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tv   ABC2 News at 530PM  ABC  October 31, 2011 5:30pm-6:00pm EDT

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we've been telling you about one baltimore man and he is back in trouble with the law. if you're in the mood for a burger and some frightening fries we'll tell you about a place. which baltimore hotel ranks as the number one spookiest in the country. we are 35 minutes from the sun setting, kelly. it's hollywood night. we are going to kelly swoope, checking in with trick or treaters. >> reporter: they got word that
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we're here at georgia bell and fragrance way. some of the characters are in creative costume and not so creative costumes. the trick or treaters are ready. they're ready to hit the neighborhoods and we'll introduce you to some of them coming up. >> listen, woof rae been covering this guy's run-ins with the law for more than two years. now seems like he has something else that has landed him in trouble. jury selection began for the man accused of running a car rental scheme. joce sterman has details on his other brushes with the law. >> your fault your fault. >> reporter: back in 2005 la mon des williams made headlines for the largest pyramid rental scheme. it sent williams to prison for
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five years. there's a chance he could be headed back. williams is on trial in federal court in baltimore because another scam. the u.s. attorney's office said williams and an accomplice ran a rent to own scheme. the victim would pay a fee and paid monthly for a car they got and eventually hoped to own but rental did short-term car rentals and kept the cash. >> i think he's scum. >> reporter: as part of an abc2 news investigation in 2009 we found people who said that williams took cash. they paid a monthly fee and a year's worth of lease payments but later got e convicted -- evicted when he didn't pay the rent. he's in a lot or trouble with
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this case. he's charged with wire fraud and could spend as many as 20 years in prison if convicted. we'll continue following the case. to see all of the stories, log on to and click on the investigator's page. testimony is supposed to start in the williams case and joce will be there. this was a scary day at one baltimore's mcdonald. it's halloween and the owner on bel air road really got into the spirit. kelly swoope is in perry hall. >> reporter: we'll get to that in one second. found a pretty creative costume. what are you? >> i am a bum. >> reporter: you have your own bottle. what else. >> i'm dressed head to toes in
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bum clothing. >> reporter: one of the interesting characters. isn't she cute. who are you dressed as? >> a black cat witch. >> reporter: a black cat witch. i want to take you back to that mcdonald's. jack mclaughlin, apparently they have been doing this for years. they've been filling their fast food restaurant with ghosts, everything spooky for a decade. they even hold a special haunted brunch. it started with the mclaughlin son was younger. they've been deck out the mcdonald's ever since. >> we have our basic collection of of ri type of halloween stuff you can get. you look all over the country for it and we add to it every
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year. >> reporter: that's just a sign of the creativity of some of the things you will find. we got a creepy hotel. they're gathering. they hear that we are out here and more will be coming as we reach dark coming up at 6:10, 6:20 as they load up their bags with candy. >> i'll take it. hopefully they will have enough layers to keep them warm. >> reporter: they don't want to have rain. they want to be dry. >> i think we're look good, the next couple of hours. check it out on the satellite view, just a partly included dip scenario. one stray shower over the southern chesapeake. most of the rain well south of us. we only made it to the mid-50s. annapolis at 52 but most of the day in the 50s.
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westminster, you're at 49. these temperatures will continue to fall off through the evening. here's your halloween scenario. down we go through the 40s, upper 40s. your week ahead forecast is coming up. >> thank you. it's been more than three years since the florida toddler caylee anthony was messing. >> families in oklahoma can face a lot more than dirty looks. we'll tell you what cody's law is all about. @póo
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the bodies of three people were found in a grain elevator in kansas. two others are in the hospital with severe burns. the explosion happened saturday. family and friends of caylee anthony gathered to remember the toddler. she disappeared in 2008.
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the event wraps hosted by a nonprofit group called bring kids home. listen to this, a new law doling out harsher punishment for parents who allow minors to drink or do drugs in their homes in oklahoma goes into effect. it's named after a boy named cody who overdosed. the law allows police to charge the parents and will have to face up to five years in prison. part of interstate 70 shut down in colorado yesterday after a semi overturned. that spilled met than follow-based liquid. they notified people who live in the area warning them not to drink from the faucets. they said the water was okay.
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there was minimal contamination. if you're looking for a scary place to lay your head, we'll tell you which baltimore hotel offers the most haunting experience. when you're the front-runner, you're going to draw a lot of attention. guess who's getting the attention tonight, all about herman cain coming up next.
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for a great vacation you can't beat mississippi. sure you can, it's called louisiana. hang on, florida's where folk's want to be. that's only until they get a taste of alabama hospitality. we can't agree on which state's best, but we can agree on one thing, wherever you vacation in the gulf, you'll have a great time. great seafood, beautiful beaches and fun for the whole family. we've got intimate bed and breakfast right on the water. cafe's with views of the gulf. go blue water fishing, ride a kayak, or just enjoy the world's best weather and soak up the world's best sun.
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we've gone all out to make this year the best ever. and we are 100% open for business. you mean 100% open for fun. here in the best part of the gulf. louisiana, florida, alabama, mississippi. this could go on for a while. my coat? solid gold. my insides? pure platinum.
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[ female announcer ] a healthy outside starts inside. new iams simple & natural has chicken as its number one ingredient and zero fillers. it works inside for health you can see on the outside. [ dog ] i can't be a rockstar on the outside if i'm not one on the inside. [ female announcer ] new iams naturals. you'll like what's in them and love what's not. [ dog ] i am an iams dog. [ girls ] he's so cute! [ dog ] groupies! you know, it's halloween. happy halloween from perry hall. this is not a scary place right now but what if we told you that baltimore has one of the spookiest hotels in the country.
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the historic admirals fells inn in fells point has made the top 10 list. it's that scary. she checked in. let's see if she checked out. >> it sits on a corner in historic fells point. it dates back to the 1770s and is made up of different buildings and today it's a hotel, cute and cozy but there's one mystery. many believe this is haunted. >> the neighborhood itself is haunted. the neighborhood has a lot of stories. >> the hotel has long twisted hallways. >> did a grate story three weeks
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ago where a guy was staying in his room. in the middle of the night his dog started barking at the window. he gets up, looks out and sees an old weathered sailor. the next day the dog starts acting up again. the dog runs down shakespeare street in front of the fells family grave and sits and wouldn't move. >> a guest was staying in this room a few weeks ago. he said he heard a strange knock at the door. he locked out the peep hole and saw a butler wearing white gloves. when he opened the door there was no one in the hallway. the hotel doesn't provide butlers. years ago the hotel provided butlers. >> as son as they call the front
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desk, the ghost stops. they're very accumulating. >> reporter: the spookiest hotel list came out and the crescent spa in arkansas and there's one in long beach taking the first and second spot. those who work at the spots say the ghostly attention is welcome. >> they like there's an authenticity to it. so they get a kick out of it. >> reporter: now if you want to experience all the hauntings at the admiral fells inn, they offer ghost tours. are you ready for company? >> yeah! >> reporter: what are you dressed up as? >> half angel, half devil.
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>> reporter: the crowd is gathering. we want it let you know that trick or treating and halloween is not just for the humans. take a look at some video we have here. it's not just for kids or grownups. it can be good for our furry friend as well. many zoos across the country treat their resident animals with pumpkins. by the looks of this looks like they are tasty. the living dead took over the streets of portland, oregon and moaned and groaned and walked through the city. the annual zombie walk began a few years ago as a flash mob and now this continues to grow. now my friends out here are concerned about the weather. what happened on saturday? >> it rained. >> reporter: and did what.
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>> snowed. >> reporter: aren't you glad it didn't happened. >> yes. >> reporter: the most important thing is we don't have bad weather for tonight. there's an important man in the student yes. his name is mr. by crate -- wyatt. what do we want to tell him? >> no rain! >> reporter: wyatt. you have got some pressure. >> i can relate to the half devil, half angel. >> reporter: i can't wait to see yours. you say it's posted on line. we'll see. >> weather will keep holding up. as we take a look, nothing spooky about this. 54 degrees. winds are out of the southeast.
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you know, not a bad looking day. wild cloud formations but things stay dry. a nice finish. ellicott city, fall colors. some of the trees have not been quite stripped of their leaves. still snow on the ground in western maryland. deep creek lake, skistarting ea, that was crazy this weekend. maryland's most popular radar clear. we hope that holds up all night. i'll show you what's coming up that could change things later tonight but temperatures mid-50s. we'll slowly fall into the 40s. winds are relatively light, not a particularly breezy night for all the ghouls and goblins. this band is likely to diminish. i'm watching this secondary area of rain that's south of us. this rain will continue to push up out of the south.
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optimistic it will track east of the baltimore and eastern shore. maybe the beaches will get rain but that is the hear that could bring showers later on tonight. so if you're going to be out late on this halloween night, realize there could be showers in the next three or four hours. again, mainly great weather to the west of this shot of shower act later on. chilly hair is in place. we've got a coast aloe and that high pressure will clear us out tomorrow. our future trend if you look carefully that area of rain begins to push off and drift offshore. could be a shower towards daybreak but it shouldn't last long. we're left with high dry conditions right through the middle part of the week and temperatures get to warm up. back to the focus on this halloween night. down through the 40s to the
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upper 30s by daybreak tomorrow some haunting clouds, maybe a few showers. other than that a day with early clouds and clearing clouds should allow us to get back into the 50s. back into the 30s once again but chance is on the way. as they say milder conditions as we go wednesday into thursday, some real good looking days. not a bad day to get the car washed and waxed. the first week in november not so bad. >> better than october. >> what side mi sitting on, the devil or the angel? all right coming up in a couple minutes here at 6:00, anne arundel county police are making shower that the roads are nice and safe and sound. they're making sure that sex offenders are not opening the door to your kids.
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a local grad has a rare cancer that cannot be cured here. those stories and more coming up all new for you at 6:00. we'll see you then.
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if your kids come home with black licorice, be careful about indulging. those 40 and over can develop a potassium level. lower potassium levels can lead to irregular heart beats and
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high blood pressure. 7 billion, is what experts estimate will be spent on this holiday. the grand total $310 million on pet costumes a loan. that's the price of kim kardashian's next wedding. it pales in compare son to with we shell ot for christmas. this year macy's will be opening the doors at 800 locations at midnight thanksgiving night. the company plans to post a list of the stores opening before the big day. airline fees like the ones for bags and drinks are pretty common, right? now some hotels are getting in on the action. guests are being charged for things that used to be included like gym access, pools and early
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check-in. it is halloween and everyone from the police to neighbors to parents are making sure our kids are safe. we have safety tips and how one police force is keeping an eye on kids. in anne arundel county police are doing more to make sure that kids are visible. i'm don harrison. anyone who has gone to the mt. vernon tavern, knows it is a landmark. you're looking at a 30-year-old morgan state johns hopkins grad trying to raise the
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money to save his life. tonight a little -- the little batmans and rib set -- princesses will be out. don harrison is explaining what they're doing. >> it's a concern. >> parents are aware that making it a safe holiday is paramount. >> any reflective clothing is a plus. travel with flashlights. you want them to be seen by folks or not cognizant. >> reporter: jamie has a baby and a 3-year-old. >> i will be with him. by the time it gets dark we'll be inside. >> reporter: remember to be visible, maybe wear something reflective. if the kids don't want to put it on, you put it on. while


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