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tv   News  ABC  December 12, 2011 5:30am-6:00am EST

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you will see a disabled vehicle on the outer loop lanes partially blocking your right lane at delaney valley road. also making the drive on west side of 695 look pretty good inner loop and outer loop travel between 95 and i-706789 charley. >> a big story this morning out of cecil county war come's remains were found -- where a woman's remains were found during the weekend. shar ri johnon -- sherrie johnson is standing by with the latest. >> reporter: with a heart breaking end to a three-year search to a missing woman. friends and family of brittany peart received sad news thisweekend. state medical examiner's office identified remains as peart that were found a short distance from her elkton home over the state line in delaware. 2 hunters in wooded area alerted police last sunday. her he mom last saw her alive on july 25th, 2008. long time friend jb remembers her as smart, perky and a
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person with a backbone and says the case turned a new page. >> it's closure portion so you don't have to wonder but tough wonder why and how. >> reporter: police are waiting on an autopsy result to determine the cause of death a state police spokesman says a number of people have been interviewed over the past three years. now the focus shifts to finding the killer. sherrie johnson, abc2 news. in northwest dca. routine traffic stop turned into a wild police chase. a crash with the suspect's vehicle in an allay s.w.a.t. team and helicopter surveillance and barricade outside the home. it happened in a courter to 2 by park police. six adults and six kids were in the house including the suspect we don't know if he knew the family but they coaxed the man out where he face as long list of charges. in dc official are crackdown on unpaid park tickets a system is going to be created to collect debt and targets virginia and maryland
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residents. government figures shows they are owed more than 3 50 in unpaid tickets. 141 from those living in maryland. so, they are doing what they have to do in order to get the money back. >> and we would file the judgment in the neighboring jurisdictions and based on that we would go and take whatever tox recomfort money. >> officials say while the lean is an option to get the money back, that would that would be we have been to black friday and cyber monday now another holiday for the holiday season green monday. aid relatively new nicks name for the second monday in december and online sales is expected to hit another billion dollars. monday is the busiest day for shippers like fed ex and ups. corinne redman is standing by live at a distribution sent wert latest. corinne. >> reporter: yeah, we are here live at fed ex and this center is huge. they are gearing up to pack up
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the fed ex trucks and this is the busiest day in history. they expect to ship more than 17 million packages today and have over 90,000 fed ex trucks on the road today. joining us live is don who is with fed ex today. tell me about what's going to go on here behind the scenes this morning. >> well, shortly after 6:00 we will get our belts rolling and conveyor belts will roll and the couriers will sort out what pee longs to their route and we will try to get everybody on the road as soon as possible. >> how -- >> reporter: how fast do things move do you know what to expect for today? we know what to expect and we planned for it today. everybody is pretty much geared up this time of year. it's a lot of excitement and energy. and everybody knows what to expect. and we are excited about it. >> reporter: how many trucks do you have going out this morning or today overall do you know an estimate? >> in this building we have about 75. >> reporter: and how many packages? >> packages probably double what we normally get maybe 11
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or 12,000. >> reporter: and this is not only a distribution center. people can come and drop off pass -- come and drop off package. >>s. >> we have a -- packages. >> we have a front counselor that operate from 9 in the morning to 8 at night. >> reporter: what are the questions you get as people try to get the gifts to loved ones and friends? >> the biggest question is how soon can i get it there? when can i expect to receive it. >> reporter: and what's the answer? >> we have a lot of different service that is we offer mostly overnight is our biggest seller. we can get up there early in the morning and we have a two- day service. and there's other options that are available. >> reporter: all right. i am told there are two important dates december 16th is your last day for 2 to 3 day economy shipment and december 23rd is the last day to get your shipment before christmas arriving on december 24th. reporting live from golden ring corinne redman, abc2 news. >> fed ex will have a huge holiday rush and retail expects
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perts predict online sales to top 1 billion dollar mark. it'sing about to be gisty to get the presents where they -- exexpect online sales to top 1 billion dollar. it's about to be a busy case. 17 million shipments are expected to take place around the globe. >> online shopping is by far the biggest reason we are seeing so many packages and people ship packages if they are traveling for the holidays and don't want to carry them on the plane. >> they don't want to fight the crowds. that's why the national retail federation expects or predicts rather nearly half of us do our shopping online. and don't forget it's the season for giving. so, take a moment to help a child in need this holiday with the 13th annual it's kinder time toy drive. abc2 is a proud sponsor and there's plenty of time you have until december 22nd to donate new unwrapped toys. drop thief them off at 15 local
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wall -- drop them off at 15 local wal-mart stores or police stations. this year they are partnering with ort park if you have instruments you can drop them off. news around the nation, delaware state police charged ice cream truck driver with selling drugs from the vehicle. they received a tip and following a two week investigation that driver was arrested. officers found 17 oxycontin tablets and more than 900 in cash in the truck. facebook post led police tothree bodies found in a house in fort wayne indiana. a man's facebook status claim he would kill two people and himself and gave an address where the bodies could be found. a woman saw it and immediately called police. two of the victims were 19 years old and toyed from gunshot wound -- and died from gunshot wounds and the third is believed tonight shooter. to missouri where former sheriff deputy is accused of killing his ex-wife and her new
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boyfriend. led police on a chase that ended outside a hotel. speeds reached as much as 100 miles an hour. authorities say the suspects ran into the lobby of the hotel and a large christmas party was going on where deputies arrested him. it was in the news last week for getting boosted -- booted from an american airlines flight now alec baldwin never turning done a chance for pub iest. will be he -- publicity where he turned up to poke fun at what happened. >> you have how about. [audio not understandable] a slew of santa claus showed up to celebrate st. nick. we will go there after we get back from new york with a check of this morning's tech bites. >> reporter: in today's tech bites the online shopping boom. research firm says internet sales are up 15% this year. 25 billion dollars so far. and this will be the busiest week of the year for online retailers because friday is the last day to order and get delivery by christmas without paying extra for shipping. many users would like to fire the new kindle tablet. among the complaints about the
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fire no external volume control is too easy to hit the off switch by accident and tells anyone who picks it up what you've been reading. amazon promise as software update and may be a new version of the kindle fire in the spring. the speed with which new apps are released is dwarfing that of other media. each week 100 new movies are released about 250 books and 15,000 apps. the one millionth program was released this past week. and those are your tech bites i am rob nelson.
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now "goods morning maryland." news time 5:39. he made knew the news for getting kicked of plane and
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this week he is making news for making fun of it. he was kicked off an american airlines flight that would be alec baldwin. on saturday night live saturday, baldwin mocked the situation playing the captain of the flight. >> mr. baldwin is an american treasure. and i am ashamed at the way he was treated. what harm would it do to let him play his game? not any game but a word game for smart people. >> i am waiting for capital one to figure out how to make it into an ad. american airlines says he refused to take off his phone and when asked he was rude to the crew. there's the idea. justin. how about pictures this time. we have a look at 5:40 on the clock. and we are watching this little rain event across florida and georgia and south carolina. little hint of it trying to kink up towards the northeast and if anything it's throwing clouds into southern maryland this morning. and otherwise we have ourselves a clear start and cold start
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sitting at 23 in baltimore and there's teens. 20s around the bay but inland spots dropped back into the teens and we are looking at clear skies and quiet on maryland's most powerful doppler radar. frosty this morning mix of clouds and sun this afternoon with a high of 45. 5:41 on the clock with angela. >> reporter: justin on the roads already this monday morning, the pace is ticking up especially in some of the hot spots. had an early morning accident on i-95 that northbound ramp to route 100 maryland state police have cleared the incident but we are seeing heavy traffic in the southbound lanes from 95. also southbound 29 going past maryland 10 #. the pace is picking up there as well. look around the beltway, this is the outer loop of 695 at liberty road outer hoop on the left side of your screen. also no troubles to report on the top side of the beltway here at harford road. and we checked in with the mta marc trains 807 about 15 minutes behind scheduled and southbound light rail 20
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minutes behind schedule. northbound running on time. back to you. >> so if you like snacking on raw cookie dough think a warning coming up from the cdc about the potential dangers that come from the traditional holiday treat. and extremes moms are going to to stay at home with the kids. we will look when "good morning maryland returns on this monday december 12th. and as we go to break. that is a live look at hollywood boulevard the hard rock cafe. the lights are still on and we are back in a bit.
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now "good morning maryland." and welcome back on this monday morning. consumer alert for you. a face lift for wouldn't top social network sites twitter. the new look hash tag let's fly is meant to ease confusion tweeters may have. among the changes key buttons like home and connect will be larger and appear at the top of the page. and you can tweet on the left side of the page in a smaller box and you will be able to view trending topics and following suggestions below that. the rest of the page will be devoted to the follower timeline. it will take a few weeks for the changes to become available across the web. check this out santa claus in new york city for the weekend part of the celebration
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called santa con. people dressed up at old st. nick visited bars and restaurants because that's what st. nick does celebrating the season. santas use twitter and facebook to find meetings for the locationer. online sales for the holiday season is up 15% according to com score and the researcher says sales on 6 individual days during the first 39 days of november through december is confusing. this is what you need to knowexceeding a billion dollars. green monday is expected to bring in another billion ranking among the top spending  days of the season. and drivers be aware of the holiday season. americans broke the previous record on the amount we spend on gas from 2008. in 2011 we spent more than 450 billion dollars on gas and the year is not over. the main reason we can guess is oil prices are continuing to sky rocket. well, learning more about the use of prenatal steroids in pregnant women at risk for
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premature birth. tear steroids may boost a child's chance for survival. guide lints suggest giving it to a woman at risk of going into labor between the 24th and 34th week of pregnancy. researchers now say giving steroids as early as 23 weeks can save lives as well. and there's a new finding on women who undergo surgery to treat breast cancer a study found a low number of them on the out of the reconstructive surgery despite the sighlogical and cosmetic benefits they have found being a stows health insurance was the biggest predictor when they got the surgery. stay at home moms wear many hats including of course the cook, chauffeur and teacher but here's one we haven't heard. human guinea pigs. andrea canning met some of them and has the story. >> reporter: every day, jennifer march teens scours the internet searching for the newest clinical -- martinez
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sources the internet searching the newest clinical trials. she has to be fast there's competition for human guinea pigs especially moms look for extra cash. >> i did one study and thought okay that's like a lot of money in a short amount of time. >> reporter: jennifer says she can can make up to 5,000 dollars for one trial. she tested everything from new allergy sprays to wearable medical devices. >> for about a week that i did it it was a thousand dollars. >> reporter: she says it was uncomfortable but worth it to be able to stay home with her children. one trial she regrets the one that required a lot of needles. >> i won't do that again. >> reporter: it's not just the money that's attractive for event participating in diabetes drug trials has dramatically improved her health. >> my sugars are better and stable. >> reporter: she are to choose between food and medicine. now her diabetes drugs are paid for. saving her up to $500 a month. and most trials are considered
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relatively safe, participants are warned about everything  from headaches to liver damage and that's why jennifer enrolls in trials that promise the side effects won't be severe. >> it's the ones that i don't think are crazy that have you know normal side effects. >> reporter: piece of mind for the mom giving up a piece of herself in the name of science. >> now before you take a bite of the holiday cookies we have a warning. the cdc is now saying don't even think about eating raw cookie dough. researchers say the raw flour not the eggs could be what's making people sick. researchers say companies should think about formulating ready to bake cookie dough to be safer and they say we need more education about the risks that come with eating raw cookie dough. something we have done for years justin. >> how about that. and some people still won't stop after hearing that story. this morning we are looking at deep chill but not as bad as it was last week. and in fact we are watching the
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freezing temperatures all the way down to the deep south and they have recovered 43 in atlanta. and wanted to show you that with cloud cover and rain nearby. and it's 20s back to the ohio valley and we are in sampling that and there's the rain event across the deep south. upper level winds carrying the moisture to the northeast but rain will stay far away. there's the next frontal boundary and it's like the last few a slow mover and storm track stays to the west and it's going to keep us on the warming trend. and we are quiet for the start of the week although again we mix in a couple clouds today and tomorrow and mostly dry until midweek and we throw in more moisture and the frontal boundary showing up and it rea and friday and out of here by the weekend. 45 after a crisp morning a few clouds mixed in and no big deal. and we are mostly clear 28 degrees overnight. not nearly as cold. we get back to the above normal trend as we head through midweek. how about 50s tomorrow 51. and 52 on wednesday and lows starting to creep back into the mid-30ans 43 low that comes
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after the 50s on thursday and rain showers after those depart on friday we are looking for dry weather next weekend. saturday and sunshine and sunday with sunshine highs back into the mid-40s. it's 5:50 and having a look at traffic. >> justin as we look at the roads this morning back up to speed as far as an accident location was at i-95. top side of the beltway got rid of the disabled vehicle at due leany valley road. moving smoothly both inner loop and outer loop on the beltway top side. 59 southbound at maryland 32 picking up the pace of course in the southbound direction. but no troubles to report on the northwest corner of the beltway look live at 695 and providence road. also all lanes open heading towards the northwest corner of the beltway on 795. and for those traveling eastbound on i-70, no troubles to report. as you make your way to the west side of 695, as we look live, all lanes are open. and moving freely at old court road. back to you. it's christmas in our
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nation capital. coming up, who the first family celebrates the season with this week and names you are sure to recognize. and the alleged white house shooter set to appear in court today a preview of what you can expect when "good morning maryland" continues on this monday december 12th. now back to new york for a live look at times square always a busy time for the holiday season. we continue in just a bit. look what denny's left for my dad, santa! christmas cookie pancakes. milk & cookies shake.
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i think santa needs a helper. come try arthur christmas's favorites. only at denny's. and see arthur christmas only in theaters.
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hey girl. heard you and your boyfriend split. hey, saw you changed your status to single. go to him... beg him to take you back. (sound of door slamming) i'm here for you. us girls have to stick together. when you post online it's like opening your front door to... well, everyone. if you need help call 1-800-448-3000 (tdd#1-800-448-1433)
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five things on this monday morning. the president's record coming under fire as we begin airing soon criticizing the obama administration handling of a manufacturer the ad claims the administration gave the company half a billion dollars in taxpayer monies and that has been proven. knowing the company had volatile risks involved. obamas are celebrating the holiday season with justin bieber and the band perry at the annual christmas in washington concert. the first family is attending benefit the children of national medical center and it airs friday december 1á6g9 on tnt. and a rain and -- 16th on tnt. and a rain and -- raven
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comes together. [audio not understandable] the evening will include gifts for the kids and visits from santa. both team mascot and maryland governor o'malley. and speak of the governor -- speaking of the governor, he will join the business leaders and other members of the delegation to debrief the media on the trade mission to india at 9:30 in annapolis. and the accused white house shooter is scheduled to appear in court. oscar ortega hernandez is charged with attempting to assassinate the president by firing high powered rifle rounds at the white house back in november. he was tracked down and arrested in pennsylvania. shopping online is certainly an alternative to fighting crowds at malls only to leave the stores empty- handed. scammers are trying to get their hands in your pockets. what to look out for coming up in a bit. and nothing like a weekend brawl on the college hardwood where this melee broke out and
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the fallout expected to follow. the suspensions are handed down. and the king of pop's daughter make her move to become a star on her own. latest on paris jackson's new movie deal when "good morning maryland" continues from the 6:00 hour. we are back in a few minutes. ♪ jif to go goes here, goes there ♪
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♪ jif to go goes anywhere ♪ jif to go goes here, goes there ♪ ♪ jif to go goes everywhere ♪ goes here, goes there ♪ jif to go, wherever you go
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you're watching the station that works for you "good morning maryland." a southwest baltimore man is is in critical condition after a police-involved shooting. i am sherrie johnson. hear what his family says happened. and fed ex is gearing fourth busiest day in history. a -- gearing up for the busiest day in history. a behind-the-scenes look. a great day for rice and ravens a recap of a dominant win over indianapolis. all of that coming on this monday, december 12th. good morning. i am charley crowson. let's go over to justin with a check of the forecast because there's frost out there justin. >>


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