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tv   ABC2 News at 6PM  ABC  October 31, 2011 6:00pm-6:30pm EDT

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bingo, instant costume. parents and children aren't the only ones who have to think about safety. >> take it extra slow. don't assume they're walking on sidewalks. they may cross the street. >> reporter: anne arundel police will be out in force to ensure a safe halloween. sex offenders are not supposed to participate. police will make sure they comply. specific sex offenders who have been identified as not being allowed to participate or we'll be out ensuring that they are not participating in halloween activities tonight. >> reporter: in anne arundel county, don harrison, abc2 news. >> abc2 is working with you. we have safety tips. first, tell your kids to bring it all home before three eat it. throw it out if it's been
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tampered with or unwrapped. if you have ypg children toss things like gum, peanuts and -- hard candy. stay with us. abc2 news at 6:00 continues. we'll take you to the trick or treating fun along with more tips, all coming up in about 10 minutes. some say it's baltimore's equivalent to cheers. during preakness week, the number of jockeys, trainers and others was countless. a fire has destroyed most of the landmark. the fire started around 4:30 this morning. by 5:00, fire crews were calling
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in for a second alarm. over 70 fighters couldn't get inside and had to fight the fire from the outside. most of the building was destroyed and considered a total loss. scores of people turned out. >> i can't tell you how many times i've been in the tavern. it's a staple in the community. i just wanted to stop by and take a look and see how much damage there was and to check on the firefighters. >> the owner has already started calling contractors to rebuild. the mt. washington tavern employs about 70 people. now for latest on that weekend snowstorm that left about 11,000 without power. it was a rare october snowstorm.
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most of the outages are in washington. bge and delmarva report we only had scattered outages. in new england schools were shut dunn along with the roads. they saw as much as 30 inches of snow. we're told it could be a week before everybody gets their power back on. new jersey's governor said it's worse than what hurricane irene caused back in august it. s with an early start to winter. wyatt? >> i felt like i needed a costume. i don't think we'll see yen thing like that for the next --
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anything like that for the next woke or two. things are quiet. alt trick or treaters looking good. we're seeing light radar returns. temperatures fairly comfortable, mid-50s. i think we will end up in the 40s in the next hour or two. so again, trick or treaters are advised to dress on the warm side and a couple of stray showers, clearing through the day with sunshine. we have much more on the week ahead, straight ahead. val early voting continues. while sit -- there are still republicans running like grifen who is running against mayor stephanie rawlings-blake. the general election will take
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place on tuesday, november the 8th. moving day for students on to a cruise ship has been delayed. the ship was to be docked but the coast guard delayed the move. the ship is being used as a dorm because one of the college dorm buildings is molded and the problem got worse. students have been spending most of the semester in hotels. the delay is because the coast guard is worried the ship could hit the bottom of the st. mary's river. will's an old saying you can't put a price on life but don't tell that to chris liles. he has two weeks to raise almost a half a million dollars. jeff hager has more on his challenge. >> reporter: after months of battling bronchitis and upper respiratory problems, chris went
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to a specialist, fearful he had asthma. he -- he had cancer. >> i was only blowing out 20%. he saw a lump. >> reporter: within a week doctors told him he had a rather form of trachea cancer. he learned the prognosis. >> i would be dead in six months. i have a positive attitude. everyone i've talked to, they say you have to stay positive. >> reporter: he has undergone 33 treatments but he needed a transplant. tragically help wasn't a candidate since the same anti rejection drugs would fuel his
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cell. the procedure has only been performed less than a dozen times. >> my insurance doesn't cover it. if you fall -- if you go to europe and fall and brake your leg, they'll cover that. if you find out you're sick and you need surgery and have this go out of the country to get surgery, they won't cover it. >> reporter: it's $450,000 at the swede deash hospital with the money required up front. now he is hoping to raise the money to have the surgery in mid-november. >> there's a grass roots raising which helps. you can donate to www.helphope
6:08 pm the flonase foundation is also holding a fund-raiser. there are ways you can get scammed out of your money. when it comes to car repairs, most of us will fight for the warranty but have you heard of prepaid maintenance plans? we'll tell you if it's worth it. >> kelly swoope live in perry hall. what do you say when you knock on the door? >> trick or treat! >> on the weather front 56. so our winner roland from baltimore. congratulations. you get your abc2 storm umbrella in the mail soon.
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we've gotten into the halloween spirit. this is the mcdonald's in buccaneer -- in baltimore county. the restaurant is felled with ghosts and spiders. they have a special brunch. it started with the owner's son. it copes growing and growing.
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let's go out to perry hall where our kelly swoope is out there with the trick or treaters. the sun is down oar thoor's right, jamie and the crowd is growing and growing. who's ready for trick or treating? they're have ago great time in perry hall. why want to hold up our trick or treaters too long. where's the bags? he got a big bag. want to fill the bags up with candy and safe treats. there are some precautions that everybody can take to make sure they stay safe. i think we've got groups here. everybody will travel in groups. make sure you use a flashlight. you want to make sure that you're visible so cars driving pie that you can see -- by that
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you can see them and they can see you. use reflective tape. allergies. check your treats. on some of those small -- small packages, it may not say. never let your kids go inside a home alone. got some great costumes out there tonight. we want to see them sop send them to -- so send them to us at pics at are you guys ready? >> yeah! >> reporter: i think they are all pumped up. we will show it on the news and we want everybody to have a good
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time. enjoy the evening and enjoy and do it safely. jamie, i will send it back to you because wyatt has that all important trick or treating forecast. back to you guys. all right, kelly the suns a officially set, but the sun is down in baltimore, and it is a relatively mild night. we'll go quickly into the 40s once that sun drops. things look good for all the ghouls and goblins. how would you like to trick or treat in western maryland where there's still snow on the ground. that should all be melted off as we go into the day tomorrow. kind of a wild sky on this halloween in maryland but we did see some sunshine breaking
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through late. maryland's most powerful radar all clear. that's key for all the trick or treaters heading out. there's some rain that could move. 40s to the west. york, 47 where there was quite a bit of snow melting off. winds are very, very light, so that is not very much of a factor. what i'm watching mainly is this batch of rain tracking northward, fairly slowly but perhaps three, four hours from now we could get a round of showers, optimistic it may track east and east of the western half of delmarva. the beach is likely to get rain. to the west there are showers overspreading places like west virginia and pennsylvania. there are many parts west but here in the central part of maryland things look to stay dry
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for at least a couple hours. high pressure to the west will dry us out. so weather looks to improve as the coastal system brings rain to the beaches but i think we'll dodge most of that. you see that rain pushes up out of the south, perhaps a few showers into baltimore but then the rain tomorrow looks like it will stay primarily over the beaches, delaware beaches, rehoboth and the whole coastal system will push out. but for this halloween night across maryland, things looking relatively decent. haunting clouds, 38. yes. we could see a few clouds. tuesday 56. early clouds and skies clear. tomorrow night crisp and cold and clear. then the warmup which we always like to see in early november
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and we've got it for you here as we go back into the 60s. by friday a new front pushes through and could cool us down for next weekend. on the whole this entire seven-day forecast looks better. >> trick or treat. what are you going to do tonight at 11? >> we may be doing some costumes, cameo appearance. check it out. >> hey, listen. if you're looking for an easy way to pay for gifts, the powerball jackpot is climbing. nobody had the are in of to hear it on saturday night. that pushed the jackpot to the ninth largest. the last time someone won it was september 7th when a harford couple won nearly $109 million. the next drawing is coming up on
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whns -- wednesday night. if you're not market to buy a car, you have probably been asked for a prepaid plan. joce sterman takes a look to make sure you don't and up buying something you don't need. >> reporter: oil changes to tire rotations, your car need as lot of routine maintenance. you might consider paying for the work in a flat rate plan. >> didn't have to worry about it would be a great idea. >> reporter: she brought a prepaid plan the first was $1500. she figured out the plan shaved down her maintenance cost by $600. >> this was a money saver to have this prepaid. >> reporter: but when she bought the new car and got a second
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plan for $800, she didn't realize it only covered oil charges. >> i was disappointed. >> reporter: the plans for a hot item for dealers, but the better business bureau warns you better understand what you're getting. >> these plans are relatively knew. we've received about 100 over the last couple of years. we've seen an uptick. >> reporter: plans being added without approval and repair shops going out of business leaving car owners out of cash. so read the plan. remember, you're stuck with going to that dealer or repair shop. if you finance the plan with your car loan, you will be paying interest, so this will cost you more. to drive home with the best deal, be sure to do your homework. >> you definitely have to read to know what you're getting yourself into when you pay for it. >> reporter: joce sterman, abc2
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news. >> for more information on this story or any other, head to our website, and click on the scam alert link under the money tab. the ravens went to the locker room in the half. looked like last monday night all over. the ravens rallied from 21 points down. cam cameron called this play, flacco to smith. it was all offense in the second half, another great performance by the d as the ravens improved 5-2. we get ready to go to pittsburgh sunday night. this is dan. he said he carved out the pumpkin in the shape of a ravens logo for halloween since the team carved out a win yesterday.
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that's a beautiful job. way to go, dan. here's a look at what's coming up tonight. in a few hours your little ones will arrive home with a lot of candy. what if you don't want them eating all that candy right away. tips for storing sweets and donating it to a good cause. if a local lawmaker gets his way, a single unanswered citation could get your car towed. join us tonight at 11.
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the kids are going to find out what? >> you got three or four more hours we could see the rain in richmond. this could make its way up into eastern m the next couple of hours looking good. no problem. it will fall into the 40s, cloudy cool conditions. >> fun to work here. all right, listen, abc world news is next with diane sawyer.
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stay safe. we'll see you at 11:00.
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