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tv   The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon  NBC  August 25, 2015 11:34pm-12:37am EDT

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give us $4 trillion? that will help us. we will figure it out. we'll figure out what to do with it." [ laughter and applause ] president obama unvailed a a $4 trillion budget for 2016 that would increase taxes on the wealthy and spend more money on education. he also made a snow ball and put it in the oven just to see which of them would last longer. [ laughter and applause ] i'd go with the snow ball. >> steve: yeah. >> jimmy: you know we're right off of sunset boulevard while we're out here in la, which everyone knows is home to the famous la rock scene that gave us great bands like guns and roses, motley crue. [ cheers ] well, surprisingly "jeopardy" host alex trebek really seems to be a fan. listen to this clue from "jeopardy" last night. >> rockers 2000. >> girls, girls, girls, long legs and burgundy lips. girls, girls, girls, dancing down on the sunset strip. girls, girls, girls. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: more like ew, ew, ew!
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[ cheers and applause ] ew! that is so gross. girls, girls, girls. what is i just threw up in my mouth, alex. [ laughter ] stop saying that. this is not good news here. i read that charles manson's marriage license is expiring this week. which means that he will have to reapply if he still wants to marry his girlfriend or you know, he could just break the law. [ laughter ] that doesn't sound like something charlie would do. >> steve: no. i don't think charlie would do that. >> jimmy: no. >> steve: he's not that kind of guy. >> jimmy: imagine that, yeah. >> steve: no. >> jimmy: imagine him being married without a license. >> steve: no, that's not him. >> jimmy: imagine how disappointed his parents would be. [ laughter ] >> steve: if he got married without a license. >> jimmy: that's right. yeah, that's right. >> steve: he would put the whole neighborhood in shame. [ laughter ] [ mimics telephone ringing ] >> jimmy: hey. >> steve: hey. >> jimmy: it's mrs. manson.
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>> steve: hey, how's it going? >> jimmy: you wouldn't believe what happened. >> steve: what happened? >> jimmy: charlie just called me from prison. >> steve: yeah. charlie? >> steve: yeah. >> jimmy: has the swastika tattoo in the middle of the eye. >> steve: oh yeah, yeah, yeah. [ laughter ] not the one that became a a doctor, the one with the >> jimmy: yeah. he's illegally married. >> steve: what? >> jimmy: i know. >> steve: are you serious? >> jimmy: yes! >> steve: i am so -- you know what, i cannot think of him in the same way, and i doubt your skills as a parent. >> jimmy: hey! [ cheers and applause ] [ mimics telephone ringing ] >> steve: hello. >> jimmy: what? why do you always answer your phone with a deeper voice? [ laughter ] >> steve: do you want some crack with that? [ cheers ] >> jimmy: no. hang up the phone. crack with that. finally, guys, during a q&a over twitter yesterday, kim kardashian said that she wishes that she could take a a selfie with jesus or
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marilyn monroe. even jesus was like, "jesus." [ laughter ] we've got a great show. give it up for the roots. [ cheers and applause ] [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: oh, my goodness. oh, my goodness. that is legendary "tonight show" bandleader doc severinsen sitting in with the roots tonight. [ cheers and applause ] oh, my gosh. that was a treat. that was a treat.
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oh, my gosh. we're so honored. doc was with the show from 1962 to 1992, is that right? oh, my goodness. >> that's about right. >> jimmy: incredible, incredible musician. [ applause ] i got a good photo here. here's you and johnny back in the 60's i guess. [ audience aws ] look at that guy right there. i got to ask you -- you have such a great fashion sense, doc. [ laughter ] look at this guy. do you remember this? camouflage? [ cheers ] >> that's a little bit of superman with the blues. >> jimmy: yeah, yeah. [ laughter ] well then, i want you to explain this one. what happened? is that feathers? >> a chicken exploded on me. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: a chicken. it looks like you got in a [ applause ] you can see doc performing with his big band this summer at the hollywood ball and on tour throughout the country this year. we're truly honored to have you thank you so much.
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>> my pleasure. thank you. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: amazing. you're the best. you're amazing. he's a legend. we've got a big week of shows ahead, you guys. vin diesel will be here. carl reiner will be here. kobe bryant will be here. and will smith will be here this week. [ cheers and applause ] and we have performances from iggy azalea, jennifer hudson, and jack white, and more fun surprises. it's great. really big surprises. but first, tonight is the night. we have a fantastic show. oh, my gosh. [ cheers ] it's a hot show. joining us for the first time ever, she is the coolest, funniest, biggest troublemaker. the great ellen degeneres is here. [ cheers and applause ] i'm in love. i'm in love. ellen and i are going to see -- we're going to show you some video never before seen of a a prank that she played on me last week, and then we're going to play a big game of password with two awesome surprise guests.
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[ cheers and applause ] they may be nominated for oscars, i don't know. academy award nominees. >> steve: are you going to tell us who they are? >> jimmy: i will not tell you ever. until tonight, later on tonight. plus, he's got to talk about his -- he's got this new digital music player. look at this thing. look at this. he invented this, and it's a a new high end digital music player. it's called pono, and it's got -- you can go to the website and get all the songs. like two million songs on this. high-end audio. it's like the coolest thing ever. also, he's going to play some music. it's one of my idols. neil young is here tonight. [ cheers and applause ] hey, guys, it's time to take a a look at the stories making headlines today and weigh the good with the bad. it's time for pros and cons. here we go. pros and cons and pros and cons and pros >> jimmy: tonight, we'll be taking a look at the pros and
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cons of doing "the tonight show" in los angeles. [ cheers ] we're here all week. it's been a blast. everyone's been so nice to us. nevertheless, let's take a look at the pros and cons of doing "the tonight show" in los angeles. here we go. pro -- it's "the tonight show's" first return to los angeles after a year away. con -- or as the city put it, "well, well, well look who came crawling back. mr. new york big shot." [ applause ] >> steve: hey. hey. >> jimmy: pro -- our studio is only two blocks from our hotel. con -- so about a 45 minute drive. [ laughter and applause ] that makes sense. >> steve: not bad. >> jimmy: it's not bad. >> steve: not bad. >> jimmy: pro -- meeting with the city's most prominent leaders. con -- the kardashians. deal here. you have to meet them. >> steve: yeah. they are the mayors -- the unofficial mayors. [ applause ] >> jimmy: pro -- relying on uber to get you around town. con -- relying on "dateline" to find out what happened to you. [ laughter ] it seemed like they were going
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out for ice cream. >> steve: he thought it'd be a a simple ride. >> jimmy: pro -- getting asked by family and friends if i can get them tickets. con -- to "the ellen degeneres show." it's very hard to get -- i have a show, too. [ cheers and applause ] they're hard to get. >> steve: hot ticket. hot ticket. >> jimmy: they're hard to get. wax museum. con -- realizing you're just at a party at hugh hefner's house. that is a common, common mistake. [ applause ] and finally pro -- i love l.a.! [ cheers ] con -- but does l.a. love me back? [ cheers ] i love you. we'll be right back with more of "the tonight show," everybody.
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[ cheers ] >> steve: ladies and gentlemen, neil young. [ cheers and applause ] old man look at my life i'm a lot like you were old man look at my life i'm a lot like you were
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old man look at my life twenty four and there's so much more live alone in a paradise that makes me think of two love lost, such a cost give me things that don't get lost like a coin that won't get tossed rolling home to you old man take a look at my life i'm a lot like you i need someone to love me the whole day through ah, one look in my eyes and you can tell that's true
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[ cheers ] lullabies look in your eyes run around the same old town doesn't mean that much to me to mean that much to you i've been first and last look at how the time goes past but i'm all alone at last rolling home to you old man take a look at my life i'm a lot like you i need someone to love me the whole day through ah, one look in my eyes and you can tell that's true
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old man look at my life i'm a lot like you were old man look at my life i'm a lot like you were [ cheers and applause ]
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[ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: we are joined right now by one of the best tv hosts ever. great comedian. she's smart. she's hilarious. ground breaking and one of our favorite, favorite people. please welcome, the one, the only ellen degeneres. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: thank you so much for being here. so happy you're here. >> so happy to see you. >> jimmy: you know i love you. i'm so psyched. >> okay. how great was that just now? you and neil young, how amazing was that? [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: wasn't that crazy? that was so fun.
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what a great guy. i mean, i was so nervous. >> oh, my gosh. "old man." that song and "needle and a a damage done," two of my favorite songs of neil's. and that was so cool. >> jimmy: he's the coolest ever, man. i couldn't even believe it. i was like, "oh, my gosh." right now i still don't believe it. but i don't believe that you're here. this is very exciting and fun. >> i am here. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: you're here. >> i am right here. >> jimmy: i had the pleasure -- i had the pleasure of being on your show last week. >> you sure did. >> jimmy: and it was really fun. i love it. i loved coming to your show. i love everyone that works there. whyou scared me. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: you scared me. >> yes. like, "go in there. ellen has a picture of you hung up in the bathroom." i go, "oh, someone is going to scare me." we're not." and then, you had the hidden cameras and you were crouching behind a thing. and i walked in and you went -- >> yeah. well, you did it at the same it. and now you gave away how we scare people. now, i have to have a different tactic to get people into the bathroom because that's how we got --
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[ laughter ] >>y jimmy: that's where all the hidden cameras are. >> that's how we get them in. taylor swift. we got everybody. >> jimmy: yeah, i'm a fan of the show. i knew that you were going to scare me. >> yeah, so you jump out and you scared me. so, then i knew. and that was a last minute thing. 'cause we were going to scare you during the show. and i thought, well, we got to throw him off. i got to scare him first before the show starts. so, it's out of the way. so, that was just the fake out. that wasn't even to scare you. so, i wasn't even -- >> jimmy: that is so cruel. i don't like knowing all this. [ laughter ] >> if you're going to scare somebody and they're expecting it, which i suspected you expected it. i had to get it out of the way. so, here's what we did. during the commercial break, we told him we had the do nbc promos. and i knew that you'd say yes because you're the nicest guy in the world. >> jimmy: how did you know i would say yes to this? it was about recycling or something. and i go, "sure, i'll do that." >> yeah, it was a good cause. >> jimmy: and i don't like to be scared. do you know that? you don't know that about me. but i really don't like it. i don't like it. [ laughter ] >> oh, that would have been so good. >> jimmy: no, no, no. >> so, no it was -- and so -- first of all, it doesn't matter
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if you like it or not. i lisk it. [ laughter and applause ] >> jimmy: i guess that's true. i guess that's true. >> right, so anyway, so this is what we did. and i brought it just for you. i didn't show it on my show. i brought it to show how we got jimmy. >> jimmy: here we go. watch this. [ cheers and applause ] >> the rest of "the ellen degeneres show." >> jimmy: i'm jimmy fallon of the fallon family. >> and we're proud to be a part of the nbc family. >> jimmy: yes, we are. for more than 80 years the peacock has been dedicated to making the world a better place. next month, we're telling everyone that green is universal to help you remind to conserve resources and reuse. [ screams ] [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: i hate my life. i hate it. i hated everything. i hate everything. [ cheers and applause ] >> i had to plank. it was the funniest thing ever. who was that guy? it was a guy with a beard and a a giant peacock outfit. >> it's kevin.
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[ laughter ] but that's how he comes to work. that is kevin lehman. he is a producer and head writer. he's really funny. >> jimmy: you really got me. >> i got you. >> jimmy: you really got me good. >> i got you really good.h>> jimmy: and you saved it for our show, which i appreciate that. i got to say, i just love your show. it's an inspiration to us. >> thank you. >> jimmy: a lot of the things we do on the show we try to do it -- we love it. >> thank you. [ cheers and applause ] i like -- yeah, you do similar things. that's why i like your show so much, maybe. because i like the games. i like the music. >> jimmy: you've done it already. >> it's like you're watching you. >> it's like watching myself. why do i love him so much? >> jimmy: why do i like jimmy? oh, he's doing me. [ laughter ] >> no, but it's like my show has become -- it's so much fun. i mean, we're just so grateful aren't we that we get to play every single day. which is the best job in the world. but it's really turned into -- because i give so much stuff away on the show, and i dance now. [ cheers a applause ] >> jimmy: we don't do that -- we don't do that type of -- >> i know.
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>> jimmy: we don't do that t e of shenanigans on our show. >> i know. i know. but my show because, you know, i started as stand up. but it's become like 80% free stuff and 20 percent dancing. i don't even do comedy. [ laughter ] if i do vegas, that's the name of the show. it's free stuff and dancing. people line up. >> jimmy: yeah, exactly yeah. >> but, so yeah, people like that. i find that people love to get stuff. i'm not going do it -- [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: we don't have anything. we don't have anything! i didn't bring anything. >> no, you don't have anything, becatse you don't give stuff away. but people expect it from me wherever i go. [ cheers and applause ] first of all, wait a minute. don't get your hopes up.
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i didn't expect this. i brought my purse, and i don't know what i have in it. i don't know what i haveke. i wasn't expecting it. [ cheers and applause ] i have a lot of cover girl stuff. i have all my cover girl makeup in here. [ cheers and applause ] if you promise -- well, you don't have to. you can do whatever you want. here. and then, also, what if i give you all a hundred dollar visa gift card? [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: you're giving it away. oh, my god. [ cheers and applause ] isn't she the best? come on.
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we love you so much. >> jimmy: i want to know, because we already did dancing. we did giveaways. >> what do you want? >> jimmy: can we play a game? >> i love games. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: ellen and i are playing password with two special guests after the break. stick around, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] mother nature can turn in an instant; don't turn back. introducing the new 2016 ford explorer. be unstoppable. this is my fight song... now there's a razor that swirls and swerves as enery blade adjustseto your aurves. venus swirl, with contour blades that have six times more flexibility.
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one plan, four sizes. it's the simple way to get the best network. only at verizon.
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[ cheers and applause ] >> steve: very funny, jimmy. very funny. welcome back to "the tonight show" in los angeles, everybody. i'm your host, steve higgins, and we're about to play a big game of password. [ cheers and applause ] to my left, the first-team starting with the best host in daytime. multiple emmy winner. one of the most fabulous persons in the world, ellen degeneres. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: i can't wait for my intro. that was good. >> steve: ellen, your partner this evening is the host of the nbc's "tonight show" and saugerties' sweetheart, jimmy fallon. [ cheers and applause ]
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person ever. >> steve: jimmy, how you >> jimmy: i'm feeling -- >> steve: that's great. ellen, do you want to introduce >> oh, i sure do. our first opponent is a a previous academy award winner who is nominated for another oscar this year for her lead performance in t movie "wild." here is reese witherspoon. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: hi, reese. >> hi. [ cheers and applause ] >> steve: and jimmy, jimmy. >> jimmy: yes. >> steve: who is reese playing with? >> jimmy: reese's partner this evening is an incredibly talented fellow who has a best actor ac aremy award nomination for his amazing performance in "foxcatcher", steve carell. [ cheers and applause ] >> steve: wow.
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wowie kazaam. and we are all here to play password! [ cheers and applause ] >> steve: very good, jimmy. the rules of the game are very simple. i will give you each of you a a password. then each of you are to give a a one word -- one word clue only. that's one word. to get your partner to guess the password. if you have a stue is illegal as determined by our judges, you will hear this -- [ buzzer ] and you will forfeit your turn. and the team with the most points after the four words wins. any questions? great. ellen -- >> who are the judges? >> immy: what are the rul ? >> steve: why don't you start us off there you go. >> jimmy: who goes? >> me. >> the password is -- >> jimmy: i can't see it. >> call. [ laughter and applause ]
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>> jimmy: booty? >> yes. [ cheers and applause ] [ ding ] >> no way. no, no, no, no. >> jimmy: oh, my gosh. >> are you kidding me? wow. >> jimmy: i swear. >> that's not fair. >> jimmy: we are really good. >> steve: oh, hall of shame. >> pirate. >> jimmy: oh, yeah. steve, get your mind out of the gutter. >> jimmy, steve. sh the password is >> i got a terrible feeling about this. >> yeah, i don't feel good about this. >> steve: steve, you're going start us off. >> tony. [ laughter and applause ] >> soprano. [ cheers and applause ] [ ding ]
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>> steve: apparently this barn is on fire. >> booty call. >> jimmy: no one says that. >> the password is -- >> to me again. >> steve: no, reese you're gonna do this one. >> makeup. >> jimmy: is that hyphenated? >> no, that's one word. >> what's the word? >> all: makeup. >> revlon. >> steve: oh, that's kind of a a diss. [ audience boos ] say cover girl. say cover girl. >> cover girl. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: good cover up. good cover up, buddy. >> steve: oh, my gosh. as is all cover girl makeup.
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>> okay, rouge. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: rouge. makeup, rouge. ellen degeneres? [ laughter ] >> ste is: no. no. >> do i get another chance? >> steve: yep. >> jimmy: one word. >> okay. i'm ready. i'm ready. cheeks. >> blush. [ cheers and applause ] [ ding ] >> yay. >> steve: oh my goodness. oh my goodness. >> it's the last one. >> steve: this is the last one this is e last one. >> jimmy: how mu l is th worth? >> steve: this is worth 1,000 points. [ laughter ] whoever wins this one wins the game. thanat's how close we are. jimmy and steve -- >> jimmy: i was going to say blush.
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>> the password is -- >> steve: jimmy, you are going to start the game when ever you're ready. are you ready? are sure you're ready? >> jimmy: yeah. >> steve: then start in three, two. [ laughter ] >> weed. [ laughter ] >> steve: no. no. >> jimmy: all right. >> steve: there's a theme. >> spleef. [ laughter ] >> uh, uh.
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snoop. [ audience ohs ] i don't know. >> jimmy: two points. >> i know you're going to get it. >> jimmy: rolled. >> joint. >> jimmy: yes! [ cheers and applause ] [ ding ] >> jimmy: our thanks to steve carell, reese witherspoon, ellen degeneres, steve higgins. we're talking to neil young after the break. stick around, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] lily, may i call you lily? i don't really know what else you'd ca- lily, i want an iphone, with a great data plan to share pictures of this smile. all of our mobile share value plans come with rollover data. so the data you don't use this month rolls over to the next. wow. using unused data for all sorts of uploads. my onstituents love... to... watch... me talk. today's leftover data means a brighter future tomorrow. america. write that down. t an iphone at at&t and get
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(dad) she's all yours. (vo) but you get to keep the meries. love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. take a deeeeep breath in. . . and . . . exhale. . . aflac! and a gentle wavelike motion... ahhh- ahhhhhh. liberate your spine... ahhh-ahhhhhh......aflac! and reach, toes blossoming... not that great at yoga. yeah, but when i slipped a disk he paid my claim in just one day. ahh!
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special k red berries, now with more real strawberries.
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[ cheers and applause ] jimmy: we are joined right now again by one of the greatest singer songwriters of all time. he's the driving force behind a a really cool piece of technology called pono, which is a high resolution music player and download service that will change the way you hear digital music. i'm telling you. please welcome to the show, neil young, everybody! [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: thank you, thank you, thank you. thank you for being here.
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thank you for singing with me. >> i loved it. it was fun. i saw you doing me before. i always thought it was unbelievable. >> jimmy: aw, i appreciate that. >> i said, "this is the most i've been on tv ever." [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i've always dreamed of, like, i wonder if i could ever just sing with neil. but i never had the guts to ask you. you were here. i was like, well, had to put you on the spot a little bit and it worked. >> it worked. >> jimmy: so, i got to thank you so much for that, man. >> thank you. >> jimmy: i mean, i'm clearly not the only person who impersonates you. there is another actor out there, bradley cooper, who does an impression of your guitar solo. >> i saw that. >> jimmy: yeah, we have a clip of it here. here's a clip of bradley on our show. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: what do you think of that? that's pretty good, huh?
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[ cheers and applause ] that's pretty cool, right? >> that was cool. yeah, bradley though, he -- he played one of danny witten's parts like it was my part. he didn't -- he couldn't -- you know -- >> jimmy: yeah, go back to school, bradley. okay, figure it out, buddy. [ laughter ] i want to talk about this. the packaging alone is just awesome on this, guys. an awesome wooden box. i love the design on this. tell me about this guy. pono. >> it's the music player and a a music ecosystem., where you can get the highest res files available that we get from the record companies. and this player plays them. and it's just like an ipod except it sounds -- it goes up. >> jimmy: i did it. it's unbelievable. [ applause ] it has a mini sd card down there so you can actually add more memory and stuff like that down here in the bottom. i was playing with it today and i had just any headphones that we found in the office. and i plugged in -- i was playing "harvest."
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i had my friend switch it out and see if i could tell the difference between an ipod and this. i could completely tell the difference. >> you know what? you're a music lover. >> jimmy: i do. >> you love music. >> jimmy: i love it. >> that's what pono is about, people who love music. if you love music and you feel music like these guys over here -- they're going to hear it. [ cheers and applause ] they're going to hear it. >> jimmy: it's warm. it envelopes you and you go, "oh yeah, i know that that's pono right there." and then you went back and they tried to trick me and didn't switch it. i go, "no, you're still on the ipod." i could totally feel the difference. closest thing to vinyl. >> that's good. well, you know, some folks can't hear the difference. but they're not usually music lovers or people totally into music. you know, this is for people who love music. not everybody loves music. >> jimmy: they like it. >> some people go music is wallpaper. it's the background. it's what we have. other people go, "i want to hear music. i love music. i want to turn it on and rock." [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: yeah! that's what i'm talking about! turn it on and rock! and you go to
12:24 am there's over two million songs on this thing. so, congratulations. this started as a kick starter, right? >> yeah. it was kick starter campaign that got us going. >> jimmy: gosh, congratulations. this is the coolest thing ever. >> yeah, and it's fun. it's fun to do it. because it makes everybody's records sound better. everybody who ever made a a record, you know, we can -- it is a potential to make it sound as great as it can sound. >> jimmy: and all the roots -- all the roots' albums are on pono. >> yeah, they are. >> jimmy: and you're going to play -- [ cheers and applause ] and you're going to play with the roots tonight. >> yeah, i'm going to play a a song with the roots. >> jimmy: what song are you going to do tonight? you're going to do "who's going to stand up"? >> "who's going to stand up." >> jimmy: from your latest album right there. neil young performs with the roots after the break. stick around, everybody. turn it on and rock! [ cheers and applause ]
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[ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: our next guest is a a true rock n' roll legend who's here tonight to perform the song "who's gonna stand up" from his latest album "story tone." with a little help from the roots, once again, neil young! [ cheers and applause ]
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protect the wild tomorrow's child protect the land from the greed of man take out the dams stand up to oil protect the plants and renew the soil who's gonna stand up and save the earth that she's had enough who's gonna take on the big machine the earth this all starts with you and me damn the dams save the rivers starve the takers and feed the givers
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let's build a dream and save the world we're the people known as earth who's gonna stand up and save the earth who's gonna say that she's had enough who's gonna take on the big machine who's gonna stand up and save the earth this all starts with you and me ban fossil fuels
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draw the line before we build one more pipeline ban fracking now let's save the waters and build a life for our sons and daughters who's gonna stand up and save the earth who's gonna say that she's had enough who's gonna stand up and save the earth who's gonna say that she's had enough this all starts with you and me who's gonna stand up
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who's gonna stand up who's gonna stand up who's gonna stand up who's gonna stand up who's gonna stand up who's gonna stand up who's gonna stand up who's gonna stand up [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: neil young, everybody! neil young! the roots! "storytone" is in stores right now. my thanks to ellen degeneres, steve carell, reese witherspoon, neil young, doc severinsen, and the roots! stay tuned for "late night with seth meyers."
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thank you for watching, have a a great night. hope to see you tomorrow, bye bye. [ cheers and applause ]
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[ cheers and applause ] >> announcer: from 30 rockefeller plaza in new york, it's "late night with seth meyers." tonight -- matt lauer and savannah guthrie. from world cup champions, team u.s.a, soccer star carli lloyd. featuring the 8g band with brad wilk. [ cheers and applause ] seth meyers! [ cheers and applause ] [ cheers and applause ] >> seth: good evening, everybody. i'm seth meyers. this is "late night." how is everyone doing tonight? [ cheers and applause ]
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good to know. there has been a lot of talk about this presidential election we're having. it's coming up. people can't stop talking about it. it's real important, you guys. and we are just two weeks away from the first republican debate. just two weeks away, which means we will finally -- we will finally get a chance to hear what donald trump thinks. [ laughter ] no more playing it coy, donald. "i have some things to say about mexicans but not yet." [ laughter ] "you'll have to wait until the debates." [ laughter ] donald trump said this weekend that he is self-financing his campaign and is not beholden to donors and special interests or other nations or his party or the wealthy or middle class, poor people, citizens, voters, humans, plants, or animals. so, he's good.
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he's his own man. "i'll tell you what i'd do to china." [ laughter ] "but not today." [ laughter ] "i'll see you at the debate." [ laughter ] this was kind of unbelievable, hillary clinton said this weekend that a lot of well-meaning, open-minded white people are still scared of young black men. here, let's take a look at a clip. >> seth: with fancy scientists --. [ screams and applause ] [ laughter ] >> seth: in -- in my defense, chris rock is not that young. hulk hogan is in trouble after video surfaced showing him using the "n" word during a sex tape. you know it's bad when a 61-year-old man makes a sex tape with his friend's wife and that's not the gross part.


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