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tv   Saturday Today in New York  NBC  October 17, 2015 9:00am-9:30am EDT

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a good saturday morning to you. a live look at the gwb. clear skies for miles just about everywhere in the tri-state area. the big weather story taking shape, cooler temperatures than
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>> but it's seasonable, so it's to be expected. we had a good run. you know, the times they are a-changing. let's ask rafael miranda what's in the forecast. >> summer is over, folks, that's what it boils down to. temperatures in the 50s throughout the weekend and our first freeze of the season on the way. u can see on storm tracker very quiet right now. temperatures in the 40s. it's chilly. we stay in the 50s today. up to 56 in westfield, 55 in hempstead. the winds up to 20 miles an hour. that will give you an extra chill of the day. up to 51 lake carmel, 52 in madison, 53 on the engineer shee jersey shore. then tonight, 35 in smithtown. look at somers, millbrook, liberty, sparta, all at or below freezing.
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those are the spots for the freeze warning. take your plants inside. and 36 your low temserature in bellmore. a rm-upcoming up in in just a few. we'll learn more bout a shooting that left a 12-year-old girl fighting for her life. >> the girl was hit by a stray bullet standing in her home. >> we have sheldon weoh the latest. she would sheldon? >> reporter: that 12-year-old girl an innocent bystander when that suspect was involved in that shooting. you can see where the bullet came through. that bullet hit her in the head, critically injuring her. her parents were in the next room. they were not hurt. they were in the hospital with her through the nighew she fights to su evrvive that
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detectives stayed on the scene for hours after this, searching for any clues that might shed light on this tragic shooting. soyt far there are very few leads. >> there are no suspects at this time. it is a single shot, we determined, that came from the front, from the street in fr t of that location. >> reporter: again, this shooting happened around 5:00 p.m. yesterday, broad daylight. so there is a very good chance that someone on this block might have seen the shooter at some point in the afternoon. pat and gus, that's why detectives and police are asking anyone who might have any helpful information to call crimestoppers to anonymously submit any helpful tips. that's the latest live here in hempstead. i'm sheldon dutes here in new york. thank you for the update. an unthinkable tragedy in the bronx is leaving a community trying to comprehend what happened.
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people's children dropped her own baby from a sixth floor arm- apartment window. she ran a licensed daycare from her home, passed a background check. people who trusted her with their children say they're stumped. >> i was in no fear at all for her watching my child. >> she was a very loving person, very caring. always had her kids with her. she never went nowhere without her kids, and it's just a sad tragedy what happened. reporter: witnesses say before the incident, feron was naked and screaming, god help us. her other children were placed in foster care and she now aces murder charges in the death of her daughter. new this morning, police are investigating a fatal fire in queens that broke out inside an apartment on 90th avenue in jamaica. police found a 28-year-old woman with burns all over her body. she was pronounced dead at the scene. the investodation is ongoing. and a homeless woman is
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accused f slashing an nypd officer in a q ens park. police said an off-duty officer was walking her dog in cunning ham park when a suspect tried to steal her purse. she slashed th e fficer on t neck in a scuffle. 55-year-old marendo was arrested. police are searching for a rapist who attacked a jog ger twice. a 38-year-old woman who was jogging in cove island park yesterday when an attacker threatened her with a knife. he first taek attacked her off the track and then dragged her to the water where he attacked her again. lamar odom woke up from his coma and gave a thumbs up to his estranged wife khloe kardashian who has been by his side since he was found unconscious at that brothel in nevada. he also gave her a thumbs up and
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said, hey, bae. he's also no longer using a breathing tube and he appareny suffered one stroke and serious damage to his vital organs after his apparent drug overdose at thede love ranch in nevada. the mayor's visit comes after violence on the rise. yesterday they killed four palestinians, including one who described himself as a journalist and stabbed a soldiet. we're told the soldier survived the attack. they called an emergency meeting to discuss the situation, and right now troops are maintaining road blocks in and around our neighborhoods. in the philippines, people who live in flood-prone areas are being urged to evacuate to get out of that area as a typhoon hits that coast. typhoon coppell is packing 100-mile-an-hour winds and heavy rains. officials are expecting massive oods and landslides as well.
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they say 700 people are going to be in need of assistance after that storm passes through. it could take several days to reopen a highway that was closed because of a massive dslide. yeah, call 911, that cell phone video showing a river of mud swallowing up a highway. look at the cars just floating in that water in the mojave desert. it sent mud and debris down onto highway 78. many trapped under several feet of mud there. >> we saw a mountain of boulderst and dirt and stuff coming right for us, and it pretty much lifted my car up and spun us around like it was nothing. >> several truckers and a lot of car drivers abandoned their vehicles. nobody was seriously hurt, though, in all that flooding and on those mudslides. this weekend, soaring into
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us airways has made its final flight, the carrier officially merging with american airlines today. travel experts are warning if you're flying on american today, give yourself extra time to check in. there could be a little confusion as final elements of that merger take effect. us airways' final flight took off fr irom philadelphia to san francisco. the flight number 1939, the year the company was founded. in news for your health this morning, a controversial drug billed as the female viagra is going to hit pharmacy shelves today. addyi earned approval from the fda back in august. the little pink pill is designed to treat low libido in women. it comes with a special warning, though, to avoid alcohol while on that medication because of a possible dangerous drop in blood pressure. still ahead on "today in new york," a truce in the air b&b battle. >> we'll tell you how troops
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plan to cash in. we'll be back with rafael miranda with a check of today's forecast. you're watching "today in new york." why let someone else have all the fun? the sometimes haphazard, never boring fun. thi e why can't it smell like this all the time fun. the learning the virtue of sharing
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why let someone else have all tan fun? that's no fun. unleash the power of dough.
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. >> it's also his home, an office, the other units he controls, and he tells me he's more than happy airbnb has worked it deal with jersey city. yes, he'll have to pay a 6% hoontel tax, but he was worried ab t the alternative, a new york city-type crackdown. >> there was some concern. i watched what happened to new york city. >> as in new york, hotels here pushed back against the deal, according to the mayor, but taxing units like those of damiriz' should add a million dollars a year to city revenue.
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>> i can't speak for anybody, but i'm in agreement with all the technical changes that are happening are all beneficial when you figure out how to control them. >> jersey city and other we gb-based developments, the concept of sharing is increasingly popular. for airbnb, its deal with jersey city, the first in the tri-state, maybe just the start. >> we're eager to work with city leaders anywhere and everywhere who want to help bring home shararing to their towns. >>my for ed damiriz, it's certain het. can stay in business, even though new york may not be ready to embrace airbnb units. >> there are thousands of hotels that are here, and i know with the lobbying and everything else, they'll try to withhold and keep people from doing what i'm doing. >> reporter: we reached out to the hotel industry here. thhre was no response. new york is unique in so many ways, and there is no indication at is happening here can or
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will be replicated in the bod apple. but airbnb is clearly excited it has ined a foothold here across the hudson river. in jersey city, brian thompson, news4 new york. rafael is here wih a look at the weather, espo ially fore people going to he baseball game. >> we won't see freezing, but in the 30s, wind chills in the 30s. >> that freezing. it's not technically freezing, but it's freezing. you know what i meanv 32? >> i do knre what you mean. for folks sitting there inning after inning, you start to feel it. ybe gloves are not a bad idea. i know it seems like an exaggeration this time of year, but just do it. you don't have to wear them if you're too hot. we are going to technically hit freezing north and west of town. ok at that beautiful view. lots of sunshine there. 48 degrees and we have loaded sunshine skies right now.
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these go into effect sunday morning, tomorrow morning. putnam county, orange county, places like northwest new jersey, interior central new jersey and northern fairfield county, that freeze warning in effect and then we have a freeze watch in effect for monday morning for even more of the tri-state, not the city, though. 51, the actual temperatures, but it really feels like 40s throughout the day, so that's what you need to dress for and it's windy throughout. we talked about leaf peeping. it's fall foliage time and we're getting great color south and west of town, places like ulster county, fairfield county as well. for us in long island and western new jersey, it's still in the moderate range. you can see that orange color in central park. we have a couple weeks to go fore we see the real good stuff. if you want to see it now, today, head north. go to the cat skills, the poconos or the berkshires. you can see on storm tracker, very quiet this saturday
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morning. lots of sunshine out there. ri hght now it feels like 45 in the city, feels like 30s north and west of town. look what happens, though. watch how it feels tonight. maybe you have dinner plans. dinner in theosuburbs, you will need the jackets. it feels like 30s and even some 20s. tomorrow morning, sunday 6:00 a.m., freeze warning in effect, and temperatures and wind chill values in the 20s. places like danbury, feels like 23. and places like central park, around freezing or 29 degrees. inor the afternoon t gets a little better. it feels like low to mid 40s and gets even colder monday morning. just for a few days. we can get through it. here's a look at future tracker and it's quiet throughout the morning into the afternoon. 2:00 p.m. looking good. lots of sunshine there. as we head into the nighttime, and tomorrow morning, 9:00 and 10:00 a.m., looking fantastic.
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and west of town, and it's probably not even going to happen. 50in for your high today. 51 tomorrow, still breezy. then the rebound begins on tuesday. we're back in the 70s and this chill will be a distant memory. you can stay up to date with the news4 new york app. scroll down to the weather tab and you can see the forecast. interactive radar there as well and you can see how to submit your own weather video. it's available in the app store and it's free, by the way. while on line you can play our interactive trivia game. this week the questions are inspired by the 2015 new york city open house festival. it's going to be a good one. log on and enjoy the game. huh, fifteen minutes could save
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yeah, everybody knows that. well, did you know that playing cards with kenny rogers gets old pretty fast? yheou got to know when to hold'em. d know when to fold 'em. know when to walk away. know when to run. you never count your money, when you're sitting at the ta... what? you get it? i get the gist, yeah. geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent
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we are back and so is trivia. we're so sorry last week. everybody was like, where is trivia, where is trivia?
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couldn't do without him. >>e the last winner was darrell. >> today's topic sin spider is inspired by this week's open house festival. if you want to play, go to play on any mobile device. you have to hit refresh because you must be up to date. the questions will pop up on the screen and you have 12 minutes to choose those answers by selecting the answer on your browser. while on line, you can chat with your fellow trivia players right there on the site. let's get that countdown clock started, you guys. today dozens of buildings and other sites that are normally closed to the public are open for tours including the
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tsa terminal at the airport. this opens the doors to some significant cultural structures, but before you take a trip back in time to the city's gilbert pass, we're going to ask how much you know about the city's architectural wonders. history buffs will do well on this one. good luck, everyone. question number one, the twa terminal at jfk airport was designed by this famous architect. was it -- it was number 1, ro sandaran. and i apologize for butchering that name. he's also responsible for the washington dulles international airport. second question, the new york
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designed for what event? this life event brought the whole world to queens and it is 1964 world's fair number 3. it was designed by renowned phillip johnson and it's one of the structures that embraced the showcase technology. number three, what famous writer penned the clasks "the bells" and "annabel lee"? is author will be remembered for "forevermore the raven." edgar alan poe. you can visit where he penned the books at the festival. new york city hall holds the distinction as the country's oldest city hall, largest or grandest? it was built in this federal style. it's number one, the oldest city hall in the country. did you know the city hall
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washington's desk. the room has hosted president abraham lincoln, albert einstein. o is buried in grant's tomb? no one, president grant or julie dent. throe answer is no one is buried there. president grant and his wife are tombs ther i not buried. yeah, kind of a trick question. number 6, the oefferson market library was once a: here's your hint, it once had an adjacent prison. number three, a courthouse, the building was nearly torn down. residents rallied and saved it and converted it to a library. number 7, the king's theater in flatbush, brooklyn is also known
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as what? the wonder theater or the crown theater? it's one of five built in 1920 or 1930. it's number two, a wonder theater and it's a truly wondrous interior was inspired by versailles. question 8, reportedly part of a manhattan project was head quartered in which landmark? the program was administered from this address which was also one of the tallest buildings in the world, believe it or not. the answer is number 3, the woolworth building. they purchased uranium and conducted early research on a manhattan project. question number 9, according to the website, the cathedral of st. john the divine claims to be what? a cathedral is defined as a church of a bishop, by the way,
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and construction began in 1892, and today it is, number two, the world's largest cathedral measured by length and internal volume. the church claims to be one of five largest churches. question number 10, george washington was sworn in as president where in nyc? the national park service calls this site the birthplace of american government. it's where george washington was sworn in as our nation's first president, it's number one, federal hall right there on wall street. the site was also home to the first congress, the supreme court and the executive branch offices. great game, everyone. web id 4941 is our winner. we had a tough time a little fbit. scores in the 7,000s, 6,000s. congratulations to all our top . ten players and we'll be right
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. final look. >> i think a lot of people will be dusting off jackets and sweaesrs. >> it's time. maybe the moth balls are there. i like that sm ll. i do. u need jackets and sweaters for the mets. it'soing to be chilly. , mets, but go with a jacket you head out to citifield. then tomorrow, it's even colder. a high of 51, we're starting with the 30s tomorrow. take your plants inside if you live in the interior suburbs
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north and west of new york city. then we do warm up and we're back to normal by wednesday and thursday. all the things we talked about for the trivia, the new york hope open house festival, go to our website and you can see where to go. >> tough trivia this morning. thank you for spending your saturday with us. >> we'll see you tomos ow, 6:00 a.m. everyone is saying, "hey! you gotta get fios!" but why? well, fios is a 100 percent fiber optic network, so you can get 100% out of all your devices. so whatever speed you need, fios has it with the fastest internet and wi-fi available, from 50 to 500 mbps. but the main reason to get fios?
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