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tv   ABC2 News Good Morning Maryland 6am  ABC  September 11, 2012 6:00am-6:30am EDT

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inner harbor trade center. and also ahead this morning, it was for art. 44 to 13. art mow day del may be -- modell may be gone but his spirit could be felt as ravens fan celebrated a win and the team says bye to the man who made it possible. those stories straight ahead. you might be wake up on this -- wake up on this tuesday -- waking up on this tuesday with no voice i am megan prinkel along lynette charles and awesome weather and lauren cook looking at the roads. >> reporter: traffic is picking up. so i will let you know what areas you will need to avoid coming up. >> >> you said you could take the day and paint the house and i was thinking play hooky. >> but you didn't hear it from us. a gorgeous day and a carbon copy of yesterday and we will start off on the school side but i like crisp rockville at st. jude catholic school, 48
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degrees. reisterstown coming in at 47 degrees. these temperatures are well below where we should be at 60 for a low temperature. and we could see shady side at 53 at least we are not adding insult to injury and have the wind right now they are calm. they will pick up a little more as we go throughout date and it will be light and variable and look at maryland's most powerful radar as of now and it's dry. not a whole lot to see because we are not dealing with any wet weather and that trend will continue as we go throughout the day. and beyond. here's the hour by hour forecast for you as we wake up this morning. temperatures will continue to be in the 50s and then we will go to the 60s. then 70s by lunchtime look stellar with plenty of sunshine in the forecast. let's check the abc2 timesaver traffic with lauren cook. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. beautiful day. >> it is. >> reporter: unor the in thely traffic is just -- unfortunately traffic is picking up oninterstate 70. you will want to expect a lot of congestion as we check in and look outside at liberty road. inner loop fine towards
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pikesville but outer loop is the worst spot. it's going to take you 13 minutes to travel from 795 down towards 95. now the beltway is going to be in great shape from parkville up to towson is and northeast corridor of 95 no concerns there in white marsh. looking at a 4-minute ride from route 43 down to the beltway. megan over to you. two minutes after 6. you are looking at a live picture this morning from new york city. it's hard to believe that it's been 11 years today and we are going to stop for a moment and remember exactly what we were doing on september 11th, 2001. today there's going to be a lot of special memorials around the country including here in baltimore and inner harbor wherewe find linda so this morning. linda you going to tell us about a memorial. people are not familiar with this because it's sun dial and it happens once a year. >> reporter: yeah and it sits in front of the world trade center in downtown baltimore. and in just about 40 minutes,something special will happen here. when the sun comes up this morning, the building will actually cast a shadow that
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will move across the memorial and hitinscriptions that tell us what happened on september 11th. of course, 11 years ago today. the memorial honor the 69 marylanders who died on 9/11. this is one of the steel columns from the world trade center when it collapsed. there's also an exhibit at the top of the building that list the names and pictures of all the marylanders who died. so starting at 6:44 this morning, when the sun comes up, a shadow will move across the memorial and highlight the specific times when the planes crashed into the world trade center at the pentagon and inshanksville. this happens once a year on 9/11. here at this memorial in front of the world trade center. honoring today, the victims who died 11 years ago. we are live in downtown baltimore, linda so, abc2 news. three minutes after 6 right nowch the investigation will continue today -- now. the investigation will continue today into the murder of an elderly couple.
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police are not saying exactly how that couple died only that they died from traumatic injuries. police have not commented on the case. they do say that there was another man living there acoring to neighbors. they had been living in the home -- he had been living in the home with the couple. but there was no evidence of a break-in. everyone in the neighborhood knew the victims and respected them. >> they were part of what made the neighborhood great you know. it's sad that things have ended like this. >> police have not released the names of the two victims and their bodies have been taken to the state medical examiner's office for autopsies. as soon as we learn more, we will pass it along. state flags will continue to fly at half-staff today. that is tribute to a harford county sheriff deputy. familiar testimony -- family and friends will play respects tocharles lacot o. died in car crash and the funeral is scheduled for tomorrow at a church in joppa. it's going to be a funeral
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for the father of baltimore football and thousands showed up at m and t bank stadium over the weekend to say thank you and good-bye and now it's the turn for family and close friends. we find abc2 news sherrie johnson live in northwest baltimore with more on art modell's funeral. >> reporter: yes, we are live here just a few feet away from you know baltimore hebrew congregation on park heights in northwest baltimore. in a few hours, many people will gather. we are talking friends, family, players and coming out to say their phenyl good-byes to art modell. now last night, before the ravens first kick off and before the national anthem. everyone paid tribute to modellch the stadium fell silent in observance of him. in honor of art modell, the players are wearing a decal on the helmets and under the jerseys. modell is best remembered for his contributions to the national football league. he was the owner of the cleveland browns from 1961 to 1995. and the baltimore ravens from
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1996 to 2003. now he helped launch monday night football and was also known for his charitable work. now ray lewis and roger goodell the nfl commissioner will speak at funeral. modell is survived by his sons and six grandchildren. that funeral girns at -- begins at 11 this morning followed by a private luncheon. the modell family has asked people gib contributions to the seed school in lieu of flowers. sherrie johnson, abc2 news. the ravens new no huddle offense helped pull off a huge win against the bengal last night. after letting an early 14-point lead dwindle the ravens pulled away by scoring 24 straight points in just over 6 minutes. the final score 44-13. a big night for joe flacco who threw 299 yards and two touchdowns. >> joe flacco has been a great player. sure he is a leader. sure he is. of course he is. you know. he is a winner.
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he's one of the toughest quarterbacks i've been around and the best quarterback i've been around. >> next week the ravens take on the philadelphia eagles kicking off at one sunday afternoon. today mosquito control will be out in anne arundel county and plan to spray an area and trucks will be out after dusk. if you see the crews, you are encouraged to today head inside. they say it's best to be indoors when it happens. the spray is meant to carry mosquitoes careying west nile virus. health officials say there a -- carrying west nile virus. health official say there's been 14 cases of west nile in the tate state of maryland and one death. this morning, you are going to hear about a player from another team speaking out in support of a baltimore rain and his believes. we have details on this straight ahead. red wine is good for you. we have heard that before. however, the alcohol in the wine not the best thing for
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you. so we will talk about nonalcoholic red wine maybe the best way to go. parents crying it out. you know this is a tough one. let the baby cry or go in and comfort the baby. doctors have spent more time looking into this and we will tell you about the research they found. >> and if you likeed yesterday, you will like today. but you -- liked yesterday, you will like today. i will tell you when the end is near coming up. >> reporter: good morning. there is a lot of congestion right now on the west side of the beltway. here at liberty road, i am tracking the delays and we will let you know how traffic looks like on 95 and 83 coming up on good morning maryland. >> a somber day in new york city today. this is a live picture of times square. let's head up there today and get a look at today's tech bites. >> reporter: in today's tech bites, most of the 5 million websites go daddy host are online. the company says they don't know what caused the outage which lasted most of the
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business day yesterday. there were claims of a hacker attack but no confirmation a phone company that doesn't sell the iphone is hoping to cash in when ael announce the new mod -- apple announces the new model. t mobile says older iphones work on its network and prices are plunging. american airlines has the government's blessing to use the pilot's use of ipads eliminating 35 pounds of paperwork for each pilot and save more than a million dollars in fuel each year. and facebook ceo mark zuckerberg gets the first public interview this afternoon since the social network stock first went on sale. the hoody wearing crest o has been laying low since the botched initial public offering. those are the tech bites. i am john muller.
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excuse us, while we change into something more comfortable. cool. introducing, the square sunnyd bottle.
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thanks for joining us this morning. you are looking live from new york city. today marks when we remember september 11th. abc test us about events planned around the country to remember lives lost. >> reporter: across the nation, 9/11 commemorations are scaled back this year. the country tries to strike a balance between remembering and recovering from the terror attacks. this morning, at ground zero for the first time only those who lost loved one also speak and they will read the names of the2977 who died. >> it's difficult to find peace and it's time to celebrate my son. i think everyone wants to remember but we need ourprivacy. >> reporter: in washington the president will observe a moment of silence before attending an observance ceremony at the spent gone. in shanksville peps vain yeah
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lanterns were placed along -- pennsylvania lanterns were placed along the memorial. today they will ring bells of remembrance. in lower manhattan the new multibillion dollar one world trade center stands tall. >> the progress and the momentum at one world trade sent and the entire world trade center site is the a tem -- testimony to for resill generals and resurgence. >> reporter: there's great news for those -- the government announced 50 cancers will be covered by a settlement fund set up for victim compensation. >> the first responders who were there for us, we are now going to be there for them. and we are going to compensate them and help provide treatment. >> reporter: but congress has to put more money into the fund. some 4 1/2 million people have visited the 9/11 memorial since it opened last year and now word that planners resolved funding dispute and will move forward with the 9/11 museum.
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abc news washington. events are planned around our area to commemorate the anniversary of 9/11. a candlelight vigil will be tonight and you are invited to a 9/11 memorial happening in millersville in anne arundel county. it's happening at police and fire department headquarters. there's a moment of silence happening at 8:50 this morning. new this morning wind energy could be used to power the entire planet at least in theory because researchers used a computer model and they found that it could be possible to get half of the world's power from 4 million turbines but eye didn't consider the cost of building them or actually where they would go which is a big thing to condition. >> it sounded good but. >> sounds like a little work to be done. it's always good in theory. >> exactly. >> no theory about the weather. it's perfect out. yesterday it was wonderful.
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>> it's like a taste of fall. this is what people wait for and it's here. it's going to last for a while. that's what i like about it. if you missed one day, you have another crack at it. we can see temperatures. look at the 40s in glenwood and emetsburg at 48 degrees. -- emmettsburg. 59 in annapolis. and as we go across the eastern shore, cambridge 61. denton coming in around 52 degrees. this means that you need to have the jacket, have the sweater as you head out and about for today. satellite and radar not picking up on a whole lot. we don't have the cloud out there. with that, the temperatures really dropping off. we have the radiational cooling as we go through time. so, today, high pressure going to do its things just like yesterday. so we are going to be nice and pleasant with plenty of sunshine in the forecast for us. and if you have the outdoor activities, don't wait. get out and do them. take the long walk. we are looking good. as we go through the tropics we have another disturbance that we can talk about here because
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the national hurricane center does think this area right here and this is centered in between the cape verde island and lesser antillies has a 90% chance of becoming a tropical depression through the next 48 hours. we will keep our eyes peeled for this. now our scenario at home, looking good as we look at your lunchtime forecast. coming in around 73 degrees. and this forecast will go up for there. 3:00 a high arnd 77. more as we go into the 4:00 time frame but this is what it look like for the next three days. we get warmer and o's playing under great conditions. all we need is a win and we are rest of the ty good. forecast here, this is our next chance for showers rather that will mob into the forecast going into sunday. and we still need the rain and it's one day. so no complaints there. let's check of the abc2 same. timesaver traffic -- timesaver traffic with lauren cook.
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>> reporter: interstate 97 is nice and clear from route 100 to 695. now there is a lot of congestion on the west side of the beltway as we check in and look live here. this is 95 at 395. notice it's pick up in this vicinity but no delays traveling through the fort mchenry tunnel. an 8-minute ride right now traveling northbound from the beltway all the way to the toll plaza. as i mentioned that west side really going to be jammed from 795 down towards 95. that stretch altogether will take you 13 minutes. and if you are using the jfx to get into the city, there are no problems right now. traveling southbound from the beltway all the way downtown to east fayette street you are looking at an 11-minute ride. no delays there. megan over to you. >> all right. time for morning's health alert and studies have shown red wine can be good for your heart. we have heard that before but new research suggest nonalcoholic red wine may be even better for you. some in the studio wonder if it's great. the most recent study was pretty small.
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just 67 men however researchers say it was promising because it found when men drank nonalcoholic red wine the blood pressure went down. and down enough that the risk for heart disease was cut by 14% and stroke by 20%. something to keep in mind. moms and dads, you want to pick under baby when they cry and comfort them. or maybe you just walk away and let them cry it out until that he fall asleep. a new study published right now in the journal of pediatrics is supporting the idea you should let the baby cry it out themselves to fall asleep. also called self-soothing. but parents you know how stress if you and hard that can be. >> everything in my body tenses up and it just feels like i am getting adrenaline. >> i am going to be -- [audio not understandable] >> and sleep deprived. >> lost moms can relate. we want to hear from you.
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head to and let us know what you do with the baby. do you let them cry or do you hold them until they fall asleep? there's always debate. the city says they offered a raise and they say it's not about money. how teachers right now entering the second day on the picket line students spending another day at home. how long is this going to go on and what will it take to get kids and teachers back in the classroom and back on track. here's proof you don't need to spend a lot of money to get results. pictures are impressive and the camera is not. but first a. preview of katie which airs 4:00 every day right here on abc2. >> hi. so i've got one show under my belt. it felt great. i hope you enjoyed it as much as i did. i hope you will tune in today. because we are going to introduce you to a truly remarkable young woman whose story is so inspiring. her name is aimey copeland a 24-
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year-old grad stewed friend georgia who survived a near fatal attack from flesh eating bacteria that forced amputation of a hand leg and foot. her strength and spirit and the recovery she made are truly miraculous. that's not an overstatement. she is one of the most inspiring people i met. so tune in today for an hour am i doesn't think you will want to miss it. -- i don't think you will want to miss it. so see you later on katie.
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i'll get a build your own burger with something cheesy...
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but not just cheese - mac and cheese. then i wanna add some oomph. and... top it off with a little kick. and... napkins. it's build your own burger. now at denny's. thanks for joining us on this tuesday morning. this morning hundreds of thousands of parents in chicago are scrambling for a place to send their children.public schoolteachers right now are on strike in a bitter contract dispute. at this point money doesn't seem to be the issue. you see teachers in chicago making an average of more than $70,000 a year and have been offered a 16% raise over a 4- year period. the major sticking point for them is a proposed evaluation system that teachers believe will mean they are going to
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lose their jobs. >> the evaluation system can be very biaseded to older teachers, and it can be very biased to inexperienced teachers. >> we suffered through poverty and gang violence and everything. and our kids have to be out of school that's the only safe haven they have right now. >> charter schools remain opened. >> 30,000 teachers and staff walking off the job so keep that in mind right now. nearly 400,000 students are not going to be going to class so it's a big issue. and it doesn't look like it will be resolved soon. >> that is a lot of teachers, 20,000 teachers? a lot of kid. >> the kid are thinking yes. i am out of school for the day and parents are like oh, boy. >> i don't think they will have to make the days up. >> i don't think so either. >> it will be interesting to see what pans out. >> and we will keep you posted and speak of interesting time for caption this. people give them a great caption. >> today's picture is very,
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very cute. sent in by jennifer of her son matthew and niece amber. he loves basketball and she lives hula hooping and we posted it and have gotten several responses. richard wrote in saying will you be my cheerleader mary no you are not a globe trot are you are too short. so you come to this playground often and rebecca let's play hoops so keep comments coming. we are enjoying them and if you have a caption this photo eye ee-mail to >> keep comments coming and pictures as well. thanks. all right. check this out. a british teen captured these photos shot from the edge of space. you might be wondering how did a teen do this. he bought a used camera and sent it into space on a weather balloon and it came back with some amazing photographs. >> the curvature of the blackness of space, you can see the different layers of
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atmosphere clearly. so the camera itself is second hand. it's refurbished and i bought it off ebay. >> smart kid. he set it up from point and shoot camera and took every picture every ten seconds and photography in space those are his hobbies and his passions. someday he hopes to work for nasa. >> apparently burglary is a lot of hard work. look at this guy who tried toe hard to rip a place off and it left him exhausted. we will show you how he was caught sleeping.
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you're watching the station that works for you "now, good morning maryland. 11 years ago we described what we were doing and what we were feeling when the country was attacked on this anniversary. a live report from a memorial that does something special once a year. politics and pizza a business owner paying the price for giving the commander in chief a big bear hug. we will tell you why this rubbed people the wrong way. and a first -- a first grader forced to back alone. we have the store i from the -- story from the dad and the school system. that and more. thanks for joining. charley is off


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