklahoma state's winning game against kansas. later today, grief counselors will be on campus. in manhattan, protesters rallied against police brutality. hundreds of people marched through the streets from washington square park to bryant park. organizers with the group called rise up october are calling for action against officers involved in the fatal shootings of unarmed civilians. while many of those protesters are angry, they say retaliating
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>> that disturbs me tremendously. that shouldn't happen. that's not accomplishing anything. they're not doing anything that's going to help our cause at all. people need to rise above that. >> there were similar marches in a dozen other cities across the u.s., including los angeles. and investigators say the fire that destroyed an historic new jersey synagogue was accidental. the flames broke out friday on the first floor of the synagogue in new brunswick. then they spread through all three floors of that building. we're told that a rabbi raced into the building, saved one of the sacred torah scrolls before the roof collapsed. >> it was unbelievable. as the flames were going up, he ran in to get some of the scrolls and ran out with it. he actually gave it to me to hold, and he told me as he was running out, there were more in there. i was asking him if he wanted know go in with him to grab more. he said that the ceiling was collapsing and they wouldn't let him back into the building. >> right now investigators are still trying to figure out how
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that fire started in this 90-year-old landmark. and teams are on the ground in mexico assessing the damage left behind after patricia. >> we have here this morning time-lapse images showing the system as it slammed into the country's coast. here's that video. also, a separate system has prompted flood watches from texas into louisiana. >> the lone star state seeing dangerous flooding, getting more than 18 inches of rain in the last three days. >> reporter: flooding so powerful a freight train overturned when the tracks became submerged near coriscana, texas. more than 18 inches of rain turned roads into rivers, shutting down part of interstate 45. many drivers scared to see the flood water rising. >> the car was being pushed by the wind, and the rain was so heavy. we cannot even see, and we can't control the car. >> reporter: first responders could barely keep up with the calls for help. >> i have a female and her 3-year-old daughter.
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she's advising that the water is in her vehicle. >> i've never seen it like this. i couldn't begin to tell you how many high-water rescues we performed today and how many stranded motorists. >> reporter: travelers off the roads are dealing with delays as several flights were canceled. now the focus shifts to san antonio, houston, and the texas coast as the remnants of tropical system patricia pound the region this weekend. leftovers from a system that started as a major concern and ended as a major relief. the category 5 hurricane plowed into mexico, losing a little steam but still packing 165-mile-an-hour winds, a record for the country's pacific coast. >> the windows started to get foggy. >> reporter: the storm's strongest punches landed south of puerto vallarta, taking down trees and flooding neighborhoods. this man says while part of his house was destroyed, he's grateful his family survived. natalie pasquarella, "today in new york." >> and you can track the forecast, of course, any time, anywhere with the news 4 new
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york app. just tap that news 4 logo in the corner and select the weather tab. let's get the latest on decision 2016 now. iowa voters caucus on their choice for a presidential candidate in three months. last night in des moines, democrats went to the annual jefferson-jackson dinner. they all delivered their pitches. this is where president obama's speech in 2007 was seen as a favorable game changer for him. meantime, among republicans, donald trump once again jabbing at his fellow candidates. he criticized jeb bush's management skills for scaling back on campaign workers. trump also said dr. ben carson has super low energy. bush says trump's comments are a joke and carson points out he's a neurosurgeon with enough energy to spend 18 hours in the operating room. ben carson has a lot more to say when i had he appears on "meet the press" at 10:30 this morning. president obama agrees with parents who say their kids spend
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way too much time taking standardized tests at school. so he wants to limit testing to 2% of a student's time in the classroom. the president says more time should be spent learning. the education department is going to make it easier for schools to meet federal standards without constant tests. after the break, inside the raid. exclusive video of the hostage rescue at an isis prison that left a u.s. commando dead. and cloudy and mild outside right now. tracking rain off to the east. then a big chill moves in overnight tonight. we'll tell you who will see the coldest temperature coming up in
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my name is amanda and i smoked while i was pregnant. my baby was born two months early and weighed only three pounds. this is the view i had of her in the nicu. my tip to you is speak into the opening so your baby can hear you better. you can quit. talk with your doctor. for more help call
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welcome back on a sunday morning. looking a little overcast. not ominous. >> just gray. >> it's soft. >> and not going to stick around for too much longer. not a washout. people getting up shouldn't be down and out. >> it's helping us wake up slowly today. the afternoon gets better. by then, you'll be fine, and the sun will be out. you can deal with it then. we're expecting improving conditions through the day today. a couple showers still moving through this morning. you can see we have some wet roadways out there. nothing major, but just a little bit of rain and drizzle around the tri-state. dry in the city right now. that could change. we're tracking rain off to the west. let's get to the radar and show you what's going on this morning on this sunday. you can see some rain off to the north. dry patch in the city right mow. also rain across suffolk county.
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with rain in the hudson valley. also along i-95 f you're heading north along connecticut, you can see norwalk, darion, and greens farms all have showers right along i-95 there. showers in suffolk county. breaks around the city. a little more rain to get through over the next hour or two. i think by 10:00 we're kind of in the clear here in the city. a little longer across long island. right now temperatures in the low 50s. not as chilly as yesterday at all. yesterday probably needed the winter jackets in the morning. now it's much lighter. you need a light spring jacket. temperatures in the upper 50s around the city. 57 in central park. 48, the coolest we could find in monticello. football weather later today, looks great for the cowboys taking on the giants at home. 4:25, get ready for that game. temperatures comfy in the 60s throughout the afternoon. by then, definitely lots of sunshine. it will be breezy, but it will be dry. great weather for the game out there. you can see on future tracker
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around 10:00 this morning, everything is quieting down over the next couple hours. looks pretty good. even by 10:00, most of the rain is over. by lunchtime, we see sunshine and clouds. the clearing trend continues through the afternoon. by 3:00, 4:00 p.m., lots of sun in westchester and rockland counties. breezy breezy with temperatures in the 60s. temperatures drop off tomorrow. this is 7:00 a.m. it's bright but it's cold. as you're heading home tomorrow, keeping it dry. that's the good news. but it stays chilly with temperatures only into the 50s tomorrow. today it's good. 66 for your high. breezy and drier as the day goes on. look at that low. turning chilly tonight, down to 43 in the city. 30s in many suburbs under mostly clear skies. the seven-day forecast has a stretch of cool fall weather starting tomorrow. 56 and sunny for your monday. up to 59 on tuesday. looking good there as well.
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next chance for rain, significant rain on wednesday from the remnants of hurricane patricia. could get a good soaking downpour. over an inch of rain possible. we need it with the drought. stay up to date with the changes over the next few days with the news 4 new york app. tap the news 4 logo in the corner and slek elect the weather tab. the news 4 new york app for iphone is available in the app store right now. >> thank you. now an nbc news exclusive. we've obtained dramatic new body camera video of this week's hostage rescue mission at an isis prison. >> a u.s. commando was killed in that raid. we bring you the story from richard engel. >> reporter: the footage appears to show the joint u.s. kurdish raid on an isis prison in iraq last week. it was obtained by the arab 24 news agency. it says from kurdish military officials. amid the sounds of gunfire, the hostages emerge, terrified and barefoot.
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their hands held up to show they're unarmed. bullet holes in the wall suggest there had been a gunfight. a voice in arabic, apparently from the rescuers, yells for the hostages to keep moving. they do in filthy prison gowns. some appear stained in blood as they move to safety. the commandos inspect another room with a large isis flag. what sounds like american voices can be heard. an adjacene hallway is lined with what look like prison cells. the troops move with skill and have american-made weapons. much is not shown in the footage, including the moment when american mather sergeant joshua wheeler from the top secret delta force was shot. a senior u.s. military official told us he is aware of the footage and that the successful rescue of the hostages is
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testament to sergeant wheeler's dedication and sacrifice. still, critics will question what american troops were doing there in the first place. richard engel, nbc news, istanbul. and coming up, the knicks' corner. >> we're going to talk to knicks legend john starks with a preview.
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new york knicks tip off
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here for a preview is knicks' legend john starks. i want to get your perspective as a superstar in this town when it comes to sports. we have such a diversified sports town. we don't have one basketball team, a bunch of basketball teams. same for hockey and baseball. when one makes a run for a championship, like the mets are right now, what happens, do you think, to the fan base in new york city? even if you root for another team or another type of sport? what do you think goes on in terms of the vibe? >> it seems like the city gets electric. i think everybody is pulling for that particular team. it's great to see the mets, you know, here in the world series. the world series is going to be played here in new york. i think everybody is pulling for them. >> what do you think is unique, as you talk to colleagues in other towns, what is unique about new york fans? >> just their knowledge. their knowledge and their passion for the sport, whatever sport it may be. baseball, football, basketball,
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it's just the passion that the fans have inside of them. and they root for their teams, good or bad. i think that's a lot to say about the fans of new york. >> tough crowd sometimes? >> oh, yeah. but fair. very knowledgeable of the game. you respect their opinion. >> how do you think the knicks are going to do this year? you've been watching the preseason? >> i love what i see. i love what i see. i think you see a team that's together. i think you see a team that can play any different style of basketball you want to play. they're big. they got good quickness. i'm excited about what this team can do this year. >> i know you have a good relationship with them as you work as an ambassador for the team. how are they in the locker room? you can be great on the coward, but if you're not gelling in the looker room zsh. >> well, you hit the nail on the head. you have to have a good bond between your teammates.
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this team, just talking to carmelo, you know, he likes what he sees. he's excited about this year. everybody gets along. everybody's pulling for one another. i remember during the time that i played, that's what we had. we had that closeness on and off the court. this team seems to have that already. >> you've always been a fan favorite. a lot of your work now is doing outreach to getting fans -- getting in touch with them. there's some events coming up in the next couple days. tell us about those. >> we have a few events coming up, especially at garden, to get the fans motivated this season. we actually have -- i'm leaving from here today to go to columbia for the knicks's open practice, which is going to go off at 9:30 this morning. so we want fans to come out and participate.
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refurbishment of the court. roy wilkins park in queens. we just did heavy d park up in mt. vernon yesterday. it's a lot of fun. >> why is that so important to reach out to the kids? >> that's what the knicks' organization is about. it's about community, lending a helping hand. we do a program, basketball in the boroughs. we go doubt and go out and do things like this. our number one goal is to give back to kids, give them the same opportunity i had, to play basketball and play in a safe environment. we want to make sure that we do all we can because community gives so much to us in their support. >> you're a hero to so many kids. if a little kid comes up to you and says, i want to be you some day, obviously huge compliment. what do you say in return? >> i tell them to work very hard at it, but also make sure you
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understand there are millions of other kids who want to do what you want to do. make sure you have a back-up plan in the holster. >> there you go. all right, john. thank you very much. john sparks, appreciate it. go knicks. we'll be right back with your seven-day forecast. you're watching "today in new york." team starts practice today. coach called to see how i was doing. i blew out my knee last year. just as college football programs began calling me. i didn't realize i'd get hooked on the pain pills the doctor gave me. i never thought my life could change so fast. for now at least, football and college are going to have to wait. don't let addiction sideline
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party on, people. blinds to go's 60th anniversary sale is back... plus 1! celebrate when you buy one get one at half price off the entire store. blinds. shades. sunscreens. the entire store! 'cause the older we get, the more you save. that's just how we roll.
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and happening today, gracie mansion will open its doors to the public during an open house. the mansion's been closed to the public for renovations since the de blasios moved in more than a year ago. recently news 4 visited for an exclusive first look at roughly 50 new works of art there. they were added during the closure. public tours resume on the 10th of november. and we're a week away. if you're looking for costume ideas for halloween, these disguised dogs may give you some ideas. >> yes, they and their owners showed off some very creative halloween spirit in the east village yesterday during the 25th annual dog parade. this is a favorite. they're circus dogs. three of them. they put on a mini circus act. an elephant and the lion. oh, very cute. and the clown. all donations from the parade help to maintain that dog run year round. talented. and we want to meet dolly the elephant.
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no, not the pop group. this pachyderm actually pummels pumpkins as a run up to halloween. >> oh, they stuffed it with stuff for her. this is the denver zoo, part of the holiday boo at the zoo celebration. the pumpkin is actually her trick-or-treat gift because it filled with all her favorite tasty goodies. >> no candy. more like kale or something. >> yeah, for an elephant, that's a good time. you can see it behind us. >> as we speak, live on tv, the lens being covered by rain. there's your radar picture. there's rain falling. it's lying rain, but you can see rain nonetheless. we have those showers moving through. it will dry out into the afternoon. in fact, we'll see sunshine on that same camera shot later today. high temperatures are way up compared to yesterday. we have 66 is your high. relatively mild and breezy. the rain should be ending around 10:00 at the latest.
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by noon on eastern long island.
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