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tv   BBC World News America  PBS  December 23, 2011 5:30pm-6:00pm EST

5:30 pm
darryl? oh. no. oh, darryl! i got--got-- call--call an ambulance! riggs, call an ambulance! come on, breathe! breathe, breathe! oh, breathe! call an ambulance, riggs! hey, come on. breathe. oh, god. it's darryl! boy, i said breathe. oh, god, don't do this to me. breathe! he's dead, rog. rog, he's dead! breathe! oh, god, don't do this to me. he's dead, rog. rog, he's dead! he's dead, rog! come on. don't mess with him. he's dead.
5:31 pm
come on, man, that was a clean shoot. it's ok. it was a clean shoot. he was gonna do you, he was gonna do me. it's ok. you ok? it's not ok. i know that kid. i know that kid. he's nick's friend. (sorrowful music) [mother humming] [telephone rings] i'll get it. hello. hi, martin. he's not here. (sorrowful music) oh, my god. thanks. (sorrowful music)
5:32 pm
why? why? [starts car] shop kmart and get after christmas prices now... at the winter apparel blowout sale! take up to 60% off... outerwear for the whole family... and up to 60% off cozy sleepwear and robes! plus get thousands of gifts under $10. now that's kmart smart bisquick makes amazing pancakes... and pizza...
5:33 pm
chicken tenders... even strawberry shortcake. unleash the hidden power of bisquick.
5:34 pm
5:35 pm
state farm. this is jessica. [ jerry ] hey jessica, jerry neuman, i know i dropped you guys... fell for that whole 15 minute sign up thing. but i'm having second thoughts right about now. is now a good time to start a new policy? is your car up a pole again? [ laughs ] you're funny. no, it's in a garage... it's not going anywhere. well you could switch back to state farm for auto. on average, people do save $480. really? yep. and nobody gives more discounts to more drivers -- like the multi-car discount... multi-car? is that for a person who has one car but multiple accidents? 'cause that might really interest me. not exactly. but that savings could get even bigger when you combine your auto and your home. awesome. i just combined them. you did what jerry? actually i'm gonna have to call you back. anytime. our call center's available 24/7 at 1-800-state-farm. with discounts like these, state farm's the only quote you'll ever need. actually i'm also going to need a quote for a stone mason.
5:36 pm
[ male announcer ] you could save an average of $480 on auto. get to a better state and a better rate. call 1-800-state-farm today. ♪ [ male announcer ] it's movie time. with a wii twist. netflix now delivers unlimited tv episodes and movies instantly through wii and nintendo 3ds. all for only 8 bucks a month. shop kmart and get after christmas prices now... at the christmas blowout sale! this 32-inch sylvania lcd tv is just $269.99... get $20 off all character bikes... and all craftsman tool storage is on sale! now that's kmart smart. taking your vitamins? feel a little moisture back there. riggs, how's murtaugh? he's good. he's fine. i'm sure he's anything but fine, riggs. oh, really. he's ok. i'd really like to talk to him. i don't think that's a good idea, doc. i think the best thing you could do for him is leave him alone. let's get something for your cold. doctor: i know what i'm talking about. oh, really? you and i hai don't think so.
5:37 pm
talking to you is bad for my image. i'm afraid i insist. oh, in that case, let's find somewhere a little more private. here, step into my orifice. just step in here. hey, riggs. clip any wrong wires lately? i haven't done that for a couple of days, no. hey, next time wait for the bomb squad. yeah. come on. it's our job. ok, i'll remember that. hey, we saved a cat. what do you want? great. i love cats. riggs: go ahead, talk. i'm listening. you purposefully withheld information concerning a case under my investigation. you're damn ght i did. careful, riggs. she's internal affairs. you had a tip on travis. you should've shared it with me. no. i take that back. you were required to share it with me. i was required to share it with you? this is school yard rules. if you don't scratch my back, i don't throw you a- oh, come on, riggs. i can't do that even if i want to! why don't you cut out this classified garbage right now?
5:38 pm
we're cops. we're both on the same side, right? right? right? right! right? good! why don't we start to act like it, huh? there's kids out there-- babies, no brains-- but they got automatic weapons. yesterday my partner, he nailed this kid-- i know about murtaugh. yeah? yeah, and i'm sorry, riggs. yeah. look, uh, why don't you let me in on this? i can help you. i really wanna help you if you'll let me. let me. come on, what do you say? we got a deal? wash your hands, riggs. and, um... meet me in my office. yeah. i'll be up. i'll be right there. mac-10 9 millimeter semiautomatic converted to an automatic... with 36 rounds in the magazine on a sesame seed bun. very illegal.
5:39 pm
that gun has a history. you wanna know about it? tell me. "killed a convenience store clerk "in l.a. county, july 1990. "it was used in a drive-by shooting "in san bernardino county, august 1990. "it was confiscated by a truant officer "at the l.a. county unified school board, "october 1990. "scheduled for destruction by the l.a.p.d. 6 weeks ago." scheduled for destruction? yeah, but it never got there. instead it found its way into the hands of a 15-year-old boy who fired it on a police officer-- you're partner. i thought it looked familiar. that gun and 15,000 others like it. were stolen from a police department storage facility before they could be destroyed. i mean, they should be paper clips right now or license plates, or i don't know, anything but a gun. here we're busting our asses on the streets to try and get these weapons out of circulation, and now they're headed right back out. when you busted billy phelps, you stumbled onto something the department's been trying to keep a lid on.
5:40 pm
that's why internal affairs is onto this, isn't it? 'cause they think it's an inside job. yeah, that's right. they knew police procedures. they knew where the guns were stored and how to get in. they even knew the sorting codes on the sides of containers, because they took the automatics and left the junk behind. it all pointed to a cop. or an ex-cop. right. travis. travis. and you let him slip through your fingers. that's closer than you ever got. close, riggs? close is a lingerie shop without a front window. you wanna to go for a ride? sure. where we going? it's a surprise. oh, i love surprises. what is is place? i accessed billy phelps' phone records on my computer. he made a dozen calls to ts address. that was nice of you to steal that information. semantics, riggs. semantics? i'm always up for some antics.
5:41 pm
all right, let's go on 3. 1... uh, on 3 or 3 and go? never mind. 1, 2, 3. (dramatic music) [grrr] looks like billy's grandmother owns a big dog. that isn't a dog. that's a horse. i hate dogs, riggs. i don't get it. you don't get what? that's a dog, it's a ferocious dog. no, no. i don't get it. close is a lingerie shop without a front window. i don't get that. riggs, later. [grrr] what are you doing? well, i can't shoot a dog. people, ok, but not dogs. i think i should try and make friends with him. make friends? yeah. now, don't run, because he'll only chase you down and kill you.
5:42 pm
uh-huh. here, boy. here, boy. [grrr] good boy. yes, yes. [grrr] [whimpering] riggs? grr. (making dog noises) you're crazy. [panting] [whimpering] [woof woof] want one? want one? you hungry? you're a hungry boy, huh? aw, doesn't anybody feed you?
5:43 pm
come on. he's a good fella. here. leave some for me. now, very slowly... as if you're not here, just walk away. you want me to go? yeah, this is a guy sort of thing. are you all alone in here? that's good. stay. man: let's go. second man: on 2. all right. how many is that? 55. all right. we got 8 more. all right. we'll get these later. let's go.
5:44 pm
hi, fellas. what's in all these boxes? oh! easy, ernie. let's not kill him yet, huh? let's see who he is first, all right? (gasping) you have the right to remain silent. shut him up. "sergeant martin riggs." hubie, get the truck ready. hubie: right. so, sergeant riggs, how did you find us, huh? freeze! police! oh, another one? we need a new dog. get your hands up, pal. get 'em up! (gasping) little bit higher. that's better. very good. [click]
5:45 pm
drop it, miss. hh. now, look-- (click) wait! wait, ok? hold on! wait, wait! sergeant cole. get down! (gunfire) get those cases and kill that dog! (crash)
5:46 pm
(gunfire) [barking] oh. stop! the dog. wait for the dog. where did you learn to fight like that? catholic school. forget about the dog! here, boy! we're waiting for the dog. just hold it. hold it. hurry up. come on, dog! hey, good dog! go! let's go! stop! what? guns! they're full of guns! well, grab one! you grab one. go, go! step on it! (gunfire) get that crate! let's do it! come on! (dramatic music) hatchett, you said not to worry about the police, but the cops are all over you, man! they got my guns, and they'll be coming after me next! now, far as i'm concerned, the deal's off! get a grip on yourself, tyrone, all right? we have a deal. nobody backs out. you said you had the cops under control. now i see that isn't so, so you give me one good reason why i should do business with you.
5:47 pm
i'll give you a real good reason. hey, tyrone, this is travis. you try and back out of the deal now, i'll make certain that only your dentist can identify the body. is that a good enough reason for you? but i need ammo. i'm out of business without ammo. i need the good stuff. you'll get the ammo, the good stuff. the good stuff. time to pay another visit to the l.a.p.d. yeah. you look like i feel. ahh. hey. hey... do you got anything i can put on my head? there's a hat in the closet. oh, you're all heart. here i thought you were gonna get all tender and maternal with me. listen, riggs, i was raised with 4 brothers. we got hurt all the time, but if no bones were broken or blood wasn't gushing, nobody cared.
5:48 pm
hey, look. blood. see? blood. it's not gushing. well, it was free-flowing earlier. hey, could you at least bring me a needle and thread? and maybe some peroxide. i could patch it up myself. don't touch anything. i wasn't... i didn't... what's with you anyway? [three stooges theme music plays] the boys. hey, what are you doing? huh? i thought i told you not tothis came oning. what are all by itself. it came on all by itself. what are you, a wise guy? you don't like anybody to share your toys, do you? this isn't a toy, riggs. no, this is a weapon. that's a weapon? yeah. and used properly, a very effective weapon. do you throw it at people? it's pretty heavy. you're going to give yourself a hernia. come here and sit down. all right. ok, take a little off the top.
5:49 pm
easy around the ears. do you bring all your-- ok, here. what are we talking about here? it's just back here. careful. this? this scratch? come on. it feels like grand canyon. oh, god. ow. hold still. yeah. we haven't even started. be gentle with me, will you? i see this isn't virgin territory. what is this--a knife? oh, that's an ax. some guy mistook my head for a log. yeah, that's a natural mistake. you saying i got a wood head? yeah that's a knife. oh, that's very knife. oh, hey, this is all right. that's the pavement. dragged down crenshaw. hey, that's great. good texture. look at this. same thing. 3rd and highland. dragged for about 1/2 a block, i'll tell you what. feel that texture. feel it. cheese-grater time. moving truck. moving truck? oh, moving bullet. moving bullet?
5:50 pm
this is the best. yeah, and it goes all the way through to the back. right through? you're lucky. was it a .22? it's a .38, riggs. that's a .38? that's kind of a wimpy .38. now this is a .38. yours is bigger than mine? i think so. well, maybe not, but look. watch. a whole family of .44s. on the back. look, there they are. that's impressive. one of them nt through. one got stuck in my lung. i was breathing blood bubbles. it was disgusting. blood bubbles. ok. you got one? mm-hmm. pump action, 12 gauge. oh, yeah. mm-hmm. yeah. right down here... went through. oh, that must've hurt. not too close. riggs, if you were that close, i'd be dead. i can beat it. i can beat it. have a look at this. i'll take your word for it. no, no, really. you got to see this. i'll take your word for it. guy had a 2-foot knife. you're gonna love this. he stuck it right in my leg and ground it around about 8 times. i said forget it. come on, this is a blue ribbon event. forget it, riggs. hey, you started this. yeah? well, i can end it.
5:51 pm
you know what? you're a very poor loser. i didn't lose, riggs. yes, you did. no, i didn't lose. i conceded. you lost. no, there'n losing and conceding. you conceded, or you're conceited? you think i'm conceited? oh, yeah. tell me you lost. admit to it. i'll go get you a band-aid. come on. tell me you lost. i said don't touch anything- (moaning) you're going to smack the hell out of me, right? i can do better than that, riggs. whoa!
5:52 pm
sears last minute gift sale is on now! get our lowest price ever on this samsung 46-inch 3d tv, just $999.99. all craftsman mechanics tool sets are up to 50% off. plus, earn $100 back in rewards points with all fine jewelry. sears guys... [ female announcer ] pillsbury cinnamon rolls with cinnabon cinnamon are an irresistible sunday morning idea. nothing calls them to the table faster. sunday morning ideas made easy.
5:53 pm
5:54 pm
you tell us what you want to pay, and we give you a range of coverages to choose from. who is she? that's flobot. she's this new robot we're trying out, mostly for, like, small stuff. wow! look at her go! she's pretty good. she's pretty good. hey, flobot, great job. oops.
5:55 pm
[ powers down ] uh-oh, flobot is broken. the "name your price" tool, only from progressive. call or click today.
5:56 pm
5:57 pm
[drops empty can] ohh! oh, damn, riggs. man. what do you want, riggs? i just wanted to see how you were doing, cochise. who sent you--trish? well, uh, you're doing pretty well. no, trish didn't send me. rianne came to see me. she asked me to find you. you're place? well, yeah. my daughter came to your trailer? yeah. my daughter... came to your trailer? oh, come on, roger. she was worried about you. hey, get off of my boat, riggs! get off my boat! look, you're drunk, rog, all right? that's something you should know about. look, this isn't gonna do you any good. hey, give me that. no! give! rog, please don't do this, ok? you got 3 days to go to your retirement. this is not gonna do you any good. you self-righteous-- rog! look, don't do this, ok? please. hey, give it to me, damn it, riggs! you're not yourself.
5:58 pm
what are you going to do now-- shoot me? there! hey, take your finger out of my bottle and give me that gun. the bottle's going south. you son of a... oh. not bad for an old man. you finished? no. i got another bottle in the galley, and i'm gonna get it. oh, no, you're not. rog, don't do this to yourself, all right? please. you gotta cut this out. ohh! oh, man, i'm sorry. are you ok? sit down. you hit me. look, cool it. cut it out. now just give it up, ok? go ahead. go ahead, hit me again. i don't want to hit you again. you think i like doing this stunt? hit me again, huh? you think i'm afraid of you-- i know you're not afraid of me. and that kung fu you do? no! please, rog. look, thatid was a killer, all right? that wasn't a tinkertoy in his hand, that was a machine pistol with twin carbines and all the trimmings, man. he would have drilled you, me, anybody that came along, all right?
5:59 pm
you had no choice. it didn't happen to you. it happened to me. it happened to me! i--i killed that kid. i killed that boy. oh, yeah, you killed a lot of people. you ever kill a baby? you got ice in your veins. you ever kill a boy like nick? you selfish bastard! you selfish bastard! you're just thinking about yourself! what about me, huh? we're partners. we are partners . what happens to you happens to me. after all e stuff we've been through, don't you get it? don't you get it? when you retire, you're not just retiring you, you're retiring us, man. you're retiring us. that's not my problem. yes, it is. it's not my problem! you're the only family i got. i got 3 beautiful kids. i love them, and they're yours. trish does my laundry. i live in your icebox. i live in your life! what have i got? what am i supposed to do? i don't care. yes, you do. i don't care!


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