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tv   Today in New York  NBC  August 28, 2015 5:00am-7:00am EDT

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we'll have a live report coming up once again. five people shot at this restaurant. we'll have the latest as soon as we can. new this morning, there has been an arrest in the attack of a woman in bedford-stuyvesant. katherine creag is downtown in brooklyn with what we know right now. katherine? >> reporter: pat, you can only imagine how upset residents were in that community. they raised thousands of dollars in reward money to catch the suspect and now a suspect has been arrested he will be arraigned at the courthouses a little later today. we are now learning the name of that person on the surveillance video released by the nypd. according to police, the suspect is kareem david. a 28-year-old homeless man charged with rape and assault. police say he victimized a 52-year-old woman. he threatened her with a gun and raped her. she lost two teeth in the attack.
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the rape happened at 3:00 in the morning august 17th. the suspect encountered the victim -- we're waiting to find out if someone gets the reward money. back to you, pat. >> a lot of relief in that community. thank you, katherine. landed him back in custody. nypd officers say they caught philip stealing. the 53-year-old allegedly tried to leave an abercrombie & fitch store with $1400 in merchandise. he had escaped from a west palm beach prison earlier this month and he was serving a five-year sentence there for various thefts. it is 5:04 and it's friday. it's going to be a nice day. chris cimino is in the weather center with a look at the forecast. thank you, chris. >> good finishing touch to the workweek from the weather perspective.
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lots of sunshine headed our way. this winning stretch continues into the weekend, over the course of the weekend. we filled up the heat. especially by sunday and into the start of next week, we could be in line for potential heat wave beginning next week. also following the path of erika. it will make a turn towards the southeast coast of florida over the next few days. for us, forecast looking good. 50s in the burbs, 66 right now. we climb out of 60s to the 70s by noontime. to the 80s by mid to late afternoon. a high of 83 degrees. early on a friday morning, how is the commute looking, emily? >> delays are back to normal. the commuter checklist. new york light rail, new jersey transit going to bypass park avenue. everything else is on schedule for your friday morning commute. the buses, the bx 28, 30, bx 38. s 46, 53 and 10, still planning those detours.
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no other bus problems. alternate side meter rules are in effect. more weather and traffic coming up on the 4s. >> thank you very much, emily. a young girl in connecticut claiming she was abducted from her home and raped is now giving details of the attack. she claims she was taken from her room in the middle of the night on august 16th. she says the attacker slipped through an open window at her home on broad street in new britain and returned her to her home before her parents woke up. at this point, nobody is under arrest. >> it's disturbing certainly for the family, our victim and people in the broad street neighborhood where it occurred. again, we have allocated quite a resource and we're asking the public's help. >> the girl said the man had short hair, spoke with what she described as an accent. he was wearing a dark-colored hat with a blue logo similar to a lightning bolt. a new jersey doctor facing charges after allegedly groping at least four employees and a patient. this doctor was arrested on
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tuesday after several complaints from workers at his office. one woman told police that he touched her breast and bit her cheek last month. the charges include criminal sexual contact by offensive touching and simple assault. police are releasing surveillance video of two men wanted for a series of robberies in midtown. they're asking you to take a good look. these men broke into at least 13 midtown offices since may. electronics. police say they strike at all hours of the day. so people who work in the area are wondering how these men get into the buildings and also how they get into stairwells. >> we have a back entrance. we have a back stairwell. the fact that, i guess, worse that we don't know in the neighborhood it's going on, it's a little scary. >> certainly. if you recognize these men or if you have any information, you're asked to call police. an accident is called a miracle on main street because no one was seriously hurt. wow.
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after that happened. a car plowed into the pumps at this phillips 66 gas station in east hartford. this happened before noon on tuesday morning. the flames went soaring into the sky. witnesses say there was a black jeep blamed. spotted barreling into a wendy's parking lot before it hit the gas station. >> i was worried that there was someone else in the car. the car was blown on fire. we don't know if he dragged someone out of there. it was wild. >> witnesses believe the driver may have accidentally hit the higas. an attendant says the driver walked away with an injured pinky from the suv's airbag. 5:08. happening today, the maryellen new jersey. it underwent a $1.8 million overhaul. looks great. you'll get to see new dog walks, landscaped walking paths and be able to get closer to the falls them selves. the state and county paid for the work. got to wait a couple hours to get in there.
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a.m. people who routinely use the bayonne bridge, it's shutting down tonight before midnight and reopen at 4:00 sunday afternoon. it's all because of a project. they want to raise the roadway because we have bigger ships now and they need more room for the ships to pass under the bridge. report, more pro overseas. china's shanghai composite st ifight day, climbing nearly 5%. the nikkei rose by 3% also. this following gains on w l street and a report indicating that the u.s. economy expanded much faster in the second quarter than previously believed. okay. coming up on 5:10. still ahead on "today in new york," democratic presidential candidates take center stage at a special summer meeting. we're live in washington with the latest on that. and we'll have an update on what washington state's governor is calling a slow motion disaster.
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>>ry> plus, weather and traffic on the 4s coming up as we look at the george washington bridge. pretty busy there at 5:10 in the morning. eryou're watching "today in new york."
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welcome to fort green sheets. welcome to castle bravestorm. it's full of cool stuff, like my second in command... and my trusty bow. and in my castle we
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only eat chex cereal. chex cereal. it's full of delicious crunchability. no artificial flavors, and it's gluten-free. and that's something even my brother ... sister can understand. mom, brian threw a ball in the house!
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5:13 right now. four things to know this morning. there is breaking news in brooklyn. five people have been shot. one man dead. this all happened at a restaurant on flatbush avenue in prospect lefferts gardens. "today in new york's" tracie strahan minutes away from the scene. we're going to hear from her as soon as she arrives there. also breaking right now, we have just atarhed that the udent who gs shot at savannah state university in georgia has died. that shooting happened in or near the student union on that campus. so far we don't have word of any arrests. former president george w. bush is going to be in new orleans today to mark ten years since hurricane katrina hit the city. nmer president bill clinton' widll be there tomorrow. that will be ten years to the
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day that katrina actually roared on shore. tropical storm erika is bearing down. it's caused mudslides in the caribbean island of dominica. >> investigators trying to a figure out what sparked a fire in the east village at a pricey penthouse. avenue. it quickly spread throughout the complex of cape cod-style cottages. firefighters were able to put out the flames in just about an hour. they say nobody was hurt. now u an update on a story "today in new yodk." a plainfield, new jersey, home going to have to be torn down after it was destroyed by that massive fire. more than 80 firefighters responded to the scene. that fire also damaged two nearby homes. the house will be razed when officials finish their investigation. 5:14 right now. time for a check of weather and traffic on the 4s.
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we'll check in with chris cimino. >> we've had another nice morning where you feel a difference from the mornings before. >> absolutely. it's almost chilly in some spots. right now pergainst the coart, not bad. 61 down to 52oinland.0 52 in hillsborough. seep a few 40's. morristown at 58. these areas shaded in blue here throughout northw st new jersey into the catskills, you're in the 40s too. that's nice and comfortable. file a report. not the greatest news here. still pretty high in the ragweed. the oig spore count low. thr ere's plenty around to be irritate ing irritating. do > if we have any rain of consequence ou wor b about. they're worrying across the caribbean. san juan area. puerwoirico, the storm is skirting it.
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this is storm erika. i'm not sure why this isn't showing up but most of that area in a warning as well. we'll watch further as it goes eventually the southeast coast of florida. here's the track at this point. what we think will happen in the hurricane center. 50 mile per hour winds sustained. goes to the dominican republic, skirts north of cuba. still basically a tropical storm. 45, 50 miles an hour. the main impact will be soaking rain and flooding. we've seen that happen. not so much with wind. it's on the tip of florida sometime early monday morning. cuts through tr, middle of the state is the game plan now. as long as it stays over land, it will not strengthen to a hurricane. there could be a broad area of heavy rains across the peninsula happening early next week. back home for us, in pretty g d shriape. great finish to the workweek. sunshine. upper 60s tonight. s in the suburbs. tomorrow, we turn a little more
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humid, not too bad yet. i think the humidity starts to kick into gear into sunday and next week. 83 today. nice and comfortable. 87 tomorrow.fluppe s80s to near 90. we could have a first 90 on monday and we could be 90 or better tuesday, wednesday and thursday of next week as well. let's find out about this friday morning commute. we do that by asking emily. >> not too much volume. the van wyck is moving better southbound at linden avenue. we had reports of an accident hthere. staten island expre ury eastbound from richmond avenue to clover, still delaysastarting to get closer back towards the goethals. roadwork the other direction from slosson avenue as well. aal livewlook at the l.i.e. the grand central parkway. that is the westbound ride coming towards us. also a look at the belt parkway near jfk. that's moving along without any delays. let's head back to the maps where still we're dealing with a
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debris spill. perth amboy. the off ramp is closed from 440 southbound to state street. southbound by union hill road, a cr tash here. delays. keep that in mind as you travel t thilimorning. uptown d trains, running express due to track maintenance. effect. more weather and traffic on the 4s. >> emily, thank you very much. all the democratic presidential candidates will speak at the democratic national committee summer meeting. this as speculation builds over whether vice president joe biden will join the race. edward lawrence reports from washington, d.c. edward? michael. will he or won't he will be the question of the weekend. there's growing pressure for vice president joe biden to run r president. >> vice president joe biden says he will decide to run for esident or not by the end of the summer. at the democratic national th
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committee summer meeting this weekend, biden's supporters are courting delegates asking them to keep an open mind. >> i've learned something as chair. primaries are good. this is sort of our primary where we vet our candidate. the more the merrier. >> the vice president's favorability rating is at 48%, well above the 39% hillary clinton gets. still, no decision has been made by the vice president. the other big topic for dnc delegates, hillary clinton's e-mail controversy. >> by november of 2016, i don't think very many people are going to -- >> the other candidates in the democratic race are complaining of unfair treatment within the dnc f yoavoring hillary clinton. the "washington post" reports that includes the scheduling of sanctioned debates. the dnc announced that it's signed a joint financial ragreement with hillary clinton. that means tha the dnc can hold join event to raise money. reporting live in washington, edward lawrence. back to you, michael, pat?
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>> edward, thank y.u so much. >> 5:19 on a friday morning. the search for the suspects in a million dollar heist. and an alert. we'll find out about this newborn giant panda. there's mom. we're going to find out about her baby.
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live look at queensboro bridge. we could find out today whether the baby panda born at the national zoo last week was a boy or a girl. remember the second cub that was born died on the 26th. officials are expected to share -- i love hearing the squeak. the initial findings as to why that smaller cub may have died. it's only the third time here that a giant panda in the united states has given birth to twins. the mother has two other cubs. so much excitement as they unveil the new little panda. so tiny. amazing. it doesn't have the coloration yet. >> it looks like a stick of butter. >> eeww! >> right? >> it's not cute at all yet. but it will be.
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>> on the path. >> absolutely. on the way. i don't know what's in your coffee today. we've got sunshine headed your way. even a few 40s in the distant suburbs. we get back to the lower 80s this afternoon. nice day with sunshine, low humidity tonight. friday night, head on out. moonlit sky, 50s in the suburbs. mid and upper 60s. gets warmer as we go through it, though. a little more humid. >> cuteness alert. it was a cuteness alert. thanks, chris. emily, how are the road on a friday? >> they are moving along with theae exception of one spot. we have a closure at new york avenue. that is going to be shut down. old country road and horton drive. also 110, you can take that instead. that will be a better option in melville. the tappan zee bridge, it's
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moving along okay. toward rockland county, the thruway, there's construction through there. it's 5:25. we're following breakig news out of brooklyn. "today in new york's" tracie strahan has made her way to that scene. >> reporter: i'm tracie strahan live on flatbush avenue where multiple people were shot early this morning. one of them was killed. we'll have the details on exactly what happened here and what crime sceb detectives are telling us. that's coming up. if you're about to head out the door, keep watching "today in new york." download the "news 4 new york" app on your mobile device right now. we'll be right back.
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breaking news in brooklyn. five people shot in a restaurant. one man is dead. we've just arrived on the scene. we'll have what we've learned just ahead. plus, a woman run down during a police chase. what witnesses say about those terrifying moments. after searching for over a week, police catch the man accused of brutally attacking a 52-year-old woman. "today in new york" starts now. good morning everybody. 5:30 a.m. on this friday, august
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28th. i'm michael gargiulo. i'm pat battle in for darlene who will be back on monday morning. chris cimino is here with a look at the friday forecast. hopefully looking good. >> we are looking very good. nice and comfortable too. in the city, generally low to mid-60s. staten island at 62. drops off to the 50s in the burbs. even a few 40s. morristown was at 48, now to 50. the shading in blue indicates a few 40s in the distant suburbs north and west. a nice cool start. a hint of early autumn in the air. buffet full day of sunshine headed our wayt will feel like summer again. forecasting a high of 83. the rest of the forecast and the weekend just ahead. let's head over to emily west to see how the commute is going. here's where we're seeing delays due to construction. from richmond avenue to clove road, two lanes to blocked eastbound. this is near bradley avenue. it's going to be a crawl this
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morning. westbound construction from 12:00 to 10:00 and from exits 6 to 4. debris still blocking two lanes. 35 south on 4940. also closing the ramp from 440 southbound on over to state street. alternate side meter rules are in effect. more weather and traffic coming up on the 4s. emily, thank you very much. breaking news in brooklyn. five people have been shot. one man is dead. this happened on flatbush avenue in prospect lefferts gardens. "today in new york's" tracie strahan just arrived on the scene. tracie, what can you tell us? >> reporter: well, we can tell you, michael, that male victim was pronounced dead at kings county hospital. that's where four others are being treated for gunshot wounds. this is one of the most popular spots on flatbush avenue. anyone in this area knows this area.
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it becomes a hookah lounge in the evening. we don't know what the source of this was, whether an argument or something else. there's a large amount of shattered glass and turned over benches that indicates there was a scuffle or some type of fight involved. as we bring you back live to flatbush avenue, you can see over my shoulder and on the street, there are a lot of crime scene detectives. trying to piece everything together. there are police officers stationed at the different delis on the torner in the area. again, five people shot, one man pronounced dead at kings county hospital. we'll bring you updates on the story when they're available from police. back to you. >> tracie, thachk you nk you very much. katherine creag is in downtown brooklyn with what we know right now. kat? >> reporter: michael, for nearly two weeks, the suspect was somewhere out there.
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now we know where he is. he is behind bars. later today, he will be arraigned at the courthouses. the surveillance video came out of suspect. now we know his name according to the nypd. the rape suspect is kareem david. a 28-year-old homeless man charged with rape and assault. he victimized a 52-year-old woman. he threatened her with a gun. she lost two teeth in the attack. this happened in the early hours of august 17th. the suspect first encountered the victim on putnam avenue. there was a reward to catch a suspect in this case. it had gone up to 4 $4500. people in the community raised those thousands of dollars and we're waiting to find out if anyone gets the reward money. an arraignment expected later today. michael, back to you. >> police in newark investigating the car chase that left one woman hospitalized fighting for her life. that chase ended when the car jumped a curb and crashed
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through had fence. car striking a 79-year-old woman walking her dog. it also hit a car with two people inside. hurt. they were rushed to the hospital in serious condition. >> that's what i feel. she had a walking problem and she wouldn't have been able to jump if she saw the car come. >> the woman's dog said to be okay. puerto rico is feeling the brunt of tropical storm erika. heavy rain, strong winds are just lashing that island. erika dumped 15 inches of rain on the caribbean nation of dominica. at least four people were killed. more than 20 others reported missing this morning. erika is expected to strengthen to a hurricane as it churns towards florida early next week. >> all right. coming up on 5:34. time for a check of weather and traffic on the 4s. chris, as you look at the track of that, waiting to be determined.
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we narrowed down the path to some extent. how intense will the storm get? >> it's leaving the puerto rico area now and heading towards the dominican republic. this is a mountainous area. it tends to get ripped apart a little bit. winds at 50 miles per hour. the latest information, this is the latest from the national hurricane center. takes it through the dominican republic. they stay a tropical force. monday morning with 60 mile an hour winds. if it stays over land, they move it further west, it will stay as a tropical storm and rain itself out. that's going to be the bigger issue and has already been the issue. the flooding rains. not so much the strong winds or storm surge of consequence. our headlines, in pretty good shape here. winning stretch of weather continuing. the heat will continue to build. we'll continue to follow the path of erika. first forecast showing a temperature of 66 in the city. lot of 50s in the suburbs. in some cases low 50s. a nice bounceback with the late
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august sunshine. 78 by noon. forecasting a high in the lower 80s. emily west is in for lauren. how is it moving? >> on the d train, planning problems due to track maintenance. uptown trains running express 145th to 161st this morning. also this -- the newark light rail. everything else looks okay. is doing okay. on the ferries, not too bad. everything is on schedule and alternate side meter rules in effect. more weather and traffic on the 4s. >> emily, thank you. happening today, the family of eye dris -- the private memorial will take place at the mosque this afternoon. last night, more than 100 friends and co-workers remember the father of three as an incredible human being.
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he was gunned down on frer rhett street last week. the trials and the tribulations that we have experienced as psos, he never, never was shy on his duty. >> he had worked as a protective service officer for fjc security services for 16 years. co-workers say he loved his job they had started a go fund me account to support his family. security officials say a drone strike in syria killed this man. he was a british national who joined isis. he also went by the name al bertani. he was known as a top cyber jihadist for isis and he used social media to try to recruit attackers. happening today, dive teams back in the water. >> they will be searching for the body of a fishing captain whose boat sunk off the coast of sandy hook.
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they tweeted this photo of crews in the water. they wrapped up efforts. the fishing boat was found in 50 feet of water in a shipping channel off sandy hook. police identified the missing captain as tom anderson. police are searching for two suspects in a push-in robbery in brooklyn. police released surveillance video of the two men they're looking for. police say they tied up their victim and made off with the jewelry in cash. while their faces are hard to make out, they can be identified by their clothing. one was wearing a jacket with the number 08 on the back and a star above the numbers. one man is charged in a nearly $2 million heist as the hunt is on for four other suspects. nassau county police say the thieves broke through a concrete wall and a vault at loochl mis armor odd warehouse. a police officer on routine patrol spotted something.
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edgar medina was charged with burglary and grand larceny. the thieves knew what they were doing say investigators. >> this was a sophisticated burglary. it wasn't a couple individuals waking up one morning and going out and committing this crime. >> the video is grainy and obviously from a distance, but police say that shows the other thieves that they're looking for. the entire $1.8 million was recovered. 5:38 right now. still ahead, a delay of game due to a drone. the buzz in one community about an unwanted aircraft. and a free concert with a local flair for one area high school. the highlights after the break. weather and traffic on the 4s coming up as we look at the hamilton bridge there. you're watching "today in new york."
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terrifying moments for these folks in china. just standing on the sidewalk when suddenly a sinkhole opens up underneath them. they're standing there. all fell in along with big pieces of debris there. >> managed to catch on, holding on to an exposed pipe. according to reports, none of them were seriously hurt. they were reportedly waiting for
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a bus. it's not clear what caused the sidewalk to collapse. police were sent into the slums in sao paulo. the protesters set fire to ten cars and a bus. they threw rocks at officers. police respond being with tear gas. clashes ended when people headed off to temporary shelters and officials say low-income housing will be built on that land. shocking story from europe. austrian authorities are investigating the deaths of at least 50 migrants found in the truck on the side of the highway near austria's border with hungary. an officer discovered the bodies after noticing fluids seeping from the back of the truck. authorities believe the migrants were dead for days. it comes as top european officials are holding a meeting on massive numbers of refugees, pouring into europe from
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war-torn countries. in texas, a woman caught on camera blasting through barricades on a busy dallas freeway. she drove for 50 miles with a road closed sign sticking out of her hood at one point and car parts flying. miraculously, she didn't hit any other vehicles. she was having a medical mj emergency but we're told despite all of this, she's going to be okay. >> also following breaking news in georgia where a student was shot last night on the campus of savannah state university. the college says junior christopher starks, an atlanta native, died from his wounds at the hospital. school confirms witness report that is this happened after a fight inside the student union there. there's no arrests that have been made. university will have grief counselors on hand this morning. hundreds gathered at a candlelight vigil in virginia to remember the two journalists shot and killed during a live broadcast earlier this week. the vigil for 24-year-old reporter alison parker and her
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cameraman adam ward, who was 27, was held outside wdbj in roanoke. she was holding an interview when a former employee, vester flanagan opened fire on her and onward. parker's father is grieving but he's gearing up for a battle over america's access to guns. i'm relentless. i'm not going to stop until something happens. my grief, which is still apparent and will be that way for a while, it's turned to anger. >> prayer vigils are also being held for ms. gardner who survived the shooting. her condition has been upgraded to good. >> want to take a check of weather and traffic on the 4s. chris, really counts this weekend weather. we've only got one left. >> labor day being a little later, we have an extra week. i think next week is going to feel every bit like summer, not fall just yet. there's a hint of it in the
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burbs this morning. we're feeling temperatures in the 50s. even a few upper 40s early on. sign of things to come. not so fast. 66 and clear in the city. a warm day headed our way. a beautiful finish to the workweek. normal high is 81. forecasting a high of 83. the humidity low. perfect for any outdoor plans you may have. all the beautiful weather with the sunshine. not getting much in terms of rain. normally dry conditions in new jersey. hudson valley, the city itself, moderate drought condition. also in the connecticut area. no significant rain coming our way soon. we're going to stay that way through today and into the upcoming weekend. future tracker shows that. 6:00 a.m., right through 1:00, no problems. just a lot of sunshine out there. friday night, looks good. stays nice and clear. another comfortable night too. good sleeping weather. tomorrow at 8:00 a.m., you've got sunshine. mainly sunshine and a few more
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clouds mix in frimts, especially from the city on north and west. no rain to be found. saturday night through sunday as well. a couple of showers start to show north and west. they won't be consequential around here. maybe an isolated shower in some spots early next week. a high of 83 degrees today. another great day filled with sunshine into tonight. in pretty good shape, too. a low of 67 with a moonlit sky. 50s once again in the suburbs. how about the mets. they come back home against the sox. 79 degrees. first pitch temperatures. seven-game winning streak. 7 1/2 winning games. don't wake me up. muggy conditions on sunday in the upper 80s to near 90 with hazy sunshine. then close to 90 or better next week. a string of days possible. heat and humidity building. 90 to 92. that stretch showing up on the seven-day. nice today at 83. not bad at 87. starting to get sticky on sunday. there's that stretch of 90-degree weather. nothing more than an eye lated
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shower or storm. another chance on thursday. >> how is the commute going. >> i'm checking out slowdown in the bronx. notice that this is really heavy on the cross bronx eastbound. let's take a live look at the alexander hamilton bridge where you are going to find that ride headed eastbound very, very slow. don't have reports of a crash. again, checking it out. when you come off the george washington bridge and head eastbound, back to the map where there's construction. these are the eastbound delays. westbound you've got roadwork between sheridan and over to webster avenue. that is the roadwork and eastbound we'll definitely get back to. it looks like there's something going on there. staten island expressway, something to go on here. it's a lot of construction. eastbound to 13th. westbound at 12 to 10. this is right near bradley avenue. that's how busy it is this morning. 35 southbound before 440. two lanes blocked with a debris
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spill and the ramp is closed. 440 southbound on over to state street. still a crash on -- near union hill road and track maintenance. that's causing delays. the uptown d trains running express to 151st. more weather and traffic coming up on the 4s. >> emily, thank you. there's been a lot of talk about the use of drones. a lot of concern too. privacy and security concerns in particular. this week a high school football game in new jersey was delayed because a drone was buzzing too close to the players on the field. it happened during a game between ocean city high school and middle township high. at one point, the coach says it was hovering ten feet above the players' heads. referees put the game on hold for 20 minutes and called police. we are waiting for the lawmakers to give us some enforcing powers to regulate the use of these drones. >> just brings about a sense of you're kind of uncomfortable as a result of not knowing what the situation really is. >> the federal aviation
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administration says that drone users should stay clear of stadiums, crowded areas and, of course, airports. this morning, we're hearing that rosie o'donnell's adoptive daughter chelsea has left home again. she turned 18 on monday and decided to move to wisconsin to live with her birth mother. earlier this month, the teen disappeared for a week. she was found at the home of 25-year-old steven sheerer. he's been charged with sending chelsea a nude photo of himself before she turned 18 years old. that dangerous alligator snapping turtle found on long island has a new home now. the turtle is at the holtzville ecology center where it will be fed fish and checked out by a veterinarian veterinarian. it was found in a stream in smith town. the suffolk county spca is warning that turtles like that can snap off your fingers or toes. that's how strong the jaws are. they believe somebody illegally kept that creature as a pet and dumped it in a stream when it was too big or too hungry. the fastest man in the world
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is laughing off a spill at the world championships in beijing. not with the person but with a thing. bolt outran everybody to win the gold medal. after that, see it there. the jamaican was taken out by a photographer. he was on a segway scooter. he sprang back to his feet and later joked, the closest competitor, justin gatlin, was trying to take him out. the fdny has a new member. 17-year-old michael is battling severe kidney disease and has one wish, to be a new york city firefighter. look at that. yesterday the fdny teamed up with the make a wish -a-wish foundation for this special ee length on staten island. he was sworn in as an honorary member of the fdny in front of a group of firefighters and his thankful parents. >> he only wanted to be fdny.
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this experience has been incredible. >> he will get to complete a series of training drills at the fire academy. he'll even learn how to operate >> fantastic. >> it really is. >> great work by the fdny to make him feel one of them. >> he is one of them. still ahead on "today in new york," the story behind a superhero who is keeping watch over the streets of mexico city.
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chewy fiber one bars. feeling good can taste great.
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that's rap star fetty wap treating high school students to a free concert. >> he went to their high school before hitting it big. he thanked them for their support. he's gotten a lot of it. he sang a few songs. chris has been humming all morning. >> some of the money that -- >> friday closing bell song. >> sure. >> well, it turned out nice for the kids who went out to see that. >> beautiful weather care he had over to this friday. we're looking at sunshine.
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cool start, a lot of 50s and 60s early on. nice and warm by the afternoon. not impressively comfortable. 83. same thing for tonight. a comfortable night with a clear moonlit sky. upper 60s in the city. weekend is looking pretty good too. we'll show that in detail. also tropical storm erika. >> we have construction staten island expressway. going to see a live look eastbound first off from exit 7 to 13 westbound. 12 to 10. also bradley avenue, couple lanes taken out there. we do have delays approaching the brooklyn bridge. let's take a live look. bqe, still couple lanes blocked. the off ramp is taken up. no manhattan bound traffic for a few moments due to that construction. trouble on the cross bronx. i'll tell you about that. at 6:00. >> we will be right back. before we go, we want to tell you about this dude. he's not batman. but he's a caped crusader
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keeping the streets safe in mexico city. goes by the name that means little pedestrian. >> a superhero who creates crosswalk ws spray paint and jumps in front of cars to protect people traveling by foot. mexico's ministry says pedestrians account for half of all road fatalities. so he's a costume character with a serious job certainly. >> cheered him on as well as it should be. >> coming up next at 6:00. a young hero. how a boy used quick wits and training to rescue his dad from under a huge boulder in the middle of the wilderness. >> also at 6:00 a.m., update on the breaking news we've been following. fatal shooting inside a brooklyn restaurant. tracie strahan will have a report coming up. >> take us with you as you head out the door. take us with you on the app.
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we'll be back in two minutes watching "today in new york".
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gun shos inside a restaurant leave a man dead and four others in the hospital. >> new this morning a break in the case. a man wanted for a brutal attack on a woman in brooklyn. "today in new york" starts now. good morning everybody. 6:00 a.m. on this friday, august 28th. i'm michael gargiulo. i'm pat battle in for darlene. chris cimino is in the weather center. i know you're keeping an eye on tropical storm erika as well. are we going to get rain from her as well next week. doesn't look like it right now. we'll get to that further down the road. a full day of sun. we're starting out in the 60s. 64 degrees right now. 50s in the suburbs. even a few 40s. perfect by noon. forecasting a high today of 83 degrees. let's find out how the friday morning commute is treating us so far. here's emily.
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>> we have the staten island expressway going to find that slowdown heading into slosson avenue. we have light pictures from chopper 4. ed hughes. so it was eastbound. this is the backup on to the george washington bridge. that crash was up at webster avenue. you can see it's going to be a slow go coming off the bridge heading on to the alexander hamilton bridge and going eastbound. so, again, you are going to find those residual delays due to the crash on the cross bronx eastbound which has cleared. back to the -- this construction on slosson avenue causing delays. this is where that accident was, again, it is out of the way and that roadwork is -- more weather and traffic on the 4s. one person is dead. four others have been injured following a shooting inside a restaurant on flatbush avenue. "today in new york's" tracie strahan is at the scene. tracie? >> reporter: michael, let's
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start with an update. police now revising a number of victims involved in the shoot to go four. three men and one woman. another woman who was previously included in that, only suffered wounds from glass that shattered all over the flatbush avenue just before 3:00 this morning. that's when the gunshots range out at ali's roti shop. we're told that one of the men was shot in the head and torso. he was pronounced dead at the kings county hospital. another had a graze wound to the foot. being treated at kings county hospital at this hour. a woman was shot in her torso. all of the victims are said to be in their 20s. it remains unclear what started all of this. as we bring you back live to flatbush avenue, there's a large amount of crime scene detectives that remain here. all of the shattered glass from that pane window in front is still here. we've been pushed a good
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distance back from the crime scene as this investigation continues. back to you. >> tracie, they don't know, or do they, whether the shots came from outside or inside the restaurant? >> reporter: that part remains unclear as well. we're trying to determine that from police. it's not clear if there are any shell casings. we don't see evidence markers outside which indicates it may have started inside the venue. a homeless man will face a judge today accused of raping a woman in brooklyn. 28-year-old david threatened the victim with a gun on putnam avenue in bedford-stuyvesant. he assaulted her and raped her. katherine creag is going to tell us the charges he's facing coming up at 6:30. happening today, former president george bush will head to the gulf coast to mark ten years since hurricane katrina.
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that's in new orleans. that was shut down after the storm. bush helped to reopen it a year later. meanwhile, president obama arrived in the area yesterday praising the people and their recovery efforts saying that they inspired him and inspired the nation. however, so much more needs to be done. >> we're a hopeful people. >> we're going to bring everybody back and make the city that we always should have been. >> nearly $71 billion in federal aid has gone to rebuild new orleans and the surrounding areas. it will be ten years since it hit. heavy rains and winds are lashing the islands. it's dumped 15 inches of rain on dominica. it caused deadly mudslides. at least four people were killed. more than 20 others are missing. erika is expected to strengthen to a hurricane as it churns towards florida and that will happen early next week.
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coming up on the "today" show, janet shamlian will be live in puerto rico with the latest on the storm damage there. that's ahead at 7:00 a.m. obviously, we wish the best for the people of puerto rico as they deal with erika now. >> a lot more people in the path of that storm as well. we'll keep an eye on it here and over the weekend. at 6:04. it gives us a chance to do that. chris cimino has a look at weather and traffic on the 4s. chris? >> let's get a look at erika with winds at 50 miles an hour. it's south and west of puerto rico. so the worst is over for them. still getting heavy rains, though. it will rain itself out and move toward the dominican republic. about 150 miles east, southeast in the dominican republic. it's expected to track over again and again over haiti as well. when that happens, it may run into wind shear issues and get torn apart over the rougher terrain. then is skirts cuba to the north. still staying as a tropical storm. then it's around the southern
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tip of florida early monday morning. latest information, though, is keeping it inland. as long as it stays inland and not over the warmer waters, which is fuel for a storm like this, it will not intensify any further. expect it to stay as a tropical storm if that's the case. again, it could shift either line and that would put it in warm water. expected to stay over land and rain out over florida early next week. for us, no rain. lots of sun. cool, comfortable conditions early on this morning. 50s and 60s. back to the low 80s this afternoon. settling into the 70s by this evening. let's find out about the friday morning commute. emily west has the latest. >> delays at the george washington bridge. that crash cleared eastbound. it's going to be a slow ride. a live look ati the george washington bridge where that upper level inbound. seeing residual delays from that earlier accident. you're going to find 10, 15-minute delays.
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also dealing with delays on the new york light rail by passing park avenue. friday morning ride on the ferries, everything is on schedule and alternate side meter rules in effect. more weather and traffic coming up on the 4s. >> thank you, emily. happening now, police in newark investigating a car chase that left an elderly pedestrian hospitalized and fighting to for her life. it jumped the curb and struck a 79-year-old woman walking her dog. it hit a car with two people inside. those two weren't seriously hurt. the woman walking, shelkas rushed to the hospital and is in serious condition. >> the driver should have stopped for her. that's what i feel. she had a walking problem. she wouldn't have been ableo run even if she saw the car coming. >> we're told that one person was taken into custody. the woman's dog is okay. the u.s. says it's delivered a serious blow to isis. security officials say a drone strike killed a british
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national, hussein, a top cyber jihadist for isis. he allegedly tried to recruit attackers in our area using social media. he was considered one of the top hackers for this terrorist group. hundreds gathered in vraa to remember the journalists shot during a live television broadcast earlier this week. the vigil for 24 reporter alison parker and her photographer, 27-year-old adam ward, was held outside wdbj in roanoke. parker was interviewing vicki gaherdner, representative of the local chamber of commerce when that man, a former employee, vester flanagan, eepd opened fire on her and ward. parker's father is grieving and also gearing up for a battle over america's access to guns. >> i'm relentless. i'm knot going to stop until -- not going to stop until something happens. my grief which is still apparent and will be that way for a while, it's turned o anger.
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>> gardner, who survived the shooting, was shot in the back but her condition has been upgraded to good. 6:08 now. old habits that landed a man back in prison. nypd officers say they caught philip pellets stealing. heawllegedly tried to leave an abercrombie & fitch store with more than $1400 in merchandise. his escape from a west palm beach prison earlier this month. he was serving a five-year prison for various thists. in the cnbc money report, we're waiting to see how the markets close out this roller coaster week. la ndon dowdy aoins us with the landon? >> you said it, pat. roller coaster wets. the markets could take a breather following the rally. the dow gained nearly ahyhousand points. that's the biggest gain ever for the index. positive economic data as gdp rose more than expected in the second quarter, as well as oil
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prices which jumped 10%. they are lower this morning. watch for data on income and spending and consumer sensing. water bottles on track to pass soda according to beverage digest. that's not entirely bad news for coca-cola who have their own water brands, dasani and aquafina. prices are down in the past decade and soda prices up by a third. driven by consumer -- >> the family would buy the flavored water nowry >> drink more. >> they love it. >> it's delicious. >> yeah. >> as long as you hit that thing right. i've had sprays all over the kitchen, various flavors. >> thank you, landon. up next, a young hero to tell you about. a boy scout who jumped into action when his dad was nearly crushed by a refrigerator-sized boulder.
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the great hair debate coming up. pat battle, we'll show you what donald trump did to prove to the american public his hair is real. all right. we'll also have your weather and traffic. much more important things on the 4s when we come back. you're watching "today in new york."
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hey terry stop! they have a special! so, wh did you guys think of the test drive? i love the jetta. but what about a deal? terry, stop! it's quite alright... you know what? we want to make a deal with you. we're twins, so could u give us two for the price of one? come on, give us a deal. look at how old i am. do you come here often? he works here, terry! you work here, right? yes... ok let's get to the point. we're going to take the deal. get a $1000 z z volkswagen\ \ reward| | card on select\ \ 2015| | jetta\\\ models. or lease\ \ a 2015||| jetta s z z for $139\\\ a month after a\ \ $1000z z volkswagen\ \ bonus.
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breaking news yonkers. several people hur in a fire. >> ed hughes is over the scene. >> reporter: this is 200
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valentine lane, this apartment f building. as i zoom in, firefighters still on the roof. this is where they vented the roof. the fire on the top floor. center part of your screen. there's a lot of damage at this point. one firefighter had minor injuries, suffered from minor injuries and has been treated at this point. valentine lane is going to be shut down with a lot of fire department activity. no word on the cause. we'll continue to keep you up to date. reporting live over yonkers in chopper 4. i'm ed hughes. down to pat and michael. >> thank you very much, ed. it's 6:14. time for a check of weather and traffic on the 4s. that's how we roll in here. >> rolling into another good weekend of weather. starting o. with more sunshine headed our way. the heat is going to build the latter half of theoweekendt we could see a mini heat wave early next week. the path of erika is moving away headed toward the dominican republic. cool to almost chilly numbers northwest new jersey.
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50 in franklin. 50ibill ell di veer. >> 48 in morristown. 64 in the park. that's the low so far for the mot'rning here. along the shore, long brssch, down to 57 degrees. we're in the clear. lots of sunshine headed our way for the day today. ev tihe tempeiatures are starting out on the cool side. gets up to a h son. wind turns into the south a little bit during the mid to late afternoon as well. lots of sun. moonlit sky tonight. nice and clear. comfortable one for your friday morning. 50s in the s urbs north and west. not quite as chilly as last night but nice and co hortable. sun mixes with a few more clouds tomorrow. humidity is still not bad. low to moderate actually. 87 the expected high. a little warmer tomorrow. by sunday into next week, we add more humidity along with the heat. shorecast for today, nice place to be. 80 in ocean city. f 80 at bckaway. wave heights 2 to 3 feet on the ocean. wind out of south o yt 5 to 10 miles an hour.
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wathter temperature is -- some areas cooled to 68. still 77 in other spots. uv index. a high level of --deno advisories posted. the rip kurpt risk current risk is low too. flirting with 90 on sunday. the humidity starts to build. once it sets up shop around here, things aren't going to moe ve very much next week. look for 90-iit weather monday, tuesday, wednesday and thursday. 83 today. this is the last really comfortable one. nice ap warmer. 89 on sunday and 90 monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday of next week. an isolated shower or storm possible by thursday. let's find out about the commute on friday morning. emily west has the latest. >> s slowdowns are beginning through queens. you can see the l.i.e. delays toward woodhaven boulevard. a disabled -- on the sheridan southbound around westchester. also, still have really heavy
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slowdowns due to construction. staten island expressway. eastbound 7 to 13. westbound 12 to 10. this is near south avenue. loingok at how packed that is. any time we're just waiting for thy at construction to be pic d out. the debris spill, 35 southbound. the 44eo0 blocking two lanes. the ramp is closed. 440 southbound to state street. let's take a loo at the bqe. seeing a very, very heavy go. just past the brooklyn bridge in there distance. slowdowns approaching cadman plaza.g >> brooklyn bridge, that's going to be taken up. the backup near hamilton avenue. back to the maps to long island where new york avenue. this is closed between old country road to horton drive. if you can go with 110, that's the better option for you this mo ing. alternate side meter rules are in effect. more weather and traffic on the 4s. dive teams go back into the water. they're searching for th water of a fishing captain whose boat sunk off the coast of sandy hook.
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new jersey state police tweeted this photo yesterday of crews out on the water and they wrapped up their efforts late last night. on wednesday, the fishing boat, el jefe was found in a shipping channel in 50 feet of water. the missing captain is identified as tom anderson. a close call at a connecticut gas station when a jeep rammed into the pumps and witnesses believe that the driver accidentally hit the gas instead of the brake. remarkably, no one was seriously hurt. cause of that, residents are kaumg calling this the miracle on main stch a. a boy scout helped to save his father's life. with h co dad in idaho last week when a huge boulder'sell and struck the 52-year-old. he tumbltd 30 feet down. oke his arm and leg and had a big gash on his shin.
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the wounds. help. and ran into members from his church who calle in a rescue helicopter. >> i feel like anybody could do what i did. can't. but i feel like anybody could tried. >> charlie's dad is recovering. he's had two surgeries. he's got his son to thank. quick thinking from scout training to be calm, assess the wounds and to go get help. >> good job. >> goodaljob. it is 6:19. coming up next, an amazing -- chris' red hot mets. some people are calling this play the best of year. we'll tease you and show you later. nature's fury. we'll show you where this show. you'reatching "today in new york."
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beautiful picture of lower morning. 6:23. another one of goodyear's blimps floated into retirement. take ep out of service as goodyear continues to replace that aging fleet with chris. the new ones will be bigger and faster than the other ones. because of the way they're designed, ehey can't technically be called blimps anymore. the red hot mets made what people are calliag the best defensive play of the year.
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chris is going to see this for the first time. >> went back to the pitcher. carlos torres, bounces off his foot. backhands it for the out at first. i've never seen that. >> wow. >> defensive play into the inning and the mets went on to beat the phillies 9-0. what a great play. >> gee will kearse. i haven't said that in years. >> they practiced that in spring training. >> the thing is that the pitcher had the getup, the wherewithal to cover the bag. >> that's tremendous. >> can do no wrong right now. one of those things. don't wake me up. don't want to wake up from this gog od weather trend either. >> we're in the 60s in the city. 50s in the suburbs. we bounce back to a high of 83 is afternoon.
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keep in mind, the normal high is 81. a good looking friday night. if you're headed out to citi field. 50s in the suburbs. a good weekend. summertime weekend coming our way. >> we can use it. >> emily what's happening? >> if you're headed out this friday, not bad at all. newark light rail is by passing park avenue. overall, doing okay. the lincoln tunnel this morning, a ten-minute wait there heading around the helix. same at the george. the holland looks okay. so far not bad at the hudsons. we'll have an update on the breaking news in brooklyn. >> reporter: four people were shot. one killed at an after hours nightclub on flatbush avenue. i'm tracie strahan live in brook rinne with the latest. that's coming up. >> reporter: i'm ka kat live in downtown brooklyn where a rape suspect is expected to face a judge. he had been on the run for nearly two weeks.
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we'll tell you what's expected to happen later today. if you're about to head out the door, please take us with you. keep on watching "today in new york" by downloading our app on your mobile device. you don't want to miss a thing. we're coming right back.
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breaking news. a shooting inside the restaurant leaves a man dead and several other people in the hospital. new this morning, a break in the case. police nabbed april man wanted for an attack on a woman in brooklyn. plus, see what donald trump did during a campaign event to prove that yes, his hair is real. "today in new york" starts now. major questions answered. good morning everybody. 6:30 a.m. on this friday, august 28th. i'm michael gargiulo. i'm pat battle in for darlene who has taken time off. i'm sure she's enjoyed it weatherwise. >> she stayed here locally indeed. michael, cool, though. 64 in central park. 56 in teaneck. muttontown into the 50s. you want 40s. we found them. 48 morristown.
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49 in sussex. 50 in monticello. upper 50s in long branch along the jersey shore. day planner features that. lots of sun throughout day. we bounce back to 79 by noon with a high today of 83 degrees. the rest of the forecast is just ahead. let's find out abouthe commute from emily west. we're dealing with delays. just had a crash popped up past the george washington bridge. it cleared past the toll plaza. let's take a live look. 15-minute delays here. that crash did clear. ten minutes at the lincoln and there is a disabled on the sheridan expressway southbound near westchester avenue. that is in the right lane. more weather and traffic coming up on the 4s. >> emily, thanks very much. wee want to get to the breaking news in brooklyn. one is dead, several jrds following a shooting in a restaurant on flatbush avenue. tracie strahan has been at the
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scene and has the latest for us. >> reporter: michael, still a large presence of police in the 500 block of flatbush avenue. at night, this is an after-hours nightclub. shots rang out here injuring four people, killing one of them before 3:00 this morning. let's show you video of the scene when detectives soon came. witnesses were trying to describe to them what happened here. in terms of the victims, the four people shot. we're told that they're all in their 20s. that's according to police. the male killed was shot in the head and torso. he was pronounced dead at kings county hospital. two other men, one shot in the foot, another with a graze wound to the foot, they're also at kings county hospital as well as a woman shot in the torso. there was another woman who suffered a leg injury shattering glass there. it's still all over the ground here. as for exactly what led to this, that's not clear. we spoke to a man who lives right upstairs and he didn't expect something like this to happen.
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>> i've been here for about three years. nothing like this has ever happened here. i'm very surprised that this happened, actually. >> reporter: now, again, as we bring you back live on flatbush avenue, there's a lot of glass to be cleaned up and a lot of crime scene tape keeping the media away from the scene. again, it's unclear what led to of course, we'll continue to bring you updates on this, michael as they're available back to you. >> tracie, thank you very much. and happening now, police looking for a hit and run driver who struck a bike rider in new jersey. this happened on route 17 in rutherford at the crane avenue split. the victim identified as gregory gingrich. a 32-year-old man from michigan. he's being treated for a fractured right leg and other injuries. essex he is expected to recover. witnesses say he was hit by a four-door sedan with maryland license plates and a cracked windshield. happening today, the family
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will hold a prayer service for the security guard killed last week on the job. private memorial takes place at the mosque this afternoon. late last night more friends and co-workers remembered the father of three as an incredible human being. he was gunned down at a federal office building on ver i can street. >> the trials and the tribulations that we have experienced at psos, he never, never was shy on his duty. >> he had worked as a protective service officer for fjc security services for 16 years. co-workers say he loved his job. they've started a go fund me account to support his family. mayor bill de blasio announced a $100 million plan to better protect them from future storms. they're trying to prevent
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streets from flooding like they did three years ago. it will stretch from battery park city to the tip of manhattan to the lower east side. 6:34 right now. time for a check of weather and traffic on the 4s. looking fortunately at much pleasant and quieter weather. >> nothing to worry about in terms of storminess. in the 50s and 60s this morning. this winning stretch of weather will continue. the heat will build somewhat, though, heading into next week. of course, we continue to follow the path of erika. i'll show you that in a little right now, temperatures in the 64. a lot of 50s in the suburbs. even a few upper 40s showing up. will warm up nicely. lower 80s by 3:00. 83 degrees. let's see if there are issues morning. what's the latest? >> ongoing track work and then continuing for your evening ride on the ef, m and r. expect delays and service
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changes there. for your commuter checklist, everything looks okay. new jersey transit, not too bad. for your friday morning go. good. get on out there. alternate side meter rules in more weather and traffic coming up on the 4s. all right. thank you, emily. new this morning, police have captured the man wanted for a rape in brooklyn. "today in new york's" katherine creag is in downtown brooklyn where the suspect is expected to kat? >> reporter: pat, we'll see that rape suspect face to face here at the courthouse just down the street. he will be arraigned here later on. we've only seen him in surveillance video. according to police, this is the suspect. kareem david, a 28-year-old homeless man charged with rape and assault. he victimized a 52-year-old woman, threatened her with a gun and raped her august 17th. she lost two teeth in the attack. the suspect first encountered
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the strict tim on putnam avenue and forced her to kb with him to a building on lefferts place. the reward to catch a suspect in the case had gone up to $4500. raced by people in that very community in bed-stuy. it goes to show you how badly they wanted a suspect caught. back to you, pat. >> katherine, thank you for that. on long island, police are searching for as many as four more suspects. nassau county police say the thieves broke into a vault at the loomis warehouse in hicksville. an officer on patrol noticed something room. he arrested edgar medina. grainy surveillance video shows others they're looking for. the entire $1.8 million was recovered. tomorrow, jersey city is going to be taking down three buildings with a big boom. that means some streets will be off limits in that city. the streets in montgomery gardens will be closed beginning at 6:00 a.m. tomorrow until at least noon. three of the former public housing buildings will be imploded.
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they're inviting the public to watch. there's going to be a viewing area at fremont and bright streets quite a bit away. the buildings set to go down at 9:00 a.m. privacy and security concerns are growing along with the recreational use of drones. this week it was a high school football game in new jersey that was delayed because of drone was buzzing too close to the players. happened during a game between ocean city high school and middle township. at one point they say the drone was ten feet over his players, said the coach. the referees put the game on hoo ld for 20 minutes and called the police. >> we as law enforcement are waiting for the lawmakers to give us enforcement powers to regulate the use of the drones. >> it brings about a sense of uncomfortable as a result of not knowing what the situation really is. >> understandable there. drone users are supposed to stay clear of crowded areas, stadiums and of course, airports. some parents may have to add one more thing to the back to school list. vaccinations.
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the new york state department of health has just updated its vaccination requirements and under these new rules kindergartners now must be fully vaccinated or have scheduled appointments to be vaccinated before they attend school. parents used to be able to put off the vaccines until their children turned seven years old. now to decision 2016. could a new poll be the push that vice president joe biden needs to enter the race for the white house? the latest quinnipiac survey shows biden doing better than republicans and fellow democrat, hillary clinton. his favorability rating among all voters is at 48%. hillary clinton's rating is at 39%. the vice president says he'll decide if he's going to run by the end of the summer. now, that same quinnipiac poll shows donald trump ahead, you might say, of the other republican rivals. the main gop contender in south
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carolina, he wanted to clear the air about his hair. >> in other words, the man of the toupee. i don't wear a toupee. it's my hair. i swear. >> trump called a supporter to the stage to check it out for herself. there she is. that's a first, pat. the quinnipiac poll, 28% of registered republican voters support donald trump the next closest competitor, ben carson. he comes in with 12% support. i was unclear. so now it's been cleared up. it's real. >> we know it's real. >> it's swirled around there. >> yeah. the process that we would like to be let in on. it's 6:39 on this friday morning. coming up next, a wish granted. how the fdny helps a really sick teenager realize his dream. also ahead, the fastest man in the world stopped in his tracks. we'll tell you what happened next. of course, we'll have your weather and traffic on the 4s coming up. you're watching "today in new
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live look there. bit of a wait into the holland tunnel right now. kilauea volcano roared back to life. it moved more than a half mile in one day. there's a subdivision of homes three miles away that's threatened. so far, though, no reports of accidents or injuries because of that volcano. there's really nothing you can do. it goes where it goes. >> it's amazing to watch, though. as slow as it is, you know it's coming your way. still frightening. time for a check of weather and traffic as we approach 6:44. let's get to mr. cimino.
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>> another sunny day headed our way. shouldn't be frightened, pat. we know it's coming. into the weekend too, it looks pretty good. this morning, there's a distinct chill in the air. we're talking seeing readings in the mid and upper 40s. again, with the sun it will warm up nicely this afternoon. plaza looks quiet. in good shape this morning. >> 64 the temperature now. stamford down to 55 degrees. 50s and low 60s in fairfield county. 62 in greenwich. colder. 52 in poughkeepsie. 48 at monticello. 49 in sussex. 48 morristown. a lot of upper 40s to low 50s in the burbs. city, long island, generally between 60 and 65. allergy sufferers, there are things out there, mainly ragweed and weed pollens. ragweed at a moderate level. weed pollen coming in high. mold spore at a low level. we're in the clear for a few days. high pressure is building in.
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weather isn't moving very quickly from west to east. no great transitions happening soon. here's the latest on tropical storm erika. the storm right now, just to the south and west of puerto rico, heading toward the dominican republic. you don't see this officially having a warning. they do have one. one. orange. there's a tropical storm warning well. the path takes it with the 350 mile an hour winds through the dominican republic. it brushes across portions of the southeastern section was of the bahamas. then into southern florida sometime early monday morning with about 50 or 60 mile per hour winds. earlier the track was expected to stay offshore keeping it over the warmer water. it's going to stay over land and it could rain itself out. rain is the big issue. not so much wind or rain surge. 83 the expected high here. beautiful -- 50s suburbs with a clear sky. tomorrow we're back at it to the
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upper 80s. especially by sunday, in the upper 80s. near 90 monday, tuesday, wednesday and thursday. it means, we could have a september heat wave. how about that, emily west. >> that sounds okay to me. i will take it. where it's really tough to take this morning is more delays at the george washington bridge. that's what we're seeing. the backup is due to police activity eastbound cross bronx right here at jerome avenue. two lanes are taken up. let's take a live look at the backup at the alexander hamilton bridge. nobody is really moving there. a couple of of the trucks are exiting off that ramp. just to try to avoid the delays up ahead. we're also seeing delays at sheridan expressway southbound. right lane is blocked. this disabled vehicle seeing westbound delays and that's rubber necking getting into the point of the police activity. still dealing with slowdowns from a debris spill. this is 35 south at 440. two lanes blocked. exit ramp is blocked as well. 440 southbound heading over to
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state street this morning. and then to long island where new york avenue is closed between old country road and horton drive. go with 110. that's a better drive there. alternate meter rules in effect. >> the fdny has a new member. he's a heroic teenager from ulster county confronting a tough challenge head on. >> michael is battling severe kidney disease. he has one wish, to be a new york city firefighter. yesterday the fdny teamed up with the make-a-wish foundation for a a special event where the teen was sworn in as an honorary member of the department in front of a group of firefighters much his parents are grateful. >> he only wanted to be an fdny. so this experience has been incredible. >> michael now gets to complete a series of training drills out at the academy, including how to operate a fire hose in tough conditions. he is thrilled. great job by the fdny. >> absolutely.
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speaking of the fdny. jets and giants fans can get special t-shirts to honor the bravest, especially licensed player t-shirts to commemorate the 150 years of service. they're going to feature players like eli manning and darrelle revis. the uniquely designed t-shirts at modell's for a limited time. you can see the jets and the giants face off tomorrow night on nbc 4. yes, it is the season. our live coverage begins at 7:00 p.m. here on nbc 4. all right. up next, though, at 6:48. see the close call on the track that nearly took out the fastest man in the world. >> you are watching "today in new york."
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a live look at the old and the new tappan zee bridge as it's rising at 6:51. he's the fastest man in the world and used to sweeping the competition. >> now usain bolt knows what it's like to be swept off his feet. he ran in the championships at beijing and afterwards, bam. the jamaican sprinter, is he barefoot there? toppled by a photographer on a segway of all things. >> that's got to hurt. >> he lept to his feet. he joked it was justin gatlin who paid that person to take him out. >> the bolt. >> "today" show coming up in a few minutes. we want to check in with matt and savannah. >> can you imagine if he had been seriously injured, broken an ankle or something? >> done. >> outrageous. guys, good morning to you. coming you on the show this morning, all eyes on erika. the storm is hitting puerto rico this morning. we'll be there live and al will
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tell us when and where it could hit the southern coast. with cyber thoughts soaring, credit card companies, they're putting chips in the credit cards but will they make your accounts safer? >> the tennis great rafael nadal is going to talk about his comeback from injury, doing the u.s. open this year again and his revealing new underwear ad. >> buried the lead. a live concert from darius rucker on the plaza. >> darius rucker. >> on friday morning on "today." pat and michael, back to you. >> all right. thank you. raphael's got to cover up. we've got to work on that. up next, we'll check in with chris and see how the weekend forecast is shaping up. >> you're watching "today in new york."
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an update on the breaking news in brooklyn. restaurant. >> "today in new york's" tracie strahan is following the story. she's in prospect lefferts gardens for us. tracie? >> reporter: four people were shot, one killed inside of an after hours nightclub here on flatbush avenue. it happened before 3:00 in the morning at the buddha hookah lounge. by day it's known as ali's roti shop. the male shot was pronounced dead at kings county hospital. two other men and a woman recovering from gunshot wounds at the hospital as well. as for what started all of this, the motive remains unclear.
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crime scene detectives remain at the scene. back to you. >> tracie, thanks very much. we want to go to katherine creag in brooklyn where a man is expected to face a judge. >> reporter: the rape suspect will face a judge at the courthouse a little later on. essex he is expected to be arraigned. we'll be in that courtroom as well. we've only seen him in surveillance video. this is the suspect. his name, kareem david. a 28-year-old homeless man charged with rape and assault. the victim, a 52-year-old woman. the rape happened in the early hours of august 17th. a suspect first encountered victim on putnam avenue. she was forced to go to a building with him on lefferts place. pat and michael, back to you. >> thank you, katherine. happening now, police are looking for a hit and run driver who hit a bike rider in new jersey. it this happened in rutherford at the crane avenue split there. the victim identified as gregory gingrich.
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he's being treated for a fractured right leg. he was hit by a four-door sedan with maryland license plates and april cracked windshield. mayor de blasio announced a $100 million plan to better protect lower manhattan from future storms like superstorm sandy. the plan calls to build levees and floodwalls to prevent the streets and subways from flooding as they did during sandy, nearly three years ago. it will stretch from battery park city to the lower east side . time for a final check of traffic is emily. >> we have a lot going on cross bronx. disabled tractor-trailer eastbound near jerome avenue. you'll find a backup on to the george. close to a half hour now. really traffic is barely moving. disabled vehicle on the verrazano. staten island, lower level. that takes up a lane on the l.i.e. at the pqe westbound. on to long island, the right lane is blocked as well as the closure on new york avenue.
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a lot for the friday. chris, he's going to celebrate pat's three weeks on "today in new york." >> yes. >> pat battle inspired. >> don't get emotional. >> it's all right, chris. i'm here for you. >> a good day for you. a nice farewell finish. like you're going somewhere. you're not going anywhere. >> jersey. >> exactly. it's 56 in teaneck. 55 in emerson. 57 in parsippany. in the 40s in the distant burbs. a few 40s. in the city, in the mid-60s. a beautiful day. temperatures getting back into the low 80s this afternoon. good looking friday night too. 87 on -- i'm looking at it, michael. >> is that right? >> all morning i've been looking at it. >> is this your first time? my 20th weather hit of the morning, he says that's a pretty good looking seven-day. then we stay close to 90, tuesday, wednesday and thursday of next week. a heat wave to start the month of september. >> goodness. been a pleasure, folks.
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>> see you tomorrow morning on "weekend today." the "today" show is coming up next. >> that's what's happening "today in new york." good morning. breaking overnight. tropical storm erika lashing puerto rico right now after hammering other caribbean islands. at least four people dead, 20 others missing. forecasters say it could hit florida as a hurricane this weekend. nbc news exclusive. a look inside the home of the man who killed two journalists on live tv. his apartment sparsely decorated except for photos of himself on the refrigerator as the community comes together to mourn the victims. waiting for a verdict. jury deliberations under way at the closely watched rape trial of an elite new hampshire prep school student. could he go to prison for decades or will he walk free? and the agony of victory.
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>> ah! mama mia. >> track star usain bolt mowed down by a segue while celebrating a big win. the smooth recovery today, august 28, 2015. >> announcer: from nbc news this is "today" with matt lauer and savannah guthrie live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> good morning, everybody. welcome to "today" on a friday morning. you will see that video of bolt being toppled by the segue all morning long. in some cases you are happy to see him smile. that could have ended differently. >> it could have. boy, he was smooth in the recovery. does the old usain bolt sign there. weather is the top story. i have no segue to that. >> that was good. >> thank you. >> it will be a long weekend for folks in florida as erika makes
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an approach to the u.s. the storm leaving a path of devastation in the caribbean. al will tell us where erika is headed in a moment. first janet shyamalan is in puerto rico where the effects are being felt. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, matt. puerto rico bracing for as much as 8 inches of rain. the level of concern is high after what happened on thursday. take a look at the devastation. as much as a foot of rain left missing. landslides. now. it is utter devastation. the airport was inundated. small planes literally floating in the flood waters. they triggered a building collapse. 80% of the island nation is without electricity and water, has been completely cut off. and as erika moves into this


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