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tv   ABC2 News Good Morning Maryland 6am  ABC  September 13, 2012 6:00am-6:30am EDT

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one man is in the hospital, and another man is hon on the run. this after a shooting at morgan state university. we're going to tell you what happened on campus that had the school on lockdown. another death from west nile virus in our state to tell you about. the plan that health officials have to help keep the virus from spreading anymore. do you know how many calories are in that big mac? do you want to know? like it or not you will find out. it's going to be impossible to avoid and we'll tell you why those details straight ahead on this thursday morning. thank you for joining us. i'm megan pringle.
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alongside lynette charles who has a look at the weather and lauren cook with traffic. and charlie crowson and his wife, still waiting for that baby. >> yeah wow. >> i know. they've been in the hospital for since tuesday so he's been checking in with us and things are going well. they're just going slow. >> my mother was in labor with my sister from tuesday to saturday. so hopefully not a story like that. >> hopefully charlie's wife didn't hear you say that. everybody's face is like? >> all right, but there will be smiling about the weather. >> they will be smiling about the weather. a little cold this morning but still enjoy it because we are going to start to see a few more clouds in the area. the temperatures this morning 53-degrees in jefferson and that dew point coming in at 53. right now the winds are calm and pick up more from the south in the afternoon at about 5 to 10 miles per hour. that southerly flow is going to be a little bit warmer. jessup 53 degrees right now and the dew point at 52.
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in catonsville more of the same and 54 for a dew point. we look at maryland's most powerful radar as of now and we are nice and dry. and we've been dry for a while. and it wouldn't be bad if we got a few showers in here and some showers possibly as we go into tomorrow evening. but all in all the weekend right now looks still on the dry side. as we look at the hour by hour forecast, we take you to about 8:00 this morning. still plenty of sunshine. cool. 61 degrees. and then by lunchtime, 77. still lots of sunshine in the forecast. but as we head into 3:00 hour that temperature at 82 degrees. it's going to be a warm day. a little bit above average and also that's when we'll start the see a few more clouds trying to trickle in across the area. but still lots of sunshine and don't figure the sunglasses out and about. let's get a check now of the abc2 timesaver traffic with lauren cook. good morning. accidents picking up on the roads. yes, yes, traffic is certainly picking up here on the harrisburg expressway at warren road. no significant delays though as you travel down to 695. and as we go to downtown baltimore, here's what it looks
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like on 95 at 395. traffic really starting to pick up in this vicinity downtown. a 15 minute ride right now from white marsh into the city. 695 no problems to report from parkville to towson and on the west side, from outer loop to 95 a short ride. three gun related incidents in school campuses on three weeks and they span from a middle school to high school and now a college campus. morgan state university. the victim was shot yesterday. it happened inside the student center and abc2 news' sherrie johnson is live this morning in northeast baltimore with the story. what's the latest on this investigation right now? >> reporter: well, megan i called baltimore city police department and right now, they are still searching for the gunman. this is still a very much an active investigation. but in just a few hours classes will resume here at morgan
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state university. they canceled classes last night because of the shooting on campus. now yesterday there all happened -- this all happened witnesses say about 4:15 p.m. the victim was inside the morgan state student center playing pool. he was shot inside the student center but he collapsed outside the building. investigators don't think the victim or the gunman were students at morgan state. but the whole experience was terrifying for students. now police have not released a name of the victim. and again they are still searching for the gunman. and once again classes are set to resume this morning. reporting live in northeast baltimore, sherrie johnson, abc2 news. today the teenager charged in the perry hall high school shooting is due in court. robert gladden has a bail review hearing scheduled for 9:30 this morning. right now he is being held without bond pending a mental evaluation. as soon as we learn anything we are going to post it on the website. so you can always check it out
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online. a developing story to tell you about right now. the pentagon has ordered two warships to the libyan coast. this following an attack in benghazi that killed three americans, three diplomats including the u.s. ambassador. u.s. investigators right now looking into whether it was a coordinated assault on the anniversary of september 11th. not just some random act. coming up at 6:30 this morning, president obama's message for whoever is responsible for carrying out the deadly attacks. well, today the nation will pay tribute to the first man to walk on the moon. a national memorial service has been set up for neil armstrong. it's going to take place at the national cathedral in d.c. this morning. it is open to the public. it starts at 10:00. and tomorrow, armstrong will be buried at sea and flags across the country will be flown at half staff. in his honor. he died last month at the age of 82. all right, well, this is not something that a lot of us
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worry about. getting sick with west nile virus. however, health officials say it's time that we do. we need to take it seriously and that's because another person in maryland has died. they became sick and now they're doing something about it. they are spraying. what does that mean? well, abc2 news linda so is live this morning with what you need to know and how they're trying to get this under control. linda? >> reporter: crews will be back out here tonight to spray for mosquitoes. that starts at 7 : 30. and you should stay inside for at least 30 minutes after the spraying happens. what they do is they spray an insecticide to kill mosquitoes. this is the second time they're doing it in the millford mail area after a confirmed case of west nile virus was found here. it's all in response to what state officials say is a confirmed case that a second person has died from the west nile virus in maryland. so far 25 cases have been reported in the state. the west nile virus is spread through mosquito bites. so the best thing you can do is to stay inside when mosquitoes
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are most active. >> if you do have to go out during dusk and dawn, when mosquitoes are most active, wear long pants and long sleeves, use a repellent. a mosquito repellent. if you should become ill, up to two weeks after having any bites, go to your medical provider and let them know about the mosquito bites. >> reporter: it also helps to get rid of any standing water you may have around your house. because that's where mosquitoes like to breed. also, crews will be back in anne arundel county next week to spray in the marley area after a spike of cases there. you can go to our website at there we have a special section with all you need to know to keep you and your family safe from the west nile virus. live in mill fords mill, linda so, abc2 news. how do you think ewe till companies handled the storm? the maryland public service commission is going to take all the comments you gave them to come up with their own conclusion and recommendations. they're holding two days of
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legislative hearings beginning at 10:00 this morning. we will let you know with they say. well, in new york, size matters. that controversial ban on sugar drinks it goes into effect and we want your thoughts this morning on whether it's going to night obesity or it's just a way for the government to butt into your business. >> plus, one driver didn't want to stop and wait so look at what she did instead. and wait until you hear her excuse. >> quite a bit of excitement in the streets of los angeles in one naked. we're going to tell you -- neighborhood. we're going to tell you what has people running out into the streets despite the police cars whizzing by. >> the trend of dry weather is ending. i'll tell you when we could see rain coming up. >> well, a lot of congestion right now on 695 here at old court road. what 95 and 83 look like coming up on "good morning maryland." >> eight minutes after 6:00 right now. you're looking at a live picture of new york city's times square. quiet there right now. let's head it there for today's
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techbytes. >> reporter: in today's techbytes, apple unveils the iphone 5 which it calls the world's thinnest smart phone. the device features a larger display, a more advanced camera and a smaller dock connector. editor joanna stern got a firsthand look. >> the new hardware design it looks similarth iphone 4s but it's really really sleek and thinner and lighter in hand. and it's got a bigger screen. >> reporter: now the iphone 5 hits stores a week from tomorrow. the iphone's operating system is also getting an upgrade. there's a new app called passbook and it allows easy access to boarding passes and tickets and coupons and there's an upgrade to siri. she can make dinner reservations and more. and apple had some more announcement including mu versions of the -- new versions of the ipod touch and nano. those are your techbytes, i'm john muller. anncr: it'll start out as concrete and steel...
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but it'll become so much more. a new world-class resort casino in maryland. two thousand construction jobs to build it. four thousand permanent, good-paying jobs when it's done. hundreds of millions for maryland schools... real oversight to make sure the money goes... where it's supposed to. but none of it will happen unless we vote for... question seven this november. vote for question seven. and help build a better future for maryland.
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thank you for joining us this morning. 11 minutes after 6:00. we were going to show you a live picture from new york city. turns out we are not going to and we'll try to get it for later. the big apple moving forward on the ban with the large sugary sodas, the board of health expected to vote today. this would impose a 16-ounce limit on sodas and other sugared drinks sold at restaurants, delis and movie theaters. advocates of the ban including the mayor bloomberg believe the ban will help in the fight against obesity. however opponents say that people should be able to choose whatever they want to drink. we always want your thoughts and we always want you to join the discussions on facebook. so this is a topic this morning. what do you think about the soda ban? head to the abc2 news facebook fan page and leave your comments. all right, no guessing anymore about how many calories
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are in your favorite mcdonald's food meals. starting on monday the fast food chain is going to post the calories both inside the restaurant and on the drive- thru menus, you won't be able to avoid it. today a franchise owner is going to debut the new menu at his restaurant on eastern avenue so you can find out what you're consuming in that big mac. you know it's not good. >> i mean if you're ordering a big mac do you really care? >> i don't think you're calorie counting anyway. but at least it's there. >> exactly. >> if you are going through that drive through today you might have the windows open already. >> exactly the top back with the hair blowing it's going to feel really nice outside. >> it the filaceous great. >> it has been really nice outside megan and once again. look at the temperatures this morning yes we are a little bit on the coolish side. we can see that. ellicott city coming in at 55 degrees and we're at 58 degrees now in shadyside. 55 in easton and chestertown at 54 and pilesville at 50 degrees right now. this is going to be the scenario as we go through the
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morning and then temperatures will begin to bump up a bit. now we look at what's going on, we're clear for now. but, yes, we have some wet weather back off across the middle of the nation and that's making its way off to the east with that we will have some showers in here as we head into tomorrow evening. there's the cold front. it's on the move. we still have high pressure in control of the weather for today. but we will begin to see a few more clouds trying to trickle in here. still going to be aeneas day on tap and you definitely need to open joy it because that cold front is knocking on our door. and we're going to answer it to some showers as we go into the evening time frame tomorrow. but we take you to the tropics and this is what we're looking at. we have tropical storm nadine as of now. those winds sustained at about 70 miles an hour. we need 74-mile an hour winds to become a hurricane. and it is moving to the northwest at about 14 miles an hour. so that is a very quick forward pace. but the good news is, is that pace is staying away from us as we go through the next several days, we will not be impacted
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whatsoever by tropical storm nadine. we look at future friend and follow this carefully because this shows you our chances for the showers to work their in here as we head into tomorrow. along the eastern shore a few showers around 5:00, but then there's that cold front back to the west and it looks like it kind of fizzes out before it gets here, but still going to keep the chance in for hours maybe north and west of town. this is what the forecast looks like into lunchtime today hour by hour. 77 degrees and by 3:00, we'll be right around 82. it's going to be nice and warm and seven day forecast looks like this. we will be seeing plenty of sunshine especially as we go into sunday but we will dry out nicely for saturday. and it's going to be a nice day for the o's to win again. let's get a check now of the abc2 timesaver traffic with lauren cook. good morning. good morning lynette. well, pretty cool that the orioles and the ravens are both in first place. >> love it. >> awesome. hopefully they can keep it up and beat the rays again this afternoon. a live look here at route 50 at st. margaret's you'll notice some delays in the area.
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some police activity that's blocking one westbound lane at the bay bridge. so definitely keep that in mind. 97 though will be nice and clear from 50 all the way up to 695. and here's a live look at the topside of the beltway and towson at delaney valley road. everything up to speed. you're looking at an 11 minute ride so no delays right now on the outer loop from 95 up to 83. i wish i could say the same for the west side but that's not the case. traffic really starting to pick up here. 13 minutes altogether to travel the outer loop from 795 down towards 95. but the fort mchenry tunnel, that will be in good shape just eight minutes northbound from the beltway all the way to the toll plaza. that's a look at ur abc2 timesaver traffic. megan over to you. all right parents you know sometimes you have to hurry in the morning to drop the kids off and get to work. but you may be surprised to fiend out what one woman did to make sure that she was on time. she drove on the sidewalk to avoid waiting for a school bus. look at that. that all apptured on cell phone
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camera. the woman didn't want to talk to reporters but her mother did. she was riding in the car at the time and she says the bus they passed stopped to pick up disabled children on the street. >> the bus for some reason takes a large amount of time talking to the parent every day but he takes forever. while he's doing all that, we're waiting trying to get through. now this morning she was late she was trying to get her daughter to school. the reason for going around and going on the sidewalk was to give the bus plenty of room. >> the driver was cited for not stopping for a school bus. all right, take a look at this check this out. it looks like something from a sci-fi movie. pretty cool. newly released video from the department of defense shows a robotic mule going for a hike. it's designed to climb really rough terrain without initials. this prototype -- any wheels. this prototype has better climbing ate built than earlier -- aid built than earlier mod -- ability than earlier models. this morning we have some
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advice and tips on how you can find deals without breaking the bank. keeping some dough in your pocket. >> more and more men hanging around the beauty counter these days. we're going to tell you what the benefits are for men getting into the beauty industry. first a preview of "katie" which airs at 4:00 right here on abc2. >> hi everybody. i think we have a great show for you today. over the summer i met a woman millions of people have already discovered online. she's an author/social scientist named renee brown from texas. and her work is all about vulnerability and the importance of taking risks in your life. so what would you do if you had the guts or as my dad used to say if you had the moxy? then a revolution started by a red dress. i'll explain later on "katie."
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some places i go really aggravate my allergies.
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so i get claritin clear. this is all bayberry. bayberry pollen. very allergenic. non-drowsy claritin relieves my worst symptoms only claritin is proven to keep me as alert and focused as someone without allergies. live claritin clear. i'll have the build your own burger with a...n? sunny-side up egg, jack cheese, jill. and, uh... make it a double. inspiration can come from anywhere. build your own burgers are now at denny's. thank you for joining us this morning. no doubt about it you don't have to wait until the holidays to find deals. there are certain tricks that you can actually use in the
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stores to get some bargains this fall. abc2 is working for you this morning with some helpful advice, here are some things to remember if you're going to shop. start by signing up for retailer e-mail blasts. why this works? well, they tell you about all the special sales and they may include printable coupons as well as coupon codes and experts say when you hit the mall, always head to the back of the store. that's where you find the bargains. >> they're going to be right in front of you when you walk in the store. they're going to have tables and racks that they want to draw you in if you're in a mall and then, from the front, you're going to go right to the back and that's where the sale and clearance racks are. >> if you don't find what you're looking for in the store, look for it online. clearance racks on store websites, they have them. and you can always find them. they're easy to navigate online. all right, don't be surprised the when you are shopping you see more men at the beauty counter especially in department stores at your favorite store. because a number of skin care and cosmetic products are now being designed just for the
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guys. abc2 news charlie crowson who does wear a little president of makeup plain -- bit of makeup explains. >> reporter: one look in scott's bathroom and you might think his wife has taken over but this product is actually his. >> every day, i am cleansing my face. once a week. i'm putting a clay mask on. >> reporter: scott says the products help him put his best face forward and he's not alone. made for men grooming products are expected to hit more than $3 billion by 2016. up from an estimated $2.6 billion this year. jesse with details magazine says men today simply want the look and feel their best. >> you can gain a personal and professional advantage by paying attention to these things. >> reporter: from the drugstore to specialty and department stores, men's beauty brands are taking up some serious shelf space with everything from anti- aging potions, moisturizers and scrubs, to lip balms and heying oil -- shaving oil. >> the market is boom asking
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there's a ton of good things to choose from the desire is there. >> my wife loves that i love skin care products, she gets to be the recipient of everything i bring home. >> reporter: things like tinted moisturizer, concealer and antishine powders and gels. >> they're not like makeup in theway that women use makeup. they'll do something to smooth skin tone. obscure a blemish and get rid of tired eyes. >> reporter: and at macy's bronzer is the top seller. >> . they don't turn your skin orange. you have some control over it. >> reporter: for many the beauty of these products is the word makeup is never actually used. instead, you're going to find masculine names like facial fuel or urban camouflage and even electric shave enhancer. also -- >> what we're really seeing is shift to packaging that's black, matte, silver, we're seeing terms like bold or platinum being used. and sentry it's a marketing
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angle to -- certainly there's a marketing angle. >> reporter: scott says the regiment the nothing to blush about. >> i really, really believe that doing something daily for my skin has definitely made me look younger. >> reporter: today you can even find subscription based beauty services for men like birch box. for a monthly fee samples of grooming and lifestyle products are sent straight to your door. charlie crowson, abc2 news. >> i wish you could see the reaction in the studio. all right. so here's an interesting fact. research shows that men are more brand loyal than women and experts also say that it's all about convenience. and i just to defend the fellas right now i have to say because my husband works on air in television and has to wear makeup? you know it would be nice if he was a little bit more knowledgeable because it drives me crazy when he calls me from a store and is like what kind of makeup do you get? jamie costello his wife has to
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boy all the makeup. you would think after the years on tv. he would get on board. >> another guy that wears makeup, mike masco. he sent in today's challenge this picture. very, very cute. it's of his dog tim. and he loves to surf and he got his dog on the surf board. we posted the picture on facebook. and we've generated a lot of comments, cindy wrote in saying surf's up. penny says the dog days of summer. which unfortunately are over. and susan saying please tell him to let me go. i've got this. very, very cute. please keep the comments coming and you ever have a caption this photo, i need some for next week. please e-mail them to >> good way to see yourself or your dog or your kid on tv. thanks lauren. keep them coming. chaos in the streets of los angeles. two bank robbery suspects threw money out of the window during a wild chase. people were actually seen running to pick up the cash. they were even darting in front of police cruisers. officers were able to corner
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the suspects at the intersection and pull them out of the suv and arrest them. all right, well, it seems not everybody in one texas neighborhood is picking up after their pooch. the down and dirty tricks that some homeowners' associations now are using to find out who the do belongs to. we have the details on this coming up.
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excuse us, while we change into something more comfortable. cool. introducing, the square sunnyd bottle.


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