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tv   ABC World News Now  ABC  December 23, 2011 2:35am-4:00am EST

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we are back on this thirstday counting down to the holidays. we don't want to scare you, but you're running out of time. hopefully you're ready to wrap. >> we've got tips on how to wrap all those presents with a little ingenuity. >> hi. >> it is getting down to the wire a little bit. >> it is. this is the fun time. this is when we get excited and get things finished up and wrapped. >> put some carols on the spinet. >> that's right. one of the important things is the wrapping. i watched y'all's contest you did. >> some things are more difficult to wrap up.
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>> it's more about putting heart into it. one of the fun things is to disguise what the gift is, which you said you could tell what kathie lee's was. >> it was a big wine glass. >> if you have something challenge for example like this tennis racket, i have a trick for you. we kept leftover boxes. i keep all those boxes. yes, i'm one of those people. i just cut out this shape out of two layers. i made a tennis racket sandwich basically and i used that firm shape to wrap around. >> you made it a lot harder, a lot more work. but it's beautiful. >> now you can't guess what it is. then the paper got a little messy underneath here so i just added this band like this to cover the mess up. i made. instead of starting over. >> that's adorable. just a lot of work. >> what could this be? >> that's a little sleigh. >> how do you know? >> it's a rocking horse. we want to disguise what it is.
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it's an oversized item. i bought a table cloth on clearance. >> that is smart. >> i used that. there are no opinions or anything. it's gathered around because we don't want the kids to get hurt. >> i bet your house is beautiful. >> you're sweet. >> we want to see a picture of your house next time you come. >> i'll send you one. you can do it with a bed sheet and ribbon. anything on clearance that is big and large. another great wrapping tool are these tubes. you can buy these mailing tubes and shove anything soft inside. oops. you just shove it in and gather it up like a tootsie roll. >> i would do that in a minute. >> this is one of my favorite ones if you wouldn't to add glitz and glam. take a small little box and add a little bit of glue to the top. isn't that fun? the kids could do this, which is fun. >> a lot of work. a lot of cleanup. >> but it is fun. >> speaking from years of experience. the minute the kids get out the
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glitter, your home is never the same. >> look how pretty that looks. >> it's pretty. >> it is special. you add a little bow. we love anything that's homemade. these are basic tags. we kept scrap ribbon, scrap wrapping paper. you can add a little glitter. it's so inexpensive. >> how do you tie the perfect bow? i've been wondering forever. >> this is one of my favorite things to do. take a big length of ribbon and fold this over. >> i love the ribbon with the wire. it's so great. >> that's really the trick, getting the wired ribbon to give it whatever shape you want. >> you make these the same size. >> see how type a she is? >> i love it. i'm the same way. tie it up and tie another bow on top of it. >> i love this. >> then you spread it. >> those are cool. 30 seconds. >> show us what you've got. >> keep your empty wrapping
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paper tubes. make a slit at the top and when you unwind your lights, wind them around. they won't get tangled. another one of my favorite -- >> stop making the bow. it's over. >> i like to be organized. >> hoda does, too. >> these are tension rods you get at the hardware store. put them in a cabinet, in a trunk, whatever you want. you have all these loop for your ribbon. >> who is doing that? >> that is an awesome idea. >> but who is doing it? >> lots of people do. >> that was a great, great idea. thank you, honey. merry christmas. >> coming up next, "slum dog's" anil kapoor is here. >> we love him. ♪ like so many great pioneers before me, guided only by a dream. i'm embarking on a journey of epic proportion. i will travel, from sea to shining sea, through amber waves of grain, and i won't stop
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until i've helped every driver in america save hundreds on car insurance. well i'm out of the parking lot. that's a good start. geico, fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent, or more on car insurance. you go next if you had a hoveround power chair? the statue of liberty? the grand canyon? it's all possible with a hoveround. tom: hi i'm tom kruse, inventor and founder of hoveround. when we say you're free to see the world, we mean it. call today and get a free hoveround information kit that includes a video and full color brochure. dennis celorie: "it's by far the best chair i've ever owned." terri: "last year, 9 out of 10 people got their hoveround for little or no money." jim plunkitt: "no cost. absolutely no cost to me." breaking news...when you call today, we'll include a free hoveround collapsible grabber with the purchase of your power chair. it reaches, it grabs, it's collapsible and it's portable. it goes wherever you go. get it free while supplies last.
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call the number on your screen to get your free video, brochure and your free hoveround collapsible grabber. call the number on your screen.
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anil kapoor spent years in baliwood films. but it was his role in "slumdog millionaire" that brought him
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enter nation fame. >> now he plays a billionaire who holds valuable information that can only be obtained through the art of seduction. >> you know they believe that they have the most subconscious of desires. >> that's what i love. >> still going for it. >> anil, so good to see you. that was your third or fourth time with us. we love it when you come here. >> thank you so much. >> that paula has quite the punch, huh? >> absolutely. i want her to do it again and again. >> you animal. >> i loved it. i said slap here. >> the other side. you play a sleazy guy. >> you're a nasty man. >> i don't accept it. i'm a good guy. i'm innocent.
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i'm funny, warm. he doesn't know. >> you claim you are. >> he's just going about his billions. >> you have a great cast you worked with. paula patton. tom cruise. what was he like? >> and simon pegg. how great is simon pegg? >> i was blessed to have this team. tom cruise, sharing screen space with all these actors was phenomenal. >> you were in your native india. was it the premiere of the movie? >> we had the fan screening. >> he came to your house, did you have him over for dinner, tom cruise? >> no. it was not in my house. you stay in hotels so it was a hotel. >> we heard he came to your house. >> no, he didn't. >> that's the way rumors get started. >> yes, of course, i stayed in india, india is my house. so he came to india. absolutely, yeah. >> what places did you take him? >> he landed in the morning.
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he flew to -- >> just hanging with tom. >> he is a great guy to work with, right? he's known for treating his cast and crew members terrifically? >> he is so generous. he is perfect 360 degrees. a great human being, a family man, physically fit. >> did little suri come on the set? >> yes. >> was she wearing high heels? >> no. >> that's big news in america. >> his wife was. >> she is gorgeous. >> she loves wearing high heels. she loves wearing heels. she loves to look taller. >> you've been a huge star in india forever and ever. i didn't realize you have almost every member of your family is in the film business. >> yes. i have two daughters, both are in films. my younger daughter is an actress, my other daughter is a producer and my son is an aspiring writer. >> that is your daughter? >> yes, that's my daughter. >> she is gorgeous. >> you have maybe the best head of hair since lyle lovett.
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>> maybe i should shave it? >> no. don't touch it. >> i don't want it like that. >> we want to rub our fingers. >> americans like this hairstyle. i love that hairstyle. >> we like this. >> i love it. >> anil, thank you. come visit us again. >> i love visiting you. >> have a lovely new year, too. "mission impossible, ghost protocol" in theaters right now. coming up next last-minute stocking stuffers for everybody you can think of, right after this. good morning. tracking the weather as we head into christmas. there was a glimmer of hope for a white christmas in the northeast. it looks like most of the snow will stay in higher elevations in upstate new york. we will have rain in new york
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city, into philly. d.c. looking at rain today, down into the south. that's your forecast for friday. the snow will be in new mexico even parts of texas. the coldest air still in the west. even for this time of year it's not terribly cold. 62 in atlanta and in the wake of the storm, still holding on to the 60s, falling into the 40s in the northeast and christmas eve, quiet for the majority of the country with the exception of the south. texas will see rain snow showers through west texas and we expect rain into new orleans, as well. a little bit of active weather in the northwest. light snow in the cascades. temperatures in the middle of the country, starting to warm after the big snow. denver will be 40 on christmas eve. christmas day, quiet, as well. rain showers will be across the southeast. a storm is going to squash the rain and keep it out of the ohio valley and northeast. it's going to stay further to the south. 82 in orlando. how does that sound?
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a little rain in seattle. by the time we take off our workweek on monday there's not a lot happening either. on tuesday, another storm comes in out of the northwest. more rain in the southeast. but quiet through the mid section of the country. on wednesday, the stormy weather will continue in this neck of the news. we'll start to see temperatures warm in louisville. you'll be into the low 50s. friday showing that snow here later today, continuing in new mexico. and the rainy and snowy weather across the northeast. you can tune in any time to the weather channel, "wake up with al" 6:00 a.m. weekdays for your weather updates. on my journey across america i've learned that when you ask someone in texas if they want "big" savings on car insurance, it's a bit like asking if they want a big hat... ...'scuse me... ...or a big steak... ...or big hair... i think we have our answer.
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geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. [ male announcer ] millions have enjoyed customer appreciation month at subway restaurants this december, and there's still time so hurry in for a $2 sub -- regular 6" cold cut combo or meatball marinara. score! that's a great deal. can i have one now? only at subway. [ sniffs ] i have a cold. [ sniffs ] i took dayquil but my nose is still runny. [ male announcer ] truth is dayquil doesn't treat that. really? [ male announcer ] alka-seltzer plus fights your worst cold symptoms plus it relieves your runny nose. [ deep breath] awesome. [ male announcer ] yes, it is. that's the cold truth!
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time to open today's holiday gift guide and check out last-minute stocking stuffers. >> if you're like me and still shopping, laurie shack, co-founder of is here for ideas for the big and
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little people in your lives. hello, laurie. >> we never outgrow these fun things. let's start with the trekkie fans. these are the "uss enterprise" bottle opener and a klingon corkscrew. >> of course you do. who wouldn't want that. >> coffey talk. this is a social game for adults. has fun topics like husbands, cocktails, even kathie lee and hoda. >> oh, my. >> it does. it's fun. and we never outgrow elmo and cookie monster. now we have a way to protect all our i-toys with these great covers. feel them. this is my favorite. >> these are for grown-ups? >> these are for grownups. >> i don't know about that, but all right. >> sponge bob square pants. everybody loves him. >> i do love sponge, bob. >> this is portable, connects to your laptop and spill proof. >> for you, hodi. >> why should kids have all the fun when they go out? i can wear my curious george hat. comes in adult and kid sizes.
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fraggle rock. these are one size fits all. >> allegedly. >> we'll test that with hoda. >> this looks like -- >> it does fit. >> wow. >> i'll take it. >> this looks like a package of m&ms, except you have a great wallet that is fat-free and sugar-free. we have minis and regular sizes. great place to write, wash it. >> what do they do? >> you write on them and clean them off in the wash. you write notes to your kids that say, "clean your room." this is an arts and crafts kit. kids do the sticker by number, but it's a nice gift to give to your mom or sister for kids to do. you're not afraid of bugs? these are hex bugs, robotic bugs. >> i don't like that. >> boys love stuff like that.
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>> not just little boys. for executive desks. we have remote-controlled spiders. they are cool. this is the disney i-home. alarm clock. you can put any ipod in here. we have kermit the frog. wake up to your favorite music. >> who is this? who is joining us? >> this is giordana. >> her daughter. >> video games are not just for kids. this is deepak chopra. this is very intuitive. it's all about the mind/body connection. >> what are you doing it? >> she is using her third eye following the colors. it's wonderful. it's about experiencing. there are all tools in here so you meditate, you relax. that teaches you how to do it and you practice it. it's awesome. you want to try? >> no, thank you.
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>> >> you just stand there? >> come on. bring your hat. >> we've got to go. >> just one. lean and pick just one color. >> i like it. >> you guys, coming up next, we have great music. thank you, sweetie. >> best stocking stuffer music from the fray after this.
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that about does it for us today. tomorrow guess who are here? >> our moms sami and joni will be cooking for us. >> and two ambush makeovers. >> we leave you with a song from the grammy-nominated band the fray. they are about to release their third studio album called "scars and stories." here they are. ♪ ♪ we're in a truck on the highway ♪ ♪ rain coming down and i think i can feel the breath on your body ♪ ♪ we've got to keep on running
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till we see the sun ♪ you've got a fire and it's running in the rain ♪ love song ♪ if you love someone ♪ i'm feeling you hold me ♪ you're coming around ♪ coming around ♪ coming around ♪ you've got to love somebody ♪ love somebody ♪ i feel you hold me ♪ ♪ i'm trying to put it all back together ♪ ♪ i've got a story and i'm trying to tell it right ♪ ♪ i've got the kerosene and a
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desire ♪ i'm trying to start it ♪ you've got a fire and it's running in the rain ♪ if you love someone ♪ you love them all the same ♪ ♪ i'm feeling you hold me ♪ coming around ♪ coming around ♪ coming around ♪ ♪ you can love somebody ♪ love them all the same ♪ you've got to love somebody ♪ love them all the same ♪ ♪ i'm feeling you hold me ♪ ♪ ooh ♪ ♪ coming around coming around coming around ♪ ♪ you've got to love somebody ♪ ♪ ooh ♪ ♪ i feel you hold me ♪ ♪ ooh ♪ ♪ ooh ♪
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♪ i know memories rushing into your mind ♪ ♪ i want to kiss your scars tonight ♪ ♪ oh baby ♪ ♪ you've got to let me in ♪ ♪ let me in ♪ ♪ ooh ♪ ♪ i'm feeling your heart beat ♪ ♪ coming around ♪ coming around ♪ coming around ♪ you've got to love somebody ♪ you've got to love somebody ♪ ♪ you've got to ♪ ♪ saying ooh ♪ ♪ i'm feeling you hold me ♪ ♪ feeling your heart beat ♪ ♪ i feel ♪
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♪ your heart beat ♪ -- captions by vitac -- >> announcer: it's "the tonight show with jay leno," featuring rickey minor and "the tonight show" band. tonight, jay welcomes -- from "sunday night football," al michaels and cris collinsworth, from "we bought a zoo," 13-year-old actress elle fanning the music of robin thicke, and jay looks at the worst inventions of the ar. and now, jay leno! [ cheers and applause ] captions paid for by nbc-universal television captions by vitac
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jay: thank you! gentlemen! welcome to "the tonight show." nice to have you all here. [ cheers and applause ] thank you very much! happy holidays, everybody! oh, hey, what do you think of this? the national transportation safety board this week called for an all-out ban on cell phone use while driving. headsets, bluetooth, everything would be banned. everything. i read it on my iphone as i was coming into work this morning -- stunned by this. [ light laughter ] >> rickey: that's why. >> jay: hey, here's one of those dicey civil rights area stuff. the government apparently used a predator drone to arrest a a north dakota farmer who they caught stealing cows. the guy was stealing cows, and
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they have those planes that fly over the border, and the spy plane caught the guy in action stealing the cows. [ light laughter ] yeah. a lot of farmers are really worried that they're being spied on. especially sheep farmers. [ laughter ] yeah, they're really, really worried. hey, wait a minute. [ applause ] folks, it's time once again for what we like to call "the most wonderful time of the year." ♪ it's the most wonderful time of the year ♪ ♪ frosty the snowman ♪ [ crashes ] ♪ of the year ♪ [ applause ] >> jay: i love those. well, according to a new cbs poll, 33% of americans say they won't have enough money to cover their holiday spending. i believe these people are called congress. [ light laughter ] well, listen to this, if president obama and
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congressional republicans don't make a budget deal by midnight friday, the government could shut down. that's what he said. if there is a shutdown, 800,000 non-essential federal employees will be suspended. you know, maybe that's our budget problem right there. we have 800,000 non-essential federal employees. [ cheers and applause ] maybe that's -- and a new poll shows that, for the very first time, voters that view president obama unfavorably outnumber those who view him favorably. in fact, if he gets any more unpopular, legally, he might have to run as a republican. [ audience ohs ] that could be tricky. that could be tricky. [ scattered applause ] oh -- hey, what do you think of this? and ron paul -- he's going to be on our show tomorrow. >> rickey: yeah! >> jimmy: you know, i'm excited to talk to ron paul. [ scattered cheers ] [ scattered applause ] you know, love him or hate him, he says what he believes, so that's kind of cool. ron paul says that if he's elected, he would allow states to legalize marijuana, prostitution and cocaine. [ scattered cheers ]
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well, he also claims the country's biggest problem is spending. you think washington is spending too much now? wait until they legalize marijuana, prostitution and cocaine. [ laughter ] oh, my god! [ applause ] oh, my god! and rick perry is about to embark on a 14 day bus tour of iowa. here's how bad his campaign is going, he's driving, okay? [ laughter ] and i love this. newt gingrich just signed a a no-adultery pledge. [ scattered groans ] out of force of habit, he signed john smith. [ light laughter ] well here's my question, if during the pledge of allegiance, you put your hand over your heart, where do you put your hand for the no-adultery pledge? how is that -- >> rickey: whoa. [ light laughter ] look out. whoa. >> jay: i just -- i don't know how these things work. [ applause ] and mitt romney attacked front-runner newt gingrich again this week. he said, "zany is not what we
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need in a president." he said newt was zany. newt gingrich, zany? how boring are you if you think zany is newt gingrich? he's just mad cap. what a wild, crazy guy that newt is. ah! and, as you know, donald trump has cancelled his debate because he says of a possible conflict of interest. really, conflict of interest? how about lack of interest, okay? [ laughter ] i think lack of interest. [ laughter ] yeah, i think that's more -- ♪ [ applause ] and yesterday, lindsay lohan made yet another appearance in court, and the judge could not have been more pleased with her. she has turned her life around. take a look. >> miss lohan, you've actually done the work and you've done it really well. i'm very impressed. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> jay: i knew she had it in her.
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i knew she could do it. [ light laughter ] well, an islamic cleric based in europe has issued a ban -- a ban on women touching bananas and other vegetables that resemble the male sex organ. he's banning this so they can avoid having sexual thoughts. and they can forget about exercising with the shake weight thing. forget that. [ laughter ] that's totally out. that's -- that's -- don't even get near that! [ laughter and applause ] and this week to save money, the u.s. mint announced it's going to stop making the $1 coin. you know why? because it's only worth 50 cents now, that's why. [ light laughter ] it's a 50 cent piece. that's what it is. this is kind of interesting. according to a pugh research study out this week, the number of married adults has plunged to record lows as more and more couples decide to live together. threatening the institution of marriage.
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ironically, the one thing that could save it -- gay couples. yeah, gay couples. gay marriage. gay marriage. [ cheers and applause ] but anyway, hey what do you think of this? a 74-year-old milwaukee man reported to police that the hooker he had hired to give him a massage would not give him any change. [ light laughter ] he paid her $100 for a a half-hour massage and the hooker promised to the give him 50 bucks back some time the next morning, but then she never showed up. [ light laughter ] >> rickey: aw. >> jay: what is wrong with people? remember back in the old days when a hooker's promise meant something? [ laughter ] [ applause ] and a chicago strip club is offering free lap dances to customers who donate unused, unwrapped toys. and the toys will be distributed to poor children whose fathers blew all of their money on strippers.
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yeah, so that's -- [ laughter ] that's a nice -- a wonderful thing. a wonderful thing. [ applause ] and i tell you -- this weak economy in europe is even affecting the royal family. did you see that story in the news? here, take a look. >> britain's economy is so bad that even the queen is feeling the pinch. the government is cutting the royal budget. as you can see, repairs to buckingham palace are being put on hold while the queen tries new ways to bring down her electric bill. [ cheers and applause ] >> jay: and customers at an in-n-out burger drive through in northern california had to be sent away by police after shooting at the restaurant. even though there had been a a shooting, the people were still waiting in line. they wouldn't get out of line. [ light laughter ] how fat are we getting in this country? we can't be driven away -- that guy's got a gun! i'll have the number three! a number three, i'm not getting out of line! hey, did you hear about this? --
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[ cheers and applause ] following a controversial decision by lowe's home improvement stores to pull it's advertising from tlc's "all-american muslim." that show. they pulled their advertising because people complained. well, today, the show lost another sponsor, hebrew national. [ light laughter ] [ scattered applause ] hey, did you see this on the news today? they found a new species of monkey in vietnam, and they're calling it the elvis monkey because it has an elvis-like hairdo. they say sightings of the elvis monkeys are very rare. a lot of people think they've seen them, but they've just turned out to be elvis monkey impersonators. [ laughter ] those are not -- those are not real elvis monkeys. --impersonate, so don't get confused. [ applause ] hey, nba starts on christmas day, that's got to be exciting. >> rickey: woo! >> jay: yeah! that's good. that's good. [ cheers and applause ] did you know about this?
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they're going try and cram 66 games into a shorter regular season. yeah. in fact, the fear is the players are going to be so tired this season, they may have to adopt children out of wedlock. [ scattered applause ] yeah, they'll be too tired to do all that work. hey, here's a piece of trivia for al and cris. on this day in 1933, the chicago bears defeated the new york giants 23-21 in the first nfl championship game. you know who performed at halftime? madonna. [ laughter ] [ scattered applause ] madonna. hey, some sports gossip. the rumors that newly separated olympic skier lindsey vonn is dating tim tebow. boy, you thought tebowing was popular, wait until te-boning starts. that's going to be -- [ laughter ] that's going to be even bigger. [ applause ] that's going to be even bigger. folks, it's time for a segment we call "mamas, don't let your daughters grow up to be cowgirls."
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♪ mama's don't let you daughters grow up to be cowgirls ♪ ♪ [ audience ohs ] [ applause ] ♪ >> jay: that's writers' room humor. i'm sorry. [ light laughter ] it made me laugh -- we'll be right back with 2011 product fails and al michaels and cris collinsworth. say hello to rickey minor and "the tonight show" band! [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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[ male announcer ] if you think tylenol is the pain reliever orthopedic doctors recommend most for arthritis pain think again. and take aleve. it's the one doctors recommend most for arthritis pain... two pills can last all day. ♪ ♪ man: my electric bill was breaking the bank. so to save some money, i trained this team of guinea pigs to row this tiny boat. guinea pig: row...row. they generate electricity, which lets me surf the web all day. guinea pig: row...row. took me 6 months to train each one, 8 months to get the guinea pig: row...row. little chubby one to yell row! guinea pig: row...row. that's kind of strange. guinea pig: row...row. such a simple word... row. anncr: there's an easier way to save. get online. go to get a quote. 15 minutes could save you 15% or more on car insurance.
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3q when a sore throat strikes the pain can leave you feeling dreadful. and all you want is for it to go away. cepacol works fast and gives powerful sore throat relief. that's because the numbing medicine in cepacol is the maximum strength you can get without a prescription. and it stays there after the lozenge has gone. tame your painful sore throat with cepacol. my recipe for french toast. take toast. spread with i can't believe it's not butter! add jacques. he's french. mmmm. [ male announcer ] fresh butter taste that's irresistible. i can't believe it's not butter! [ male announcer ] in 1894 a small town pharmacist set out to create a different kind of cold remedy using powerful medicine and natural ingredients from around the world. he called it vicks vaporub. today,
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the vicks journey continues. introducing new vicks nature fusion cold & flu syrup. powerful multi-symptom medicine flavored with natural honey instead of artificial flavors and dyes. so you can feel good about what you take to feel better. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> welcome back, everybody. got a big, big show tonight. from "sunday night football," al michaels and cris collinsworth are here. they're on the number one show on television. and it's on nbc. it's a christmas miracle. [ cheers and applause ] we'll play sports trivia with them later. also, from the new movie "we bought a zoo," 13-year-old actress elle fanning will join us. and later, music from robin thicke. our buddy robin thicke will join us as well. [ cheers and applause ] tomorrow night, republican presidential hopeful ron paul will be here, and a special "tonight show" version of the
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holiday classic "12 days of christmas." all, right. now, folks -- ♪ a partridge in a pear tree ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jay: thank you. there have been some amazing inventions, with the amazon kindle fire, apple's iphone 4s -- those are some of the more successful ones. but, for every product that's a a hit, sadly there are dozens that fail. so i thought we'd take a look at some 2011 product fails. ♪ >> jay: all righty. gloves -- bikers wear these kind of gloves for their functional design. very functional. you know, you can reach the controls easier. you know, you see these -- however, this functionality doesn't always translate to kitchen products. for example, if i can get the glove off, there we go. like, you see, now, oh, sure, they look good, but when you
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take cookies out of the oven. [ screaming ] very painful. [ cheers and applause ] designing a product that has more than one use makes it that much more valuable to consumers. well, most of the time. but, this multi-tasking item -- well, let me show you. it's the bathroom brush. you clean -- you clean the toilet with it. >> rickey: all right. >> jay: and then you take this detachment off here and it turns into a toothbrush. [ audience ohs ] >> jay: that was my piece. now the people that make trojan condoms pretty much own that market, but that wasn't good enough. sadly, they decided to put out another version. and you can see why it failed. these are little pigmy condoms. [ light laughter ] i'll show you how these work. you get about 1,000 of them.
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i tell you, the guys in the band love them, but they're just -- [ laughter and applause ] >> rickey: oh! all, right. >> jay: now, massage chairs are great for relieving tense muscles and stiff backs. but, what's perfect about it, it's a chair you just sit in. and you relax. this failed massaging device was ill-conceived from the word go. let me show you this here. this is the herman cain magic hands massager. [ cheers and applause ] and women -- i'm all for recycling and being green. that's all good. but, maybe with this product they went a little overboard. this is one thing that doesn't need to be recycled. it's the dog hair pillow making kit. can you get a shot of that.
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you see? you know how you're brushing the dog and you throw that away. but, look at this -- take your pillowcase here. you save all of that dog fur. and you have a lovely, lovely pillow. you put your head on that, oh, big whiff of old dog, huh? i tell you, even better when wet. okay. covered with dog fur. classic guy problem. how many times you misplace the remote control to your tv. the game's about to start. come on, where's the remote? never lose it again with this. the remote control finder. you press this button and it will find the remote. where is it? it's somewhere. is it in the couch? there it is, right there. you see? it's in here. [ cheers and applause ]
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now this next product which is is a surprising failure. it actually made it to the store shelves. and i would have been its biggest customer had it succeeded. but, it had all of this confetti in it. here, hang on. this is what we call spare ribs on a rope. you see? you eat these while you're in the shower. even as a bar of soap, you can wash off after you're done. fantastic. fantastic idea. now, this next failed product is another result of a greedy company trying to capitalize on something that was already a a big seller. the people who make the taser, they took it one step further. this is the taser hot dog cooker. you eat hot dogs a lot more than you tase people, so why not combine the two, you see? you turn it on here. [ taser starting up ] how do you like your hot dog? nothing like half a million volts. delicious. [ applause ]
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now, the maker of this product -- people love to put up christmas trees, but they hate to take down the decorations. so, they thought this would be huge. this is the christmas tree undecorator. let me show you how this works. here's your tree. now, you put the tree in the patented fan. and when christmas is over, rather than have the laborious task of taking them off, step on the button and let the undecorating begin! [ cheers and applause ] i've been showing you other people's failed products, but full disclosure, i myself financed a product -- i thought this would be the next big -- i thought would be huge. we put a ton of money behind this and even did a big-time commercial. take a look.
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>> ladies, does your man have loads of body hair? do you wish you could do something creative with it? now you can, with the amazing lenco body hair crafter. just choose a design, trace it onto the adhesive, stick and pull. and just like that, you're transported to your favorite destination. you've made it into your personal fashion accessory. your favorite app. you're staring at your favorite "twilight" star. now that's something you can cuddle up to at night. there are hundreds of designs to choose from. even the kids will enjoy crafting with it. lenco body hair crafter. hair today, art tomorrow! [ cheers and applause ] >> jay: be right back with al michaels and cris collinsworth! [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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[ male announcer ] tom's discovering that living healthy can be fun. see? he's taking his vitamins. new one a day vitacraves plus omega-3 dha is a complete multivitamin for adults. plus an excellent source of omega-3 dha in a great tasting gummy. one a day gummies for grown-ups.
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[ girl's voice ] hey todd, where's our sub? [ boy's voice ] i've already
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given my sub to sally. sally?!?! [ girl's voice ] hey samantha. how could you. [ male announcer ] get your own subway steak melt. like the irresistible big philly cheesesteak. subway. eat fresh. [ male announcer ] millions have enjoyed customer appreciation month at subway restaurants this december, and there's still time so hurry in for a $2 sub -- regular 6" cold cut combo or meatball marinara. score! that's a great deal. can i have one now? only at subway. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jay: all righty. my first guests have started their third season working together on the highest-rated show on nbc.
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this sunday night they'll be covering the baltimore ravens versus the san diego chargers in a classic afc matchup. let's welcome the stars of "sunday night football," al michaels and cris collinsworth! ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> that band is so good. >> jay: they are a good band! [ cheers and applause ] how are you, gentlemen? >> doing great. got to get those guys to play at the -- i've been married for 45 years, so i'm done with that. [ cheers and applause ] >> jay: you're done with what? done with that? >> done with getting married. >> jay: oh, i see. >> i think that one kind of worked out. you guys are fabulous though. >> jay: now this is your third year working together, right? so when did you guys first meet? >> there seems to be something
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askew here because cris said recently that it was around 1990 -- i did college football back in the late '70s with abc and cris played for the university of florida. >> jay: right. >> and he was a gator, and i think i met him at a practice there one day. >> jay: and you have no recollection of that? >> no, i have no recollection. [ laughter ] >> he was a gator. what do you expect? >> jay: you must have been quite an impressive broadcast. wow. >> right. >> but i actually auditioned for al's job before al came over for espn. that's how far it's really come. >> jay: really? >> yeah. >> jay: well, what happened? >> john madden was, of course, the guy and al was still with abc and espn and all those kinds of things. they flew me to california. to try and do a -- i said, "how hard can it be? third and 15, i got it." get out there, and i stunk. [ laughter ] >> jay: why? why did you stunk? were you nervous? >> it was -- i was dying. so they sat me down afterwards to give me, you know, i'm like -- so they sat me down to give me one of those -- that was
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something. [ laughter ] and they said, you know, there's still a chance we could get al michaels if we offer him a little more money, and i was, like, here, man. [ laughter ] whatever it takes. it was that close. >> jay: what's the biggest mistake either of you have made on the air? the season's almost over. >> this year? >> jay: yeah. oh, there's many apparently. this week! >> one of the great things people don't know is we're on a a little bit of a delay, so if something really insidious were to happen, pretty much like your show, right? i mean, you can't mess this up to the degree that -- whatever you say. you say something really untoward. >> jay: right. we could probably take care of it. >> you want to try it? >> jay: go ahead, say something. >> no, i can't do it. >> jay: say something. go ahead. >> you can mouth something. >> jay: okay. >> oh, shoot. >> ooh! [ audience oohs ] [ laughter ] >> jay: cris can you top that? >> i don't think so. >> jay: can you top that? >> no. that was pretty good there.
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but -- >> oh boy, you guys are pretty wild! i tell you. [ laughter ] >> i did have one the other night. i was trying to get vince young to throw the ball hard. to relax. just let one go, but on the air i said vince young should just rip one, he'll feel better. [ laughter ] and then the rest of the game all i could think is i bet he would. [ laughter ] >> jay: that is a medical analysis. >> yeah. >> jay: it was. it think so. as long as nobody strikes a a match you're fine. [ laughter ] >> you know, sometimes things will happen and john madden and i would talk about it. with michael vick, now clearly, there's a great sensitivity and it's a story and he's made a a comeback and all that. he spent time in the federal prison because of the dog fighting. >> jay: right. right. >> so you have to be very sensitive, but sure enough, one night he's playing a couple of years ago, and a guy who doesn't ever drop a pass, jason avant drops a pass. >> jay: right. >> and i go, "well that's a a headline right there, that's man bites dog," right? and it comes out of your mouth and it's kind of like is
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appropriate because i'm trying to set up the fact that he never drops a pass. and then i go, "oh, geez." so i did that so i'd have a a story to tell you. i have no other stories to tell you. [ laughter ] >> jay: yeah. yeah. and you almost got me with the old geez, but you caught yourself. >> i caught, yeah. yeah. >> jay: hey, what do you think of this whole tebow mania thing? >> it's a phenomenon. i mean, tim tebow is a guy who -- he's become a very polarizing figure on a number of levels. football only. >> jay: and why polarizing? >> well, he's polarizing, number one, in the football sense because people say, or, you know, some experts think he doesn't have the skills to be a a quarterback. he's not a conventional quarterback. he can't throw the ball. he can't do this. he can't do that. but all he's done is win. on the other hand, too, he really, you know -- he wears his spiritual beliefs openly. he did an ad for the super bowl last year that was very controversial. he tebows, so he does the tebowing thing. he's praying and he's thanking god for everything which is not
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unusual for athletes these days. but i think some people think he's taking it to an extent that people haven't seen before and maybe are a little uncomfortable with. but all i know about him right now -- he's on the cover of "sports illustrated" which is just out today. >> jay: right. >> he's the biggest story of the national football league at this moment. no question. >> jay: i mean, is he a good role model for kids? >> yeah. i mean, why not? >> jay: i mean how many guys do you have that -- jail. >> correct. >> jay: i mean, here's a guy -- >> wait, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa whoa! [ laughter ] hey, i got paroled just the other day. >> jay: oh okay. i'm sorry. your record has been wiped clean. [ applause ] >> that's right. >> jay: green bay undefeated. can they keep it up? can they go the whole way? >> yeah! >> jay: now what? miami dolphins, '72. that was the last -- >> the only time. >> jay: the on >> and they were -- at that time they only played 14 regular season games and three playoff games so they >> jay: right. >> patriots, everybody thought
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they would do it, it in '07 and they got all the way, of course, to the end. >> jay: superbowl, okay. >> when the giants off. >> jay: okay. >> and by the way. so this is a shameless christmas nigh we'll be. >> jay: yeah, in green bay. >> in green bay against [ cheers ] so they beat kansas city this week. they're trying to make it 15 and 0 on nbc at 8:00 eastern and 5:00 pacific time. >> yeah. now, you played in one of the coldest games ever. green bay is cold, but what year was that? cincinnati. >> it was '82, i think. it was -- >> what was the temperature? >> 59 below wind-chill. [ audience oohs ] yeah, that's what i said, too. it was first year out of university of florida. but -- >> jay: yeah, florida is -- >> yeah. it was not good. but the one thing i'll always remember, though, is there was a big box in the middle of the room. so i went over and everybody's grabbing things and i'm thinking, it's free, it's for me, i'm going to get one, too. and i go over and it was a a massive box of haynes queen size pantyhose. [ laughter ] >> jay: queen size! >> queen size pantyhose. >> jay: and jay, you have not lived until you've seen offensive linemen in the
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national football league putting on hanes queen size pantyhose and shuffling up like this. and i swear to you -- can i stand up? >> jay: go ahead! yeah. >> already did. [ laughter ] >> so the last thing these guys did, every one of them. all our offensive linemen, last thing they did, put it on. [ laughter ] and check it out! you've got to be kidding me with this! [ applause ] >> cris turned around and he was looking for the seams. [ laughter ] >> jay: now february 5th is super bowl. >> yes. >> jay: madonna will be there! >> madonna will be there? >> jay: have you ever met madonna? will you -- >> i have not. >> jay: well are you excited about that? >> yeah, i think that's a great idea. >> jay: yeah, yeah. >> people will stay tuned for that. >> jay: yeah, okay. >> the superbowl has become, i mean -- the last time we did it, i think we had springsteen did the halftime show in tampa, so -- when are you going to do it, by the way? >> jay: we did it in arizona. we were down there for the super bowl. [ applause ] oh you mean the halftime?
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yeah, yeah. that'll go over big. actually, we took the show down there when it was in arizona and we did -- it was great. we had a great time. it was fantastic. >> you're not coming to indianapolis? i don't know if we are or not. i don't think we are. but this is nbc -- >> should i put in a word for you? >> jay: yeah, put in a word for me. now, when we come back -- the last time you guys were here, we had a pop quiz that was on culture, pop culture, cris won. >> it was fixed. >> what are you talking about? >> jay: when we come back -- when we come back, since you are the sports guy -- we're going to make a sports trivia so you actually will have an advantage because you can go back a little bit further. >> you think? like thomas jefferson? [ applause ] >> jay: are you ready to play? all right when we come back, we'll play when we in come back. more with al and cris. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ wh [ male announcer ] it doesn't have a decongestant. really? [ male announcer ] you need a more complete cold formula like alka-seltzer plus liquid gels. it's specially formulated to fight your worst cold symptoms plus relieve your stuffy nose. [ deep breath ] thank
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you! [ male announcer ] you're welcome. that's the cold truth! [ male announcer ] alka-seltzer plus liquid gels. ♪ oh what a relief it is! ♪
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jay: welcome back! al and cris, are you ready to play are you smarter than your broadcast partner, sports edition! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jay: tonight we've arranged a very special quiz to test your knowledge on sports trivia. i'll read the questions, when you know the answer buzz in. at the end of the game the person with the most correct answers, of course, will win.
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you ready to go, gentlemen? >> you bet. >> okay. >> jay: all right. gentlemen, give us your best impression of a famous sports broadcaster. al? who are you going to do? >> hello again, everyone. [ impersonating howard cosell ] this is howard cosell reporting. [ cheers and applause ] -- reporting from burbank, california. jay leno, this is so beneath you to have michaels and collinsworth on your show. you're a major star. why have you reached to the bottom of the barrel for these two? [ laughter ] >> jay: unfortunately -- sadly, the show was only an hour. let's go to cris. [ laughter ] cris, can you do a famous -- cris, can you top -- >> no i -- i have no idea -- terry bradshaw. >> jay: oh, yeah. let me hear bradshaw. >> he introduced me the first time and -- [ impersonating terry bradshaw ] ladies and gentlemen, it's my job to introduce the new guy over here. i know he's not much to look at, but we're going to have the boy de-wormed, and i think he'll be just fine. [ laughter ]
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>> jay: got to go with the audience. how many say al? [ cheers and applause ] you on many say cris? [ cheers and applause ] i think it's al. i've got to go al on that one. [ cheers and applause ] >> okay. >> 51-49, maybe. >> jay: all right, gentlemen, what decade saw names first appear on the backs of nfl jerseys? what decade did the names first appear? remember, you do this for a a living. [ laughter ] >> this is not multiple choice. >> jay: not multiple -- what decade? [ buzzer ] al? >> '60s. >> jay: '60s is correct! [ ding ] [ cheers and applause ] >> what's the prize, by the way. >> jay: huge prize. a firm handshake and a slice of colt mutton. that is the prize. [ laughter ] what event features the most people under 5 feet tall? the kentucky derby. little league world series. or c, "bob costas' family reunion"? [ laughter ]
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cris, stay on your buzzer at all times! [ buzzer ] >> "bob costas family reunion"! >> jay: no, little league world series. i'm sorry. >> i can't get anything right. >> jay: cris you're doing awful. >> i know. >> jay: all right. here's a tricky one gentlemen. what sport used the term home run long before baseball? what sport used the term home run long before baseball? [ wistling "jeopardy" theme ] [ laughter ] [ buzzer ] >> cricket! >> jay: cricket, that is correct! >> thank you! [ cheers and applause ] >> you see, i thought that was a trick question. >> jay: no. he has the advantage of being taller than you. he can look over my shoulder. [ laughter ] >> jay: let's see -- who holds the ncaa record for the longest football pass during a game? [ buzzer ] >> jay: yes? >> me! >> jay: that is correct! [ cheers and applause ] that is correct!
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let's look at the score! >> yes! oh, it is tied up! it is tied up! what do we do? one more question! one more question! >> ugh. who was the first athlete to rap at a pro bowl musical gala in 1995? quickly! >> 50 cent. >> jay: no. [ buzzer ] >> eminem. >> jay: no! >> i don't know. >> 49 cents -- [ laughter ] >> jay: no! [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> jay: you guys both suck! you guys both suck! it's a tie! it's a tie! be right back with elle fanning right after this! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ [ girl's voice ] hey todd, where's our sub? [ boy's voice ] oh,, i've already given my sub to sally. what, sally?!?! [ girl's voice ] hey samantha. [ giggles ] how could you. i got a phone call... todd... men. this is todd... [ male announcer
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] get your own subway steak melt. like the meaty, irresistible & unforgettable big philly cheesesteak. subway. eat fresh. on my journey across america i've learned that when you ask someone in texas if they want "big" savings on car insurance, it's a bit like asking if they want a big hat... ...'scuse me... ...or a big steak... ...or big hair... i think we have our answer. geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance.
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[ queen latifah ] america's #1 long-wear lipcolor and # 1 lipstain... is covergirl outlast! what makes outlast so great? with outlast we can go for hours and our lipcolor still looks fresh. no smearing. no smudging. no transfers. so spread the news not the lipstick. outlast is america's #1! outlast lipcolor and lipstain from easy, breezy, beautiful covergirl. great. but talk about the books so they understand what they're reading. where did he get the magic beans? who lost her sheep? how did they all live in a shoe? [sheep bleats] kids can learn a lot of cool stuff... the more you know.
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jay: all righty. i met my next guest when she was just 2 years old. she came here with her sister dakota. since then, she's gone on to star in over ten films. she's currently starring with matt damon in the new film "we bought a zoo," which opens on december 23rd. please welcome elle fanning. elle! ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> good to see you. >> jay: good to see you. you know grandpa al and uncle cris? >> hello. >> jay: hey, big news. you're a teenager now. >> i am. >> jay: congratulations. >> thank you.
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i'm finally 13. i had my birthday on the set of "we bought a zoo." they sung happy birthday and everything. and they brought out a big cake and on the icing they had animals on it. >> jay: that's what this cake is. there you go. cool cake! >> yeah. it was really cute. >> jay: very nice! >> i was very excited. i'm happy that i'm finally -- >> jay: you're finally a a teenager. you do look older. do you get mistaken as older sometimes? >> yeah. the main place i get mistaken is at the airport, which is so scary because you know when you go through security and you have your boarding pass. >> jay: right. >> and you have to hand it in, and when i was 12, they would always ask me, you know, "well, can i have your i.d." i'm like, "oh, i'm 12, i don't need one." and they'd be like, "you're 12?" like i they'd be questioning me because i'm so tall and they think i'm older. and then, the other thing is my name is mary elle, so i go by my middle name. and on the boarding pass, it says mary fanning.
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so then they'd ask me my name, and i'd be like, "elle." and they'd be like, "no, it says mary right here." so, they're like -- so, finally, i'm a teenager, so they'll be like, "oh." i'm taller. >> jay: cool. very good. you don't want to get sent to guantanamo. that's not good. i saw you on the cover of "w" with your sister. that's kind of cool. [ applause ] i know you told me once -- you told me once in your pre-teen era that you were interested in photography. >> yes. i love pictures, taking pictures. i have an elective at my school, photography elective. and we get to take pictures out. we make a camera. and we make it out of, like, a a tin can. and what you do is you have to take a coffee can or something, you have to black out the inside. >> jay: right. >> so when you put the film in there, it will be all dark. and then you have to put a hole in the tin can. and you cover that with tape.
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so, you put the film camera in. and you have to take the tape off and let the light expose for, like, three minutes. and the image will go on it. >> jay: you know, i just use my cell phone. [ laughter ] what is this? it's a picture. what's happening in this picture? >> oh, my gosh. okay, that's me and two of my best friends. >> jay: right. okay. >> and, we made those. it's a tradition -- >> jay: yeah, i didn't think you bought that at a fashion store. oh, is that ralph lauren? who is that? is that donna karan? or, no, but really? >> yeah. so, we made those 'cause it's a a tradition. whenever we have a sleepover, we used to go to blockbuster and we'd dress up in crazy outfits. and we'd walk to blockbuster. and there's this guy there that worked at blockbuster and, like, every friday night he was, like, "hi, girls." but, also the blockbuster is on sunset. so, and we kind of blend in. >> jay: yeah, there's a lot of weird -- you don't look that odd.
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>> and then the most tragic thing happened that the blockbuster closed, so then we went to rocket video, and we dressed up at the rocket video. and then the rocket video closed. so now we go to amoeba, so we can look at cds and upstairs is the dvd area. and we can still dress up. >> jay: well, that's gonna close, too. [ light laughter ] tell us about "we bought a a zoo," with matt damon. this is pretty cool. >> yeah, it's based on a true story, and it's about this guy whose wife passes away. and he doesn't really know what to do with his life. so he goes and wants to move out of his house. and he buys this house, but when he buys it, there's a zoo that's attached to it. so if he buys the house, he has to buy the zoo, too. >> jay: of course, you have to take the zoo. so what animals -- did you work with a lot of cool animals? >> we did. there were big cats, like lions and tigers. we always had a bear. >> jay: okay. friendly bear? >> friendly -- i mean, there were trainers around. you definitely couldn't get too close. we had to keep the food so far away.
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>> jay: yeah, they can track it down. all, right. you know, i thought of you, and i figured this would be a bear story you'd like. i go to the wild life preserve -- and they have a bear there. and this bear was at yellowstone. they took it out of yellowstone because the bear was going to the parking lot and jump on the roofs of cars, pop out the windshield and take the food. >> oh, my god. >> jay: he'd done this to so many cars they put him up there. so, my buddy who works up there tells me that this bear has cubs. has three bear cubs. okay, take care of the cubs. and one day he goes out in the parking lot and the mother bear's sitting in the parking lot. and the three cubs are jumping up and down on the car. she had taught the cubs how to pop the windshield out of the car. >> oh, my gosh! >> jay: it's cool if it's not your car. >> yeah. exactly. >> jay: now, what is this clip we're gonna see? what's happening in this clip? >> this is me and matt damon's son in the movie. i like him, and i'm trying to flirt with him in the best way she sort of knows how. >> jay: let's take a look.
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>> what are you doing? want a sandwich? >> no. >> i like your drawing. >> thanks. >> it's not the end of the world. >> i'm off at 4:00. i'll come back every day at 4:15 and bring you a sandwich. >> okay. >> bye. >> bye. [ cheers and applause ] >> jay: "we bought a zoo" opens december 23rd. elle, good to see you. merry christmas. >> good to see you. >> jay: merry christmas. merry christmas. we'll be right back with robin thicke right after this! [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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man: i propose 3 cheers for those we leave behind. hip hip hooray! [cheering] father: congratulations. it's in paper now. [laughs] great job. congratulations. i'm proud of you. all right. oh, fine. ensign elliot. who's gonna salute him? guys, who gets to salute him first?
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jay: my next guest is a a talented singer and song writer. and on december 16th he'll be at the key club here in los angeles. tonight, he's performing his title track from his new cd "love after war." please welcome robin thicke! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> ladies and gentlemen, are you ready for the white man with soul? are you ready for robin thicke? big daddy are you ready? let's go! ♪ ♪ yeah that's right baby that's right baby ♪ ♪ come on now come on now now ♪ ♪ oh lord have mercy on my soul let's go baby ♪ ♪ it's a knock out baby you won the fight
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i said i'm sorry that ♪ ♪ i acted like a selfish child please forgive me baby i was out of line ♪ ♪ you know i can make it right don't you love it when we fight ♪ ♪ ooh i need you tonight baby come on and let me make it right baby ♪ ♪ i'm knocking i'm knock knocking on your door ♪ ♪ you know i want your love cutting lies girl's cry ♪ ♪ doors slam and broken lights bottles hit the tv screen you gotta go ♪ ♪ or i'm gonna leave throwing clothes into the yard ♪ ♪ when we go we go so hard baby it only makes me want you more ♪ ♪ more more baby ooh i need you
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tonight baby ♪ ♪ come on and let me make it right baby ooh i'm knockin' on your door ♪ ♪ you know i want your love yeah it's all right ♪ ♪ come on now loves all we need loves all we need ♪ ♪ loves all we need loves all we need ooh now ♪ >> put your hands together for me los angeles. [ rhythmic clapping ] ♪ i just want to love you lady now let's put down our weapons baby ♪ ♪ lay your clothes down on the floor right here in front of me ♪ ♪ give me some love after war baby you know it's gonna take all night baby ♪ ♪ you know the way that we fight baby
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yeah ♪ ♪ come love now now i'm knocking on your door ♪ ♪ you know i need your love can you say love say love love ♪ ♪ say love love say love love ♪ ♪ can you say love say love after war can you say love ♪ ♪ love love love after war ♪ ♪ i need you come on now now now now give that that that to me baby ♪ ♪ ♪ that's right baby i want your love love's all we need ♪ ♪ all we need love's all we need love's all we need ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jay: robin thicke! [ cheers and applause ] good job, buddy. good to see you again. i want to than


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