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tv   News 4 New York at 6  NBC  October 21, 2015 6:00pm-6:30pm EDT

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continues. we are learning much more about the suspect who was wanted on a warrant who was wanted for chuting a rival drug dealer last month. last night he picked up a gun again but this time h had his sights set on a veteran cop. in this exclusive surveillance video uncovered by 4 investigates you can see a man believed to be tyrone howard peddling down 120th street trying to make his getaway after st mealing a bike. police are in ot pursuit. they first responded to gang gun fire on a rooftop. minutes later more shots, this time on the top of a walk way where officer holder and his farther never confronted howard. >> it was an exchange of gunfire between the male suspect a the two officers. during this exchange officer holder was struck in the head. >> at first we were like, it's so many, that can't be gunshots. it turns out it was. >> reporter: the news 4 iteam exclusively obtained this cell
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phone video showing the massive response to shooting. >> it looked like literally all hands were on deck to the st rategic response group to machine guns, guys, dogs. they had their jackets on. they just rushed out. >> reporter: holder was rushed to harlem hospital buld buh could not be saved. howard is a career criminal and ha vs repeatedly served time in prison. police nabbed him four blocks north. crime screen investigators worked through the night and all day today searching for the murder wea n and recovering other critical evidence including a .40 shell casing. >> there's numerous video evidence, witnesses, physical evidence, dna evidence that we're combing through to establish a case with the manhattan district attorney's office. very howard is expected to be charged with murder. right now he is at the 25th precinct being placed in lineups. live from east harlem, sarah wallace, new 4 new york.
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as you just heard sarah mention, the criminal is a career criminal with a long rap ssset. the 30-year-old has 16 prior felony arrests in new york. most for drug dealing. he's been in and out of prison. he had active words out for his arrest. most recently he was being sought as a suspect in a shooting of a ronal drug dealer. >> how does a major drug dealer who's been arrested 16 times since the age of 13 get sent to a drug diversion program instead of prison. th 's the question on everybody's mind including commissioner police chief bratton. melissa? >> sibila, actually it's a three-way finger-pointing fight right now. price say if only the judge or the d.a. had asked, they would havehstated the obvious, that
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the suspect was part of a violent drug gang and simply had to be in prison. the d.a.'s office said they knew that and asked for prison time, but the judge just didn't listen. the court says the judge put the suspect into drug diversion because he qualified under the law. >> the perpetrator involved here was obviously a hardened violent criminal and should not have been on the streets. >> reporter: it was the message of the day from a mayor who has ntspent more time talking about keeping people out of jail than putting them in jail, but today city hall said given tyrone howard's rap sheet, he never should have been walking the street. today the iteam learned howard had ten prior convictions and 16 prior felony arrests, mostly for drug dealing, including his most recent arrest on october 10th of 2014. court sources say in january whil yee in jail, howard tested positive for drugs and applied
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alternative to incarceration intended for drug addicts. they insist he met the criteria and was released on $35,000 bail. he entered a guilty plea and showed up for all of his appointments until late august urwhen he stopped participated. days later on september 1st, police say he was involved in a police shooting. >> he's a poster boy for not being diverted. >> court off ials say diversion programs aue allowed under state law and howard was a good candidate. they say even if judge edward mclachlin had not signed off, tyrone howard still could vn v been freed after making bay. >> reporter: moments after point as finger at the courts and the d.a.s, the iteam saw them giving a hug as they discussed privately the situation where
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in a public statement d.a. vance said -- governor a rew cuomo blamed weak gun lay laws in other states but said other factors may be playing a role in what seems like a spike in fatal new york shootings. >> it's never one fact and it's very often a con luence of events. i'm sure eople can tplk about the failures in our probation system and parole system and re?-entry system. >> the governor also said today that sometimes criminals come out of jail worse thain go in, but as for tyrone howard's latest drug time, he wasn't in jail at all and a city is left to wonder why. >> indeed, melissa, thank you. the death of new york's finest is one of those all-too
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they lined up to pay respects to their fallen brother officer as the body was transported to a funeral home in queens. far rockaway is where holder's family lives. greg krer goal is outside the home. greg? >> reporter: it's become a long day of raw emotions and what's hanppened the last 24 hours driven home just a short time ago when officer holder's body arrived at a funeral home just a few miles from his family's home. faces etched with silent grief, mayor de blasio and commissioner police chief bratton. but earlier a childhood friend let her grief erupt. officer holder's dad met reporters with a heavy heart of his own, calling his son a good fun-loving citizen who always wanted to be a cop and had his whole life ahead of him.
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on a house i the next month in valley stream but all of that was a dream. >> reporter: gone, too, was his son's edpected promotion to dee.tective. officer holder was a third generation cop following in the footsteps of his father and grandfather who were police officers in guyana. >> he wanted to serve his country and he wanted to serve his community and he served with distinction. >> reporter: the pastor of the holders' church in far rockaway saatys this family is well known in the community and the pain of officer hold 'eers death is being felt here. >> when will it stop? >> reporter: those words were echoed from this young woman who's known officer holder since high school in guyana. she said she was texting with him the night before the shooting. >> we came here to serve, to make ourselves proud, make
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i think today randolph's life like every other life matters. >> and tonight nypd officers remain with the family. holder senior said simply he should be put to death. we're in far rockaway tonight. greg cergol, nbc 4 news, new york. they've been bringing candles and flowers to the east harlem police station. nesheldon dutes has more. >> reporter: in the last few minutes ministers have arrived outside the police presingts for prayer. they wanted to make sure that all of these officers who work here and that hold 'eers family
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>> reporter: black and purple bunting adorned the entrance of the police station where officer randolph holder worked here in east harlem. underneath the bunting michael parker tried to explain officer holder's death to his 5-year-old son. >> my son wants to be a police officer, so the best way i can tell him what happened, he wanted to go see it. he said he wanted to pay his respects. >> reporter: why do you want to be a police officer? that because i love police officers. >> reporter: they're embracing the officers that protect them day in and day out. mourners dropped off food and coffee. they lit candles and placed flowers outside of the police station to honor officer holder. >> we stand with the nypd and we always stand with them. we pray that god will always protect them. that's our prayer every day, every night. >> you get really emotional because they're just people. >> the first thing he said was blue lives matter.
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>> reporter: he hopes to protect and honor the men and women who keep their neighborhood safe. >> i'm frt fr. the community, i live here. live in wagner houses, agree up here. i don't want my son to think everything is negative we have to come to a middle ground. >> reporter: in addition to the bunting you see hanging over the entrance of the police station and the growing memorial that continues to expand throughout the day today, there's also been a tremendous outpouring of love and support on social media as well. we're live in east harlem tonight, sheldon dutes, news 4 new york. >> sheldon, thank you. stay with news 4 as this story progresses throughout the evening and remember you can alrbways get updates any time on and the news 4 new york app. more suspects charged w h the murder of the hazing death. and a sad end for a whale off long island. what authorities think killed it.
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>> reporter: the world series is just around the corner. first the mets have to try and take care of business tonight against the cubs in the nlcs. a big preview of game 4 is coming up later in sports. and we've got some warm temperatures to enjoy right now, but how long will they last? we'll have the full forecast for
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five expects face hazing charges in the death of a hous g student. chung michael deng dade two yewnars ago in pocono as he pledged to a fra tern i. police say the men abused him
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during a hazing ritual and triedleto cover it up. the last suspects will be arraigned tomorrow. when disaster strikes, connecticut wants to be ready. that's why they simulated a response to a tornado touching down. this is the second one this month. the state has previously simulated hurricanes and major winter ice storms to test their responses. well, coming up when news 4 at returns, we talk to mets fans wh lo are hoping their first world
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here at humana,
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when something works, people stick with it. more people stick with humana medicare advantage. because we stick with them. humana medicare advantage.
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coming up on the "nbc nightly news." >> we're going to take a close look at the conversations started by representative paul ryan. he's being prepared to rub. he wants to have a discussion about work-life balance. he wants to spend more time with his kids. >> it's really interesting.
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we often hear women talking about that. it we've heard about it with women. >> we're going to look at why dads of all kinds are still facing heat for wanting to spend more time with their families when we see you in just a few minutes. >> thanks a lot, lester. authorities say a dead whale spotted offshore suffered blunt force trauma. >> marine experts believe a boat may have hit it but it will take several weeks to figure out exactly what caused the whale's death. it is a seventh whale to wash up in new york this year. time for the weather and here's dave price. >> nice to see you, folks. 68 degrees. we're cooling off a bit. let's take a look out and see what the evening holds for us. look at those colors. a gorgeous e ning in new york city. and lovely nditions. the empire state building lit up in blue to honor the fallen police officer which you heard about at the top of our ashow.
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68 degeees as we mentioned. cooler conditions as we head inonto the evening hours. here is a look at the weather headlines for the night. we're winning the weather loatttery. we've done so for the past couple of days. we'll do it again tomorrow with temperatures in the 70s. but it's all going to be a memory soon enough. not a lot of precipitation, though, ahead in the ext seven days or even beyond that. let's flip the camera right now and move onto the maps and see what's happening out and about, shall we? 63 in sheephead's bay. 66 in elmer and f 5 in staten island. we widen ould the picture. it's been a nice warm day for just about everything. remember a short while ago we were talking about places in the teens lik monticello and poughkeepsie? not so anymore. poughkeepsie got up to 80 degrees. we've gone up 30, 35 degrees and
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now we're going to slide back 18 to 20 degrees in the nft 48 hours. look at it as we map it out for you. 50 is the high on sunday all the way up to 76 today, 74 tomorrow as we drop into e 650s we chl 60s. it's passing through chicago which is why we have a chance for a spot shower. whether we used brooms or mops, let's sweep up as the first pitch is thrown at 8:07. for us right here on the east coast in new york city and the tri-state area, 57 degrees shhoould be the low temperature. mostly clear to partly cloudy s the evening progresses. we'll see some clouds roll on in, but comfortable conditions to open up the window just a touch tonight. 74 tomorrow. it's the cotton sweater day. even milder. winds are going to begin to pop on up and as we head to the next 48 hours we'll see that front begin to pass through. aornalight chance of a shower as we head into thursday evening. we'll keep it in the forecast.
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but i think it's slight. sunday, a better chance of showers as a stronger front moves through with a little more moisture in it. then we're back into the 60s for the weekend and that's how we ride it into next week as well. but not a lot of rain i the forecast and that makes our drought situation harder and harder to dig out of. >> it does indeed. we've all been talking about the baseball and tonight could be a big night for mets fans. >> that's right. a win tonight could mean a trip to the world series. news 4's john chandler is live in midtown where he's been talking to fans. john? >> reporter: that's right. here at the mets clubhouse in midtown they're ready to get the merchandise on the shelves. when is a word they should reserve using until they get the next win. >> i'm still rehavering from 2006. >> you're still up three games to none though. >> don't want to -- you remember
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>> i can't wait for the ticker tape parade. >> that's putting the cart before the horse. >> no, they're going to do it. >> do you think the mets will win the world series? >> they do it because they have 4. >> 4 being noah singer guard. i love her optimism. on these sidewalks i heard a cubs ian, brave soul from chicago who said his hopes are admittedly fading. >> i don't know. down 3-0 but i bet they're going come back. >> what to you think will happen when you say "go cubs" on the streets of new york? >> probably get punched. >> reporter: he did not get punched i will vouch for that. they feel sorry for the cubs
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live in midtown, john chandler, "news 4 new york." thanks so much. up next, bruce beck live from chicago. >> reporter: sibila, the mets are, oh, so close. they're one win away from the fall classic. coming up in sports, the amazen't amazant amazants try to put away the cubs. we're live at wrigley field where the drama continues to
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the centers for medicare and medicaid services recently asked patients to rate the quality of over 3,500 hospitals. t fewer than 10% received 5 stars. r among them was cancer treatment centers of america in philadelphia.
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thanks so much. where the drama continues to thanks so much. where the drama continues to >> reporter: here are the facts. the mets lead the cubs three games to none in the nlcs. the mets are just one win away from going to the world series
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daniel murphy tries to homer for the sixth consecutive game. but you know what? they say winning the clinching game of the playoff series is always the to hest. still the mets are like a run away locomotive right now. they're 6-2 ie the postseason d have won four straight games. and they've got the cub s s who won 97 game this year daze and confused. here's manager terry collins just moments ago with his mets amazing. >> don't look at tomorrow. let's get this over now. let's go out there and play our game. let's go home. go. we even got to win this game. again, i think we have enough power to come back. our bull pen' s well rested. if something happens, we've certainly got enoughedrms to keep us in the game. we're all attendive to tonight and tonight only. >> reporter: the man who will
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nablts is 24-year-old left-hander steven matz. the stony brook native is making his first ever appearance at the friendly confines. >> i think it's going to be a lot of fun. i've never been here before, never played here before, never even see a fan before. i'm really excited. i heard these fans are great. it's great ball park. a lot of history here, so it's going to e fun. >> reporter: the mets have plenty of fans here in chicag'ro. and before the game, hey gather at merkel's bar and grill, which is owned by a guy from connecticut. it's a place where transplanted new yorkers get ready to cheer on their team in enemy territory. >> i said, hey, ou know what? there's got to be a bunch of mets fans in chicago. i got them all together and here we are. >> makes you miss a little bit of new york, but chicago is the second new york. >> how cool is this seeing your mets in chicago to face their
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>> dream come true. dream come true. >> i actually just move heard friday. my last night in new york was when they clinched the nlds. so the mets followed me here. >> what does it mean to be a mets fan in the windy city? >> it's great. it's finally paid off. >> reporter: only one in the history of baseball has connell back from a it 3-0 deficit to capture the series that. was the red sox in 2004 over the yankees. the mets are too hot right now to even think about it. i think they sweep t he cubs tonight, win it 4-2, and i would expect david wrigh t and cespedes to figure in the offense. chuck and sibila, we might have brooms going in the windy city. >> the last prediction you made was right on, so let's go. that's good. >> i think the cubs are playing with a connection, don't you? >> i think so. >> a little rocky from the live shot. >> pulling on that cord. that's not going to change the outcome.
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>> by the way, showers?
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