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tv   Today in New York  NBC  August 24, 2015 4:30am-5:00am EDT

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much of the area was closed off for quite some time. we learned that he was hit getting out of an unmarked car near gracie mansion just after 7:00. she was struck in the lower back by a pellet gun. she was taken to nearby lenox hospital and treated for lacerations but later released. twot teenagers were found were found at 170 east end avenue. there were reports of windows nearby that had been shot with pellets. the mayor was in brooklyn at the time of the shooting. we hope to hear from him later today. that police officer back home this morning. back to you. >> lori, we'll catch up with you throughout the morning. we're coming up on 4:34. time for weather and traffic on the 4s. raphael, a little muggy this morning. hopefully we'll work it out. >> we'll get through it together. >> it's not that bad. a little muggy on the mugginess scale of things.
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sunshine and clouds going on today. mostly quiet throughout this monday. a few showers and storms to the west of new york city. most of us dry. a gorgeous week by the end of it. we'll look at the seven-day forecast in a few. not perfect for everyone. the hamptons and montauk, you're dealing with rain. it's really the extreme east end of long island. places like east hampton, few showers are moving through. they should be winding down later this morning. the umbrellas will be out for you in eastern suffolk county. mostly sunny, warm and muggy. high of 85 degrees. pop-up storms in the western valley as you head home tonight. first we need to get to work. as we look at your commute, lauren scala has a look at that. >> good morning everyone. because of track maintenance, we have delays and service changes on downtown 1, 2 and 3 trains. 1 trains are terminating at 14th street. there are shuttles from there.
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delays and service changes on 2 and 3 as well. track work on all the trains listed here. alternate side of the street parking rules in effect today. >> lauren, thanks. three american heroes, they're now the recipients of france satisfies highest honor. within the last hour, spencer stone, alex skarlatos and anthony sadler were given the legion of honor. stone still bears the injuries they suffered. the french apartment, francois hollande calls their acts of bravery. >> translator: it is -- we had the power to -- and you taught us with enough courage that we're --
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>> the suspected gunman is known in several countries. he's a moroccan national thought to be a radical islamist. he's being questioned by french police. more on the ceremony and the thwarted train attack. kelly cobiella will be live in paris. that's the american ambassador to france. that's all ahead at 7:00 a.m. also new this morning, the pentagon investigating why a u.s. military warehouse in japan exploded. blasts lighting the night sky. this is at the u.s. army general depot, about 25 miles outside of tokyo. nobody was hurt. but the warehouse obviously destroyed by the flames. it was set to hold canisters of gas like oxygen and nitrogen. but no weapons. investors looking at a blue monday on wall street. overnight stocks slid in asia.
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index down more than 8%. this is because of fears of china's economic slowdown. the dow lost 6%. dow futures are down more than 300 points. coming up on 4:37. investigators are trying to figure out what may have started a fast-moving fire that killed two people at a home in queens. take a look at the flames tearing out of the windows of home in far rockaway. the fire started around 1:00 yesterday afternoon. firefighters say the home was loaded with clutter making their efforts very difficult. they eventually found two dead bodies in the kitchen. investigators say a house fire of this size in the middle of the day is unusual. >> it's something you see in the evening while people are asleep, not in the middle of the day when people are out and about. we're taking everything into consideration. >> investigators believe it may have started in the kitchen. that's where the two victims were found. investigators don't know what sparked the flames that ripped through a highrise apartment
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building in harlem. more than 20 people are injured. it broke out a little before 11:00 yesterday morning on the 16th floor of this building on broadway. it very quickly spread. residents forced to run down 16 flights of steps to safety. ten firefighters are among the injured. thankfully, all expected to recover. the racing world is praying for the recovery of an indy car driver involved in a crash. justin wilson is in a coma in pennsylvania in a hospital there. he is listed in critical condition. this happened at pocono raceway. he was apparently hit in the head with a large piece of debris from another car. ryan hunter-reay won the race. but his winner's circle celebration was subdued. in new jersey, state police would like help finding the operator of a boat involved in a hit-and-run crash. this boat rammed into another and took off. this was around 10:00 last night
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in jefferson township on lake hoe patcong hopatcong. this is the boat that was hit. it is very badly damaged. two of the five people on it are injured. the boat that sped away is described as a large white cabin boat with an aluminum prop. if you have any information, give police a call. a suspect under arrest after being tracked down by his alleged victim. andrew boren zi stole a woman's truck. when the woman was notified that her cards were being used, she went looking for her truck and found it outside a 7-eleven. when he walked out of the store, the victim's son detained him until police got there. senator charles schumer concerned about how a court ruling will affect repairs to the east river tunnel. it's expected to cost hundreds of thousands of dollars to repair the tubes damaged after hurricane sandy.
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the insurance settlement capped at $125 million. senator schumer says an appeal could take years. so he's asking for $550 million in sandy relief funding to help with the project. new scrutiny for the topless women in times square. we'll tell you who is keeping a close eye on them. up later, panda madness at the smithsonian national zoo. a new delivery. >> oh, no. so cute. >> double trouble. >> pandii. weather and traffic on the 4s. you're watching "today in new york." ant. my baby was born two months early and weighed only three pounds. this is the view i had of her in the nicu. my tip to you is speak into the opening so your baby can hear you better. you can quit. talk with your doctor. for more help call
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four things to know this morning. police are questioning two teenagers in the pellet gun shooting that injured a member of mayor de blasio's security detail. a female nypd officer was treated in a hospital and released. >> turmoil overseas could cause more problems for wall street. overnight, stocks slid once again in asia. right now, dow futures are down more than 300 points. fastrack service changes resume tonight on the 1, 2 and 3 subway train lines. so there will be no trains between 34th street, penn station and south ferry barclays center between 10:00 p.m. and 5:00 a.m. overnight. this goes up through friday. david wright expected to rejoin the mets tonight in philadelphia. the veteran third baseman hasn't played with the team since april 14th after dealing with a spinal condition as well as a hamstring injury. 4:44 right now. time for a check of weather and traffic on the 4s. we'll start with raphael miranda. raphael, the last few days of august.
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>> i know, it's nuts. the last few weekends of summer coming our way. you want to enjoy it whige you can. temperatures back to the 80s. light, summery feel on this monday. if you have to head to work, it's not too bad. nice and clear out there. no rain to worry about in the city. we're tracking some showers to the east. mostly cloudy skies. 74 degrees in central park. it's comfortable and warm and it's a little sticky as you start your workweek. let's take a look at storm tracker. we can see that it is quiet in new york city. we have clouds aty clear skies, especially west of town. as we head east, there's a little bit of green this morning. places like the hamptons. take a closer look. a weak disturbance camped out there all weekend long. a couple of showers kicking back from east hampton towards montauk. idmoving from south to north. nothing too heavy. a few downpours in the mix. for eastern long island, you may need the umbrellas over the next hour or so. temperatures in northwest new jersey in the 50s and 60s. not as cool as it was yesterday
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at this time. 59 in franklin. extra humidity out there keeping us warmer. 68 in poughkeepsie. we have patchy fog off to the west as well. seen visibility reduced in morristown this morning. baseball forecast later on today, astros taking on the yanks. warm and muggy. 81 degrees the first pitch. 7:015. temperatures hovering in the 80s. dropping down to the 70s by the end of the game. a slight chance for a pop-up shower or storm but otherwise dry. a look at future tracker throughout the rest of the day. lots of sunshine y 9:00 a.m. the clouds are lingering for eastern long island. sorry guys. it's going to take a little while longer for you. probably from 1:00, 2:00 p.m. when everyone dries out nicely. even our friends in eastern long island. setting this into motion as we head towards the evening commute, it's dry in new york city. we're tracking a few storms. eastern p.a., places like sullivan county, you may run into a few of the showers and storms. better chance for rain overnight. not everyone will see rain.
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scattered showers and storms, tuesday morning, tomorrow morning, you may need the umbrella as you head outdoors. 86 degrees. as you t e a look at the rest of the forecast, wednesday, thursday and friday. humidity is gone. temperatures in the 80s. it looks like the hll stuff -- it could be near 90 again by next weekend. the hot weather continues around here. lauren scala is taking a look at the commute. how is that going? >> we have some issues out there. specifically on the 1, 2 and 3. downtown service changes due to track maintenance. downtown 1 trains terminating at 14th street. you have shuttle bus service on 14th street to south ferry. the 2 and the 3 running local downtown between 34th street and chambers street. then some 2 trains are running on the 5 line from 149th street grand concourse to nef inns
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street. alternate side of the street parking rules in effect. it's coming up onl4:47. a louisiana state trooper is fighting for his life. steven vincent was responding to reports of an unsafe driver when he came across a pickup truck in a ditch in del city, louisiana. when he approached the vehicle, the driver, 54-year-old kevin dagle allegedly shot him with a shotgun. at least two of the drivers saw what happened and they actually stopped him before he could get away. >> thank god for the civilians. they s wed up and actually subdued the guy. actually put handcuffs on him and tended and gave first aid to the troopers there. >> authorities say the trooper is in critical condition with severe neurological damage. two men accused of plotting to attack a pokemon tournament are heading to court in boston. they bragged about their plans. they made violent threats on social media. this was on thursday.
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police investigated and stopped these two just as they were entering the convention center. officers found an arsenal of weapons and ammo in their vehicle. check it out. they were from iowa. they now face several charges. moving to california now. firefighters finally making a little bit of progress against the wildfire near a ski resort. this is south bear lake in the san bernardino mountains. this happened around 12:30 yesterday afternoon. it grew very, very quickly. 100 acres plus now. the wildfire is 20% contained. but in nearby washington state. crews are still battling wildfires that are now covering 375 square miles. >> we're getting new details now about how a british tourist was rescued in the australian outback. jeff keys tried to take a shortcut back to camp after a swim. he spent two days wandering without food or shoes. we're seeing the s.o.s. message he scrawled in the sand.
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there's help and the date 2807. the state is going to be stepping into the debate over the nearly naked women in times square. the daily news reporting state police taking a closer look at the businesses practices of the body painted women who take photos with tourists for tips. mayor de blasio was commissioned a city task force. he's promising a crackdown. some say that w en have the right to be topless if men do. state senator rueben diaz is proposing a different solution. >> to force everyone, men and women, to cover up. >> another proep sam getting mixed reviews is to get rid of the pedestrian plaza and let traffic move through times square once again. >> hundreds of protesters went shirt-free in manhattan. a few bare chested women as well walked from columbus circle to bryant park for world go topless day. the event was planned well
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before this controversy over the painted women in times square. marchers say toplessness is an issue of gender equality. >> i think it's silly. if you're going to say it, everybody -- it needs to be equal. if men couldn't do it, i probably wouldn't fight it so hard. >> it's legal for women to go topless in new york city since 1992. let's talk sports now. it was andy pettitte day. the yankees retired his number 46 in monument park. he is the third member mo, of course, to have his number retired. on saturday, the yankees honored jorge posada. pettitte unveiled his plaque that will stand in monument park for generations to come. >> i could have never imagined 20 years later the most storied franchise in sports history would be honoring me in such a way.
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>> the only member of the core 4 whose number is not retired is rek jeter. he was there for his teammate. got a huge ovation. by the way, the only mark on the day was the yankees -- this is a big one, 4-3 loss. >> we're sure that derek jeter's number will be retired as soon as they can. 4:51. still to come, last call for a well-known bar with a unique look. we're going to take you inside the final night. still ahead at 5:00, a new role for tracy morgan. we'll tell you what the comedian is celebrating this morning. you're watching "today in new york."
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straight outta compton topped the box office for at second straight week and the
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lm chronicling the rise of nwa brought in $27 million this weekend. the biopic has earned $111 million domestically, fueling rumors out of a possible sequel. the return to compton. >> go back for more. >> my son saw it twice. he did. saw it twice. i can see where it's a super >> oh, yeah. >> the kids love it. >>og the kids love it. >> the young kids. >> we have some interesting weathernews. we've broken a heat record this summer. can anybody guess what it is. >> i was here over the weekend. i know what it is. >> we haven't had extreme heat. but we've had the most 80-degree plus days in a row recorded in central park. >> the records go back to 1869, guys. we've had 45 days in a row at 80
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degrees or above in central park. that smashed the old record of 41 days. there's no end in sight. lookhes like we could go well into the 50s. lauren is cheering over here. the last time there was a day below 80 degrees was july 9th of this year. 79 degrees. we're going to keep it going. this is the hottest stretch in central park in terms of 80-degree plus days. if you're going to the beach to escape the heat, you can see in the shorecast, in the low to mid-80s. water temperature, this is as warm as it gets. 72 to 79 degrees. toasty in someospots. there is a modeate risk for rip curru t. be careful in new york city and long island, south facing beaches. tho heat goe on, guys. it's been a slow simmer this summer but hot stuff. >> thanks, raphi. >> do we need to talk about february and how col it was. >> i'm excited about that 80-degree weather. we have an accident that blocks
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two lanes heading to the bronx. head to the throgs neck bridge. livemiook outside at the george washington bridge. everything moving along nicely inbound and outbouid. the roadwork, the lower level is open. youtheed your e-zpass until 6:00 a.m. the lincoln and the holland in good shape. we have service changes on the subways. the details in a bit. thank you very much, lauren. you probably missed it. it was the last call at the legendary manhattan saloon hogs and heifers. ncing on the bar. how did i miss this? >> the meat packing district hangout is closed for good. owners say it wasgnhe skyrocketing rent that happens all over. that combined with cheap bar doesn't mix financially. no word as to what will happen to the 18,000 bras that are hanging on the bar, including the famous one from none other than julia roberts. >> don't act like you weren't there. we know your story. >>
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in queens, the nypd and the fdny kicking out hot competition in the battle of the badges. new york's finest went toe to toe with the bravest in a cookoff. they made food that was judged. while the competition was tough, the day was more about bringing people together. >> it's really about having the community come out, meet everyone. meet the fire department, meet the police department. it's a great way to spend the day. >> so this year, the fire department took home the bragging rights. firefighter baylor had the winning dish. tennessee smoked apple roots with a side of apple cole slaw and sweet potatoes. he gets a free weber grill and a trip to the bahamas. there's pandemonium in the nation's capitol. not one, but two giant panda cubs were born at the national zoo. they're already quite the attraction. >> reporter: any panda knows
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what that sound means. so does the director of the na otional zoo. means there's a new panda in toixwn, this time two. >> it s a bit of a surprise for us. >> the first birth at 5:30. the second after 10:00 p.m. on saturday. it's only the third time there have been twin births in u.s. in the wild, it's a different story. >> we know that twins are very common. we've seen them in the caves and the dense that the wild pandas go. >> reporter: for these to be born when they were adds another level of excitement here. it happens to be bao bao's second birthday. she still managed to take the cake. >> she seems to be nonplussed by all of this. two births are rare in captivity, now they're starting to get busy. there's a set of protocols for helping her out with the double duties of motherhood. >> what we're trying to do is swap the cubs and give one at a time, each have time with mom.
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while the other one is kept warm in an incubator. >> reporter: with all this attention, there may be time for the neighbors to get private time outside. still, some of the visitors came upon the news of the new births. >> i didn't even realize it until i saw it on the news this morning that they have given birth. we thought, will, we'll come to the zoo today. >> reporter: others are surprised how many a birth and birthday are a big deal. >> yeah. >> cake. >> made a cake for the panda. >> reporter: they'll make close observations to find out the health and the gender of them. >> we've looked closely and we're not sure. >> that will take a few weeks. derek ward, nbc news. congratulations. coming up on 5:00 a.m. take us with you if you're headed out the door. >> download the "news 4 new york" app on your mobile device. the next hour starts right now.
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>> right now an early morning fire has left a toddler fighting for his life. live on the scene in brooklyn. >> a member of mayor de blasio's security detail shot with a pellet gun. new information in overnight. rumors of wall street, drops overseas. "today in new york" starts now. good morning, 5:00 a.m. on this monday, august 24th. i'm michael gargiulo. we're glad to have you with us. i'm kerry barrett. i'm in for darlene. >> chris cimino is off and raphael miranda is here with the forecast. as we continue our 80 machine degree streak, raphi. >> that's right. no end in sight. a little muggy this morning as well. it's 74 degrees outside right now. it's quiet in the city but showers off to the east of town. let's take a look at the radar in a minute. 82 by lunchtime. today's high 85 degrees. hit or miss shower or storm possible as you head home. that's west of town if you live in the western hudson valley. look at the 80-degree stretch in your seven-day. co gmmute.
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>> good morning everyone. if you get on the 1, 2 and ed we have service changes on downtown trains all due to track maintenance. trains are terminating at 14th street. can they get on the shuttle bus to south ferry. trains are running local down to chambers.f some 2 trains run on a 5 line from the grand concourse to nefins street. still shuts down two lanes. the throgs neck braj -- more weather and traffic on the 4s. >> new this morning, a toddler is in the hospital. an early morning house fire in brooklyn. katherine creag is in marine park. what are you hearing from the neighbors in this community? >> reporter: michael, neighbors tes ll us that they saw so much smoke that was coming out of the house and filled the streets here as aell. then they saw the 2-year-old boy who lives here. they saw paramed es taking them out. they said it was heartbreaking seeing them rush to the ambulance and that boy was taken
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to a hospital where he is listed in critical condition. much of the fire damage can be seen on the second floor and that's where the 2-year-old boy's bedroom is located. it was about 1:15 this morning when fire broke out here. agsaain,io neighbors didn't exactly see flames but they saw this. >> just thick smoke when i got here. it was a lot of chaos. >> reporter: just right over here, here's the live look. you can see fire officials are still here on the scene. investigators are as well. michael, it's still being investigated what exactly caused this fire. neighbors also telling us the family moved here into this house just four years ago. back to you, michael. >> kat, thank you very much. it is 5:02. we're learning new information about the pellet gun shooting that sent a mayor of mayor de hospital. "today in new york's" lori bordonaro is on the upper east side where two people are being


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